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Tópico oficial Cyberpunk 2077 | Ultimate Edition


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Status na Casas Bahia consta como "reagendamento pré-venda".

Assim como o Série X, sem data nova definida.

Skinner Sweet

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Será que vocês não estão esperando uma coisa maior do que esse jogo vai ser não?

Parece que muitos estão esperando algo nível gta, pelo que eu vi até agora tá mais pra um Fallout New Vegas,com gráficos melhores.

Não tô vendo nada tão impossível de rodar no ps4.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Só espero que de tempo agora deles colocarem este carro no jogo :kcool

lancia stratos zero


1970 lancia stratos zero



lancia stratos zero 1970










Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
só queria que lançassem em Novembro pra tirar o GOTY do Lacre of Us

CDk lixosa, perdeu o GOTY mais facil da vida, agora é ouvir sonyboy chato

Apesar de achar que CP2077 será um jogo incrível (muito mais o meu perfil inclusive), tenho minhas dúvidas se mesmo ele tiraria o goty de Tlous2.
O pessoal que vota nos maiores portais de forma mais organizada tende a preferir story-drivens, só pegar o exemplo de 2018 quando RDR2 que é um put* jogo perdeu para GOW que apesar de fantástico é bem menor que o jogo da R*.
E falo isso tendo adorado Tlous2, mas é clara a tendência de voto a goty nesse estilo de jogo frente a outros possivelmente melhores.

Shinigami Slash

Mil pontos, LOL!
Apesar de achar que CP2077 será um jogo incrível (muito mais o meu perfil inclusive), tenho minhas dúvidas se mesmo ele tiraria o goty de Tlous2.
O pessoal que vota nos maiores portais de forma mais organizada tende a preferir story-drivens, só pegar o exemplo de 2018 quando RDR2 que é um put* jogo perdeu para GOW que apesar de fantástico é bem menor que o jogo da R*.
E falo isso tendo adorado Tlous2, mas é clara a tendência de voto a goty nesse estilo de jogo frente a outros possivelmente melhores.
Voto do público (enquete) é uma categoria a parte, não entendi seu ponto.

Os prêmios goty são dados por profissionais da indústria ou a redação dos veículos de mídia

Enviado de meu Redmi Note 7 usando o Tapatalk


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Voto do público (enquete) é uma categoria a parte, não entendi seu ponto.

Os prêmios goty são dados por profissionais da indústria ou a redação dos veículos de mídia

Enviado de meu Redmi Note 7 usando o Tapatalk

Profissionais da indústria e da mídia são os que digo serem mais voltados a dar GOTY para story drivens.
Mas pode ser somente uma impressão minha também

Shinigami Slash

Mil pontos, LOL!
Profissionais da indústria e da mídia são os que digo serem mais voltados a dar GOTY para story drivens.
Mas pode ser somente uma impressão minha também

Ah tá, e que quando vc falou "o pessoal que vota de forma mais organizada" eu pensei logo no público de fanbase (público geral)

Enviado de meu Redmi Note 7 usando o Tapatalk


Apesar de achar que CP2077 será um jogo incrível (muito mais o meu perfil inclusive), tenho minhas dúvidas se mesmo ele tiraria o goty de Tlous2.
O pessoal que vota nos maiores portais de forma mais organizada tende a preferir story-drivens, só pegar o exemplo de 2018 quando RDR2 que é um put* jogo perdeu para GOW que apesar de fantástico é bem menor que o jogo da R*.
E falo isso tendo adorado Tlous2, mas é clara a tendência de voto a goty nesse estilo de jogo frente a outros possivelmente melhores.
Nem sempre é assim não.
Uncharted 4 que é um put* jogo de story com gráficos absurdos pra época perdeu pra porcaria do Overwatch.


Master Distiller
Sim, ué. Seguindo a lógica, quando uma geração morre, outra assume seu lugar. Se fosse um jogo exclusivo next gen ia ter uma procura absurda por quem embarcar na nova geração.

Só cancelar, ué. Até ontem a Sony estava com pré-vendas abertas, inclusive no Brasil, pro Destruction All Star. Adiaram o jogo pra Fevereiro e vão dar na Plus. Quem já fez a pré-order é só cancelar!
bem se vê q não é empresário :kkk:klolz:kkk


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Matéria interessante da Gameinformer sobre o adiamento

(tradução by google)

Os desenvolvedores do Cyberpunk 2077 não sabiam sobre o atraso até o momento do aviso, aqui está o porquê
por LIANA RUPPERT em 28 de outubro de 2020 às 13h26

Ontem, Cyberpunk 2077 foi adiado até dezembro (apesar de já ter sido ouro ) para garantir que as versões de geração atual do jogo cheguem mais perto do alto padrão que a equipe tem para as iterações PS5 e Xbox Series X. Pouco depois da notícia, um tweet oficial veio à tona no dia anterior, supostamente confirmando que não haveria mais atrasos. Essa mistura de mensagens deixou a Internet em frenesi. Como algo tão importante pode ser confirmado em um dia e incorreto no outro? A resposta é: quando a resposta inicial foi ao ar um dia antes, era verdade na época. A equipe mais ampla da CD Projekt Red não soube do atraso até o dia em que foi anunciado.

Quando a notícia apareceu, falei com vários desenvolvedores do CD Projekt Red, que confirmaram não saber sobre o atraso até que receberam um e-mail interno pouco antes de o anúncio ir ao ar no Twitter. Quando esse conhecimento se tornou público, a reação online foi quase instantânea, gerando críticas às práticas de comunicação interna do estúdio e como as mensagens são transmitidas à comunidade. Desde então, conversei com vários outros desenvolvedores do CD Projekt Red nos lados polonês e americano; segundo eles, a notícia foi chocante, mas não pelos motivos que as pessoas estão supondo.

De acordo com três desenvolvedores, a decisão de adiar foi rápida depois de olhar para as diferenças de qualidade entre as versões da geração atual e da próxima geração. A CD Projekt Red disse que deseja que o lançamento do Cyberpunk 2077 seja perfeito, de modo que quaisquer falhas percebidas sejam corrigidas rapidamente. Segundo a equipe, a decisão de adiar só foi discutida na segunda-feira (26 de outubro), sendo que a decisão foi tomada na terça-feira (27 de outubro).

De acordo com as leis trabalhistas polonesas, a liderança não tinha permissão legal para contar a toda a equipe, devido ao seu tamanho de mais de 1.000 funcionários, sem que cada indivíduo assinasse um acordo de confidencialidade. Fazer isso seria considerado, em termos de ações e negociações com informações privilegiadas, como "informações privilegiadas vazadas".

Um desenvolvedor (que deseja permanecer anônimo) me disse - e eu depois confirmei - que "cerca de 90 por cento do estúdio não sabia sobre isso" e que houve risos e lágrimas da equipe porque eles estão ansiosos para que as pessoas jogar o jogo que levou anos para ser criado, e o atraso veio do nada e empurra de volta essa experiência para todos. As risadas e a empolgação pelo lançamento são palpáveis em todo o estúdio, mas a equipe sabia como a notícia do atraso seria recebida.

Há uma conversa mais profunda aqui sobre o que isso significa em termos de carga de trabalho, na qual ainda estamos trabalhando ativamente.

Falando com um representante da CD Projekt Red, eles confirmaram à Game Informer que a lei polonesa é a razão pela qual a equipe em geral não sabe do atraso até o dia de, além de ser uma decisão tomada recentemente. Embora seja um padrão para muitos estúdios fora dos Estados Unidos, geralmente os estúdios sediados nos Estados Unidos têm mais avisos sobre eventos, como atrasos.

Houve também uma chamada de investidor imediatamente após a revelação do atraso, na qual a seguinte declaração, fornecida a nós pelo mesmo representante de CDPR, foi apresentada:

Como a CD PROJEKT é uma empresa listada na Bolsa de Valores de Varsóvia (WSE), nossa comunicação deve ser transparente para funcionários, jogadores e investidores, bem como estar de acordo com os regulamentos das Autoridades Financeiras Polonesas e do Parlamento Europeu, e do Conselho e Directivas da Comissão. Informações de tal magnitude de negócios, ou seja, o atraso do lançamento do maior projeto em desenvolvimento, são, até que sejam disponibilizadas publicamente, consideradas sensíveis ao preço e confidenciais, pois podem facilmente influenciar as decisões potenciais dos investidores.
Em suma, no início, a divulgação não planejada dessas informações poderia ter levado ao abuso de mercado e à manipulação do preço das ações da CD PROJEKT na WSE. Portanto, devido aos regulamentos acima mencionados, a informação sobre o adiamento da data de lançamento do Cyberpunk 2077 não poderia ter sido compartilhada com todos os funcionários do Grupo antes que o relatório atual fosse arquivado e tornado público.

"Going gold" é um termo que muitos consideram o jogo está acabado, e isso é verdade com um pequeno detalhe geralmente esquecido. Ganhar ouro é menos para os jogadores e mais para os investidores, para que eles saibam quando seu investimento está pronto para ser lançado. Entre o anúncio do ouro e o dia do lançamento, ainda existem processos de desenvolvimento a seguir, incluindo problemas de qualidade que geralmente se refletem em um dia zero e / ou patches no dia um. Enquanto este jogo é ouro e, como confirmado pelos desenvolvedores, rodando sem problemas em plataformas de próxima geração e PC, as versões para Xbox One e PlayStation 4 ainda precisam de um pouco de polimento.

A reação ao atraso e ao pipeline de comunicação foi fortemente alimentada pelo boato de crunch , que tem sido um problema admitido pelo estúdio há vários anos. 2019 e 2020 foram um período de mudanças internas significativas dentro da empresa para melhorar o equilíbrio entre trabalho / vida pessoal e proteger a saúde dos desenvolvedores. Seguindo uma promessa de aliviar o crunch, o CD Projekt Red iniciou uma semana de trabalho de seis dias para lançar com compensação adicional, mas essa mudança reacendeu a conversa importante sobre o que é o crunch e quão prevalente é em toda a indústria e não apenas um estúdio independente .

Story developing ...


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
De acordo com três desenvolvedores, a decisão de adiar foi rápida depois de olhar para as diferenças de qualidade entre as versões da geração atual e da próxima geração. A CD Projekt Red disse que deseja que o lançamento do Cyberpunk 2077 seja perfeito, de modo que quaisquer falhas percebidas sejam corrigidas rapidamente. Segundo a equipe, a decisão de adiar só foi discutida na segunda-feira (26 de outubro), sendo que a decisão foi tomada na terça-feira (27 de outubro).

Algumas coisas não estão batendo.

De um lado, o CEO da CDPR garante que menos de 3 semanas a mais podem fazer toda a diferença, mesmo num jogo do escopo de Cyberpunk.

De outro, desenvolvedores, a julgar pelo trecho em destaque, dão a entender que existe uma grande diferença de qualidade entre as versões da atual e da nova geração.

Aí pergunto: um trabalho de alguns poucos dias vai eliminar uma grande diferença de qualidade num jogo dessa dimensão?


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Algumas coisas não estão batendo.

De um lado, o CEO da CDPR garante que menos de 3 semanas a mais podem fazer toda a diferença, mesmo num jogo do escopo de Cyberpunk.

De outro, desenvolvedores, a julgar pelo trecho em destaque, dão a entender que existe uma grande diferença de qualidade entre as versões da atual e da nova geração.

Aí pergunto: um trabalho de alguns poucos dias vai eliminar uma grande diferença de qualidade num jogo dessa dimensão?

É esta muito confuso essas declarações. Talvez acabe até rolando mais um novo adiamento.
vi uns boatos dizendo que o motivo foi por causa de bugs graves que praticamente quebravam o jogo em algumas partes, e não do desempenho das versões de consoles.

E botando mais "lenha na fogueira" :kduvida

A developer litterally told us the reasons for the delay are we are still trying to find out why

"Day 1 patch is most likely going to be quite massive, the game was rushed and the announcement of "gold" came as a surprise for most of the team. It is unlikely the game will be 100% done and polished even including the day 1 patch. The game would easily need at least 4-5 more months of work - counting crunch The technology behind the game is not bad actually the rendering and engine lighting teams did a great job and the visual quality is quite high, although the RedEngine is a bit mangled the game is not terrible - technically speaking - but it could have used more time to be properly shipped."

that's litterally the comment of a developer ( confirmed by jason schreir) the game is far from being polished, nothing to do with the consoled, it's just a buggy mess who would need another 4/5 months of development, we had this information for 16 days and now we are surprised that the game is getting delayed?
this comment can be found here

Giant Enemy Crab

Wyrd biõ ful ãræd
vi por fora que há uma teoria da conspirassaum que alguma empresa molhou a mão da CDPR pra empurrar o lançamento pra dezembro, por conta de marketings futuros em seus próprios jogos.

Ja que tirando o grande cabeça da produtora, mais ninguém sabia do adiamento,
há relatos que teve desenvolvedores que só ficaram sabendo depois, nem foi na hora, foi depois, que o resto do mundo.

