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[Mídias] Quem lacra, não lucra.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!

(tradução by google)
Animador coreano zomba da correção política de desenvolvedores ocidentais

Um vídeo bastante antigo criado por um animador coreano encontrou uma nova vida recentemente nos fóruns, pois descreve com bastante precisão o estado atual da indústria de entretenimento ocidental e sua obsessão com a raça e como um personagem se identifica, em vez da qualidade real do conteúdo em si.

A animação surpreendente que também vem com legendas em inglês:

(ativem as legendas ocultas do youtube nas configs para a versão em inglês)




(tradução by google)
Animador coreano zomba da correção política de desenvolvedores ocidentais

Um vídeo bastante antigo criado por um animador coreano encontrou uma nova vida recentemente nos fóruns, pois descreve com bastante precisão o estado atual da indústria de entretenimento ocidental e sua obsessão com a raça e como um personagem se identifica, em vez da qualidade real do conteúdo em si.

A animação surpreendente que também vem com legendas em inglês:

(ativem as legendas ocultas do youtube nas configs para a versão em inglês)

Oh... Só de olhar o traço, bati o olho q é o mesmo cara responsável por esta engraçada animação do Ps4, engraçada por sinal:


Mil pontos, LOL!
A obra original é muito boa.
Por mais que as mulheres dominem o mundo elas precisam do homem senão a raça humana deixará de existir.
Se seguir os quadrinhos sem viajar muito acho que será uma boa série.
Não boto muita fé nisso aí não... Difícil imaginar que os envolvidos na produção da série vão deixar passar em branco essa oportunidade gigante para lacrar. :kpensa

‘Y: The Last Man’ EPs & Stars Talk “Opportunity To Blow Up” Gender Binary With Transgender Representation In FX Series


Y: The Last Man makes it clear that gender identity exists beyond a male-female binary, giving the original comic series by Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra a modern update.

“Gender is diverse and chromosomes are not equal to gender. In the world of the television show every living mammal with a Y chromosome dies – that includes many women, it includes non-binary people, it includes intersex people,” showrunner Eliza Clark explained during the show’s TCA panel on Friday, “We are making a show that affirms that trans women are women, trans men are men, non-binary people are non-binary. That is part of the richness of of the world we get to play with.”

Based on Vaughn and Guerra’s DC Comics series of the same name, Y: The Last Man traverses a post-apocalyptic world in which a cataclysmic event decimates all but one cisgender male, Yorick Brown (Ben Schnetzer), and his pet monkey. The series follows the survivors in this new world as they struggle with their efforts to restore what was lost and the opportunity to build something better.

Clark joined fellow executive producers Nina Jacobson, Mari Jo Winkler-Ioffreda, stars Diane Lane, Schnetzer, Ashley Romans and more to discuss how the series both parallels and strays from the original material. Unlike the original, FX’s upcoming Y: The Last Man challenges the definitions of traditional gender identity and includes transgender and non-binary characters, including Elliot Fletcher’s Sam Jordan.

“That was part of the challenge because we love the source material on one hand and on the other we recognized the opportunity to really blow up the binary because of the source material we have been given – and the way it’s been read, perceived and talked about,” Jacobson added. “In some ways it’s the most rich and dangerous opportunity to take on some of these questions of representation.”

When asked about his experience on the series, Fletcher, who is a transgender man said that he felt comfortable with the creative team, their knowledge and intentions to move past the “traditional” gender binary. He shared that in the early stages of the show, meeting with Clark and members of the writers room helped him understand that the Y: The Last Man team was fully committed to doing right by the transgender and non-binary communities.

“I think it flips the traditional idea of gender on its head so I was very comfortable joining a project that I knew that and fully committed to it,” he said.

Y: The Last Man debuts on FX on Hulu September 13.

The FX Productions project is produced by Clark, Nina Jacobson and Brad Simpson of Color Force, along with Nellie Reed. Mari Jo Winkler-Ioffreda, Vaughan and Melina Matsoukas are executive producers.




