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Retro-análise - Ultima VIII - Pagan


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Hoje vamos analisar um jogo bastante controverso, lançado em 1994 pela Origin, Ultima VIII foi um jogo bastante esperado, já que seu antecessor, o magistral Ultima VII foi(e ainda é) um dos melhores RPGs da história, fiz um review dele aqui.


O criador da série, Richard Garriott, nosso querido Lord British, admitiu que ele mesmo pouco se envolveu no projeto, e que para agradar os acionistas o projeto do jogo foi tremendamente acelerado, corrido a ponto de várias pontas soltas e bugs estarem presentes à época do lançamento, inclusive um dos programadores do jogo disse que a reformulação da série, que caminhou mais para o adventure e menos pro RPG foi uma exigência dos acionistas que queriam um jogo mais para o público em geral que para a legião de fãs da série Última.

O resultado foi catastrófico... Ultima VIII foi tremendamente criticado por suas mudanças estruturais, pela grande redução dos elementos de RPG, pela ausência da criação de grupos pois aqui o Avatar joga sozinho, e pela restrição imensa a interação com o mundo tão presente em Ultima VII.

O jogo recebeu apelidos irônicos como "Ultima VIII of Persia" ou "Super Avatar Brothers", em alusão ao jogos Prince of Pérsia e do Super Mario, devido a nova necessidade do Avatar agora em saltar, correr, escalar plataformas e lutar apertando botões e se movimentando no cenário, em contraste aos combates puramente táticos dos jogos anteriores.

A Computer Gaming World o classificou como um jogo desastroso, que destruiu o legado da série Ultima, nas palavras oficiais "A once-great RPG series reduced to the level of Mario, but with hateful, virtue-less characters."


Na sequência acima estão ilustrados algumas das reclamações dos fãs, Avatar se desequilibrando numa plataforma, os combates em tempo real e a ausência de retratos/simplificação da UI.

Devido as criticas ferozes da imprensa especializada(que era fã dos Ultimas anteriores), e das mudanças estruturais do jogo que não agradaram os fãs antigos o jogo vendeu mal, tão mal que o a expansão The Lost Valle, que estava pronta não foi lançada.

2)A História
Ultima VIII se inicia após os eventos do VII parte II, quando Avatar finalmente derrota Batlin na Serpent Isle e restaura o balanço do universo, a entidade extradimensional e conquistadora de mundos conhecida como Guardian percebe que enquanto Avatar defender Britannia com as virtudes, ele jamais conseguirá conquistá-la, o que nunca antes havia acontecido, então pela primeira vez na história a criatura se manifesta fisicamente no mundo e literalmente agarra o Avatar e o arremessa por entre as dimensões em um dos mundos já conquistados, um mundo pós apocalíptico e árido, onde o sol se apagou devido a uma antiga guerra cósmica, um mundo com uma luminosidade eternamente crepuscular, triste e cheio de ódio, onde os pessoas são escravizadas por um governo tirânico e por quatro Titãs, monstruosidades elementais leais ao Guardian, esse é o mundo de Pagan...

Respectivamente, o Guardian arremessando o Avatar e o mapa de Pagan em duas perspectivas, devido aos eventos cataclísmicos de quando o Guardian conquistou Pagan, só restou uma ilha vulcânica e habitada no meio de um oceano ácido.
Aqui a intro:

Preso em outra dimensão, num planeta arrasado, escravizado e sem esperanças onde ninguém jamais ouviu falar em Avatar e nas virtudes, nosso herói será obrigado a dominar a nova magia existente nesse local, derrotar os Titãs, salvar Pagan e voltar pra Britannia, onde terá de enfrentar Guardian pela última vez.


Aqui foi onde tivemos a maior parte das diferenças em relação aos predecessores, Ultima VIII ainda é um RPG, mas o controle do Avatar e os combates se tornaram um mistura de adventure e side-scrolling.
Os combates são em real time, é preciso clicar com o mouse para atacar e se defender, ao contrário dos combates táticos dos jogos anteriores, outra diferença foi a falta de customização, não existe mais Avatar masculino e feminino, e o a pior de todas as heresias, em Pagan não exitem grupos, aqui controlamos o Avatar sozinho.

A necessidade de se alimentar foi retirada do jogo, e o ciclo dia/noite também não causa alteração na luminosidade, aqui a história explica que devido a antiga guerra Pagan vive sob um crepúsculo eterno, nunca amanhece e nunca anoitece, embora as horas passem normalmente.

Os combates em tempo real não agradaram...

A questão de jogar solo também desagradou virtualmente 100% dos antigos fãs de Ultima, ora, desde os primórdios Ultima foi um jogo de montar times equilibrados, existe o mercenário, o cavaleiro, o especialista em arcos/bestas(Iolo feelings...), a curandeira etc..., as interações entre os personagens da equipe sempre foi o ponto forte da série, os conflitos pessoais, as questões morais, as quests que cada um dos novos companheiros traziam pro jogo, enfim... foi uma tremenda bola fora...


Compare, Ultima VII, Avatar e sua equipe investigando uma dungeon vs a solidão do Avatar sozinho a perambular por Pagan...