Que a história ta bem mal contada, isso ta,
se quem ta trabalhando pra reduzir os bugs no Day One não sabia, e quem "só manda" achou melhor aumentar a data, sem consultar os funcionarios antes.
É totalmente bizarro. Nem no auge da falta de comunicação na empresa que eu trabalho sobre datas de um projeto, consegue ser tão "bizarro" assim. Se rola algum aumento no prazo pra entregar algo que ta na correria, pelo menos alguém do escritório/vendas/planejamento surge na mesa pra falar, nem que seja informalmente, "dae, sabe aquele negócio que tu tem que entregar até tal dia? pode fazer mais na boa que vai passar rpa outro dia".


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Pelo menos uma boa noticia, o RPG oficial do jogo, Cyberpunk Red (que é uma prequel do 2077) não vai sofrer adiamentos,
o livro vai sair em Novembro (dia 14 a versão digital e 19 o livro impresso) :kcool


Uma previa do conteúdo

Cyberpunk RED Alert

Since Cyberpunk RED has gone to the printer and hurdled through the proofing stage, we’ve decided to throw open some doors and offer some details over the next few Fridays. Let’s start with two reveals! Prepare for a massive data dump.
Reveal 1: Data
  • Rough Word Count: 211,000
  • Page Count: 456
  • Rough Art Count: 143 individual pieces
  • Suggested Retail Price: $60.00 (US) Physical; $30.00 (US) Digital
  • Estimated Street Dates: November 14, 2020 (Digital); November 19, 2020 (Physical)
  • Writers/Designers: Mike Pondsmith, James Hutt, Cody Pondsmith, Jay Parker, J Gray, David Ackerman, and Jaye Kovach
  • Artists: Doug Anderson, Bad Moon Art Studio, Richard Bagnall, Santiago Betancur, Neil Branquinho, Alexander Dudar, Colin Fisk, Matthew S. Francella, Hélio Frazão, Huntang, J Gray, Maksym Harahulin, DariusK, Jaye Kovach, Bernard Kowalczuk, Adrian Marc, Jan Marek, Eddie Mendoza, Pedram Mohammadi, Alan Okamoto, Anna Podedworna, Sebastian Szmyd, Eve Ventrue, 望瑾 Jin Wang, Wavefront, and Anselm Zielonka
  • Editors: Carol Darnell, Michael Matheson, Josh Vogt, and Dixie Cochran
A lot of words. A lot of pages. A lot of art. Some of you might have seen a $55 (US) price floating around for the book. We had to raise it to $60 (US) when we worked out the final page count.
As for the street dates, those are estimates based on the current production and shipping schedule. We’ve given up trying to pretend 2020 follows any sort of logic, though, so they are subject to change should circumstances dictate. The digital version will be popping a few days earlier than the physical to celebrate a not-yet-announced special event. It is a pretty big deal, though, and we’re fair excited about it!
By the 19th of November, our hope is the book will have arrived at stores in the United States, but that might vary depending on a variety of factors. We’ll do our best to keep you informed as we get new information.
Cyberpunk RED core rulebook." data-src="https://i0.wp.com/rtalsoriangames.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/RTG-CPR-Core-Cover.jpg?resize=231%2C300&ssl=1" data-lb-sidebar-href="" data-lb-caption-extra-html="" data-single-image="1"> The cover for the Cyberpunk RED core rulebook.
The Cyberpunk RED cover
Reveal 2: Contents
How about a summayr of the book, section by section? Some of this will feel familiar to existing Cyberpunk fans but we promise, there’s a lot of new and shiny here to explore!
  • The front of the book has the sort of stuff you’d expect at the front of the book: Cast and Crew credits, legalese, the Table of Contents, and an Introduction by Maximum Mike Pondsmith.
  • There are three pieces of fiction in Cyberpunk RED and the first is a classic: Never Fade Away. It felt fitting to begin, as they say, at the beginning with the story that set the tone for the entire world.
  • View from the Edge serves as an introduction to Cyberpunk and to TRPGs in general. It wraps up with a list of Streetslang.
  • Next up is Soul and the New Machine, where we introduce the 10 Roles in Cyberpunk RED: Rockerboys, Solos, Netrunners, Techs, Medtechs, Medias, Execs, Lawmen, Fixers, and Nomads. We also introduce the three methods of Character Generation available in the game: Streetrat (a template system similar to what was had in the Cyberpunk RED Jumpstart Kit); Edgerunner (a fast and dirty template customization system); and the Complete Package (you spends your points, you makes your choices, and nothing’s locked to Roles except the Role Ability and a section of the Lifepath).
  • Of course, no Interlock game would be complete without a Lifepath system and that’s where Tales from the Street comes into play. Next Friday we’ll be showing this baby off in more detail but, for now, we’ll say there’s two sections: your general Lifepath, where you generate a background for your Character, and a Role-Based Lifepath, where you get to find out if your Netrunner has a partner, what sort of venues your Rockerboy plays, and where your Tech gets their spare parts!
  • In Fitted for the Future we get to the meat of Character Generation: STATS, Skills, Weapons, Armor, Gear, Fashion, Lifestyle, Housing, and how you get them all. What about cyberware? So glad you asked!
  • Since cyberware forms one of the key components of Cyberpunk, it gets a separate chapter: Putting the Cyber into the Punk. We lay down a foundation about what cyberware is, then move onto the main event, the cyberware itself! There’s just about a hundred different pieces of cyber available and we’ve made sure it is clear when you need one piece of cyberware (say a Neural Link) in order to get another piece (say Kerenzikov Speedware). And yep, the “Running Out of Cash?” option is still available. Your soul, choomba. Up to you to determine how much it is worth.
  • Reaching page 121, we get to The Fall of the Towers, the story of how a certain Rockerboy bit the big one. Our second fiction piece.
  • Next, you’ll find Getting it Done aka “how the game works”. Here’s where we discuss Skill Checks, Difficulty Values, and go into more detail with each individual Skill, lay out rules for “multiclassing”, and give specifics about Role Abilities. In case you missed it in an earlier devlog, here’s the skinny on Role Abilities:
    • Rockerboys get Charismatic Impact. The higher they rise, the more they can get out of their fans as individuals, small groups, and large crowds.
    • Solos have Combat Awareness. This ain’t no flat bonus. You get a pool of points to spend on various options to customize your fighting style.
    • Netrunners have Interface, the ability to Netrun and basic actions they can perform without the aid of a program while in a NET Architecture.
    • Techs have it good thanks to Maker. Fix stuff. Upgrade stuff. Fabricate stuff. Invent stuff. With this they truly are the “enchanters” of Cyberpunk.
    • As for Medtechs, Medicine gives them a big boost. Not only can they heal Critical Injuries no one else can, they can also make some pretty nifty drugs and they can keep people alive (and immobile) with cryotech.
    • Medias have Credibility, which lets them find rumors and leads and then use them and their investigations to craft stories that can cause major changes in a City’s landscape.
    • The Exec gets Teamwork. Not only does their Corp give them free clothes and housing, and Trauma Team coverage (at higher Ranks) but Execs also get underlings to boss around! Need a Bodyguard? Driver? Netrunner? You can get one to be on your “team”. But be careful, if you push them too far they’ll lose Loyalty and walk.
    • Lawmen can call in Backup when in dangerous situations. The higher your Rank, the better the response team will be.
    • Operator is the Fixer Role Ability. With it they have a spread of contacts, an ability to source goods, and bonus to haggling on prices, and an ability to blend in with different cultures (complete with bonus Language Skills).
    • And then there’s the Nomad Ability of Moto. Nomads are good with vehicles and get bonuses to drive/pilot them and to repair them. Plus, they can “sign out” and upgrade vehicles from their family/pack motorpool. A Nomad with Moto 3, for example, can have 3 stock vehicles, 2 vehicles (one of which has an upgrade), or 1 vehicle (with two upgrades). Land, sea, and air vehicles are available.
  • We follow up with Friday Night Firefight. I.e. how to bring (or take) the pain. Movement. Melee Combat. Ranged Combat. Explosives. Autofire. Martial Arts. Fire. Electricity. Radiation. Cover. Human Shields. Armor. Critical Injuries. Death Saves. Vehicle Combat. Faceoffs. There’s a lot covered here but the rules are a faster and more furious upgrade from the Cyberpunk 2020 version.
  • In Netrunning we deal with hacking. The majority of this section deals with NET hacking aka “plugging into cyberspace” and it works pretty much like you’ve seen in the Cyberpunk RED Jumpstart Kit only with more programs and hardware upgrades for your cyberdeck and more Black ICE to get in your way. We also go into Demons (programs designed to control real world equipment), drones, and defenses. Defenses can be anything from automated turrets to cameras to stun panels to “blood swarms” and there’s plenty of room for mechanical/electronic hacking in the form of fiddling with wires (CUT THE RED ONE!) and switching out circuit boards. In other words, physical hacking as opposed to NET hacking. The section’s capped off with information on how to build your very own “home security system”.
  • Trauma Team talks all about what happens when you get hurt. Wound States? Check. Critical Injuries and how to fix them? Check! What happens when you get the “broken arm” injury and you’ve got a cyberarm instead of a meat one? Check! Trauma Team coverage? You betcha! How to install that cybereye you just ripped out of a ganger into your own skull? Sure thing! Bodysculpting? Standard and Exotic levels! Street drugs? What’s Cyberpunk without Smash? Therapy? Complete rules! Cyberpsychosis and how it works and how to play it out? Of course!
  • Let’s move onto some heavy lore, shall we? Welcome to the Dark Future is a primer on the world of Cyberpunk up to the end of the 4th Corporate War. If you’re a long time fan of the game, don’t worry. There’s new information here. Want to know who led the Gang of Four? Or what the Wasting Plague was? That info, and more, is new to Cyberpunk RED.
  • The Time of the Red tells us about the world from the 4th Corporate War to the present day. There’s a good overview, of course, of the post-4th United States and Europe, Neo-Soviets, Middle East, Africa, Central and South America, and Asia but also the Drift Nations, Deepdowns, and Highrider Confederation. You’ll also learn quite a bit about the Neocorps making headlines in the Time of the Red: Arasaka, Biotechnica, Continental Brands, Danger Girl, Militech, Network 54, Petrochem, Rocklin Augmentics, SovOil, Trauma Team North America, Ziggurat, and Zhirafa.
  • In Welcome to Night City, we talk about the history and present day of Richard Night’s “perfect city”. We’ll look at the Night City of the past (with details to help GMs plan “treasure hunts” in the rubble if they so wish! and how Morro Bay turned into the Night City of 2020 and how the Night City of 2020 transformed into the Night City of 2045. There’ll be a tour of Night City in the Time of the Red, with details on government and services, districts (as they exist at the moment, anyway!), gangs, badasses and power players, and 43 key locations. Enough to populate your game but leaving plenty of room for your own creations.
  • Everyday Life looks at what it is like to live in 2045. We cover the law, day to day communications, weapons, transportation, news and media, clothes, food, and where you get stuff. The details on vendits are some of our favorite new bits.
  • Next is The New Street Economy. It begins with a “what is the economy like” section and moves onto Night Markets: what they are, how they work, and how you can make your own. Most of the section is the Night Market Appendix: a complete listing of every type of weapon, armor, ammunition, weapon upgrade, gear, street drug, cyberware, fashion, cyberdeck option, and service available. Some of it is listed in other parts of the book as well but we made sure it was all here so GMs have one “to go to” place to find everything a PC might buy when they go shopping. After that is info on Lifestyle (are you eating kibble every day or maybe prepak?) and Housing (squatting in a cube hotel? hanging in a cargo container? got a conapt? or maybe you’re living in your car?). We end with how you make your bread. GMs will be glad to know we give solid numbers on how much Edgerunners should get per job. There’s also the Hustle, a system that lets you put downtime to good use in order to earn eurobucks based on your Role. Maybe your Rockerboy plays a small gig, your Exec earns a Corp bonus, or your Nomad picked up a small smuggling job.
  • Of course, no TRPG would be complete without a section liked Running Cyberpunk. There’s advice for GMs here, absolutely, but also a “scenario generation” system we like to call Beat Charts to help you plan missions. You’ll also find the rules for awarding Improvement Points and advancing Character Skills and Role Abilities here. Beyond that, we’ve got 10 different “mooks and grunts” of various levels of difficulty and some Night City encounter tables to generate random events divided by time (day, night, after midnight).
  • There’s Screamsheets to give Gamemasters a number of scenarios to run until they feel up to making their own. We’ll also be making new Screamsheets available on our website in the future.
  • At the end of the book is a new piece of fiction. We’re not going to spoil the title just yet but Mike wrote this one special for Cyberpunk RED and it helps set the mood and show the world. It also stars a new group of Edgerunners. You can find out more info about this Crew, and the remarkable gamers who helped us make them, here.
  • We end the book with a 3 page Character Sheet and and Index.
That’s all for this Friday. A week from today, we’ll be revealing the Cyberpunk RED Lifepath. Until then, stay safe on the streets!