Mil pontos, LOL!
‘Y: The Last Man’ EPs & Stars Talk “Opportunity To Blow Up” Gender Binary With Transgender Representation In FX Series


Y: The Last Man makes it clear that gender identity exists beyond a male-female binary, giving the original comic series by Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra a modern update.

“Gender is diverse and chromosomes are not equal to gender. In the world of the television show every living mammal with a Y chromosome dies – that includes many women, it includes non-binary people, it includes intersex people,” showrunner Eliza Clark explained during the show’s TCA panel on Friday, “We are making a show that affirms that trans women are women, trans men are men, non-binary people are non-binary. That is part of the richness of of the world we get to play with.”

Based on Vaughn and Guerra’s DC Comics series of the same name, Y: The Last Man traverses a post-apocalyptic world in which a cataclysmic event decimates all but one cisgender male, Yorick Brown (Ben Schnetzer), and his pet monkey. The series follows the survivors in this new world as they struggle with their efforts to restore what was lost and the opportunity to build something better.

Clark joined fellow executive producers Nina Jacobson, Mari Jo Winkler-Ioffreda, stars Diane Lane, Schnetzer, Ashley Romans and more to discuss how the series both parallels and strays from the original material. Unlike the original, FX’s upcoming Y: The Last Man challenges the definitions of traditional gender identity and includes transgender and non-binary characters, including Elliot Fletcher’s Sam Jordan.

“That was part of the challenge because we love the source material on one hand and on the other we recognized the opportunity to really blow up the binary because of the source material we have been given – and the way it’s been read, perceived and talked about,” Jacobson added. “In some ways it’s the most rich and dangerous opportunity to take on some of these questions of representation.”

When asked about his experience on the series, Fletcher, who is a transgender man said that he felt comfortable with the creative team, their knowledge and intentions to move past the “traditional” gender binary. He shared that in the early stages of the show, meeting with Clark and members of the writers room helped him understand that the Y: The Last Man team was fully committed to doing right by the transgender and non-binary communities.

“I think it flips the traditional idea of gender on its head so I was very comfortable joining a project that I knew that and fully committed to it,” he said.

Y: The Last Man debuts on FX on Hulu September 13.

The FX Productions project is produced by Clark, Nina Jacobson and Brad Simpson of Color Force, along with Nellie Reed. Mari Jo Winkler-Ioffreda, Vaughan and Melina Matsoukas are executive producers.




Pena pois a obra é ótima.

Nela tem mulheres fortes, mulheres vilãs, mulheres fanáticas... mostra que o mundo só pode existir com equilíbrio, homens e mulheres juntos.

Uma pena que vão seguir por esse caminho. Agora esperar quando será cancelada.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Netflix reveals cast for its live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender series
No word yet on when the show will debut


It’s been some time since we’ve heard news about Netflix’s live-action adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender, but today the streaming company is finally revealing details: namely, the cast for some major roles. The show will feature Gordon Cormier (The Stand) as Aang, Kiawentiio (Beans) as Katara, Ian Ousley (13 Reasons Why) as Sokka, and Dallas Liu (Shang-Chi and the Legends of the Ten Rings) as Zuko.

The live-action adaptation was first announced in 2018 and ran into some trouble last year when Avatar creators Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko stepped away from the project citing creative differences with Netflix. “I realized I couldn’t control the creative direction of the series, but I could control how I responded,” DiMartino wrote in a blog post at the time, adding that “Netflix’s live-action adaptation of Avatar has the potential to be good... but what I can be certain about is that whatever version ends up on-screen, it will not be what Bryan and I had envisioned or intended to make.”


Taking over as showrunner is Albert Kim (Sleepy Hollow, Nikita), who posted a blog today about the process of creating what will be the second live-action take on the series, following M. Night Shyamalan’s 2010 film. “The more I thought about it, the more intrigued I became,” Kim wrote. “VFX technology has advanced to the point where a live-action version can not only faithfully translate what had been done in animation — it can bring a rich new visual dimension to a fantastic world. We’ll be able to see bending in a real and visceral way we’ve never seen before.”

