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Tópico oficial Nintendo Switch | Tópico Oficial do "Vai Falir!" [+RIP Fade, press F :kcry]


Mil pontos, LOL!
Pré-venda do Zelda tá estourando no Japão.

Eu to achando que esse Zelda vai bater recorde de vendas na franquia.

Acho que juntando com a versão WiiU ele bate mais de 2 milhões na primeira semana.

É, provável. Creio que quase todo mundo que comprar o Switch vai comprar o Zelda.
Mais a base do Wii U, com o rate comum dos jogos da Nintendo...

Não sei se vai ter o físico pra todo mundo. Muita gente vai acabar pegando digital.

Tomara que assim seja tem tudo pra ser o melhor tambem.


Para quem gosta da Nintendo e o que os que estão esperando o e do Switch, recomendo ver este vídeo, bem humorado, de um excelente canal do youtube, o Game Theorist, em que mais uma vez, na companhia do Reggie Fils-Aime, eles falam sobre a Nintendo, sua importância nos tempos atuais, a filosofia predominante, e etc. Vale a pena, inclusive ver os outros do canal, tem bastante vídeo de curiosidade dos jogos, especialmente jogos da Nintendo.



Para quem gosta da Nintendo e o que os que estão esperando o e do Switch, recomendo ver este vídeo, bem humorado, de um excelente canal do youtube, o Game Theorist, em que mais uma vez, na companhia do Reggie Fils-Aime, eles falam sobre a Nintendo, sua importância nos tempos atuais, a filosofia predominante, e etc. Vale a pena, inclusive ver os outros do canal, tem bastante vídeo de curiosidade dos jogos, especialmente jogos da Nintendo.

Karaiba, esse é o segundo huetuber que tem o Reggie como convidado, fico feliz em ter a Nintendo mais aberta com seu público. (acho que pode melhorar ainda mais, mas já é um começo).


Mil pontos, LOL!
Karaiba, esse é o segundo huetuber que tem o Reggie como convidado, fico feliz em ter a Nintendo mais aberta com seu público. (acho que pode melhorar ainda mais, mas já é um começo).

Puts, mais ou menos, a Nintendo se contradiz quase que 100% do tempo que ela aparece na mídia. Primeiro eles estavam controlando pra caramba o conteúdo delas entre os youtubers, ai agora ela tá aparecendo mais, ok, mas mesmo assim tá aparecendo de um jeito meio tosco.

Olha como o reggie tá engessado e tá lendo tudo. Não tem esponteneidade (cara, admito que tive que procurar a ortografia dessa palavra) alguma.

Mas ah, não quero ser aqueles chatos... essa postura toda talvez faça ela ser quem ela é de verdade. Eu não me queixo se eles querem ser protecionista em relação ao que tem da própria empresa no youtube ou o sei lá o que mais ela invente pra causar.

A nintendo é foda, e é por causa de tudo isso. A única empresa que consegue atingir de um jeito muito forte todas as gerações possíveis de seres humanos.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Mendigo tem que ser mandado, num barril-foguete, para Plutão (que nem planeta é mais) até terminar todos os Mario's para merecer a carteirinha de volta (e voltar para a Terra). Simples e prático.


Karaiba, esse é o segundo huetuber que tem o Reggie como convidado, fico feliz em ter a Nintendo mais aberta com seu público. (acho que pode melhorar ainda mais, mas já é um começo).
Ele já participou desse canal em outra ocasião, tem vídeos do Reggie aparecendo em outros canais em outras épocas, ele parece ser um cara bacana, faz bem o tipo de CEO, vou com a cara dele.

Recomendo este e tem outros vários canais com foco na Nintendo, em especial sobre sua filosofia, coisa que vale a pena ver, porque eu gosto de como eles falam que tem coisas muito mais importantes em novos videogames que apenas gráficos melhores e novas tecnologias, é a experiência que conta, e é o que me excita. haha

Nós estavámos falando de comerciais da Nintendo, lembrei deste clássico, não sei se já postaram.


Puts, mais ou menos, a Nintendo se contradiz quase que 100% do tempo que ela aparece na mídia. Primeiro eles estavam controlando pra caramba o conteúdo delas entre os youtubers, ai agora ela tá aparecendo mais, ok, mas mesmo assim tá aparecendo de um jeito meio tosco.

Olha como o reggie tá engessado e tá lendo tudo. Não tem esponteneidade (cara, admito que tive que procurar a ortografia dessa palavra) alguma.

Mas ah, não quero ser aqueles chatos... essa postura toda talvez faça ela ser quem ela é de verdade. Eu não me queixo se eles querem ser protecionista em relação ao que tem da própria empresa no youtube ou o sei lá o que mais ela invente pra causar.

A nintendo é foda, e é por causa de tudo isso. A única empresa que consegue atingir de um jeito muito forte todas as gerações possíveis de seres humanos.
Ah sim, entendi o seu ponto e concordo.

Realmente a aparição dele parece ser tudo (ou a maioria) combinados. Tanto é que fui seco em um vídeo de um canal gringo, onde o Reggie responderia algumas questões numa brincadeira de perguntas e respostas fazendo um rodízio (ora era o youtuber como fã perguntava, ora era o Reggie que perguntava para o fã).

Entrei achando que ele responderia algumas dúvidas que ficaram e no final vi que o vídeo serviu mais como propaganda pro aparelho do que realmente responder algo (uma hora o Reggie perguntou para ele qual third party o fã gostaria de ver o aparelho, e o cara pergunta sobre Monster Hunter, um jogo que acho muito provável aparecer, sendo que ele poderia "pedir" algum jogo menos provável - FF VII Re, por exemplo).
Como se fosse combinado tipo, "quando eu perguntar sobre um game third, fale de alguma franquia que apareceu recentemente em nossos consoles".

Não cheguei a ver esse que comentei, mas pelos comentários do vídeo deu pra ver que isso se repetiu, serviu só de marketing mesmo.

É onde eu queria chegar, apesar de parecer forçado, foi uma maneira de se aproximar desse pessoal que tem um grande público, inscritos que verão o marketing sendo feito.

Vamos ver no que vai dar essa nova investida em usar youtubers para divulgar seus produtos.

Enviado de meu SM-G930F usando Tapatalk


Ele já participou desse canal em outra ocasião, tem vídeos do Reggie aparecendo em outros canais em outras épocas, ele parece ser um cara bacana, faz bem o tipo de CEO, vou com a cara dele.

Recomendo este e tem outros vários canais com foco na Nintendo, em especial sobre sua filosofia, coisa que vale a pena ver, porque eu gosto de como eles falam que tem coisas muito mais importantes em novos videogames que apenas gráficos melhores e novas tecnologias, é a experiência que conta, e é o que me excita. haha

Nós estavámos falando de comerciais da Nintendo, lembrei deste clássico, não sei se já postaram.

Era esse vídeo que comentei na resposta do User acima haha, já tinha visto, valeu fi.

Enviado de meu SM-G930F usando Tapatalk


Assistindo o vídeo do anúncio do Ultra Street Fighter II, em que a Capcom foca a importância dos arcades na propagação da franquia, fica ainda mais esquisito ela ter cometido um erro tão grotesco de ter deixado este modo fora de SFV, claro, tem aqueles que defendem com unhas e dentes que esse modo é lixo puro e o negócio é batalhar na rede direto, mas foi justamente o contrário que fez Street Fighter se toirnar o que é, e muitos destes fãs clamam por isso, eu inclusive, que joguei bastante em casa e nos fliperamas cada versão, as quais inclusive tenho pelo menos um cópia física que jogo até hoje. Ainda bem que agora eles se tocaram, já imaginram um Street Fighter II Online Only? haha

Assun meio velho mas é que realmente me sinto tocado pelos sentimentos de jogar Street II nos fliperamas.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Para quem gosta da Nintendo e o que os que estão esperando o e do Switch, recomendo ver este vídeo, bem humorado, de um excelente canal do youtube, o Game Theorist, em que mais uma vez, na companhia do Reggie Fils-Aime, eles falam sobre a Nintendo, sua importância nos tempos atuais, a filosofia predominante, e etc. Vale a pena, inclusive ver os outros do canal, tem bastante vídeo de curiosidade dos jogos, especialmente jogos da Nintendo.

Reggie tomou várias...

Virgin Superstar

Puts, mais ou menos, a Nintendo se contradiz quase que 100% do tempo que ela aparece na mídia. Primeiro eles estavam controlando pra caramba o conteúdo delas entre os youtubers, ai agora ela tá aparecendo mais, ok, mas mesmo assim tá aparecendo de um jeito meio tosco.

Olha como o reggie tá engessado e tá lendo tudo. Não tem esponteneidade (cara, admito que tive que procurar a ortografia dessa palavra) alguma.

O cara do canal tá "lendo" tudo tb, acontece q ele é bom ator e a gente não nota. Esse tipo de vídeo tem script, roteiro, nada é "espontâneo".

É foda cobrar esse tipo de coisa do Reggie pq o cara é um executivo, não ator.