Outro ponto extremamente polêmico foram os action puzzles, a necessidade de saltar em pedras, escalar penhascos etc... pra piorar as primeiras versões possuíam controles extremamente imprecisos, o que transformava o mero ato de saltar em uma pedra num lago em um feito heróico... nos patchs posteriores isso melhorou, mas o trauma ficou... sério era desesperador chegar nessas partes...


Até hoje eu tenho pesadelos com isso... um erro milimétrico e você morre...

Ultima era uma série de rpg mais orientado a questões épicas e filosóficas, mais conversa e menos combate/ação, Ultima VIII é PURA ação e combate, intermináveis cavernas cheias de pedras para saltar, inimigos para combater etc...


Pra 1994, os gráficos são muito bonitos, o mundo é bem desenhado e possui bastante riqueza de detalhes, o design dos npcs é interessante mas a ausência dos retratos deles nas conversações não foi legal, existe também pouca variação entre os inimigos.
O som é bom, bons efeitos, boas musicas ambientes e o pacote de vozes deixou tudo mais interessante, ser xingado e provocado pelo Guardian nas piores horas do jogo é um put* efeito imersivo.


Esse é o speech pack, sem ele não existem vozes no jogo.




Uma amostra dos gráficos do jogo.


É um jogo difícil, tanto intencionalmente como por imprecisão dos controles, os combates são difíceis, as magias são meio disfuncionais de se utilizar durante combates, as armas, mesmo as encantadas não fazem frente a inimigos poderosos, muitas vezes precisamos montar armadilhas e jogar sujo contra inimigos, colocando explosivos ou mesmo empurrando eles de penhascos etc...


Em cima os exemplos, a esquerda Avatar invoca um elemental para enfrentar um demônio, a direita Avatar consegue sua primeira arma mágica, a maça Slayer, não que seja grande coisa, mas sem essas armas encantadas é muito... muito pior...

O jogo não possui exatamente "chefes", nós não enfrentamos os Titãs na porrada por exemplo, nós os derrotaremos utilizando outros meios, o que felizmente é mais a cara da série Ultima.

Esse é Pyros, Titã do fogo e rei dos demônios, não... não dá pra enfrentar ele na porrada...


Aqui temos um ponto alto, o jogo é divertidíssimo, ainda que não seja tão aberto como Ultima VII, o jogo ainda é bem aberto e te dá muitas maneiras diferentes de fechar a história, que por sua vez é interessante, e embora existam inconsistências e até mesmo pontas soltas a história é cativante e o ato de jogar e explorar extremamente divertido.


Grandes momentos, quando desmontamos uma farsa e revelamos a verdade sobre a linhagem real, e quando aprendemos a invocar um demônio para assassinar um feiticeiro rival.

7) Minha opinião

Pagan é um bom jogo, teve problemas graves em sua execução, é excessivamente focado em ação/combate e menos no role playing que seus antecessores, a jogabilidade é imprecisa e por vezes frustrante, uma equipe de npcs faz muita falta, mas excetuando isso é um jogo divertido, adulto, bonito e com uma história pra lá de interessante.

Vale muito uma conferida.

Notas finais:

Grafico 4.5/5
Som 3.5/5
História 5/5
Jogabilidade 3/5
Diversão 4/5
Ultima Edição:


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!

A história da expansão de Ultima VIII, The Lost Vale, que mesmo pronta, infelizmente não saiu:

The Lost Vale seria "a" expansão do polêmico Ultima VIII - Pagan, esse add-on explicaria os muitos furos na história, daria outro nível de profundidade a trama, corrigiria bugs e adicionaria algumas (necessárias)funcionalidades.

Devido a baixa vendagem do jogo original a Eletronic Arts, mesmo tendo finalizado a expansão, decidiu não lança-la no mercado em 1995.
Cópias não foram feitas e infelizmente só a caixa original(arrematada por 1923US$ em um leilão do Ebay em 2005 por um fã), algumas screenshots e alguns manuscritos originais sobreviveram a ação do tempo até hoje.


A expansão contaria a história dos antigos inimigos dos Titans, os Zealans que foram presos e selados em uma montanha acima das nuvens durante a grande guerra causada pela corrupção dos Titans pelo Guardian(nesses novos cenários o crepúsculo eterno[efeito da guerra contra os Zealans] daria lugar a dias ensolarados e noites).

A entrada para o Lost Vale seria no Plateau, naquelas duas grandes portas que não podem ser abertas, local onde a marreta mágica Bonecrusher pode ser encontrada:

Screenshots do add-on:


Acima das Nuvens, e novos inimigos.


Os Zealans selados e seu símbolo, outro provável enclave.


Uma gema mística, e novamente acima das nuvens, onde o sol ainda brilha.


Uma Zealan, semelhante ao velho Mythran e neve?

Todas as screens.

Informe Publicitário original:

So, You thought you'd been everywhere and seen everything while playing
Ultimar VIII: Pagan. This fall you'll be able to explore a land you never
knew existed in Pagan when you play The Lost Vale, the "add-in" game to
the latest adventure in the Ultima series. ORIGIN plans to release The
Lost Vale during the first half of the fall.

