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Enquete: Quem se vacinar só 15 vezes será chamado de anti-vacina por quem vacinar-se 16?

Quem se vacinar 15 vezes e não a 16º, será um anti-vacina para quem aceitar as dezesseis?

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Dr. Pregos

Xbox Power!


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Não tomei nem a terceira ainda, sei lá tá tudo tão nebuloso quanto a eficiência disso aí que eu tô com o pé atrás.
Aliás não só eu como toda a minha família.

Dionysus Lib3r


9 in 10 COVID Deaths Are in Vaccinated People: Report​

Joseph Mercola

A report released by the UK government has confirmed that 9 out of every 10 deaths related to COVID-19 are found in those who are fully vaccinated. Although the virus variant is the same and the UK approved only one different vaccine (AstraZeneca) from the United States, the data in the U.S. are different. This may be due in large part to the CDC definition used to identify who is “vaccinated.”
U.S. data are also likely to become even more sparse in the coming weeks and months. In addition to the CDC hiding data, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) quietly decided in early February to stop recording deaths attributed to COVID-19.

Data Is Essential​

Yet, data is the foundation of scientific analysis. Without it, researchers are unable to analyze statistics and draw conclusions, which leaves public health experts unable to make accurate recommendations. Knowledge gives you the power to make informed decisions based on evidence.
Six months into the pandemic, a report revealed that most Americans had significant misconceptions of the COVID-19 risks. Months later, a second survey demonstrated that not much had changed. While analysts blamed “ignorance of fundamental, undisputed facts on who is at risk” for the so-called misconceptions, others said the politicization of the pandemic was also at fault. But there were other factors at play that skewed the data scientists thought they had.
According to a whistleblower who worked on Pfizer’s Phase 3 COVID injection clinical trials, data were falsified, patients were unblinded, the company hired poorly trained people to administer the injections and follow up on reported side effects lagged way behind. Her testimony was published November 2, 2021, in the British Medical Journal by investigative journalist Paul Thacker.
This is yet another indication that the true number of adverse events and deaths from the shots currently identified as COVID vaccines may never be known. The only logical conclusion to draw is that the data don’t support the Warp Speed production and mass vaccination program initiated in early 2020.
In fact, the shot program not only is ineffective, but also has likely damaged and killed far more people than any health agency will ever publicly admit. It is essential to share this information to help prevent more deaths and damaged lives.

UK Government Report: 90 Percent of Deaths Are in Fully Vaccinated​

A reporter from The Exposé points out that while the world has been distracted by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the UK government quietly released a report that confirmed 9 in every 10 deaths from COVID-19 in England were in people who were fully vaccinated.
The February 2022 report was from the UK Health Security Agency, which publishes weekly surveillance. The report contains several tables of raw data showing that the vast majority of people who were infected, hospitalized or died from COVID-19 were fully vaccinated.
The Exposé, demonstrated step by step how the data, gathered from Jan. 24, 2022, through February 28, 2022, supported this assertion. In the UK, health authorities differentiate between those who have never received a shot and those who received one, two or three doses. All told, there were 1,086,434 cases of COVID in vaccinated individuals that accounted for 73 percent of all cases during that period.
When children were removed from the equation, vaccinated individuals accounted for 91 percent of all cases. The reporter also compared data taken in 2021 when Delta was the dominant variant against the current report when Omicron is the dominant variant in England. It showed a higher number of children hospitalized for Omicron than for Delta.
Since children have never been at high risk for severe disease from any COVID variant, it begs the question if the current number of children hospitalized with COVID-19 may be due to increased PCR testing—known to have a high false-positive rate—in children hospitalized for other reasons, such as a broken leg or appendicitis.
When children were included in the figures for hospitalization, the data showed 75 percent of those hospitalized with COVID in the current period were vaccinated. But, when children were removed from the equation, 85 percent of the hospitalized individuals were vaccinated. Similar results were found when the data were analyzed for COVID deaths.
During the four-week period in the current report, vaccinated individuals accounted for 89 percent of deaths. Most interestingly, not only are the deaths in vaccinated individuals rising precipitously, but the number of deaths in those who are not vaccinated is dropping.

