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[THE LIGHT OF THE DARKNESS: ORIGINS ] Chaves da Steam enviadas (aos backers)


Ser evoluído
Eu lembro que uns anos atrás (quando eu era apenas um leitor, que fique bem claro) todo mundo aqui vivia chupando o pau do sephius. O sephius, com toda sua arrogância, era a referência do fórum quando era pra falar de game design, das técnicas mais recentes usadas nos jogos, de programação... Agora, estão todos aí tirando sarro do jogo do cara, que deve ser o projeto da vida dele, que, sendo um brasileiro fudido, deve ter enfrentado todos os contratempos do mundo pra tirar isso do papel. Brasileiro é um povo mau-caráter, que adora encontrar uma brecha pra diminuir o outro, puxar o tapete do outro.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Eu lembro que uns anos atrás (quando eu era apenas um leitor, que fique bem claro) todo mundo aqui vivia chupando o pau do sephius. O sephius, com toda sua arrogância, era a referência do fórum quando era pra falar de game design, das técnicas mais recentes usadas nos jogos, de programação... Agora, estão todos aí tirando sarro do jogo do cara, que deve ser o projeto da vida dele, que, sendo um brasileiro fudido, deve ter enfrentado todos os contratempos do mundo pra tirar isso do papel. Brasileiro é um povo mau-caráter, que adora encontrar uma brecha pra diminuir o outro, puxar o tapete do outro.
Só esqueceu de falar que o jogo utiliza dinheiro público sem o consentimento de pessoas que nada tem a ver com o projeto.


Lenda da internet
Eu lembro que uns anos atrás (quando eu era apenas um leitor, que fique bem claro) todo mundo aqui vivia chupando o pau do sephius. O sephius, com toda sua arrogância, era a referência do fórum quando era pra falar de game design, das técnicas mais recentes usadas nos jogos, de programação... Agora, estão todos aí tirando sarro do jogo do cara, que deve ser o projeto da vida dele, que, sendo um brasileiro fudido, deve ter enfrentado todos os contratempos do mundo pra tirar isso do papel. Brasileiro é um povo mau-caráter, que adora encontrar uma brecha pra diminuir o outro, puxar o tapete do outro.

Quase chorei aqui com teu post, só não entendi porque defendeu o cara o post inteiro para atacar ele no final, até destaquei em negrito.


You can't handle the truth!
Eu lembro que uns anos atrás (quando eu era apenas um leitor, que fique bem claro) todo mundo aqui vivia chupando o pau do sephius. O sephius, com toda sua arrogância, era a referência do fórum quando era pra falar de game design, das técnicas mais recentes usadas nos jogos, de programação... Agora, estão todos aí tirando sarro do jogo do cara, que deve ser o projeto da vida dele, que, sendo um brasileiro fudido, deve ter enfrentado todos os contratempos do mundo pra tirar isso do papel. Brasileiro é um povo mau-caráter, que adora encontrar uma brecha pra diminuir o outro, puxar o tapete do outro.

Po, mas ng puxou seu tapete, Sephious


Ser evoluído
Só esqueceu de falar que o jogo utiliza dinheiro público sem o consentimento de pessoas que nada tem a ver com o projeto.
Você é sonysta, né? Pois é. A Quantic Dream, studio subsidiário da Sony, recebe aporte do governo francês pra desenvolver seus jogos. Tem dinheiro público indo parar no bolso de artista cuja arte é rebolar a bunda e enfiar o dedo no cu. Eu acho muito melhor que toda essa grana de fomento, não dando pra acabar com ela, seja redirecionada integralmente pra video game.

Mitch Conner

Só esqueceu de falar que o jogo utiliza dinheiro público sem o consentimento de pessoas que nada tem a ver com o projeto.
Detalhe esse que o op sempre faz questão de não lembrar quando fala que ganhou pouco, devolveu ou custeou do bolso.

Pior que nas entrelinhas ele acabou de entregar um "em negociações já citaram esse tópico".
Negociação ($$$) pra continuar o "desenvolvimento" né? Buscando financiamento com o eterno projeto?