He also touched on the casting specifically, noting that “a live-action version would establish a new benchmark in representation and bring in a whole new generation of fans. This was a chance to showcase Asian and Indigenous characters as living, breathing people. Not just in a cartoon, but in a world that truly exists, very similar to the one we live in.”

There’s no word yet on when the new show will debut on Netflix.


P.S.: Acho um tanto perturbador o fato de terem incluído a porra dos pronomes no anúncio do elenco, visto que se tratam de crianças. Imaginem os produtores dessa m**** chegando em cada uma das crianças e perguntando: "Por qual gênero você se identifica?" :kpuke

Quero ver se eles levarem a personagem pros cinemas... Vai ser impossível esconder o volume todo da Hayley Atwel..
Esquece essa possibilidade, velho. A Lacrolândia entraria em surto se ela se assumisse como Capitã América agora. Imagine uma mulher branca tomando o posto de homem negro... O horror, oh, o horror! :klol


Deleted member 219486

Honestamente, não entendi.

Acho nesse vídeo tem flashs de tempos diferentes do Alok, como ele era e como está fisicamente, vi alguma entrevista recente e dá de notar algo comportamental.
Um ou outro user já postou o Instagram na OS e é interessante ver o alinhamento de pensamento com a questão estilo da moda.
Eu até ia fazer piada com a comparação antes e depois mas achei que o vídeo falaria por si.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Acho nesse vídeo tem flashs de tempos diferentes do Alok, como ele era e como está fisicamente, vi alguma entrevista recente e dá de notar algo comportamental.
Um ou outro user já postou o Instagram na OS e é interessante ver o alinhamento de pensamento com a questão estilo da moda.
Eu até ia fazer piada com a comparação antes e depois mas achei que o vídeo falaria por si.
É que não conheço ele, então fiquei sem entender.

Valeu por explicar.


Mil pontos, LOL!
The Boys Season 3 Will Delve Into Toxic Masculinity Through The Story Of Soldier Boy


When the third season of The Boys finally arrives on Amazon Prime Video, fans will not only be able to reconnect with Butcher, Hughie and company, but will also have the opportunity to meet several new characters that they will contemplate from an ex-boyfriend of Starlight to Crimson Countess.

But perhaps one of the most striking points of the new cycle of the series will be the debut of Soldier Boy, the character who is promoted as one of the first superheroes in the world of the program and who will be played by Jensen Ackles.

Thus, although for now there is no synopsis and there is not even a trailer for the third season of The Boys, in a recent interview with Vanity Fair the showrunner Eric Kripke wanted to emphasize that Soldier Boy will be the true common thread of the themes that the new episodes will address.

“Season 3 goes much deeper into the story of how we got here through this Soldier Boy character,” Kripke said when asked how he could describe the new cycle. We were able to go so deep into the history of the country and also really look at toxic masculinity.oh the male roles, and what a fucking show it caused overall. This whole damn independent man from Marlboro thing. “

Although Kripke maintains that the third season of The Boys Delving into the topics mentioned above in addition to the fake news and other concepts about power that he has dealt with in his previous cycles, the showrunner also reaffirmed that the anticipated episode of “Herogasm” will be crazy. However, he stressed that they tried to make that story in a responsible way.

“There will be no recharge on ‘Herogasm’. Now that I’ve seen the diaries of this thing, I wonder, what have we done? It’s so crazy ”, said Kripke. “They always let us do what we wanted to do, but I think that’s why it comes with the responsibility of moderating and modulating ourselves. You never want to fall on the side of being gratuitous and gross. I don’t want this program to be irresponsible. I want it to be shocking and outrageous, but from a moral universe ”.

The third season of The Boys does not have a release date yet.



Tem um user aqui que alertava que The Boys desde a primeira temporada era uma série lacradora, mas de forma bem sutil (principalmente na parte dos cristãos). A maioria dizia que não e defendia a série. O resultado está ai: começa com um lacre ali e outo acolá, a série faz sucesso, tiram os freios aos poucos e depois acelaram de vez com o lacre.


