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Bolsonaro chama refugiados de "escória do mundo"
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Reprodução/Luis Macedo/Câmara dos Deputados

O deputado Jair Bolsonaro: declarações polêmicas sobre refugiados e Dilma Rousseff

Rita Azevedo, de EXAME.com Siga-me
São Paulo – O deputado Jair Bolsonaro (PP-RJ) disse, na última quinta-feira, que os refugiados que chegam ao Brasil são “escória do mundo”.

A declaração foi dada pelo parlamentar durante uma entrevista ao Jornal Opção, de Goiás, logo após participar do I Workshop da Justiça Criminal em Goiânia.

Após ser questionado sobre a situação dos militares no Brasil, o deputado diz que eles estão “desaparelhados”.

“Não sei qual é a adesão dos comandantes, mas, caso venham reduzir o efetivo [das Forças Armadas] é menos gente nas ruas para fazer frente aos marginais do MST, dos haitianos, senegaleses, bolivianos e tudo que é escória do mundo que, agora, está chegando os sírios também. A escória do mundo está chegando ao Brasil como se nós não tivéssemos problema demais para resolver”, disse.

"Assim como a luta armada começou em 1966, e eles não estavam tão aparelhados assim, por isso foram derrotados, agora eles estão muito melhores preparados do que nós, o que é pior", disse.

Infartada ou com câncer

Bolsonaro disse, ainda, que, se dependesse dele, Dilma Rousseff deixaria o cargo imediatamente.

"Espero que o mandato dela acabe hoje, infartada, com câncer ou de qualquer maneira", disse. "O Brasil não pode continuar sofrendo com uma incompetente, ou ‘incompetenta’, à frente de um país tão grande e maravilhoso como esse aqui”.

Abaixo, o áudio da entrevista concedida ao repórter Frederico Vitor, do Jornal Opção.

Eu às vezes concordo com algumas obviedades dele. Talvez na redução da maioridade penal para monstrinhos insensíveis eu concorde com quase tudo. Mas é difícil engolir um cara como esse sendo chamado de Mito. A pessoa abusa da boa vontade alheia em tolerar a falta de bom senso.

Uma pessoa que chama refugiado, que foge da pobreza, de terremoto, de fundamentalista religioso, de qualquer desgraça que seja, de escória do mundo ter seguidor?
Uma pessoa que, no auge da sua figura pública, torce para alguém ter um infarto ter seguidor?

Eis o retrato político do Brasil. Pegam o tio que reclama de tudo nas festas de família e dizem que aquele ser reclamão é o líder. Sempre tem uma criança para achar engraçado.


YouTube Player

Essa ai era a "nossa" "terceira" opção?
Terceira opção depois de PT e o PSDB.
E pela legião de fanáticos por esse cara que vejo por aí, ele tem grandes chances.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!

Sou extremo fã do bolsomito para muitas coisas que ele fala, ele é um dos poucos na câmara que fala o que tem vontade e fala um monte de m. para vários bandidos engravatados, pena que as vezes ele solta umas m. também para quem não tem nada.
Mas prefiro pensar que ele se expressou mau ao invés de ser tão radical. Tipo é a escória mas não no sentido que são um lixo de seres humanos e merecem morrer. E sim que se tornaram a escória por culpa dos governantes.


Esse cara é um babaca fdp.... Imagina ter que largar tudo só com a roupa do couro, pq uns fdp ficam brigando para se manter no poder, por se achar maior que todos os outros

Quem tem coragem para fazer isso tá muito longe de ser escória, escória é ter uns deputados nojento que só faz mamar a anos no poder, nunca conseguiu aprovar uma proposta decente e só ganha destaque por fazer papel de palhaço e ficar criando polêmica no Facebook e TV

Enviado de meu D6633 usando Tapatalk

sebastiao coelho neto

Lenda da internet
Bolsonaro é a figura perfeita pros petistas. É o inimigo a combater. E o pior, para a militância ele é o espelho que vai refletir toda a oposição. Basta eu ou você concordar um UMA declaração menos radical dele (mesmo que rejeite todas as outras) que a militância vai nos igualar ao político pra desmerecer porcamente qualquer argumento. Fizeram isso por anos.