Mitch Conner

Você é sonysta, né? Pois é. A Quantic Dream, studio subsidiário da Sony, recebe aporte do governo francês pra desenvolver seus jogos. Tem dinheiro público indo parar no bolso de artista cuja arte é rebolar a bunda e enfiar o dedo no cu. Eu acho muito melhor que toda essa grana de fomento, não dando pra acabar com ela, seja redirecionada integralmente pra video game.
Então seu argumento é "já que dinheiro """"""público""""""" escorre pelo ralo, que escorra pro nosso amigo aqui tb"?

É isso mesmo produção? :klolwtf

Retiro o que disse, certo é o sephius nessa!


Ser evoluído
Então seu argumento é "já que dinheiro """"""público""""""" escorre pelo ralo, que escorra pro nosso amigo aqui tb"?

É isso mesmo produção? :klolwtf

Retiro o que disse, certo é o sephius nessa!
O orçamento não é ilimitado, se não escorre pra ele, vai escorrer pra outro, com outra visão de arte. Melhor que se aproveite pra escorrer pra um fim mais nobre. Meu argumento é esse.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Você é sonysta, né? Pois é. A Quantic Dream, studio subsidiário da Sony, recebe aporte do governo francês pra desenvolver seus jogos. Tem dinheiro público indo parar no bolso de artista cuja arte é rebolar a bunda e enfiar o dedo no cu. Eu acho muito melhor que toda essa grana de fomento, não dando pra acabar com ela, seja redirecionada integralmente pra video game.
Acho que esse é o único lugar que já fui chamado de Nintendista, Caixista, PCista e também Sonysta :kkk
Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!
Detalhe esse que o op sempre faz questão de não lembrar quando fala que ganhou pouco, devolveu ou custeou do bolso.

Pior que nas entrelinhas ele acabou de entregar um "em negociações já citaram esse tópico".
Negociação ($$$) pra continuar o "desenvolvimento" né? Buscando financiamento com o eterno projeto?
Pois é.
A tática do OP espertão sempre é essa, finge de bobo e tenta sair de fininho pra fingir que não fez nada de errado...
Mas quem conhece a peça percebe a pilantragem.

Mitch Conner

O orçamento não é ilimitado, se não escorre pra ele, vai escorrer pra outro, com outra visão de arte. Melhor que se aproveite pra escorrer pra um fim mais nobre. Meu argumento é esse.
Pô velho, o cara tá só há 13 anos enrolando nisso aí e vc me vem com um "mais nobre"?

Que mané nobre cara: isso é negócio e nesse caso, negócio furado.

Mitch Conner

Vou deixar minha previsão, aqui:

- Pessoal não ficamos elegíveis para o Steam festival então não tem como sair agora, mas adicionem na wishlist poissairá nos próximos meses.

- E aí op, cade o Early Access?
- Tivemos alguns contratempos e ficará para depois, mas como brinde a versão Legends, anterior à anterior da engine Unity, será disponibilizada para quem já comprou o jogo nos próximos meses.

- E aí op, cade o jogo?
- Tivemos alguns contratempos e ele ficou para os próximos meses, será a nova versão Legends Remaster, com acontecimentos anteriores à Origins (que vai ser reanunciada em breve).
- Hummm...Ok. E o Early Access, alguma novidade?
- Sim, ele será disponibilizado no steam festival de fev/2025, adicionem na wishlist.



13 anos.


E tudo o que leio é: vai sair.

Eu sei que fazer jogo é complicado e sempre tem algum motivo pra atrasos, mas porra.

13 anos!!!

joao perreira

vagabundo defender essa m****??
o cara voltou a ideia da sephius engine pra vender um alpha ou beta??
sendo que já tinham reclamando pra migrara pra engine unreal
só quem acredita nessa m**** é maluco alienado desinformado
sephius desprezou toda uma fanbase que criou aqui
medroidania nem representa mais o que era no dia que criaram essa b*sta de tópico
enfia essa m**** de chave no cu
tomara quem chova torresmo nesse tópico


Mil pontos, LOL!
Venho por meio deste anunciar q meu estoque de zueira esgotou.

13 anos é muito tempo para tal estoque de criatividade.
O universo tem 13 bilhões de anos. 13 anos são apenas 0.0000002% desse tempo, totalmente insignificante perante ao universo que vivemos.