In The Lost Vale, you'll discover a forgotten valley created hundreds
of years earlier by the Titans of Earth and Water. The Titans imprisoned
their enemies inside this hidden world, when they commanded the walls of
the valley to rise in the largest tomb ever created. As the Avatar, you'll
realize the secrets of this lost civilization could lead to powerful
alliances in your ongoing struggle against the evil Guardian. You'll
battle new monsters unique to The Lost Vale and you'll search for magic
items and acquire increased stats you can use in the outside world of
Pagan. There's the City of the Ancient Gods, which is suspended in clouds.
There you'll look for advice that could help make you one of the most
formidable beings to ever set foot in Pagan.

The Lost Vale will add several hours of game playing to the world of
Pagan. And since it's an "add-in" disk, you don't have to finish Pagan in
order to explore The Lost Vale. Just install it and begin your journey
inside this game within a game.

Current system requirements for The Lost Vale are:
IBM-PC, 486/33+ or 100% compatible system
6 MB of hard drive space
Core game of Ultima VIII: Pagan installed on hard drive
256-color VGA graphics
MS-DOS 5.0 or higher, mouse
MUSIC (optional): Ad Lib, Sound Blaster, General MIDI or
100% compatible sound board
SOUND EFFECTS (optional): Ad Lib, Sound Blaster or 100%
compatible sound board

Expected retail price: $25-$35

Entrevista com a Lead Designer da expansão "The Lost Vale" Sheri Graner Ray em 2005:

The story of Lost Vale was that a group of people had been shut off from the main population of Pagan when the Ancient Gods disappeared. They were isolated for a very long time. However, during this isolation a terrible tragedy involving the deaths of two young boys had befallen them. This tragedy caused a schism in the population with each side blaming the other for the deaths. Neither side had spoken to the other for a decade. It was up to the player to “awaken” the Ancient Gods and heal the schism between the people. To do this, the player had to ascend to the very cloud city where the Ancient Gods were believed to live. There, a terrible surprise was uncovered. The Ancient Gods were not asleep, but actually had been imprisoned. The player had to figure out how to release them. The cloud city appeared abandoned, but was full of traps and tricks and was very dangerous.

As a side note, it was for this add-on disk that the “tiny-tar” spell was developed. This was a spell the player would be able to cast upon him/herself and make themselves shrink. I believe this was developed by John Watson. We got such a kick out of a teeny tiny avatar running around the world that we worked it into the plot line. At one point, to get into the ruined temple, the player had to cast the tiny-tar spell and creep in through a crack in the wall. Great fun!

Em 2009, Sheri deu outra entrevista:
Looking back on 20 years in the industry
Looking back on 20 years, part two - The Lost Vale

E em 2013, outra que discutia os motivos que levaram a E.A a cancelar a expansão.

E finalmente, em março de 2014, Joe Garrity do Origin Museum, disponibilizou documentos originais do plot.


Mais aqui.

Infelizmente até hoje nenhuma cópia funcional da expansão foi localizada.
Mas os verdadeiros fãs do jogo, eu incluso, acreditam que um dia, em algum velho e embolorado HD esquecido em um sótão alguém achará e disponibilizará uma cópia dessa gema na internet.

As criaturas de Ultima VIII
Aerial Servent

Description: Aerial servents do the bidding of their
Theurgist masters, using powers to manipulate physical objects to perform
their tasks. They are much like ghosts in all other respects.
Armor Class: 0
Dexterity: 15
Damage: 6-12
Hit Points: 40-60
Vulnerabilities: Can only be harmed by Magic Damage.



Description: Mimicking their foes, these little
dopplegangers try and use their enemies own strengths against them.
Natural state
Armor Class: 11
Dexterity: 12-16
Damage: 7-10
Hit Points: 30-45
As Avatar
Armor Class: 15
Dexterity: 5-10
Damage: 7-15
Hit Points: 30-45
Abilities: What else? Shapeshifting.
Vulnerabilities: Can be killed with physical or magical attack.



Description: Creatures from another realm, they attack
with sharp, fiery talons, and are extremely tough.
Armor Class: 19
Dexterity: 14-21
Damage: 12-18
Hit Points: 80-100
Abilities: Immune to any damage caused by fire. Their
touch does fire damage. Blunt weapons to half damage.
Vulnerabilities: Can be killed with a strong physical
attack, or an adept Sorcerer can banish them.



Description: These beings are trapped in the vicinity of
their deaths, but not restrained by physical objects. They can only
be "killed" by magical means, so the ill-equiped
should stay away.
Armor Class: 16
Dexterity: 15-21
Damage (Ghost): 0
Damage (Fiery Skull): 1-3
Hit Points: 80-90
Abilities: They can remain invisible until you come to
near to their domain, and they can throw their fiery skulls at you, which
can follow you around indefinitely.
Vulnerabilities: Grant Peace.



Description: The ghouls of Pagan have lost all memeory of
their human past. Although dim of sight and thought, their brokan nails are
sharp as knives and carry deadly pestilence.
Armor Class: 15
Dexterity: 14-16
Damage: 6-12
Hit Points: 35-50
Abilities: They learn from experience what angles of
attack work best against you.
Vulnerabilities: Kicking them stuns them for a few
seconds. Easy to kill with concentrated physical attacks and Grant Peace.



