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16-08 New Firmware 3.52 Exploit. Breve Desbloqueio Nativo para Homebrews.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Editado 16-08
New’ Firmware 3.52 Exploit game for the PAL-Region PSN stores announced – The game is…
While we just told you, that the newest upcoming exploit game for the american PSN store is going to be Pool Hall Pro, a lot of people complained that the current European exploit game seems a bit lackluster, due to it being a minis.

We also told you that the european counterpart of Pool Hall Pro might be exploitable, in fact is the game…

World of Pool indeed exploitable, if we want to believe Hackinformer’s Firmware Guide – This sounds awkwardly familiar to something I did – which lists Pool Hall Pro and World of Pool as functioning firmware 3.52 exploit games. It also lists the lackluster Puzzle Scape.

In the past it has been possible to exploit these Arcade games not only once, but at least twice each. Pool Hall Pro, World of Pool and the other Arcade Games seem to be made & published by the same company, and all these games seem to be based on the very same code, or at least its base.

This makes it easily possible to exploit most of these games, since the vulnerability is most likely going to exist in all of these games.

If the word “PAL-Region” confuses you, then just replace it with Europe, Australia & New Zealand.

Speaking of Australia and New Zealand. Someone informed me that there happen to be 2 different versions of World of Pool in the Aus/NZ PSN stores. Be sure to grab the Essentials version, since it has the very same ID that the european game has (cid=EP4015-ULES00821_00-PPCWORLDOF000001). The non-Essentials version has a slightly different ID, and we’re not sure if this is going to affect the exploit files.

So far this is everything. We are going to inform you when the exploit savedata files for the Pool games are going to be released.

Source via Hackinformer.com

Editado 19-06
Breve desbloqueio nativo para HOMEBREWS!!!

Mais detalhes sobre o REJUVENATE e tutorial >>>AQUI<<<
Tradução via google translator no spoiler
PS Vita hack "Rejuvenescer" - as limitaçõespor Wololo · 18 de junho de 2015Quem se importa com o E3? OK, nós fazemos ... mas ainda assim, a grande notícia da semana para a pirataria cena vita é o oficial de anunciar um próximo PS Vita cortar com suporte nativo, de YifanLu. A plataforma permitirá que qualquer pessoa para executar nativas homebrews PS Vita, e há uma forte esperança de um grande apoio emulador, dadas as características do PS Vita.Limitações PS Vita de hackerHá, no entanto, algumas limitações para "rejuvenescer" a partir de agora. O quão rápido essas limitações podem ser removidas, se em tudo, ainda é um pouco desconhecido, mas espero que este lançamento vai incendiar uma cena de proporções semelhantes ao que tivemos com o PSP, ou seja, os hackers podem obter mais animado sobre a plataforma.Então, quais as limitações que Yifan lu mencionar até agora? Há alguns, e, infelizmente, muito grandes para agora:PSM Dev App necessário para lançar homebrewsTem sido dito muitas vezes agora, que o aplicativo PSM Dev era obrigada a lançar homebrews, mas muitas pessoas parecem ter perdido a janela de download. Homebrews será apreciado pelos poucos que conseguiram obtê-lo no tempo (felizmente, isso é, pelo menos, alguns milhares de pessoas, se quisermos acreditar nas estatísticas PSM)Conexão USB necessário para lançar homebrewsPS Vita CorteUgh ... isso é um bem grande. A exploração requer um PC para executar, e isso significa que o console terá que ser conectado ao PC, a fim de lançar homebrews, através da conexão USB.Agora, eu posso ver algumas maneiras essa limitação poderia ser mitigados. Podemos imaginar um "lançador homeebrew" como VHBL, o que precisa ser executado uma vez, e servir como o lançador para outros homebrews. Se qualquer coisa falhas no processo, você é SOL, mas pelo menos este poderia dar uma maneira de conectar somente para o PC "de vez em quando".Um suplente, louco idéia, seria algum tipo de dongle hardware (eu sei ...) que poderia simular os passos necessários para o Vita ... Isso pressupõe compreender exatamente o que é necessário para ativar o exploit, possivelmente cargas reverter a engenharia de código, e não pode valer a pena, mas quem sabe.PublicidadeEsperemos que também, os hackers serão motivados por este passo inovador, e poderia cavar maneiras de disparar diferentes exploits, sem precisar de um PC conectado.NÃO PSTV / apoio TV VitaFalta de apoio TV PS foi a má surpresa do dia, e é uma consequência directa da limitação acima. O Vita TV só pode ser conectado ao seu PC via Wi-Fi, e não há nenhuma razão para acreditar que esta limitação sempre vai embora (mesmo que a TV vita tem uma porta USB ...).vitatv_hardwarePorque o hack requer para ser conectado via USB ao PC ... estamos SOL aqui. Mais uma vez, um tipo diferente de explorar poderia remover esta limitação muito grandeOutras limitaçõesAs outras limitações mencionadas por Yifan Lu são bastante menor em comparação com as duas anteriores.Primeiro, você tem que conectar a uma rede pelo menos uma vez por dia para manter a Licença PSM "ativo". Yifan lu encontrou maneiras de não requerem a aprovação da Sony para manter a licença ativa (mais sobre como isso funciona será explicada em breve), mas há maneiras neste momento para * não * tem que fazer a chamada casa diariamente. Este não se sente como uma grande limitação para mim, a menos que você está indo em férias com sem acesso à rede ...O "conectar ao PC" limitação também requer especificamente um PC com Windows. Isso ocorre porque as ferramentas PSM da Sony foram feitas para Windows, e nenhuma outra plataforma. Mais uma vez, um diferente explorar, ou alguma engenharia reversa pesado poderia levantar essa limitação.Finalmente, Yifan Lu recomenda firmware 3.00 ou acima, a fim de aproveitar o hack. Ele menciona a explorar realmente funciona em 1.69 e acima, mas as ferramentas só foram testados em 3.xx. Se as pessoas na firmwares mais baixas estão interessados nos portos, ele poderia considerá-lo. Então, novamente, uma vez que a única boa razão para ficar em um firmware baixo foi o webkit explorar, o que, neste momento é menos interessante do que o que Yifan Lu está dando para a comunidade, eu diria que há pouca ou nenhuma razão para ficar no esses firmwares baixa hoje.O que você acha sobre essas limitações? Você acha que a cena vai ser capaz de levantar alguns deles?Mais informações no blog de Yifan lu
Noticia Original
PS Vita Hack “Rejuvenate” – the limitations
by wololo · June 18, 2015