Rocha Loures

porra Bolsonaro, ao mesmo tempo que tenho alguma admiração por ti, tambem tenho repulsa e vergonha alheia, ce fala muita m**** as vezes cara


As vezes o Bolsonaro dá uma de Donald Trump tupiniquim. Não creio que ele leve as eleições se vier a se candidatar, mas mandando essas dificulta ainda mais as coisas para ele.

Enviado do meu ZenFone 5 usando Tapatalk


O Exterminador de confusões
Membro STAFF
Ele foi tipo o deputado mais votado. Tenso.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Daqui a pouco estão fazendo abaixo assinado para acabar com o futebol porque ofende os costumes deles aqui no Brasil, igual fizeram com a oktobeerfest na alemanha

Enviado de meu Nexus 4 usando Tapatalk


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Ídolo-mor dos tetudinhos que não catavam muié na escola e diziam que elas eram vagabundas porque preferiam caras mais legais!


Pra variar, uma entrevista interessante, cheia de pontos importantes. Mas ganha destaque uma palavra infeliz.

Bolsonaro incomoda. Tentam destruí-lo de todas as maneiras.

Ultima Edição:


Pra variar, uma entrevista interessante, cheia de pontos importantes. Mas ganha destaque uma palavra infeliz.

Bolsonaro incomoda. Tentam destruí-lo de todas as maneiras.

Se fosse a Dilma falando uma m**** dessas tu não estaria sendo tão benevolente.... Deram destaque pq foi uma m**** sem tamanho

Enviado de meu D6633 usando Tapatalk


Se fosse a Dilma falando uma m**** dessas tu não estaria sendo tão benevolente.... Deram destaque pq foi uma m**** sem tamanho

Enviado de meu D6633 usando Tapatalk
A palavra foi infeliz. Claro que foi, não a defendo. Foi desrespeitosa, deveria até se desculpar.

O caso é que o Brasil não dá conta nem de cuidar de seu próprio povo, vive crise severa, faltam empregos para os brasileiros, faltam hospitais para os brasileiros , mas está recebendo estrangeiros sem condições. Gente pobre que vem para ser ajudada. Citou também haitianos, senegaleses, bolivianos. Isso é inegável. Mas Bolsonaro não precisava chamar de escória (aparentemente no sentido de ralé, gentalha), que é uma palavra pesada.
Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!
O cara falou um monte de coisas interessantes, mas pegam um trecho, deturbam e fazem a festa dos mimizentos, eita que delicia de midia maluco do céu :kjoinha


Mil pontos, LOL!
Sério? Do que se trata?
Foi uma comunidade de imigrante na Alemanha, fizeram um abaixo-assinado para acabar com a Oktobeerfest, porque os bêbados incomodavam, ofendiam os costumes deles e bla, bla, bla, como se a m**** dos costumes deles tivessem prioridade no país... ou seja, vieram de favor e ainda querem mandar, é como você oferecer abrigo a um desabrigado, e o cara quisesse mandar na tua casa!

Tem que tomar muito cuidado, pois na Europa mesmo, eles já estão se espalhando como se fosse uma "praga". Na Inglaterra tem uma comunidade muçulmana que causa problemas pra cacete também... se deixar, vão tomando espaço!

Kill Moves

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Nunca vi esse cara falar algo bom, nenhuma virgula mesmo.

A única coisa que conheço de bom nele é não ser corrupto (aparentemente).


Mil pontos, LOL!
Bom, a ultima vez que eu falei que ele era um lixo preconceituoso falaram que era mentira, que a Band editou, bom tai.

Preferia mil vezes uma "escoria do mundo" do que esses lixos sanguessugas de Brasilia, pelo menos eles tem alma.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Se lembram do moleque que criou um relógio e confundiram com uma bomba? então....

by Gina Cassini | Top Right News

One of the most controversial stories of the week was the insane levels of hype and outrage over a Muslim boy who made a digital clock and then was arrested because his teacher thought it might be a bomb.