Cyberpunk RED Alert: Night City

The dream of maverick developer Richard Night, Coronado City was supposed to be the ultimate expression of urban existence: free of crime, poverty, and misfortune. Unfortunately, the hope for a bright, shining, efficient, safe, city protected from the coming Collapse died with him. After Night’s assassination, Night City was named in his honor, and went through decades of trauma.
First criminal organizations and Corporations fought for control of the City. Then came a rising tide of boostergangs and urban decay and, finally, a War that ended with a nuclear explosion right in the heart of the Corporate Center.
Today, Night City is healing from the ravages of the last tumultuous decades. But it should never be forgotten that like most of America, Night City, is still an armed society under a blanket of appalling poverty, violence, and inequity. And a lot of people call it home.
Welcome to Night City.
The Noodle Bar by Richard Bagnall
The Night City of 2045 looks a little different from the glittering gem it was during the 2020s. There’s no central government. Instead, an ever-shifting set of districts, neighborhoods, and regions send representatives to a central Council that attempts to exert control and influence over the whole metropolis. More often than not, they fall into infighting instead, both in City Hall and on The Street. Some city-wide services still exist, more from force of will and inertia than good city management. The busses still run. So do the power plants and water works, thanks to Corporate needs. Who provides security depends on where you’re hanging. Could be a poorly funded NCPD. Could be MAX-TAC, now an independent organization. Or it could be private Corporate security or gang enforcers or just some local Edgerunners, hired for the job by the community.
You’ll notice there’s not a lot of streets marked on the map. Why? Because the construction’s constant. Old streets get torn apart or just plain blown up every day. New streets get built. The streets drawn on the map are the most stable and likely to actually be there today, tomorrow, and maybe even a week from now. The rest? Well, let’s just say getting across town ain’t something you can just plot out using a map app on your Agent these days.
All this doesn’t mean Night City’s unlivable. There’s a lot of people who call the place home and the City’s actually rebuilding pretty fast these days.
Night City 2045
The areas marked in green are what the City Council calls “the Rebuilding Urban Center”. These are Zones where there’s more building than there is destruction and where people might be able to walk safe in the streets. During the day. On a good day. The Glen’s received special attention. With Corporate support, it has been carved out from South Night City and transformed into the home of the government, such as it is. The University District is a fortress of learning. Literally. They take their mission of protecting knowledge seriously there. Little Europe combines many of the parts of old Night City built using European architectural styles and is in pretty good shape. You’ll find a mix of styles in the Upper Marina. The old mallplex is gone, but the stadium remains and there’s plenty of industry there as well as gentrified neighborhoods. To the north, the Corps are building up a new Watson Development where rising Megabuildings can house their workforces. Further north than that, the U.S. military hangs onto the NorCal Military Base. To the south, Pacifica Playground remains famous for Playland by the Sea. Leaving the city is difficult, so an amusement park for those who can afford it within city limits is important. Out to the west, Orbital Air is in the process of transforming Morro Rock into a launch platform.
Marked in orange, the Overpacked Suburbs are a mixed bag of poverty-stricken camps still filled with refugees years after the end of the 4th Corporate War and developing areas that almost seem like the Beavervilles of old. Heywood is the perfect example. Residents with some money, and maybe hope of getting out, live to the north. To the south there’s more poverty and residents tend to follow the lead of the Aldecaldo Nomads who operate from the area and call it Santo Domingo. Many people living in Heywood work in the Industrial Zone, the largest concentration of warehouses and factories in Night City. New Westbrook looks like a warzone, where refugees from the War and from the gentrification of the Urban Centers make a life among the ruins of old executive glamour. Even Rancho Coranado, once the biggest Beaverville of them all, finds itself overrun by tent and container cities.
If you’re in red, you might be dead. Some cities have a Combat Zone. Night City has four. South Night City remains an industrial sprawl but more run by gangs than companies these days. The Old Combat Zone remains just as dangerous as ever. Old Japantown suffered tremendously after the nuclear bomb went off as prevailing winds drove radiation and particulate matter south and east. These days there’s just gangs there. Most of the population has moved north to Watson. Chinatown’s different. There, the locals hang on, trying to keep their way of life and their homes against overwhelming odds.
The Hot Zone’s even worse. People live there, but only because they have no other choice. Ground zero of the nuclear blast, the Hot Zone is all that remains of the once booming Corporate Center. Of course, there’s treasures to be had here. An Edgerunner can score a win for life if they find the right goodies buried beneath the rubble. But only if they can survive the radiation, the scavvers, the gangs, and the wildlife to get it out.
The Executive Zone’s where the bigwigs live. Gated. Walled. Protected. If you live here, you’ve made it. If you try to get in without “making it”, you’ve probably made it to the morgue instead.
Beyond the Executive Zone and the Suburbs you’ll find the Reclaimed Perimeter, an optimistic name for Badlands where Reclaimers try to make a life in the burned out remains of long-abandoned towns.
It Ain’t All Bad
We’ve painted a bleak picture but, like we’ve said, Night City is a town on the mend. Different Corporations have set up here in gleaming towers and sprawling office parks. Stores are reopening. Playland by the Sea’s still sees thousands of visitors every year, desperate to have fun and forget their troubles. The Data Pool’s up, running, and almost city wide. There’s plenty of places to have an approximation of alcohol, ranging from the Totentanz at the edge of the Hot Zone to the Netrunner bar, Short Circuit, in Little Europe, to the surprisingly popular bar in the public area of Network 54’s offices in New Westbrook. If you’re willing to brave the Old Combat Zone, you can even grab a bite of what might real corned beef at Jesse James’ Kosher Deli. Don’t look for the Rainbow Room, though. It died with Johnny Silverhand.
And you can come out on top in Night City! There’s folk who have, through skill, willpower, and a willingness to flatline the competition if need be. Need some examples? Bes Isis is still around, running her own show these days on the Data Pool. Fixers like Hornet, who specializes in biotech, and Mister Kernaghan, who focuses on high end luxury goods, make a good living selling goods to them that can afford it. Both Doctor Bob and Phoenix Redwyne run packed clinics. After all, there’s plenty of people who need to be sewn up every day! Even Rogue and Father Kevin are both still around. These days she runs the Afterlife but you’ll still find Father Kevin in the Holy Angels Church and he still has a mean left hook.

And that’s Night City in 2045. A city rising from the ashes, like a phoenix dreaming of a better future. Before we go, though, the Mayor of Balance Town wanted to share a few thoughts.

From the office of the Mayor of Balance Town
First of, thank you. All of Balance Town has been working hard for this moment, and we hope you will enjoy the grand re-re-re-opening of Night City.
I’d like to share 10 attractions for you and your friends to trample each other over in a mad stampede toward when the gates open.
  • Have a motorcycle duel with melee weapons on an abandoned stretch of highway. Akira-sliding your motorcycle to make a sudden stop is a Maneuver, so be sure to read up on the Vehicle Combat rules beforehand.
  • Visit the Night City port and grab a drink with some sea Nomads.
  • Visit SovOil’s Museum of Petroleum to pick up a keychain and note the location of all the security cameras.
  • Don your favorite radiation suit and visit the Old Corporate Plaza!
  • Go karaoke in the Old Combat Zone with your crew and butcher your favorite Samurai songs while trying not to get butchered yourself.
  • Visit a Night Market to purchase tasteful seasonal furnishings for your shipping container, like an automated turret for trick-or-treaters.
  • Get kicked out of the Afterlife! Count broken bones at the hospital afterwards, and compare results with your friends.
  • Tour the Network 54 offices in New Westbrook and be a part of a live studio audience.
  • Get educated at Night City University.
  • Make Night City your hometown.
Finally, if you see anything imbalanced…
Just let me know.
James Hutt
Game Designer, Mayor of Balance Town for R.Talsorian Games
Stay safe on those streets, choomba!

Cyberpunk RED Alert: Lifepath

From the Cyberpunk RED core rulebook by Neil Branquinho
The Lifepath system has been a staple of games from R. Talsorian for decades and Cyberpunk RED is no exception. Of course, like we do with every game, we’ve taken Lifepath and tweaked it. How does it work now? We’ve prepared a radio drama to show you!
Meet Charlie, who will be Gamemaster of a Cyberpunk RED campaign set in Night City! Charlie’s meeting with one of the campaign’s players, a veteran of many a dungeoncrawl and space mission named Victoria. The scene opens with the two of them meeting online via an unspecified but popular video conferencing platform. They’ve already exchanged greetings and are getting down to the good stuff. Making Characters!
CHARLIE: In Cyberpunk RED, character creation starts with Lifepath. It generates a background for your character using a series of tables.
VICTORIA: Really? Usually we just, you know, write our backgrounds don’t we?
CHARLIE: We do, but this’ll be a good way to create a character with lots of plothooks who fits well in the world. Don’t worry. There’s still plenty of room for throwing in your own details. Think of it as a skeleton. It lays down the bones, you add the organs, muscles, and flesh.
VICTORIA: Gross metaphor, but I’m willing to give it a try. What do we do?
CHARLIE: Start at the beginning. Go to the end. On each table you’ll either roll a die for a result or, if you feel it is too important to leave to chance, you can pick a result. And if a roll comes up that just doesn’t fit what you want, we can change it.
VICTORIA: Sounds good! What’s first?
General Lifepath
On second thought, this’ll be an unbearably long blog post if we throw up the whole script. Let’s summarize from here on out. A Character’s Lifepath is split into two parts. The first, their general Lifepath, helps determine where they’re from and aspects of personality and style.
Back to the story!
Cultural Origins
Victoria starts with Cultural Origins to determine where their Character comes from. They roll a 6 on a 1d10. That mean the Character, or the Character’s family, was originally from Sub-Saharan Africa. Charlie tells Victoria that Africa’s in the midst of a technological boom thanks to its close association with the residents of orbital platforms and stations known as the Highriders. Victoria has family in Ethiopia so they decide their Character comes from there. Victoria isn’t sure why their Character left home yet, but they will figure that out as they go.
Cultural Origins also determines a “native language”. All Characters in the game know Streetslang, a trade pidgin, but they also get 4 free Levels in a language based on their cultural origin. Victoria picks Amharic, the official language of Ethiopia.
Next comes Personality. If Victoria has a specific style of play or concept for the Character, they’re free to pick but they’re intrigued by letting their dice dice choose for them. Victoria rolls another 6 on 1d10. The table lists the Character’s personality as “Stable and Serious”.
Dress and Personal Style
Style’s important in the Cyberpunk world, so Victoria needs to know what their Character’s visual presentation’s like. There’s three tables here: Clothing Style, Hairstyle, and Affectation You Are Never Without.
Victoria rolls 4 for Clothing (businesswear), 9 for Hairstyle (short and curly), and 5 for Affectation (nose rings).
Victoria takes this all in and decides the Character’s family instilled in them a need to “dress to impress” from a young age. “Outsiders rarely look below the surface”, their father told them, “Make sure your surface says you mean business”. Thus, Victoria’s Character prefers sharp suits and keeps their hair short but natural. The nose ring is a little touch of home, as it was a gift given to the Character before they left home.
Motivations, Relationships, and Values
There are four rolls for this section to determine what Victoria’s Character values, how they feel about most people, who their most valued person is, and what their most valued possession is.
A 5 on a 1d10 says Victoria’s Character values knowledge above things like money or power or even family. With a 2 on a 1d10, they are neutral about most people and willing to give them a chance before making a decision one way or the other.
According to the dice, a 4 on a 1d10, Victoria’s Character values a friend most among all the people they know. Victoria isn’t sure who that is yet, but tucks away the information. Finally, a 9 on a 1d10 suggests the Character’s most valued possession is a toy. That Victoria knows right away. They still own the old toy spaceship they played with as a child.
Original Family Background
Victoria knows their Character comes from Ethiopia but not much about their history beyond that. They roll on the Original Family Background table. The result is a 6: Combat Zoners. They don’t like that, especially as they really enjoy the concept of Africa being an ascending technological power in the world, so they disregard the result and pick Corporate Technicians instead. Their Character’s fathers, Victoria decides, worked in the motorpool for an Ethiopian company that specialized in exporting luxury goods to the Highriders in orbit. They grew up fairly safe and secure as a result.
Your Environment
Because they picked a specific outcome for Original Family Background, Victoria decides to pick on the next table, Your Environment, too. Looking over the ten options, they decide the Character grew up in a safe Corp Zone, walled off from the rest of the city. A nice middle-class lifestyle. One that maybe hasn’t prepared them for the harsh realities of Night City.
Family Crisis
Of course, nothing’s ever perfect in the world of Cyberpunk. Victoria goes back to rolling on the next table. With a roll of 10 on a 1d10, they learn the Character inherited a family debt. At first, Victoria assumes this means they owe money but the more they think about it, the more they like the idea of owing someone powerful a “favor”. One of their Character’s dads, they decide, was sick and required high-end, experimental therapy. They don’t know who yet, but someone provided that therapy and now Victoria’s Character owes them big time.
Your Friends
Friends are next! Of course, Victoria already knows they have at least one friend, as they rolled “a friend” for who they value most earlier. This table will help Victoria decide who else is in their life as the game begins. Victoria rolls 1d10 for an 8, subtracts 7, and comes up with 1 additional friend.
People you can truly trust are rare in the Dark Future.
A second d10 roll of 1 tells them this friend is like an older sibling to them. Charlie, the GM, suggests Victoria’s Character had the good fortune of meeting someone when they came to Night City. This person took Victoria’s Character under their wing and helped them avoid some unpleasant ends. Victoria agrees.
Your Enemies
Of course, the flip side is enemies. Again, Victoria rolls 1d10 and subtracts 7 from the result. This leads to a negative number. Looks like Victoria’s Character hasn’t made any real enemies yet. No one who would single them out for revenge, anyway. If they had made an enemy, Victoria would have rolled to determine who the antagonist was, what caused the enmity, what the enemy could throw at their Character, and what they were going to do to get back at them.
Your Tragic Love Affair
It wouldn’t be Cyberpunk if there was a happily ever after, now would it? Charlie notes this table doesn’t mean Victoria’s Character hasn’t had happy love affairs. They might even be in a relationship now, if Victoria wants them to be, but tragic love affairs make for good plot grist, so that’s the one that gets a roll.
Victoria throws a d10 and gets a 2. The lover mysteriously vanished, breaking their Character’s heart. Charlie loves it and makes some notes, already getting inspiration on how to weave this into the storyline.
Your Life Goals
The time has come for Victoria to determine what their Character wants out of life. They roll a 9 on a 1d0. The Character, it turns out, is chasing after fame and recognition. Victoria’s Character grew up safe and cared for in a Corporate Zone and now they want to prove themself to the world. This isn’t out vanity, Victoria decides, but out of a need to not only be the best but be acknowledged as such.

