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Senhor dos Anéis - Série Amazon - Tópico Oficial eu acho rs


Mil pontos, LOL!
Eu sou fã tb. Li os livros muito antes dos filmes e tudo o mais.
Eu SEI que essa adaptação tá sendo feita numa pegada diferente, mas eu tô num ponto da minha vida em que isso realmente não me afeta, sabe? f**a-se se tem hobbit mendigo e pras outras coisas que foram exaustivamente discutidas aqui.
Eu quero simplesmente ver.

Eu falo pra esse tópico não ter o mesmo destino dos tópicos de Star Wars aqui, onde além do pessoal odiar, eles são hostis com quem comete a heresia de gostar do material atual disponível.
Eu mesmo só participo de tópicos do que eu acompanho. Como eu não vou ver isso, em breve eu vou me retirar


Mil pontos, LOL!
Q trailer foda, essa série vai me tirar a tristeza q a Marvel está me causando
  • Curtir
Reações: Nux


Mil pontos, LOL!
Quero acompanhar a série, mesmo que tenham certas "divergências" da lore.

Masssssss, comprei os livros da trilogia do anel e do Hobbit pra reler.

Depois vou pegar as outras obras do Tolkien relacionadas a terra média, corrigir esse erro de nunca ter ido atrás.

Bostando usando o Tapatalk


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Ja deixaram bem grande escrito ''Baseado na Obra de Tolkien", resumindo, se fosse ainda adaptado ia ser parecido, baseado quer dizer q vão mudar mt coisa.

Oh Dae-su

Mil pontos, LOL!
Olha, se não fosse a Amazon este seria um daqueles projetos que fali estúdio, pq assim com esta claro que gastaram rios de dinheiro, tb esta claro que vai ser uma m****.
Desculpa ai quem cai no conto do trailer legal em pleno 2022(sim pq é só legal, nada alem disso), mas ja tenho experiencia suficiente parta nao cair nessas a alguns anos.
Ultima Edição:

Inland Taipan

Olha, senão fosse a Amazon este seria um daqueles projetos que fali estúdio, pq assim com esta claro que gataram rios de dinheiro, tb esta claro que vai ser uma m****.
Desculpa ai quem cai no conto do trailer legal me 2022, mas ja tenho experiencia suficiente parta nao cair nessas a alguns anos.
Eu pensava que não tinha mais inocentes nos dias de hoje, mas estou enganado, fazer festa pra trailer é complicado, apesar de ter caído nesse bait também em outras produções.

No trailer mostrou o drone sobrevoando montanhas e florestas, uma luta de 3 segundos e muita conversa, como isso foi espetacular?
Ultima Edição:

Lord Umbasa

Eu pensava que não tinha mais inocentes nos dias de hoje, mas estou enganado, fazer festa pra trailer é complicado, apesar de ter caído nesse bait também em outras produções.

No trailer mostrou o drone sobrevoando montanhas e florestas, uma luta de 3 segundos e muita conversa, como isso foi espetacular?

Oh Dae-su

Mil pontos, LOL!
Eu pensava que não tinha mais inocentes nos dias de hoje, mas estou enganado, fazer festa pra trailer é complicado, apesar de ter caído nesse bait também em outras produções.

No trailer mostrou o drone sobrevoando montanhas e florestas, uma luta de 3 segundos e muita conversa, como isso foi espetacular?

Eu cai nessa ate Homem de Ferro 3, pq ali ja ficou claro a formula....e todo mundo passou copiar o jeito marvel de fazer trailers
Alias, aqui vai uma dica, quando o ultimo trailer entrega tudo de um filme/serie, tenha certeza...e uma completa bomba....quando Dr. Estranho mostrou os "Ilumitis da demência" eu ja sabia que seria uma porcaria completa, isso e sinal de quem tem 0 confiança no filme, e ai vc apela para o fanservice de quinta categoria, então poupei minha grana. E é exatamente o que este trailer faz,...

Oh Dae-su

Mil pontos, LOL!

