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Tópico oficial Cyberpunk 2077 | Ultimate Edition


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As a teenager Jackie joined Valentinos gang, but ditched it after a few years when his mother found out. Friendship, loyalty and family ties are what drives him.



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Nova Imagem:

Ultima Edição:


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De acordo com a Amazon o Jogo físico virá em mais de um disco:
  • The game comes with the following physical items: - Case with game discs - World Compendium detailing the game's setting and lore - Postcards from Night City - Map of Night City - Stickers


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What's up guys. I just got a freshly baked paper of the newest PSX Extreme where they met with the devs and wrote a 10 pages long Cyberpunk 2077 article. There's not that much of new information but there's still some that you might find interesting or totally new so decided to share with you.

- Badlands outside of the Nighty City are a hostile place. The flora there is very minimal and so is the fauna, mostly extinct with the help of a much worse animal, humans. It's not a place you wanna go alone or unarmed.

- The Nomads living in the outskirts are Wraights and Aldecados. They have their own conflict and wars between each other. Wraights are up to no good with the player, Aldecados on the other hand, are slightly more keen to have a deal with you.

- Skill system is huge and tailored to your style of playing. As you level up you gain progression points, which then you can use on new skills and boosting certain attributes, strength, reflex, cool, intelligence. The level of your attributes will let you install certain chips only available to each. Using one kind of weapon a lot, will also make you better at it. Same goes with melee and hacking. There are also bonus perks, passive, active, and ones activated in certain conditions. On top of that there's Street Cred, which you gain through completing tasks. The higher it is, the more serious and dangerous quests are available to us, as we're more "trustworthy".

- Your apartment has few gameplay features inside of it. I.a. place where you can check the internet/email and place where you can store your equipment.

- V's flat is important to the storyline and lots of meetings take place inside of it. Unfortunately you cannot modify it, because decorating your apartment doesn't really go well with the vision of a dark and gritty spirit of the game, says Paweł Sasko.

- AI and driving could be a bit better. Hopefully it'll get polished until the release.

- Stealing a car is not so simple, if you do it somewhere where policeman or gang can see you, you'll be in some big trouble. You'll have to fight or run and hide. Kinda like in GTA. There's no jail though.

- Loot is important and besides all your usuall stuff for crafting, weapons and armor, there are collectible items to find. If you like looting, it might become handy to install special chips that'll help you find secret stuff. Of course the stuff you find is also upgradable. NPC's will also leave clues as to where loot can be hidden.

- Deep relationship system, you can befriend a lot of NPC's. You can also become more than a friend to them, having multiple relationships all at once is also possible. Of course not every NPC will have the same sexual orientation as you, so if you wanna bang them.... might need to try in a different playthrough.

- Animals are mostly non existent in the world of Cyberpunk, due to pandemics associated with them. You'll still have a chance to see some pets, owned by the wealthy elite.

There's also some information about Keanu working on the mocap, which took 15 days in the studio and that he was very engaged with the project, when CDPR showed up before E3 to show him the newest version of the game, he remembered all of the devs names.


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The latest interview was published on PlayStation Official Magazine (September 2019, issue 165), where CD Projekt RED’s Story Director Marcin Blacha was asked whether the game itself includes a message of excitement or skepticism in regards to technology. Apparently, it’s neither.

"Not any of those. It’s a very noir game in the sense that it accepts the world for what it is. Cyberpunk 2077 does comment on it at times, but it never tells you how to live. You’re a victim of circumstance and you go with the flow; you sometimes change the flow, but you can’t reverse it. In that sense, we will show you what can happen if you go to the extremes of body modification, but we won’t say that it’s bad – that decision will always be yours to make.

So we have these ads in Cyberpunk 2077, right? And they often show products or movies that don’t really exist in the game, but the fantasy is people buy or watch them. One of these ads is a poster for a movie called ‘Foreign Body’ – the poster shows a person holding back their own hand which is holding a knife and trying to stab them. I think the whole concept is, in a way, beautiful – very dark and Black Mirror-esque. Gameplay-wise, it also opens up some cool avenues. I mean, during this year’s E3 demo, we’ve shown these little Daemon programs that are able to quick-hack an enemy into committing suicide."