That ends the general Lifepath. For the next part we’re going to play a game of “What If” and see what happens when Victoria picks two very different routes. Each Role, which is somewhat akin to “Classes” from other TRPGs, has its own Lifepath to help Players know not only how their Character “grew up” but how they function in their “job”. We’re going to see what happens when Victoria picks two different Roles for their Character: Netrunner (hackers deep diving into NET Architectures to fight programs, override systems, and steal data) and Exec (Corporate power players looking to climb the ladder and advance their agenda).
Let’s get to it!
Role-Based Lifepath: Netrunner
Victoria decides to name their character Maryam and, furthermore, decides Maryam left home to seek their fortune after being rejected for a Highrider NET security position. The sting of it is what drives them in hopes of gaining the recognition they crave.
What Kind of Runner Are You?
With a 1 on a 1d6, Victoria learns Maryam is a freelancer who will hack for hire. That makes perfect sense. They’ve only been in Night City for a little while and are still getting their feet wet. Maryam gets gigs wherever they can.
Partner or Solo?
Victoria has a choice here. Does Maryam hack with a partner? Or do they run on their own? If they have a partner, there will be a roll to determine more information about just who that partner is. Victoria grabs a drink, thinks about it, and decides Maryam’s working alone for now.
What’s Your Workspace Like?
Victoria’s next roll is a 5 on a 1d6. Wherever they work, they keep things neat, tidy, and organized. That makes perfect sense given their Corporate background and their preference for sharp businesswear. Not to mention that serious attitude.
Who Are Some of Your Clients?
Of course, during the campaign Maryam might end up working for various NPCs the GM uses to hook the Crew into the game’s plot, but Victoria also needs to know more about their Character’s regular clients. It can’t be all run and guns and dangerous infiltrations after all. Victoria rolls another 5 on a 1d6. Local Fixers and Nomads hire Maryam to secure their systems. While Victoria hasn’t decided who Maryam’s valued friend (from back in the general Lifepath) is, they decide that the friend did introduce them to some contacts who threw them security work.
Where Do You Get Your Programs?
Oh, that’s a good question! Victoria rolls 1d6 for a 6. It turns out Maryam finds most of their programs in various Night Markets: shops that Fixers set up for an evening to sell a limited supply of goods. It might even be Maryam works security for some of these Night Markets, ensuring malicious Netrunners don’t infiltrate the local NET Architecture and cause trouble. Victoria likes that idea and it ties in nicely with their previous roll on the “Clients” table.
Who’s Gunning for You?
While Victoria didn’t roll any enemies in Maryam’s general Lifepath, no Netrunner goes through life without ruffling some feathers. Charlie watches in glee as Victoria rolls 1d6.Enemies make for great plot fodder, after all!
The d6 comes up on a 1. It might be a rogue AI. It might be a NET Ghost. Either way, it is bad news! Victoria and Charlie talk and decide Maryam cracked an old Data Fortress before leaving Ethiopia. Something was inside and, somehow, that something’s followed Maryam to Night City.
Role-Based Lifepath: Exec
Netrunner is one road Victoria could have traveled with Maryam, but what about this?
The thought of playing a Corporate player trying to navigate the morally gray Cyberpunk world appeals to Victoria so they decide Maryam will start off the campaign as an Exec.
What Kind of Corp Do You Work For?
Oh, good question! Instead of just rolling the type of Corporation randomly, Victoria asks Charlie about the various Corporations active in Night City. Charlie opens the rulebook, shows Victoria the Night City map, and points out the various Corporate HQs: the Biotechnica Campus, the Continental Brands Offices, the Zhirafa Office Park, and so forth. Victoria notes Morro Rock sitting by itself offshore and asks about it. Charlie explains that Orbital Air, an African-based Corporation, is building a launch platform there to throw planes into space.
“African-based, you say?” Victoria says with a smile, “Space, you say?”
It couldn’t be more perfect! Obviously, Maryam was recruited right out of school by Orbital Air, went through some training, and has been sent to Night City to help work on the Morro Rock project! Charlie likes the idea, too. Orbital Air doesn’t have a big presence in Night City, which means it might send a junior Exec to work with a group of Edgerunners and advance their agenda instead of using a team of employees. Perfect plot hook material.
What Division Do You Work In?
Of course, the question is, what sort of work does Maryam do for Orbital Air? With a 3 on a 1d6, it looks like Maryam works in Research and Development. Thinking about it, Victoria decides Maryam isn’t a technician but, having grown up in a family of Techs, they can “speak the language” and function as an effective project manager in a technically-oriented department.
How Good/Bad is Your Corp?
On the one hand, Victoria isn’t sure they want to work for an evil Corporation. On the other hand, there’s a lot of pathos to be had in being a good person who finds out your employer is not so good. Charlie refuses to give any details as to Orbital Air’s moral agenda, so Victoria’s left with a decision: choose or roll? A little reluctantly, Victoria rolls a d6 and gets a 4. It looks like Orbital Air is willing to bend the rules to get what it needs but isn’t entirely ruthless or evil. At least, as a whole. Individual Corpos in the company could still be horrible.
Where is Your Corp Based?
This is one Victoria can’t roll, since they’ve already picked the Corporation Maryam works for. Orbital Air is, by nature, an international company. In fact, it not only has offices in many cities but in space as well! The 4th Corporate War hit Orbital Air hard but they’re working to rebuilt the travel infrastructure so they’re an International Corporation with offices everywhere.
Who’s Gunning for Your Group?
Of course, it wouldn’t be a Corporate world without intrigue and enemies, would it? Victoria rolls a 6 on a d6. It looks like there’s trouble not just for Maryam’s R&D team but for Orbital Air as a whole. An International Corporation is working towards a hostile takeover. Victoria asks Charlie who the enemy is but Charlie shrugs and refuses to answer. The truth is, Charlie doesn’t know yet. They’ll have to read up on the other Corporations and decide which one is behind the power play.
Current State with Your Boss?
This is another one Victoria decides to pick instead of roll. They think back to the Friends portion of the general Lifepath. There’s someone in Night City who mentored Maryam when they first arrived. Victoria decides that someone was Maryam’s immediate supervisor: someone who acts like an older sibling. Possibly even an old family friend who picked Maryam specifically for this job and wants to see them succeed. With a hostile Megacorp out there eyeing Orbital Air for a takeover, Victoria wants to know Maryam has at least one ally in a nasty Corporate world!

Boom! We’re done with our tour of the Lifepath system in Cyberpunk RED. The Lifepath run by Victoria for Maryam generated a ton of background info for the Character and great plot hooks for Gamemaster Charlie: there’s the debt Maryam owes because of their sick dad, a friend Maryam values who acts like an older sibling, a love interest who vanished without a trace, and even a mysterious enemy (who is either an AI or a international Corporation depending on the Role-Based Lifepath).
You can see how Lifepath really packs builds information both Player and Gamemaster can use for Character and campaign building.
Next Friday, we’re going to drive around Night City a bit and learn about what it is like in 2045!
Until then, stay safe in the streets!