Description: Summoned by magic, Golems are powerful forces
under the control of their masters. Without thought of their own, fear is
unknown to them, and they will attack without hesitation.
Armor Class: 18
Dexterity: 7-8
Damage: 15-25
Hit Points: 150-175
Abilities: Immune to fire, resistant to stuns, and Blunt
weapons only do half damage.
Vulnerabilities: Can be killed with a determined, powerful
physical or magical attack.

Invisible Beings

Description: Rare, but deadly, the Invisible Ones react violently to any
intrusions into their teritory.
Armor Class: 5
Dexterity: 8-12
Damage: 4-6
Hit Points: 15-25
Abilities: Do I really have to tell you?
VulnerabilitiesTheir eyes glow red, giving them away, and once found are
easy to kill.



Description: These monstrous peculiarities have long been
accepted as a natural phenomenon of Pagan, but the truth is that they
resulted form ealier magical experiments, prior even to recorded history.
Armor Class: 14
Dexterity: 17-25
Damage: 12-16
Hit Points: 75-100
Abilities: They have a much longer reach than their
Vulnerabilities: Can be killed with close physical attacks
and are very vulnerable to fire.

Skeleton Warrior


Description: These warriors retain the armor, weapons, and
knowledge of their previous lives, and are skillful fighters
Armor Class: 17
Dexterity: 15-20
Damage: 7-13
Hit Points: 35-45
Abilities: Swift attackers; can resurrect themselves
unless put to a final rest.
Vulnerabilities: Can be killed with physical attacks and Grant Peace.



Description: Wild kith are quite dangerous when they rear
up on their abdomen to strike with their fangs. This attack causes a lot of
damage to an unprotected body.
Armor Class: 20
Dexterity: 14-18
Damage: 12-16
Hit Points: 85-105
Abilities: Stun resistant, blunt weapons do half damage.
Vulnerabilities: Can be killed with a concentrated, physical attack.



Description: Quick and vicious, these small, flying
creatures are quick to attack on any intrusion on their territory.
Armor Class: 3
Dexterity: 15-23
Damage: 3-5
Hit Points: 18-22
Abilities: Flying
Vulnerabilities: Very easy to kill.



Description: These small, crawling creatures are another
animal that Pagans have learned to tolerate. Slow moving, they find their
way into hovels and places alike searching for food.
Armor Class: 0
Dexterity: 8-12
Damage: 1-2
Hit Points: 2-7
Abilities: Biting
Vulnerabilities: They can be easily stepped on.



Description: Spiders are more of a nuisance than a serious
threat. They generally use their color to hide in grassy areas.
Armor Class: 0
Dexterity: 8-12
Damage: 1
Hit Points: 2-6
Abilities: Biting
Vulnerabilites:They can be easily stepped on.



Description: Torax are usually docile unless you attack
them first. They're powerful jaws can give a crippling bite, and their
tough hide gives them good protection.
Armor Class: 28
Dexterity: 8-12
Damage: 7-14
Hit Points: 40-55
Abilities: Powerful bite, they can use their heads as a
battering ram, they're stun resistant, and blunt weapons only do half
damage against them.
Vulnerabilitites: Can be killed eventually with
concentrated physical or magical attacks and magical spells.



Description: Denizens of the darker areas of Pagan, these
vaguely man-shaped beings have ventured into the villages and populated
areas. Slow, stupid, and huge, their enormous strength gives them a
natural talent for killing. One blow from their clubs can easily maim an
unprotected person.
Armor Class: 18
Dexterity: 7-10
Damage: 10-28
Hit Points: 150-225
Abilities: Stun resistant, and blunt weapons only do half
Vulnerabilities: You can repeatedly lure them into fire
until they die; persistant physical or magical attacks.



Description: Highly trained, well-equiped and not
reluctant to use their bardiches, these soldiers guard the cities and
surrounding areas from al possible threats. They won't go out of they're
way to pick fights with you, but they will glady fight when provoked.
Armor Class: 25
Dexterity: 15-25
Damage: 8-15
Hit Points: 35-65
Abilities: Highly trained with a Bardiche and well protected.
Vulnerabilities: Can be killed by concentrated physical
attack by a well armed opponent and magical spells.

Peasant Adult


Description: Just your run of the mill peasant. Completely
unarmed, but far from helpless.
Armor Class: 10
Dexterity: 10-15
Damage: 2-5
Hit Points: 10-20
Abilities: Call upon Beren for help
Vulnerabilities:Extremely vulnerable to anything.

Peasant Child


Description: A peasant child. What else is there to say?
Armor Class: 5
Dexterity: 1
Damage: 7-14
Hit Points: 10-15
Abilities: They attack in numbers
Vulnerabities: Too young to do much harm or defend well.



Description: Like Sorcerers, Theurgists are too busy to
look for trouble... usually. Occasionally a Theurgist has a bad day, and
then nearby travelers should beware his wrath.
Armor Class: 12
Dexterity: 12-16
Damage: 5-10
Hit Points: 17-24
Abilities: Whatever spells they have prepared.
Vulnerabilities: Can be killed easily with a physical attack.