Reggie tomou várias...
Isso que fez o vídeo ficar ainda melhor, não que eu quero que ele o Reggie se foda, na verdade nenhum dos dois quer ali, considerando que o apresentador do canal admira bastante a Nintendo, basta ver seus outros vídeos, em vários dele inclusive defende o posicionamento dela, num deles justificando que a concorrência provavelmente sofreria tanto quanto a Nintendo com a saída dela. Foram bem pertinentes as perguntas e as respostas, basta ver aqui no forum, na grande maioria dos tópicos da Nintendo tem as mesmas indagações dos mesmos usuários, com as mesmas respostas... Gostei.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Geeente, que coisa maravilhosa é essa?
É pra Switchê?

Pegada nostálgica que mistura Megamen e Sonic em um mesmo jogo. BABANDO e sentindo saudades da minha infância / pré-adolescência aqui.



Mil pontos, LOL!
Geeente, que coisa maravilhosa é essa?
É pra Switchê?

Pegada nostálgica que mistura Megamen e Sonic em um mesmo jogo. BABANDO e sentindo saudades da minha infância / pré-adolescência aqui.

Falando do primeiro...
É tão sem graça e desfocado que nem conta.

Típico jogo que quer ser tudo,mas não é muito competente em nada,chega nem perto do próprio Sonic ou Mega Men.

Enviado de meu GT-I8190 usando Tapatalk


Mil pontos, LOL!
Falando do primeiro...
É tão sem graça e desfocado que nem conta.

Típico jogo que quer ser tudo,mas não é muito competente em nada,chega nem perto do próprio Sonic ou Mega Men.

Enviado de meu GT-I8190 usando Tapatalk
Não joguei o primeiro, então não tenho muito como falar. Mas vendo o vídeo, curti pra caramba o gameplay deste aí.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Tons of Japanese devs share thoughts about this month’s Switch presentation, system itself

This week, Famitsu spoke with 45 different Japanese developers about Switch. Representatives from various companies were asked to share their thoughts about the Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 as well as the system itself.

There weren’t any major revelations, but some interesting comments were shared in the magazine. We now have some of the highlights from game makers such as Koei Tecmo, Square Enix, Capcom, and more. Interest is even shown from the likes of Idea Factory / Compile Heart.

Continue on below for our translation.

Ganbarion – Chikako Yamakura (president)


It’s coming out sooner than I expected! That’s the best way I can describe it. I thought for sure it would come later in March, but…March 3rd really surprised me. I was expecting the price to be ¥28,000, based on its performance, but I didn’t think the dock and Joy-Con grip and everything would be included. They’ve packed those in anyway, and still had the price at ¥29,980. That’s a fantastic value.

Camelot – Hiroyuki Takahashi and Shugo Takahashi (Mario Tennis, Golden Sun)


Hiroyuki: I liked that they focused on the controllers in their presentation. It’s common to hear about processor speeds and HD capabilities at these kinds of presentations, but as a developer, that stuff is so boring. I don’t think those are what make games fun.

Shugo: ARMS feels very Nintendo. I was talking [to my brother] about how it would be neat if we made a boxing kind of game on the Switch, but ARMS is way beyond what we had in mind (laughs).

Grasshopper Manufacture – Suda51


I did the “Pro-Wrestling LOVE Pose” at the presentation, but I don’t think people were digging it. But it broke the ice with the audience, so I think I’ll keep doing it. I’ll call it “SWITCH LOVE” instead of “Pro-Wrestling LOVE”! Anyway, I announced to everyone that I will be bringing back my most beloved character, Travis Touchdown. I’m so glad I got to announce his comeback at such a huge smackdown. It’s slammin’!


There’s a lot of different ones, but the biggest innovation is the HD Rumble. Playing games takes way too much time, doesn’t it? So I think it’s really important that the HD Rumble is used just right for physical experiences, and I want to invent some brand-new mechanics.

Koei Tecmo – Kenichi Ogasawara (Brand leader of Omega Force; developed Toukiden, Nobunaga’s Ambition and Dragon Quest Heroes)


I thought it was great, it’s like Nintendo’s crammed all of the best parts of things they’ve ever made into one system. I think this idea they’ve come up with, where people have fun from looking at each other while playing, instead of the screen, will be really influential. Though it was disappointing that they didn’t announce any details on their online service.

Keisuke Kikuchi (Fatal Frame series producer)


The Joy-Con fit right in my palms, which made the punches feel even more real when I was playing ARMS.


The HD Rumble can produce really intricate feelings, and I think haptic sensations will open the door to whole new experiences within games.

Koei Tecmo – Kazuhiro Fujishige (Brand leader of Kou Shibusawa works; developed Nobunaga’s Ambition and The Romance of Three Kingdoms series)


It’s cheaper than I thought it would be, so I’m looking forward to the market surge. Nobunaga’s Ambition: Sphere of Influence with Power Up Kit is coming out on March 3rd, and then Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13 with Power Up Kit is coming out on March 30th. I’d like to continue supporting the influx of new hardware as a developer.

Square Enix – Ryota Aomi (Dragon Quest Heroes series producer; also producing Dragon Quest Heroes 1-2 for Nintendo Switch)


HD Rumble, and the evolution of the gyro-controls in the Wii remotes. If developers make good enough use of them, I think they can surpass the innovations that were achieved with the Wii, so I’m really looking forward to their results. HD Rumble is hard to understand it without experiencing it in person, but it’s really amazing. We’ve included functionality for it in Dragon Quest Heroes 1-2 for Switch, so please look forward to that.

Jiro Ishii (General director and producer for 428 and other sound/visual novel games)


Do digital games dream of analogue games? Is Nintendo trying to liberate digital games from what are known as screens? That is what I have been expecting Nintendo to do since the Wii U, and now my prediction has come true. They have finally escaped the shackles of the screen with the Switch, and introduced to us a digital game where players stand eye to eye. The possibilities are infinite. As a fan of analogue games, it is overwhelming.


Is an HD Rumble novel possible? What kinds of images can we evoke from worlds depicted with just letters and vibrations? Fear induced by the rumbling. Suspense. I think it would be possible to create an overwhelmingly frightening game with it. Also, the feeling and weight of it. This is a little embarrassing, but I think it is a good fit for romance-themed visual noels as well. And just imagine how HD rumble controllers could enhance analogue games like Werewolf. I just can’t stop fantasizing about new and exciting uses/possibilities for it (laughs).

Spike Chunsoft – Yuichiro Saito (Danganronpa series associate producer; also produced Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky, etc.)


I was surprised they kept the price in that range, considering it’s got that huge screen and those two controllers. People are going to think, “With a price like that…!”


The IR camera and HD Rumble. Especially the HD Rumble, which is capable of conveying far more intricate sensations than anything up to now. I keep imagining new ways to use it, like during the exploration segments of adventure games.

SEGA – Takashi Iizuka (Sonic series producer; also producing Sonic Mania for Nintendo Switch)


The introduction of the hardware was very fascinating. I’m very excited thinking about all of the different ways to use the little removable controllers, with their various sensors, HD Rumble, and the IR camera packed inside them. But I felt Nintendo’s excessive focus on new IPs was unsatisfactory. There were plenty of Switch-friendly titles that showed off the console’s features, but I think they should have appealed to fans with more of their existing titles, like Mario Kart 8.

SEGA – Toshihiro Nagoshi (Yakuza)


I came up on the stage during the presentation, and even during the the preparation meeting, you could feel this extraordinary fighting spirit from Nintendo. So I felt kind of nervous for the first time in a while, as I was the one who kicked off their third-party announcements.


It’s like a mechanical nexus of modern computer technology. It takes a solid resolve to pack absolutely everything in like that, without making any sacrifices. Now it’s up to the software studios to make the most out of it. If they can make games with unique enough features to rival the plethora of features the Switch itself has, they’ll be great matches.

SEGA – Mizuki Hosoyamada (Puyo Puyo series producer; also developed Sonic series; currently developing Puyo Puyo Tetris S for Nintendo Switch)


We’re already working on Puyo Tetris S for it, but if I were to make a new game on it, I think I’d probably do something that focused on the split nature of the Joy-Con, where you attach different things to them. The fact that the online services will be subscription-based in the future is something important to consider. I think it would also be essential to base a ground-up game on the HD Rumble.

NIS – Sohei Niikawa (president and producer; produced Disgaea series, Hayarigami, etc.)


There’s a lot of demand for NIS games on mobile/handheld devices, so I look forward to developing games for the Nintendo Switch, which people can enjoy on the go in its handheld mode.

Bandai Namco – Katsuhiro Harada (Tekken Project director; also produced the PSVR title “Summer Lesson”)


I wasn’t expecting them to begin the presentation by announcing the price. The price is exactly what I’d expect from a marketing point of view, but if you count all the individual peripherals…

The full thing is pretty cheap, and I say that as someone familiar with the inner workings of the system. I have no idea how they kept the price that low.


I’ve been interested in the HD Rumble for some time now. You can feel a glass marble rolling around inside of a metal box, or feel the spot where a bouncy ball bounces. It’s interesting that it can be used like the so-called 3D sound. And this is just a crazy idea of mine, but the system itself is so light that if you took out the Joy-Con with the IR camera and set it up, and placed the screen in some kind of apparatus, you could transform it into a wireless VRHMD by rendering the left and right sides of the screen separately for each eye. So I think the Switch is capable of a lot of different things, depending on the ideas of the developer.

