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Game of Thrones - 6ª Temporada - [TÓPICO OFICIAL] - [COM SPOILER DOS LIVROS]


Mal vocês sabem mas um dos soldados que tava dividindo o coelho com a Arya era o Syrio.



Lenda da internet
Eu não acho que tu seja digno de alguma resposta minha em relação à ela. Tá bem claro aqui que tu não gosta dela, não sou eu que vou mudar a tua opinião.

Só deixa a teoria da conspiração de lado.
Sei lá, talvez se a atriz fosse melhor eu até engoliria a personagem chata. No começo eu até gostava dela, mas depois foi ficando mais difícil de gostar e não sei ao certo se foi pela atriz mesmo ou pela personagem em si, mas embora eu não goste dela, acho que quem vai levar a porcaria toda vai ser ela e até torço por isso, por causa do núcleo dela, não dela em si.

Estranho você se incomodar tanto assim com minha "teoria da conspiração", eu acho que pode haver sim um favoritismo dela por conta disso, não posso? Isso te incomoda tanto assim?


Lenda da internet
Essa é a beleza da coisa: pode! E por causa disso, eu posso vir aqui e falar que teu post é ridículo e sem fundamento!
Sim, concordo plenamente, só acho desnecessário você vir no tópico e comentar APENAS isso, quando no meu post só coloquei um trecho disso e nada mais, mas ok. Fica parecendo desvirtuamento, saca? Parece até que você quer causar um bait. O tópico é de GOTY, daí dei um achismo meu aqui referente a uma personagem da série, você me quota e leva o assunto pra outra coisa e somente esta coisa, fica desconexo.

No mais, li os spoilers, não sei se são reais, mas tudo que tá lá de certa forma parece previsível demais...


Mil pontos, LOL!
Passagens dos livros que que o Sam e a Gilly leram.

So this as much of the texts that Gilly and Sam were reading that I could read on the screen. There are a few notes about my use of question marks. And a few theories at the end. enjoy.


??? signifies an illegible word

? at the beginning of a word indicates the first few letters cannot be read

? at the end of a word or set of parentheses indicates that I have made an assumption about the word

??????????? indicates many words on the page but off screen


As the First Men established their realms following their Pact, little troubled them save their own feuds and wars, or so the histories tell us. What we learn of the Long Night when a season of winter came that lasted a generation – a generation in which children were born, drew into adulthood, and in many cases died without ever seeing the ??? ??? some of the ??? ??? ??? ??? that the never ??? ??? ??? light of day ??? ??? ??? ??? winter that fell on the world. While they ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? more than fancy that ??? ??? some cataclysm ??? ??? many thousands of years ago ??? my? Certain, Lomas Longstrider In by Wonders Made by Men recounts meeting descendants of the Rhoynar whose ??? ???

SAMS BOOK - unknown title

1st page shown

More damning ??? the Children, though, was that even when their weapons found the weak joints in the armour or penetrated it outright there were always more men waiting. In the great war that followed many of the Children perished ??? The Pact that br-??? ??? to the two (brought peace to the two)?

??????????? disputed, note a resurgence of dragonglass dur-

??????????? we do not know anymore

??????????? bronze couldn’t bear

??????????? brittle as twings, and

??????????? ?ver the case, the

??????????? the Long N

??????????? dragon


This page had pictures (Figure 18) of arrowheads presumably made of dragonglass

2nd page partially shown

There is a dagger – fashioned like a sword: pommel, crossguard, blade – denoted as figure 19. It is similar in size to Tyrion’s dagger on the following page, but there is no scale comparing the two. There is also, presumably, a “figure 20” that is on the bottom left of the page off-screen.)

??????????? ?olute studies the so-called

??????????? of the arcane and magical

??????????? test is to stand a solitary vig

??????????? with three dragonglass

??????????? By that time he has learned of the

??????????? legends – that, seated before the

??????????? ?cally–lit candles their sorcerers con

??????????? ?oss mountains, seas, and deserts;

??????????? dreams and give him

??????????? to one another half a

??????????? has no torch and

??????????? he can ???

??????????? darkness

3rd page shown

Tyrion’s Dagger (Figure 21)

The Valyrians were familiar with dragonglass long before they came to Westeros. They called it ??? ??? which translated to “frozen fire” in Valyrian and eastern tales tell of how their dragons would thaw the stone with dragonflame until it became molten and malleable. The Valyrians then used it to build their strange monuments and building without seams and joints of our modern castles.

When Aegon the conqueror forged his Seven Kingdoms, he and his descendants would often decorate their blades with dragonglass feeling a kinship with the stone. The royal fashion for dragonglass ornamentation soon spread throughout the Seven Kingdoms to those wealthy enough to affod it. Hilts and pommels were and are the most common decoration for dragonglass if too brittle to make a useful crossguard. Indeed, its very brittleness is what relegate it to the great houses and the most successful merchants.

4th page, partially shown

??????????? the faithless?