Mil pontos, LOL!
The Boys Season 3 Will Delve Into Toxic Masculinity Through The Story Of Soldier Boy


When the third season of The Boys finally arrives on Amazon Prime Video, fans will not only be able to reconnect with Butcher, Hughie and company, but will also have the opportunity to meet several new characters that they will contemplate from an ex-boyfriend of Starlight to Crimson Countess.

But perhaps one of the most striking points of the new cycle of the series will be the debut of Soldier Boy, the character who is promoted as one of the first superheroes in the world of the program and who will be played by Jensen Ackles.

Thus, although for now there is no synopsis and there is not even a trailer for the third season of The Boys, in a recent interview with Vanity Fair the showrunner Eric Kripke wanted to emphasize that Soldier Boy will be the true common thread of the themes that the new episodes will address.

“Season 3 goes much deeper into the story of how we got here through this Soldier Boy character,” Kripke said when asked how he could describe the new cycle. We were able to go so deep into the history of the country and also really look at toxic masculinity.oh the male roles, and what a fucking show it caused overall. This whole damn independent man from Marlboro thing. “

Although Kripke maintains that the third season of The Boys Delving into the topics mentioned above in addition to the fake news and other concepts about power that he has dealt with in his previous cycles, the showrunner also reaffirmed that the anticipated episode of “Herogasm” will be crazy. However, he stressed that they tried to make that story in a responsible way.

“There will be no recharge on ‘Herogasm’. Now that I’ve seen the diaries of this thing, I wonder, what have we done? It’s so crazy ”, said Kripke. “They always let us do what we wanted to do, but I think that’s why it comes with the responsibility of moderating and modulating ourselves. You never want to fall on the side of being gratuitous and gross. I don’t want this program to be irresponsible. I want it to be shocking and outrageous, but from a moral universe ”.

The third season of The Boys does not have a release date yet.


Mais de uma vez eu falei que Amazon é tão senão mais lacradora que a Netflix.
Muitos usam o The Boys como "ideal" de série de heróis.
Ela é boa? Sim, eu curto, gostei de muitas coisas da série.
Só que é inegável que eles estão fazendo inúmeras alterações para dar diversas lacradas e criticar muitos grupos.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Tem um user aqui que alertava que The Boys desde a primeira temporada era uma série lacradora, mas de forma bem sutil (principalmente na parte dos cristãos). A maioria dizia que não e defendia a série. O resultado está ai: começa com um lacre ali e outo acolá, a série faz sucesso, tiram os freios aos poucos e depois acelaram de vez com o lacre.

Eu acho bem escancarada a critica social da série. Ainda mais quando introduzem a Tempesta.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Tem um user aqui que alertava que The Boys desde a primeira temporada era uma série lacradora, mas de forma bem sutil (principalmente na parte dos cristãos). A maioria dizia que não e defendia a série. O resultado está ai: começa com um lacre ali e outo acolá, a série faz sucesso, tiram os freios aos poucos e depois acelaram de vez com o lacre.
The boys sempre teve esses temas nunca esconderam muito tem até bastante, a diferença é mostra que também os que fingem ser bonzinhos e na realidade não são nem um pouco.

O problema é ser repetitivo e martelar nisso.
Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!
The Boys Season 3 Will Delve Into Toxic Masculinity Through The Story Of Soldier Boy


When the third season of The Boys finally arrives on Amazon Prime Video, fans will not only be able to reconnect with Butcher, Hughie and company, but will also have the opportunity to meet several new characters that they will contemplate from an ex-boyfriend of Starlight to Crimson Countess.

But perhaps one of the most striking points of the new cycle of the series will be the debut of Soldier Boy, the character who is promoted as one of the first superheroes in the world of the program and who will be played by Jensen Ackles.

