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ARROW SEASON 7 [The Longbow Hunters]


Já podemos montar o Orfanato Kublai Khan junto com a barbarieta, meu caro @antonioli. :kcry Acho que, como vocês, nunca vou encontrar conformidade no fato de uma série com uma produção tão excepcional ter sido cancelada. É difícil acreditar que uma série com um padrão tão elevado de qualidade não tenha conseguido atingir um público mais amplo. Jamais vamos saber o que iria se desenrolar a partir do cliffhanger deixado no final da segunda temporada, e isso é absurdamente frustrante. :kclassic

Eu sei como se sentem, o final de Justiça Jovem foi foda dms pra cancelarem na 2 temporada por n vender brinquedo

Sorte que 7 anos depois 2018 chega a S3 dps de tanto chorarmos


Mil pontos, LOL!
Eu sei como se sentem, o final de Justiça Jovem foi foda dms pra cancelarem na 2 temporada por n vender brinquedo

Sorte que 7 anos depois 2018 chega a S3 dps de tanto chorarmos
Vai ter terceira temporada de young justice???


Finalizando a 5ª temporada, que baita cliffhanger.

Eu gostei demais dessa temporada, bem acima da 3ª e 4ª, estando mais a par das primeiras. Adrian Chase foi o segundo vilão mais foda até agora, perde mesmo apenas para o Exterminador. E ele voltando a série, nossa, que foda.
Estou sem vontade de ver Flash S4, mas Arrow eu verei com certeza.
Nao é dificil conseguir o segundo posto no ranking de viloes em Arrow ne

Mas o fato de estar mais perto do primeiro que o terceiro sim é a prova da qualidade desta ultima temporada


O Exterminador de confusões
Membro STAFF
Finalizando a 5ª temporada, que baita cliffhanger.

Eu gostei demais dessa temporada, bem acima da 3ª e 4ª, estando mais a par das primeiras. Adrian Chase foi o segundo vilão mais foda até agora, perde mesmo apenas para o Exterminador. E ele voltando a série, nossa, que foda.
Estou sem vontade de ver Flash S4, mas Arrow eu verei com certeza.
Eu acho que Chase é Slade foram pau-a-pau. Fizeram dois put* vilões.


O Exterminador de confusões
Membro STAFF
Gostei do Chase não... atuação muito forçada.
Não achei. No início ele fez um bom camarada que ajudava. Sem suspeitas. Depois que a máscara caiu ele fez um put* provocador, sádico, debochado, irritante e etc. Mandou muito bem para que o personagem pedia em cada fase.


O Exterminador de confusões
Membro STAFF
Slade é insuperável só pelo fato dele ter matado a mãe do Oliver. Eu penso que se ele tivesse matado o William, ele tomaria esse posto. Mas acho que os produtores não tiveram coragem.
Oliver está em busca de redenção e ele está conseguindo isso. Se o William morresse, acho que ele iria para as trevas de vez.
Mas em termos de caos acho que o Prometheus foi mais intenso. Ele espremeu e humilhou Oliver das maneiras mais profundas e até seu último ato, mesmo morrendo para isso, não deu escolha fácil para o Oliver e mandou alguém para o saco. No mínimo a mãe do William morre, o que é extremamente impactante. Slade tem um contexto pessoal na ilha com o Oliver e quando ele reaparece é bem tenso e traz um prejuízo gigante e o Prometheus tem uma história desconhecida para nós e muito pessoal que deixa as coisas muito angustiantes quando ele se revela e traz prejuízos também. Por isso que no fim acho que se equivalem bem, dois grandes vilões. Slade foi uma ótima reconstrução do personagem e o Prometheus foi uma criação misturada com confusão do telespectador por conta do Vigilante. Uma pena que no meio disso estragaram Ra's al Ghul e Damien Darhk.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Arrow – Sétima temporada da série já está em desenvolvimento


Arrow tem sido um grande caso de amor e ódio para os fãs da série, depois de boas duas primeiras temporadas, uma terceira temporada questionável e uma quarta temporada intensamente criticada, a série trouxe um quinto ano de redenção, resgatando boa parte do público de Arrow, e recebendo grandes elogios de crítica e do público.

A sexta temporada da série já está em um processo avançado de produção e em aproximadamente dois meses já está estreando nas telas da TV, porém, surpreendentemente, durante a coletiva de imprensa na Television Critics Association, o showrunner da série, Marc Guggenheim confirmou que os planos da sétima temporada da série já estão em desenvolvimento e tomando forma.

“Já começamos a falar sobre, já temos uma forma para a sétima temporada. Este é o mais breve em que já tivemos uma ideia para uma temporada tão adiantadamente, mas saiu de nossas conversas sobre a temporada seis.”

Isso mostra certa segurança da equipe de produção sobre a sexta temporada, já que estão fazendo planos para daqui 1 ano ainda. Ele ainda falou sobre como eles já tem o final da série preparado na mente, mas que ele é independente de quantas temporadas a série terá.



O Exterminador de confusões
Membro STAFF
Isso é bom, né. Estão pensando em fazer algo contínuo e programado e não uma loucura.