Bukkoro – Yoko Taro (Director and scenario writer for Drakengard and NieR series)


When I heard that both the Switch and Breath of the Wild were coming out a week after the game I’m currently working on, all of my memories vanished.


I don’t know, as I no longer have any memories. But it’s wonderful that you can separate the controllers from the screen. They didn’t announce anything like this at the presentation, but I hope the Switch is capable of a vertical mode. For vertical shooters or pinball, of course. Please take that into consideration.

PlatinumGames – Atsushi Inaba


I thought it was very interesting that Nintendo pushed the people who would carry the future of the company front and center during the presentation, even more-so than the allure of the hardware and games shown.


PlatinumGames has already come out saying we’re developing games for the Nintendo Switch, so we understand what the hardware is capable of. Which is why the price was surprising. This thing is seriously cheap. I think it’s the result of a tremendous amount of work, and it’s an indication of their strong desire to see their hardware reach a lot of markets.

Marvelous – Kenichiro Takaki (Senran Kagura producer)


I’ve actually known about the Switch’s features since its early stages and I’m personally looking forward to it.


Definitely the HD Rumble. I want to use it to have people feel softness (laughs). I already have something planned, and am currently polishing it up so that it can be realized. Games are all about what ‘feels good’, so I want to create a brand new experience specifically for the Nintendo Switch.

Mages – Chiyomaru Shikura (President)


For the people of this generation who expect games to be on smartphones primarily, the Switch offers a unique taste that you won’t find anywhere but a dedicated gaming device. I feel that the Nintendo Switch will be an encouraging presence, trying to take back the home console market once again. The price of formless digital data is approaching 0 yen. I hope that Nintendo will change this trend.


Definitely the innovative new Joy-Con controllers. Their announcement isn’t having as big of an impact as the Wii remotes were, but the Joy-Con even contain their motion-control capabilities, which is quite nice. Being able to share them with others in the tabletop mode fits very well with Japanese households, more so than the exaggerated motion controls on the Wii did. So I believe it will have a higher affinity with the Japanese market at the very least, and it will receive a lot of support from the player base that prefers to challenge games with extreme precision.

Level-5 Akihiro Hino (CEO)


As a developer, I was aware of what the hardware would be like to some extent, so there wasn’t much that surprised me during the presentation, but I found their sales strategy very interesting. The home console industry is in a tight spot at the moment, with the threat of the smartphone game market looming over it. I wonder what kind of strategy Nintendo will employ. It is really very interesting that Nintendo chose to release new hardware at this time. Please be a huge success! I would also like for Level-5 to develop an appropriate game for the hardware.


Can I be blunt? Just this once? I was hoping there would be a camera on it (laughs).

Idea Factory – Norihisa Kochiwa (Hyperdimension Neptunia series executive producer and general director of Idea Factory and Compile Heart)


The vibration is really intricate when you’re actually playing. I think it would be great for horror games, you could create a thrilling experience that hasn’t been seen up until now, using a combination of sights, sounds, and touch. And the IR camera can detect hand motions and such, I think there will be some interesting games released that make use of this feature. So I’m really interested in the Joy-Con! I’d like to make one of the kinds of games we’re known for on the Switch, using these features.

Capcom – Hiroyuki Kobayashi (Participated in Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Dragon’s Dogma and many other series; produced Sengoku Basara)


I was surprised by the release date and price! I thought it would be out a little later than it is, and be thirty-something thousand yen.

Capcom – Ryozo Tsujimoto (Monster Hunter series producer)


I was surprised at how quickly they announced the release date and price. This presentation was much different from how they usually do them. They carefully explained each of the Switch’s features one by one. I was impressed by everyone’s acting abilities as well.


There’s a lot of them, but personally I’m interested in the vibration. I didn’t think it was possible to enhance vibration features any further.

Atlus – Kazuyuki Yamai (Shin Megami Tensei series producer)


I felt a strong impression that Nintendo wanted to diversify the way people play console games. It’s said that the current gaming market is being overtaken by smartphone games. I hope that the new play-styles possible with the Switch, together with traditional playstyles, will spread the joy of video games to many people, become the topic of conversations, and revitalize this industry. Much like it was during the PlayStation/Nintendo 64/Sega Saturn era.


I think there’s a huge appeal in being able to show off the home console games you’re playing to other people, thanks to its portable mode. Players can show their favorite games off to their friends directly, and even play together with them on the spot. It’s amazing. If it leads to players communicating with each other while playing something like ARMS, which is intuitive to play for anyone, and then eventually that communication leads to more people discovering bigger games such as our SMT series, I would be very happy.

Massive thanks to Gessenkou and iYakku for their help with this translation!

Thanks for making it to the end of this post! If you use any of this translation, please be sure to properly source Nintendo Everything. Do not copy its full contents.

Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!
Dessas entrevistas o que deu pra tirar de bom:
-HD Rumble parece ter impressionado bastante
-Alguns não gostaram do preço, mas a maioria tá achando que até está barato considerando tudo que tem
-HD Rumble para japonezices.

Percebi que um negócio que achei muito legal no wiimote, não tem nos joycons: Alto-falantes. Pode parecer algo simples e bobo, mas toda vez que eu usava o hookshot nos Zelda, era como se eu realmente estivesse com aquele item na minha mão. Dava uma grande imersão, imagina utilizando junto com HD rumble.


Não joguei o primeiro, então não tenho muito como falar. Mas vendo o vídeo, curti pra caramba o gameplay deste aí.
Tinha o demo do primeiro Freedom Planet na Eshop, dê uma olhada.

Eu curti o jogo, é bem o tipo de coisa que sinto falta, ele está longe de ser perfeito mas também não é um poço de b*sta, bem na medida para curtir de tarde, o tipo de jogo que alugávamos despretensiosamente, e o segundo me parece bem melhor. Como gostaria que esse tipo de coisa saísse também em mídia física, só o que faltava pra ativar a nostalgia. haha

Olhando na gamefaqs eu vi que a recepção da critica e do público foi excelente:


Mil pontos, LOL!
Tons of Japanese devs share thoughts about this month’s Switch presentation, system itself

This week, Famitsu spoke with 45 different Japanese developers about Switch. Representatives from various companies were asked to share their thoughts about the Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 as well as the system itself.

There weren’t any major revelations, but some interesting comments were shared in the magazine. We now have some of the highlights from game makers such as Koei Tecmo, Square Enix, Capcom, and more. Interest is even shown from the likes of Idea Factory / Compile Heart.

Continue on below for our translation.

Ganbarion – Chikako Yamakura (president)


It’s coming out sooner than I expected! That’s the best way I can describe it. I thought for sure it would come later in March, but…March 3rd really surprised me. I was expecting the price to be ¥28,000, based on its performance, but I didn’t think the dock and Joy-Con grip and everything would be included. They’ve packed those in anyway, and still had the price at ¥29,980. That’s a fantastic value.

Camelot – Hiroyuki Takahashi and Shugo Takahashi (Mario Tennis, Golden Sun)


Hiroyuki: I liked that they focused on the controllers in their presentation. It’s common to hear about processor speeds and HD capabilities at these kinds of presentations, but as a developer, that stuff is so boring. I don’t think those are what make games fun.

Shugo: ARMS feels very Nintendo. I was talking [to my brother] about how it would be neat if we made a boxing kind of game on the Switch, but ARMS is way beyond what we had in mind (laughs).

Grasshopper Manufacture – Suda51


I did the “Pro-Wrestling LOVE Pose” at the presentation, but I don’t think people were digging it. But it broke the ice with the audience, so I think I’ll keep doing it. I’ll call it “SWITCH LOVE” instead of “Pro-Wrestling LOVE”! Anyway, I announced to everyone that I will be bringing back my most beloved character, Travis Touchdown. I’m so glad I got to announce his comeback at such a huge smackdown. It’s slammin’!


There’s a lot of different ones, but the biggest innovation is the HD Rumble. Playing games takes way too much time, doesn’t it? So I think it’s really important that the HD Rumble is used just right for physical experiences, and I want to invent some brand-new mechanics.

Koei Tecmo – Kenichi Ogasawara (Brand leader of Omega Force; developed Toukiden, Nobunaga’s Ambition and Dragon Quest Heroes)


I thought it was great, it’s like Nintendo’s crammed all of the best parts of things they’ve ever made into one system. I think this idea they’ve come up with, where people have fun from looking at each other while playing, instead of the screen, will be really influential. Though it was disappointing that they didn’t announce any details on their online service.

Keisuke Kikuchi (Fatal Frame series producer)


The Joy-Con fit right in my palms, which made the punches feel even more real when I was playing ARMS.


The HD Rumble can produce really intricate feelings, and I think haptic sensations will open the door to whole new experiences within games.

Koei Tecmo – Kazuhiro Fujishige (Brand leader of Kou Shibusawa works; developed Nobunaga’s Ambition and The Romance of Three Kingdoms series)


It’s cheaper than I thought it would be, so I’m looking forward to the market surge. Nobunaga’s Ambition: Sphere of Influence with Power Up Kit is coming out on March 3rd, and then Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13 with Power Up Kit is coming out on March 30th. I’d like to continue supporting the influx of new hardware as a developer.