Ahh fala sério né cara....
Peter é o maior gênio do marketing digital deste pais e um dos maiores do mundo, imagina a grana que ele nao ganhou so com os haters que clicaram pra xingar??
Ele so fala que algo e uma m**** quando os videos do assunto para de repercutir por falta de interesse, tipo a b*sta da Ms Marvel onde 90% acho que so viu um episodio, ai ele fala a opinião real dele, não vi, mas se duvidar a critica dele de RE vai ser agua com açúcar tb. Malandro pra cacete, não e atoa que é multi milionário

Lord Umbasa

ei nerd? vai se fuder bicho, vc tem 12 anos?
Tudo que sei de dinheiro e finanças devo a ele, por isso mesmo mensalmente ajudo com um valor de um dízimo dos meus ganhos para o canal dele crescer cada vez mais, e espalhar as boas novas de seu conhecimento profundo sobre negócios

Ótimas dicas caso você esteja desempregado


Sic Parvis Magna

The Intelligent Investor
Tudo que sei de dinheiro e finanças devo a ele, por isso mesmo mensalmente ajudo com um valor de um dízimo dos meus ganhos para o canal dele crescer cada vez mais, e espalhar as boas novas de seu conhecimento profundo sobre negócios

Ótimas dicas caso você esteja desempregado

Oxi, pisquei e o cara virou especialista investimento. Trouxa sou eu.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Eu achei o trailer uma m****.

Aquele diálogo do Elrond tentanto convencer a Galadriel a parar de lutar não tem base nenhuma.

Primeiro porque o Elrond foi um dos que não aceitaram Annatar(Sauron disfarçado) em Lindon, e ainda tentou alertar Eregion sobre ele.
Segundo porque a única batalha que a Galadriel lutou foi de 3000 a 4000 anos antes dos eventos dessa série, fora da Terra Media e contra outros Elfos.

No trailer ela manda um "você não viu o que eu vi" aí aparece um flash de uma guerra que ela nem participou. :brbr
Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!
O foda é que o conteúdo que a Amazon está "adaptando" para uma série de 5 temporadas, não dá 15 minutos de leitura, e ainda tiveram a proeza de contradizer quase tudo que está escrito :klolz

Se a Amazon tivesse a capacidade de fazer uma boa série original de fantasia, não precisaria ter pago 250 milhões de dólares só para pôr o nome O Senhor dos Anéis na série.

Lord Umbasa

O foda é que o conteúdo que a Amazon está "adaptando" para uma série de 5 temporadas, não dá 15 minutos de leitura, e ainda tiveram a proeza de contradizer quase tudo que está escrito :klolz

Se a Amazon tivesse a capacidade de fazer uma boa série original de fantasia, não precisaria ter pago 250 milhões de dólares só para pôr o nome O Senhor dos Anéis na série.
É que eles estão criando uma história que Tolkien jamais pôde imaginar e realizar


Mil pontos, LOL!
O foda é que o conteúdo que a Amazon está "adaptando" para uma série de 5 temporadas, não dá 15 minutos de leitura, e ainda tiveram a proeza de contradizer quase tudo que está escrito :klolz

Se a Amazon tivesse a capacidade de fazer uma boa série original de fantasia, não precisaria ter pago 250 milhões de dólares só para pôr o nome O Senhor dos Anéis na série.
O que não falta por aí é série de fantasia com um grande público adolescente/jovem adulto.

Tentaram fazer isso com Roda do Tempo e deu no que deu.


Mil pontos, LOL!
A maioria das pessoas q gosta de senhor dos anéis viu pelo cinema, as pessoas tão pouco ligando pra livro. Se a série tiver uma ação boa e uma história legal já tá muito bom


Mil pontos, LOL!

Rumor: The Lord Of The Rings Scholar Tom Shippey Fired For Telling Prime Video They Were “Polluting The Lore”

A new rumor claims that Tom Shippey, The Lord of the Rings scholar and former consultant on The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, was fired from the Prime Video show because he was warning them that they were “polluting the lore.”


When Prime Video first announced The Lord of the Rings series in July 2019, they revealed Shippey was part of the production as a Tolkien Scholar.

However, back in February, Vanity Fair led their readers to believe that Shippey was canned for giving an “unsanctioned interview to a German fan site” where he opined “on what the show could and could not explore.”

Now this new rumor from YouTuber George Molho of YouTube channel George The Giant Slayer claims Shippey was actually canned because he was warning Prime Video that they were “polluting the lore.”

Molho states, “I’m now beginning to believe the real reason that Tom Shippey was fired wasn’t because he gave some interview to a German magazine that broke his NDA. That’s — you get a slap on the wrist for that.”

He then revealed, “It’s because I heard from three separate sources that he would weekly tell the Bobbsey Twins of Payne and McKay that Prime was polluting the lore.”

Not only would Molho detail this rumor regarding Shippey’s firing, but he would also excoriate Prime Video for including nudity in the show as revealed in a number of behind-the-scenes photos from the production as well as a newly released photo from the show.