Within hours of the story, until liberals turned it into their latest pet cause, — accusing the school administrators, and anyone who agreed with their cautious actions, as “Islamophobes.”

Obama, as he did with the Trayon Martin case, immediately made the story explode by inviting Ahmed to the White House in a Tweet that the media hyped worldwide. Invitations and internship offers for the “boy genius inventor” soon came in from places such as Facebook, Twitter and MIT.

But to skeptics, something about the story stunk from the start — and the evidence is now mounting that the entire incident may have been a setup or hoax after all.

First there is the fact that the place it occurred, Irving, TX, was recently in the news as the first city in America to bar Muslim Sharia Law (among all international law structures) from use, after Muslim “scholars” announced a “Sharia Tribunal” in January — sparking outrage among Americans.

The Irving, TX anti-Sharia vote infuriated Muslims worldwide, making it perhaps a target for a setup.

Then Breitbart revealed that Ahmed’s father Mohamed ElHassan Mohamed, is a well-known Muslim activist and rabble-rouser, taking on Koran-burner Terry Jones, and debating radical Islam-critic Robert Spencer — neither of which has been reported by the media.

This would tend to support the contention that the Ahmed clock incident was a “setup” or “lawsuit bait” — one backed up by this Tweet put out by Mohammed:

Then there was the bizarre behavior of Ahmed himself when he brought his “invention” to school. After he showed it to his engineering teacher…the teacher said it resembled a bomb, and asked him not to show it to any other teachers. But Ahmed then brought it into his English class, plugged it in, set an alarm to go off, and did not mention to the teacher who felt “threatened” by it that he already showed it to the engineering teacher, and to ask him about it…which could have easily resolved the security concerns.

Police described Ahmed as being “passive aggressive” in his answers to their questions, and didn’t have a “reasonable answer” as to what he was doing with the case. Was his behavior consistent with wanting to provoke a responseby Irving authorities?

Now an engineer’s blog post on Artvoice may have exposed the entire incident as a setup or hoax once and for all.

The engineer asserts that the “boy genius” Ahmed didn’t “invent” anything at all. He merely took apart an existing clock from the 1970s, and inexplicably transplanted its guts into the large pencil case he picked up off Amazon.

This individual has an engineering degree and a love for all things electronics and thought it would be cool to reverse engineer the clock built by Ahmed, because well, he’s the kind of guy who gets a kick out of doing such things.

According to him and his research, that’s when he made the discovery about Ahmed’s “invention.”

From Artvoice:

I found the highest resolution photograph of the clock I could. Instantly, I was disappointed. Somewhere in all of this – there has indeed been a hoax. Ahmed Mohamed didn’t invent his own alarm clock. He didn’t even build a clock. Now, before I go on and get accused of attacking a 14 year old kid who’s already been through enough, let me explain my purpose. I don’t want to just dissect the clock. I want to dissect our reaction as a society to the situation. Part of that is the knee-jerk responses we’re all so quick to make without facts. So, before you scroll down and leave me angry comments, please continue to the end (or not – prove my point, and miss the point, entirely!)

For starters, one glance at the printed circuit board in the photo, and I knew we were looking at mid-to-late 1970s vintage electronics. Surely you’ve seen a modern circuit board, with metallic traces leading all over to the various components like an electronic spider’s web. You’ll notice right away the highly accurate spacing, straightness of the lines, consistency of the patterns. That’s because we design things on computers nowadays, and computers assist in routing these lines. Take a look at the board in Ahmed’s clock. It almost looks hand-drawn, right? That’s because it probably was. Computer aided design was in its infancy in the 70s. This is how simple, low cost items (like an alarm clock) were designed. Today, even a budding beginner is going to get some computer aided assistance – in fact they’ll probably start there, learning by simulating designs before building them. You can even simulate or lay out a board with free apps on your phone or tablet. A modern hobbyist usually wouldn’t be bothered with the outdated design techniques. There’s also silk screening on the board. An “M” logo, “C-94” (probably, a part number – C might even stand for “clock”), and what looks like an American flag. More about that in a minute. Point for now being, a hobbyist wouldn’t silk screen logos and part numbers on their home made creation. It’s pretty safe to say already we’re looking at ’70s tech, mass produced in a factory.