O Mapa de Pagan detalhado

Erros, inconsistências e bugs
Necromancy problems
  • Vividos sends you on a pilgrimage to the Birthplace of Moriens. However, there is nothing that indicates where to access it. The patch fixes this by changing the sign at the entrance, which originally reads "Towards Fate do you Travel", to "The Birthplace of Moriens". The original sign seems to indicate enough that fate lies through that door, in other words you have to go through there, but alright, people want things to be more specific.
  • Vividos promises to teach Necromantic spells but never does. However, I think this is not very plausible, as Vividos tells you that "in years to come" he will teach you spells, while you do not stay on Pagan for that long. You instead go and master the other magics, so Vividos is not even meant to teach you those spells he promised you.
  • You can speak to the fourth Necromancer onwards without a Death Speak spell. Clearly a bug.
  • Vividos speaks of an incredible vision to encounter in the Birthplace of Moriens, but you just get talking god statues and some lights. However, I think that talking to ancient gods is an experience incredible enough.
Air problems
  • People seem to call the Blackrock fragment "Breath of Wind", while its label is "Breath of Air. Perhaps too fussy, but the element in question is Air, not Wind.
  • There are no books explaining Xavier's questions in the library. They are only there in the patch. I think that some of them do hint at Stratos being about honesty and air and all that, and in fact that's what got me through the questions in the unpatched version, but alright, perhaps they are too vague. I do think that the books present with the patch give out the answers too easily, however.
  • You can neutralise Stratos on Pagan rather than in the Plane of Air by using the Breath of Air on her, and that teleports you to the Ethereal Plane, saving you the Ethereal Travel spell! Must be a bug, I guess.
Unreachable Places
  • The manual mentions Vengeance Bay, but there is no such place! Well, you can't expect to get to see everything. What if Vengeance Bay was just a place mentioned in the manual to add to the things to mention? It also says specifically that it is out of reach for those without a ship, so it is foolish to expect to visit there.
  • The double doors in the cave that houses Bonecrusher do not lead anywhere. These doors were supposed to be the entrance to the Lost Vale, but since the add-on was never released, the only way of opening them is by using an earth golem (as Shawn Varga writes, below). Still, they obviously don't lead anywhere.
Shawn Varga writes: "You need to summon an earth elemental and make it open the doors for you."
"Summoning the elemental is tricky... you typically require a patch of dirt to do so (and there's no such dirt in the cave). However, the game seems to distinguish dirt by pixel colour! If you target just the right pixel (I believe there is a proper pixel or two just above the doors themselves on the stone itself) you can actually bring in the elemental and make him open the door for you."
"Don't get too excited though. Even when opened, the doorway doesn't take you anywhere. It's just a dead-end empty space."
Problems with Items
  • In the unpatched version, there is no Bone Crusher but just a Hammer of Strength in the cave on the Plateau. The patch fixes this and the Hammer of Strength becomes the Bone Crusher. I think this is pretty lame. I think that people should use their own logic to determine if that hammer is the Bone Crusher. One magic hammer is mentioned in books, so I guess it must be that one anyway... why must the thing be labelled for you as well? Besides, not all legends can be solved. That hammer may as well not be the Bone Crusher because you don't get to visit all of Pagan, so the real thing could just be somewhere else.
  • In the unpatched version, the Ghost Armour is not very effective. The patch fixes this, adding to its armour bonus. I think this, too, is futile, as not all magical armour is meant to be better than regular armour. Some games, for example, have magical weapons which both give some bonuses and negative effects, so you have to choose which is more worthwhile. Just because some magical armour is not effective, it is not really a reason to complain.
Ultima Edição:


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
A magia em Ultima VIII -


The magic of Lithos, this magic involves the manipulation of the earth and control of death. The focus of a Necromantic spell is a small pouch filled with the required reagents for a spell. The caster then imbues the bag with magic and a magical token appears, ready to be used any time.

How to Cast:
  1. Find an extra empty bag to keep in your backpack. Place one of each of the required reagents into the empty bag and close it.
  2. Double-click on the Key of the Caretaker and target the bag with the reagents in it. If you've put the correct reagents in the bag and you've learned the spell in the game, the Avatar will chant the Words of Power.
  3. Open the bag and there will be a talisman in it. The talismans for each spell are shown below. To cast the spell, double-click the talisman. Depending on the spell, you may get a targeting cursor. If so, click on where you want to cast the spell. You can keep these talismans indefinitely and cast the spell whenever you wish. Casting the spell destroys the talisman, though, and you will have to prepare another to cast again.
In the patched version of the game, each reagent weighs 0.1, while without the patch, reagents weigh 1 unless stacked, when some would weigh 0.1.

Due to their natural nature, Necromantic reagents can be found almost anywhere, from the Plateau to Argentrock Isle. However, Stone Cove generates reagents infinitely, so that is where to go if reagents are needed badly. Some reagents are found also in the Cemetery, to start off with, but more are found in the Catacombs.