Cyberpunk RED Alert: Gangs and Combat

Hello, everyone!
The AI who puts these posts together has requested tomorrow off, so we’re going to be doing our weekly Cyberpunk RED Alert today instead! We’re going to talk about gangs and, since you rarely meet gangs without fighting, combat!
First, an Important Announcement
R. Talsorian Games will be participating in the Bits and Mortar program! Retail stores were hit pretty hard this year and we’ve always tried to be a friend to the many Friendly Local Gaming Stores (FLGS) out there so, after investigation, deliberation, and consultation, we’ve decided this is the best way to go. Here’s the breakdown of our participation in bullet point.
If you go to a FLGS that participates in Bits and Mortar and purchase either the Cyberpunk RED Jumpstart Kit or the Cyberpunk RED core rulebook, you will receive a code for a free download of the digital version (or a direct digital copy, depending on how the retailer operates).
For now, only the Jumpstart Kit and the core rulebook will be enrolled in the program. We might look at expanding it to other products in the future, though.
We’re only doing this through participating retailers. If your retailer isn’t participating, please suggest they sign up with the Bits and Mortar program.
Technically, R. Talsorian Games is a retailer since you can order products directly from our webstore but we will NOT be participating in the Bits and Mortar program as a seller. You will be able to order Cyberpunk RED and the Cyberpunk RED Jumpstart Kit from our webstore and, if you do, we appreciate the support! However, the main reason we enrolled in Bits and Mortar is to support FLGSs. We want you to go in (properly socially distanced and wearing a mask) and buy from them, or get curbside pickup, or delivery. However your store works, we want you to buy from them if possible. Gaming stores are a core heart of our hobby so, please, support them.
To repeat: You can buy Cyberpunk RED from the RTG webstore and we will love you for it but we will not be giving out digital codes for the PDF version ourselves. You only get those by going to a FLGS who are participating in the Bits and Mortar program.
Now, onto the Cyberpunk RED Alert info dump!
Uninvited by Neil Branquinho
Booster Gangs, 2045 Style
If you’re going to operate in Night City you need a score card. Some groups prefer to advertise with spraypaint on brick and concrete walls instead of on billboards and on Data Pool sites.
We’re talking about gangs, of course. They rule Night City after the sun sets and anyone who walks the streets after dark deals with them one way or another. Here’s some of the better known, are just plain weirder, gangs of Night City in the Time of the Red.
6th Street: Veterans of the 4th Corporate War, 6th Street decided that if no one else was going to protect the streets, they would. They tend to be well-armed and heavily cybered.
Albino Alligators: Rumor has it this gang adapted their identity from the mascot of an old car wash. They all wear identical t-shirts with the cartoon mascot on the chest. No matter how many are killed, more pop up and there’s always more shirts.
The Bozos: Still a prankster gang. Still bio-sculpted clowns. Still terrifying.
Inquisitors: The Inquisitors believe cyberware defiles the human body and degrades the human soul. They’re glad to help you see the light if you’ve got chrome implanted in your flesh. Violently.
Iron Sights: Small. Tough and borderline cyberpsycho. The Iron Sights used to have a sugar daddy in the form of Arasaka but rumor has it someone else is funding them these days.
Maelstrom: Post-war, the Maelstrom have absorbed new members from defeated gangs and that’s only accelerated their belief in the superiority of metal over meat. Of course, this has only intensified their conflict with the Inquisitors.
Philharmonic Vampyres: The pranksters who like to dress in tuxedos and fangs are still around. Or are they? As with all things involving the Vampyres, their very existence in the Time of the Red is ambigious.
Piranhas: Somehow, this party gang has survived nuclear fallout, blood rain, and rival gangs. They continue to party hard in 2045.
The Prime-Time Players: To survive the Time of the Red, different poser gangs have banded together into the Prime-Time Players. Every member is biosculpted to resemble celebrities or characters from old shows and movies. There’s dozens of branches all around Night City, each centered on different themes.
Reckoners: An apocalyptic cult, the Reckoners roam the streets, preaching about the upcoming Harvest of Souls. They’ll happily take donations, often from your unconscious body.
Red Chrome Legion: A neo-fascist hate gang. Uniforms. Military slogan. They’ll attack anything or anyone they don’t think is “right”.
Scavvers: Not really a gang. Scavvers scour the ruins of Night City looking for old weapons, old materials, old tech… anything they can sell.
Steel Vaqueros: Also not a gang but a Nomad Pack that makes runs up and down the coast. They have deals with several Reclaimer groups in Night City.
Tyger Claws: A dangerous gang that claims to protect the Asian community in Night City. They control Old Japantown but can be found in Watson as well.
Voodoo Boys: White boys pretending to be something they’re not, the Voodoo Boys still deal drugs. As migrants from the Caribbean begin flow into Night City, though, the Voodoo Boys are discovering some groups are willing to display their dislike of the cultural appropriation violently.
Combat Q&A
Comat in Cyberpunk RED remains Friday Night Firefight. Still fast. Still furious. Still dangerous. We aren’t going to go over the whole system now but we can give you some peeks and throw some As at your Qs.
Q: How Does Movement Work?
A: Your Turn equals 1 Move Action and 1 other Action. You can “split Movement” however you like. If you’re wielding a weapon with a 2 Rate of Fire you can move a few m/yds, take a shot, move a few more m/yds, take another shot, and move a few more m/yds to end your Turn. So long as you haven’t used up your Movement allotment, are capable of Movement, and it is your Turn, you can still keep moving.
Q: What’s the mechanics behind shooting people?
A: There’s 5 ranged weapon Skills: Handguns, Shoulder Arms, Archery, Heavy Weapons, and Autofire. You’ll be rolling STAT + SKILL + 1d10 against a Difficulty Value (DV) based on your weapon type and range from the target. If your target has a high enough REF, they can choose to roll DEX + Evasion + 1d10 to get out of the way instead.
Q: How many dice will I need for Autofire damage?
A: Gone are the days of rolling damage for every bullet. If you hit with Autofire, you’ll be multiplying damage based on how high you rolled above the DV (up to a maximum based on the weapon type).
Q: What if I wanna get in close and personal?
A: There are 3 close combat Skills: Brawling, Melee Weapon, and Martial Arts. All of them require opposed Checks of STAT + SKILL + 1d10 vs. DEX + Evasion + 1d10. Melee weapon attacks and Martial Arts attacks ignore half armor rating. Brawling goes up against full armor (unlike in the Jumpstart Kit, where armor nullifies it) but has special maneuvers that allow for Grabbing, Choking, and Throwing. As for Martial Arts, there are a number of Martial Arts and each has two special maneuvers with unique flair and mechanics.
Q: Are branded weapons still a thing?
A: Absolutely! At their basic level, weapons are divided by category: Heavy Pistols, Assault Rifles, Grenade Launchers, and so forth. You can buy a generic Very Heavy Pistol, for example, and it’ll fire any type of ammunition you can fit into it. Maybe what you’ve got is a Militech brand weapon or maybe it is something the local Tech built for you. That’s flavor and up to you and the GM.
The nice thing is, with the base level weapons you can upgrade and modify them.
When it comes to specific, branded weapons we have two options for you. The first is what we call Exotic Weapons. These are either unusual generic weapons (like say, a Flamethrower or a Stun Baton) or specific branded weapons already set up with upgrades and modifications like the Kendachi Mono-Three (a Very Heavy Melee Weapon that ignores armor below a certain rating entirely) or the famous Malorian Arms 3516 (a Very Heavy Pistol that comes pre-equipped with a Smartgun Link). Exotic weapons generally can’t be modified and many are locked to specific types of ammunition.
The other option for branding weapons comes in the form of Weapon Quality. Poor Quality weapons are cheaper but come with flaws. Excellent Quality weapons are so well made you get a bonus to attack with them. We give brand examples for each type of Ranged Weapon available on page 342 of the core rulebook. Want a cheap Medium Pistol? You’ll get a Dai Lung Streetmaster. Need the best possible sniper rifle? You’ll be looking for an Arasaka WSSA Sniper System.
Q: The Jumpstart Kit didn’t have cover rules, so how does it work in the core rulebook?
A: In Cyberpunk RED, if someone has line of sight on you, you aren’t in cover. If you are in cover, an opponent can’t target you directly and has two basic choices: reposition and reestablish line of sight or attack the cover, destroy it, and remove it from the equation so you’ve got nothing to hide behind. There’s a lot of destructible environment work going on in RED. Combine this with the split movement up above and there’s a lot of tactical work happening in the field during a RED fight.
Q: Does Cyberpunk RED still have random hit locations? What about armor layering?
A: The days of complex armor layering armor formulas are over. In RED, you use the SP of the toughest layer of armor you’re wearing (or have implanted). We’ve also removed random hit locations. You’re always aiming for the torso unless you make a called shot to the head, legs, or a held item. Each type of called shot has a specific purpose beyond simple damage multipliers.
Q: The Mayor of Balance Town said something about Critical Injuries. Tell me more!
A: Yep! We’ve implemented a Critical Injury system in Cyberpunk RED. Roll 2 or more 6s on your damage dice and you not chip away at an enemy’s Hit Points, you also a) do bonus damage that ignores armor and b) inflict a Critical Injury that has some sort of in game consequence by lowering STATs, making certain actions impossible, and other nasty little surprises. Some Critical Injuries can be temporarily treated in the field by a good First Aid or Paramedic Check but many require actual Surgery to fix in the long term. Medtechs have never been more important.

That’s all we have for today, choomba. We’ll see you back here next week. Until then, stay safe on the streets!
Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!
Pelo menos uma boa noticia, o RPG oficial do jogo, Cyberpunk Red (que é uma prequel do 2077) não vai sofrer adiamentos,
o livro vai sair em Novembro (dia 14 a versão digital e 19 o livro impresso) :kcool


Uma previa do conteúdo

Cyberpunk RED Alert

Since Cyberpunk RED has gone to the printer and hurdled through the proofing stage, we’ve decided to throw open some doors and offer some details over the next few Fridays. Let’s start with two reveals! Prepare for a massive data dump.
Reveal 1: Data
  • Rough Word Count: 211,000
  • Page Count: 456
  • Rough Art Count: 143 individual pieces
  • Suggested Retail Price: $60.00 (US) Physical; $30.00 (US) Digital
  • Estimated Street Dates: November 14, 2020 (Digital); November 19, 2020 (Physical)
  • Writers/Designers: Mike Pondsmith, James Hutt, Cody Pondsmith, Jay Parker, J Gray, David Ackerman, and Jaye Kovach
  • Artists: Doug Anderson, Bad Moon Art Studio, Richard Bagnall, Santiago Betancur, Neil Branquinho, Alexander Dudar, Colin Fisk, Matthew S. Francella, Hélio Frazão, Huntang, J Gray, Maksym Harahulin, DariusK, Jaye Kovach, Bernard Kowalczuk, Adrian Marc, Jan Marek, Eddie Mendoza, Pedram Mohammadi, Alan Okamoto, Anna Podedworna, Sebastian Szmyd, Eve Ventrue, 望瑾 Jin Wang, Wavefront, and Anselm Zielonka
  • Editors: Carol Darnell, Michael Matheson, Josh Vogt, and Dixie Cochran
A lot of words. A lot of pages. A lot of art. Some of you might have seen a $55 (US) price floating around for the book. We had to raise it to $60 (US) when we worked out the final page count.
As for the street dates, those are estimates based on the current production and shipping schedule. We’ve given up trying to pretend 2020 follows any sort of logic, though, so they are subject to change should circumstances dictate. The digital version will be popping a few days earlier than the physical to celebrate a not-yet-announced special event. It is a pretty big deal, though, and we’re fair excited about it!
By the 19th of November, our hope is the book will have arrived at stores in the United States, but that might vary depending on a variety of factors. We’ll do our best to keep you informed as we get new information.
Cyberpunk RED core rulebook." data-src="https://i0.wp.com/rtalsoriangames.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/RTG-CPR-Core-Cover.jpg?resize=231%2C300&ssl=1" data-lb-sidebar-href="" data-lb-caption-extra-html="" data-single-image="1"> The cover for the Cyberpunk RED core rulebook.
The Cyberpunk RED cover
Reveal 2: Contents
How about a summayr of the book, section by section? Some of this will feel familiar to existing Cyberpunk fans but we promise, there’s a lot of new and shiny here to explore!
  • The front of the book has the sort of stuff you’d expect at the front of the book: Cast and Crew credits, legalese, the Table of Contents, and an Introduction by Maximum Mike Pondsmith.
  • There are three pieces of fiction in Cyberpunk RED and the first is a classic: Never Fade Away. It felt fitting to begin, as they say, at the beginning with the story that set the tone for the entire world.
  • View from the Edge serves as an introduction to Cyberpunk and to TRPGs in general. It wraps up with a list of Streetslang.
  • Next up is Soul and the New Machine, where we introduce the 10 Roles in Cyberpunk RED: Rockerboys, Solos, Netrunners, Techs, Medtechs, Medias, Execs, Lawmen, Fixers, and Nomads. We also introduce the three methods of Character Generation available in the game: Streetrat (a template system similar to what was had in the Cyberpunk RED Jumpstart Kit); Edgerunner (a fast and dirty template customization system); and the Complete Package (you spends your points, you makes your choices, and nothing’s locked to Roles except the Role Ability and a section of the Lifepath).
  • Of course, no Interlock game would be complete without a Lifepath system and that’s where Tales from the Street comes into play. Next Friday we’ll be showing this baby off in more detail but, for now, we’ll say there’s two sections: your general Lifepath, where you generate a background for your Character, and a Role-Based Lifepath, where you get to find out if your Netrunner has a partner, what sort of venues your Rockerboy plays, and where your Tech gets their spare parts!
  • In Fitted for the Future we get to the meat of Character Generation: STATS, Skills, Weapons, Armor, Gear, Fashion, Lifestyle, Housing, and how you get them all. What about cyberware? So glad you asked!
  • Since cyberware forms one of the key components of Cyberpunk, it gets a separate chapter: Putting the Cyber into the Punk. We lay down a foundation about what cyberware is, then move onto the main event, the cyberware itself! There’s just about a hundred different pieces of cyber available and we’ve made sure it is clear when you need one piece of cyberware (say a Neural Link) in order to get another piece (say Kerenzikov Speedware). And yep, the “Running Out of Cash?” option is still available. Your soul, choomba. Up to you to determine how much it is worth.
  • Reaching page 121, we get to The Fall of the Towers, the story of how a certain Rockerboy bit the big one. Our second fiction piece.
  • Next, you’ll find Getting it Done aka “how the game works”. Here’s where we discuss Skill Checks, Difficulty Values, and go into more detail with each individual Skill, lay out rules for “multiclassing”, and give specifics about Role Abilities. In case you missed it in an earlier devlog, here’s the skinny on Role Abilities:
    • Rockerboys get Charismatic Impact. The higher they rise, the more they can get out of their fans as individuals, small groups, and large crowds.
    • Solos have Combat Awareness. This ain’t no flat bonus. You get a pool of points to spend on various options to customize your fighting style.
    • Netrunners have Interface, the ability to Netrun and basic actions they can perform without the aid of a program while in a NET Architecture.
    • Techs have it good thanks to Maker. Fix stuff. Upgrade stuff. Fabricate stuff. Invent stuff. With this they truly are the “enchanters” of Cyberpunk.
    • As for Medtechs, Medicine gives them a big boost. Not only can they heal Critical Injuries no one else can, they can also make some pretty nifty drugs and they can keep people alive (and immobile) with cryotech.
    • Medias have Credibility, which lets them find rumors and leads and then use them and their investigations to craft stories that can cause major changes in a City’s landscape.
    • The Exec gets Teamwork. Not only does their Corp give them free clothes and housing, and Trauma Team coverage (at higher Ranks) but Execs also get underlings to boss around! Need a Bodyguard? Driver? Netrunner? You can get one to be on your “team”. But be careful, if you push them too far they’ll lose Loyalty and walk.
    • Lawmen can call in Backup when in dangerous situations. The higher your Rank, the better the response team will be.
    • Operator is the Fixer Role Ability. With it they have a spread of contacts, an ability to source goods, and bonus to haggling on prices, and an ability to blend in with different cultures (complete with bonus Language Skills).
    • And then there’s the Nomad Ability of Moto. Nomads are good with vehicles and get bonuses to drive/pilot them and to repair them. Plus, they can “sign out” and upgrade vehicles from their family/pack motorpool. A Nomad with Moto 3, for example, can have 3 stock vehicles, 2 vehicles (one of which has an upgrade), or 1 vehicle (with two upgrades). Land, sea, and air vehicles are available.
  • We follow up with Friday Night Firefight. I.e. how to bring (or take) the pain. Movement. Melee Combat. Ranged Combat. Explosives. Autofire. Martial Arts. Fire. Electricity. Radiation. Cover. Human Shields. Armor. Critical Injuries. Death Saves. Vehicle Combat. Faceoffs. There’s a lot covered here but the rules are a faster and more furious upgrade from the Cyberpunk 2020 version.
  • In Netrunning we deal with hacking. The majority of this section deals with NET hacking aka “plugging into cyberspace” and it works pretty much like you’ve seen in the Cyberpunk RED Jumpstart Kit only with more programs and hardware upgrades for your cyberdeck and more Black ICE to get in your way. We also go into Demons (programs designed to control real world equipment), drones, and defenses. Defenses can be anything from automated turrets to cameras to stun panels to “blood swarms” and there’s plenty of room for mechanical/electronic hacking in the form of fiddling with wires (CUT THE RED ONE!) and switching out circuit boards. In other words, physical hacking as opposed to NET hacking. The section’s capped off with information on how to build your very own “home security system”.
  • Trauma Team talks all about what happens when you get hurt. Wound States? Check. Critical Injuries and how to fix them? Check! What happens when you get the “broken arm” injury and you’ve got a cyberarm instead of a meat one? Check! Trauma Team coverage? You betcha! How to install that cybereye you just ripped out of a ganger into your own skull? Sure thing! Bodysculpting? Standard and Exotic levels! Street drugs? What’s Cyberpunk without Smash? Therapy? Complete rules! Cyberpsychosis and how it works and how to play it out? Of course!
  • Let’s move onto some heavy lore, shall we? Welcome to the Dark Future is a primer on the world of Cyberpunk up to the end of the 4th Corporate War. If you’re a long time fan of the game, don’t worry. There’s new information here. Want to know who led the Gang of Four? Or what the Wasting Plague was? That info, and more, is new to Cyberpunk RED.
  • The Time of the Red tells us about the world from the 4th Corporate War to the present day. There’s a good overview, of course, of the post-4th United States and Europe, Neo-Soviets, Middle East, Africa, Central and South America, and Asia but also the Drift Nations, Deepdowns, and Highrider Confederation. You’ll also learn quite a bit about the Neocorps making headlines in the Time of the Red: Arasaka, Biotechnica, Continental Brands, Danger Girl, Militech, Network 54, Petrochem, Rocklin Augmentics, SovOil, Trauma Team North America, Ziggurat, and Zhirafa.
  • In Welcome to Night City, we talk about the history and present day of Richard Night’s “perfect city”. We’ll look at the Night City of the past (with details to help GMs plan “treasure hunts” in the rubble if they so wish! and how Morro Bay turned into the Night City of 2020 and how the Night City of 2020 transformed into the Night City of 2045. There’ll be a tour of Night City in the Time of the Red, with details on government and services, districts (as they exist at the moment, anyway!), gangs, badasses and power players, and 43 key locations. Enough to populate your game but leaving plenty of room for your own creations.
  • Everyday Life looks at what it is like to live in 2045. We cover the law, day to day communications, weapons, transportation, news and media, clothes, food, and where you get stuff. The details on vendits are some of our favorite new bits.
  • Next is The New Street Economy. It begins with a “what is the economy like” section and moves onto Night Markets: what they are, how they work, and how you can make your own. Most of the section is the Night Market Appendix: a complete listing of every type of weapon, armor, ammunition, weapon upgrade, gear, street drug, cyberware, fashion, cyberdeck option, and service available. Some of it is listed in other parts of the book as well but we made sure it was all here so GMs have one “to go to” place to find everything a PC might buy when they go shopping. After that is info on Lifestyle (are you eating kibble every day or maybe prepak?) and Housing (squatting in a cube hotel? hanging in a cargo container? got a conapt? or maybe you’re living in your car?). We end with how you make your bread. GMs will be glad to know we give solid numbers on how much Edgerunners should get per job. There’s also the Hustle, a system that lets you put downtime to good use in order to earn eurobucks based on your Role. Maybe your Rockerboy plays a small gig, your Exec earns a Corp bonus, or your Nomad picked up a small smuggling job.
  • Of course, no TRPG would be complete without a section liked Running Cyberpunk. There’s advice for GMs here, absolutely, but also a “scenario generation” system we like to call Beat Charts to help you plan missions. You’ll also find the rules for awarding Improvement Points and advancing Character Skills and Role Abilities here. Beyond that, we’ve got 10 different “mooks and grunts” of various levels of difficulty and some Night City encounter tables to generate random events divided by time (day, night, after midnight).
  • There’s Screamsheets to give Gamemasters a number of scenarios to run until they feel up to making their own. We’ll also be making new Screamsheets available on our website in the future.
  • At the end of the book is a new piece of fiction. We’re not going to spoil the title just yet but Mike wrote this one special for Cyberpunk RED and it helps set the mood and show the world. It also stars a new group of Edgerunners. You can find out more info about this Crew, and the remarkable gamers who helped us make them, here.
  • We end the book with a 3 page Character Sheet and and Index.
That’s all for this Friday. A week from today, we’ll be revealing the Cyberpunk RED Lifepath. Until then, stay safe on the streets!