Menos drama por favor, mesmo que o jogo saia daqui 130 anos ainda será um tempo insignificante perante a existência do universo.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Ainda não saiu? Cacete... eu tô há quase 12 anos (a completar em dois meses) nesse fórum. Fiquei um tempão afastado, achei que esse jogo já tinha saído até remaster, pelo tempo.

O remaster já tá engatilhado, ele só precisa de 100 milhões de dólares e mais 700mil horas de trabalho pra terminar o alpha.


Lenda da internet
Eu lembro que uns anos atrás (quando eu era apenas um leitor, que fique bem claro) todo mundo aqui vivia chupando o pau do sephius. O sephius, com toda sua arrogância, era a referência do fórum quando era pra falar de game design, das técnicas mais recentes usadas nos jogos, de programação... Agora, estão todos aí tirando sarro do jogo do cara, que deve ser o projeto da vida dele, que, sendo um brasileiro fudido, deve ter enfrentado todos os contratempos do mundo pra tirar isso do papel. Brasileiro é um povo mau-caráter, que adora encontrar uma brecha pra diminuir o outro, puxar o tapete do outro.
Nunca vamos ter controle sobre o que as pessoas pensam sobre nós e sobre o que elas fazem. Tudo que podemos e que temos que fazer é pensar como podemos aprender e ser melhores. Meu caminho é por ai. Entendo que ver críticas ao que a gente põe tanto coração pode ser duro. Mas cada crítica é uma chance de crescer. Nosso projeto tem uma história única, cheia de detalhes e paixão, e é isso que quero focar. Falar sobre o universo, a história, as características do jogo, a jornada e etc.

No momento, até o lançamento, precisamos de divulgação, wishlists, para que a gente possa ter uma chance de ter um lançamento legal. Quero convidar todo mundo pra ajudar a gente nessa reta final. Se você curte o que estamos fazendo, fala pra os amigos, ajuda a gente a espalhar a palavra. Semana que vem tem teste aberto, e seria demais ter vocês jogando.

Qual a engine que está sendo usada neste projeto?
ORIGINS roda numa engine proprietária que eu desenvolvi chamada SephiusEngine. Escrita em AS3.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Eu lembro que uns anos atrás (quando eu era apenas um leitor, que fique bem claro) todo mundo aqui vivia chupando o pau do sephius. O sephius, com toda sua arrogância, era a referência do fórum quando era pra falar de game design, das técnicas mais recentes usadas nos jogos, de programação... Agora, estão todos aí tirando sarro do jogo do cara, que deve ser o projeto da vida dele, que, sendo um brasileiro fudido, deve ter enfrentado todos os contratempos do mundo pra tirar isso do papel. Brasileiro é um povo mau-caráter, que adora encontrar uma brecha pra diminuir o outro, puxar o tapete do outro.
"leitor", çei...

@LucianoBraga, @ptsousa, @antonioli, temos um "leitor" do fórum q vcs podem se interessar!

Tião esqueletico

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Apesar de sempre estar ao lado do criador do jogo , infelizmente o mesmo tomou uma péssima decisão ao lançar o jogo somente no PC

Por esse motivo o jogo está fadado ao fracasso, já que PC é somente para trabalho

Faltou leitura de mercado

Se lançasse no Switch , eu iria jogar no meu destravado e ajudar a divulgar o jogo para potenciais compradores

Falha grave do autor


Lenda da internet
Não se preocupe, vamos lançar antes de você precisar de óculos para jogar! Com a alegria de experimentar o jogo você vai reencontrar sua juventude. Mantenha o controle aquecido.

É verdade, ele vai relembrar de quando ele era criança, quando o jogo foi anunciado. Muita nostalgia.


Lenda da internet
Eu lembro que uns anos atrás (quando eu era apenas um leitor, que fique bem claro) todo mundo aqui vivia chupando o pau do sephius. O sephius, com toda sua arrogância, era a referência do fórum quando era pra falar de game design, das técnicas mais recentes usadas nos jogos, de programação... Agora, estão todos aí tirando sarro do jogo do cara, que deve ser o projeto da vida dele, que, sendo um brasileiro fudido, deve ter enfrentado todos os contratempos do mundo pra tirar isso do papel. Brasileiro é um povo mau-caráter, que adora encontrar uma brecha pra diminuir o outro, puxar o tapete do outro.