Thus, although for now there is no synopsis and there is not even a trailer for the third season of The Boys, in a recent interview with Vanity Fair the showrunner Eric Kripke wanted to emphasize that Soldier Boy will be the true common thread of the themes that the new episodes will address.

“Season 3 goes much deeper into the story of how we got here through this Soldier Boy character,” Kripke said when asked how he could describe the new cycle. We were able to go so deep into the history of the country and also really look at toxic masculinity.oh the male roles, and what a fucking show it caused overall. This whole damn independent man from Marlboro thing. “

Although Kripke maintains that the third season of The Boys Delving into the topics mentioned above in addition to the fake news and other concepts about power that he has dealt with in his previous cycles, the showrunner also reaffirmed that the anticipated episode of “Herogasm” will be crazy. However, he stressed that they tried to make that story in a responsible way.

“There will be no recharge on ‘Herogasm’. Now that I’ve seen the diaries of this thing, I wonder, what have we done? It’s so crazy ”, said Kripke. “They always let us do what we wanted to do, but I think that’s why it comes with the responsibility of moderating and modulating ourselves. You never want to fall on the side of being gratuitous and gross. I don’t want this program to be irresponsible. I want it to be shocking and outrageous, but from a moral universe ”.

The third season of The Boys does not have a release date yet.


Não é como se já não tivessem abordado isso com o Homefront e com o Deep...


YouTube Player
Acho nesse vídeo tem flashs de tempos diferentes do Alok, como ele era e como está fisicamente, vi alguma entrevista recente e dá de notar algo comportamental.
Um ou outro user já postou o Instagram na OS e é interessante ver o alinhamento de pensamento com a questão estilo da moda.
Eu até ia fazer piada com a comparação antes e depois mas achei que o vídeo falaria por si.

Eu acompanhava um YouTuber pra ver as gameplays de jogos underground e tal.
Eu vi praticamente a evolução dele de uma pessoa de aparecia normal, para um feministo.
Acho que acompanhe essa cara alguns anos, era divertido devido os games que mais ninguém jogava.
Depois parece que entrou em uma federal, começou a pintar as unhas, depois apareceu com o cabelo todo zuado, com uns mecha colorida e a cara chupada parecendo um Zé droguinha.
Ainda assim eu acompanhava, mas depois ele se envolveu em umas tretas de políticas, então vazei do canal.
Mesmo sabendo o viés político dele, ainda assim ele não envolvia isso no canal, depois não sei se por influência (se bem que eles tem uns amigos bem merdas), praticamente mim o canal começou a decair.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Eu acompanhava um YouTuber pra ver as gameplays de jogos underground e tal.
Eu vi praticamente a evolução dele de uma pessoa de aparecia normal, para um feministo.
Acho que acompanhe essa cara alguns anos, era divertido devido os games que mais ninguém jogava.
Depois parece que entrou em uma federal, começou a pintar as unhas, depois apareceu com o cabelo todo zuado, com uns mecha colorida e a cara chupada parecendo um Zé droguinha.
Ainda assim eu acompanhava, mas depois ele se envolveu em umas tretas de políticas, então vazei do canal.
Mesmo sabendo o viés político dele, ainda assim ele não envolvia isso no canal, depois não sei se por influência (se bem que eles tem uns amigos bem merdas), praticamente mim o canal começou a decair.
Risos, o FELPS?



Eu acho bem escancarada a critica social da série. Ainda mais quando introduzem a Tempesta.

Me referia a primeira temporada onde as críticas eram bem mais sutis. Na segunda eles já se sentiram mais a vontade e pelo visto a terceira vai ser ladeira abaixo.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
É #FAKE foto que mostra Messi com tatuagem de Bolsonaro nas costas

Imagem foi manipulada para inserir silhueta do presidente brasileiro no corpo do atleta.
Por Roney Domingos, G1

12/08/2021 19h49 Atualizado há 2 dias




Mil pontos, LOL!
Mas o intuito de The Boys sempre foi a de desconstruir a figura de escoteiro dos super heróis, não a toa que o Homelander ( Super Man ) é o mais fela da put* de todos.
A série até que foi bem comportada em relação aos quadrinhos, só pra exemplificar quando a SatrLight é apresentada aos 7, ela é chantageada e abusada pelo Homelander, A-Train e Black Noir, para poder entrar nos 7.