Cyberpunk RED Alert: Night City

The dream of maverick developer Richard Night, Coronado City was supposed to be the ultimate expression of urban existence: free of crime, poverty, and misfortune. Unfortunately, the hope for a bright, shining, efficient, safe, city protected from the coming Collapse died with him. After Night’s assassination, Night City was named in his honor, and went through decades of trauma.
First criminal organizations and Corporations fought for control of the City. Then came a rising tide of boostergangs and urban decay and, finally, a War that ended with a nuclear explosion right in the heart of the Corporate Center.
Today, Night City is healing from the ravages of the last tumultuous decades. But it should never be forgotten that like most of America, Night City, is still an armed society under a blanket of appalling poverty, violence, and inequity. And a lot of people call it home.
Welcome to Night City.
The Noodle Bar by Richard Bagnall
The Night City of 2045 looks a little different from the glittering gem it was during the 2020s. There’s no central government. Instead, an ever-shifting set of districts, neighborhoods, and regions send representatives to a central Council that attempts to exert control and influence over the whole metropolis. More often than not, they fall into infighting instead, both in City Hall and on The Street. Some city-wide services still exist, more from force of will and inertia than good city management. The busses still run. So do the power plants and water works, thanks to Corporate needs. Who provides security depends on where you’re hanging. Could be a poorly funded NCPD. Could be MAX-TAC, now an independent organization. Or it could be private Corporate security or gang enforcers or just some local Edgerunners, hired for the job by the community.
You’ll notice there’s not a lot of streets marked on the map. Why? Because the construction’s constant. Old streets get torn apart or just plain blown up every day. New streets get built. The streets drawn on the map are the most stable and likely to actually be there today, tomorrow, and maybe even a week from now. The rest? Well, let’s just say getting across town ain’t something you can just plot out using a map app on your Agent these days.
All this doesn’t mean Night City’s unlivable. There’s a lot of people who call the place home and the City’s actually rebuilding pretty fast these days.
Night City 2045
The areas marked in green are what the City Council calls “the Rebuilding Urban Center”. These are Zones where there’s more building than there is destruction and where people might be able to walk safe in the streets. During the day. On a good day. The Glen’s received special attention. With Corporate support, it has been carved out from South Night City and transformed into the home of the government, such as it is. The University District is a fortress of learning. Literally. They take their mission of protecting knowledge seriously there. Little Europe combines many of the parts of old Night City built using European architectural styles and is in pretty good shape. You’ll find a mix of styles in the Upper Marina. The old mallplex is gone, but the stadium remains and there’s plenty of industry there as well as gentrified neighborhoods. To the north, the Corps are building up a new Watson Development where rising Megabuildings can house their workforces. Further north than that, the U.S. military hangs onto the NorCal Military Base. To the south, Pacifica Playground remains famous for Playland by the Sea. Leaving the city is difficult, so an amusement park for those who can afford it within city limits is important. Out to the west, Orbital Air is in the process of transforming Morro Rock into a launch platform.
Marked in orange, the Overpacked Suburbs are a mixed bag of poverty-stricken camps still filled with refugees years after the end of the 4th Corporate War and developing areas that almost seem like the Beavervilles of old. Heywood is the perfect example. Residents with some money, and maybe hope of getting out, live to the north. To the south there’s more poverty and residents tend to follow the lead of the Aldecaldo Nomads who operate from the area and call it Santo Domingo. Many people living in Heywood work in the Industrial Zone, the largest concentration of warehouses and factories in Night City. New Westbrook looks like a warzone, where refugees from the War and from the gentrification of the Urban Centers make a life among the ruins of old executive glamour. Even Rancho Coranado, once the biggest Beaverville of them all, finds itself overrun by tent and container cities.
If you’re in red, you might be dead. Some cities have a Combat Zone. Night City has four. South Night City remains an industrial sprawl but more run by gangs than companies these days. The Old Combat Zone remains just as dangerous as ever. Old Japantown suffered tremendously after the nuclear bomb went off as prevailing winds drove radiation and particulate matter south and east. These days there’s just gangs there. Most of the population has moved north to Watson. Chinatown’s different. There, the locals hang on, trying to keep their way of life and their homes against overwhelming odds.
The Hot Zone’s even worse. People live there, but only because they have no other choice. Ground zero of the nuclear blast, the Hot Zone is all that remains of the once booming Corporate Center. Of course, there’s treasures to be had here. An Edgerunner can score a win for life if they find the right goodies buried beneath the rubble. But only if they can survive the radiation, the scavvers, the gangs, and the wildlife to get it out.
The Executive Zone’s where the bigwigs live. Gated. Walled. Protected. If you live here, you’ve made it. If you try to get in without “making it”, you’ve probably made it to the morgue instead.
Beyond the Executive Zone and the Suburbs you’ll find the Reclaimed Perimeter, an optimistic name for Badlands where Reclaimers try to make a life in the burned out remains of long-abandoned towns.
It Ain’t All Bad
We’ve painted a bleak picture but, like we’ve said, Night City is a town on the mend. Different Corporations have set up here in gleaming towers and sprawling office parks. Stores are reopening. Playland by the Sea’s still sees thousands of visitors every year, desperate to have fun and forget their troubles. The Data Pool’s up, running, and almost city wide. There’s plenty of places to have an approximation of alcohol, ranging from the Totentanz at the edge of the Hot Zone to the Netrunner bar, Short Circuit, in Little Europe, to the surprisingly popular bar in the public area of Network 54’s offices in New Westbrook. If you’re willing to brave the Old Combat Zone, you can even grab a bite of what might real corned beef at Jesse James’ Kosher Deli. Don’t look for the Rainbow Room, though. It died with Johnny Silverhand.
And you can come out on top in Night City! There’s folk who have, through skill, willpower, and a willingness to flatline the competition if need be. Need some examples? Bes Isis is still around, running her own show these days on the Data Pool. Fixers like Hornet, who specializes in biotech, and Mister Kernaghan, who focuses on high end luxury goods, make a good living selling goods to them that can afford it. Both Doctor Bob and Phoenix Redwyne run packed clinics. After all, there’s plenty of people who need to be sewn up every day! Even Rogue and Father Kevin are both still around. These days she runs the Afterlife but you’ll still find Father Kevin in the Holy Angels Church and he still has a mean left hook.

And that’s Night City in 2045. A city rising from the ashes, like a phoenix dreaming of a better future. Before we go, though, the Mayor of Balance Town wanted to share a few thoughts.

From the office of the Mayor of Balance Town
First of, thank you. All of Balance Town has been working hard for this moment, and we hope you will enjoy the grand re-re-re-opening of Night City.
I’d like to share 10 attractions for you and your friends to trample each other over in a mad stampede toward when the gates open.
  • Have a motorcycle duel with melee weapons on an abandoned stretch of highway. Akira-sliding your motorcycle to make a sudden stop is a Maneuver, so be sure to read up on the Vehicle Combat rules beforehand.
  • Visit the Night City port and grab a drink with some sea Nomads.
  • Visit SovOil’s Museum of Petroleum to pick up a keychain and note the location of all the security cameras.
  • Don your favorite radiation suit and visit the Old Corporate Plaza!
  • Go karaoke in the Old Combat Zone with your crew and butcher your favorite Samurai songs while trying not to get butchered yourself.
  • Visit a Night Market to purchase tasteful seasonal furnishings for your shipping container, like an automated turret for trick-or-treaters.
  • Get kicked out of the Afterlife! Count broken bones at the hospital afterwards, and compare results with your friends.
  • Tour the Network 54 offices in New Westbrook and be a part of a live studio audience.
  • Get educated at Night City University.
  • Make Night City your hometown.
Finally, if you see anything imbalanced…
Just let me know.
James Hutt
Game Designer, Mayor of Balance Town for R.Talsorian Games
Stay safe on those streets, choomba!

