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Mass Effect Andromeda [No céu tem updates?]


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!


Mil pontos, LOL!

A viagem até Andromeda durou 600 anos...
Ultima Edição:


Pergunta: na retrocompatibilidade do Xboca, dá pra miletar de novo um jogo já miletado? ou conta como o mesmo jogo de 360? Não tenho Xbox, é só curiosidade mesmo.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Pergunta: na retrocompatibilidade do Xboca, dá pra miletar de novo um jogo já miletado? ou conta como o mesmo jogo de 360? Não tenho Xbox, é só curiosidade mesmo.

Se tu já zerou ele no X360 com a mesma conta que tu ta usando agora no XONE não vai dar pra "miletar" novamente hahaha


Mil pontos, LOL!
E maneiro que ja vemos pela capa que deu m**** com a nave :klol
Já tem spoiler na capa... :kbeca

No mais, estou curioso: como os Reapers são donos dos Retransmissores, acho que haverão Relays lá, mas não para a nossa galáxia, e sim para viajar dentro de Andromeda...


Mil pontos, LOL!
Cara, se esses filhas da put* me criarem outra série para salvar a terra, vou mandar eles tomarem no cu.

De resto, aguardo fortemente, este será o jogo que me fará comprar um PS4.


Lenda da internet

A viagem até Andromeda durou 600 anos...

600 anos, viagem sem volta e Arcas para cada espécie.

Tomara que encontremos ao menos uma outra civilização ja avançada em Andromeda, fora a que parece ser a antagonista.
PS.: Ja deixo aqui escrito, que eu não aprendo a controlar hype :klol


Mil pontos, LOL!
Alguma das músicas do primeiro Mass Effect combina com o que é mostrado nesse trailer? Isso resume meu hype ou a falta dele na verdade. Não caio mais nesse conto de Call of Effect e Mass of Duty, vou jogar mas sem esperar nada.


Mil pontos, LOL!
600 anos, viagem sem volta e Arcas para cada espécie.

Tomara que encontremos ao menos uma outra civilização ja avançada em Andromeda, fora a que parece ser a antagonista.
PS.: Ja deixo aqui escrito, que eu não aprendo a controlar hype :klol
Krogans, Asari e Salarians além dos Humanos...vou sentir falta dos Turians :ksnif

Enviado de meu XT1225 usando Tapatalk


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Vocês, falando em controlar o hype, me decepcionam profundamente. O meu já foi disparado por um mass relay em velocidades maiores que a da luz. Nada poderá impedir a minha pre order agora.


Esse vou day one, mas tenho que admitir que o trailer não me animou tanto não, me pareceu bastante genérico, espero que seja o contrário do 3, onde o trailer me deixou no hype e o jogo final me broxou.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Mass Effect 2 e 3 entraram na retro! Várias pessoas instalando o jogo já, só falta o anuncio oficial!


Porque pra mim isso tem cara de se vão importar algum dado é pra no máximo de alguma ousadia o "seu Shepard" dar um briefing rápido das ordens de não volte de jeito algum...

É pra ficar bonito na estante!

Galera, como é que tá a história desse jogo? Lembro que ME3 os Mass Relays tinham sido desativados. Os caras vão ficar "só" zanzando pela galáxia de Andrômeda?

Vão ter dois livros sendo lançados quase juntos do jogo explicando o período, mas narrativamente pelo cenário é "fácil" rebotar e ignorar a bagunça dos finais (que são cinco se considerar a M... do lançamento..., mas eu não conto aquilo...)é o plano B caso Shepard falhe, inclua ordens de jamais voltem é uma missão suicida explodindo o relay que eles passaram(o ideal seria a equipe de apoio a isso que não for embora ser morta na explosão do relay pra encobrir de todos o destino e ponto de saída), afinal não seria a primeira vez que o Shepard explode (ou neste caso mandaria explodir) um sistema inteiro nos confins da Via láctea :ksafado(pra garantir e evitar futuros mimis de fãs pra voltarem a Via láctea...).