Square Enix – Ryota Aomi (Dragon Quest Heroes series producer; also producing Dragon Quest Heroes 1-2 for Nintendo Switch)


HD Rumble, and the evolution of the gyro-controls in the Wii remotes. If developers make good enough use of them, I think they can surpass the innovations that were achieved with the Wii, so I’m really looking forward to their results. HD Rumble is hard to understand it without experiencing it in person, but it’s really amazing. We’ve included functionality for it in Dragon Quest Heroes 1-2 for Switch, so please look forward to that.

Jiro Ishii (General director and producer for 428 and other sound/visual novel games)


Do digital games dream of analogue games? Is Nintendo trying to liberate digital games from what are known as screens? That is what I have been expecting Nintendo to do since the Wii U, and now my prediction has come true. They have finally escaped the shackles of the screen with the Switch, and introduced to us a digital game where players stand eye to eye. The possibilities are infinite. As a fan of analogue games, it is overwhelming.


Is an HD Rumble novel possible? What kinds of images can we evoke from worlds depicted with just letters and vibrations? Fear induced by the rumbling. Suspense. I think it would be possible to create an overwhelmingly frightening game with it. Also, the feeling and weight of it. This is a little embarrassing, but I think it is a good fit for romance-themed visual noels as well. And just imagine how HD rumble controllers could enhance analogue games like Werewolf. I just can’t stop fantasizing about new and exciting uses/possibilities for it (laughs).

Spike Chunsoft – Yuichiro Saito (Danganronpa series associate producer; also produced Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky, etc.)


I was surprised they kept the price in that range, considering it’s got that huge screen and those two controllers. People are going to think, “With a price like that…!”


The IR camera and HD Rumble. Especially the HD Rumble, which is capable of conveying far more intricate sensations than anything up to now. I keep imagining new ways to use it, like during the exploration segments of adventure games.

SEGA – Takashi Iizuka (Sonic series producer; also producing Sonic Mania for Nintendo Switch)


The introduction of the hardware was very fascinating. I’m very excited thinking about all of the different ways to use the little removable controllers, with their various sensors, HD Rumble, and the IR camera packed inside them. But I felt Nintendo’s excessive focus on new IPs was unsatisfactory. There were plenty of Switch-friendly titles that showed off the console’s features, but I think they should have appealed to fans with more of their existing titles, like Mario Kart 8.

SEGA – Toshihiro Nagoshi (Yakuza)


I came up on the stage during the presentation, and even during the the preparation meeting, you could feel this extraordinary fighting spirit from Nintendo. So I felt kind of nervous for the first time in a while, as I was the one who kicked off their third-party announcements.


It’s like a mechanical nexus of modern computer technology. It takes a solid resolve to pack absolutely everything in like that, without making any sacrifices. Now it’s up to the software studios to make the most out of it. If they can make games with unique enough features to rival the plethora of features the Switch itself has, they’ll be great matches.

SEGA – Mizuki Hosoyamada (Puyo Puyo series producer; also developed Sonic series; currently developing Puyo Puyo Tetris S for Nintendo Switch)


We’re already working on Puyo Tetris S for it, but if I were to make a new game on it, I think I’d probably do something that focused on the split nature of the Joy-Con, where you attach different things to them. The fact that the online services will be subscription-based in the future is something important to consider. I think it would also be essential to base a ground-up game on the HD Rumble.

NIS – Sohei Niikawa (president and producer; produced Disgaea series, Hayarigami, etc.)


There’s a lot of demand for NIS games on mobile/handheld devices, so I look forward to developing games for the Nintendo Switch, which people can enjoy on the go in its handheld mode.

Bandai Namco – Katsuhiro Harada (Tekken Project director; also produced the PSVR title “Summer Lesson”)


I wasn’t expecting them to begin the presentation by announcing the price. The price is exactly what I’d expect from a marketing point of view, but if you count all the individual peripherals…

The full thing is pretty cheap, and I say that as someone familiar with the inner workings of the system. I have no idea how they kept the price that low.


I’ve been interested in the HD Rumble for some time now. You can feel a glass marble rolling around inside of a metal box, or feel the spot where a bouncy ball bounces. It’s interesting that it can be used like the so-called 3D sound. And this is just a crazy idea of mine, but the system itself is so light that if you took out the Joy-Con with the IR camera and set it up, and placed the screen in some kind of apparatus, you could transform it into a wireless VRHMD by rendering the left and right sides of the screen separately for each eye. So I think the Switch is capable of a lot of different things, depending on the ideas of the developer.

Bukkoro – Yoko Taro (Director and scenario writer for Drakengard and NieR series)


When I heard that both the Switch and Breath of the Wild were coming out a week after the game I’m currently working on, all of my memories vanished.


I don’t know, as I no longer have any memories. But it’s wonderful that you can separate the controllers from the screen. They didn’t announce anything like this at the presentation, but I hope the Switch is capable of a vertical mode. For vertical shooters or pinball, of course. Please take that into consideration.

PlatinumGames – Atsushi Inaba


I thought it was very interesting that Nintendo pushed the people who would carry the future of the company front and center during the presentation, even more-so than the allure of the hardware and games shown.


PlatinumGames has already come out saying we’re developing games for the Nintendo Switch, so we understand what the hardware is capable of. Which is why the price was surprising. This thing is seriously cheap. I think it’s the result of a tremendous amount of work, and it’s an indication of their strong desire to see their hardware reach a lot of markets.

Marvelous – Kenichiro Takaki (Senran Kagura producer)


I’ve actually known about the Switch’s features since its early stages and I’m personally looking forward to it.


Definitely the HD Rumble. I want to use it to have people feel softness (laughs). I already have something planned, and am currently polishing it up so that it can be realized. Games are all about what ‘feels good’, so I want to create a brand new experience specifically for the Nintendo Switch.

Mages – Chiyomaru Shikura (President)


For the people of this generation who expect games to be on smartphones primarily, the Switch offers a unique taste that you won’t find anywhere but a dedicated gaming device. I feel that the Nintendo Switch will be an encouraging presence, trying to take back the home console market once again. The price of formless digital data is approaching 0 yen. I hope that Nintendo will change this trend.


Definitely the innovative new Joy-Con controllers. Their announcement isn’t having as big of an impact as the Wii remotes were, but the Joy-Con even contain their motion-control capabilities, which is quite nice. Being able to share them with others in the tabletop mode fits very well with Japanese households, more so than the exaggerated motion controls on the Wii did. So I believe it will have a higher affinity with the Japanese market at the very least, and it will receive a lot of support from the player base that prefers to challenge games with extreme precision.

Level-5 Akihiro Hino (CEO)


As a developer, I was aware of what the hardware would be like to some extent, so there wasn’t much that surprised me during the presentation, but I found their sales strategy very interesting. The home console industry is in a tight spot at the moment, with the threat of the smartphone game market looming over it. I wonder what kind of strategy Nintendo will employ. It is really very interesting that Nintendo chose to release new hardware at this time. Please be a huge success! I would also like for Level-5 to develop an appropriate game for the hardware.


Can I be blunt? Just this once? I was hoping there would be a camera on it (laughs).

Idea Factory – Norihisa Kochiwa (Hyperdimension Neptunia series executive producer and general director of Idea Factory and Compile Heart)


The vibration is really intricate when you’re actually playing. I think it would be great for horror games, you could create a thrilling experience that hasn’t been seen up until now, using a combination of sights, sounds, and touch. And the IR camera can detect hand motions and such, I think there will be some interesting games released that make use of this feature. So I’m really interested in the Joy-Con! I’d like to make one of the kinds of games we’re known for on the Switch, using these features.

Capcom – Hiroyuki Kobayashi (Participated in Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Dragon’s Dogma and many other series; produced Sengoku Basara)


I was surprised by the release date and price! I thought it would be out a little later than it is, and be thirty-something thousand yen.

Capcom – Ryozo Tsujimoto (Monster Hunter series producer)


I was surprised at how quickly they announced the release date and price. This presentation was much different from how they usually do them. They carefully explained each of the Switch’s features one by one. I was impressed by everyone’s acting abilities as well.


There’s a lot of them, but personally I’m interested in the vibration. I didn’t think it was possible to enhance vibration features any further.

Atlus – Kazuyuki Yamai (Shin Megami Tensei series producer)


I felt a strong impression that Nintendo wanted to diversify the way people play console games. It’s said that the current gaming market is being overtaken by smartphone games. I hope that the new play-styles possible with the Switch, together with traditional playstyles, will spread the joy of video games to many people, become the topic of conversations, and revitalize this industry. Much like it was during the PlayStation/Nintendo 64/Sega Saturn era.


I think there’s a huge appeal in being able to show off the home console games you’re playing to other people, thanks to its portable mode. Players can show their favorite games off to their friends directly, and even play together with them on the spot. It’s amazing. If it leads to players communicating with each other while playing something like ARMS, which is intuitive to play for anyone, and then eventually that communication leads to more people discovering bigger games such as our SMT series, I would be very happy.

Massive thanks to Gessenkou and iYakku for their help with this translation!

Thanks for making it to the end of this post! If you use any of this translation, please be sure to properly source Nintendo Everything. Do not copy its full contents.

No geral curtiram os joy-cons e o preço!