So I turned to eBay, searching for vintage alarm clocks. It only took a minute to locate Ahmed’s clock. See this eBay listing, up at the time of this writing. Amhed’s clock was invented, and built, by Micronta, a Radio Shack subsidary. Catalog number 63 756.

The shape and design is a dead give away. The large screen. The buttons on the front laid out horizontally would have been on a separate board – a large snooze button, four control buttons, and two switches to turn the alarm on and off, and choose two brightness levels. A second board inside would have contained the actual “brains” of the unit. The clock features a 9v battery back-up, and a switch on the rear allows the owner to choose between 12 and 24 hour time. (Features like a battery back-up, and a 24 hour time selection seems awful superfluous for a hobby project, don’t you think?) Oh, and about that “M” logo on the circuit board mentioned above? Micronta.

For one last bit of confirmation, I located the pencil box Ahmed used for his project. During this video interview he again claims it was his “invention” and that he “made” the device – but the important thing at the moment, at 1:13, we see him showing the pencil box on his computer screen. Here it is on Amazon, where it’s clearly labeled as being 8.25 inches wide. Our eBay seller also conveniently took a photo of the clock next to a ruler to show it’s scale – about 8 inches wide. The dimensions all line up perfectly.

So there you have it folks, Ahmed Mohamad did not invent, nor build a clock. He took apart an existing clock, and transplanted the guts into a pencil box, and claimed it was his own creation. It all seems really fishy to me.

If we accept the story about “inventing” an alarm clock is made up, as I think I’ve made a pretty good case for, it’s fair to wonder what other parts of the story might be made up, not reported factually by the media, or at least, exaggerated.

The engineer goes on to ask a few good questions that aren’t aimed at picking on Ahmed, but are focused on how we as a society seem to be itching for some new cause to take up, how we’re ready to turn any and every perceived slight into an opportunity to spout off about some major social cause, taking to Facebook and Twitter to blast the web will all sorts of memes and other over emotional blubbering.

Another great point brought up by this guy centers on why Ahmed was worried about the clock “looking suspicious” which is a claim he makes in an interview with the media. He specifically says he chose to close up the box with cord so it wouldn’t “look suspicious.”If this was truly just about showing off his love for electronics — a perfectly acceptable and healthy hobby — why this specific concern?

Another good question posed by the engineer is why in the world he would choose a pencil case as the housing for his clock, seeing as how it had to be closed up, making it super difficult to actually see the number display. Also, the open case poses a safety risk as there’s a transformer near the snooze button, which could produce an electric shock.

He goes on to suggest the possibility that maybe, just maybe, this whole thing really was a hoax bomb after all.

This afternoon, some Redditors also claimed that Ahmed’s claimed USB hub “invention” pictured in the video still above is simply a Best Buy USB hub with its plastic cover removed, with no modifications made to it. NOT an “invention” of any kind.

Regardless of Ahmed’s intentions, the truth of the matter is that the fury and rage over the incident says far more about us as a culture than it does about the boy who is now the center of attention, the new spokesman for equality being used by CAIR to push forward their agenda.

Instead of just immediately blabbing about this “poor, poor child,” and emoting online, perhaps we as a society should’ve applied some sound logic and research to the whole situation before immediately jumping to conclusions, assuming this was all about race or religion.

Definitely something to ponder.

* Correction: A reader and commenter, Joe Donaldson, tracked down the clock in a Radio Shack catalog dated 1986. It’s likely that my guess of mid-to-late 70s was off by a bit, and it’s now obvious it was a model that was for sale in the mid 80s. Though it doesn’t really change the point, I want to post this correction here for accuracy sake and thank Joe for the heads up. (See the comment here, with link to the catalog page.)