Pinguim 55

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
The Boys na verdade é anti tudo, inclusive ao progressismo.

Ninguém lembra da cena que ficam tentando transformar a ‘mulher maravilha’ em símbolo dos LBGT+? Ou a parte que o Homelander acaba com aquele cego que iria entrar para os sete?

Prefiro assistir para ter certeza, mas até o momento the boys só tá criticando tudo, nenhum salva aqui.


The Boys Season 3 Will Delve Into Toxic Masculinity Through The Story Of Soldier Boy


When the third season of The Boys finally arrives on Amazon Prime Video, fans will not only be able to reconnect with Butcher, Hughie and company, but will also have the opportunity to meet several new characters that they will contemplate from an ex-boyfriend of Starlight to Crimson Countess.

But perhaps one of the most striking points of the new cycle of the series will be the debut of Soldier Boy, the character who is promoted as one of the first superheroes in the world of the program and who will be played by Jensen Ackles.

Thus, although for now there is no synopsis and there is not even a trailer for the third season of The Boys, in a recent interview with Vanity Fair the showrunner Eric Kripke wanted to emphasize that Soldier Boy will be the true common thread of the themes that the new episodes will address.

“Season 3 goes much deeper into the story of how we got here through this Soldier Boy character,” Kripke said when asked how he could describe the new cycle. We were able to go so deep into the history of the country and also really look at toxic masculinity.oh the male roles, and what a fucking show it caused overall. This whole damn independent man from Marlboro thing. “

Although Kripke maintains that the third season of The Boys Delving into the topics mentioned above in addition to the fake news and other concepts about power that he has dealt with in his previous cycles, the showrunner also reaffirmed that the anticipated episode of “Herogasm” will be crazy. However, he stressed that they tried to make that story in a responsible way.

“There will be no recharge on ‘Herogasm’. Now that I’ve seen the diaries of this thing, I wonder, what have we done? It’s so crazy ”, said Kripke. “They always let us do what we wanted to do, but I think that’s why it comes with the responsibility of moderating and modulating ourselves. You never want to fall on the side of being gratuitous and gross. I don’t want this program to be irresponsible. I want it to be shocking and outrageous, but from a moral universe ”.

The third season of The Boys does not have a release date yet.

Esperem até a segunda temporada de Invencível então. O modus operant dos caras é esse mesmo, economizam nas lacradas pro negócio decolar, depois disso eles soltam as garras e vão fundo. Castlevania também foi a mesma história.


Mil pontos, LOL!
The Boys na verdade é anti tudo, inclusive ao progressismo.

Ninguém lembra da cena que ficam tentando transformar a ‘mulher maravilha’ em símbolo dos LBGT+? Ou a parte que o Homelander acaba com aquele cego que iria entrar para os sete?

Prefiro assistir para ter certeza, mas até o momento the boys só tá criticando tudo, nenhum salva aqui.

Homelander fazendo isso ai, você acha que ele representa quem?

Pinguim 55

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Homelander fazendo isso ai, você acha que ele representa quem?

Para mim mostrou o quanto é ridículo esta história de ‘cota’ em algumas circunstâncias. Os 7 era a elite dos heróis e a mulher estava mais interessado em colocar o cego lá por cota do que o cara ser realmente um poderoso herói.

Aí o Homelander ‘testa’ ele e pronto, em um movimento simples inutilizou o cara. Tipo, se o cara fosse bom não seria tão facilmente derrotado assim. Os sete perderiam credibilidade com um herói meia boca como ele sendo integrante.

O Homelander você pode interpretar como um ‘branco opressor’, mas a série claramente está usando a mulher para zombar os progressistas, e digamos, Homelander tem carisma, e a mulher e uma chata.


