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Tópico oficial Cyberpunk 2077 | Ultimate Edition


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
esperar os novos consoles p jogar n vai rolar, mas uma tv 4k top eu quero p jogar esse ai.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Rockstar não conseguiu??

Sério que vc quer comparar a complexidade de um jogo como cyberpunk, com cidades super populosas com centenas de prédios e outras construções e cheia de efeitos de luzes artificiais, com o RDR2 que apesar de muito bonito se passa em ambiente que é composto em sua maior parte por floresta?



Putz....versão definitiva só nos novos consoles mesmo.

A versão definitiva será a do PC como sempre, não se sabe se essa tecnologia de ray tracing da nvidia será compatível com as placas AMD ou se será necessário uma tecnologia da própria AMD para RT, pode funcionar nas placas AMD com uma perda de desempenho ainda maior ou ela pode usar uma tecnologia própria tipo as sombras soft shadow CHS (exclusiva da AMD) e as sombas Nvidia PCSS.
Ultima Edição:

Bryan best

Sério que vc quer comparar a complexidade de um jogo como cyberpunk, com cidades super populosas com centenas de prédios e outras construções e cheia de efeitos de luzes artificiais, com o RDR2 que apesar de muito bonito se passa em ambiente que é composto em sua maior parte por floresta?

A versão definitiva será a do PC como sempre, não se sabe se essa tecnologia de ray tracing da nvidia será compatível com as placas AMD ou se será necessário uma tecnologia da própria AMD para RT, pode funcionar nas placas AMD com uma perda de desempenho ainda maior ou ela pode usar uma tecnologia própria tipo as sombras soft shadow CHS (exclusiva da AMD) e as sombas Nvidia PCSS.

Depois daquela gameplay...já não tinha hype,depois que vi aquilo então....super genérico.
Acredita mesmo que conseguiram mudar muito daquilo?
E a versão definitiva só será pra pc,enquanto a nova geração não chegar.
Acredito que ficará muito mais bonito nos consoles.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Será que vão esperar até agosto pra liberar esse gameplay novo igual ano passado?


Deleted member 219486

Comecei a jogar o Metro Êxodos, gostei das transições e animações das ações, se o Cyberpunk copiar ele teremos o game mais imersivo.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Será que vão esperar até agosto pra liberar esse gameplay novo igual ano passado?


Sim. È pra manter o hype. Ta na msg secreta deles

It reads: "For now, the demo is only available to the lucky ones who managed to get tickets to E3 and the rest of you will have to wait until Gamescom or the public dev Q&A unveiling stream at PAX in August." In other words, no more Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay until August.

But why? The Polish dev continues: "Yeah, we can already feel the bashing you're gonna give us online. 'Why is the gameplay not being released right away?' The reason is we want to make the most out of the months of work we put into the demo and first showcase gameplay live at E3 and Gamescom. Releasing gameplay right away would make the Gamescom presentations pointless and would significantly limit our chance to build hype. Why do we need to build hype? To get more gamers interested in Cyberpunk 2077 and, hopefully, convince them to give it a go. We are putting our hearts and souls into making Cyber Punk 2077 a great game and we would like as many gamers as possible to find out about it and experience its amazing story."


Mil pontos, LOL!
ué, estão lacrando com o jogo é? Pois vi ali um link de uma noticia dizendo que uma imagem causou polêmica na galera LGBTQ+


Mil pontos, LOL!
Sério que vc quer comparar a complexidade de um jogo como cyberpunk, com cidades super populosas com centenas de prédios e outras construções e cheia de efeitos de luzes artificiais, com o RDR2 que apesar de muito bonito se passa em ambiente que é composto em sua maior parte por floresta?
GTA 5 na geração passada


Mil pontos, LOL!
Mais duas... de muita pose :klol




Mil pontos, LOL!

mto foda a entrevista kkkkk

E QUENTISSIMA. JONHY SILVERHAND PODE OU NÂO ESTAR VIVO! (O ultimo livro deixa em aberto, fala-se que ele morreu mas ninguem achou o corpo e o autor fez de proposito).
Jonhy Silverhand teria 95 anos. Num mundo onde os ricos podem ir até 120-140 com cara de 50.

E o comportamento do Jonhy é "Snarky mofo" lol. "Get your shit together we have work to do !" :klol
Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!
ué, estão lacrando com o jogo é? Pois vi ali um link de uma noticia dizendo que uma imagem causou polêmica na galera LGBTQ+

O que aconteceu ai foi basicamente qnd teve uma turma SJW criticando a misoginia e machismo do Darth Vader em certo quadrinho.
Ai tiveram que ser lembrados que a porra do Vader é o vilão.