O Exterminador de confusões
Membro STAFF
Arrow May Bring Back The Huntress In Season 6
Arrow has accumulated a pretty lengthy roster of villains in the five seasons since its debut. As the show prepares for its sixth season, fans are wondering which antagonists could make a comeback. According to one of the show's executive producers, one character is definitely on the table.

In an interview with CBR, Marc Guggenheim addressed the possibility of Helena Bertinelli/Huntress (Jessica De Gouw) returning in season 6. As Guggenheim explained, nothing is set in stone, but there is an opportunity for her to make a return appearance in The CW series.

"I want to say, 'Absolutely.'" Guggenheim revealed. "Jessica De Gouw has expressed an absolute willingness to come back. Jessica’s a favorite actor of mine, and the Huntress is a favorite character of mine. I want to make it happen in Season 6. We’ve got some plans for the later half of the year that I think she will fit into really well, so we’ll see."

Huntress has been missing from the show's proceedings since the Season 2 episode 'Birds of Prey', which placed both Sara Lance/The Canary (Caity Lotz) and Laurel Lance/Black Canary (Katie Cassidy) in her crosshairs. The character has since been incarcerated, meaning a potential comeback could certainly be possible. Arrow fans will just have to wait and see if the fan-favorite character does end up returning.




Essa é uma personagem que eu gosto. Muito tempo sumida.


Heleninha aparecendo é top hein
So queria mais apariçoes do meu Roy Harper fuderoso

Tbm queria que o enredo da Sara pos ilha tivesse sido mais abordado no presente, estou falando da Pecado. Nada que um episodio de Legends nao resolva mais achei pouco explorado e esquecido


O Exterminador de confusões
Membro STAFF
Heleninha aparecendo é top hein
So queria mais apariçoes do meu Roy Harper fuderoso

Tbm queria que o enredo da Sara pos ilha tivesse sido mais abordado no presente, estou falando da Pecado. Nada que um episodio de Legends nao resolva mais achei pouco explorado e esquecido
Bom, Se Roy voltar será para aquela coisa de 1 ou 2 episódios mesmo. Ninguém entrará no time nesta temporada segundo os produtores. A Pecado só foi mais explorada ali em uma parte específica e agora acho que já foi tempo para isso. Ela poderia sim até aparecer no presente em alguma ocasião. Talvez mais envolvida com Dinah Drake, quem sabe.


O Exterminador de confusões
Membro STAFF
Parece que teremos Joseph Wilson (Jericho). Lembrando que Slade Wilson nesta versão é australiano, fizeram, estão fazendo casting de um ator australiano adolescente que fará um personagem introvertido, temperamental e atleta nato.

Deathstroke's Son Jericho Could Be Coming to Arrow

The night of Arrow's season 5 finale, ComicBook.com speculated whether season 6 might include Jericho, the son of Deathstroke. Now, a casting call unearthed by TVLine suggests it could happen.

The site reports that The CW is looking for an Australian teenager to play an "introverted, moody and naturally athletic teenager." Given the fact that Manu Bennett, who plays Slade Wilson/Deathstroke, has an Australian accent, it seems likely the character would be tied to him.

After previous episodes described the character as having died, Oliver surprised Slade in the season 5 finale with a dossier that purportedly contained everything he and Felicity had on Wilson's son.

In the comics, Slade has two sons: Joe, and Grant. In previous seasons, Slade's wife Adeline and son Joe have been referenced; they were both seemingly killed during a raid on Wilson's home, something that seems to be less true than previously assumed.

No Arrowepisodes had previously mentioned Grant, who first appeared in the comics in 1980's New Teen Titans#1.

In the Arrowverse, Grant has appeared in one previous episode -- "Star City 2046," a season 1 episode of DC'sLegends of Tomorrow, in which he was theDeathstrokeof the future, squaring off against Connor Hawke, Oliver's successor as GreenArrow.



Mil pontos, LOL!
Arrow – Stephen Amell sugere que poderemos ver mais de um vilão na sexta temporada


A quinta temporada de Arrow contou com um dos vilões mais populares da série, Prometheus, que devastou Oliver em níveis pessoais.

Agora, Stephen Amell sugeriu informações enigmáticas sobre o (ou os) vilão (ou será vilões?) da próxima temporada.

Em uma entrevista com a CBR durante a Comic-Con, o ator disse o seguinte:

“Você não verá [Prometheus] como um vilão. Você é fã de 24 Horas? O novo vilão não é um ator daquela série, embora Paul Blackthorne sendo o vilão principal seria demais. É mais sobre o jeito como os vilões eram introduzidos em 24 Horas.”

Sobre a afirmação acima, dois pontos podem ser destacados: em 24 Horas, a série escancarava um vilão na frente da audiência para revelar que na verdade havia um segundo, ou até terceiro vilão, que era o arquiteto da coisa toda. De vez em quando esses vilões eram pessoas próximas de Jack Bauer.

O outro ponto de destaque é que Prometheus não será mostrado como “um vilão”, levando muita gente a crer que teremos mais de um antagonista na sexta temporada.



Arrow – Stephen Amell sugere que poderemos ver mais de um vilão na sexta temporada


A quinta temporada de Arrow contou com um dos vilões mais populares da série, Prometheus, que devastou Oliver em níveis pessoais.

