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Demo de Turok chegando em breve

Eldward Elric

Mil pontos, LOL!
O demo sai primeiro no 360. Ele diz que estão trabalhando duro para deixar a versão Ps3 igual a do console e para os fãs não se preocupar que a versão PS3 será tão boa quanto.

Segundo ele o demo sairá MUITO (com letras maísculas) em breve na live... Tomara que saia nessa semana ou na próxima.

Ele também dá alguns detalhes do jogo:

Ele não vai dar todos os detalhes para não estragar a surpresa, mas haverão mais dinossauros além de velociraptors a serem escolhidos em todos os modos multiplayers (será que dá pra sonhar com um modo aonde um jogador controla um T-rex? :P). Segundo ele os dinossauros e os modos de jogo dão uma mistura bem nova, trazendo ar novo à série e permitindo que o multiplayer tenha a mesma experiência que o single oferece.

O jogo suporta co-op online para 4 pessoas também, serão mapas específicos, que contam a história do single player por outro ângulo e que tem a dificuldade elevada por ser para 4 pessoas ao invés de uma apenas. O jogo tem achievements exclusivos para o modo co-op.



Habitué da casa
Date Posted: 1/3 10:52am Subject: RE: Developer greetings from Propaganda Studios...aka "Questions? We've got answers!"
Good morning, folks. Happy New Year to you, I hope it was a safe and fun one. Let's tackle these one at a time, shall we?

PS3 - Issues with PS3 development are largely overblown by internet "experts" and folks with an axe to grind. Face it, any new platform is going to present challenges and the PS3 is no different from the 360 in that regard. We've had over a year's head start getting experience on the 360, but Propaganda has extremely talented coders who took on the challenge of making Turok multiplatform and giving PS3 owners the best game possible. Sony was also a great supporter, providing on-site assistance here so that you guys on PS3 got the same AAA fps experience that the 360 owners are going to get when Turok's released. So to make a long story short, the PS3 game rocks as hard as the 360 version. No worries there.

Demo - we're going to make the 360 demo more widely available VERY soon, and we'll be releasing a PS3 version too. I look forward to the comparison videos and jpegs which are soon to follow, I'm sure. cool

Dinos in MP - I'm not going to give away the farm, but you'll definitely see more than just raptors in all multiplayer sessions. They're a great addition to the mix, making things unpredictable for both sides and really fleshing out the game universe to the same high level that our single player game enjoys. You guys will love 'em all...when they're chewing on your opponent as opposed to you.

Achievements, online co-op - We're supporting online co-op play, for sure! 3 distinct maps telling aspects of the SP campaign from a different perspective. The AI is suitably tougher, as you'd expect from a mode which supports 4 players working together. There are specific co-op achievements as well. For a full list of achievements, check this link: http://www.xbox360achievements.org/a...php?gameID=322

Melhor o original do que Lightheaven.


Presidente dos Sonystas
eu ia postar essa noticia mas chegaste primeiro.. paciência.. claro :p


aqui vai o post completo do dev de turok...


Good morning, folks. Happy New Year to you, I hope it was a safe and fun one. Let’s tackle these one at a time, shall we?​

PS3 - Issues with PS3 development are largely overblown by internet “experts” and folks with an axe to grind. Face it, any new platform is going to present challenges and the PS3 is no different from the 360 in that regard.​

We’ve had over a year’s head start getting experience on the 360, but Propaganda has extremely talented coders who took on the challenge of making Turok multiplatform and giving PS3 owners the best game possible.​

Sony was also a great supporter, providing on-site assistance here so that you guys on PS3 got the same AAA fps experience that the 360 owners are going to get when Turok’s released.​

So to make a long story short, the PS3 game rocks as hard as the 360 version. No worries there.​

Demo - We’re going to make the 360 demo more widely available VERY soon, and we’ll be releasing a PS3 version too. I look forward to the comparison videos and jpegs which are soon to follow, I’m sure.​

Dinos in MP - I’m not going to give away the farm, but you’ll definitely see more than just raptors in all multiplayer sessions. They’re a great addition to the mix, making things unpredictable for both sides and really fleshing out the game universe to the same high level that our single player game enjoys. You guys will love ‘em all…when they’re chewing on your opponent as opposed to you.​

Achievements, online co-op - We’re supporting online co-op play, for sure! 3 distinct maps telling aspects of the SP campaign from a different perspective.​

The AI is suitably tougher, as you’d expect from a mode which supports 4 players working together. There are specific co-op achievements as well. For a full list of achievements, check this link.​


ele começa por dizer que os problema de programação na PS3 são amplamente exagerados na internet, dizendo que cada plataforma nova que aparece apresenta sempre dificuldades, seja a PS3 seja a x360.

e que apesar de terem começado com 1 ano a mais na 360, o seu estúdio tem programadores muito talentosos que darão à PS3 a melhor versão possivel.

a sony suportou-os muito bem com toda a assistência e para resumir, o jogo na versão PS3 será igual ao da versão 360.

que em relação à demo, querem lançar muito em breve uma demo na Live e logo de seguida na PSN, e que estão ansioso por ver aqueles videos e imagens de comparações entre as versões...


ele não diz que trabalharam no duro para conseguir deixar a versão PS3 igual...

diz sim, que essa história de dificuldade é mt exagerado e eles são talentosos, por isso que os fans de ps3 n se preocupem porque o jogo vai estar igual à versão 360...


Coop...hmmm....Talvez isso faça eu esquecer que eles colocaram um estúpido militar ao invés de um indio na história de Turok. Se bem que indio matando dinossauro não soa muito bem.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Mas vai dar para controlar dinossauros no multiplayer tbm??Pq eu pensei q vc poderia apenas escolher a raça dos dinossauros q teria no cenário e atacaria todo mundo,mas se der para controlar,OMG,jogo obrigatório.

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