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|Fast Topic| Zangeki no Reginleiv [+ninguém pegou?]


Mil pontos, LOL!
[FONT="Arial"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Black"]Reginleiv, primeiro jogo da Nintendo para maiores de 18 anos, co-op online para 4 players, suporte ao Motion Plus, saiu e ninguém pegou. eu não peguei porque estou com Assassins Creed no PS3, mas quando fechar vou pegar o Reginleiv.

E nome do tópico chupinhado do havenbless, mas já tentei fazer estes tópicos oficiais sem frescuras, tem até do A Boy and his Blob, Dragon Ball de DS, mas não deu muito certo.:lol[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]


Mil pontos, LOL!
Não peguei porque tá em japonês e nem sei se terá certo lançamento americano, por isso irei esperar até saber ao certo.

Kid Ying

Na verdade é pra maiores de 17... Mas f**a-se. :lol:

Vi uma meia dúzia de gatos pingados falando bem, não sei se espero pra ver se sai eng ou não.

Kid Ying

Ok, uma resenha em inglês... :(

Ok, got mine and M+ today and played a few hours.

Honestly I think the game kind of sucks :\
If EDF3 was a small disappointment from EDF2, this is a large one

Things I like:
-Slashing dudes is fun. Without motion+ it kind of is spazzy and sucks. With motion+ it's slower but more accurate and fun.
-yeah, that's about it

Things I don't like:
-CUTSCENES. They are not bad. But when you watch a cutscene AS LONG AS THE MISSION before the mission it means I'm watching half the time I'm playing. For an action game this in unacceptable. I had the same issue with Bayonetta recently. Sure the cutscenes in all these games are skippable, but then you have no idea what's going on in the story context. Either make the cutscenes short or do them like EDF where it's just through the radio as you play. I couldn't play more than about an hour or so straight because it just got boring playing for 5 mins, menu for 2 mins, watching for 5 mins, playing for 5 mins. EDF is popcorn action, when you're not in the action you're not having fun.

-Going with that, all the pauses between waves so your STORY CHARACTERS can have dialogue chats....ugh. It feels like they were attempting to make the game more like Musou and I don't approve. Same with having to traverse distances of nothing between waves. Like I said above, when you are FIGHTING the game is fun, when you are not it's just boring filler time.

-Weapon obtaining system. The upgrade system is boring. What made EDF great besides the action was the diablo style of random loot drops. It made fighting endless grunts FUN because you never knew when one would drop a weapon that might be zomg. Now there is no incentive besides oooh crystals.

-No jetpack/flying + non-destructable objects = traversing sucks. Sounds silly but when you get stuck behind fences and have to slowly double moon jump over them it's pretty lame. These are gods. Why can't they fly. They fly in the cutscenes! At least in EDF when you were not the flying jetpack girl you could just blow up any obstacle in your way since it was 100% destructable. Why can't I cut down a fence? wtfff

-Controls. This is more a minor complaint because I'm still getting used to it and I can tell it needs some MAJOR adjustments (sprsks, any suggestions). Beginner controls are horrible, but that's ok, they're horrible in EDF. Expert controls are ok but turning is really iffy. Sometimes I'm turning fine, other times I'm not turning at all so I'm stuck backdashing to re-adjust my view. Then you have the dashing, it works ok but about 20% of the time I try to forward dash (because I need to traverse some long distance of nothing) he backflips which is very counterproductive! I've never found the 3dimensional registration of the nun-chuck to be particularly good on the wii, so that doesn't help.

-Bows seem stupid. To pull back a bow far enough to shoot ONE arrow it takes like 20 seconds of standing still pulling back. It's also not fun at all on the wiimote.

-Graphics. EDF2 was pretty impressive for PS2 tech, EDF3 looked great for early X360 tech, this does not look great for current Wii tech :( From the early screens/footage I thought it was going to be nice looking, but the character models are pretty bad which because there is such a focus on cutscenes is really noticable. Framerate is all over the place, but that's normal for EDF and I don't mind.

So yeah, while it's unfair to the game that I am directly comparing everything to EDF since it's a different game trying to do something different in almost all aspects, it just boils down to EDF being FUN and this being...kind of boring. Too much emphasis on story in cutscenes and in missions, controls that while being fun in the you-are-slashing sense are worse than EDF for most normal things and crappy level design/no-loot-system makes this pretty ho-hum. It's like EDF if they took all the fun arcade stuff out and tried to make a serious "real" game.

I'll give it some more time and maybe those playing can recommend setting adjustments to improve the experience, but very disappointed right now. Why didn't the team just make what everyone in the world wanted? A 16p online EDF (along with offline splitscreen) with jetpack girl and new enemies/weapons :(


Mil pontos, LOL!
Agora falando sério: vi um trailer de 5 minutos desse jogo, pareceu tão ruim, mas tão ruim, que cheguei a conclusão que é melhor espetar uma agulha no olho do que jogá-lo.


Habitué da casa
Joguei duas fases e não gostei.
Exatamente por causa dos problemas que o cara falou ali em inglês.
O personagem dá um moon jump, que coisa mais tosca.
Talves seja questão de prática, asm é um saco acertar os inimigos com espadada.
Usar o arco para dar flechada nos inimigos é que nem o Wii Sports Resort. Tem que puxar o controle pra trás como se tivesse puxando a corda.
Nem reclamei das cutscenes demoradas pq depois de 1 minuto de cutscene, eu cortei pra ir direto pra ação.
O jogo parece ser curto e lembra muito bem o Dynasty Warriors.
Ta tudo em japa, então nem mexi nos menus do jogo, mas dá pra subir lvl do personagem.
Só volto a jogar depois que encontrar tradução praqueles menus e um script, pq o jogo em si, nem é tão bom.
O hype que eu tinha com o game, por usar o M+, foi pra casa do caraleo.

Kid Ying

Esse mesmo cara disse que dá pra configurar os comandos, deixando o jogo melhor e mais pra frente fica só na porrada mesmo, então fica até divertido, mas ainda sux.

Arlindo Orlando

Rapaz, se Metal Gear Solid que tem história boa, eu pulo as cutscenes, que dirá desses rpgs aí. Coisa longa eu não aturo, e sei que não estou só, então é vacilo deixar essas cutscenes longas. Tem que mostrar só o necessário.

Controle vamos ver, ler instrução em japonês não dá, e, se vier pro ocidente, talvez melhorem. Até lá, tem outros jogos pra entreter a gente. :D
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