Who cares about E3? OK, we do… but still, the big news of the week for the vita hacking scene is the official announce of an upcoming PS Vita hack with native support, from YifanLu. The platform will allow anyone to run native PS Vita homebrews, and there is strong hope for great emulator support, given the specs of the PS Vita.

PS Vita Hack limitations
There are however, a few limitations to “Rejuvenate” as of now. How fast these limitations can be removed, if at all, is still a bit unknown, but hopefully this upcoming release will ignite a scene of proportions similar to what we had with the PSP, meaning hackers could get more excited about the platform.

So, what limitations did Yifan lu mention so far? There are a few, and unfortunately pretty big ones for now:

PSM Dev App required to launch homebrews
It’s been said so many times now, that the PSM Dev app was required to launch homebrews, yet many people seem to have missed the download window. Homebrews will be enjoyed by the few who managed to get it in time (luckily, that’s at least a few thousand people, if we’re to believe the PSM stats)

USB connection required to launch homebrews

Ugh… that’s a pretty big one. The exploit requires a PC in order to run, and this means your console will need to be connected to the PC in order to launch homebrews, via the USB connection.

Now, I can see a few ways this limitation could be mitigated. We can imagine a “homeebrew launcher” such as VHBL, which would need to be run once, and serve as the launcher for other homebrews. If anything crashes in the process, you’re SOL, but at least this could give a way to only connect to the PC “once in a while”.

An alternate, crazy idea, would be some sort of hardware dongle (I know…) that could simulate the necessary steps for the Vita… This assumes understanding exactly what is required to trigger the exploit, possibly Reverse engineer loads of code, and might not be worth it, but who knows.

Hopefully too, hackers will be motivated by this groundbreaking step, and could dig into ways to trigger different exploits, without requiring a connected PC.

NO PSTV / Vita TV support
Lack of PS TV support was the bad surprise of the day, and it’s a direct consequence of the above limitation. The Vita TV can only be connected to your PC via Wifi, and there’s no reason to believe this limitation will ever go away (even though the vita TV has a usb port…).

Because the hack requires to be connected via USB to the PC… we’re SOL here. Again, a different type of exploit could remove this pretty big limitation

Other limitations
The other limitations mentioned by Yifan Lu are rather minor compared to the two ones above.