Mil pontos, LOL!
NAo sei se ja postaram,

parece que vai rolar aquele mario rabbits


Mil pontos, LOL!
Tons of Japanese devs share thoughts about this month’s Switch presentation, system itself

This week, Famitsu spoke with 45 different Japanese developers about Switch. Representatives from various companies were asked to share their thoughts about the Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 as well as the system itself.

There weren’t any major revelations, but some interesting comments were shared in the magazine. We now have some of the highlights from game makers such as Koei Tecmo, Square Enix, Capcom, and more. Interest is even shown from the likes of Idea Factory / Compile Heart.

Continue on below for our translation.

Ganbarion – Chikako Yamakura (president)


It’s coming out sooner than I expected! That’s the best way I can describe it. I thought for sure it would come later in March, but…March 3rd really surprised me. I was expecting the price to be ¥28,000, based on its performance, but I didn’t think the dock and Joy-Con grip and everything would be included. They’ve packed those in anyway, and still had the price at ¥29,980. That’s a fantastic value.

Camelot – Hiroyuki Takahashi and Shugo Takahashi (Mario Tennis, Golden Sun)


Hiroyuki: I liked that they focused on the controllers in their presentation. It’s common to hear about processor speeds and HD capabilities at these kinds of presentations, but as a developer, that stuff is so boring. I don’t think those are what make games fun.

Shugo: ARMS feels very Nintendo. I was talking [to my brother] about how it would be neat if we made a boxing kind of game on the Switch, but ARMS is way beyond what we had in mind (laughs).

Grasshopper Manufacture – Suda51


I did the “Pro-Wrestling LOVE Pose” at the presentation, but I don’t think people were digging it. But it broke the ice with the audience, so I think I’ll keep doing it. I’ll call it “SWITCH LOVE” instead of “Pro-Wrestling LOVE”! Anyway, I announced to everyone that I will be bringing back my most beloved character, Travis Touchdown. I’m so glad I got to announce his comeback at such a huge smackdown. It’s slammin’!


There’s a lot of different ones, but the biggest innovation is the HD Rumble. Playing games takes way too much time, doesn’t it? So I think it’s really important that the HD Rumble is used just right for physical experiences, and I want to invent some brand-new mechanics.

Koei Tecmo – Kenichi Ogasawara (Brand leader of Omega Force; developed Toukiden, Nobunaga’s Ambition and Dragon Quest Heroes)


I thought it was great, it’s like Nintendo’s crammed all of the best parts of things they’ve ever made into one system. I think this idea they’ve come up with, where people have fun from looking at each other while playing, instead of the screen, will be really influential. Though it was disappointing that they didn’t announce any details on their online service.

Keisuke Kikuchi (Fatal Frame series producer)


The Joy-Con fit right in my palms, which made the punches feel even more real when I was playing ARMS.


The HD Rumble can produce really intricate feelings, and I think haptic sensations will open the door to whole new experiences within games.

Koei Tecmo – Kazuhiro Fujishige (Brand leader of Kou Shibusawa works; developed Nobunaga’s Ambition and The Romance of Three Kingdoms series)


It’s cheaper than I thought it would be, so I’m looking forward to the market surge. Nobunaga’s Ambition: Sphere of Influence with Power Up Kit is coming out on March 3rd, and then Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13 with Power Up Kit is coming out on March 30th. I’d like to continue supporting the influx of new hardware as a developer.

Square Enix – Ryota Aomi (Dragon Quest Heroes series producer; also producing Dragon Quest Heroes 1-2 for Nintendo Switch)


HD Rumble, and the evolution of the gyro-controls in the Wii remotes. If developers make good enough use of them, I think they can surpass the innovations that were achieved with the Wii, so I’m really looking forward to their results. HD Rumble is hard to understand it without experiencing it in person, but it’s really amazing. We’ve included functionality for it in Dragon Quest Heroes 1-2 for Switch, so please look forward to that.

Jiro Ishii (General director and producer for 428 and other sound/visual novel games)


Do digital games dream of analogue games? Is Nintendo trying to liberate digital games from what are known as screens? That is what I have been expecting Nintendo to do since the Wii U, and now my prediction has come true. They have finally escaped the shackles of the screen with the Switch, and introduced to us a digital game where players stand eye to eye. The possibilities are infinite. As a fan of analogue games, it is overwhelming.


Is an HD Rumble novel possible? What kinds of images can we evoke from worlds depicted with just letters and vibrations? Fear induced by the rumbling. Suspense. I think it would be possible to create an overwhelmingly frightening game with it. Also, the feeling and weight of it. This is a little embarrassing, but I think it is a good fit for romance-themed visual noels as well. And just imagine how HD rumble controllers could enhance analogue games like Werewolf. I just can’t stop fantasizing about new and exciting uses/possibilities for it (laughs).

Spike Chunsoft – Yuichiro Saito (Danganronpa series associate producer; also produced Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky, etc.)


I was surprised they kept the price in that range, considering it’s got that huge screen and those two controllers. People are going to think, “With a price like that…!”


The IR camera and HD Rumble. Especially the HD Rumble, which is capable of conveying far more intricate sensations than anything up to now. I keep imagining new ways to use it, like during the exploration segments of adventure games.

SEGA – Takashi Iizuka (Sonic series producer; also producing Sonic Mania for Nintendo Switch)


The introduction of the hardware was very fascinating. I’m very excited thinking about all of the different ways to use the little removable controllers, with their various sensors, HD Rumble, and the IR camera packed inside them. But I felt Nintendo’s excessive focus on new IPs was unsatisfactory. There were plenty of Switch-friendly titles that showed off the console’s features, but I think they should have appealed to fans with more of their existing titles, like Mario Kart 8.

SEGA – Toshihiro Nagoshi (Yakuza)


I came up on the stage during the presentation, and even during the the preparation meeting, you could feel this extraordinary fighting spirit from Nintendo. So I felt kind of nervous for the first time in a while, as I was the one who kicked off their third-party announcements.


It’s like a mechanical nexus of modern computer technology. It takes a solid resolve to pack absolutely everything in like that, without making any sacrifices. Now it’s up to the software studios to make the most out of it. If they can make games with unique enough features to rival the plethora of features the Switch itself has, they’ll be great matches.

SEGA – Mizuki Hosoyamada (Puyo Puyo series producer; also developed Sonic series; currently developing Puyo Puyo Tetris S for Nintendo Switch)


We’re already working on Puyo Tetris S for it, but if I were to make a new game on it, I think I’d probably do something that focused on the split nature of the Joy-Con, where you attach different things to them. The fact that the online services will be subscription-based in the future is something important to consider. I think it would also be essential to base a ground-up game on the HD Rumble.

NIS – Sohei Niikawa (president and producer; produced Disgaea series, Hayarigami, etc.)


There’s a lot of demand for NIS games on mobile/handheld devices, so I look forward to developing games for the Nintendo Switch, which people can enjoy on the go in its handheld mode.

Bandai Namco – Katsuhiro Harada (Tekken Project director; also produced the PSVR title “Summer Lesson”)


I wasn’t expecting them to begin the presentation by announcing the price. The price is exactly what I’d expect from a marketing point of view, but if you count all the individual peripherals…

The full thing is pretty cheap, and I say that as someone familiar with the inner workings of the system. I have no idea how they kept the price that low.


I’ve been interested in the HD Rumble for some time now. You can feel a glass marble rolling around inside of a metal box, or feel the spot where a bouncy ball bounces. It’s interesting that it can be used like the so-called 3D sound. And this is just a crazy idea of mine, but the system itself is so light that if you took out the Joy-Con with the IR camera and set it up, and placed the screen in some kind of apparatus, you could transform it into a wireless VRHMD by rendering the left and right sides of the screen separately for each eye. So I think the Switch is capable of a lot of different things, depending on the ideas of the developer.

Bukkoro – Yoko Taro (Director and scenario writer for Drakengard and NieR series)


When I heard that both the Switch and Breath of the Wild were coming out a week after the game I’m currently working on, all of my memories vanished.


I don’t know, as I no longer have any memories. But it’s wonderful that you can separate the controllers from the screen. They didn’t announce anything like this at the presentation, but I hope the Switch is capable of a vertical mode. For vertical shooters or pinball, of course. Please take that into consideration.

PlatinumGames – Atsushi Inaba


I thought it was very interesting that Nintendo pushed the people who would carry the future of the company front and center during the presentation, even more-so than the allure of the hardware and games shown.


PlatinumGames has already come out saying we’re developing games for the Nintendo Switch, so we understand what the hardware is capable of. Which is why the price was surprising. This thing is seriously cheap. I think it’s the result of a tremendous amount of work, and it’s an indication of their strong desire to see their hardware reach a lot of markets.

Marvelous – Kenichiro Takaki (Senran Kagura producer)


I’ve actually known about the Switch’s features since its early stages and I’m personally looking forward to it.


Definitely the HD Rumble. I want to use it to have people feel softness (laughs). I already have something planned, and am currently polishing it up so that it can be realized. Games are all about what ‘feels good’, so I want to create a brand new experience specifically for the Nintendo Switch.

Mages – Chiyomaru Shikura (President)


For the people of this generation who expect games to be on smartphones primarily, the Switch offers a unique taste that you won’t find anywhere but a dedicated gaming device. I feel that the Nintendo Switch will be an encouraging presence, trying to take back the home console market once again. The price of formless digital data is approaching 0 yen. I hope that Nintendo will change this trend.