O mesmo vale pro mundo do CyberPunk, é distópico é fodido onde as megacorporações dominam, logo as representações em propagandas vão ser estereotipadas e ofensivas mesmo.

Dada a explicação, de certa forma a maioria se apaziguou.

Mas isso é o que acontece qnd essa turminha critica o que não conhece, nem consome.


Lenda da internet
Sobre a next gen: acho que com a retro não teremos mais remake/remaster, porém creio que algumas empresas cobrarão por patchs de alta resolução, o que acho justo, mas acho que a CD não vai cobrar.

Sent from my MI 6 using Tapatalk


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Vamos poupar o tópico de drama besta supostamente "politico":
  • Teve uns neurótico que só sabe "problematizar" obviamente vendo problema no jogo.
  • CDP falou que personagem principal pode (ou seja, é opcional) ser trans e isso revoltou umas pessoas.
Cada caso rendeu encheção de saco de um lado, ambos neuróticos e vivendo um mundo que só existe na cabeça deles.
No fim são pessoas que igualmente constroem nada e literalmente vivem de ficar reclamando, mesmo estando em "lados opostos".

Se trouxer isso pra cá o resultado vai ser o mesmo, pois é só isso que existe na cabeça desses doente.
Então melhor ignorar e seguir em frente.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Easily one of the most anticipated games landing next year, Cyberpunk 2077 has had quite an active week at E3 2019. In between announcing both its release date and collaboration with Keanu Reeves, more information on things like multiplayer has also emerged.

Although Cyberpunk 2077 was always planned to launch with only its single-player mode, multiplayer was previously known to be in R&D. That seems to have changed in the meantime, according to lead quest designer Paweł Sasko.

"We're not really working on multiplayer, our sole focus is single-player. We'll do that, then we'll see. We're not saying no but we're not saying yes. If something does happen it will definitely be post-launch and that's as much as I can say right now.", Sasko said in an interview with Eurogamer.

When asked whether Cyberpunk 2077's multiplayer could follow a similar route to Grand Theft Auto Online's, he answered by saying that there were indeed "some discussions in the studio", however, nothing is currently being worked on in that sense.

Furthermore, Sasko mentioned that if multiplayer was to be added to Cyberpunk 2077 it'd be done in the studio's style, tapping into the "good stories, amazing characters, choices and consequences" that CD Projekt Red is known for.

After a week grappling with controversy over the depiction of a sexualized transgender woman in Cyberpunk, a CD Projekt Red developer has told Gamasutra that the team is hoping to allow better gender representation through the in-game character creator.

The comment came during a longer conversation with quest director Mateusz Tomaszkiewicz that took place after developers and players expressed anger and frustration online over the in-game ad. Yesterday, Polygon was able to speak with one of the developers who worked on the ad. They offered some explanation and context about its inclusion in the game, but did not comment on if players would be able to play as transgender, nonbinary, or otherwise gender non-conforming characters themselves.

According to Tomaskiewicz, CD Projekt Red is hoping that when the character creator is finished, players will be able to customize their physical traits and voice to better match the gender they'd like to express. The company has previously shied away from confirming any details on its character creation system, stating in E3 presentations this year and last that it's a work in progress.

Tomaszkiewicz's comments appear to be the closest the team has been able to confirm this kind of character creation, which has been a topic journalists and other developers have been asking about given the game's themes about body modification and self-expression.

The challenges CD Projekt Red is facing with its depiction of transgender characters is one other game developers are also grappling with as they design character creators and work to define different forms of player expression. Transgender people in America and different parts of the globe face disproportionately high levels of violence and poverty, which often go hand-in-hand with stereotypical or hateful depictions that occur in video games or other media.

Other game developers hoping to be inclusive of transgender, nonbinary, or gender-fluid players have begun implementing game functions that ask for their preferred pronouns or offering gender-neutral options in the character creator.

For context, we're including Tomaskiewicz's full comments on this subject below.

Gamasutra: We haven't seen the full character selection screen. The team said it wasn't finished yet. There are still many changes you all are making to the game. Has the team at all considered, given their use of [trans] characters like that in the game to depict cyberpunk, has the team thought about giving players that kind of choice over their character, to give themselves similar representation?

And if they're not, has the team considered the gap between portraying characters like that, and limiting what you can have your players represent themselves as?

Tomaskiewicz: Of course. It's a very sensitive and important subject I believe. We have put a lot of thought into this. One of the things we want to do in the final game (which we couldn't show in the demo yet, because as you mentioned it's a work in progress) is to give the players as many options of customization in the beginning of the game as we can.

For example, we want to do this thing where, as you create your character, after you choose the body type, you can, for example, use physical traits as you build your face that could be assigned to a man or a woman.

Gamasutra: Or nonbinary?