First, you’ll have to connect to a network at least once a day to keep the PSM License “active”. Yifan lu has found ways to not require Sony’s approval to keep the license active (more on how this works will be explained soon), but no ways at this point to *not* have to do the daily call home. This does not feel like a big limitation to me, unless you’re going on holiday with no network access…

The “connect to PC” limitation also requires specifically a PC running Windows. This is because Sony’s PSM tools were made for Windows, and no other platform. Again, a different exploit, or some heavy reverse engineering could lift this limitation.

Finally, Yifan Lu recommends firmware 3.00 or above in order to enjoy the hack. He mentions the exploit actually works on 1.69 and above, but the tools have only been tested on 3.xx. If people on lower firmwares are interested in ports, he might consider it. Then again, given that the only good reason to stay on a low firmware was the webkit exploit, which, at this point is less interesting than what Yifan Lu is giving to the community, I’d say there’s little to no reason to stay at such low firmwares today.

What do you think about these limitations? Do you think the scene will be able to lift some of them?

More info on Yifan lu’s blog

Editado dia 09/02
Em resumo , utilize os mesmos jogos já adquiridos para usar exploit em FW antigos reaproveitados em FW 3.36 sem precisar comprar novamente o jogo ou mesmo um novo .

Re-exploits reloaded: Qwikrazor releases yet another exploit game for PS Vita Firmware 3.36!

Did you miss the previous 3 exploits for firmware 3.36 and wish you didnt?
Would you like another chance at exploiting your PS Vita, and using the ARK-2 eCFW on firmware 3.36?
Then read on!
Developer Qwikrazor will be releasing yet another exploit game for the PS Vita firmware 3.36, and it is yet another re-exploitation.

This means that he was able to reuse an already known exploit game.
The exploit game in this case is Arcade Darts (a Minis)! Arcade Darts is available in North America and Europe – Not in the asian countries, unfortunally.
There is yet another twist. If you are using the North American PSN store, then you have to transfer the Arcade Darts game via a PS3, since the PS Vita is not capable of directly downloading Arcade Darts anymore.

If you are using one of the European PSN stores, then feel free to just buy & download Arcade Darts via your PS Vita. There are no special restrictions for downloading Arcade Darts via the European PSN store.

This is by the way your last chance at getting an exploit game for PS Vita firmware 3.36. After Patapon 2, Numblast and Hatsune Miku: Project Diva extend, Arcade Darts will be the last exploit (by qwikrazor) for firmware 3.36.
So hurry and get the game as soon as possible!

Desbloqueio antigo v. FW3.18:
Caso vc já tenha desbloqueado na FW 3.18 NÃO ATUALIZEM PARA A FW3.30 que saiu hoje 02/10 , pois perderá o desbloqueio !!!

Postei aki na consoles para q fosse mais visível aos interessados é claro , posteriormente peço para q mudem para a playstation.
Quem for contra deixe em paz quem é a favor do procedimento , td bem q qualquer um possa se expressar aki mas o objetivo do tópico não é este .

Open CMA 5 (Gerenciador de conteúdo sem internet)
A patch by Virtuous Flame to prevent the PS Vita Content Manager Assistant from connecting to the internet.

The PS Vita comes with a system to copy save files that requires you to be connected permanently to the internet. This system is here to force you to update the Vita when a new version is available. In addition, it might be inconvenient for you to be constantly connected when you want to copy your files from and to the Vita. This patch is here to help you with this situation


- extract the archive in your CMA folder (program files/Sony/Content Manager Assistant by default)

- quit the CMA if it is running on your PC

- execute "run.bat" (you need to run it in "Admin mode" on windows 7

- That's it, now the CMA should run without requiring to be connected to the internet
Latest Version : 5.0

Notes for this version:Open CMA 5 works on 2.00+ Only. For lower firmwares, please check earlier versions

Open CMA 5.0 Download from mediafire.com (indirect link)
Open CMA 5.0 Download from uploaded.net (indirect link)
Open CMA 5.0 Download from zload.net (indirect link)
Open CMA 5.0 Download from wololo.net (direct link)

Jogos compatíveis com exploit para firmware 3.18.
FW 3.18 Exploit games are still available – Get one while you can!
As of writing this news, it is currently wednesday evening in Germany, the exploit games got leaked around saturday evening, so nearly exactly 4 days ago.