Operador de Marreta
Membro STAFF
Mito porra nenhuma. É só mais um idiota no meio dos outros.
Tipo um Sibá Machado da oposição.

Daqui a pouco estão fazendo abaixo assinado para acabar com o futebol porque ofende os costumes deles aqui no Brasil, igual fizeram com a oktobeerfest na Alemanha

Isso é fake criado pelos zoeiros do 4chan e você caiu no dibre.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Se lembram do moleque que criou um relógio e confundiram com uma bomba? então....

by Gina Cassini | Top Right News

One of the most controversial stories of the week was the insane levels of hype and outrage over a Muslim boy who made a digital clock and then was arrested because his teacher thought it might be a bomb.

Within hours of the story, until liberals turned it into their latest pet cause, — accusing the school administrators, and anyone who agreed with their cautious actions, as “Islamophobes.”

Obama, as he did with the Trayon Martin case, immediately made the story explode by inviting Ahmed to the White House in a Tweet that the media hyped worldwide. Invitations and internship offers for the “boy genius inventor” soon came in from places such as Facebook, Twitter and MIT.

But to skeptics, something about the story stunk from the start — and the evidence is now mounting that the entire incident may have been a setup or hoax after all.

First there is the fact that the place it occurred, Irving, TX, was recently in the news as the first city in America to bar Muslim Sharia Law (among all international law structures) from use, after Muslim “scholars” announced a “Sharia Tribunal” in January — sparking outrage among Americans.

The Irving, TX anti-Sharia vote infuriated Muslims worldwide, making it perhaps a target for a setup.

Then Breitbart revealed that Ahmed’s father Mohamed ElHassan Mohamed, is a well-known Muslim activist and rabble-rouser, taking on Koran-burner Terry Jones, and debating radical Islam-critic Robert Spencer — neither of which has been reported by the media.

This would tend to support the contention that the Ahmed clock incident was a “setup” or “lawsuit bait” — one backed up by this Tweet put out by Mohammed:

Then there was the bizarre behavior of Ahmed himself when he brought his “invention” to school. After he showed it to his engineering teacher…the teacher said it resembled a bomb, and asked him not to show it to any other teachers. But Ahmed then brought it into his English class, plugged it in, set an alarm to go off, and did not mention to the teacher who felt “threatened” by it that he already showed it to the engineering teacher, and to ask him about it…which could have easily resolved the security concerns.

Police described Ahmed as being “passive aggressive” in his answers to their questions, and didn’t have a “reasonable answer” as to what he was doing with the case. Was his behavior consistent with wanting to provoke a responseby Irving authorities?

Now an engineer’s blog post on Artvoice may have exposed the entire incident as a setup or hoax once and for all.

The engineer asserts that the “boy genius” Ahmed didn’t “invent” anything at all. He merely took apart an existing clock from the 1970s, and inexplicably transplanted its guts into the large pencil case he picked up off Amazon.

This individual has an engineering degree and a love for all things electronics and thought it would be cool to reverse engineer the clock built by Ahmed, because well, he’s the kind of guy who gets a kick out of doing such things.

According to him and his research, that’s when he made the discovery about Ahmed’s “invention.”

From Artvoice:

I found the highest resolution photograph of the clock I could. Instantly, I was disappointed. Somewhere in all of this – there has indeed been a hoax. Ahmed Mohamed didn’t invent his own alarm clock. He didn’t even build a clock. Now, before I go on and get accused of attacking a 14 year old kid who’s already been through enough, let me explain my purpose. I don’t want to just dissect the clock. I want to dissect our reaction as a society to the situation. Part of that is the knee-jerk responses we’re all so quick to make without facts. So, before you scroll down and leave me angry comments, please continue to the end (or not – prove my point, and miss the point, entirely!)