De novo colection edition (uma das versões; assim como teve no BA 1 2016)sem o game incluso....
Isso é feio EA:suxx

Krogans, Asari e Salarians além dos Humanos...vou sentir falta dos Turians :ksnif

Enviado de meu XT1225 usando Tapatalk

Eles entraram tarde na aliança contra os reapers...(foram os que menos creram é os primeiros a "levar porrada"), mas lembre-se que falaram que são 3 arcas no total!!! (com uma "central de apoio" cada); vamos teorizar que na melhor das hipóteses cada braço de uma pertence a uma raça = 9 raças embarcadas (ou sendo mais otimista ainda, 12 se alguma ficar nas de apoio) seria burrice ignorar os Turians e Quarians na minha opinião, acho que ainda tem esperança:kcopa.


Lenda da internet
Eles entraram tarde na aliança contra os reapers...(foram os que menos creram é os primeiros a "levar porrada"), mas lembre-se que falaram que são 3 arcas no total!!! (com uma "central de apoio" cada); vamos teorizar que na melhor das hipóteses cada braço de uma pertence a uma raça = 9 raças embarcadas (ou sendo mais otimista ainda, 12 se alguma ficar nas de apoio) seria burrice ignorar os Turians e Quarians na minha opinião, acho que ainda tem esperança:kcopa.

Eles não entraram tarde. Foram os primeiras na verdade.
Sem falar que de todas as raças, fora os Geth, eles tinham um pouco de preparo, graças ao fuderoso Garrus e ao pai dele (que deve ser tão foda quanto) que pressionaram o Primarch. Eles também estavam segurando bem o avanço dos Reapers e ainda lutaram fodamente, ao lado dos Krogans, isso ao menos no Codex.
Se eles deixaram os Turians e Quarians de fora, deve ser pelo fato de serem as únicas raças que precisariam de uma arca especial, primeiro por questão de alimento, que não pode ser o mesmo das outras raças e depois os Quarians, que precisariam de uma arca especial por causa dos problemas imunológicos deles.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Trilogia de ME pra quem é assinante do EA Access (EU!). Daí vi vantagem! hahaha

The Trooper

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Eu espero que a trilha sonora mantenha o alto nível dos primeiros 3 jogos.

Acho que a trilha sonora da trilogia original contribui demais pra dar o clima perfeito ao jogo e torço pra isso continuar no Andromeda.


Lenda da internet
As DLCs do original entraram no pacote de retro do Xone? Alguém sabe ?


Mil pontos, LOL!
Minhas merecidas férias estão chegando e, com elas, a franquia Mass Effect no vault do EA Access. Isso que é timing!






-Around 2185, at the height of galactic progress, unaware of the impending Reaper invasion (though after Sovereign), several species band together for the "Andromeda Initiative"
-4 Arks, each carrying a different race, are built, housing thousands of individuals to chart a course to Andromeda

More on the Andromeda Initiative:
"Founded in 2176 and launched in 2185, the Andromeda Initiative is a civilian, multi-species project created to send scientists, explorers and colonists on a one-way trip to settle in the Andromeda Galaxy. With powerful benefactors lending their support, the program has grown substantially in scope since its inception. The Initiative’s ultimate goal is to establish a permanent presence on the seemingly resource-rich frontier of Andromeda, and eventually create a reliable route between it and the Milky Way Galaxy."

-Turians are confirmed in the game
-The Heleus Cluster is noted as having a significant amount of "Golden Worlds", or planets ripe for life
-Each ark is led by a "Pathfinder"
-The Pathfinder, recon teams and others onboard are in cryosleep, unaware of what transpires in the Milky Way after they depart
-You play as either Scott or Sara Ryder (you can change your name), the children of Alec Ryder (pathfinder of the human ark)
-Alec Ryder is voiced by Clancy Brown
-Events at the start of the game occur that pass this role down to you, you are untested and unproven, unlike Commander Shepard of the previous trilogy
-This doesn't mean Mass Effect is Ryder's story from now on, they want the game to feel like a complete story (while teasing other stories that could happen)
-More customization options than previous games
-You can customize your father and your sibling, though not as extensively
-The "Nexus" is basically a forward command center staffed by multiple species that arrives in Andromeda early to pave the way for the Arks
-The Hyperion (humanity's ark) arrives at an incorrect location that's volatile and loses contact with the other arks and Nexus

-The (much improved) Mako of ME1, the loyalty missions of ME2, the multiplayer of ME3