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We’re excited to announce Cyberpunk 2077 – Afterlife: The Card Game, a standalone physical card game created in collaboration with an international board game publisher CMON!

Cyberpunk 2077 – Afterlife: The Card Game thrusts players into the dark alleyways of Night City, where ruthless gangs clash with corporations in an endless war for money, power, and control.

In the game, you become Fixers — databrokers and masterminds of Night City. Your job is to recruit cyberpunks, equip them with gear, and send them out on missions. Each successful mission raises your Street Cred, with mission survivors becoming Veterans, imparting their knowledge and experience to newer recruits. In this chrome-infused world, Street Cred is the only currency that matters.

And nothing comes cheap in Night City. You need to balance between what you want and what you can actually afford. Using an innovative drafting mechanic and special dashboard, you must decide which cards you want to buy, and which to sacrifice for funds in order to purchase new ones.

Cyberpunk 2077 – Afterlife: The Card Game will be released in 2020.


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Passando pra ver ibagens. Vocês falam muito kkkk, não sei como não se incomodam em saber das coisas do jogo antecipadamente... prefiro descobrir tudo na hora.

Eu acho que Cyberpunk vai ter que esperar até dez/2020, ou depois... tô pensando em segurar todos os próximos lançamentos pra jogar no ps5


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- Players will be able to use public vehicles but they won't be able to hack them.

- Cyberpunk 2077 won't pull so many things from our world, go into realism (person doing interview gave taking care of the horse in Red Dead Redemption 2 as an example) because real life can be often pretty boring. Then Marcin talked more about fun in Cyberpunk 2077.

- There'll be lots of mini games and hacking but Cyberpunk 2077 won't feature game as deep and serious as Gwent

- When asked about appearance of another celebrity (other than Keanu Reeves) Marcin said "I don't know" and laughed

- Cyberspace is Marcin's favourite place in Cyberpunk 2077 so he won't reveal if we can explore it or could V learn to enter Cyberspace on they own

- How choices affect story: Same old story, nothing interesting.

- Interviewer asked about side mission design similar to Assassin's Creed Oddysey (where you have to do side activities to progress futher into main story). Mr Iwiński said players will be able to finish game without doing any side quests or activities but they'll miss full flavour of the game.

- Malee combat: Mantis Blades, samurai katanas & knives, Gorilla Arms which can be used to open doors and (with later upgrades) used to fight.

- There's team working on multiplayer but it's not that important for them because Cyberpunk 2077 is first and foremost story driven singeplayer game.

- No, there'll be no playable 3rd person perspective outside driving and people with motion sickness will be able to adjust settings to feel better while playing the game.

- Marcin couldn't speak about required specs and when will CDPR start selling those sweet jackets


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Polish Radio (Polskie Radio) interviewed Pawel Sasko about Cyberpunk 2077 and here are some of the more interesting things Pawel said:

• Four styles they have presented after the e3: entropism, kitsch, neomilitarism and neokitch will influence how Night CIty looks like in general, not only affecting the clothing but also the architecture of different parts of the city.

• Their goal is to tell a movie-like story for adult audience, touching subjects that we face in our times. He specifies that their games are not toys and are not for children, he says in todays culture we try to avoid difficult subjects, but they will not shy away from these, in fact, he says, the game is loaded with them - they want people to think for themselves and it will be up to us to decide what our morality is. He then continues - the game will allow you to look at things from different perspectives so knowing them it will rarely be a black and white situation we find ourselves in, the goal is to keep the player on the edge of his seat by telling a breathtaking story.

• V's main goal is to break free from NC's shackles and find himself a better life, and finding the immortality chip is closely connected to this goal, which makes Johnny the key to the main plot and your relationship with him that you will build over time will shape the game's ending - his precise words, I translated everything so that there won't be any additional meanings created or lost in the translation, everything is as he said."


Não muito relacionado com o jogo em si, mas relacionado com os primórdios da temática e estética Cyberpunk, assistam e quem não conhece, dê um jeito de ir atrás das obras desse grande mestre que tanto admiro...

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