None of the exploit games has been removed from the playstation store (yet), even though we thought they should be gone by monday morning.
While Sony takes its time to evaluate what has to be removed and what can stay, why don’t you get an exploit game yourself.
You still can, so why not?

There were a lot of games in the leaked archive files, it is estimated that those were around 50, but I guess the actual number is closer to 25, since some of the savedatas were for the very same game, just for the different regions.
Technically Sony has to remove these flawed games, until they either fix the games themselves, what they never do, or until they’ve pushed a mandatory firmware, that is capable of fixing the flaw too. The latter is their usual plan.
The big problem is, what has to be pulled and what can stay?

They can not simply remove every game, just because we put it into the archive and called it exploit games for 3.18.
Not every single one of these games works at firmware 3.18, and they simply can not remove a game, that is not a threat towards their latest system firmware.
I would imagine that removing a game itself is a bad thing for Sony and the publisher, so removing all these games might be quite a problem, since it is not 100% clear which game works at 3.18 and which does not.
They might have begun to remove exploit games as of right now, since it takes some time to publish at news at Wololo’s blog, but if they did not, feel free to keep reading.
Which exploit game should I buy? And why?

Since there are a lot of different exploit games available, most of them for Europe and North America, it is surely a bit confusing to decide which one to buy and which one to not buy.
The general rule is that one exploit game is enough, and that a second one won’t be necessary.

While the PSOne loader PS1 exploit games depend on having a PSP exploit game with TN-V as well, just running TN-V can be done via one PSP exploit game.
But let’s go back to which game is the best for which region.
I will simply list the region and the games next to each other, and will then elaborate why said game is the best for the mentioned region.
Recommended FW 3.18 exploit game for Europe

While not being as perfect as the North American ‘recommended game for firmware 3.18‘, this one is still the best choice for Europe.
The game is ‘Go! Sudoku‘. It costs 3,99€, is ~230 MegaBytes in size and blazing fast.
It is faster than the other European exploit games, and it is similar to Mad Blocker Alpha, the fast firmware 1.81 exploit game.
Just take a look and I bet you will be convinced that this game is a good choice.
Don’t like it? Keep reading, since I have some alternatives for you.

Recommended FW 3.18 exploit games for Australia & European alternatives

Patapon 1, Patapon 2, Space Invaders Extreme or Skate Park City.

All four of these games should be available in every kind of European PSN store, regardless of you living in Germany, Great Britain, France, Spain, Slovenia or another European country.
At least Patapon 1 and Patapon 2 should be available in the Australian PSN store, if not all 4 games. The Australian PSN store is very similar to the European one, so I’ve combined those into one topic. The games also use the same savedata files.

Those 4 games should be available. The games are also very easy to exploit, since it usually is just loading the savedata and then following the onscreen instructions.
If this is not the case, be sure to check the ‘how to trigger.txt‘ file, which should help you to successfully exploit the game.
They are all cheaper than 10€ and if size is your biggest concern, then simply get Patapon 1, as it is the smallest of these 4 games with a bit more than 100 MegaBytes.
Recommended FW 3.18 exploit game for North America:

If you are using the North American PSN Store, then I can tell you that you are a lucky person.
The game ‘Talkman Travel: Tokyo‘ is just 3$, which is dirt cheap, only 18MB in size, why is tiny, and has the easiest way to trigger the exploit since Fieldrunners and Numblast.

I would get Talkman Travel: Tokyo in an instant, if it would exist in Europe. It is cheap, small and triggers on its own. You just have to wait a bit and you are done.
The only downside is, that this game can not run the ARK-2 eCFW (yet). Any other exploit game is capable of running TN-V and ARK (swapping the savedata files might be necessary to switch between the 2 eCFWs).
If you are unable to get Talkman Travel: Tokyo, then just get Patapon 1 or Patapon 2, those games are solid, pretty cheap and easy to use.
Recommended FW 3.18 exploit game for Japan

While I am not entirely sure which games are also available in Japan, I have to say that Patapon 1 and Patapon 2 should be definitely available in the Japanese PSN store, and that those games are easy to use and not too big.

I am not sure how much Yen they cost, but I would assume that it won’t be more than 10€/12$, since those are old and good games.
Recommended FW 3.18 exploit games for the rest of Asia

The Playstation store in Singapore, Hong Kong and other asian countries, that are not japan, is usually a weird mix of the European, Japanese and even North American PSN store, it has ‘a bit of everything‘.
I can confirm that the game Skate Park City is available in the Asian PSN store, and that the game runs fine if you use the European savedata files.