-Global cooldowns are now replaced by individual timers
-Powers are instead hotkeyed for quick use, no longer pausing to bring up a wheel and aim (you can still pause the combat but it's not how BioWare intends combat to function)
-Dynamic cover system (ala TLOU)
-Still a cover based shooter with a goal to get the player moving around the battlefield more
-Jetpack allows for more movement variety; you can quick dash instead of rolling
-Jetpack has a hover function that allows you to hit enemies seeking cover or survey your surroundings
-Less emphasis on linear, clearly telegraphed environments that tell you a combat encounter is coming (though linear areas are still in the game)
-Game Informer's hands on was positive, feel the game has a clearer identity in combat than previous games
-You still queue up attacks, combos, order your squad, etc
-All key elements are still intact but the studio wanted to encourage more experimentation and wider variety of abilities

-Class system is gone; instead you have full access to abilities from all classes, you can mix and match skills from tech, soldier or biotics
-Goal is to allow players to try different approaches to combat without being locked in at the start
-However, you can still specialize once you invest enough points into a category of skills, you unlock a profile that can get you bonuses for your particular play style
-This is where class names like "Vanguard" (invest in combat and biotics) and "Adept" (invest in biotics) resurface
-Invest in multiple categories and you unlock the "Explorer" profile
-There is a narrative reason that allows you to reconfigure your points throughout the game so that you can try out multiple gameplay approaches without making multiple characters
-You can customize your helmet, chest, shoulders, arms and legs, more extensive than previous trilogy
-Many familiar weapons return, as well as new melee options like swords and hammers

-The 'Kett' are the main enemy
-The team wanted players to experience the first time encountering a new alien species vs already having it established in prior games
-Rather than painting them as mortal enemies, BioWare wanted to make them feel foreboding but not ugly as they want you to also empathize with them
-Instead of having "linear slices" of planets that you land on, you explore these planets from the surface to their underbelly
-Critical paths, optional planets, major hubs, loyalty missions return
-Your land vehicle is designated the "Nomad", and the team got special guidance from NFS developers on its handling.
-The Nomad isn't sluggish and cumbersome like the Mako, it's very fast, still boosts and maneuvers much better
-The Nomad doesn't have weapons, you can customize things like its speed and appearance
-BioWare did not want to repeat having things like mineral nodes and multiple identical outposts scattered across planets
-Points of interest include combat encounters, puzzles, narrative beats etc on planets
-One planet, called 'Elaaden', is flagged as a possible habitat zone, however the surface is hazardous (no water, extremely hot); you can be pointed in this direction in multiple ways, for example, a Krogan can request the Pathfinder to find a missing colony ship or you can just choose to land on the planet yourself and see what you find
-On planets, one of your priorities is to scout for drop zones for your crew that drop "forward stations" that establishes a foothold for you
-These stations allow for changing up your loadout, fast travel point, etc
-Planets can have multiple dangers like acid pools, burning wreckage, weather etc that can all kill you
-Most planets have at least one major enemy base
-Planets can have areas, encounters and "super bosses" that are too tough for you to handle at first, encouraging players to come back later
-Since Andromeda is a new galaxy, Ryder can actively scan and discover things in the environments; that gets sent back for analysis and unlocks new technologies for the player
-Scanning and discovering these things also allows you to obtain blueprints to craft weapons and armor for yourself
-You can create a wide array of items, not just ammo types and weapon mods, items that haven't been seen before in the Milky Way (thanks to new alien tech)
-Some plot threads and missions lead you across multiple planets

-Peebee (nickname): Asari squadmate shown in previous footage. Went off on her own after arriving on the Nexus and described as having a "bubbly personality". She's smart and not concerned with social norms and "niceties".
-Liam: Arrived with the Pathfinder, former police officer and described as having a "light attitude", bringing levity to situations

The Tempest (Your Ship)
-Important to harken back to the Normandy as it was a fan favorite
-There are no loading screens as you move through the ship
-Galaxy map returns but rather than piloting a mini ship on a map, it is more immersive, you select a planet, the game gives you sense of traveling towards that planet, and when you back out, you're immediately at your destination
-You don't pilot the ship manually, but it feels seamless as you go from planet to planet and see them from your bridge getting closer in the window
-They wanted a seamless experience from picking a planet to walking down to your cargo hold, hopping into the Nomad and landing on a planet. There is a landing sequence and you get off the ship. No more loading screens and instantly popping up on the surface of a planet.