Agora, Stephen Amell sugeriu informações enigmáticas sobre o (ou os) vilão (ou será vilões?) da próxima temporada.

Em uma entrevista com a CBR durante a Comic-Con, o ator disse o seguinte:

“Você não verá [Prometheus] como um vilão. Você é fã de 24 Horas? O novo vilão não é um ator daquela série, embora Paul Blackthorne sendo o vilão principal seria demais. É mais sobre o jeito como os vilões eram introduzidos em 24 Horas.”

Sobre a afirmação acima, dois pontos podem ser destacados: em 24 Horas, a série escancarava um vilão na frente da audiência para revelar que na verdade havia um segundo, ou até terceiro vilão, que era o arquiteto da coisa toda. De vez em quando esses vilões eram pessoas próximas de Jack Bauer.

O outro ponto de destaque é que Prometheus não será mostrado como “um vilão”, levando muita gente a crer que teremos mais de um antagonista na sexta temporada.

Mas o Prometheus n se matou? E essa ideia de alguem proximo ser o vilao n foi exatamente o que o Prometheus fez? Enquanto escancaravam o Tobias Church o verdadeiro vilao estava la ao lado de Oliver

Que eu saiba o antagonista (ao menos inicial) sera o Richard Dragon


O Exterminador de confusões
Membro STAFF
Mas o Prometheus n se matou? E essa ideia de alguem proximo ser o vilao n foi exatamente o que o Prometheus fez? Enquanto escancaravam o Tobias Church o verdadeiro vilao estava la ao lado de Oliver

Que eu saiba o antagonista (ao menos inicial) sera o Richard Dragon

Mas aí de repente o Richard Dragon não trabalhará sozinho, como nos quadrinhos como antes de chegar comandando a cidade derrubando gangue por gangue, havia outros vilões como Conde Vertigo, Brick e Red Dart que estavam agindo para depois ele aparecer metendo no cu. Eles precisam voltar com o Conde Vertigo que é um personagem importante de Arqueiro Verde e o Brick foi interessante até enquanto apareceu. Seja como for, não creio que colocarão o Richard Dragon logo de cara porque a rigor ele é bem apelão.


O Exterminador de confusões
Membro STAFF
Eta porra, temos nosso Richard Dragon fuderosão master

Arrow Casts Kirk Acevedo as Season 6 Villain Richard Dragon
It appears that Arrow has finally found its Richard Dragon.

Deadline is reporting that Kirk Acevedo (Fringe, Oz, 12 Monkeys) has been cast as the much-anticipated character, who will go by the name of Richardo Diaz. Acevedo is set to have a season-long recurring arc on Arrow's sixth season.

You can check out the character description for Richard Dragon below.

"A hardened ex-con recently released from prison for crimes he didn’t commit, Ricardo Diaz (Acevedo) is bent on taking over Star City’s criminal underworld. A master in hand to hand combat, honed by years of life on the street, Diaz has yet to meet a foe he can’t take down."

The moniker of Diaz should be familiar to fans of the Green Arrow comics, as it is the official alias of the second incarnation of the character, which debuted in 2013's Green Arrow #23. Before that, the first version of the character was known as Richard Drakunovski.

This isn't Acevedo's first turn in a comic book-inspired television show. The actor appeared as Mitch Dolgen in two episodes of The Walking Dead's fourth season, and also had a brief stint as Agent Calderon on Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D..

It is unclear exactly when Acevedo will make his Arrow debut, as the series is already multiple episodes into filming the sixth season.




O Exterminador de confusões
Membro STAFF
Olhem essa delícia de título do 5º episódio

Arrow | Exterminador e Retalho estão confirmados na sexta temporada

O produtor executivo de Arrow, Marc Guggenheim, confirmou pelo Twitter que Exterminador e Retalho estarão na sexta temporada da série. Confira:

View image on Twitter

"Estou postando essa cedo porque é sexta-feira. E, também, o título pode ser muito sutil", escreveu produtor. A foto mostra a primeira página do roteiro do quinto episódio, cujo nome é "Exterminador retorna".

"@JoeDinicol vai voltar nesta temporada?", perguntou um usuário a Guggenheim. Ele, então, respondeu: "sim, 605", ou seja, Retalho também estará no quinto episódio.

O sexto ano de Arrow terá paternidade como tema recorrente: Oliver Queen retornará à vida de William Clayton (Jack Moore), seu filho - saiba mais.

A série retorna em 12 de outubro nos Estados Unidos, enquanto no Brasil o canal pago Warner Channel se encarrega da transmissão, em data a ser definida.


Deathstroke Returns

E Ragman volta

Não era possível simplesmente colocar o personagem cujo único propósito foi segurar a explosão e sacá-lo daquela forma. Assim como o próprio Vigilante.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Arrow – Novo vídeo mostra luta entre Canário Negro e Sereia Negra


Depois do final explosivo da última temporada de Arrow, parece que Oliver Queen e seus amigos terão que enfrentar um time de vilões que irão espalhar o terror em Star City, mas o destaque do grupo vai ficar com ninguém menos que a Sereia Negra, a Laurel Lance da outra Terra que não é nada heroica, diferente da sua versão que conhecíamos.