These are the known Necromantic reagents:

Blood, the essence of life, serves as a reminder of mortality. Once being what animated the bodies of those who now passed away, its purpose is once again to animate the dead or shape the ground.

Bone, which was once the source of blood as well as of the will, reminds any animated creatures of the life they once embraced. Bone is therefore used to bind the will of any animated creature to the caster, allowing him to summon the undead or communicate with them.

Wood is used for preservation, so that it can protect the caster, as wood from an old tree can be extremely tough. However, it is also used to bind creatures summoned in mass.

Dirt will protect the caster as the earth protects the roots of a plant.

Blackmoor is an odd mixture of the earth element and Blackrock, retaining its power from blackrock and allowing it to be used with earth.

Executioner's Hood
Executioner's Hood represents death, and is black in colour, dark in purpose and shaped just like the hood of the executioner, hence its name. It is used to show death or bestow it upon others.

Dead Man's Elbow
Dead Man's Elbow is a mysterious reagent, as its purpose is unknown and it is not used for any of the known spells. It is only meant to be delivered to Vividos. In the unpatched version of Ultima 8, it is simply called "sticks", therefore it may be confused with other wood, but dead man's elbow is a particular type of wood, light in colour and thin in dimension.

These are the known Necromantic Spells:
Once the proper incantation takes place and the reagents are consumed, a spell talisman with one charge appears inside the bag, awaiting to be cast. Each of these talismans weighs 1, and can be used at your pleasure. Note that mana is consumed during the process of casting a spell, not when making the talisman.

The following are the known spells that can be cast up to Scion level. It is not possible to know the full potential of spells that a full Necromancer can cast, because although it seems there may have been plans for the Avatar to become Necromancer, this never came to be. Here are the spells:

Death Speak
Death Speak will allow the caster to have one conversation with the Ancient Necromancers buried in the Lower Catacombs. Details:

  • Mana: 1
  • Reagents: Blood, Bone
  • Incantation: Kal Wis Corp
Mask of Death
Mask of Death will make the caster appear to be dead for about 60 seconds, so creatures will not see the need to attack you. However, this is a rather useless spell, even in the catacombs when it is meant to be cast; the daemons there can be simply outrun. Details:

  • Mana: 1
  • Reagents: Wood, Executioner's Hood
  • Incantation: Quas Corp
Rock Flesh
Rock Flesh makes the caster nearly invulnerable to damage, even to lightning, for about 100 seconds. Details:

  • Mana: 2
  • Reagents: Wood, Dirt
  • Incantation: Rel Sanct Ylem
Summon Undead
Summon Undead will conjure a number of undead warriors to assist the Necromancer, attacking any not bestowed with Necromantic powers. Most of the time, one creature will be summoned, and one should be cautious after having assigned a target to the mindless creature summoned, as it may attack the caster afterwards. Details:

  • Mana: 2
  • Reagents: Blood, Bone, Wood
  • Incantation: Kal Corp Xen
Open Ground
Open Ground is a necessary spell that will open weakened ground or walls. At least five of this spell should be composed (two to enter the catacombs, one for the Zealan Shrine, one for Hydros and one for the Heart of Earth. Details:

  • Mana: 3
  • Reagents: Blood, Blackmoor
  • Incantation: Des Por Ylem
Create Golem
Create Golem is a necessary spell to finish Ultima 8. Written by Galious, this spell will create a golem from a patch of dirt, which will assist you on one or more commands you can choose from a menu. Its most important command is the Open command, which will allow you entrance into important places such as the Hall of the Mountain King and the Pit of the Dead. Details:

  • Mana: 3
  • Reagents: Blood, Bone, Wood, Dirt, Blackmoor
  • Incantation: In Ort Ylem Xen
  • Commands available:
    • Follow - the golem will follow you.
    • Stop - the golem will stop where it is.
    • Move - the golem will go to the targeted destination
    • Open - golems have the power to open any door, even locked ones.
    • Attack - the golem will attack the selected target.
    • Leave - you tell the golem that you two will break up, and ironically, the golem falls to pieces.
    • Grunt - the golem says "Ugh"
    • Nothing - you quit the menu
Withstand Death
Withstand Death will allow the caster to resist death itself and resurrect with full health once he dies. Rumour has it that it can only be cast once, but it is not known whether this is true. Details:

  • Mana: 4
  • Reagents: Wood, Dirt, Blackmoor
  • Incantation: Vas An Corp
Grant Peace
Grant Peace dispels the magic keeping an undead creature animated, giving it eternal rest. Details:

  • Mana: 5
  • Reagents: Executioner's Hood, Blackmoor
  • Incantation: In Vas Corp
Call Quake
Call Quake was the spell left by Lothian, and is found in a chest within the Tomb of Moriens in the Cemetery. This spell will cause the ground to shake, confusing and injuring enemies. Details:

  • Mana: 5
  • Reagents: Bone, Wood, Dirt, Blackmoor
  • Incantation: Kal Vas Ylem Por

Theurgy is the magic that allows a Theurgist to use the air to perform helpful deeds. Therefore, all Theurgy spells are either healing spells or utility spells. The magic is channelled directly through Stratos, and no reagents are required. All that is needed is a focus and the caster's magical capability. The focus must be made from pure silver ore by Korick, the blacksmith in West Tenebrae, and the focus must then be charged on an Altar of Focus. This will result in an inert piece of shaped silver being transformed into a magical focus, which may then be used to cast spells. The caster also plays an important part in casting, as it is his mana that is drained when the spell is cast.