-There are more relationships in the game than any other Bioware game (as they noted fans make a big emphasis on romance in the games)
-The squadmate with the least amount of lines in Andromeda has more lines than the squadmate with the most amount of lines in ME3
-Due to complications in the awakening process, your sibling won't join you in combat but you can interact with them and build a relationship
-Many of these dealings are optional, and discovering more about the Ryder family is a plot thread
-BioWare is confident the details of this story are what differentiates it from a traditional "hero's journey"
-Loyalty missions return but they are not critical to the ending of the game; you can complete them after you complete the main story path for example
-Emphasis that relationships don't just culminate in a sex scene, but rather characters can just want to get in the sack, while others are interested in long term relationships and others still aren't interested at all. Bioware wanted to capture more "shooting bottles with Garrus" moments in the game, of which there are plenty

-More evolved and refined form of ME3
-Card based economy where you earn XP and credits
-There are microtransactions but no real world money is required, you can unlock normally
-You still set the map, enemy, as before but you can also activate modifiers that can give you decreased health (for greater reward) or more damage (less reward)
-Bioware also plans to release custom crafted missions with unique modifiers that players can't change themselves
-These custom missions give you a 3rd currency, "mission funds" which allow you directly purchase items and weapons vs the mercy of random card packs; however these items are only available for a limited time in the store and can change often
-In MP, you play as the "Apex Force", a militia strike team from the Nexus
-Different enemies require you to use different tactics (some are shield heavy, some use heavy biotics etc)
-Playing MP will have advantages for the single player but it absolutely does not affect the ending of the game
-New "Prestige" mechanic added: With several types of characters, you earn regular XP and prestige XP. The prestige XP goes into every character of that 'type', for example 'tanky' characters. Earning enough prestige can grant you added health for all tank characters, etc.

-No more Paragon/Renegade system
-They want more nuance and subtlety and giving the player more opportunity to express themselves
-You can agree or disagree with someone without being punished or cornered into a paragon or renegade choice
-Dialogue option tones: heart, head, professional and casual.
-These don't affect you or sway a meter one way or another, rather they allow you freedom without worrying about unintended consequences
-"Narrative actions" (previously "interrupts) return but rather than giving a "red"=bad or "blue"=good choice, it can say "shoot", leaving more ambiguity to your choice
-Decisions aren't necessarily obvious "right" or "wrong", there are pros and cons to each and you'll just have to play the game the way you want

The future
-Mass Effect: Andromeda leaves the door open for more games (obviously)
-New game+ mode allows you to change your gender if you choose
-BioWare is coy about multiple endings; "it's a suprise", "it's different than the trilogy"

Hans Castorp

Mil pontos, LOL!
Tomara que o jogo seja tão bom quanto espero.

Mass Effect é uma franquia memorável.


Lenda da internet
-No more Paragon/Renegade system
-They want more nuance and subtlety and giving the player more opportunity to express themselves
-You can agree or disagree with someone without being punished or cornered into a paragon or renegade choice
-Dialogue option tones: heart, head, professional and casual.
-These don't affect you or sway a meter one way or another, rather they allow you freedom without worrying about unintended consequences
-"Narrative actions" (previously "interrupts) return but rather than giving a "red"=bad or "blue"=good choice, it can say "shoot", leaving more ambiguity to your choice
-Decisions aren't necessarily obvious "right" or "wrong", there are pros and cons to each and you'll just have to play the game the way you want
Resumindo: Escolhas servem para porra nenhuma no jogo, só para dar uma falsa sensação de que você está no controle da história.

-BioWare is coy about multiple endings; "it's a suprise", "it's different than the trilogy"
Traduzindo: Final Bom, Final Mau, Final marromeno.


Lenda da internet
-No more Paragon/Renegade system

Era tão bom apertar a opção Renegade do ME2

-BioWare is coy about multiple endings; "it's a suprise", "it's different than the trilogy"

Hehehe, depois daquela b*sta de ME3, é bom ficar calada mesmo e não falar nada.


Preferiria uma Asari parecida com as triologia original, elas são sempre "sérias". Espero que não fique estranho.
Para quem tem o EA Access, tá liberado o Mass Effect 2 e 3 :D

Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!




-Around 2185, at the height of galactic progress, unaware of the impending Reaper invasion (though after Sovereign), several species band together for the "Andromeda Initiative"
-4 Arks, each carrying a different race, are built, housing thousands of individuals to chart a course to Andromeda

More on the Andromeda Initiative:
"Founded in 2176 and launched in 2185, the Andromeda Initiative is a civilian, multi-species project created to send scientists, explorers and colonists on a one-way trip to settle in the Andromeda Galaxy. With powerful benefactors lending their support, the program has grown substantially in scope since its inception. The Initiative’s ultimate goal is to establish a permanent presence on the seemingly resource-rich frontier of Andromeda, and eventually create a reliable route between it and the Milky Way Galaxy."

