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[Mídias] Quem lacra, não lucra.


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Reportado por postar gore sem aviso :coolface


Mil pontos, LOL!

This Is How May The Fourth Dies…With Thunderous Silence


A funny thing happened yesterday – May the Fourth came and went without so much as a single Stormtrooper cosplayer making the headlines. Sure, there were celebrations, but they absolutely paled in comparison to anything seen in previous years, including 2021. Those who have kept their ear to the ground regarding all things Star Wars-related aren’t surprised, but it may come as a shock to casual fans.

With Disney mired in one of the most precipitous stock drops in recent memory, as well as massive cultural backlash for sticking their nose into Floridian law, it’s no wonder. Star Wars was meant to encapsulate the sheer might of the Disney brand, yet it’s since become a millstone around the company’s neck.

In fact, Star Wars has somehow managed to turn fully toxic, which has caused longtime fans to flee the property altogether, damning it as a bastardization of everything George Lucas originally envisioned. With the Woke in charge, this once-indominable franchise has mutated into that horrifying clump of hair stuck in the bathtub drain.

It doesn’t help that the past year’s worth of Star Wars material has failed to galvanize and excite its core demographics. The Galactic Starcruiser Hotel attraction in Orlando was an abject disaster, sporting a marketing campaign akin to Edward Scissorhands raking his nails down a mercilessly elongated chalkboard.

Next, there was The Book of Boba Fett, a spinoff of the popular Mandalorian series, which viewers found boring, plodding, and uninteresting. It took the combined appearances of Din Djarin, Grogu, and Luke Skywalker to breathe something resembling a pulse into the overall plot, culminating in a so/so ending that left Fett looking like Joe Biden wandering around in confusion at the White House during Barack Obama’s recent visit.

On social media, May the Fourth was a non-event by all available metrics. Some may point to the recent SCOTUS draft leak detailing the overturning of Roe v. Wade, which has caused Leftist proponents of mass-infanticide to light themselves on fire, and run around screaming in terror at a return to something resembling The Handmaid’s Tale.

That, of course, is yet another blatant lie perpetrated by the Left, hot on the heels of Florida’s anti-grooming bill, which they dishonestly dubbed “Don’t Say Gay.”

Of course, it’s a convenient scapegoat in the same vein as Covid-19 being blamed for a drop in Oscar and NFL ratings, or Netflix hemorrhaging subscriptions by orders of magnitude. Star Wars sucks, and everyone knows it. Sure, there are glimmers and glints of hope strewn about, but it’s impossible to sell a property based on flecks of gold in the dirt. Fans want a solid gold nugget with some value attached.

Perhaps the upcoming Star Wars: Obi-Wan TV show will turn things around, but given the lackluster promo trailers and the all-too-apparent bait-and-switch narrative, the odds aren’t good. Hayden Christensen and Ewan McGregor are nothing but heads in jars without a story written by competent scribes, which seems to be in anemic supply at Disney these days.

The fandom, which represents the overwhelming majority of viewers at this point in time, has quickly soured not just on Star Wars, but other major properties with huge clout attached to them. Amazon’s Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, for instance, looks so categorically bad that it could have hired Adolf Hitler as its official spokesperson, and done no worse in terms of fan reception.

I once theorized that we’d get to the point where fans would instantly tune out of anything propagated by companies with a Woke agenda, and that reality has now reached a saturation point. There was a time when anti-Woke fans would tune into a TV show, or head out to see a movie in the hopes that it would be a straightforward and enjoyable experience.

Now, they aren’t bothering. This has affected everything from Netflix’s monumental membership collapse, to Disney’s colossal and abysmal stock plunge. The backlash of the whip has finally struck, and it stings worse than a thousand Africanized Honey Bees who just witnessed their Queen get stomped.

May the Fourth passed by us in total silence, popping up only in specific places, in parodic fashion. Case in point – Joe Biden’s May the Fourth-themed promo entitled “Episode 46: Building A Better America,” which has been lampooned across the board for suggesting that America’s economy is in rip-roaring, healthy shape.

This, at a time when the FED is raising interest rates, and inflation is set to soar into the double-digits for the first time since Jimmy Carter’s disastrous administration.

Those who have successfully hijacked Star Wars to use as a political propaganda tool seem altogether unsuccessful at leveraging it for the purpose they intended. It doesn’t help when Star Wars alum like Mark Hamill keep making obtuse and embarrassing statements on Twitter, earning them rightfully-deserved ridicule.