Cyberpunk RED Alert: Lifepath

From the Cyberpunk RED core rulebook by Neil Branquinho
The Lifepath system has been a staple of games from R. Talsorian for decades and Cyberpunk RED is no exception. Of course, like we do with every game, we’ve taken Lifepath and tweaked it. How does it work now? We’ve prepared a radio drama to show you!
Meet Charlie, who will be Gamemaster of a Cyberpunk RED campaign set in Night City! Charlie’s meeting with one of the campaign’s players, a veteran of many a dungeoncrawl and space mission named Victoria. The scene opens with the two of them meeting online via an unspecified but popular video conferencing platform. They’ve already exchanged greetings and are getting down to the good stuff. Making Characters!
CHARLIE: In Cyberpunk RED, character creation starts with Lifepath. It generates a background for your character using a series of tables.
VICTORIA: Really? Usually we just, you know, write our backgrounds don’t we?
CHARLIE: We do, but this’ll be a good way to create a character with lots of plothooks who fits well in the world. Don’t worry. There’s still plenty of room for throwing in your own details. Think of it as a skeleton. It lays down the bones, you add the organs, muscles, and flesh.
VICTORIA: Gross metaphor, but I’m willing to give it a try. What do we do?
CHARLIE: Start at the beginning. Go to the end. On each table you’ll either roll a die for a result or, if you feel it is too important to leave to chance, you can pick a result. And if a roll comes up that just doesn’t fit what you want, we can change it.
VICTORIA: Sounds good! What’s first?
General Lifepath
On second thought, this’ll be an unbearably long blog post if we throw up the whole script. Let’s summarize from here on out. A Character’s Lifepath is split into two parts. The first, their general Lifepath, helps determine where they’re from and aspects of personality and style.
Back to the story!
Cultural Origins
Victoria starts with Cultural Origins to determine where their Character comes from. They roll a 6 on a 1d10. That mean the Character, or the Character’s family, was originally from Sub-Saharan Africa. Charlie tells Victoria that Africa’s in the midst of a technological boom thanks to its close association with the residents of orbital platforms and stations known as the Highriders. Victoria has family in Ethiopia so they decide their Character comes from there. Victoria isn’t sure why their Character left home yet, but they will figure that out as they go.
Cultural Origins also determines a “native language”. All Characters in the game know Streetslang, a trade pidgin, but they also get 4 free Levels in a language based on their cultural origin. Victoria picks Amharic, the official language of Ethiopia.
Next comes Personality. If Victoria has a specific style of play or concept for the Character, they’re free to pick but they’re intrigued by letting their dice dice choose for them. Victoria rolls another 6 on 1d10. The table lists the Character’s personality as “Stable and Serious”.
Dress and Personal Style
Style’s important in the Cyberpunk world, so Victoria needs to know what their Character’s visual presentation’s like. There’s three tables here: Clothing Style, Hairstyle, and Affectation You Are Never Without.
Victoria rolls 4 for Clothing (businesswear), 9 for Hairstyle (short and curly), and 5 for Affectation (nose rings).
Victoria takes this all in and decides the Character’s family instilled in them a need to “dress to impress” from a young age. “Outsiders rarely look below the surface”, their father told them, “Make sure your surface says you mean business”. Thus, Victoria’s Character prefers sharp suits and keeps their hair short but natural. The nose ring is a little touch of home, as it was a gift given to the Character before they left home.
Motivations, Relationships, and Values
There are four rolls for this section to determine what Victoria’s Character values, how they feel about most people, who their most valued person is, and what their most valued possession is.
A 5 on a 1d10 says Victoria’s Character values knowledge above things like money or power or even family. With a 2 on a 1d10, they are neutral about most people and willing to give them a chance before making a decision one way or the other.
According to the dice, a 4 on a 1d10, Victoria’s Character values a friend most among all the people they know. Victoria isn’t sure who that is yet, but tucks away the information. Finally, a 9 on a 1d10 suggests the Character’s most valued possession is a toy. That Victoria knows right away. They still own the old toy spaceship they played with as a child.
Original Family Background
Victoria knows their Character comes from Ethiopia but not much about their history beyond that. They roll on the Original Family Background table. The result is a 6: Combat Zoners. They don’t like that, especially as they really enjoy the concept of Africa being an ascending technological power in the world, so they disregard the result and pick Corporate Technicians instead. Their Character’s fathers, Victoria decides, worked in the motorpool for an Ethiopian company that specialized in exporting luxury goods to the Highriders in orbit. They grew up fairly safe and secure as a result.
Your Environment
Because they picked a specific outcome for Original Family Background, Victoria decides to pick on the next table, Your Environment, too. Looking over the ten options, they decide the Character grew up in a safe Corp Zone, walled off from the rest of the city. A nice middle-class lifestyle. One that maybe hasn’t prepared them for the harsh realities of Night City.
Family Crisis
Of course, nothing’s ever perfect in the world of Cyberpunk. Victoria goes back to rolling on the next table. With a roll of 10 on a 1d10, they learn the Character inherited a family debt. At first, Victoria assumes this means they owe money but the more they think about it, the more they like the idea of owing someone powerful a “favor”. One of their Character’s dads, they decide, was sick and required high-end, experimental therapy. They don’t know who yet, but someone provided that therapy and now Victoria’s Character owes them big time.
Your Friends
Friends are next! Of course, Victoria already knows they have at least one friend, as they rolled “a friend” for who they value most earlier. This table will help Victoria decide who else is in their life as the game begins. Victoria rolls 1d10 for an 8, subtracts 7, and comes up with 1 additional friend.
People you can truly trust are rare in the Dark Future.
A second d10 roll of 1 tells them this friend is like an older sibling to them. Charlie, the GM, suggests Victoria’s Character had the good fortune of meeting someone when they came to Night City. This person took Victoria’s Character under their wing and helped them avoid some unpleasant ends. Victoria agrees.
Your Enemies
Of course, the flip side is enemies. Again, Victoria rolls 1d10 and subtracts 7 from the result. This leads to a negative number. Looks like Victoria’s Character hasn’t made any real enemies yet. No one who would single them out for revenge, anyway. If they had made an enemy, Victoria would have rolled to determine who the antagonist was, what caused the enmity, what the enemy could throw at their Character, and what they were going to do to get back at them.
Your Tragic Love Affair
It wouldn’t be Cyberpunk if there was a happily ever after, now would it? Charlie notes this table doesn’t mean Victoria’s Character hasn’t had happy love affairs. They might even be in a relationship now, if Victoria wants them to be, but tragic love affairs make for good plot grist, so that’s the one that gets a roll.
Victoria throws a d10 and gets a 2. The lover mysteriously vanished, breaking their Character’s heart. Charlie loves it and makes some notes, already getting inspiration on how to weave this into the storyline.
Your Life Goals
The time has come for Victoria to determine what their Character wants out of life. They roll a 9 on a 1d0. The Character, it turns out, is chasing after fame and recognition. Victoria’s Character grew up safe and cared for in a Corporate Zone and now they want to prove themself to the world. This isn’t out vanity, Victoria decides, but out of a need to not only be the best but be acknowledged as such.

That ends the general Lifepath. For the next part we’re going to play a game of “What If” and see what happens when Victoria picks two very different routes. Each Role, which is somewhat akin to “Classes” from other TRPGs, has its own Lifepath to help Players know not only how their Character “grew up” but how they function in their “job”. We’re going to see what happens when Victoria picks two different Roles for their Character: Netrunner (hackers deep diving into NET Architectures to fight programs, override systems, and steal data) and Exec (Corporate power players looking to climb the ladder and advance their agenda).
Let’s get to it!
Role-Based Lifepath: Netrunner
Victoria decides to name their character Maryam and, furthermore, decides Maryam left home to seek their fortune after being rejected for a Highrider NET security position. The sting of it is what drives them in hopes of gaining the recognition they crave.
What Kind of Runner Are You?
With a 1 on a 1d6, Victoria learns Maryam is a freelancer who will hack for hire. That makes perfect sense. They’ve only been in Night City for a little while and are still getting their feet wet. Maryam gets gigs wherever they can.
Partner or Solo?
Victoria has a choice here. Does Maryam hack with a partner? Or do they run on their own? If they have a partner, there will be a roll to determine more information about just who that partner is. Victoria grabs a drink, thinks about it, and decides Maryam’s working alone for now.
What’s Your Workspace Like?
Victoria’s next roll is a 5 on a 1d6. Wherever they work, they keep things neat, tidy, and organized. That makes perfect sense given their Corporate background and their preference for sharp businesswear. Not to mention that serious attitude.
Who Are Some of Your Clients?
Of course, during the campaign Maryam might end up working for various NPCs the GM uses to hook the Crew into the game’s plot, but Victoria also needs to know more about their Character’s regular clients. It can’t be all run and guns and dangerous infiltrations after all. Victoria rolls another 5 on a 1d6. Local Fixers and Nomads hire Maryam to secure their systems. While Victoria hasn’t decided who Maryam’s valued friend (from back in the general Lifepath) is, they decide that the friend did introduce them to some contacts who threw them security work.
Where Do You Get Your Programs?
Oh, that’s a good question! Victoria rolls 1d6 for a 6. It turns out Maryam finds most of their programs in various Night Markets: shops that Fixers set up for an evening to sell a limited supply of goods. It might even be Maryam works security for some of these Night Markets, ensuring malicious Netrunners don’t infiltrate the local NET Architecture and cause trouble. Victoria likes that idea and it ties in nicely with their previous roll on the “Clients” table.
Who’s Gunning for You?
While Victoria didn’t roll any enemies in Maryam’s general Lifepath, no Netrunner goes through life without ruffling some feathers. Charlie watches in glee as Victoria rolls 1d6.Enemies make for great plot fodder, after all!
The d6 comes up on a 1. It might be a rogue AI. It might be a NET Ghost. Either way, it is bad news! Victoria and Charlie talk and decide Maryam cracked an old Data Fortress before leaving Ethiopia. Something was inside and, somehow, that something’s followed Maryam to Night City.
Role-Based Lifepath: Exec
Netrunner is one road Victoria could have traveled with Maryam, but what about this?
The thought of playing a Corporate player trying to navigate the morally gray Cyberpunk world appeals to Victoria so they decide Maryam will start off the campaign as an Exec.
What Kind of Corp Do You Work For?
Oh, good question! Instead of just rolling the type of Corporation randomly, Victoria asks Charlie about the various Corporations active in Night City. Charlie opens the rulebook, shows Victoria the Night City map, and points out the various Corporate HQs: the Biotechnica Campus, the Continental Brands Offices, the Zhirafa Office Park, and so forth. Victoria notes Morro Rock sitting by itself offshore and asks about it. Charlie explains that Orbital Air, an African-based Corporation, is building a launch platform there to throw planes into space.
“African-based, you say?” Victoria says with a smile, “Space, you say?”
It couldn’t be more perfect! Obviously, Maryam was recruited right out of school by Orbital Air, went through some training, and has been sent to Night City to help work on the Morro Rock project! Charlie likes the idea, too. Orbital Air doesn’t have a big presence in Night City, which means it might send a junior Exec to work with a group of Edgerunners and advance their agenda instead of using a team of employees. Perfect plot hook material.
What Division Do You Work In?
Of course, the question is, what sort of work does Maryam do for Orbital Air? With a 3 on a 1d6, it looks like Maryam works in Research and Development. Thinking about it, Victoria decides Maryam isn’t a technician but, having grown up in a family of Techs, they can “speak the language” and function as an effective project manager in a technically-oriented department.
How Good/Bad is Your Corp?
On the one hand, Victoria isn’t sure they want to work for an evil Corporation. On the other hand, there’s a lot of pathos to be had in being a good person who finds out your employer is not so good. Charlie refuses to give any details as to Orbital Air’s moral agenda, so Victoria’s left with a decision: choose or roll? A little reluctantly, Victoria rolls a d6 and gets a 4. It looks like Orbital Air is willing to bend the rules to get what it needs but isn’t entirely ruthless or evil. At least, as a whole. Individual Corpos in the company could still be horrible.
Where is Your Corp Based?
This is one Victoria can’t roll, since they’ve already picked the Corporation Maryam works for. Orbital Air is, by nature, an international company. In fact, it not only has offices in many cities but in space as well! The 4th Corporate War hit Orbital Air hard but they’re working to rebuilt the travel infrastructure so they’re an International Corporation with offices everywhere.
Who’s Gunning for Your Group?
Of course, it wouldn’t be a Corporate world without intrigue and enemies, would it? Victoria rolls a 6 on a d6. It looks like there’s trouble not just for Maryam’s R&D team but for Orbital Air as a whole. An International Corporation is working towards a hostile takeover. Victoria asks Charlie who the enemy is but Charlie shrugs and refuses to answer. The truth is, Charlie doesn’t know yet. They’ll have to read up on the other Corporations and decide which one is behind the power play.
Current State with Your Boss?
This is another one Victoria decides to pick instead of roll. They think back to the Friends portion of the general Lifepath. There’s someone in Night City who mentored Maryam when they first arrived. Victoria decides that someone was Maryam’s immediate supervisor: someone who acts like an older sibling. Possibly even an old family friend who picked Maryam specifically for this job and wants to see them succeed. With a hostile Megacorp out there eyeing Orbital Air for a takeover, Victoria wants to know Maryam has at least one ally in a nasty Corporate world!

Boom! We’re done with our tour of the Lifepath system in Cyberpunk RED. The Lifepath run by Victoria for Maryam generated a ton of background info for the Character and great plot hooks for Gamemaster Charlie: there’s the debt Maryam owes because of their sick dad, a friend Maryam values who acts like an older sibling, a love interest who vanished without a trace, and even a mysterious enemy (who is either an AI or a international Corporation depending on the Role-Based Lifepath).
You can see how Lifepath really packs builds information both Player and Gamemaster can use for Character and campaign building.
Next Friday, we’re going to drive around Night City a bit and learn about what it is like in 2045!
Until then, stay safe in the streets!