Cala a boca, cara.:kkk "Ain mimimi brasileiro dificuldades". Tá cheio de jogo Brasileiro indie aí sendo lançado. Jogos que saem, sabe... O Steam tem literalmente um FESTIVAL DE GAMES BRASILEIROS(inclusive acabou o desse ano recentemente).

Deve ser clone do próprio sefius ou é funcionário da quartofundo.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Já falei que vocês são tudo burro!!

Vocês não tem visão, o cara quer trazer um guiness para nós, ainda falta muito tempo ainda, Brasil tem que ser numero 1, confio no OP, e vamos ter esse titulo


10 Games With The Longest Development Times​


This list breaks down the games with excruciatingly long development times — and how they turned out.

Long development times are bad news for developers. Every year that goes by without a release is another year of not getting paid. It's another year of stagnation. As technology improves, games with long development cycles become outdated. At worst, fans can be left waiting for a decade or more.


10Alan Wake​

Development Time: 6 Years​

Alan Wake shining his flashlight at a group of monsters.

Alan Wake, which was developed by the same team as the Max Payne series, began its development in 2003. A few years into its development cycle, Remedy Entertainment decided to completely rework it.
At one point, Alan Wake was supposed to be an open-world game. The studio kept adding more and more features, like a day-night cycle, controllable weather events, and so on. Remedy Games' Creative Director Sam Lake has discussed this, saying "this period ... with us trying new things, it just kept on going and going, and people were feeling tired." In 2006, Remedy decided to rework the game, making it more a more focused, linear experience. That may have been for the best, as Alan Wake was finally released in 2009, receiving mostly favorable reviews.

Alan Wake​

$19.99$23.93Save $3.94

ReleasedFebruary 16, 2012
Developer(s)Remedy Entertainment
$19.99 at Amazon

9L.A. Noire​

Development Time: 7 Years​


Much has been written about the infamous development cycle of L.A. Noire. It was worked on by the now-defunct Team Bondi. Not long after the game was released in 2011, members of Team Bondi spoke out anonymously about the awful working conditions at the studio. It came to light that Team Bondi was forcing its employees to essentially work 24/7.
Dozens of employees left the company, with most of them quitting rather than being fired.
Management at Team Bondi seemed perfectly fine with the high turnover rate of their workers. Dozens of employees left the company, with most of them quitting rather than being fired. Others reported there was no strong vision for the game, or that management could be hard to get in touch with. Given these conditions, it's a wonder L.A. Noire was released at all.

LA Noire​

$22.04$29.99Save $7.95

ReleasedMay 17, 2011
Developer(s)Team Bondi
$22.04 at Amazon

8The Last Guardian​

Development Time: 8 Years​

The Last Guardian

It's hard to pin down one exact reason The Last Guardian was delayed for so long. It was likely a combination of factors — important people departing the company, issues with Sony as a publisher, and so on — that cast it down into development hell. Fans of the previous games by Team Ico (Ico and Shadow of the Colossus) were left waiting on this sequel for years and years. There were few updates and very little indication as to what was going on behind the scenes.
The Last Guardian was likely hampered by changing technology. Comparing its various trailers and tech demos, it seems very little had changed about the game over the years other than the graphics. At one point, Team Ico had to transition the game from a PS3 to a PS4 release. Maybe Sony wasn't confident that the game ran well enough on PS3. Whatever the case, The Last Guardian did eventually release with mostly positive reviews.

The Last Guardian

ReleasedDecember 6, 2016
Developer(s)JapanStudio , GenDesign
See at Amazon


Development Time: 8 Years​

Spore Different Creatures

Development on Spore began in earnest in 2000, but the idea may have come as early as 1994, with concept art for a game called "SimEverything." Given that it's such a unique game, it's natural that Spore had a long development time. However, now that Spore has been out for more than a decade, nearly everyone agrees that it's underwhelming. It is not, as Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello once predicted it would be: "One of the greatest franchises in our industry ... Right up there with World of Warcraft."
Sunrise No Mans Sky

No Man's Sky Re-Review (2023): Has It Finally Reached The Stars?

After years of updates and endless improvements, we re-review and re-score No Man's Sky seven years on from its release.