For starters, one glance at the printed circuit board in the photo, and I knew we were looking at mid-to-late 1970s vintage electronics. Surely you’ve seen a modern circuit board, with metallic traces leading all over to the various components like an electronic spider’s web. You’ll notice right away the highly accurate spacing, straightness of the lines, consistency of the patterns. That’s because we design things on computers nowadays, and computers assist in routing these lines. Take a look at the board in Ahmed’s clock. It almost looks hand-drawn, right? That’s because it probably was. Computer aided design was in its infancy in the 70s. This is how simple, low cost items (like an alarm clock) were designed. Today, even a budding beginner is going to get some computer aided assistance – in fact they’ll probably start there, learning by simulating designs before building them. You can even simulate or lay out a board with free apps on your phone or tablet. A modern hobbyist usually wouldn’t be bothered with the outdated design techniques. There’s also silk screening on the board. An “M” logo, “C-94” (probably, a part number – C might even stand for “clock”), and what looks like an American flag. More about that in a minute. Point for now being, a hobbyist wouldn’t silk screen logos and part numbers on their home made creation. It’s pretty safe to say already we’re looking at ’70s tech, mass produced in a factory.

So I turned to eBay, searching for vintage alarm clocks. It only took a minute to locate Ahmed’s clock. See this eBay listing, up at the time of this writing. Amhed’s clock was invented, and built, by Micronta, a Radio Shack subsidary. Catalog number 63 756.

The shape and design is a dead give away. The large screen. The buttons on the front laid out horizontally would have been on a separate board – a large snooze button, four control buttons, and two switches to turn the alarm on and off, and choose two brightness levels. A second board inside would have contained the actual “brains” of the unit. The clock features a 9v battery back-up, and a switch on the rear allows the owner to choose between 12 and 24 hour time. (Features like a battery back-up, and a 24 hour time selection seems awful superfluous for a hobby project, don’t you think?) Oh, and about that “M” logo on the circuit board mentioned above? Micronta.

For one last bit of confirmation, I located the pencil box Ahmed used for his project. During this video interview he again claims it was his “invention” and that he “made” the device – but the important thing at the moment, at 1:13, we see him showing the pencil box on his computer screen. Here it is on Amazon, where it’s clearly labeled as being 8.25 inches wide. Our eBay seller also conveniently took a photo of the clock next to a ruler to show it’s scale – about 8 inches wide. The dimensions all line up perfectly.

So there you have it folks, Ahmed Mohamad did not invent, nor build a clock. He took apart an existing clock, and transplanted the guts into a pencil box, and claimed it was his own creation. It all seems really fishy to me.

If we accept the story about “inventing” an alarm clock is made up, as I think I’ve made a pretty good case for, it’s fair to wonder what other parts of the story might be made up, not reported factually by the media, or at least, exaggerated.

The engineer goes on to ask a few good questions that aren’t aimed at picking on Ahmed, but are focused on how we as a society seem to be itching for some new cause to take up, how we’re ready to turn any and every perceived slight into an opportunity to spout off about some major social cause, taking to Facebook and Twitter to blast the web will all sorts of memes and other over emotional blubbering.

Another great point brought up by this guy centers on why Ahmed was worried about the clock “looking suspicious” which is a claim he makes in an interview with the media. He specifically says he chose to close up the box with cord so it wouldn’t “look suspicious.”If this was truly just about showing off his love for electronics — a perfectly acceptable and healthy hobby — why this specific concern?

Another good question posed by the engineer is why in the world he would choose a pencil case as the housing for his clock, seeing as how it had to be closed up, making it super difficult to actually see the number display. Also, the open case poses a safety risk as there’s a transformer near the snooze button, which could produce an electric shock.

He goes on to suggest the possibility that maybe, just maybe, this whole thing really was a hoax bomb after all.

This afternoon, some Redditors also claimed that Ahmed’s claimed USB hub “invention” pictured in the video still above is simply a Best Buy USB hub with its plastic cover removed, with no modifications made to it. NOT an “invention” of any kind.

Regardless of Ahmed’s intentions, the truth of the matter is that the fury and rage over the incident says far more about us as a culture than it does about the boy who is now the center of attention, the new spokesman for equality being used by CAIR to push forward their agenda.