A produtora executiva Wendy Mericle explicou o que aguarda o Time Arrow nesse novo ano, apontando que a Sereia Negra vai ter um papel importante nessa nova aventura:

Vai haver um time de vilões nesta temporada, mas uma das maiores [vilãs] que veremos e nós vamos vê-la logo do começo, é a Sereia Negra. Nós estamos bem animados em ter Katie [Cassidy] de volta ao seriado e ela é uma grande vilã porque ela realmente se comunica no aspecto emocional de todo mundo do seriado, especialmente com o que diz respeito ao Oliver porquê é uma velha amiga retornando para fazer o mal. Então isso vai ressoar.”

Pelo visto aqueles que torciam para que a Laurel da Terra-2 conseguisse se redimir, e se juntar ao heróis, terão que se acostumar com a ideia de ver a Sereia como vilã, ao menos no começo da série. A vilã, inclusive vai enfrentar a Canário Negro, como pode ser visto no vídeo abaixo:



O Exterminador de confusões
Membro STAFF
Vai haver um time de vilões nesta temporada, mas uma das maiores [vilãs] que veremos e nós vamos vê-la logo do começo, é a Sereia Negra. Nós estamos bem animados em ter Katie [Cassidy] de volta ao seriado e ela é uma grande vilã porque ela realmente se comunica no aspecto emocional de todo mundo do seriado, especialmente com o que diz respeito ao Oliver porquê é uma velha amiga retornando para fazer o mal. Então isso vai ressoar.”
Repare que nem falam do Quentin Lance. Acho que ele roda na ilha.


O Exterminador de confusões
Membro STAFF
Po vao tirar o Quentin e deixar essa aem sal da Sereia...
Acho que a Laurel ficou legal. Deixou de ser aquela personagem chatinha idealista e e depois ainda virando vigilante para ser uma vilã malvada mesmo e charmosa. Parece que fez bem para a atriz.


Acho que a Laurel ficou legal. Deixou de ser aquela personagem chatinha idealista e e depois ainda virando vigilante para ser uma vilã malvada mesmo e charmosa. Parece que fez bem para a atriz.
Gostei da evoluçao da atriz realmente e da personagem Laurel terra 1 em si

Mas essa da terra 2 n me cai bem. N é culpa da atriz é o jeito da personagem msm, sla


O Exterminador de confusões
Membro STAFF
Gostei da evoluçao da atriz realmente e da personagem Laurel terra 1 em si

Mas essa da terra 2 n me cai bem. N é culpa da atriz é o jeito da personagem msm, sla
Bom, vamos esperar para ver como ficará com uma história mais centrada na participação dela.


O Exterminador de confusões
Membro STAFF
Manu Bennett Teases Deathstroke's Return For 'Arrow' Season 6
One of the best villains from Arrow’s early years made a triumphant return in the Season 5 finale, with Oliver Queen recruiting the lethal mercenary Deathstroke to aid him in his battle against Prometheus.

Slade Wilson will continue to play a role in future episodes of Arrow as actor Manu Bennett recently revealed a photo wearing the famous eyepatch of his character on social media.

Wilson returned to the series in the penultimate episode of Season 5 in which Oliver found him in Supermax. Since it had been years since Oliver first locked him in there, the effects of the mind-altering super soldier serum called Mirakuru had worn off. Slade’s sanity restored, he no longer hated Oliver and was willing to help him save his friends and family held captive by Adrian Chase.

The two joined up with Digger Harness AKA Captain Boomerang, who eventually betrayed them. But Slade remained loyal, donning the Deathstroke armor once again but this time fighting alongside Green Arrow.

Star Stephen Amell and Arrow executive producer Marc Guggenheim hinted that Bennett would continue to appear on the new season, a fact that was seemingly confirmed when Guggenheim posted the title of Episode 5 to social media, calling it “Deathstroke’s Return.”

Now that the character’s presence has been confirmed, it’s time to speculate how Slade Wilson will affect Team Arrow in Season 6. Will he remain a friend, return to being a foe, or straddle the line in between?

Oliver and company will certainly need the help as they go up against new villain Ricardo Diaz (AKA Richard Dragon), played by Kirk Acevedo, as well as LOST alum Michael Emerson in a mystery role. 

Should Deathstroke return to being a bad guy, it might be a little overwhelming for the heroes of Star City, who will still be healing from the explosive events of Arrow’s Season 5 finale.

Arrow returns to The CW on October 12th at 9pm ET.




Olhem essa delícia de título do 5º episódio

Arrow | Exterminador e Retalho estão confirmados na sexta temporada

O produtor executivo de Arrow, Marc Guggenheim, confirmou pelo Twitter que Exterminador e Retalho estarão na sexta temporada da série. Confira:

View image on Twitter

"Estou postando essa cedo porque é sexta-feira. E, também, o título pode ser muito sutil", escreveu produtor. A foto mostra a primeira página do roteiro do quinto episódio, cujo nome é "Exterminador retorna".

"@JoeDinicol vai voltar nesta temporada?", perguntou um usuário a Guggenheim. Ele, então, respondeu: "sim, 605", ou seja, Retalho também estará no quinto episódio.

O sexto ano de Arrow terá paternidade como tema recorrente: Oliver Queen retornará à vida de William Clayton (Jack Moore), seu filho - saiba mais.