Definitely the innovative new Joy-Con controllers. Their announcement isn’t having as big of an impact as the Wii remotes were, but the Joy-Con even contain their motion-control capabilities, which is quite nice. Being able to share them with others in the tabletop mode fits very well with Japanese households, more so than the exaggerated motion controls on the Wii did. So I believe it will have a higher affinity with the Japanese market at the very least, and it will receive a lot of support from the player base that prefers to challenge games with extreme precision.

Level-5 Akihiro Hino (CEO)


As a developer, I was aware of what the hardware would be like to some extent, so there wasn’t much that surprised me during the presentation, but I found their sales strategy very interesting. The home console industry is in a tight spot at the moment, with the threat of the smartphone game market looming over it. I wonder what kind of strategy Nintendo will employ. It is really very interesting that Nintendo chose to release new hardware at this time. Please be a huge success! I would also like for Level-5 to develop an appropriate game for the hardware.


Can I be blunt? Just this once? I was hoping there would be a camera on it (laughs).

Idea Factory – Norihisa Kochiwa (Hyperdimension Neptunia series executive producer and general director of Idea Factory and Compile Heart)


The vibration is really intricate when you’re actually playing. I think it would be great for horror games, you could create a thrilling experience that hasn’t been seen up until now, using a combination of sights, sounds, and touch. And the IR camera can detect hand motions and such, I think there will be some interesting games released that make use of this feature. So I’m really interested in the Joy-Con! I’d like to make one of the kinds of games we’re known for on the Switch, using these features.

Capcom – Hiroyuki Kobayashi (Participated in Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Dragon’s Dogma and many other series; produced Sengoku Basara)


I was surprised by the release date and price! I thought it would be out a little later than it is, and be thirty-something thousand yen.

Capcom – Ryozo Tsujimoto (Monster Hunter series producer)


I was surprised at how quickly they announced the release date and price. This presentation was much different from how they usually do them. They carefully explained each of the Switch’s features one by one. I was impressed by everyone’s acting abilities as well.


There’s a lot of them, but personally I’m interested in the vibration. I didn’t think it was possible to enhance vibration features any further.

Atlus – Kazuyuki Yamai (Shin Megami Tensei series producer)


I felt a strong impression that Nintendo wanted to diversify the way people play console games. It’s said that the current gaming market is being overtaken by smartphone games. I hope that the new play-styles possible with the Switch, together with traditional playstyles, will spread the joy of video games to many people, become the topic of conversations, and revitalize this industry. Much like it was during the PlayStation/Nintendo 64/Sega Saturn era.


I think there’s a huge appeal in being able to show off the home console games you’re playing to other people, thanks to its portable mode. Players can show their favorite games off to their friends directly, and even play together with them on the spot. It’s amazing. If it leads to players communicating with each other while playing something like ARMS, which is intuitive to play for anyone, and then eventually that communication leads to more people discovering bigger games such as our SMT series, I would be very happy.

Massive thanks to Gessenkou and iYakku for their help with this translation!

Thanks for making it to the end of this post! If you use any of this translation, please be sure to properly source Nintendo Everything. Do not copy its full contents.


Esse pessoal tá chapado, só pode.
Achando muito estranho que não criticaram os aspectos sobre o aparelho.

Até o jeito de falar, não parecem muito contentes/empolgados.
Tirando um ou outro tipo Suda51,que só faz jogo fraco.

E de boa, falaram tudo isso como se o Wii fosse uma inovação de outro mundo,a cereja do bolo,a oitava maravilha... Não dá nem pra acreditar.

Obs : fora isso,é impressão minha ou algumas empresas estão falando bem dos gimmicks do Wii,sem nunca ter dado suporte ao aparelho?

Enviado de meu GT-I8190 usando Tapatalk


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
A vergonha alheia que senti ao ver o vídeo do cara chorando postado pelo OP só se intensificou depois desse dossiê.



Mil pontos, LOL!
Esse pessoal tá chapado, só pode.
Achando muito estranho que não criticaram os aspectos sobre o aparelho.

Até o jeito de falar, não parecem muito contentes/empolgados.
Tirando um ou outro tipo Suda51,que só faz jogo fraco.

E de boa, falaram tudo isso como se o Wii fosse uma inovação de outro mundo,a cereja do bolo,a oitava maravilha... Não dá nem pra acreditar.

Obs : fora isso,é impressão minha ou algumas empresas estão falando bem dos gimmicks do Wii,sem nunca ter dado suporte ao aparelho?

Enviado de meu GT-I8190 usando Tapatalk
Cara o Suda nao faz jogo fraco nao.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Assistindo o vídeo do anúncio do Ultra Street Fighter II, em que a Capcom foca a importância dos arcades na propagação da franquia, fica ainda mais esquisito ela ter cometido um erro tão grotesco de ter deixado este modo fora de SFV, claro, tem aqueles que defendem com unhas e dentes que esse modo é lixo puro e o negócio é batalhar na rede direto, mas foi justamente o contrário que fez Street Fighter se toirnar o que é, e muitos destes fãs clamam por isso, eu inclusive, que joguei bastante em casa e nos fliperamas cada versão, as quais inclusive tenho pelo menos um cópia física que jogo até hoje. Ainda bem que agora eles se tocaram, já imaginram um Street Fighter II Online Only? haha

Assun meio velho mas é que realmente me sinto tocado pelos sentimentos de jogar Street II nos fliperamas.

Guarde sua opinão por aqui. Teve uma vez que fui falar no tópico oficial do Street V que o single é essencial, que eu não jogo multi on line e que a Capcom deveria se importar com esse tipo de fã da série a galera quase se juntou pra me bater ! Falaram que eu era jogador casual, que fã de verdade se dedica em versus, que tem survival, que tem não sei o que... foi ridículo.

Geeente, que coisa maravilhosa é essa?
É pra Switchê?

Pegada nostálgica que mistura Megamen e Sonic em um mesmo jogo. BABANDO e sentindo saudades da minha infância / pré-adolescência aqui.

Esse jogo é muito bom, faltava algo assim no mercado.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Namco e Platinum dizem que Nintendo está cobrando muito barato pelo Switch

Katsuhiro Harada: "Não faço ideia como conseguiram manter o preço tão baixo."

Tudo bem que Katsuhiro Harada não mora no Brasil e não precisa lidar com impostos absurdos que tornam a aquisição de um console numa verdadeira maratona financeira.

No entanto, o produtor de Tekken diz que os $299,00 dólares (preço sugerido do Switch) é muito barato.

No ocidente, algumas pessoas têm reclamado do valor, comparando com os consoles atualmente no mercado (que por sinal são propostas totalmente diferentes).

Eis a fala completa de uma das estrelas da Namco-Bandai, apresentada na última edição da revista japonesa Famitsu:

"Eu não esperava que eles começassem a apresentação já anunciando o preço. Do ponto de vista do marketing, o preço é o que eu esperava, mas quando você conta as peças individualmente...

A coisa inteira está muito barata, e eu digo isso como alguém familiarizado com o sistema e seu funcionamento interno. Eu não faço a menor ideia de como conseguiram manter o preço tão baixo."

Sobre sua visão do console, ele comenta o seguinte:

"Eu estou interessado no HD Rumble. Você pode sentir uma pedra rolando dentro de um caixa, ou sentir o ponto onde as bolas colidem. É interessante que pode ser usado semelhante ao que se chama "Som 3D". E Isto é só um plano maluco meu... Mas se você pegar o tablet, ele é tão leve que se você tirar os JoyCon com a Camera IR e configura-lo, e então pôr a tela em algum tipo de aparato, você pode transforma-lo ter um tipo de HeadTracking. Eu penso que o Switch é capaz de coisas bem diferentes. Depende a imaginação do desenvolvedor."

Atsushi Inaba, da Platinum Games concordou. Veja o que ele disse:

"A Platinum Games já declarou que está desenvolvendo jogos para o Switch, então nós entendemos do que o sistema (hardware) é capaz. Por isso é surpreendente este preço. Esta coisa é seriamente barata. Penso que é o resultado de uma quantidade de trabalho tremenda, e é um indicativo de um forte desejo que o hardware chegue a muitos mercados."

De fato, o Switch é um dos VG lançado com valor mais barato. Está em quarto lugar nos valores atualizados pela inflação, mas praticamente empatado com os três primeiros.

Verdade seja dita, quando atualizado pela inflação, o Switch é o 4º VG mais barato de todos os tempos (no lançamento)



Guarde sua opinão por aqui. Teve uma vez que fui falar no tópico oficial do Street V que o single é essencial, que eu não jogo multi on line e que a Capcom deveria se importar com esse tipo de fã da série a galera quase se juntou pra me bater ! Falaram que eu era jogador casual, que fã de verdade se dedica em versus, que tem survival, que tem não sei o que... foi ridículo.