It’s like something out of a Mel Brooks comedy; a major corporation ignoring sound and wise advice from its Communications Chief not to get involved in Florida’s lawmaking, only for it to backfire in Biblical fashion, then go on to double down and hire an ex-Clinton/Obama/Biden alum as his replacement.

And people wonder why May the Fourth failed to ignite anyone’s lightsaber.



Lenda da internet
Caramba, pela foto do perfil nem dá para imaginar que a mina é uma jubarte. Ainda quer reclamar que o medico falou que precisa perder peso.

Uma dica...quanto mais próxima do rosto a foto de perfil de rede social for, maior a arroba, maquiagem e filtro q a criatura tem :ksafado

Aqui mesmo em ribeirao tem uma gorda q se acha pra caramba...nas fotos de perfil ela tem o rosto lindo, só q ao vivo ela tem o tamanho de uma kombi e sem maquiagem e sem filtros ela tem cara de merendeira cansada :klolwtf

Teve um dia q passei por ela e nao reconheci e ela achou ruim, falou q sou arrogante pq nao comprimentei ela...fui direto ao ponto, falei "uai, nao sou arrogante, só é impossivel reconhecer vc de foto de redes sociais e ao vivo" :kkk
Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!

Eu tinha notado isso, não achei nenhum canal grande sobre Tolkien no Youtube que tenha apontado os erros da série em relação ao cânone, quando os assuntos envolvem pautas progressistas.

Até o canal BR Tolkien Talk fugiu do assunto, e vi gente nos comentários dizendo que eles tem uma parceria com a Amazon.

Pinguim 55

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Quanto a isso não posso dizer. Não existem vagas específicas por idade. Por outro lado, muitas empresas, principalmente da área de TI, fazem questão de destinar vagas pra deficientes. Algumas perguntam em formulário sua orientação sexual com argumento de que será usado para políticas afirmativas.

Bom, eu estou vendo muita gente cada vez menos interessada em seriados americanos, e curiosamente, seriados koreanos estão em crescimento, vide round 6.

Tipo, o processo é lento, algo que está no topo não vai sair assim tão cedo, mas quando chega no fundo do poço e se perguntam como ficou assim, o começo é sempre quando as coisas estavam indo bem e quase no auge.

Pessoal já falava do netflix a um tempo já, mas ficavam argumentando que ela estava crescendo, que é este o futuro e agora que teve a queda e as ações cairam mais de 30% de uma vez e continua caindo.

Mesma coisas filmes da Marvel. Não é um filme ou uma série que vai fuder, mas se ficar com cada vez mais questionável e sem graça em pro do lacre, vide eternos, a tendência e o povo perder o interesse.

De qualquer forma, Star Wars já não tem metade da força e popularidade de antes. Parque do Star Wars na disney é um dos menos movimentados mesmo sendo novo.

Exterminador do Futuro, He-Man, Matrix e várias outras franquias caíram de vez na irrelevância e assim vai.

Last of Us 2 até hoje a Sony não atualizou o número de vendas, mesmo sendo o jogo mais aclamado de todos os tempos. Pode ter certeza que se tivesse explodido de vendas a Sony estaria gritando para todo mundo ouvir, o silêncio diz muita coisa.
Ultima Edição:


Cara, essa mina realmente tem um problema.

E não digo problema ortopédico ou endocrino.....é mental.

Geração de m**** mesmo.

As pessoas de hoje não querem que suas ações tenham consequenciais, mas a natureza não perdoa. Quer ter 200 quilos? Ok, vai lá, ninguém vai te impedir, mas a natureza vai cobrar. Os seus joelhos e articulações vão cobrar.

É como se eu quisesse só começar doces o dia inteiro e depois reclamar com o medico que diz que eu tenho que parar pq a insulina não está bastando para controlar a minha diabete que eu adquiri por causa dos meus hábitos alimentares.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Bungie (criadora de Destiny, recentemente comprada pela Sony) publica nota defendendo o aborto.

Contexto: vazou um rascunho de que a Suprema Corte dos EUA está se preparando para anular a lei Roe v. Wade, que em 1973 reconheceu o direito ao aborto.

ArenaNet (estúdio responsável por Guild Wars, um RPG online para PC) também se manifestou a favor do aborto: "seu corpo, seu direito".



Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Não conheço a série Percy Jackson, mas vi que haverá uma nova versão no Disney+, e alteraram a etnia de uma das principais personagens:


Versão antiga (a menina principal era branca):

No livro ela é loira mano, quando vi isso ai só pensei comigo tomara que flop pra variar.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Sei não, hein? Acho que dá para encaixar um T-Rex gay, um Pterodáctilo trans e um Braquiossauro não-binário, para deixar isso aí mais inclusivo. :klol
Eu sou totalmente a favor. Se falar que os dinossauros são todos boiolas já temos a melhor teoria para sua extinção.

Como disse o mestre Levi, aparelho excretor não reproduz


Mil pontos, LOL!
As pessoas de hoje não querem que suas ações tenham consequenciais, mas a natureza não perdoa. Quer ter 200 quilos? Ok, vai lá, ninguém vai te impedir, mas a natureza vai cobrar. Os seus joelhos e articulações vão cobrar.

É como se eu quisesse só começar doces o dia inteiro e depois reclamar com o medico que diz que eu tenho que parar pq a insulina não está bastando para controlar a minha diabete que eu adquiri por causa dos meus hábitos alimentares.

Meu problema não é a pessoa se auto destruir, quero que ela seja livre para tal e que se foda no processo.

O que não aceito são essas pessoas cagarem regra e obrigarem as pessoas agirem como assim elas querem.

Quer ser uma baleia? OK, vai em frente. Mas não me venha com essas porras de aceitação, gordofobia e etc.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Não conheço a série Percy Jackson, mas vi que haverá uma nova versão no Disney+, e alteraram a etnia de uma das principais personagens:


Versão antiga (a menina principal era branca):

Só para constar: na verdade, alteraram a etnia de dois personagens do trio. Acontece que, nos filmes, o personagem Glover já tinha sofrido troca de etnia.


Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief

Ou seja: na série, o que presenciamos com o personagem é, na verdade, uma troca de etnia de segunda geração. :klolwtf


Mil pontos, LOL!
Caramba, pela foto do perfil nem dá para imaginar que a mina é uma jubarte. Ainda quer reclamar que o medico falou que precisa perder peso.

daqui a pouco médico não poderá dizer que tem que perder peso pois será considerado gordofóbico

aposto um dinheiro alto que daqui há no máximo 3 anos terá alguma influencia digital acusando médico de gordofobia por ter mandado perder peso, (isso se já não ocorreu)

OBS: falo sério
Ultima Edição:

Dr. Pregos

Xbox Power!
daqui a pouco médico não poderá dizer que tem que perder peso pois será considerado gordofóbico

aposto um dinheiro alto que daqui há no máximo 3 anos terá alguma influencia digital acusando médico de gordofobia por ter mandado perder peso, (isso se já não ocorreu)

OBS: falo sério
Não dúvido mesmo


Mil pontos, LOL!

The Writers Guild Of America Encourages Hollywood To Boycott Pro-Life States


Hollywood is once again threatening to boycott states in America for the crime of rejecting progressivism.

The WGA West (Writers Guild of America West) is once again calling on Hollywood to not shoot films and TV shows in red states that ban abortions.

The move comes after a draft opinion was leaked to the press that signals the Supreme Court of the United States could overturn Roe v. Wade and return the issue of abortion to the states.

WGA West encouraged boycotts issuing a statement on Twitter, “In light of the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion on abortion rights, we want to reaffirm our Guild’s commitment to fighting on our members’ behalf against inequality and discrimination.”


The Guild’s board of directors added, “Women’s rights are human rights, and any laws that ban or limit a woman’s right to choose are dangerous and set a precedent for further erosion of our collective civil rights.”


“We call on our employers to consider the laws of each state when choosing production locations to ensure that our members will never be denied full access to reproductive healthcare,” they concluded.


WGA East followed suit with a similar statement calling on Hollywood to boycott red states. They tweeted, “The following is a statement from the Council of the Writers Guild of America, East regarding freedom of choice.

The statement begins, “The governing Council of the Writers Guild of America, East condemns the leaked draft of the Supreme Court opinion that would overthrow the Roe v. Wade decision and reaffirms our commitment to defending all of our members from inequality and discrimination.”

“As a union, it is our duty to protect workers’ access to quality medical care, including reproductive healthcare, in and out of the workplace. Reproductive rights are human rights, and laws that limit the right to choose place other fundamental rights at risk, including marriage equality and legal birth control. We call on our employers to carefully consider the laws of each state, especially bans on abortion, when choosing where they conduct business,” the statement concluded.