A série retorna em 12 de outubro nos Estados Unidos, enquanto no Brasil o canal pago Warner Channel se encarrega da transmissão, em data a ser definida.


Deathstroke Returns

E Ragman volta

Não era possível simplesmente colocar o personagem cujo único propósito foi segurar a explosão e sacá-lo daquela forma. Assim como o próprio Vigilante.
Sempre achei que tiraram o ragman pq ele era muito apelão pro team arrow
Poha, o cara era bulletproof
Tinha momentos que o Oliver ia lutar contra o prometheus e o Ragman não se metia, mas dava a sensação que ele podia chegar lá e vencer aquela luta izi pizi



O Exterminador de confusões
Membro STAFF
Sempre achei que tiraram o ragman pq ele era muito apelão pro team arrow
Poha, o cara era bulletproof
Tinha momentos que o Oliver ia lutar contra o prometheus e o Ragman não se metia, mas dava a sensação que ele podia chegar lá e vencer aquela luta izi pizi

Ele tem características especiais. Tem que ser inserido dentro de algum contexto porque senão fica como o Flash aparecer e resolver tudo. Fazer parte do time fica complicado por causa de suas características. Até o momento ele apareceu mais porque era de Havenrock onde a Felicity destruiu tudo com o míssil e para finalizar ali salvando outro problema do tipo sacrificando os retalhos. O resto foi quase que figuração.


Tô cagando pra essa série desde sempre mas paguei um pau pra esse Vigilante.

Sempre tem esses fanservices? se sim, tô pensando em começar a assistir.

Ultima Edição:


O Exterminador de confusões
Membro STAFF
Novidades interessantes. Voltaram a falar do Vigilante e deram mais informações sobre as participações de Slade e fizeram o casting do Joseph Wilson.

Vigilante's Ties to Team Arrow Described
Last season on Arrow, before Prometheus became the bane of Oliver Queen's existence Vigilante was the villain giving Team Arrow a run for its money. Now with Prometheus out of the picture, Vigilante is coming back and Stephen Amell teases that the villain has ties to the team.

Amell told Entertainment Weekly that in Arrow's upcoming sixth season, Team Arrow will be dealing with personal villains just as much as team foes. Oliver Queen will have Anatoly, Black Canary will have Black Siren and someone on the team? They're going to have Vigilante.

"I know who he is. I'm not going to tell you who he is, but I will tell you Vigilante is a villain, if you want to call him that, for a member of the team as well," Amell said.

But who is Vigilante? The villain spent the first half of last season showing up to attack the team and Mayor Oliver Queen as well as brutally dealing with Star City's criminal element, but disappeared after Prometheus made clear Oliver was his kill. The character hasn't been seen since.

This gives the show an opportunity for a big reveal sometime in season six and Arrow executive producer Marc Guggenheim teased this spring that when Vigilante's mask comes off, it will be a face we've seen before.

"As a general rule, I’m not a fan of mystery characters who when you take off the mask the audience goes, ‘What a minute, I’ve never seen that person before in my life.’ I’m probably not spoiling anything by saying whoever’s underneath the Vigilante mask, you’ve seen that person before," Guggenheim said.


Ora, ora, então já vimos o Vigilante na série.

Marc Guggenheim Teases 'Arrow' Two-Part Deathstroke Arc Next Season

At the end of last season on Arrow Deathstroke returned and while it's already been confirmed that we'll be seeing more of the character in the upcoming sixth season, executive producer Marc Guggenheim reveals that a two-part Deathstroke arc is in the works.

Guggenheim told Collider that a two-part episode during the first half of the upcoming season will feature quite a bit of Manu Bennett's Slade Wilson, including flashbacks from the antagonist's perspective.

"We're doing a cool two-parter where the flashbacks will be from Slade's perspective. It's very much a Slade-Oliver two-hander," Guggenheim said.

However, don't expect the episodes to an adventure between friends. Even though we saw a Mirakuru-free Slade Wilson at the end of season five, that doesn't mean Deathstroke has suddenly become a hero.

"We basically showed the audiences at the end of season five that the Mirakuru is out of his system. Now we're dealing with a Slade Wilson who is sort of in possession of all of his marbles. But, to me, what makes the character so interesting is, he's never black or white. He's never pure good or pure evil. He's complicated. It's not that he's beyond redemption, it's that you never know what you're going to get with him," Guggenheim said.

All his marbles or not, fans will be glad to see more of Bennett's Deathstroke. After serving as the primary villain for Arrow's second season the character has largely absent since, something Guggenheim explained was DC's doing as they had other plans for the character within the DC Extended Universe.

"It was actually a function of, DC controls these characters, and we went through a period where DC was like, 'We've got plans for Deathstroke that don't involve Arrow.' That changed at the end of the year," he said.


Flashbacks na perspectiva do Slade. Interessante que não podiam usar mesmo o personagem por causa dessa palhaçada de "temos planos para Exterminador que não envolvem Arrow". Agora que não tem mais planos (não aparecerá mais em Batman?), simplesmente liberam usar. É mais uma prova que os caras atrapalham muito as coisas.

Arrow EP Confirms Oliver Will Help Deathstroke Find His Son

When Arrow returns in October, one of the showrunners says that Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) will be asked to fulfill his promise to help Slade Wilson (Manu Bennett) find his long-lost son.