Esse jogo é muito bom, faltava algo assim no mercado.
Pior que eu já comentei algumas vezes por aqui e por aí como estava indignado com a falta do modo arcade, porque eu era viciado nos fliperamas mas não ficava encostado na máquina esperando os contras, se fosse possível encarar somente o single eu ia com a maior alegria, na maioria das vezes era justamente a experiência que eu estava querendo, especialmente em casa, onde com um jogo de luta eu passava jogando meses a mesma coisa sozinho, e é o que eu faço hoje, não gosto de jogar online, gosto de enfrentar meu computador de boa milhares de vezes e tirar uns contras com os meus amigos que me visitam, me privar disso para descobrir outro lado na marra não me fará um jogador mais feliz, mas frutrado por ter um empecilho tão grande entre eu e uma franquia que tanto admiro.

O bom é que o tempo passou e eu investi em outros jogos de luta do passado, nem mesmo o sistema de batalha mais fluido me chama a atenção, tanto que até de assistir é muito mais empolgante Street Fighter III e IV, com o retorno de Street II vamos ver como ficam os sentimentos, o lado bom é que além desse o Switch está chegando com Bomberman R, uma odisseia do Mario, vários RPGs japoneses, espero que com esse resgate das origens eles façam mais jogos de plataforma, luta e briga de rua, aí quem sabe podemos chamar o Switch de SNES 2 como alguns sugeriram, ainda que em tom de brincadeira. haha

Abaixo um bom vídeo do Maximilian Dood, que se importa com jogos de luta, falando sobre o Ultra Street Fighter II, ele comenta que no começo ficou meio puto achando que era apenas um upgrade do esquecido Street Fighter II HD Remix, mas que depois olhando com cuidado, percebeu que é muito mais que isso, é um jogo novo e totalmente rebalanceado.

Eu tinha esquecido da existência da versão HD Remix, joguei muito pouco ela na casa de amigos, não curti a mudança dos gráficos e a movimentação é bem esquisita, não estou falando que é ruim, mas comparado a versão tradicional me pareceu pouco interessante, além de incrivelmente mais feio, prefiro aquela coisa antiga, essa coisa muito grande e arredondada me parece coisa de meninas superpoderosas. haha
Ultima Edição:

Vei pescador

Mil pontos, LOL!
Bem q podiam aproveitar esse engine do Street e fazer um Darkstalkers ou um Capcom vs Snk HD...


Mil pontos, LOL!
Cara o Suda nao faz jogo fraco nao.
Faz sim.
Ele tem ideias boas,mas não tem conhecimento suficiente para o jogo ficar eficiente.
Maioria dos jogos que ele faz são assim,cheios de falhas na mecânica ; estilosos,mas sem substância.

No More Heroes mesmo,é bastante repetitivo,e falha em outras áreas como nas missões secundárias e nos bosses...sendo que alguns são bem feitos,mas o tamanho da vida estraga tudo.
Tem um gráfico muito fraco também, até para os padrões do Wii.

Pra mim esse cara não passa de um designer medíocre,que ficou conhecido apenas por seus jogos terem estilo,e aí chamaram eles de "cults".

Enviado de meu GT-I8190 usando Tapatalk


Mil pontos, LOL!
Pior que eu já comentei algumas vezes por aqui e por aí como estava indignado com a falta do modo arcade, porque eu era viciado nos fliperamas mas não ficava encostado na máquina esperando os contras, se fosse possível encarar somente o single eu ia com a maior alegria, na maioria das vezes era justamente a experiência que eu estava querendo, especialmente em casa, onde com um jogo de luta eu passava jogando meses a mesma coisa sozinho, e é o que eu faço hoje, não gosto de jogar online, gosto de enfrentar meu computador de boa milhares de vezes e tirar uns contras com os meus amigos que me visitam, me privar disso para descobrir outro lado na marra não me fará um jogador mais feliz, mas frutrado por ter um empecilho tão grande entre eu e uma franquia que tanto admiro.

O bom é que o tempo passou e eu investi em outros jogos de luta do passado, nem mesmo o sistema de batalha mais fluido me chama a atenção, tanto que até de assistir é muito mais empolgante Street Fighter III e IV, com o retorno de Street II vamos ver como ficam os sentimentos, o lado bom é que além desse o Switch está chegando com Bomberman R, uma odisseia do Mario, vários RPGs japoneses, espero que com esse resgate das origens eles façam mais jogos de plataforma, luta e briga de rua, aí quem sabe podemos chamar o Switch de SNES 2 como alguns sugeriram, ainda que em tom de brincadeira. haha

Abaixo um bom vídeo do Maximilian Dood, que se importa com jogos de luta, falando sobre o Ultra Street Fighter II, ele comenta que no começo ficou meio puto achando que era apenas um upgrade do esquecido Street Fighter II HD Remix, mas que depois olhando com cuidado, percebeu que é muito mais que isso, é um jogo novo e totalmente rebalanceado.

Eu tinha esquecido da existência da versão HD Remix, joguei muito pouco ela na casa de amigos, não curti a mudança dos gráficos e a movimentação é bem esquisita, não estou falando que é ruim, mas comparado a versão tradicional me pareceu pouco interessante, além de incrivelmente mais feio, prefiro aquela coisa antiga, essa coisa muito grande e arredondada me parece coisa de meninas superpoderosas. haha

HD Remix é uma tralha,arte feia, animações ruins,e trilha sonora porca.
Quiseram fazer algo parecido com SF2 para não prejudicar o balanceamento com as animações,mas ficou b*sta porque prejudicaram alguns detalhes e não escolheram o artista certo para cuidar do design dos personagens.
Colocaram uns efeitinhos terríveis nos golpes,aqueles cenários 3D com umas texturas estranhas...
Eu sinceramente não consigo engolir quase nada desse remake.

Mas também não vi o Ultra ainda...

Enviado de meu GT-I8190 usando Tapatalk


Membro STAFF
Tons of Japanese devs share thoughts about this month’s Switch presentation, system itself

This week, Famitsu spoke with 45 different Japanese developers about Switch. Representatives from various companies were asked to share their thoughts about the Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 as well as the system itself.

There weren’t any major revelations, but some interesting comments were shared in the magazine. We now have some of the highlights from game makers such as Koei Tecmo, Square Enix, Capcom, and more. Interest is even shown from the likes of Idea Factory / Compile Heart.

Continue on below for our translation.

Ganbarion – Chikako Yamakura (president)


It’s coming out sooner than I expected! That’s the best way I can describe it. I thought for sure it would come later in March, but…March 3rd really surprised me. I was expecting the price to be ¥28,000, based on its performance, but I didn’t think the dock and Joy-Con grip and everything would be included. They’ve packed those in anyway, and still had the price at ¥29,980. That’s a fantastic value.

Camelot – Hiroyuki Takahashi and Shugo Takahashi (Mario Tennis, Golden Sun)


Hiroyuki: I liked that they focused on the controllers in their presentation. It’s common to hear about processor speeds and HD capabilities at these kinds of presentations, but as a developer, that stuff is so boring. I don’t think those are what make games fun.

Shugo: ARMS feels very Nintendo. I was talking [to my brother] about how it would be neat if we made a boxing kind of game on the Switch, but ARMS is way beyond what we had in mind (laughs).

Grasshopper Manufacture – Suda51


I did the “Pro-Wrestling LOVE Pose” at the presentation, but I don’t think people were digging it. But it broke the ice with the audience, so I think I’ll keep doing it. I’ll call it “SWITCH LOVE” instead of “Pro-Wrestling LOVE”! Anyway, I announced to everyone that I will be bringing back my most beloved character, Travis Touchdown. I’m so glad I got to announce his comeback at such a huge smackdown. It’s slammin’!


There’s a lot of different ones, but the biggest innovation is the HD Rumble. Playing games takes way too much time, doesn’t it? So I think it’s really important that the HD Rumble is used just right for physical experiences, and I want to invent some brand-new mechanics.

Koei Tecmo – Kenichi Ogasawara (Brand leader of Omega Force; developed Toukiden, Nobunaga’s Ambition and Dragon Quest Heroes)


I thought it was great, it’s like Nintendo’s crammed all of the best parts of things they’ve ever made into one system. I think this idea they’ve come up with, where people have fun from looking at each other while playing, instead of the screen, will be really influential. Though it was disappointing that they didn’t announce any details on their online service.

Keisuke Kikuchi (Fatal Frame series producer)


The Joy-Con fit right in my palms, which made the punches feel even more real when I was playing ARMS.


The HD Rumble can produce really intricate feelings, and I think haptic sensations will open the door to whole new experiences within games.

Koei Tecmo – Kazuhiro Fujishige (Brand leader of Kou Shibusawa works; developed Nobunaga’s Ambition and The Romance of Three Kingdoms series)


It’s cheaper than I thought it would be, so I’m looking forward to the market surge. Nobunaga’s Ambition: Sphere of Influence with Power Up Kit is coming out on March 3rd, and then Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13 with Power Up Kit is coming out on March 30th. I’d like to continue supporting the influx of new hardware as a developer.

Square Enix – Ryota Aomi (Dragon Quest Heroes series producer; also producing Dragon Quest Heroes 1-2 for Nintendo Switch)


HD Rumble, and the evolution of the gyro-controls in the Wii remotes. If developers make good enough use of them, I think they can surpass the innovations that were achieved with the Wii, so I’m really looking forward to their results. HD Rumble is hard to understand it without experiencing it in person, but it’s really amazing. We’ve included functionality for it in Dragon Quest Heroes 1-2 for Switch, so please look forward to that.