The Actors’ Equity Association, “the national labor union representing more than 51,000 actors and stage managers in live theatre” also issued a statement citing how vital the act of abortion is to those within the industry who need abortions to continue their careers.

Their statement begins, “Equity is appalled by the news that the federal rights enfranchised by the Supreme Court in 1973 may now be denied. Abortion is a necessary and often life-saving medical procedure that requires safe, legal and open access.”

“This ruling would most acutely affect multiple communities that are already marginalized in America, leaving them to bear the brunt of the disastrous effect of the court’s action,” it continues.

“This is also very much a workers’ issue,” the union added. “We stand in solidarity with health care workers, many of whom already risk assault for providing abortions and other reproductive services, and who stand to face more personal and legal danger in the light of this ruling.”

“Furthermore, theatre is an industry in which it is notoriously difficult to support a family, and in which pregnancy discrimination is all too common,” the statement reads. “Reproductive choice is an indispensable tool in determining one’s own fate. Choosing when and how to have a child is not a luxury, it is a human right.”

“The repercussions of this decision could be far-reaching. The reasonings applied to overturn Roe v. Wade could be deployed to undo much of the human rights progress of the last several decades, including the very rights for LGBTQ+ people that are already being attacked in states across the country. We support bodily autonomy for all. We stand opposed to any efforts by the Supreme Court, or any other body, to roll back human rights. We stand opposed to oppression. We stand in solidarity,” the statement concluded.

This is not the first (or last) time Hollywood has threatened to boycott states over this issue. Last month, WGA West recommended Hollywood boycott the state of Florida over the Parental Rights in Education bill which banned the teaching of sexuality and transgenderism to children between kindergarten through third grade.

They stated, “Any narrative that chooses to erase sexuality and gender identity ignores the existence and the basic humanity of LGBTQ+ persons.”


The statement continued, “This is true when talking about the fictional stories created by our union’s members, and equally true when talking about the real-world legislation emerging in multiple states around our country…


“…laws that seek to muzzle educators from even mentioning the word ‘gay’ without risking a lawsuit, and others that seek to criminalize parents who wish to affirm their child’s gender,” they added.


“We urge all WGA signatory companies to reassess not only their political giving but also where they choose to spend their production dollars,” the guild said on March 15th. “Show, don’t tell, that you value the LGBTQ+ community.”

It was signed by Meredith Stiehm, Michele Mulroney and Betsy Thomas.


In 2019, WGA West & WGA East proposed a boycott of the state of Georgia after HB 481, a heartbeat bill that bans the act of abortion when a fetal heart beat is detected, was passed in the state.

In 2015, the Georgia State House and Senate passed a Religious-liberty bill that would have allowed individuals to not be required to perform marriage ceremonies in violation of their legal right to free exercise of religion. But once outsider companies like Disney and the NFL said they would boycott the state for approving a bill in their state legislatures, Governor Nathan Deal vetoed the bill in favor of a Super Bowl for the city.

Hollywood has a long history of taking advantage of the cheaper costs and tax breaks of red states to the point where California is no longer the home of film production. However, Hollywood then weaponizes their position in these states to strong-arm state politicians and local elections to support the progressive agenda under the threat of a Hollywood boycott.

However, they have have not been good at actually pulling the trigger on their threats. Democrats in red states are against boycotts as the result would lead to Democrat voters to not only losing their jobs that are connected to the film industry, but leaving the state altogether which would deal a great blow to left-wing politicians campaigning in local elections.

Hollywood’s presence in states like Georgia and Louisiana has helped sway local elections in the state towards Democrats and boycotting those states would deal a significant political blow to them, especially with the 2022 midterms around the corner.

Atualização: Nossa redação acaba de receber uma nota conjunta dos estados pró-vida. Aparentemente, os estados esperam que o boicote promovido por Hollywood contra eles seja plenamente bem sucedido. :klol



Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
The Guild’s board of directors added, “Women’s rights are human rights, and any laws that ban or limit a woman’s right to choose are dangerous and set a precedent for further erosion of our collective civil rights.”


Que preconceito dessa organização! Só falaram sobre o direito das mulheres. Será que não sabem que a ciência afirma que homens também engravidam?


Rafa - Él

Lenda da internet

The Writers Guild Of America Encourages Hollywood To Boycott Pro-Life States


Hollywood is once again threatening to boycott states in America for the crime of rejecting progressivism.