Many reviewers have pointed out that Spore feels like five different games rather than one cohesive experience. In interviews, Maxis indicated difficulties with the creature and vehicle creators, which likely went through numerous design changes. Spore was continuously delayed. It seems it was just too ambitious of an idea to completely flesh out.


ReleasedSeptember 7, 2008
See at Steam


Development Time: 8 Years​

Starfield player on an unnamed planet.

Batheseda is known for making some of the biggest titles in gaming history. Surprisingly, their list of IPs is incredibly small compared to some other development teams. While the studio has had its hooks in the fantasy and post-apocalyptic settings, it would boldly tackle a new frontier of space exploration with Starfield. The scope of this project far exceeded that of their previous projects, so it's no wonder it took about 8 years to bring this vision from concept to reality.


Starfield: 25 Best Ships, Ranked

Spaceships are one of the most important things in Starfield. Here are the best ones that you can get within the game.

Some players have found the staggering number of planets to feel a little empty — mostly due to them being undeveloped and barren — and many quality-of-life features are either absent or half-baked. However, the game excels in capturing the vastness of space, both in its fascinating intricacies and its inevitable emptiness, and it tells some of the most compelling side stories across Bethesda's best games. With an announced 5 years of development ahead of it, Bethesda is likely to continue refining and improving their ambitious vision, similar to their approach with Skyrim.


ReleasedSeptember 6, 2023
See at Amazon

5Too Human​

Development Time: 9 Years​

The protagnoist of Too Human in front of a scenic background.

Too Human was developed by Silicon Knights, who also headed up games such as Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, and Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. It was originally announced as a Playstation One game in 1999. It actually released on the Xbox 360 in 2008, nine years after its announcement.
Silicon Knights went out of business in 2014. Too Human was one of their last games.
Too Human was built on Unreal Engine 3. However, in 2007, Silicon Knights sued Epic Games (the owners of UE3), citing "breach of contract" for lack of support with regards to the engine. Epic then counter-sued Silicon Knights for misappropriation of trade secrets, among other things. Epic won their suit, forcing Silicon Knights to recall and destroy all unsold copies of Too Human. The game's botched release may have hurt them, but this court case was the final nail in their coffin. Silicon Knights went out of business in 2014. Too Human was one of their last games.

Too Human

ReleasedAugust 19, 2008
Developer(s)Silicon Knights
See at Amazon

4Final Fantasy 15​

Development Time: 10 Years​

Final Fantasy XV All Main Cast and Luna

Final Fantasy is a name synonymous with long playtimes, but of all the storied games in the series, none of them took longer to develop than the 15th mainline entry in the franchise, Final Fantasy 15. The game mixes all the magic and mesmerizing visuals of the franchise alongside modern-day story elements — such as having a road trip with the boys in the protagonist's rich kid's car.
The game is a true marvel aesthetically, and its combat took large strides to make it a lot more action-orientated than was typically associated with the slower, turn-based approach of the previous entries. It was an ambitious game, to say the least. But, after years of development hell, with numerous storylines left on the cutting room floor and a glut of various mechanics to juggle, many players felt the wait just wasn't worth it — especially with how far it moved away from what many consider the traditional Final Fantasy experience. For some fans, however, it remains their favorite entry in the series.

Final Fantasy 15

ReleasedNovember 9, 2016
Developer(s)Square Enix
See at Amazon

3Prey (2006)​

Development Time: 11 Years​

prey portals 2006

For our purposes, we're discussing the original Prey, which came out in 2006. Funnily enough, Arkane's Prey from 2017 was the result of a planned sequel that turned into a reboot of the concept and ultimately shared almost no DNA with the original game.
Prey, an old-school FPS, had been in development since 1995 by Human Head Studios (via Contract for 3D Realms). It ran into trouble when lead designer Tom Hall left the company to form Ion Storm with his colleague, John Romero. And that was for the best, because without Ion Storm, we never would've gotten Deus Ex or Thief.
Later, technical issues arose with Prey, as its portal mechanics proved too difficult to program. Prey went through several design iterations because of these issues. It did receive generally positive reviews when it was finally released in 2006. However, Prey seems like a walk in the park compared to the project 3D Realms is perhaps most known for (next entry, please).