When the foci are charged on an Altar of Focus, they become magical and can be used whenever the caster wants. Each focus weighs 1.

Divination - the sextant focus allows the caster to orient himself, and with it he will know his current location, time, day and month, as well as how long he has been on Pagan. Details:

  • Focus: Sextant
  • Mana: 3
  • Incantation: In Wis
Healing Touch
Healing Touch will heal 8-16 hit points from the targeted person or creature. Details:

  • Focus: Pointed Hand
  • Mana: 5
  • Incantation: In Mani
Aerial Servant
Aerial Servant, as the name suggests, will call forth a useful aerial servant to serve the caster. This servant can manipulate objects, and will serve as well as the old Telekinesis spell did. The aerial servant can move objects on the other side of a wall, and it can open chests and bring objects to the caster. However, it cannot carry a solid object through a solid wall. Details:

  • Focus: Arm Band
  • Mana: 5
  • Incantation: Kal Ort Xen
Reveal will have the same effect as a Restore to Sight scroll, dispelling invisibility from invisible objects around the caster. Details:

  • Focus: Open Eye
  • Mana: 5
  • Incantation: Ort Lor
Restoration will restore a living being to full health. Details:

  • Focus: Open Hand
  • Mana: 15
  • Incantation: Vas In Mani
Fade from Sight
Fade from Sight - just as a closed eye cannot see, the Fade from Sight will hide the caster from sight of most mortal beings. The spell lasts for 2 to 3 minutes, but the duration is proportional to the caster's intelligence. Details:

  • Focus: Closed Eye
  • Mana: 5
  • Incantation: Quas An Lor
Air Walk
Air Walk - with this spell, Stratos will grant the air to carry the caster further than he could normally jump. Korick cannot make this focus; the spell is cast automatically the first time when the aspiring Theurgist takes his leap of Faith. The focus is then obtained from Stratos herself. Details:

  • Focus: Wings
  • Mana: 15
  • Incantation: Vas Hur Por
Hear Truth
Hear Truth will make the caster hear not only what a person says, but also what the person really means, if he is lying. Details:

  • Focus: Chain
  • Mana: 3
  • Incantation: An Quas Lor
Intervention will protect the caster from all physical and magical damage, but will not save him from water or lava. Details:

  • Focus: Closed Hand
  • Mana: 15
  • Incantation: In Sanct An Jux

The magic of Pyros, this magic involves the manupulation of fire and destruction. An intricate ritual goes into preparing each spell involving a pentacele, reagents, candles, and foci. The reagents and candles must be placed carefully and appropriately for each spell. Only certain foci can be used for certain spells, but the more powerful the Focus, the more spells it can handle. Each focus can only contain one spell at a time, but may contain multiple charges depending on the spell and focus used. Mana is used only during the charging of the focue, not the casting.

Tips on Casting:
  • Make sure all candles are in the right positions and lit.
  • Center the Focus in the middle of the Pentagram to the best of your ability.
  • Place the reagents as close to the candles as possible.
  • If you're still getting the message that the reagents aren't placed right, and you're ABSOLUTLEY sure that you're using the right ones, and that they are placed at the right points, try this: Balance the reagent on top of the candle. It may seem weird, but it always works if you have everything placed right.
  • Stand outside the pentacle before double-clicking on it.
  • Make sure you're double-clicking the pentacle itself, not the focus.
  • Do not have any extra daemon bone near the pentagram (including on yourself) when charging a spell. You may accidentally summon a daemon that attacks you!
Volcanic Ash
Purpose: Flame
Notes: The refuse of the volcano has the property of creating the
initial spark of Fire

Purpose: Distance
Notes: This rock, cast highest and farthest from the volcano, retains
the etheric impetus built up in the flight.

Purpose: Duration
Notes: While seeming to be a fragile, easily broken substance, it
endures the heat of the volcano.

Pig Iron
Purpose: Protection
Notes: Iron's hard yet versatile nature works in protective Sorcery
as no other reagent can.

Purpose: Power
Notes: This is the rock that burns or, more to the point in Sorcery,
explodes. A virtually limitless source of power dwells within its
etheric composition.

Daemon Bone
Purpose: Summoning/Binding
Notes: Having taken a hint from the Necromancers, the Cabal found that
Bone does, indeed retain its tie to life. It is even useful in the
ritual of binding when enough power is at hand. Daemonic forces are
summoned and controlled by use of this reagent.