Molho says, “The professor never once hinted at carnal nudity or lascivious sexuality ever in his writing. Period. End of statement.”

He later stated, “This John Ronald Reuel Tolkien we’re talking about. A man who never sold out his writing or what he believed for cheap thrills of exposed nipples.”

While specifically discussing the images, Molho details, “This is the exact opposite of what Patrick McKay told Vanity Fair in February.”

He then quoted Vanity Fair, “So will there be Westerosi levels of violence and sex in Amazon’s Middle-earth? In short, no. McKay says the goal was “to make a show for everyone, for kids who are 11, 12, and 13, even though sometimes they might have to pull the blanket up over their eyes if it’s a little too scary.”

“A little too scary, I’m not worried about that. I know a lot of adults who wouldn’t let their kids see that. I wouldn’t let mine. Absolutely not. Especially as it dishonors as it dishonors the Professor’s writings. It’s repulsive,” Molho declared.

In letter 131 to Milton Waldman, Tolkien wrote, “For reasons which I will not elaborate, that seems to me fatal. Myth and fairy-story must, as all art, reflect and contain in solution elements of moral and religious truth (or error), but not explicit, not in the known form of the primary ‘real’ world. (I am speaking, of course, of our present situation, not of ancient pagan, pre-Christian days. And I will not repeat what I tried to say in my essay, which you read.”

The Catechism of the Catholic Church makes it clear “all the baptized are called to chastity. The Christian has ‘put on Christ’ the model for all chastity. All Christ’s faithful are called to lead a chaste life in keeping with their particular states of life. At the moment of his Baptism, the Christian is pledged to lead his affective life in chastity.”

It goes on to identify a number of offenses against chastity including lust, which “is disordered desire for or inordinate enjoyment of sexual pleasure. Sexual pleasure is morally disordered when sought for itself, isolated from its procreative and unitive purposes.”

It also identifies pornography which “consists in removing real or simulated sexual acts from the intimacy of the partners, in order to display them deliberately to third parties. It offends against chastity because it perverts the conjugal act, the intimate giving of spouses to each other. It does grave injury to the dignity of its participants (actors, vendors, the public), since each one becomes an object of base pleasure and illicit profit for others.”

“It immerses all who are involved in the illusion of a fantasy world. It is a grave offense. Civil authorities should prevent the production and distribution of pornographic materials,” the Catechism asserts.

Clearly, Prime Video do not believe in Tolkien’s view and Molho even posits, “They have been lying to us this whole time. Forget the lore. Forget the story. They butchered all that. We already saw that with Wheel of Time. They told us one thing, they did another. It was a disaster.”

He continued, “Then they tell us, ‘No, there’s not going to be any types of Game of Thrones style sex.’ And then they bring on an intimacy coordinator. They’re saying that’s just for some kissing scenes, not for the LGBTQ scenes, which we are going to explore. Not going to be for the nudity or sex scenes, which we are going to explore. No. But we hired an intimacy coordinator. And they put out a casting notice in New Zealand.”


Towards the end of his video, Molho also noted Prime Video believes “this is the perfect opportunity to not only dishonor Tolkien, to use the Estate — the Tolkien Estate, who all they care about is cashing a check — but this is a way to cement our legacy and honor Bezos’ command, “Bring me Game of Thrones.”

Demitido por falar a verdade... Ao menos o nome de Shippey não estará vinculado com esse fanfic, se isso lhe servir de consolo.

Lord Umbasa


Rumor: The Lord Of The Rings Scholar Tom Shippey Fired For Telling Prime Video They Were “Polluting The Lore”

A new rumor claims that Tom Shippey, The Lord of the Rings scholar and former consultant on The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, was fired from the Prime Video show because he was warning them that they were “polluting the lore.”


When Prime Video first announced The Lord of the Rings series in July 2019, they revealed Shippey was part of the production as a Tolkien Scholar.

However, back in February, Vanity Fair led their readers to believe that Shippey was canned for giving an “unsanctioned interview to a German fan site” where he opined “on what the show could and could not explore.”

Now this new rumor from YouTuber George Molho of YouTube channel George The Giant Slayer claims Shippey was actually canned because he was warning Prime Video that they were “polluting the lore.”

Molho states, “I’m now beginning to believe the real reason that Tom Shippey was fired wasn’t because he gave some interview to a German magazine that broke his NDA. That’s — you get a slap on the wrist for that.”