Previously believed to be dead, the season 5 finale revealed that Joseph Wilson was acutally alive, and Oliver had put together a dossier on him, providing it to Slade as a kind of olive branch between the two.

“We have this amazing story that is going to tie in with Oliver’s dealings with his own son, as he helps Slade find Joe Wilson,” executive producer Wendy Mericle told TVLine.

Back in August, a report emerged thatThe CWis looking for an Australian teenager to play an "introverted, moody and naturally athletic teenager." Given the fact that Manu Bennett, who plays Slade Wilson/Deathstroke, has an Australian accent, it seems likely the character would be tied to him.

After previous episodes described the character as having died, Oliver surprised Slade in the season 5 finale with a dossier that purportedly contained everything he and Felicity had on Wilson's son.

In the comics, Slade has two sons: Joe, and Grant. In previous seasons, Slade's wife Adeline and son Joe have been referenced; they were both seemingly killed during a raid on Wilson's home, something that seems to be less true than previously assumed.

NoArrowepisodes had previously mentioned Grant, who first appeared in the comics in 1980'sNew Teen Titans#1.

In theArrowverse, Grant has appeared in one previous episode -- "Star City 2046," a season 1 episode ofDC'sLegends of Tomorrow, in which he was theDeathstrokeof the future, squaring off against Connor Hawke, Oliver's successor as GreenArrow.

It is not clear whether Joe will follow his path from the comics, or be more reminiscent of Grant'sTVversion, if he shows up next season.

In the comics, Joseph Wilson first appeared in 1984's Tales of the Teen Titans#42.

When Joe, better known in the comics as Jericho, was a child, he was held hostage by The Jackal, a terrorist who was after his father.Deathstrokerefused to give Jackal the information he wanted because it went against his professional code of ethics.Deathstrokemanaged to rescue his son, but not before one of Jackal's men had started to cut his throat. As a result, he was rendered mute.

As a result of that incident, and the fact that Slade had lied to her, his mother divorced his father, and took her two sons with her.

Jericho's metahumanpower, a result of the biological experimentation done on his father years before, appeared in his late teens, while trying to save his mother from an assassin. He is able, essentially, to use an astral projection-like power to take over the bodies of others, speaking and acting convincingly like them while controlling their words and actions.

In the current volume of Deathstrokecomics, Slade's rocky relationship with his children has been a major part of the first year or so of issues. Currently, Jericho and Rose are part of aDeathstroke-headed teen superhero team along with Wally West (the New 52 version) and Power Girl (ditto).

Given the clear indication in the finale that Slade's son is not dead in the season 5 finale,ComicBook.com recently askedMericleabout the character, and whether he might show up in season 6.

While she stopped short of confirming the idea that Slade's son will play a big role, she did seem to suggest that the move would make a kind of thematic sense.

“I can’t tell you exactly that,”Mericletold us. “What I can say is that the theme this season is family, and Slade will definitely be, whether it’s flashbacks or present day, we’re not 100% sure yet, he’ll be dealing with similar debate and similar thematic territory.”

Oliver and Diggle, meanwhile, will be dealing with family and parenting issues of their own, asDiggle'sunresolved marital issues are likely to be a concern, at least at the start of the season, and Oliver is spending a lot of time with his son for the first time.


Arrow Casts Lucifer Veteran as Deathstroke's Son

Camp and Lucifer alum Liam Hall will join the cast of Arrow next season in the role of Joseph Wilson, the son of Deathstroke and a potential metahuman.

Entertainment Weekly has the story, which reveals a clever comic book Easter egg in the form of the name Wilson finds himself living under. Here's the network's official character description:

The son of one of the Green Arrow’s greatest foes, Joe Wilson has followed in his father’s footsteps by joining the secret Australian military agency, A.S.I.S. After years of brutal combat, Joe now finds himself in a remote Kasnian prison under the alias, Kane Wolfman, fighting for his life.

That name, obviously, is a wink-and-a-nod reference to Marv Wolfman, the comic book writer who co-created Deathstroke and Jericho. It is likely the name "Kane" is a reference to longtime DC artist Gil Kane.

In the comics, Joseph Wilson first appeared in 1984's Tales of the Teen Titans#42.

When Joe, better known in the comics as Jericho, was a child, he was held hostage by The Jackal, a terrorist who was after his father.Deathstrokerefused to give Jackal the information he wanted because it went against his professional code of ethics.Deathstrokemanaged to rescue his son, but not before one of Jackal's men had started to cut his throat. As a result, he was rendered mute.


(Photo: Warner Bros. TV/FOX)
As a result of that incident, and the fact that Slade had lied to her, his mother divorced his father, and took her two sons with her.

Jericho's metahumanpower, a result of the biological experimentation done on his father years before, appeared in his late teens, while trying to save his mother from an assassin. He is able, essentially, to use an astral projection-like power to take over the bodies of others, speaking and acting convincingly like them while controlling their words and actions.

In the current volume of Deathstrokecomics, Slade's rocky relationship with his children has been a major part of the first year or so of issues. Currently, Jericho and Rose are part of aDeathstroke-headed teen superhero team along with Wally West (the New 52 version) and Power Girl (ditto).