Like I’ve said above, the game is not too big, very easy to use and works without problems.
Some last words

This has been a crazy week, a lot of exploit games were made public, none were pulled (so far) and every region should be covered.
Patapon 1 & 2 covers basically every region, and if one region does not have Patapon 1 or 2, simply use one of the other games that is available.
If you don’t know how to trigger the game at firmware 3.18, be sure to check out this Playlist. If your game is not listed yet, simply wait, since I am adding the missing ones, one after another.
Sony will definitely remove the firmware 3.18 exploit games, they are just taking their time.

They could also release a quick firmware 3.19, that hotfixes the usermode exploits, but that would still leave the kernel exploits unpatched, which would made it still vulnerable, via exploit games that did not get leaked this week.
Time will tell what Sony will do, and how long this has postponed the firmware 3.30, which will, most likely, be delayed by multiple weeks and renamed.
Note: you can donate to Qwikrazor87, the person behind most of these exploits, here.
Fonte e outros detalhes : http://wololo.net/2014/09/17/fw-3-18-exploit-games-are-still-available-get-one-while-you-can/

Fazendo este procedimento do tópico pode usar estes emuladores , só nao sei se tds estão compatíveis para esse novo desbloqueio, mas se nao estiverem logo estarão .
Emulators for the PSP / PS Vita – The ultimate download list

The Sony Playstation Portable is one of the best machines when it comes to emulation. Its little sister, the PS Vita, has the same benefits thanks to VHBL and TN-V. NES, GBA, SNES, If you can think of an older generation console, the PSP and the Vita have it.
On this page, I provide download links for all emulators that run on the Sony Playstation Portable & the PS Vita.
0. Quick links

Table of contents to jump directly to the emulator you are looking for!
1. What you need

A variety of emulators exist for the Playstation Portable and the Sony PS Vita. Explaining to you how to install and run them is not the main goal of this article, but you will need to get your console ready first. Check the explanations below:
  • If you want to run emulators on your PSP, you will in general need to run a Custom Firmware on your PSP. Installing a Custom Firmware on your PSP is a 5 minutes riskless procedure, and we explain how to do it here.
  • If you want to run emulators on your Vita, you will need to run a custom Firmware or VHBL. The procedure to achieve that is described here
2. Emulators Downloads

The links below are download links for emulators that will run on the PSP and the PS Vita. However, we do not provide any links to “roms”. Additionally, a few emulators require a “bios” file which we cannot distribute for legal reasons. You have to provide your own. Details on how to install those emulators and additional help can be found below.
The download links below are kept up to date regularly in order to guarantee we provide the latest and greatest version of each emulator. When several options are possible, we added alternatives in parenthesis. But if you find better, please let us know!

Second Generation Consoles (1970’s)

Third Generation Consoles (8-bit era, 1980’s)

Fourth Generation Consoles (16-bit era, 1980’s & 1990’s)

Fifth Generation Consoles (32/64-bit era, 1990’s)

  • Nintendo 64 (N64): DaedalusX64
  • Sony Playstation (PS1, PSX): integrated on the PSP, no need for additional emulator
  • Neo Geo Pocket/Color: RACE! (don’t like it? Try e[mulator] or NgPSP)
Sixth Generation Consoles (128-bit era, 2000’s)

Seventh Generation Consoles (late 2000’s)

  • Nintendo DS (NDS): DSonPSP (note: that emulator is experimental and support has been stopped a long time ago!)


Vale salientar que quem pretende futuramente desbloquear o PS Vita com uma possível CFW não deve atualizar para a FW 3.20 , pois a façanha esta muito proxima , mas deve demorar a sair ainda e estará disponível a principio até FW 3.18.
Ultima Edição:


Lenda da internet
Não, obrigado

Enviado de meu GT-I8190L usando Tapatalk


Eita, vou até tirar o meu Vita de trás da porta (mentira, ele ainda está a venda :klolz)

Léo Stanbuck

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
E perder as dezenas de jogos fuderosos que eu quero jogar do videogame? Não, obrigado.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
agora... caso a sony lance qlqr atualização, mesmo que não seja pra consertar isso, eu não poderei atualizar nao é?