Prey (2006)​

ReleasedJuly 11, 2006
DeveloperHuman Head Studios, 3D Realms
See at Amazon

2Duke Nukem Forever​

Development Time: 14 Years​

Duke Nukem scowls against smoky backdrop

The development of Duke Nukem Forever was a running joke in the gaming community for more than ten years. Not only did it take longer to produce than any other triple-A game in history at that time, but the story behind its long development is also fascinating. Duke Nukem Forever was first announced in 1997. After the release of Duke Nukem 3D, 3D Realms was struggling to update their engine. By 1998, they settled on the Unreal Engine, but not before switching multiple times, completely scrapping their work on Duke Nukem Forever each time. According to stories, series director George Broussard would continuously try to update the scope of the game, adding new levels, working on a multiplayer mode, etc.
In 2006, Broussard claimed the game was almost finished. However, it wouldn't come out for another five years.
The game missed several of its planned release dates. Then, things went quiet for a very long time. In 2006, Broussard claimed the game was almost finished. However, it wouldn't come out for another five years. Internally at 3D Realms, employees reported that Broussard lacked a clear vision for the game. Although profit-sharing was supposed to take place, no profits could be shared, as there were none to begin with. Employees were understandably frustrated. The team dwindled and had to rebuild itself, just like they had to rebuild the game multiple times to keep it modern. In 2011, Duke Nukem Forever was finally released, and nearly everyone agreed it was not worth the wait.

Duke Nukem Forever​

Developer(s)3D Realms
ReleasedJune 10, 2011
See at Amazon

1Dwarf Fortress​

Development Time: 17 Years​

Dwarf Fortress Feature Image

Dwarf Fortress started its development all the way back in 2006 and would only be officially released in 2022. Granted, the game enjoyed a long public alpha that in some ways served as a sort of proto-early access, but none-the-less, it took 17 years until the game hit full release. Dwarf Fortress sees players taking on the role of controlling a colony of dwarves and settling them into a chosen location in a procedurally generated world. There are many enemy elements to account for in the game’s world, such as monsters, undead hordes, and raids from goblins.
The game does a great job of requiring players to manage the well-being of their dwarves and protect them from threats and the wealth of their colony. This makes for a very rewarding and satisfying feeling when everything is going right.


Lenda da internet
Já falei que vocês são tudo burro!!

Vocês não tem visão, o cara quer trazer um guiness para nós, ainda falta muito tempo ainda, Brasil tem que ser numero 1, confio no OP, e vamos ter esse titulo


10 Games With The Longest Development Times​


This list breaks down the games with excruciatingly long development times — and how they turned out.

Long development times are bad news for developers. Every year that goes by without a release is another year of not getting paid. It's another year of stagnation. As technology improves, games with long development cycles become outdated. At worst, fans can be left waiting for a decade or more.


10Alan Wake​

Development Time: 6 Years​

Alan Wake shining his flashlight at a group of monsters.

Alan Wake, which was developed by the same team as the Max Payne series, began its development in 2003. A few years into its development cycle, Remedy Entertainment decided to completely rework it.
At one point, Alan Wake was supposed to be an open-world game. The studio kept adding more and more features, like a day-night cycle, controllable weather events, and so on. Remedy Games' Creative Director Sam Lake has discussed this, saying "this period ... with us trying new things, it just kept on going and going, and people were feeling tired." In 2006, Remedy decided to rework the game, making it more a more focused, linear experience. That may have been for the best, as Alan Wake was finally released in 2009, receiving mostly favorable reviews.

Alan Wake​

$19.99$23.93Save $3.94

ReleasedFebruary 16, 2012
Developer(s)Remedy Entertainment
$19.99 at Amazon

9L.A. Noire​

Development Time: 7 Years​


Much has been written about the infamous development cycle of L.A. Noire. It was worked on by the now-defunct Team Bondi. Not long after the game was released in 2011, members of Team Bondi spoke out anonymously about the awful working conditions at the studio. It came to light that Team Bondi was forcing its employees to essentially work 24/7.
Dozens of employees left the company, with most of them quitting rather than being fired.
Management at Team Bondi seemed perfectly fine with the high turnover rate of their workers. Dozens of employees left the company, with most of them quitting rather than being fired. Others reported there was no strong vision for the game, or that management could be hard to get in touch with. Given these conditions, it's a wonder L.A. Noire was released at all.