Fizeram o casting é este cara

A sinopse fala que ele seguiu os passos do Slade no exército australiano e está fodido em uma prisão na Kasnia (é um lugar fictício da DC nos Bálcãs onde fica Bulgária, Série e essas tranqueiras e Diggle foi fazer uma missão naquele episódio sobre o Esquadrão Suicida). Estará com o nome falso Kane Wolfman e imaginamos que o Slade irá brotar lá para salvá-lo, quem sabe com a ajuda do Oliver.

Tô cagando pra essa série desde sempre mas paguei um pau pra esse Vigilante.
Sempre tem esses fanservices? se sim, tô pensando em começar a assistir.

Premira e segunda temporadas muito boas, terceira muito mais ou menos e quarta terrível. Quinta muito boa (onde aparece o Vigilante). Tem muita participações como Deadshot, Deathstroke, Caçadora, China White, Conde Vertigo, Tigre de Bronze, Ra's al Ghul, Nyssa e Talia al Ghul, Katana, KGBeast..........................e muitos outros. E na próxima temporada Richard Dragon


Mas eau? Usam modulador de voz pro Vigilante? Pq se ele é alguem que ja apareceu na serie nao é so associar a voz?


O Exterminador de confusões
Membro STAFF
Unraveling The Latest Clues in Arrow's Vigilante Mystery

May's Arrow season 5 finale resolved numerous dangling plot threads -- including Oliver's season-long battle with Prometheus and the five-years-long journey of the flashbacks -- and answered questions that fans had been wondering about for years -- why, exactly, was Oliver running when the pilot started? Where did all those scars come from?

It did not, however, resolve the question of Vigilante's identity or whereabouts, something that fans had been wondering about since Adrian Chase (the man previously thought to be Vigilante) turned out to be Prometheus. Showrunners said shortly after season 5 ended that Vigilante had not died when Promtheus dropped him off a roof, and would reappear in season 6.

Not much else was revealed about the costumed crimefighter, who served primarily as an antagonist to Team Arrow, until this week, when some new clues hit the web and started to change the shape of the mystery a little bit. Among them: Vigilante will be someone close to one of the series regulars, and he will serve as an "opposite number" to one of Team Arrow's members. He was also characterized as a villain, rather than the antihero he sold himself as last season.

Did Vigilante start out as an antihero and evolve, or has he always been bad, and they just soft-pedaled it last season? The answer will probably not be clear until the audience starts to have a little bit more of an idea of who he is and what drives him -- which brings us back to the mystery that we have been worrying away at since March.

Yes, it's time to play "Who is Vigilante?" again -- albeit this time with a bunch of new evidence and a couple of new names to float by.

One of whom only occurred to us because Deathstroke will be returning in season six...!

Grant Wilson
Unless his father was going to be a major player in season six, it would not have made sense to consider Grant Wilson -- previously seen only in an alternate future on DC's Legends of Torrow -- as a serious candidate.

Ravager or not, Grant would be a wild card in a season that promises a Deathstroke subplot that centers on the hunt for his other son, Joseph, who was previously referred to as dead but who has secretly been operating under an assumed name as part of an Australian military outfit.

Because Deathstroke and Joseph (known in the comics as Jericho) both turned to a military career and became elite soldiers, it would not be a stretch to assume that Slade's other son, if indeed he exists in the Arrowverse, would have a skillset not unlike the one demonstrated by Vigilante in season 5.

Unlike Joseph, though, we have seen him to be uncompromising, brutal, and willing to wear costumes (in his Legends appearance) -- and those are all traits that sync up with Vigilante.

Slade is not (yet?) a series regular, but it would not be a stretch to see how Deathstroke's estranged son could turn out to be intimately tied to Oliver, Thea, or other characters in Oliver's circle who are already in most of the seasoin's episodes.

It would also be a potential game-changer for Slade to believe he had the Joseph situation settled, only to discover that his other son was raising hell in Star City.

Note, too, that there are even similarities between his costume design on Legends and Vigilante's on Arrow, with the black suit, kevlar vest, bandolier, and "vented" look to his facemask.


(Photo: Warner Bros. TV/The CW)
Tommy Merlyn
Everyone has guessed Tommy Merlyn might be Vigilante at one point or another -- largely becuase everyone has guessed "Tommy Merlyn!" for every masked mystery figure since season 2.

Someone, eventually, is bound to be Tommy. Given his popularity among the fans, actor Colin Donnell's popularity with the other cast members, and the fact that he is related by blood to Thea (there's a good connection to one of the regulars for you), he is bound to reappear at some point.

Still, this feels like it would be an odd fit -- first of all, for Tommy to take on a masked identity and start killing villains, one would assume he would have needed a motivation. Revenge for his death seems like an obvious one and given the conditions of his death, that would presumably make him almost as angry at Oliver as he was at criminals...something Vigilante did not demonstrate when he seemed to only battle the "good guys" reluctantly.

Killing Tommy so early in the season has actually been a bit of a blessing and a curse for the writers: everyone is always clamoring for more of him, and everyone is always expecting him to turn up when there is a mystery or a milestone.