Instead of just immediately blabbing about this “poor, poor child,” and emoting online, perhaps we as a society should’ve applied some sound logic and research to the whole situation before immediately jumping to conclusions, assuming this was all about race or religion.

Definitely something to ponder.

* Correction: A reader and commenter, Joe Donaldson, tracked down the clock in a Radio Shack catalog dated 1986. It’s likely that my guess of mid-to-late 70s was off by a bit, and it’s now obvious it was a model that was for sale in the mid 80s. Though it doesn’t really change the point, I want to post this correction here for accuracy sake and thank Joe for the heads up. (See the comment here, with link to the catalog page.)


porra sagaopc, gosto de ti, as mandar um wall of text desse tamanho em inglês velho, posta um resumo da bagaceira ai em 1 linha.
Edit: é dibre huahauhauahuahau mas resume ai!


Mil pontos, LOL!
porra sagaopc, gosto de ti, as mandar um wall of text desse tamanho em inglês velho, posta um resumo da bagaceira ai em 1 linha.
Edit: é dibre huahauhauahuahau mas resume ai!

Pelo que eu entendi, um engenheiro analisou o relógio e viu que não tinha nada de invenção nele, era um relógio antigo ligado numa maleta. pelo que disseram, o intuito do moleque (ou da familia) era causar mesmo, fazendo todos acharem que era uma bomba... Pelo menos foi essa as infos que eu consegui garimpar!


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Comentário lamentável realmente se ele se referia a todos os imigrantes, ouvindo o áudio da entrevista fico meio em dúvida, pois ele falava sobre o MST e no caso se referiu aos imigrantes que vem para fazer parte do MST, caso esteja se referindo apenas a esses, não diria que o comentário foi lamentável em sua essência, mas apenas mal explicado.


Master Distiller
Ídolo-mor dos tetudinhos que não catavam muié na escola e diziam que elas eram vagabundas porque preferiam caras mais legais!
eita. Não sabia que vc idolatrava Bolsonaro
Engraçado que teve 2 MBML no VT recentemente de dois esquerdistas perguntando como chegar nas mina KKKKKKKKK

No mais. Ta na hora do Bolsonaro calar a boca. Ta defecando muito :S

Mestre Chinelada

Usuário exemplar
Na boa, entre Dilmanta e Bolsonaro, mil vezes Bolsonaro. Bolsonaro fala m**** e não dá nada, Dilma calada já fode o Brasil inteiro, imagine se resolvesse abrir a boca, as poucas vezes que tentou dá para perceber um profundo retardo mental em suas palavras e frases desconexas.

Mas o caboclo falou m**** ai, está meio desinformado, no mínimo está achando que os refugiados são todos terroristas e extremistas. É uma situação tão complicada que sinceramente gente como ele não deveria nem ousar a emitir alguma opinião a respeito.
Ultima Edição:


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
eita. Não sabia que vc idolatrava Bolsonaro
Engraçado que teve 2 MBML no VT recentemente de dois esquerdistas perguntando como chegar nas mina KKKKKKKKK

No mais. Ta na hora do Bolsonaro calar a boca. Ta defecando muito :S
Xiii... Tenho um fã agora? Sai da minha aba, rapa!
E pelo jeito vc se doeu com comentário! Bateu lembranças? ;-P


Mil pontos, LOL!
Bolsonaro se alimenta de controvérsias. A jornalista, inclusive, ajudou absurdamente nesse sentido, ao titular a entrevista justamente com a parte mais polêmica. Não dá para afirmar com certeza, mas às vezes tenho a impressão que ele calcula algumas das declarações polêmicas que faz, justamente para se manter "na crista da onda", por assim dizer. De qualquer maneira, extremismo (de qualquer forma) dificilmente leva a bons resultados.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Bolsonaro chama refugiados de "escória do mundo"
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Reprodução/Luis Macedo/Câmara dos Deputados

O deputado Jair Bolsonaro: declarações polêmicas sobre refugiados e Dilma Rousseff

Rita Azevedo, de EXAME.com Siga-me
São Paulo – O deputado Jair Bolsonaro (PP-RJ) disse, na última quinta-feira, que os refugiados que chegam ao Brasil são “escória do mundo”.