Vaccinated Deaths Rising in California​

Headlines in the March 7, 2022, Mercury News read, “COVID-19 Deaths in California Among Vaccinated Rose Sharply With Omicron.” The corresponding story added that 10 deaths recorded in Santa Cruz County, California, and nine of those were vaccinated. On the surface, this is similar to findings reported from the UK. Yet, the raw numbers in the United States are different.
This is likely because U.S. data do not differentiate between individuals who have had one, two or three shots. In fact, the U.S. CDC clearly states that you can only be considered fully vaccinated two weeks after receiving the final dose in the primary two-shot series from Pfizer and Moderna or the one shot from Johnson & Johnson.
Therefore, as the UK analyzes data that identify individuals on the spectrum of having received one of three shots, the United States only counts vaccination if you’re two weeks after your last dose. Since not all patients who are fully vaccinated are identified on admission, analyzing U.S. numbers is difficult, if not impossible. You must ask yourself if this is intentional.
It probably is safe to assume that if a person in the United States is identified as being vaccinated, they are likely fully vaccinated by CDC standards. However, there are also likely individuals lumped into the unvaccinated group who have had one or two shots or may even be fully vaccinated by CDC standards but were not counted as such on admission.
The Mercury News justified the vaccinated deaths, writing: “Of the vaccinated patients who died, one was in his early 100s, three were in their 90s, two were in their 80s, three were in their 70s and most had underlying health problems. The unvaccinated man who died was in his 50s.”
While age is certainly a significant factor in any infectious disease including COVID, the article did not mention any of the other CDC-identified comorbidities that contribute to COVID deaths. To add to the misinformation, the article quoted Dr. Errol Ozdalga, a hospitalist at Stanford, who told the Mercury News that patients admitted during the Delta wave and earlier infections were otherwise healthy.
The implication is that those with comorbidities the CDC identified as increasing the risk of severe illness, such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, chronic kidney disease and immunocompromised, were not hospitalized with COVID before Omicron.
““That went away with Omicron,” Ozdalga said. The variant has afflicted those with weakened immune systems, those who were “predisposed in some way” to severe illness, he said.” Additionally, without supporting information, the news report included a simple statement:
“Dr. George Rutherford, an infectious disease expert at UC-San Francisco, said the raw numbers make the deaths among the vaccinated look worse than they are — their rates of dying remain far less than the unvaccinated.”

Economist Survey Reveals Significant Vaccine Injury Rate​

Economist Mark Skidmore executed a critical online survey using the U.S. population to estimate damage from the COVID-19 shots. He presented the most recent and significant data20 from the ongoing study at the Doctors for COVID Ethics Symposium 3.
His paper seeks to understand the number of people who have died from the COVID shots that he estimates based on the survey. He used the survey to triangulate information from the general population and what they are experiencing.
The participants were asked to report on the adverse events of people they knew best in their social circle — in other words, good friends or family members. The surveys were close to representative of the general population in age, income and gender in December 2021.
Skidmore first presented a list of adverse events the FDA acknowledged could be possible and compared it against the documented data of injury and deaths from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) published in OpenVAERS.
Some of the most common events on the list were stroke, heart attack, myocarditis, death, thrombocytopenia and venous thromboembolism (blood clots). According to Skidmore, everyone agrees that adverse events can and do occur — the main difference in opinion is how often and how many.
Skidmore then looked at the ratio between COVID illness fatalities and COVID shot fatalities. The ratio in OpenVAERS is 2.6 percent and in VAERS (the number reported by the CDC that doesn’t contain all data originally substantiated) it’s 0.9 percent.
If these numbers reflect reality, the number of people who report injury or death in the survey should be close to zero since the cohort is small enough that it may not capture such a small percentage. Skidmore then asks, if we assume that the survey is a reflection of the true ratio in the population, what is the true population ratio for injury or death after receiving the COVID-19 shot?
From the data collected the ratio reveals there have been 307,997 deaths from the shot. The method used gives a 95 percent confidence interval between 215,018 and 391,410 deaths. Using the same mathematical approach to identify the number of severe adverse events to the general population, the data show there were roughly 1.1 million severe events and 2.3 million less severe events from the shot.
He acknowledges that much of what people see and report is through the lens of their biases. One of those is political affiliation. He showed that people who identified as Democrats reported far fewer shot-related deaths than did Republicans or independents. This likely also affects the number of deaths and adverse events reported to VAERS.
Using the fatality counts by party affiliation, he found that if the Democrat perception was correct, there were 119,000 fatalities compared to 487,000 fatalities if the Republican perception was correct. This gives a potential range of deaths and illustrates the differences in perceptions of people based on how they see the world. However, no matter which number is used, it is still far more than the number of fatalities reported in the VAERS system.