Jiro Ishii (General director and producer for 428 and other sound/visual novel games)


Do digital games dream of analogue games? Is Nintendo trying to liberate digital games from what are known as screens? That is what I have been expecting Nintendo to do since the Wii U, and now my prediction has come true. They have finally escaped the shackles of the screen with the Switch, and introduced to us a digital game where players stand eye to eye. The possibilities are infinite. As a fan of analogue games, it is overwhelming.


Is an HD Rumble novel possible? What kinds of images can we evoke from worlds depicted with just letters and vibrations? Fear induced by the rumbling. Suspense. I think it would be possible to create an overwhelmingly frightening game with it. Also, the feeling and weight of it. This is a little embarrassing, but I think it is a good fit for romance-themed visual noels as well. And just imagine how HD rumble controllers could enhance analogue games like Werewolf. I just can’t stop fantasizing about new and exciting uses/possibilities for it (laughs).

Spike Chunsoft – Yuichiro Saito (Danganronpa series associate producer; also produced Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky, etc.)


I was surprised they kept the price in that range, considering it’s got that huge screen and those two controllers. People are going to think, “With a price like that…!”


The IR camera and HD Rumble. Especially the HD Rumble, which is capable of conveying far more intricate sensations than anything up to now. I keep imagining new ways to use it, like during the exploration segments of adventure games.

SEGA – Takashi Iizuka (Sonic series producer; also producing Sonic Mania for Nintendo Switch)


The introduction of the hardware was very fascinating. I’m very excited thinking about all of the different ways to use the little removable controllers, with their various sensors, HD Rumble, and the IR camera packed inside them. But I felt Nintendo’s excessive focus on new IPs was unsatisfactory. There were plenty of Switch-friendly titles that showed off the console’s features, but I think they should have appealed to fans with more of their existing titles, like Mario Kart 8.

SEGA – Toshihiro Nagoshi (Yakuza)


I came up on the stage during the presentation, and even during the the preparation meeting, you could feel this extraordinary fighting spirit from Nintendo. So I felt kind of nervous for the first time in a while, as I was the one who kicked off their third-party announcements.


It’s like a mechanical nexus of modern computer technology. It takes a solid resolve to pack absolutely everything in like that, without making any sacrifices. Now it’s up to the software studios to make the most out of it. If they can make games with unique enough features to rival the plethora of features the Switch itself has, they’ll be great matches.

SEGA – Mizuki Hosoyamada (Puyo Puyo series producer; also developed Sonic series; currently developing Puyo Puyo Tetris S for Nintendo Switch)


We’re already working on Puyo Tetris S for it, but if I were to make a new game on it, I think I’d probably do something that focused on the split nature of the Joy-Con, where you attach different things to them. The fact that the online services will be subscription-based in the future is something important to consider. I think it would also be essential to base a ground-up game on the HD Rumble.

NIS – Sohei Niikawa (president and producer; produced Disgaea series, Hayarigami, etc.)


There’s a lot of demand for NIS games on mobile/handheld devices, so I look forward to developing games for the Nintendo Switch, which people can enjoy on the go in its handheld mode.

Bandai Namco – Katsuhiro Harada (Tekken Project director; also produced the PSVR title “Summer Lesson”)


I wasn’t expecting them to begin the presentation by announcing the price. The price is exactly what I’d expect from a marketing point of view, but if you count all the individual peripherals…

The full thing is pretty cheap, and I say that as someone familiar with the inner workings of the system. I have no idea how they kept the price that low.


I’ve been interested in the HD Rumble for some time now. You can feel a glass marble rolling around inside of a metal box, or feel the spot where a bouncy ball bounces. It’s interesting that it can be used like the so-called 3D sound. And this is just a crazy idea of mine, but the system itself is so light that if you took out the Joy-Con with the IR camera and set it up, and placed the screen in some kind of apparatus, you could transform it into a wireless VRHMD by rendering the left and right sides of the screen separately for each eye. So I think the Switch is capable of a lot of different things, depending on the ideas of the developer.

Bukkoro – Yoko Taro (Director and scenario writer for Drakengard and NieR series)


When I heard that both the Switch and Breath of the Wild were coming out a week after the game I’m currently working on, all of my memories vanished.


I don’t know, as I no longer have any memories. But it’s wonderful that you can separate the controllers from the screen. They didn’t announce anything like this at the presentation, but I hope the Switch is capable of a vertical mode. For vertical shooters or pinball, of course. Please take that into consideration.

PlatinumGames – Atsushi Inaba


I thought it was very interesting that Nintendo pushed the people who would carry the future of the company front and center during the presentation, even more-so than the allure of the hardware and games shown.


PlatinumGames has already come out saying we’re developing games for the Nintendo Switch, so we understand what the hardware is capable of. Which is why the price was surprising. This thing is seriously cheap. I think it’s the result of a tremendous amount of work, and it’s an indication of their strong desire to see their hardware reach a lot of markets.

Marvelous – Kenichiro Takaki (Senran Kagura producer)


I’ve actually known about the Switch’s features since its early stages and I’m personally looking forward to it.


Definitely the HD Rumble. I want to use it to have people feel softness (laughs). I already have something planned, and am currently polishing it up so that it can be realized. Games are all about what ‘feels good’, so I want to create a brand new experience specifically for the Nintendo Switch.

Mages – Chiyomaru Shikura (President)


For the people of this generation who expect games to be on smartphones primarily, the Switch offers a unique taste that you won’t find anywhere but a dedicated gaming device. I feel that the Nintendo Switch will be an encouraging presence, trying to take back the home console market once again. The price of formless digital data is approaching 0 yen. I hope that Nintendo will change this trend.


Definitely the innovative new Joy-Con controllers. Their announcement isn’t having as big of an impact as the Wii remotes were, but the Joy-Con even contain their motion-control capabilities, which is quite nice. Being able to share them with others in the tabletop mode fits very well with Japanese households, more so than the exaggerated motion controls on the Wii did. So I believe it will have a higher affinity with the Japanese market at the very least, and it will receive a lot of support from the player base that prefers to challenge games with extreme precision.

Level-5 Akihiro Hino (CEO)


As a developer, I was aware of what the hardware would be like to some extent, so there wasn’t much that surprised me during the presentation, but I found their sales strategy very interesting. The home console industry is in a tight spot at the moment, with the threat of the smartphone game market looming over it. I wonder what kind of strategy Nintendo will employ. It is really very interesting that Nintendo chose to release new hardware at this time. Please be a huge success! I would also like for Level-5 to develop an appropriate game for the hardware.


Can I be blunt? Just this once? I was hoping there would be a camera on it (laughs).

Idea Factory – Norihisa Kochiwa (Hyperdimension Neptunia series executive producer and general director of Idea Factory and Compile Heart)


The vibration is really intricate when you’re actually playing. I think it would be great for horror games, you could create a thrilling experience that hasn’t been seen up until now, using a combination of sights, sounds, and touch. And the IR camera can detect hand motions and such, I think there will be some interesting games released that make use of this feature. So I’m really interested in the Joy-Con! I’d like to make one of the kinds of games we’re known for on the Switch, using these features.

Capcom – Hiroyuki Kobayashi (Participated in Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Dragon’s Dogma and many other series; produced Sengoku Basara)


I was surprised by the release date and price! I thought it would be out a little later than it is, and be thirty-something thousand yen.

Capcom – Ryozo Tsujimoto (Monster Hunter series producer)


I was surprised at how quickly they announced the release date and price. This presentation was much different from how they usually do them. They carefully explained each of the Switch’s features one by one. I was impressed by everyone’s acting abilities as well.


There’s a lot of them, but personally I’m interested in the vibration. I didn’t think it was possible to enhance vibration features any further.

Atlus – Kazuyuki Yamai (Shin Megami Tensei series producer)


I felt a strong impression that Nintendo wanted to diversify the way people play console games. It’s said that the current gaming market is being overtaken by smartphone games. I hope that the new play-styles possible with the Switch, together with traditional playstyles, will spread the joy of video games to many people, become the topic of conversations, and revitalize this industry. Much like it was during the PlayStation/Nintendo 64/Sega Saturn era.


I think there’s a huge appeal in being able to show off the home console games you’re playing to other people, thanks to its portable mode. Players can show their favorite games off to their friends directly, and even play together with them on the spot. It’s amazing. If it leads to players communicating with each other while playing something like ARMS, which is intuitive to play for anyone, and then eventually that communication leads to more people discovering bigger games such as our SMT series, I would be very happy.

Massive thanks to Gessenkou and iYakku for their help with this translation!

Thanks for making it to the end of this post! If you use any of this translation, please be sure to properly source Nintendo Everything. Do not copy its full contents.


Mais ou menos o que eu esperava dos japas. Estão mais pensando nas possibilidades de gameplay e no fator portátil-social do aparelho. Achei bem interessante o camarada que falou sobre os jogos analógicos (jogar olhando para a outra pessoa ao invés da tela).

E não surpreende terem achado barato. O preço no JP é de fato menor e bem em conta.


Meu irmão estará na Trump's Land na semana seguinte ao lançamento do Switch.
Já me disse que vai trazer pra mim, o brabo vai ser achar um nas lojas. Na verdade, nem estou contando muito com isso.:kcry
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