A declaração foi dada pelo parlamentar durante uma entrevista ao Jornal Opção, de Goiás, logo após participar do I Workshop da Justiça Criminal em Goiânia.

Após ser questionado sobre a situação dos militares no Brasil, o deputado diz que eles estão “desaparelhados”.

“Não sei qual é a adesão dos comandantes, mas, caso venham reduzir o efetivo [das Forças Armadas] é menos gente nas ruas para fazer frente aos marginais do MST, dos haitianos, senegaleses, bolivianos e tudo que é escória do mundo que, agora, está chegando os sírios também. A escória do mundo está chegando ao Brasil como se nós não tivéssemos problema demais para resolver”, disse.

"Assim como a luta armada começou em 1966, e eles não estavam tão aparelhados assim, por isso foram derrotados, agora eles estão muito melhores preparados do que nós, o que é pior", disse.

Infartada ou com câncer

Bolsonaro disse, ainda, que, se dependesse dele, Dilma Rousseff deixaria o cargo imediatamente.

"Espero que o mandato dela acabe hoje, infartada, com câncer ou de qualquer maneira", disse. "O Brasil não pode continuar sofrendo com uma incompetente, ou ‘incompetenta’, à frente de um país tão grande e maravilhoso como esse aqui”.

Abaixo, o áudio da entrevista concedida ao repórter Frederico Vitor, do Jornal Opção.

Eu às vezes concordo com algumas obviedades dele. Talvez na redução da maioridade penal para monstrinhos insensíveis eu concorde com quase tudo. Mas é difícil engolir um cara como esse sendo chamado de Mito. A pessoa abusa da boa vontade alheia em tolerar a falta de bom senso.

Uma pessoa que chama refugiado, que foge da pobreza, de terremoto, de fundamentalista religioso, de qualquer desgraça que seja, de escória do mundo ter seguidor?
Uma pessoa que, no auge da sua figura pública, torce para alguém ter um infarto ter seguidor?

Eis o retrato político do Brasil. Pegam o tio que reclama de tudo nas festas de família e dizem que aquele ser reclamão é o líder. Sempre tem uma criança para achar engraçado.

Não vejo que ele esteja tão errado. Mas escolheu mal as palavras e a colocação.

Essas pessoas que estão em fuga são vitimas. Ok. Fojem da fome, guerra, miseria, etc. Mas no Brasil já não temos suficiente disso para trazer ainda mais?
O pais esta no meio de uma recessão absurda, uma crise sem data de término. E vamos ter que abrir mão mais ainda para bancar refugiados do outro lado do mundo. Cada um destes "imigrantes" que entra aqui, é um emprego a menos que será ocupado por um Brasileiro. Eh entregar mais ainda o país a m****.
- Ah, voce eh insensivel, os pobres coitatos estão sofrendo.

Não. Eu não sou insensível. Eu me compadeço sim da dor deles. Mas me compadeço ainda mais da dor de 3k Brasileiros que foram disputar 200 vagas de emprego em clima de desespero, que são meus compatriotas, e estão desempregados, sem poder dar comida direito aos filhos, vivendo de favores (enquanto podem) e tem que arcar com os custos de um governo de fachada. Que só quer saber da imagem dele para tentar se manter no poder. Não existe reflexão, pensamento, planejamento. Um país com dividas e déficits absurdos, com IDH baixo e altíssimo custo de vida. Não conseguimos oferecer o mínimo de dignidade ao nosso povo e vão querer bancar refugiado de uma região em guerra devido a problemas milenares que envolvem religião e cultura deles mesmos.
Desculpem, mas paises como a Alemanha conseguem absorver esses imigrantes sem perda para a sociedade, mas o Brasil não tem condições não. A tendência eh que cada vez mais brasileiros saiam e estrangeiros cheguem, logo o Brasil será tudo, menos um país de brasileiros.

Se for colocar de forma simples. Antes de receber visitas. Voce arruma a casa.
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