Unprecedented US Death Toll Keeps Rising​

While the data from Skidmore and the UK reflect the death rate from COVID-19, it is also important to track the number of all-cause mortality as it’s one of the most reliable data points we have. This statistic is clear-cut. Either a person is dead or they’re not. It does not rely on the reason for death.
In early 2022, mutual insurance holding company OneAmerica announced an increase in the death rate of working Americans, aged 18 to 64, in the third quarter of 2021. Their data show it was 40 percent higher than prepandemic levels.
Other insurance companies have also cited higher mortality rates, including the Hartford Insurance Group that announced mortality increased 32 percent from 2019 and 20 percent from 2020 before the shots. Lincoln National reported death claims have increased 13.7 percent year over year and 54 percent in quarter four of 2021 compared to 2019.
Funeral homes are also posting an increase in burials and cremations in 2021 over 2020. One large German health insurance company reported their company data were nearly 14 times greater than the number of deaths reported by the German government. This data were gathered directly from doctors applying for payment from a sample of 10.9 million people.
The rising death toll that can be linked to the COVID shots is an inconvenient truth for the health agencies that have promoted mass vaccinations with a genetic therapy experiment. In what appears to be a response to this data, Health and Human Services (HHS) have decided to stop the reporting requirements for hospitals and acute care facilities on COVID-19 deaths.
Although the information is published on the HHS website, fact-checkers have claimed the viral social media posts are “false” by simply changing the headline.29 So, while the HHS publicly announced they would no longer require hospitals to report deaths from COVID-19, fact-checkers erroneously report the U.S. government is not ending daily COVID death reporting.
If it helps to sort all this out, an unnamed federal health official actually acknowledged the move to stop reporting COVID-19 hospital deaths when they spoke with a reporter from WSWS, calling the move “incomprehensible.” The official added, “It is the only consistent, reliable and actionable dataset at the federal level. Ninety-nine percent of hospitals report 100% of the data every day. I don’t know any scientists who want to have less data.”

CDC Withholds Data, Fearing Hesitancy and Misinterpretation​

When data from multiple sources all reveal the same trends and values, it’s easy to see how the CDC would be unwilling to acknowledge the information or want to release their data for fear it would have a negative impact on the mass vaccination campaign. February 20, 2022, The New York Times reported the CDC still had not published large parts of the data they collected during the pandemic.
While they have published data on the effectiveness of boosters in some individuals, data from people 18 to 49 years were left out. Interestingly, this is also the group who are the least likely to benefit from the shot, since they have some of the lowest rates of severe disease and death as reported by the CDC.
In comments to The New York Times, a CDC spokesperson attempted to justify why the organization had withheld large portions of data since the beginning of the pandemic. She said the data were “not yet ready for prime time,” that the information may be misinterpreted to mean the vaccines are ineffective and that the data they have is based on 10 percent of the U.S. population, which the Times pointed out is the same sample size used to track influenza each year.
Without raw data from the United States, scientists have relied on Israeli data. One study gathered information from 4.6 million people ages 16 and older who had received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine. They compared severe illness and death between those who had the booster and those who did not. The data showed the group from 16 to 29 years had zero deaths whether they were boosted or not.
Likewise, the group from 30 to 39 years had one death whether they were boosted or not. In fact, the difference in death rate did not rise until the participants were 60 to 69 years, at which point the non-boosted group had 44 deaths and the boosted group had 32 deaths.
In an opinion piece, Staten Island Advance’s Tom Wrobleski characterizes the CDC’s decision, writing about what has happened to most people who have been willing to publish data and opinions that go against a national or international health agency’s narrative:
“We’re told to have faith in the CDC, in Dr. Anthony Fauci, in all the experts who are trained to handle public health crises.
But we can’t have trust if vital information is withheld from us. Because then it becomes a case of, “Shut up and do what we say. We’re the experts. You don’t need to know how we come to our decisions. We know what’s best.”
And if you question the received wisdom, you’re suddenly a dangerous person. You’re likened to a terrorist. You’re told you want people to die. You get banned from social media.
If you dare protest, you can have your bank account frozen and your vehicle insurance suspended, as we saw during the Freedom Convoy protest in Canada. You can get trampled by police on horseback.
Withholding information only makes people more skeptical. It breeds suspicion. Or mere doubt. The CDC needs to do better if it wants our trust.”
Originally published March 15, 2022 on Mercola.com

