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Como forçar a saída VGA no Dreamcast em jogos que não são compatíveis?

Edi (FZ2D)

Mil pontos, LOL!
Bom dia galera.

Como todos sabem, a esmagadora maioria dos jogos de Dreamcast possuem recurso a resolução progressiva, porém, alguns jogos não possuem esse recurso.

De fato tenho conhecimento de que é possível forçar essa saída para jogos incompatívies, e também, alguns desses podem apresentar glitches se isso for feito, porém, gostaria mesmo assim de saber como faço isso.

Tentei fazer isso ontem para o jogo KOF: Evo através do DC-X Region Changer, mas esse lance de trocar cabos pra mim não vai muito bem e não sei se fiz algo errado ou se o DC-X não faz isso de forma eficaz.

Vale salientar que ao invés de um VGA Box, utilizo um cabo VGA.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Comprei o cabo VGA recentemente pro Dreamcast, nem sabia que existiam jogos não compatíveis hehe


Mil pontos, LOL!
Você tem que usar um disco de boot, um disco modificado com patch ou ligar o console em modo normal e em seguida ligar o vga box pra forçar o modo:

How To Make Non-VGA Dreamcast Games Play on VGA

Ever buy/download a game for Dreamcast and you said, "hey, this game would look sweet on VGA!" But it wouldn't boot on VGA? Bought a game that said it worked on VGA, and didn't? (Evil Dead: Hail To The King is one example) Ever just wanted to play everything on VGA, just because VGA looks so much better?

Now you can!

Its very easy to do. First off, its a lot easier if you have a VMU with dead batteries (you can just take them out if you want, you wont lose any data) and then practice with the VMU, and then once you know the timing right, put the batteries back in.

What you do is this, If you have a VGA BOX switch it to TV mode (no TV needs to be hooked up, but make sure its plugged into your Dreamcast and VGA monitor correctly), if you have a VGA CORD plug one end into the VGA monitor, and unplug the other end from the DC.

Put in your Non-VGA game and turn on your DC. If you have a VMU in, Wait until it beeps, after it beeps, if you have a VGA BOX switch it to VGA mode, if you have a VGA CORD, plug it back into the back of your DC.

Your Monitor might say something like "Out Of Scan Range" after awhile but just wait and it should work.

This has worked on every game I've tested it on except for a few homebrew games, so happy VGA gaming!

HOW IT WORKS (You don't have to read this section its just for fun I guess): When the DC first turns on, it checks everything that's plugged into it, Keyboards, controllers, rumble packs, VGA boxes, etc. When the DC detects everything, it will detect a VMU with dead batteries and make it beep, which is after VGA detection (I think it might be the last thing it checks). So pretty much, you have the DC detecting a regular TV input and not a VGA box, so it memorizes that there is no VGA box plugged in, and then the game tells it to boot or not depending on compatibility. So what we do, is after it says, ok theres a regular TV output plugged in, we switch it back to VGA, your monitor gets a bad signal. Then when it says, "This game is produced by or under license from Sega..." it resets the video mode, why? I'm not totally sure, but I think its because its adjusting the color levels/resolution. Then your monitor tunes to it and plays whatever the DC gives it, or something like that, not thinking too clearly right now hehe, but the DC never bothered to recognize the VGA box again so your game boots on VGA.

Have fun!
Parece que só 2 jogos não funcionam (mesmo com os métodos acima), são eles: Hanagumi Taisen Columns 2 e Gunbird 2.
Obs.: Boas tags.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Exato, o mais simples é pegar uma ISO modificada, muitas isos já vem até com o formato de tela 16/9 para melhor proveito nas lcd.

Fabio Alexandre

Já tentei fazer esse método e é bem simples de fazer, mas não funcionou com alguns jogos, como: Soul Fighter, KOF 98, KOF 99, Plasma Sword, Airforce Delta, Bangai-o, Psychic Force e Last Blade 2.
Alguém já tentou o VGA nesses jogos ??...................Não sei se fui eu que fiz errado.
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