The WGA West (Writers Guild of America West) is once again calling on Hollywood to not shoot films and TV shows in red states that ban abortions.

The move comes after a draft opinion was leaked to the press that signals the Supreme Court of the United States could overturn Roe v. Wade and return the issue of abortion to the states.

WGA West encouraged boycotts issuing a statement on Twitter, “In light of the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion on abortion rights, we want to reaffirm our Guild’s commitment to fighting on our members’ behalf against inequality and discrimination.”


The Guild’s board of directors added, “Women’s rights are human rights, and any laws that ban or limit a woman’s right to choose are dangerous and set a precedent for further erosion of our collective civil rights.”


“We call on our employers to consider the laws of each state when choosing production locations to ensure that our members will never be denied full access to reproductive healthcare,” they concluded.


WGA East followed suit with a similar statement calling on Hollywood to boycott red states. They tweeted, “The following is a statement from the Council of the Writers Guild of America, East regarding freedom of choice.

The statement begins, “The governing Council of the Writers Guild of America, East condemns the leaked draft of the Supreme Court opinion that would overthrow the Roe v. Wade decision and reaffirms our commitment to defending all of our members from inequality and discrimination.”

“As a union, it is our duty to protect workers’ access to quality medical care, including reproductive healthcare, in and out of the workplace. Reproductive rights are human rights, and laws that limit the right to choose place other fundamental rights at risk, including marriage equality and legal birth control. We call on our employers to carefully consider the laws of each state, especially bans on abortion, when choosing where they conduct business,” the statement concluded.


The Actors’ Equity Association, “the national labor union representing more than 51,000 actors and stage managers in live theatre” also issued a statement citing how vital the act of abortion is to those within the industry who need abortions to continue their careers.

Their statement begins, “Equity is appalled by the news that the federal rights enfranchised by the Supreme Court in 1973 may now be denied. Abortion is a necessary and often life-saving medical procedure that requires safe, legal and open access.”

“This ruling would most acutely affect multiple communities that are already marginalized in America, leaving them to bear the brunt of the disastrous effect of the court’s action,” it continues.

“This is also very much a workers’ issue,” the union added. “We stand in solidarity with health care workers, many of whom already risk assault for providing abortions and other reproductive services, and who stand to face more personal and legal danger in the light of this ruling.”

“Furthermore, theatre is an industry in which it is notoriously difficult to support a family, and in which pregnancy discrimination is all too common,” the statement reads. “Reproductive choice is an indispensable tool in determining one’s own fate. Choosing when and how to have a child is not a luxury, it is a human right.”

“The repercussions of this decision could be far-reaching. The reasonings applied to overturn Roe v. Wade could be deployed to undo much of the human rights progress of the last several decades, including the very rights for LGBTQ+ people that are already being attacked in states across the country. We support bodily autonomy for all. We stand opposed to any efforts by the Supreme Court, or any other body, to roll back human rights. We stand opposed to oppression. We stand in solidarity,” the statement concluded.

This is not the first (or last) time Hollywood has threatened to boycott states over this issue. Last month, WGA West recommended Hollywood boycott the state of Florida over the Parental Rights in Education bill which banned the teaching of sexuality and transgenderism to children between kindergarten through third grade.

They stated, “Any narrative that chooses to erase sexuality and gender identity ignores the existence and the basic humanity of LGBTQ+ persons.”


The statement continued, “This is true when talking about the fictional stories created by our union’s members, and equally true when talking about the real-world legislation emerging in multiple states around our country…


“…laws that seek to muzzle educators from even mentioning the word ‘gay’ without risking a lawsuit, and others that seek to criminalize parents who wish to affirm their child’s gender,” they added.


“We urge all WGA signatory companies to reassess not only their political giving but also where they choose to spend their production dollars,” the guild said on March 15th. “Show, don’t tell, that you value the LGBTQ+ community.”

It was signed by Meredith Stiehm, Michele Mulroney and Betsy Thomas.


In 2019, WGA West & WGA East proposed a boycott of the state of Georgia after HB 481, a heartbeat bill that bans the act of abortion when a fetal heart beat is detected, was passed in the state.

In 2015, the Georgia State House and Senate passed a Religious-liberty bill that would have allowed individuals to not be required to perform marriage ceremonies in violation of their legal right to free exercise of religion. But once outsider companies like Disney and the NFL said they would boycott the state for approving a bill in their state legislatures, Governor Nathan Deal vetoed the bill in favor of a Super Bowl for the city.