Data Reveal Disturbing Trend From COVID Jab​

After mining the Department of Defense database (one of the best in the United States) and comparing 2021 data gathered before the COVID shots, three whistleblowers are sounding the alarm about a 10x to 20x increase in malignancy post-jab, as well as other alarming early warning signs.

Part 1 Part 2
I hope you enjoy this two-part interview of two intellectual giants by Candace Owens with Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology. They discuss some of the most important issues facing humanity today. In their nearly four-hour discussion, they touch on everything from COVID-19 shots’ effects on fertility to the “red line” that’s been crossed — referring to targeting children with social pressure and coercion to get jabbed.
Malone has been thrust into the spotlight for speaking out about the risks of COVID-19 shots, with his words going viral before quickly being erased from YouTube and Twitter. It doesn’t matter if what he’s saying is true; if it creates “vaccine hesitancy,” it will be censored. Toward that end, Malone has been targeted by the media and labeled an “anti-vaxxer,” which is ironic since he’s received COVID-19 shots.
That fact should make it all the more apparent that he’s speaking out not due to a predetermined agenda or because he’s getting rich — to the contrary, his reputation is constantly under attack — but because he believes it’s the right thing to do, and he feels morally obliged to help anyone he can.

COVID-19 Shots Are Affecting Fertility​

Anecdotal reports of alterations in women’s menstrual cycles following COVID-19 shots have poured in around the globe. Changes include heavier and more painful periods and changes in menses length, as well as unexpected breakthrough bleeding or spotting among women on long-acting contraception or those who are postmenopausal and haven’t had a period in years or even decades.
Health officials have tried to brush off the reports, and doctors have told women that it’s just a result of stress — something dubbed “hysteria” in earlier times. Upon hearing that so many women’s concerns were brushed off as hysteria, Malone said:
“Is this the 1950s? Have I just gone back a century? This whole thing that women are being histrionic is so mid-century. But that’s how they rolled it out. And it’s not just younger women. It’s post-menopausal women that start having menstruation. That’s another big one, which is, for pathologists, which is part of my background, that’s a red flag for cancer.”
Sure enough, a study published in Obstetrics & Gynecology in January 2022 — funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Research on Women’s Health — confirmed an association between menstrual cycle length and COVID-19 shots.
Pfizer’s biodistribution study, which was used to determine where the injected substances go in the body, also showed the COVID spike protein from the shots accumulated in “quite high concentrations” in the ovaries.
A Japanese biodistribution study for Pfizer’s jab also found that vaccine particles move from the injection site to the blood, after which circulating spike proteins are free to travel throughout the body, including to the ovaries, liver, neurological tissues and other organs. Malone explained:
“The thing that drives menstruation is the ovary. We know that the lipids — the synthetic, positively charged fats that wrap the RNA to get it to slip into cells — have never been administered to humans before. We know from the Pfizer data package that came out of Japan that these lipids go to the ovary … your children, your girls are born with all the eggs that they will ever have in their entire lives.
And we don’t know yet what the reproductive harm is going to be, but we do know that in young women, reproductive age women, we are seeing this phenotype, this characteristic.
And not only am I very worried about it, I did testimony — as did many others — with the Orthodox Jewish community … they made the determination and sent out a formal statement to their community that these vaccines should not be used in children and strongly discourage their use in adults.
And one of the reasons is they are very focused on reproductive health. What we’re talking about is a deep issue that is not treatable at all … I think we can say this with confidence that if we’re having menstrual irregularities, we are having alterations in fertility.”