He then revealed, “It’s because I heard from three separate sources that he would weekly tell the Bobbsey Twins of Payne and McKay that Prime was polluting the lore.”

Not only would Molho detail this rumor regarding Shippey’s firing, but he would also excoriate Prime Video for including nudity in the show as revealed in a number of behind-the-scenes photos from the production as well as a newly released photo from the show.

Molho says, “The professor never once hinted at carnal nudity or lascivious sexuality ever in his writing. Period. End of statement.”

He later stated, “This John Ronald Reuel Tolkien we’re talking about. A man who never sold out his writing or what he believed for cheap thrills of exposed nipples.”

While specifically discussing the images, Molho details, “This is the exact opposite of what Patrick McKay told Vanity Fair in February.”

He then quoted Vanity Fair, “So will there be Westerosi levels of violence and sex in Amazon’s Middle-earth? In short, no. McKay says the goal was “to make a show for everyone, for kids who are 11, 12, and 13, even though sometimes they might have to pull the blanket up over their eyes if it’s a little too scary.”

“A little too scary, I’m not worried about that. I know a lot of adults who wouldn’t let their kids see that. I wouldn’t let mine. Absolutely not. Especially as it dishonors as it dishonors the Professor’s writings. It’s repulsive,” Molho declared.

In letter 131 to Milton Waldman, Tolkien wrote, “For reasons which I will not elaborate, that seems to me fatal. Myth and fairy-story must, as all art, reflect and contain in solution elements of moral and religious truth (or error), but not explicit, not in the known form of the primary ‘real’ world. (I am speaking, of course, of our present situation, not of ancient pagan, pre-Christian days. And I will not repeat what I tried to say in my essay, which you read.”

The Catechism of the Catholic Church makes it clear “all the baptized are called to chastity. The Christian has ‘put on Christ’ the model for all chastity. All Christ’s faithful are called to lead a chaste life in keeping with their particular states of life. At the moment of his Baptism, the Christian is pledged to lead his affective life in chastity.”

It goes on to identify a number of offenses against chastity including lust, which “is disordered desire for or inordinate enjoyment of sexual pleasure. Sexual pleasure is morally disordered when sought for itself, isolated from its procreative and unitive purposes.”

It also identifies pornography which “consists in removing real or simulated sexual acts from the intimacy of the partners, in order to display them deliberately to third parties. It offends against chastity because it perverts the conjugal act, the intimate giving of spouses to each other. It does grave injury to the dignity of its participants (actors, vendors, the public), since each one becomes an object of base pleasure and illicit profit for others.”

“It immerses all who are involved in the illusion of a fantasy world. It is a grave offense. Civil authorities should prevent the production and distribution of pornographic materials,” the Catechism asserts.

Clearly, Prime Video do not believe in Tolkien’s view and Molho even posits, “They have been lying to us this whole time. Forget the lore. Forget the story. They butchered all that. We already saw that with Wheel of Time. They told us one thing, they did another. It was a disaster.”

He continued, “Then they tell us, ‘No, there’s not going to be any types of Game of Thrones style sex.’ And then they bring on an intimacy coordinator. They’re saying that’s just for some kissing scenes, not for the LGBTQ scenes, which we are going to explore. Not going to be for the nudity or sex scenes, which we are going to explore. No. But we hired an intimacy coordinator. And they put out a casting notice in New Zealand.”


Towards the end of his video, Molho also noted Prime Video believes “this is the perfect opportunity to not only dishonor Tolkien, to use the Estate — the Tolkien Estate, who all they care about is cashing a check — but this is a way to cement our legacy and honor Bezos’ command, “Bring me Game of Thrones.”

Demitido por falar a verdade... Ao menos o nome de Shippey não estará vinculado com esse fanfic, se isso lhe servir de consolo.

É que a verdade dói para esse povo, qualquer opinião contrária do que eles tem certeza que é o certo é disso aí pra baixo.
Isso que o cara é especialista nas obras do Tolkien, tinham o melhor conselheiro possível para ajudar a acertar na questão passar o feeling da obra, mesmo que obviamente haverá mudanças por ser uma mídia diferente . Peter Jackson acertou muito mais que errou por justamente respeitar a obra e conseguir passar com
mestria o sentimento de terra média e seus habitantes.
Já no hobbit ele errou bem mais que acertou, mas devido há algumas circunstâncias, ele não tava muito afim de fazer e sempre disse que o senhor dos anéis era o sonho dele de criança de realizar
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