-Turians are confirmed in the game
-The Heleus Cluster is noted as having a significant amount of "Golden Worlds", or planets ripe for life
-Each ark is led by a "Pathfinder"
-The Pathfinder, recon teams and others onboard are in cryosleep, unaware of what transpires in the Milky Way after they depart
-You play as either Scott or Sara Ryder (you can change your name), the children of Alec Ryder (pathfinder of the human ark)
-Alec Ryder is voiced by Clancy Brown
-Events at the start of the game occur that pass this role down to you, you are untested and unproven, unlike Commander Shepard of the previous trilogy
-This doesn't mean Mass Effect is Ryder's story from now on, they want the game to feel like a complete story (while teasing other stories that could happen)
-More customization options than previous games
-You can customize your father and your sibling, though not as extensively
-The "Nexus" is basically a forward command center staffed by multiple species that arrives in Andromeda early to pave the way for the Arks
-The Hyperion (humanity's ark) arrives at an incorrect location that's volatile and loses contact with the other arks and Nexus

-The (much improved) Mako of ME1, the loyalty missions of ME2, the multiplayer of ME3

-Global cooldowns are now replaced by individual timers
-Powers are instead hotkeyed for quick use, no longer pausing to bring up a wheel and aim (you can still pause the combat but it's not how BioWare intends combat to function)
-Dynamic cover system (ala TLOU)
-Still a cover based shooter with a goal to get the player moving around the battlefield more
-Jetpack allows for more movement variety; you can quick dash instead of rolling
-Jetpack has a hover function that allows you to hit enemies seeking cover or survey your surroundings
-Less emphasis on linear, clearly telegraphed environments that tell you a combat encounter is coming (though linear areas are still in the game)
-Game Informer's hands on was positive, feel the game has a clearer identity in combat than previous games
-You still queue up attacks, combos, order your squad, etc
-All key elements are still intact but the studio wanted to encourage more experimentation and wider variety of abilities

-Class system is gone; instead you have full access to abilities from all classes, you can mix and match skills from tech, soldier or biotics
-Goal is to allow players to try different approaches to combat without being locked in at the start
-However, you can still specialize once you invest enough points into a category of skills, you unlock a profile that can get you bonuses for your particular play style
-This is where class names like "Vanguard" (invest in combat and biotics) and "Adept" (invest in biotics) resurface
-Invest in multiple categories and you unlock the "Explorer" profile
-There is a narrative reason that allows you to reconfigure your points throughout the game so that you can try out multiple gameplay approaches without making multiple characters
-You can customize your helmet, chest, shoulders, arms and legs, more extensive than previous trilogy
-Many familiar weapons return, as well as new melee options like swords and hammers

-The 'Kett' are the main enemy
-The team wanted players to experience the first time encountering a new alien species vs already having it established in prior games
-Rather than painting them as mortal enemies, BioWare wanted to make them feel foreboding but not ugly as they want you to also empathize with them
-Instead of having "linear slices" of planets that you land on, you explore these planets from the surface to their underbelly
-Critical paths, optional planets, major hubs, loyalty missions return
-Your land vehicle is designated the "Nomad", and the team got special guidance from NFS developers on its handling.
-The Nomad isn't sluggish and cumbersome like the Mako, it's very fast, still boosts and maneuvers much better
-The Nomad doesn't have weapons, you can customize things like its speed and appearance
-BioWare did not want to repeat having things like mineral nodes and multiple identical outposts scattered across planets
-Points of interest include combat encounters, puzzles, narrative beats etc on planets
-One planet, called 'Elaaden', is flagged as a possible habitat zone, however the surface is hazardous (no water, extremely hot); you can be pointed in this direction in multiple ways, for example, a Krogan can request the Pathfinder to find a missing colony ship or you can just choose to land on the planet yourself and see what you find
-On planets, one of your priorities is to scout for drop zones for your crew that drop "forward stations" that establishes a foothold for you
-These stations allow for changing up your loadout, fast travel point, etc
-Planets can have multiple dangers like acid pools, burning wreckage, weather etc that can all kill you
-Most planets have at least one major enemy base
-Planets can have areas, encounters and "super bosses" that are too tough for you to handle at first, encouraging players to come back later
-Since Andromeda is a new galaxy, Ryder can actively scan and discover things in the environments; that gets sent back for analysis and unlocks new technologies for the player
-Scanning and discovering these things also allows you to obtain blueprints to craft weapons and armor for yourself
-You can create a wide array of items, not just ammo types and weapon mods, items that haven't been seen before in the Milky Way (thanks to new alien tech)
-Some plot threads and missions lead you across multiple planets