DOD Whistleblowers Warn of Spike in Adverse Events​

Thomas Renz, a lawyer that Malone knows personally, had three Department of Defense (DOD) whistleblowers come forward. They had datamined the DOD health database, which Malone states is one of the best in the U.S.
They looked through data from 2015 to 2020, establishing a baseline of the number of cases of miscarriage, cancer, neurological disease and stillbirths. Then, they compared it to 2021, after the COVID-19 shots rolled out. Renz showed Malone some of the disturbing data:
“I just skimmed the data. Thomas had his laptop open and showed me some of the things that are popping up. They pulled a massive amount of data out of the DOD databases and then did a whistleblower complaint. Ron Johnson has now extended Senate protection to them formally as whistleblowers.
So they came to Thomas Renz with this information, and from what I saw — now this is preliminary, we haven’t dissected it yet — but at the top level, I thought it was mind-blowing. The information about miscarriages, the information about cancers, which is validating what Ryan Cole has been concerned about, neurologic disease and the stillbirths is there.
And apparently, according to Thomas, these brave whistleblowers have captured examples and information, with the cardiac events, for instance, of the Department of Defense — whoever is doing this, the data management — is actually going in and deleting cases, manipulating the database.”
Owens also saw the data and said the lowest category increase was 248%, while others increased by 1,000%. “It’s not subtle,” Malone said.

Experts Raise Cancer Concerns​

Dr. Ryan Cole, the Mayo Clinic-trained, triple-boarded pathologist who Malone referred to, has stated that he’s seeing potential cancer-causing changes, including decreases in receptors that keep cancer in check, and other adverse events post-shot:
“I’m seeing countless adverse reactions … it’s really post-vaccine immunodeficiency syndrome … I’m seeing a marked increase in herpetic family viruses, human papilloma viruses in the post vaccinated. I’m seeing a marked uptick in a laboratory setting from what I see year over year of an increase of usually quiescent diseases.
In addition to that — and correlation is not causation — but in the last six months I have seen — you know, I read a fair amount of women’s health biopsies —about a 10- to 20-fold increase of uterine cancer compared to what I see on an annual basis.
Now we know that the CD8 cells are one of our T-cells to keep our cancers in check. I am seeing early signals … what I’m seeing is an early signal in the laboratory setting that post vaccinated patients are having diseases that we normally don’t see at rates that are already early considerably alarming.”
In addition to the effects on the ovaries, the Japanese study found vaccine deposits were found in bone marrow, raising additional cancer concerns, Malone says:
“Bone marrow is really sensitive to local environments … and produces a whole lot of different types of cells that are involved in bone metabolism. This is something that matters a lot to women, particularly as they move through menopause — bone density. I
So there are cells that regulate bone remodeling and bone density that come from your bone marrow. Much of your blood elements come from stem cells that sit in your bone marrow. Red cells and white cells.
There are many types of cancer that can occur when those stem cell populations that live in your bone marrow get changed so that they lose their normal controls on growth. So that’s really what cancer is. So lymphoma, leukemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia, all these things, are all bone marrow cancer diseases.”

The Silencing of Mass Formation Psychosis​

If you’ve heard the term “mass formation psychosis” recently, it’s likely because Malone mentioned it on an episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience” December 31, 2021, which was viewed by more than 50 million people January 2, 2022, mass formation psychosis reached a value of 100 on Google Trends, which means it had reached peak popularity, after previously being practically unheard of.
The technocrats quickly took action, manipulating search results and populating Google with propaganda to discredit Malone and the mass formation psychosis theory — even though Mattias Desmet, professor of clinical psychology at the University of Ghent in Belgium, who has 126 publications to his name, has been studying it for many years, and the phenomenon actually dates back over 100 years.
Those under the spell of mass formation psychosis obsessively focus on a failure of the normal world or a particular event or person, who becomes the focus of the attention and can effectively control the masses.
Mass formation can occur in a society with feelings of social isolation and free-floating anxiety among a large number of people, and provides a coherent explanation of why so many people have fallen victim to the unbelievable lies and propaganda of the mainstream COVID-19 narrative. The phenomenon leads to totalitarian thinking and, eventually, to totalitarian states, but as Malone told Owens, fortunately about one-third of people are resistant to it.