Cyberpunk RED Alert: Gangs and Combat

Hello, everyone!
The AI who puts these posts together has requested tomorrow off, so we’re going to be doing our weekly Cyberpunk RED Alert today instead! We’re going to talk about gangs and, since you rarely meet gangs without fighting, combat!
First, an Important Announcement
R. Talsorian Games will be participating in the Bits and Mortar program! Retail stores were hit pretty hard this year and we’ve always tried to be a friend to the many Friendly Local Gaming Stores (FLGS) out there so, after investigation, deliberation, and consultation, we’ve decided this is the best way to go. Here’s the breakdown of our participation in bullet point.
If you go to a FLGS that participates in Bits and Mortar and purchase either the Cyberpunk RED Jumpstart Kit or the Cyberpunk RED core rulebook, you will receive a code for a free download of the digital version (or a direct digital copy, depending on how the retailer operates).
For now, only the Jumpstart Kit and the core rulebook will be enrolled in the program. We might look at expanding it to other products in the future, though.
We’re only doing this through participating retailers. If your retailer isn’t participating, please suggest they sign up with the Bits and Mortar program.
Technically, R. Talsorian Games is a retailer since you can order products directly from our webstore but we will NOT be participating in the Bits and Mortar program as a seller. You will be able to order Cyberpunk RED and the Cyberpunk RED Jumpstart Kit from our webstore and, if you do, we appreciate the support! However, the main reason we enrolled in Bits and Mortar is to support FLGSs. We want you to go in (properly socially distanced and wearing a mask) and buy from them, or get curbside pickup, or delivery. However your store works, we want you to buy from them if possible. Gaming stores are a core heart of our hobby so, please, support them.
To repeat: You can buy Cyberpunk RED from the RTG webstore and we will love you for it but we will not be giving out digital codes for the PDF version ourselves. You only get those by going to a FLGS who are participating in the Bits and Mortar program.
Now, onto the Cyberpunk RED Alert info dump!
Uninvited by Neil Branquinho
Booster Gangs, 2045 Style
If you’re going to operate in Night City you need a score card. Some groups prefer to advertise with spraypaint on brick and concrete walls instead of on billboards and on Data Pool sites.
We’re talking about gangs, of course. They rule Night City after the sun sets and anyone who walks the streets after dark deals with them one way or another. Here’s some of the better known, are just plain weirder, gangs of Night City in the Time of the Red.
6th Street: Veterans of the 4th Corporate War, 6th Street decided that if no one else was going to protect the streets, they would. They tend to be well-armed and heavily cybered.
Albino Alligators: Rumor has it this gang adapted their identity from the mascot of an old car wash. They all wear identical t-shirts with the cartoon mascot on the chest. No matter how many are killed, more pop up and there’s always more shirts.
The Bozos: Still a prankster gang. Still bio-sculpted clowns. Still terrifying.
Inquisitors: The Inquisitors believe cyberware defiles the human body and degrades the human soul. They’re glad to help you see the light if you’ve got chrome implanted in your flesh. Violently.
Iron Sights: Small. Tough and borderline cyberpsycho. The Iron Sights used to have a sugar daddy in the form of Arasaka but rumor has it someone else is funding them these days.
Maelstrom: Post-war, the Maelstrom have absorbed new members from defeated gangs and that’s only accelerated their belief in the superiority of metal over meat. Of course, this has only intensified their conflict with the Inquisitors.
Philharmonic Vampyres: The pranksters who like to dress in tuxedos and fangs are still around. Or are they? As with all things involving the Vampyres, their very existence in the Time of the Red is ambigious.
Piranhas: Somehow, this party gang has survived nuclear fallout, blood rain, and rival gangs. They continue to party hard in 2045.
The Prime-Time Players: To survive the Time of the Red, different poser gangs have banded together into the Prime-Time Players. Every member is biosculpted to resemble celebrities or characters from old shows and movies. There’s dozens of branches all around Night City, each centered on different themes.
Reckoners: An apocalyptic cult, the Reckoners roam the streets, preaching about the upcoming Harvest of Souls. They’ll happily take donations, often from your unconscious body.
Red Chrome Legion: A neo-fascist hate gang. Uniforms. Military slogan. They’ll attack anything or anyone they don’t think is “right”.
Scavvers: Not really a gang. Scavvers scour the ruins of Night City looking for old weapons, old materials, old tech… anything they can sell.
Steel Vaqueros: Also not a gang but a Nomad Pack that makes runs up and down the coast. They have deals with several Reclaimer groups in Night City.
Tyger Claws: A dangerous gang that claims to protect the Asian community in Night City. They control Old Japantown but can be found in Watson as well.
Voodoo Boys: White boys pretending to be something they’re not, the Voodoo Boys still deal drugs. As migrants from the Caribbean begin flow into Night City, though, the Voodoo Boys are discovering some groups are willing to display their dislike of the cultural appropriation violently.
Combat Q&A
Comat in Cyberpunk RED remains Friday Night Firefight. Still fast. Still furious. Still dangerous. We aren’t going to go over the whole system now but we can give you some peeks and throw some As at your Qs.
Q: How Does Movement Work?
A: Your Turn equals 1 Move Action and 1 other Action. You can “split Movement” however you like. If you’re wielding a weapon with a 2 Rate of Fire you can move a few m/yds, take a shot, move a few more m/yds, take another shot, and move a few more m/yds to end your Turn. So long as you haven’t used up your Movement allotment, are capable of Movement, and it is your Turn, you can still keep moving.
Q: What’s the mechanics behind shooting people?
A: There’s 5 ranged weapon Skills: Handguns, Shoulder Arms, Archery, Heavy Weapons, and Autofire. You’ll be rolling STAT + SKILL + 1d10 against a Difficulty Value (DV) based on your weapon type and range from the target. If your target has a high enough REF, they can choose to roll DEX + Evasion + 1d10 to get out of the way instead.
Q: How many dice will I need for Autofire damage?
A: Gone are the days of rolling damage for every bullet. If you hit with Autofire, you’ll be multiplying damage based on how high you rolled above the DV (up to a maximum based on the weapon type).
Q: What if I wanna get in close and personal?
A: There are 3 close combat Skills: Brawling, Melee Weapon, and Martial Arts. All of them require opposed Checks of STAT + SKILL + 1d10 vs. DEX + Evasion + 1d10. Melee weapon attacks and Martial Arts attacks ignore half armor rating. Brawling goes up against full armor (unlike in the Jumpstart Kit, where armor nullifies it) but has special maneuvers that allow for Grabbing, Choking, and Throwing. As for Martial Arts, there are a number of Martial Arts and each has two special maneuvers with unique flair and mechanics.
Q: Are branded weapons still a thing?
A: Absolutely! At their basic level, weapons are divided by category: Heavy Pistols, Assault Rifles, Grenade Launchers, and so forth. You can buy a generic Very Heavy Pistol, for example, and it’ll fire any type of ammunition you can fit into it. Maybe what you’ve got is a Militech brand weapon or maybe it is something the local Tech built for you. That’s flavor and up to you and the GM.
The nice thing is, with the base level weapons you can upgrade and modify them.
When it comes to specific, branded weapons we have two options for you. The first is what we call Exotic Weapons. These are either unusual generic weapons (like say, a Flamethrower or a Stun Baton) or specific branded weapons already set up with upgrades and modifications like the Kendachi Mono-Three (a Very Heavy Melee Weapon that ignores armor below a certain rating entirely) or the famous Malorian Arms 3516 (a Very Heavy Pistol that comes pre-equipped with a Smartgun Link). Exotic weapons generally can’t be modified and many are locked to specific types of ammunition.
The other option for branding weapons comes in the form of Weapon Quality. Poor Quality weapons are cheaper but come with flaws. Excellent Quality weapons are so well made you get a bonus to attack with them. We give brand examples for each type of Ranged Weapon available on page 342 of the core rulebook. Want a cheap Medium Pistol? You’ll get a Dai Lung Streetmaster. Need the best possible sniper rifle? You’ll be looking for an Arasaka WSSA Sniper System.
Q: The Jumpstart Kit didn’t have cover rules, so how does it work in the core rulebook?
A: In Cyberpunk RED, if someone has line of sight on you, you aren’t in cover. If you are in cover, an opponent can’t target you directly and has two basic choices: reposition and reestablish line of sight or attack the cover, destroy it, and remove it from the equation so you’ve got nothing to hide behind. There’s a lot of destructible environment work going on in RED. Combine this with the split movement up above and there’s a lot of tactical work happening in the field during a RED fight.
Q: Does Cyberpunk RED still have random hit locations? What about armor layering?
A: The days of complex armor layering armor formulas are over. In RED, you use the SP of the toughest layer of armor you’re wearing (or have implanted). We’ve also removed random hit locations. You’re always aiming for the torso unless you make a called shot to the head, legs, or a held item. Each type of called shot has a specific purpose beyond simple damage multipliers.
Q: The Mayor of Balance Town said something about Critical Injuries. Tell me more!
A: Yep! We’ve implemented a Critical Injury system in Cyberpunk RED. Roll 2 or more 6s on your damage dice and you not chip away at an enemy’s Hit Points, you also a) do bonus damage that ignores armor and b) inflict a Critical Injury that has some sort of in game consequence by lowering STATs, making certain actions impossible, and other nasty little surprises. Some Critical Injuries can be temporarily treated in the field by a good First Aid or Paramedic Check but many require actual Surgery to fix in the long term. Medtechs have never been more important.

That’s all we have for today, choomba. We’ll see you back here next week. Until then, stay safe on the streets!
Alguma editora brasileira vai localizar?

Enviado de meu MI 6 usando o Tapatalk


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Alguma editora brasileira vai localizar?

Enviado de meu MI 6 usando o Tapatalk

Não vi notícia alguma.
Se o jogo (o 2077) realmente virar uma febre, talvez a Galápagos (ou a Jambo) possam lançar uma versão traduzida.
Mas como não é um RPG famoso como D&D (e esse demorou muito para sair a versão traduzida da 5ed aqui), acho bem improvável uma versão :kcopa do Cyberpunk RED. (nem o "Vampire The Masquerade", que é muito popular por aqui, teve sua nova edição lançada em português)


Cyberpunk 2077 is 'ready for the PC,' but current-gen console versions still need work
By Andy Chalk
First Published 1 day ago
CD Projekt pointed the finger at the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 as the source of yesterday's delay.
(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)
Cyberpunk 2077 was delayed into December yesterday, a postponement of just a few weeks that, sadly and predictably, nonetheless resulted in death threats against developer CD Projekt Red and the people who work there. The studio attributed the delay to the complexities of simultaneously developing and testing nine versions of the game—current and next-gen consoles, PC, and Stadia—while working from home, but in a call to investors following the announcement, CD Projekt co-CEO Adam Kiciński pointed more specifically at the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles as the source of the holdup.
"First and foremost, on behalf of the whole board, I would like to offer an apology for breaking our promise and failing your trust. We underestimated the time required for the very final processes," Kiciński said.
"The game is ready for the PC and runs great on the next-gen consoles, and could be shipped on the scheduled date on those platforms. However, even though the game has been certified on the current gens by both Sony and Microsoft, some very final optimization processes for such a massive and complex game require a bit of additional time."
During a Q&A session that followed his statement, Kiciński repeated that "we have the game ready on PC" and said that the studio probably could have made the November 19 release date as it stands, but "having these extra three weeks will enable us to get more things ready to our satisfaction." He also acknowledged that three weeks doesn't sound like it will make much of a difference for a game that's been in development since 2016, but added that "this can greatly help us with those technical matters regarding current-gen."
Vice president of business development Michal Nowakowski said later in the Q&A that there isn't a specific "problem" with current-gen consoles, just "optimization to be handled." In a response to a separate question, however, he suggested that Cyberpunk 2077's issues might actually run a little deeper than that, saying, "The polish is needed to fix all the bugs and quality issues that we're still facing."
As for the new release date of December 10, it's "firm," if not quite rock-hard: "We feel—maybe not comfortable, but confident" in the new release date, Kiciński said. Nowakowski seemed similarly not-quite-comfortable with fully committing to it. When asked if Cyberpunk 2077 would definitely be out on December 10, he replied, "That's more or less what I'm saying, I guess—yes."

É incrível como todo jogo que tem problema no desenvolvimento, a m**** sempre é de quem tomas as decisões, gerência meia-boca e o c***lho a quatro. E quem se fode no final são as pessoas que de fato fazem o jogo, os coitados dos desenvolvedores.

Olha a falta de confiança desse cara:
As for the new release date of December 10, it's "firm," if not quite rock-hard: "We feel—maybe not comfortable, but confident" in the new release date, Kiciński said. Nowakowski seemed similarly not-quite-comfortable with fully committing to it. When asked if Cyberpunk 2077 would definitely be out on December 10, he replied, "That's more or less what I'm saying, I guess—yes."

Agora acredito que possa ser adiado para 2021.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Eu acho que pode acabar ficando pra 2021 mesmo, mas não duvido que a CDPR efetivamente fará de tudo para manter a data de dezembro pois não querem perder o período natalino.

Já vão perder ação de graças.
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