Tomaskiewicz: Or nonbinary. The idea is to mix all of those up, to give them to the players, as they would like to build it. Same goes for the voice. We wanted to separate this out, so the players can choose it freely. This is something we are still working on, it's not as easy as it sounds.

This is one part of it. In terms of how we depict the characters within the setting itself, of course, yes, we are paying a lot of attention to it, we do not want anyone to feel like we are neglecting this, or treating it wrongly.

Agora eles se aquietam :klol


Mil pontos, LOL!
Easily one of the most anticipated games landing next year, Cyberpunk 2077 has had quite an active week at E3 2019. In between announcing both its release date and collaboration with Keanu Reeves, more information on things like multiplayer has also emerged.

Although Cyberpunk 2077 was always planned to launch with only its single-player mode, multiplayer was previously known to be in R&D. That seems to have changed in the meantime, according to lead quest designer Paweł Sasko.

"We're not really working on multiplayer, our sole focus is single-player. We'll do that, then we'll see. We're not saying no but we're not saying yes. If something does happen it will definitely be post-launch and that's as much as I can say right now.", Sasko said in an interview with Eurogamer.

When asked whether Cyberpunk 2077's multiplayer could follow a similar route to Grand Theft Auto Online's, he answered by saying that there were indeed "some discussions in the studio", however, nothing is currently being worked on in that sense.

Furthermore, Sasko mentioned that if multiplayer was to be added to Cyberpunk 2077 it'd be done in the studio's style, tapping into the "good stories, amazing characters, choices and consequences" that CD Projekt Red is known for.

After a week grappling with controversy over the depiction of a sexualized transgender woman in Cyberpunk, a CD Projekt Red developer has told Gamasutra that the team is hoping to allow better gender representation through the in-game character creator.

The comment came during a longer conversation with quest director Mateusz Tomaszkiewicz that took place after developers and players expressed anger and frustration online over the in-game ad. Yesterday, Polygon was able to speak with one of the developers who worked on the ad. They offered some explanation and context about its inclusion in the game, but did not comment on if players would be able to play as transgender, nonbinary, or otherwise gender non-conforming characters themselves.

According to Tomaskiewicz, CD Projekt Red is hoping that when the character creator is finished, players will be able to customize their physical traits and voice to better match the gender they'd like to express. The company has previously shied away from confirming any details on its character creation system, stating in E3 presentations this year and last that it's a work in progress.

Tomaszkiewicz's comments appear to be the closest the team has been able to confirm this kind of character creation, which has been a topic journalists and other developers have been asking about given the game's themes about body modification and self-expression.

The challenges CD Projekt Red is facing with its depiction of transgender characters is one other game developers are also grappling with as they design character creators and work to define different forms of player expression. Transgender people in America and different parts of the globe face disproportionately high levels of violence and poverty, which often go hand-in-hand with stereotypical or hateful depictions that occur in video games or other media.

Other game developers hoping to be inclusive of transgender, nonbinary, or gender-fluid players have begun implementing game functions that ask for their preferred pronouns or offering gender-neutral options in the character creator.

For context, we're including Tomaskiewicz's full comments on this subject below.

Gamasutra: We haven't seen the full character selection screen. The team said it wasn't finished yet. There are still many changes you all are making to the game. Has the team at all considered, given their use of [trans] characters like that in the game to depict cyberpunk, has the team thought about giving players that kind of choice over their character, to give themselves similar representation?

And if they're not, has the team considered the gap between portraying characters like that, and limiting what you can have your players represent themselves as?

Tomaskiewicz: Of course. It's a very sensitive and important subject I believe. We have put a lot of thought into this. One of the things we want to do in the final game (which we couldn't show in the demo yet, because as you mentioned it's a work in progress) is to give the players as many options of customization in the beginning of the game as we can.

For example, we want to do this thing where, as you create your character, after you choose the body type, you can, for example, use physical traits as you build your face that could be assigned to a man or a woman.

Gamasutra: Or nonbinary?

Tomaskiewicz: Or nonbinary. The idea is to mix all of those up, to give them to the players, as they would like to build it. Same goes for the voice. We wanted to separate this out, so the players can choose it freely. This is something we are still working on, it's not as easy as it sounds.

This is one part of it. In terms of how we depict the characters within the setting itself, of course, yes, we are paying a lot of attention to it, we do not want anyone to feel like we are neglecting this, or treating it wrongly.

Agora eles se aquietam :klol
Se aquietarem? Isso non ecziste :klol:klol:klol

Enviado de meu MI 6 usando o Tapatalk


Mil pontos, LOL!
Cyberpunk 2077 has exotics in the game, but just very few
When we attended E3 and heard about the animals gang, we expected to see a gang consisting of exotics. Since they more seem to prefer beast/animal-like power and agility the Animals do not seem to desire a animalistic appearance.