-Peebee (nickname): Asari squadmate shown in previous footage. Went off on her own after arriving on the Nexus and described as having a "bubbly personality". She's smart and not concerned with social norms and "niceties".
-Liam: Arrived with the Pathfinder, former police officer and described as having a "light attitude", bringing levity to situations

The Tempest (Your Ship)
-Important to harken back to the Normandy as it was a fan favorite
-There are no loading screens as you move through the ship
-Galaxy map returns but rather than piloting a mini ship on a map, it is more immersive, you select a planet, the game gives you sense of traveling towards that planet, and when you back out, you're immediately at your destination
-You don't pilot the ship manually, but it feels seamless as you go from planet to planet and see them from your bridge getting closer in the window
-They wanted a seamless experience from picking a planet to walking down to your cargo hold, hopping into the Nomad and landing on a planet. There is a landing sequence and you get off the ship. No more loading screens and instantly popping up on the surface of a planet.

-There are more relationships in the game than any other Bioware game (as they noted fans make a big emphasis on romance in the games)
-The squadmate with the least amount of lines in Andromeda has more lines than the squadmate with the most amount of lines in ME3
-Due to complications in the awakening process, your sibling won't join you in combat but you can interact with them and build a relationship
-Many of these dealings are optional, and discovering more about the Ryder family is a plot thread
-BioWare is confident the details of this story are what differentiates it from a traditional "hero's journey"
-Loyalty missions return but they are not critical to the ending of the game; you can complete them after you complete the main story path for example
-Emphasis that relationships don't just culminate in a sex scene, but rather characters can just want to get in the sack, while others are interested in long term relationships and others still aren't interested at all. Bioware wanted to capture more "shooting bottles with Garrus" moments in the game, of which there are plenty

-More evolved and refined form of ME3
-Card based economy where you earn XP and credits
-There are microtransactions but no real world money is required, you can unlock normally
-You still set the map, enemy, as before but you can also activate modifiers that can give you decreased health (for greater reward) or more damage (less reward)
-Bioware also plans to release custom crafted missions with unique modifiers that players can't change themselves
-These custom missions give you a 3rd currency, "mission funds" which allow you directly purchase items and weapons vs the mercy of random card packs; however these items are only available for a limited time in the store and can change often
-In MP, you play as the "Apex Force", a militia strike team from the Nexus
-Different enemies require you to use different tactics (some are shield heavy, some use heavy biotics etc)
-Playing MP will have advantages for the single player but it absolutely does not affect the ending of the game
-New "Prestige" mechanic added: With several types of characters, you earn regular XP and prestige XP. The prestige XP goes into every character of that 'type', for example 'tanky' characters. Earning enough prestige can grant you added health for all tank characters, etc.

-No more Paragon/Renegade system
-They want more nuance and subtlety and giving the player more opportunity to express themselves
-You can agree or disagree with someone without being punished or cornered into a paragon or renegade choice
-Dialogue option tones: heart, head, professional and casual.
-These don't affect you or sway a meter one way or another, rather they allow you freedom without worrying about unintended consequences
-"Narrative actions" (previously "interrupts) return but rather than giving a "red"=bad or "blue"=good choice, it can say "shoot", leaving more ambiguity to your choice
-Decisions aren't necessarily obvious "right" or "wrong", there are pros and cons to each and you'll just have to play the game the way you want

The future
-Mass Effect: Andromeda leaves the door open for more games (obviously)
-New game+ mode allows you to change your gender if you choose
-BioWare is coy about multiple endings; "it's a suprise", "it's different than the trilogy"
É por causa disso que tem um certo usuário aí que ficou de birrinha com o ME3. Já estou vacinado.
Farei a mesma coisa que fiz com a trilogia original: só jogarei quando sair o último e não lerei sobre os lançamentos.
Me julguem.... :kbeca
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