LA Noire​

$22.04$29.99Save $7.95

ReleasedMay 17, 2011
Developer(s)Team Bondi
$22.04 at Amazon

8The Last Guardian​

Development Time: 8 Years​

The Last Guardian

It's hard to pin down one exact reason The Last Guardian was delayed for so long. It was likely a combination of factors — important people departing the company, issues with Sony as a publisher, and so on — that cast it down into development hell. Fans of the previous games by Team Ico (Ico and Shadow of the Colossus) were left waiting on this sequel for years and years. There were few updates and very little indication as to what was going on behind the scenes.
The Last Guardian was likely hampered by changing technology. Comparing its various trailers and tech demos, it seems very little had changed about the game over the years other than the graphics. At one point, Team Ico had to transition the game from a PS3 to a PS4 release. Maybe Sony wasn't confident that the game ran well enough on PS3. Whatever the case, The Last Guardian did eventually release with mostly positive reviews.

The Last Guardian

ReleasedDecember 6, 2016
Developer(s)JapanStudio , GenDesign
See at Amazon


Development Time: 8 Years​

Spore Different Creatures

Development on Spore began in earnest in 2000, but the idea may have come as early as 1994, with concept art for a game called "SimEverything." Given that it's such a unique game, it's natural that Spore had a long development time. However, now that Spore has been out for more than a decade, nearly everyone agrees that it's underwhelming. It is not, as Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello once predicted it would be: "One of the greatest franchises in our industry ... Right up there with World of Warcraft."
Sunrise No Mans Sky

No Man's Sky Re-Review (2023): Has It Finally Reached The Stars?

After years of updates and endless improvements, we re-review and re-score No Man's Sky seven years on from its release.

Many reviewers have pointed out that Spore feels like five different games rather than one cohesive experience. In interviews, Maxis indicated difficulties with the creature and vehicle creators, which likely went through numerous design changes. Spore was continuously delayed. It seems it was just too ambitious of an idea to completely flesh out.


ReleasedSeptember 7, 2008
See at Steam


Development Time: 8 Years​

Starfield player on an unnamed planet.

Batheseda is known for making some of the biggest titles in gaming history. Surprisingly, their list of IPs is incredibly small compared to some other development teams. While the studio has had its hooks in the fantasy and post-apocalyptic settings, it would boldly tackle a new frontier of space exploration with Starfield. The scope of this project far exceeded that of their previous projects, so it's no wonder it took about 8 years to bring this vision from concept to reality.

Starfield: 25 Best Ships, Ranked

Spaceships are one of the most important things in Starfield. Here are the best ones that you can get within the game.

Some players have found the staggering number of planets to feel a little empty — mostly due to them being undeveloped and barren — and many quality-of-life features are either absent or half-baked. However, the game excels in capturing the vastness of space, both in its fascinating intricacies and its inevitable emptiness, and it tells some of the most compelling side stories across Bethesda's best games. With an announced 5 years of development ahead of it, Bethesda is likely to continue refining and improving their ambitious vision, similar to their approach with Skyrim.


ReleasedSeptember 6, 2023
See at Amazon

5Too Human​

Development Time: 9 Years​

The protagnoist of Too Human in front of a scenic background.

Too Human was developed by Silicon Knights, who also headed up games such as Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, and Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. It was originally announced as a Playstation One game in 1999. It actually released on the Xbox 360 in 2008, nine years after its announcement.
Silicon Knights went out of business in 2014. Too Human was one of their last games.
Too Human was built on Unreal Engine 3. However, in 2007, Silicon Knights sued Epic Games (the owners of UE3), citing "breach of contract" for lack of support with regards to the engine. Epic then counter-sued Silicon Knights for misappropriation of trade secrets, among other things. Epic won their suit, forcing Silicon Knights to recall and destroy all unsold copies of Too Human. The game's botched release may have hurt them, but this court case was the final nail in their coffin. Silicon Knights went out of business in 2014. Too Human was one of their last games.