Exotics in Cyberpunk 2020 instead had sharkheads, bunnyears or liontails e.g.

When asking Lead Quest Designer Pawel Sasko about Animals in contrast to Exotics he mentioned that the latter exist in the video game, but modifications like this are rare and expensive. Thus there are just a few and the team wants to make encounters with certain exotic NPCs very memorable.

We do not know if the devs have addressed this before so we liked to share the info.

Source: https://t.co/OFfSzSTxju


Mil pontos, LOL!
Easily one of the most anticipated games landing next year, Cyberpunk 2077 has had quite an active week at E3 2019. In between announcing both its release date and collaboration with Keanu Reeves, more information on things like multiplayer has also emerged.

Although Cyberpunk 2077 was always planned to launch with only its single-player mode, multiplayer was previously known to be in R&D. That seems to have changed in the meantime, according to lead quest designer Paweł Sasko.

"We're not really working on multiplayer, our sole focus is single-player. We'll do that, then we'll see. We're not saying no but we're not saying yes. If something does happen it will definitely be post-launch and that's as much as I can say right now.", Sasko said in an interview with Eurogamer.

When asked whether Cyberpunk 2077's multiplayer could follow a similar route to Grand Theft Auto Online's, he answered by saying that there were indeed "some discussions in the studio", however, nothing is currently being worked on in that sense.

Furthermore, Sasko mentioned that if multiplayer was to be added to Cyberpunk 2077 it'd be done in the studio's style, tapping into the "good stories, amazing characters, choices and consequences" that CD Projekt Red is known for.

After a week grappling with controversy over the depiction of a sexualized transgender woman in Cyberpunk, a CD Projekt Red developer has told Gamasutra that the team is hoping to allow better gender representation through the in-game character creator.

The comment came during a longer conversation with quest director Mateusz Tomaszkiewicz that took place after developers and players expressed anger and frustration online over the in-game ad. Yesterday, Polygon was able to speak with one of the developers who worked on the ad. They offered some explanation and context about its inclusion in the game, but did not comment on if players would be able to play as transgender, nonbinary, or otherwise gender non-conforming characters themselves.

According to Tomaskiewicz, CD Projekt Red is hoping that when the character creator is finished, players will be able to customize their physical traits and voice to better match the gender they'd like to express. The company has previously shied away from confirming any details on its character creation system, stating in E3 presentations this year and last that it's a work in progress.

Tomaszkiewicz's comments appear to be the closest the team has been able to confirm this kind of character creation, which has been a topic journalists and other developers have been asking about given the game's themes about body modification and self-expression.

The challenges CD Projekt Red is facing with its depiction of transgender characters is one other game developers are also grappling with as they design character creators and work to define different forms of player expression. Transgender people in America and different parts of the globe face disproportionately high levels of violence and poverty, which often go hand-in-hand with stereotypical or hateful depictions that occur in video games or other media.

Other game developers hoping to be inclusive of transgender, nonbinary, or gender-fluid players have begun implementing game functions that ask for their preferred pronouns or offering gender-neutral options in the character creator.

For context, we're including Tomaskiewicz's full comments on this subject below.

Gamasutra: We haven't seen the full character selection screen. The team said it wasn't finished yet. There are still many changes you all are making to the game. Has the team at all considered, given their use of [trans] characters like that in the game to depict cyberpunk, has the team thought about giving players that kind of choice over their character, to give themselves similar representation?

And if they're not, has the team considered the gap between portraying characters like that, and limiting what you can have your players represent themselves as?

Tomaskiewicz: Of course. It's a very sensitive and important subject I believe. We have put a lot of thought into this. One of the things we want to do in the final game (which we couldn't show in the demo yet, because as you mentioned it's a work in progress) is to give the players as many options of customization in the beginning of the game as we can.

For example, we want to do this thing where, as you create your character, after you choose the body type, you can, for example, use physical traits as you build your face that could be assigned to a man or a woman.

Gamasutra: Or nonbinary?

Tomaskiewicz: Or nonbinary. The idea is to mix all of those up, to give them to the players, as they would like to build it. Same goes for the voice. We wanted to separate this out, so the players can choose it freely. This is something we are still working on, it's not as easy as it sounds.

This is one part of it. In terms of how we depict the characters within the setting itself, of course, yes, we are paying a lot of attention to it, we do not want anyone to feel like we are neglecting this, or treating it wrongly.

Agora eles se aquietam :klol

Se tiver mod para jogar com a Bowsette no PC é GOTY.


Mil pontos, LOL!

The look of poverty that derives from humans grappling with and struggling against technology and its unforgiving advance. It denotes a lack of design blending with a general poverty of means and ideas.


Ultima Edição:
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