Of course, the Arrow writers usually don't play the kind of long game that would be involved for making a character as important as Tommy a two-seasons-long mystery; the producers often joke that they wrap such stories up quicker than they maybe should and move on to the next one, burning through two or three seasons' worth of stories in one year.

Fans have been pretty steadfast in their desire to see Tommy, and we think he will show up again...but we're not convinced it will be as Vigilante. Still, we could be surprised.


Quentin Lance
If there is anyone who has been pegged as a masked avenger more times than Tommy, it is probably Quentin Lance.

Lance, of course, is a series regular himself and has close ties to nearly all of them, but especially to Oliver, Rene, and Black Siren (his daughter from another Earth).

There was a red herring last season about Lance being Prometheus, and back then, we didn't really buy into it. While the trauma of losing Laurel could have broken most people, Quentin is not most people -- and frankly his story is more interesting and inspirational if he can find purpose and walk himself back from that ledge rather than give into darker impulses and become a villain.

For that reason, Vigilante may have seemed a more reasonable guess than Prometheus -- again, last season Vigilante presented himself as someone who just thought the system was broken and villains were not being properly punished. As an ex-cop and someone who has suffered immeasurable tragedy in his life, that seemed like a fairly credible ethos for Lance.

Going full-on bad guy, though? Hard to believe. And for all his conflicts with Oliver and the team over the years, the numerous times Vigilante tried to put bullets in Oliver and Diggle would feel really difficult to swallow.


Floyd Lawton
Floyd Lawton is a character who got the short end of the stick on Arrow, and we would love to see that rectified.

Mike Rowe's fan-favorite portrayal of Deadshot fell victim to a moment in time where most of the show's Suicide Squad connections were being killed or written out. The difference with Lawton versus the other characters, though, is that he had a long history with Team Arrow and it was left unresolved as a result of his death.

Since his death on Arrow, Lawton has appeared (as an alternate-universe duplicate of himself) on an episode of The Flash, in which they even jokingly called him "Deadshot."

We are guessing that the dealbreaker would be having Lawton call himself Deadshot or appear in the Deadshot costume, since it could create brand confusion with Will Smith's take on the character in Suicide Squad. DC and The CW have insisted that it wasn't the Suicide Squad movie that removed numerous characters from Arrow, but fans have a hard time swallowing that company line.

Lawton has a long history with Diggle and his brother, and after spending season 5 agonizing over the decision to kill his brother, it could be really interesting to see how Diggle responded to being confronted with Andy's "killer" all over again in a new context.

Creating a new identity to stay under ARGUS's radar would be clever on Lawton's part, and he is one of a handful of existing characters who could believably go toe-to-toe with Oliver, Diggle, and Prometheus the way Vigilante has.

“You didn’t see a body; they just had to remove him quickly from the show because of business and there would be a lot of fun ways to bring him back and to revisit some of the storylines that we originally had,” said Rowe,who also saidhe did not believe Deadshot had died in the blast that supposedly killed him.

“One of [those ideas] would be a Deadshot/Deathstroke either versus or team-up,” Rowe added. “Me and Manu are pretty fiery when we get together in real life, so we would love to see us through those characters end up in the same scenes and the same scenarios together; I think that would be real fun and real interesting.”

With Deathstroke not only back on the show, but operating alongside Team Arrow from time to time, it would not be unreasonable to think that Vigilante could be the villain analogous to Slade.


(Photo: The CW/Warner Bros. Television)

Mark Shaw
A former ARGUS member, Shaw could be a pretty believable foil for Diggle, especially -- as David Ramsey seems to be implying -- if things are still on the rocks between John and his wife, ARGUS chief Lyla Michaels.

Shaw was last seen faking his death to get out from under Amanda Waller's thumb. He appeared in a single episode, "Corto Maltese," where Diggle had to hunt him down on ARGUS's after Shaw went dark.

He was clearly a dangerous individual and had little moral compass, though; he was ready to sell ARGUS secrets to a drug cartel in order to make enough money to safely escape Waller.

That he seemed to have some deep-seated PTSD or mental imbalance caught the attention of many fans becuase in the comics, Mark Shaw was a government-sponsored superhero called Manhunter who eventually cracked and developed another personality, becoming his own arch-nemesis.

That kind of mentality could easily lend itself to creating a persona like Vigilante's, and using Manhunter as Vigilante could be a clever way to subvert fan expectations (as they did with Vigilante and Prometheus) as well as leaving the door open for the fan-favorite Kate Spencer version of Manhunter.


(Photo: Warner Bros. TV/The CW)


Pode ser muita gente. Poderia ser Roy Harper, fazendo mais sentido se tivesse morrido como uma espécie de Capuz Vermelho, o que aponta para Tommy Merlyn também. Pode ser aquele marido do Curtis que pode não ser tão bobão quanto parece. Qualquer um que tenha envolvimento com alguém do time. Não havia pensado no Manhunter porque só apareceu uma vez, mas pode fazer sentido.


Tommy e Lawton sao personagens que sinto falta mas pro Vigilante nao iria curtir a n ser que o Tommy seja estilo Capuz Vermelho msm pra continuar nessa de copiar tudo de Batman kk

Agr o Grant Wilson seria bom msm, Roy ja acho improvavel

EDIT: Marido do Curtis? Ai eu seria surpreendido
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