Hollywood has a long history of taking advantage of the cheaper costs and tax breaks of red states to the point where California is no longer the home of film production. However, Hollywood then weaponizes their position in these states to strong-arm state politicians and local elections to support the progressive agenda under the threat of a Hollywood boycott.

However, they have have not been good at actually pulling the trigger on their threats. Democrats in red states are against boycotts as the result would lead to Democrat voters to not only losing their jobs that are connected to the film industry, but leaving the state altogether which would deal a great blow to left-wing politicians campaigning in local elections.

Hollywood’s presence in states like Georgia and Louisiana has helped sway local elections in the state towards Democrats and boycotting those states would deal a significant political blow to them, especially with the 2022 midterms around the corner.

Atualização: Nossa redação acaba de receber uma nota conjunta dos estados pró-vida. Aparentemente, os estados esperam que o boicote promovido por Hollywood contra eles seja plenamente bem sucedido. :klol


Só vi vantagens. Win-win.


Lenda da internet
As pessoas de hoje não querem que suas ações tenham consequenciais, mas a natureza não perdoa. Quer ter 200 quilos? Ok, vai lá, ninguém vai te impedir, mas a natureza vai cobrar. Os seus joelhos e articulações vão cobrar.

É como se eu quisesse só começar doces o dia inteiro e depois reclamar com o medico que diz que eu tenho que parar pq a insulina não está bastando para controlar a minha diabete que eu adquiri por causa dos meus hábitos alimentares.

Esse povo nunca quer ser responsabilizado pelas suas (más) escolhas...pode chamar o médico, a sociedade, a nutricionista, a mãe...de gordofóbicos !
Mas quem vai pagar pelo sendentarismo e péssimos hábitos alimentares é a "probre vitima obesa", q nao fecha a boca e gasta rios de dinheiros com lanches e junkfood e q pede uber até pra andar 2 quarteirões.

É como diz a frase:
"The life's snake"

"A vida cobra" :coolface


Mil pontos, LOL!

U.S. Senator Introducing Legislation to End Disney’s Copyright Protections

Senator Josh Hawley from Missouri tweeted this week that he would be introducing legislation to end The Walt Disney Company’s “special copyright protections.”

Hawley stated, “For years, [Disney] has gotten special copyright protections from the federal government – allowing them to charge consumers more. Woke corporations shouldn’t get sweetheart deals. I’ll introduce legislation this week to end their special protections – enough is enough.”

Hawley did not share specifics about his legislation or what copyright protections he was referring to.

The Walt Disney Company has lobbied multiple times to extend certain copyright protections so that their intellectual property would not fall into public domain. The Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998 extended corporate copyright protection from 75 years to 95 years, keeping Mickey Mouse under Disney’s control until at least 2024. These extensions don’t just apply to Disney, though they are the ones pushing the hardest for them.



Pinguim 55

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!

U.S. Senator Introducing Legislation to End Disney’s Copyright Protections

Senator Josh Hawley from Missouri tweeted this week that he would be introducing legislation to end The Walt Disney Company’s “special copyright protections.”

Hawley stated, “For years, [Disney] has gotten special copyright protections from the federal government – allowing them to charge consumers more. Woke corporations shouldn’t get sweetheart deals. I’ll introduce legislation this week to end their special protections – enough is enough.”

Hawley did not share specifics about his legislation or what copyright protections he was referring to.

The Walt Disney Company has lobbied multiple times to extend certain copyright protections so that their intellectual property would not fall into public domain. The Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998 extended corporate copyright protection from 75 years to 95 years, keeping Mickey Mouse under Disney’s control until at least 2024. These extensions don’t just apply to Disney, though they are the ones pushing the hardest for them.



Olha, eu sinceramente acho muito errado ele ficar atacando a Disney por ser Woke, assim fica parecendo que o processo é mais perseguição por ideologia do que por questão técnica ou algo do tipo.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Só para constar: na verdade, alteraram a etnia de dois personagens do trio. Acontece que, nos filmes, o personagem Glover já tinha sofrido troca de etnia.


Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief

Ou seja: na série, o que presenciamos com o personagem é, na verdade, uma troca de etnia de segunda geração. :klolwtf
Na primeira troca, quando escolheram a Alexandra Daddario, ninguém reclamou.

Topo Fundo