Speaking Out to Save Children​

Malone is dedicated to speaking out because he wants to protect future generations. He’s concerned about the pandemic response’s effects on children, stating that public policies have had a particularly strong adverse effect on the young.
He called COVID-19 injection mandates “completely unjustified” for children and recommends that youths who have received COVID-19 injections have their hearts checked for damage, given the real risk of myocarditis and heart damage. Mask mandates in schools have also interfered with children’s psychological health, and Malone believes they’re causing developmental delays in children.
Further, a bill has now been introduced in California that would allow 12-year-olds to consent to COVID-19 shots, which Malone presents as another way the government is enforcing control where it doesn’t belong:
“In terms of kids, moms and dads have to take ownership … it’s your job, it’s my job to protect the kids, and don’t let the government get in the middle of your family. That’s another thing that has been so wrong here, how we’ve allowed the government to insert itself into the family, and that has got to stop …
What we’ve learned is that children are being subjected to intense social pressure and pressure by their school teachers. So technically in the clinical research world, we call this coercion. Just like giving out ice cream to take jabs is enticement …
They’re seeking to create a situation in which children are going to be subjected to coercion by their school teachers and their peers to take an unlicensed medical product that they don’t need to take because they are not at risk from the disease, and which has real risks of causing them harm. That’s, to be blunt, where we’re at. What do I say to parents? I say get informed.”

Will There Be a Great Reset or a Great Awakening?​

We’re at the point now where all media is being manipulated and information is being controlled. “There’s a school of thought,” Malone said, “that this happened long ago with the rise of the Rockefellers, and the perversion of the entire medical enterprise and medical schools.”
In the immediacy, people who have been harmed by COVID-19 shots are being called crazy by their friends and family. Those who have banded together with other victims on social media, forming groups to share their experiences that even many doctors continue to deny, have also been shut down, their pages deleted. “It’s the ultimate gaslighting,” Malone said.
He and Owens touch on much more in the interview, from the global narrative that’s intent on hunting down physicians and taking away their licenses for providing early COVID-19 treatment to how Bill Gates and Big Tech have succeeded in creating monopolies and gained control of information.
Malone, however, wants to empower people with information and tools to think so they can make their own decisions about the world around them. If that occurs, and people reconnect and come together once again for a real greater good, he believes we can avoid a Great Reset and instead experience a Great Awakening:
“There’s the Great Reset, which is often tied to this language of ‘build back better,’ because that’s the approved language from the World Economic Forum. So there’s this Great Reset toward a world where we own nothing and we’re happy … and we’re told what to do and we do it.
And there’s the Great Awakening, where it could be a renaissance. If we use the metaphor of Europe in the 1400s, 1500s and 1600s, moving from a dark age into a renaissance … there was a period of intense explosion when people got intellectually engaged …
If we allow ourselves to start thinking again and engaging with the world and engaging with each other, could we get to a point where we have a Great Awakening instead of a Great Reset? Where we become committed to each other and to a life of the mind and the body? I think that is a possibility. I don’t think that we’re too far gone.”


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!

5ª Dose vem aí! :klolwtf
Meter essa vacina na velharada é de boa.
Foda é aplicar nas crianças. Vai saber como se manifestará essa droga nos filhos dos nossos filhos.
Difícil imaginar uma geração mais burra do que essa atual.

Chris Redfield jr

Lenda da internet
Opera Instantâneo_2022-05-10_202204_www.business-standard.com.png

A Food and Drug Administration dos EUA aprovou uma quinta dose de reforço Covid-19 da Pfizer-BioNTech ou Moderna para pessoas com mais de 50 anos e alguns indivíduos imunocomprometidos.

A FDA havia autorizado anteriormente uma dose de reforço única para certos indivíduos imunocomprometidos após a conclusão de uma série de vacinação primária de três doses. A nova aprovação agora disponibilizará uma segunda dose de reforço dessas vacinas para outras populações com maior risco de doença grave, hospitalização e morte.

O quinto reforço pode ser administrado a indivíduos com 50 anos de idade ou mais, pelo menos 4 meses após o recebimento de uma quarta dose de reforço de qualquer vacina Covid autorizada ou aprovada.

Indivíduos com 12 anos de idade ou mais com sistemas imunológicos mais fracos, como aqueles que foram submetidos a transplante de órgãos sólidos, também são elegíveis para as injeções pelo menos 4 meses após o recebimento de uma quinta dose de reforço.