Too Human

ReleasedAugust 19, 2008
Developer(s)Silicon Knights
See at Amazon

4Final Fantasy 15​

Development Time: 10 Years​

Final Fantasy XV All Main Cast and Luna

Final Fantasy is a name synonymous with long playtimes, but of all the storied games in the series, none of them took longer to develop than the 15th mainline entry in the franchise, Final Fantasy 15. The game mixes all the magic and mesmerizing visuals of the franchise alongside modern-day story elements — such as having a road trip with the boys in the protagonist's rich kid's car.
The game is a true marvel aesthetically, and its combat took large strides to make it a lot more action-orientated than was typically associated with the slower, turn-based approach of the previous entries. It was an ambitious game, to say the least. But, after years of development hell, with numerous storylines left on the cutting room floor and a glut of various mechanics to juggle, many players felt the wait just wasn't worth it — especially with how far it moved away from what many consider the traditional Final Fantasy experience. For some fans, however, it remains their favorite entry in the series.

Final Fantasy 15

ReleasedNovember 9, 2016
Developer(s)Square Enix
See at Amazon

3Prey (2006)​

Development Time: 11 Years​

prey portals 2006

For our purposes, we're discussing the original Prey, which came out in 2006. Funnily enough, Arkane's Prey from 2017 was the result of a planned sequel that turned into a reboot of the concept and ultimately shared almost no DNA with the original game.
Prey, an old-school FPS, had been in development since 1995 by Human Head Studios (via Contract for 3D Realms). It ran into trouble when lead designer Tom Hall left the company to form Ion Storm with his colleague, John Romero. And that was for the best, because without Ion Storm, we never would've gotten Deus Ex or Thief.
Later, technical issues arose with Prey, as its portal mechanics proved too difficult to program. Prey went through several design iterations because of these issues. It did receive generally positive reviews when it was finally released in 2006. However, Prey seems like a walk in the park compared to the project 3D Realms is perhaps most known for (next entry, please).

Prey (2006)​

ReleasedJuly 11, 2006
DeveloperHuman Head Studios, 3D Realms
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2Duke Nukem Forever​

Development Time: 14 Years​

Duke Nukem scowls against smoky backdrop

The development of Duke Nukem Forever was a running joke in the gaming community for more than ten years. Not only did it take longer to produce than any other triple-A game in history at that time, but the story behind its long development is also fascinating. Duke Nukem Forever was first announced in 1997. After the release of Duke Nukem 3D, 3D Realms was struggling to update their engine. By 1998, they settled on the Unreal Engine, but not before switching multiple times, completely scrapping their work on Duke Nukem Forever each time. According to stories, series director George Broussard would continuously try to update the scope of the game, adding new levels, working on a multiplayer mode, etc.
In 2006, Broussard claimed the game was almost finished. However, it wouldn't come out for another five years.
The game missed several of its planned release dates. Then, things went quiet for a very long time. In 2006, Broussard claimed the game was almost finished. However, it wouldn't come out for another five years. Internally at 3D Realms, employees reported that Broussard lacked a clear vision for the game. Although profit-sharing was supposed to take place, no profits could be shared, as there were none to begin with. Employees were understandably frustrated. The team dwindled and had to rebuild itself, just like they had to rebuild the game multiple times to keep it modern. In 2011, Duke Nukem Forever was finally released, and nearly everyone agreed it was not worth the wait.

Duke Nukem Forever​

Developer(s)3D Realms
ReleasedJune 10, 2011
See at Amazon

1Dwarf Fortress​

Development Time: 17 Years​

Dwarf Fortress Feature Image

Dwarf Fortress started its development all the way back in 2006 and would only be officially released in 2022. Granted, the game enjoyed a long public alpha that in some ways served as a sort of proto-early access, but none-the-less, it took 17 years until the game hit full release. Dwarf Fortress sees players taking on the role of controlling a colony of dwarves and settling them into a chosen location in a procedurally generated world. There are many enemy elements to account for in the game’s world, such as monsters, undead hordes, and raids from goblins.
The game does a great job of requiring players to manage the well-being of their dwarves and protect them from threats and the wealth of their colony. This makes for a very rewarding and satisfying feeling when everything is going right.

Esse Dwarf Fortress deve ser da Quartofundo também. 17 anos pra fazer um joguete desses.:kkk
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