Mil pontos, LOL!
E perder as dezenas de jogos fuderosos que eu quero jogar do videogame? Não, obrigado.
Enquanto a Sony não lançar um novo FW td funciona perfeitamente .
Depois os jogos originais continuam funcionando normalmente tanto os digitais já baixados e todos os games em cartucho , só perde a principio as funcionalidades da PSN , mas dependendo sai solução para conectar, mas deve demorar um pouco isso se sair .


Mil pontos, LOL!
agora... caso a sony lance qlqr atualização, mesmo que não seja pra consertar isso, eu não poderei atualizar nao é?
Vai depender se ela corrigiu ou não o exploit usado.
Existem 3 games q continuam com seus exploits ativos mesmo em FW 3.18 e sido desbloqueado em 3.1 se não me engano .

Léo Stanbuck

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Enquanto a Sony não lançar um novo FW td funciona perfeitamente .
Depois os jogos originais continuam funcionando normalmente tanto os digitais já baixados e todos os games em cartucho , só perde a principio as funcionalidades da PSN , mas dependendo sai solução para conectar, mas deve demorar um pouco isso se sair .

Só mandaria pirataria no 3DS, porque a Nintendo é filha da put* com os preços dos jogos. A Sony tem dado jogos baratos, e no meu caso "de graça", então vou ser carinhoso com ela. Enquanto ela continuar me dando promoções boas, continuarei evitando pirataria.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Só mandaria pirataria no 3DS, porque a Nintendo é filha da put* com os preços dos jogos. A Sony tem dado jogos baratos, e no meu caso "de graça", então vou ser carinhoso com ela. Enquanto ela continuar me dando promoções boas, continuarei evitando pirataria.
Ta certo .
To desbloqueando o meu pq curto emuladores e tb pq posso continuar contribuindo com a indústria comprando os jogos físicos q continuam funcionando .


Mil pontos, LOL!
Já tinha visto isso
Até pensei em ir atrás, mas não tenho vita :klolz:ksnif


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
é uma noticia até boa, se um dia vier a desbloquear os jogos do Vita também.. mesmo a biblioteca dele sendo meio que pequena.
Ainda bem que tenho meu PSP aqui abarrotado de emus e jogos ainda haha


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Só queria baixar os Crashs que eu PAGUEI no Vita, só isso...


Mil pontos, LOL!
Eu instalei o eCFW no meu, muito facil. Estou baixando e guardando no PC a minha biblioteca do Vita pra que eu possa jogar esses jogos enquanto estiver usando o TN-V. Ter acesso a emuladores e jogos de PSX e PSP que não estão disponíveis na PS BR já compensa (Persona 3 Portable, Vagrant Story, Tatics Ogre, Peace Walker, etc).

Comprei Patapon 2 que parece ser um bom jogo e tem uma musica bem legal que toca quando eu vou fazer o exploit.

Depois que já tiver cansado do que o CFW oferece eu faço o update pra um versão recente do sistema.

O problema é o meu cartão de 4GB que não cabe nada. Fui ver o preço dos outros cartões vários saem mais caro do que o que paguei no meu Vita.

So usaria se começasse a sair emuladores.
Já tem emulador de quase tudo igual o PSP.


Mil pontos, LOL!
So usaria se começasse a sair emuladores.
Fazendo este procedimento do tópico pode usar estes emuladores , só nao sei se tds estão compatíveis para esse novo desbloqueio, mas se nao estiverem logo estarão .
Emulators for the PSP / PS Vita – The ultimate download list

The Sony Playstation Portable is one of the best machines when it comes to emulation. Its little sister, the PS Vita, has the same benefits thanks to VHBL and TN-V. NES, GBA, SNES, If you can think of an older generation console, the PSP and the Vita have it.
On this page, I provide download links for all emulators that run on the Sony Playstation Portable & the PS Vita.
0. Quick links

Table of contents to jump directly to the emulator you are looking for!
1. What you need

A variety of emulators exist for the Playstation Portable and the Sony PS Vita. Explaining to you how to install and run them is not the main goal of this article, but you will need to get your console ready first. Check the explanations below:
  • If you want to run emulators on your PSP, you will in general need to run a Custom Firmware on your PSP. Installing a Custom Firmware on your PSP is a 5 minutes riskless procedure, and we explain how to do it here.
  • If you want to run emulators on your Vita, you will need to run a custom Firmware or VHBL. The procedure to achieve that is described here
2. Emulators Downloads

The links below are download links for emulators that will run on the PSP and the PS Vita. However, we do not provide any links to “roms”. Additionally, a few emulators require a “bios” file which we cannot distribute for legal reasons. You have to provide your own. Details on how to install those emulators and additional help can be found below.
The download links below are kept up to date regularly in order to guarantee we provide the latest and greatest version of each emulator. When several options are possible, we added alternatives in parenthesis. But if you find better, please let us know!