As vacinas atuais foram desenvolvidas contra o vírus original que surgiu em Wuhan, na China, no final de 2019, e sua eficácia diminuiu ao longo do tempo à medida que o vírus sofre mutações. A FDA afirmou que evidências emergentes sugerem que uma quinta dose de reforço de uma vacina de mRNA Covid-19 melhora a proteção contra Covid grave e não está associada a novas preocupações de segurança.

"As evidências atuais sugerem algum declínio da proteção ao longo do tempo contra resultados graves do Covid-19 em indivíduos mais velhos e imunocomprometidos. níveis de proteção para esses indivíduos de alto risco", disse Peter Marks, diretor do Centro de Avaliação e Pesquisa Biológica da FDA, em um comunicado.

Enquanto os EUA enfrentam outra onda de Omicron, devido à subvariante BA.2, Mark disse: “uma dose inicial de reforço é fundamental para ajudar a proteger todos os adultos dos resultados potencialmente graves do Covid-19”. A Pfizer e a Moderna estão realizando testes clínicos em injeções que visam tanto o Omicron quanto outras variantes circulantes.

A aprovação da vacina Pfizer é baseada em dados de vigilância de segurança fornecidos ao FDA pelo Ministério da Saúde de Israel sobre a administração de aproximadamente 700.000 quartas (segundo reforço) doses da vacina Pfizer-BioNTech Covid após a terceira dose em adultos de 18 anos de idade. idade ou mais (aproximadamente 600.000 dos quais tinham 60 anos de idade ou mais) e não revelaram novas preocupações de segurança.

E a segurança do jab Moderna é baseada em informações relatadas de um estudo realizado de forma independente no qual a vacina Covid da Moderna foi administrada como uma segunda dose de reforço a 120 participantes com 18 anos de idade ou mais. Não foram relatados novos problemas de segurança durante até três semanas de acompanhamento após a segunda dose de reforço.

Opera Instantâneo_2022-05-10_202421_www.pensador.com.png


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Ou o organismo humano já está se adaptando ao vírus e criando mecanismos para combate-lo como era previsto.
Na verdade caiu daquele jeito porque os casos estão em baixa. O que interessa ali é a diferença de mortes entre não vacinados e vacinados, o que continua sendo muito alta.


Lenda da internet
Na verdade caiu daquele jeito porque os casos estão em baixa. O que interessa ali é a diferença de mortes entre não vacinados e vacinados, o que continua sendo muito alta.

Os casos iriam ser os mesmos com ou sem vacina, pois a vacina não impede a propagação ela apenas atenua os efeitos da doença.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
ainda bem que a vacina de poliomielite funciona e não é igual a essa sopa rala de casca moída de virus c19 que dizem ser vacina. O que iria ter de gente precisando de tratamento, próteses etc, mesmo após ter tomado umas duzentas gotinhas durante a infância....
imaginem se a vacina de meningite fosse esse negócio de tomar mas corre o risco de pegar doença porque tem que tomar infinitas doses de reforços que nunca acabam. Era entrar no ônibus/metro/rrem/escola e sair sem poder girar o pescoço e ir direto para o hospital. Quando tinha surtos de meningite nos invernos passados não lembro que obrigavam ao uso de máscara, isso porque a transmissão também é por via aérea...
Ultima Edição:

Ken Masters

Mil pontos, LOL!
ainda bem que a vacina de poliomielite funciona e não é igual a essa sopa de casca de virus c19 moída que dizem ser vacina. O que iria ter de gente precisando de tratamento, próteses etc, mesmo após ter umas duzentas gotinhas durante a infância....
imaginem se a vacina de meningite fosse esse negócio de tomar mas corre o risco de pegar doença porque tem que tomar infinitas doses de reforços que nunca acabam. Era entrar no ônibus/metro/rrem/escola e sair sem poder girar o pescoço e ir direto para o hospital. E nem lembro de quando tinha surtos de meningite nos invernos passados que obrigavam uso de máscara, isso porque a transmissão também é por via aérea...

Pois é, estamos na 5ª dose e isso é pra limpar o estoque de vacina e engordar ainda mais o bolso das BigPharmas.

Desenvolver uma vacina 2.0 que realmente funcione, ninguém tem interesse.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Os casos iriam ser os mesmos com ou sem vacina, pois a vacina não impede a propagação ela apenas atenua os efeitos da doença.
Isso aí não tem nada a ver com o que eu disse, e nem com o que você disse no post que eu quotei:keehk
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