This is a pentacle with the positions named:


Ignite: Set the target on fire if possible. Target on yourself to ignite all visible possible targets.
Extinguish: Douse target. Target on yourself douses all.
Flame Bolt: Throws a bolt of flames at the target which is damaged.
Flash: Directed bolt. Casters appears at target (=teleport). Not possible through obstacles like walls.
Endure Heat: Non-magic fire does no damage (You can walk on stable lava).
Armor of Flames: Protects from magical fire.
Fire Shield: Creates an impenetrable ring around the caster (can only be crossed by the Flash-spell).
Create Fire: Ground at target ignites. Persons standing there are damaged.
Explosion: Throw a bolt at the target, where it explodes and does damage.
Summon Demon: Demon appears and attacks target (If the target is no person he attacks you).
Banish Demon: Kills the target demon (doesn't work always).
Conflagration: BIG damage to all except you (I couldn't bind it into an focus, it always went up immediately; but the master has an enchanted focus in his rooms).


A magic that borrows little bits from other schools, Thaumaturgy is not widely studied on Pagan. The main focus of this magic is the spell book, which contains information on the spell and what reagents are required for it. To cast the spell, the book, along with the reagents, are placed in a pouch. The book is then read again to cast the spell. While Thaumaturgy borrows many reagents from the other schools of magic, it does have it's own unique ingredients.

Eye of Newt
Purpose: Sight/Knowledge
Notes: This aids the mage in focusing the inner eye within the mind.

Bat Wing
Purpose: Life/Creatures
Notes: The flesh, bone, and blood found in this structure serevr as an
execellent lodestone to the essence of life.

Serpent Scale
Purpose: Destruction/Separation
Notes: The poison in the mouth of this beast seeps into the flesh and
corrupts the scales, giving them the magical ability to act as
a destructor of bonds.

Dragon Blood
Purpose: Great Power
Notes: So powerful is this creature that the blood burns as if aflame.
Prescise measurements of this are wise, for too much and the magic
will go dangerously awry.

This is the spell book of the Thaumaturge.

Confusion Blast (In Quas Wis)
Reagents: Eye of Newt, Bat Wing, Serpent Scale, Obsidion, Brimstone
Duration: Until an outside force resumes combat.
Mana: 3
Cost: 50 obdidion coins
This causes a release of etheric energies, inflicting no real physical
damage, but causing all combatants near the Thaumaturge to forget
completely the present combat.

Meteor Shower (Kal Des Flam Ylem)
Reagents: Ash, Dirt, Serpent Scale, Brimstone, Blackmoor
Mana: 3
Cost: 100 obsidion coins
Rocks, summoned from unseen heights, cascade in a fiery torrent upon
friends and foes alike. Only the caster remains unharmed.

Summon Creature (Kal Xen)
Reagents: Bat Wing, Pumice, Obsidion, Bone
Mana: 3
Cost: 100 obsidion coins
This highly variable spell magically calls a creature to the
Thaumaturge's defense (troll, kith, daemon, etc).

Call Destruction (Kal Vas Grav Por)
Reagents: Serpent Scale, Dragon Blood, Ash, Pig Iron, Executioner's Hood
Mana: 3
Cost: 150 Obsidion coins
This spell causes bolts of lightning and destructive explosions to
cascade around the Thaumaturge, unerringly striking any visible foes.

Devestation (In Vas Ort Corp)
Reagents: Bat Wing, Serpent Scale, Dragon Blood, Pig Iron,
Executioner's Hood, Blackmoor, Brimstone
Mana: 3
Cost: 1000 obsidion coins
This spell, first formulated by what could only have been an insane
mage, is designed to disrupt the very fabric of life throughout the
world. All creatures and beings, save the crazed Thaumaturge who cast
this spell (and maybe not even him/her), face instant eradication. As
far as can be told, there has never been a successful casting of this


The magic of Hydros, this magic involves the control of weather and water. This isn't a magic that can be learned. It is passed down through heredity and is currently the power of the ruler of Tenebrae. Tempests have been observed walking on Water, breathing Water as they would Air, creating and calming windy storms, stilling the turbulent seas, causing clouds to skid across the sky at supernatural speeds, and sending bolts of lightning down upon their enemies. The Tempest requires no reagents or foci, as the powers are channeled through the Water Titan herself.
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Pelo pouco que joguei, eu GOSTEI dele

eu não tinha PC na época, mas um primo meu tinha, e joguei na casa dele, foi o 1º jogo da série Ultima que joguei e lembro de ter gostado, acho que gostei justamente por ser um RPG um pouco "menos complicado" e um pouquinho mais "action/adventure"

sei que fãs mais antigos da série na época não curtiram, mas hoje em dia vejo muita gente mudando de opinião e gostando do jogo




Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Pelo pouco que joguei, eu GOSTEI dele

eu não tinha PC na época, mas um primo meu tinha, e joguei na casa dele, foi o 1º jogo da série Ultima que joguei e lembro de ter gostado, acho que gostei justamente por ser um RPG um pouco "menos complicado" e um pouquinho mais "action/adventure"

sei que fãs mais antigos da série na época não curtiram, mas hoje em dia vejo muita gente mudando de opinião e gostando do jogo


A meu ver, as mudanças no estilo de jogo de puro rpg para um adventure/rpg foram bruscas demais pros fãs da série, aliado a isso a questão de retirarem a opção de montar equipes e as inconsistências na história fizeram muita gente torcer o nariz... ainda assim considero um jogo muito bom.
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