Second Generation Consoles (1970’s)

Third Generation Consoles (8-bit era, 1980’s)

Fourth Generation Consoles (16-bit era, 1980’s & 1990’s)

Fifth Generation Consoles (32/64-bit era, 1990’s)

  • Nintendo 64 (N64): DaedalusX64
  • Sony Playstation (PS1, PSX): integrated on the PSP, no need for additional emulator
  • Neo Geo Pocket/Color: RACE! (don’t like it? Try e[mulator] or NgPSP)
Sixth Generation Consoles (128-bit era, 2000’s)

Seventh Generation Consoles (late 2000’s)

  • Nintendo DS (NDS): DSonPSP (note: that emulator is experimental and support has been stopped a long time ago!)



Jet Limão

Mil pontos, LOL!
Concordo com leo. Os preços aplicados pela plus me desestimulam a piratear o portátil, mas todo dia torço por um flash card funcional para o 3DS.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Tenho no meu vita o Patapon 1 que não sei de onde veio, acho até que peguei na plus uma vez, baixo ele e faço que nem no video de apertar o botão L quando der load no jogo? Só isso ou tenho que baixar algum save pro vita?


Mil pontos, LOL!
Concordo com leo. Os preços aplicados pela plus me desestimulam a piratear o portátil, mas todo dia torço por um flash card funcional para o 3DS.

Com a PS+ realmente a pirataria de jogos do PSVita não parece interessante. O legal seria se pudesse manter o CFW pra jogos de PSP, PS1 e emuladores sem ter que perder a acesso a PSN. A Sony como sempre se dando ao trabalho de tornar a plataforma dela menos atrativa ao invés de investir nela.

Tenho no meu vita o Patapon 1 que não sei de onde veio, acho até que peguei na plus uma vez, baixo ele e faço que nem no video de apertar o botão L quando der load no jogo? Só isso ou tenho que baixar algum save pro vita?

Procure um tutorial ai, é bem fácil, se você já tem o jogo não existe motivo nenhum pra você não experimentar o CFW, você não perde nada.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Concordo com leo. Os preços aplicados pela plus me desestimulam a piratear o portátil, mas todo dia torço por um flash card funcional para o 3DS.

Tu sabes que existe o Gateway que roda tudo e da acesso a internet ne?

Sobre o topico, nao pretendo destravar meu vita nao, nao tem necessidade disso. Os preços sao justos e acessiveis e todo mes tem, pelo menos, uma promoçao muito boa. A unica possibilidade disso me deixar tentado eh se rodar MUITO BEM um emulador de 64 e de jogos de PS2. Alias, eu nao entendo pq a Sony nao coloca os jogos de ps2 a venda pro vita tb. Tem muito jogo que eu deixei de jogar e que pegaria com toda certeza, como Rogue Galaxy e Final Fantasy XII.

Léo Stanbuck

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Tenho no meu vita o Patapon 1 que não sei de onde veio, acho até que peguei na plus uma vez, baixo ele e faço que nem no video de apertar o botão L quando der load no jogo? Só isso ou tenho que baixar algum save pro vita?

Patapon tem para vender na PSN. Tem todos para vender. Tanto Patapon quanto LocoRoco.

Tu sabes que existe o Gateway que roda tudo e da acesso a internet ne?

Sobre o topico, nao pretendo destravar meu vita nao, nao tem necessidade disso. Os preços sao justos e acessiveis e todo mes tem, pelo menos, uma promoçao muito boa. A unica possibilidade disso me deixar tentado eh se rodar MUITO BEM um emulador de 64 e de jogos de PS2. Alias, eu nao entendo pq a Sony nao coloca os jogos de ps2 a venda pro vita tb. Tem muito jogo que eu deixei de jogar e que pegaria com toda certeza, como Rogue Galaxy e Final Fantasy XII.

PS2 no Vita faria dele o melhor portátil da história. E eu falo sério. A Sony está falhando horrores não fazendo isso. A quantidade de jogo de PS2 que eu tenho vontade de jogar nele é absurda!


Lenda da internet
Ja que a Sony ta cagando pro Vita mesmo então f**a-se.
Vou mexer com isso amanhã :rox
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