The Boys Season 3 Will Delve Into Toxic Masculinity Through The Story Of Soldier Boy


When the third season of The Boys finally arrives on Amazon Prime Video, fans will not only be able to reconnect with Butcher, Hughie and company, but will also have the opportunity to meet several new characters that they will contemplate from an ex-boyfriend of Starlight to Crimson Countess.

But perhaps one of the most striking points of the new cycle of the series will be the debut of Soldier Boy, the character who is promoted as one of the first superheroes in the world of the program and who will be played by Jensen Ackles.

Thus, although for now there is no synopsis and there is not even a trailer for the third season of The Boys, in a recent interview with Vanity Fair the showrunner Eric Kripke wanted to emphasize that Soldier Boy will be the true common thread of the themes that the new episodes will address.

“Season 3 goes much deeper into the story of how we got here through this Soldier Boy character,” Kripke said when asked how he could describe the new cycle. We were able to go so deep into the history of the country and also really look at toxic masculinity.oh the male roles, and what a fucking show it caused overall. This whole damn independent man from Marlboro thing. “

Although Kripke maintains that the third season of The Boys Delving into the topics mentioned above in addition to the fake news and other concepts about power that he has dealt with in his previous cycles, the showrunner also reaffirmed that the anticipated episode of “Herogasm” will be crazy. However, he stressed that they tried to make that story in a responsible way.

“There will be no recharge on ‘Herogasm’. Now that I’ve seen the diaries of this thing, I wonder, what have we done? It’s so crazy ”, said Kripke. “They always let us do what we wanted to do, but I think that’s why it comes with the responsibility of moderating and modulating ourselves. You never want to fall on the side of being gratuitous and gross. I don’t want this program to be irresponsible. I want it to be shocking and outrageous, but from a moral universe ”.

The third season of The Boys does not have a release date yet.

Se já tinha lacração moderada na primeira temporada imagina agora que a série já é conhecida.

Dr. Pregos

Xbox Power!
Netflix reveals cast for its live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender series
No word yet on when the show will debut


It’s been some time since we’ve heard news about Netflix’s live-action adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender, but today the streaming company is finally revealing details: namely, the cast for some major roles. The show will feature Gordon Cormier (The Stand) as Aang, Kiawentiio (Beans) as Katara, Ian Ousley (13 Reasons Why) as Sokka, and Dallas Liu (Shang-Chi and the Legends of the Ten Rings) as Zuko.

The live-action adaptation was first announced in 2018 and ran into some trouble last year when Avatar creators Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko stepped away from the project citing creative differences with Netflix. “I realized I couldn’t control the creative direction of the series, but I could control how I responded,” DiMartino wrote in a blog post at the time, adding that “Netflix’s live-action adaptation of Avatar has the potential to be good... but what I can be certain about is that whatever version ends up on-screen, it will not be what Bryan and I had envisioned or intended to make.”


Taking over as showrunner is Albert Kim (Sleepy Hollow, Nikita), who posted a blog today about the process of creating what will be the second live-action take on the series, following M. Night Shyamalan’s 2010 film. “The more I thought about it, the more intrigued I became,” Kim wrote. “VFX technology has advanced to the point where a live-action version can not only faithfully translate what had been done in animation — it can bring a rich new visual dimension to a fantastic world. We’ll be able to see bending in a real and visceral way we’ve never seen before.”

He also touched on the casting specifically, noting that “a live-action version would establish a new benchmark in representation and bring in a whole new generation of fans. This was a chance to showcase Asian and Indigenous characters as living, breathing people. Not just in a cartoon, but in a world that truly exists, very similar to the one we live in.”

There’s no word yet on when the new show will debut on Netflix.


P.S.: Acho um tanto perturbador o fato de terem incluído a porra dos pronomes no anúncio do elenco, visto que se tratam de crianças. Imaginem os produtores dessa m**** chegando em cada uma das crianças e perguntando: "Por qual gênero você se identifica?" :kpuke


Esse meme pelo jeito nunca morrerá:

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