??????????? to Westeros

??????????? use dragon

??????????? the stone, which

??????????? and some of the

??????????? ?ings adorned with

??????????? princes and

??????????? for the most part, dr-

??????????? difficult for build-

??????????? ostentatious kind pre-

??????????? dragonglass are the

??????????? ??der the stone sacred thong

??????????? or because of some arcane

??????????? the case, in the eastern mar

??????????? ?les and amulets along with

??????????? are even tales of the less sav

??????????? ?d dragonglass as a cure for

??????????? great? work on illnesses and dise-

??????????? harm? incurs from the ingestion

??????????? discount? the harm to the gullible

??????????? spent? on practical treatments

??????????? this association with the

??????????? which? explains the low

??????????? have? purchased

??????????? sadly?

5th page shown with map of dragonstone, and the mountain of dragonglass (figure 22)

Or perhaps geography is to blame?. While dragonglass ??? ??? ??? ??? Westeros, the island of Dragonstone (more than lives up)? to its name, housing vast deposits of dragonglass ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? of an ancient mine? Of the First Men B??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? and, as Maester Anlen theorized, value derives from scarcity.


But absence results in worthlessness. True, legend has it that Valyria took as much dragonglass as gold from the mines beneath their Fourteen Flames, but the Doom burned all evidence beneath the Smoldering Sea or burned it along with the dragons and very skies on that

3rd TEXT

On another paper, separate, laying on Sam’s desk is the word “prince”. This looks like 1 loose piece of paper. With only 1 legible word, it could be anything.


A. No mention of Valyrian Steel.


Note: I know there's no cure for greyscale, and Shireen wasn't fully cured, but we'll call what happened to her a cure for the sake of conversation.

B. Dragonglass is possibly part of the cure for greyscale. But possibly can harm when ingested.

--Jorah is in the Citadel and speaks to Sam about Dany.

--Sam will probably speak with Jorah, and realize that he’s got to get Jorah’s info to Jon.

--Sam will cure Jorah’s greyscale, and Jorah will leave the Citadel

--Shireen was "cured" via dragonglass somehow. She lived on Dragstone – she lived around dragonglass….. must be part of it. Maybe it's a form of “exposure treatment”? Just by being around dragonglass she was cured (maybe dg gives off radiation in the same way that granite does, but more powerfully?) or someone found the cure on DS.

C. Dragonglass is forged by dragonfire melting “the stone” (what stone?), and then smiths forging it.

--It also says that dragonglass is brittle… but perhaps that’s because the people trying to manipulate it were doing so in its solid state… perhaps if it is dragonforged it is stronger?

D. Sam mentions to Gilly that the CotF used dragonglass… but does not mention how they acquired it. Did they create it themselves? Did they have dragons? Is it their world's version of obsidian?


Mil pontos, LOL!
na hora que meteram o cantorzinho me tirou completamente do ambiente..


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
É uma m**** acompanhar séries em andamento. Até TWD que tem duas seasons por ano eu fico perdidão em certos eventos.


Lenda da internet
Que os caras tão forçando feminismo não é novidade alguma.

Tanto que isso é exclusivo da série, em porra nenhuma em relação ao livro.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Que os caras tão forçando feminismo não é novidade alguma.

Tanto que isso é exclusivo da série, em porra nenhuma em relação ao livro.

Na verdade não sabemos por que os livros pararam muito antes dos eventos atuais do seriado. O cara lá na termina nunca o livro, aí é foda.


Lenda da internet
Na verdade não sabemos por que os livros pararam muito antes dos eventos atuais do seriado. O cara lá na termina nunca o livro, aí é foda.
Não é temporada atual isso.

A morte do stannis já tem tempo e foi tirada da bunda.

A propósito advinha quem foi que matou stannis?


Mil pontos, LOL!
Não é temporada atual isso.

A morte do stannis já tem tempo e foi tirada da bunda.

A propósito advinha quem foi que matou stannis?

Sim eu sei tudo isso, mais no livro pode ser igual( espero que não ) já que ele ainda está vivo lá, o livro está bem atrasado em relação ao seriado.


Lenda da internet
Sim eu sei tudo isso, mais no livro pode ser igual( espero que não ) já que ele ainda está vivo lá, o livro está bem atrasado em relação ao seriado.
Não pode ser igual poque o progresso dele no norte já está bem diferente do que era na época.

Sem contar que o autor martin nunca deu indicio nenhum de seguir agenda de politicamente correto nem nada disso.
Ultima Edição:

Giant Enemy Crab

Wyrd biõ ful ãræd
Parece que virou a queridinha da série (para os produtores), tipo uma personagem principal, mas que os produtores falam que não tem principal. Ainda mais com essa ondinha de feminismo por aí, é uma personagem que cabe certinho no mimimi e choristas de plantão. :viraolho

Não gosto da atuação da atriz e acho a personagem chata bagarai também.
Mas o Jonzinho das neves não sabe de nada vive mitando nos começos.

Tetando pelo tetatalk enquanto procuro a preda filosofal


Mil pontos, LOL!
Rachei com isso kkkk

Enviado do meu iPhone usando Tapatalk


Mil pontos, LOL!
A Sansa bateu de frente com o Jon de forma pensada.

Se ela passar a imagem de que apoia incondicionalmente o irmão, o Mindinho terá a certeza de que não tem chances de ser rei e irá se retirar junto com o Exército do Vale.

Ela está manipulando direitinho ele. Tanto é que na cena da discussão a câmera foca a cara de satisfação do Mindinho.

Vc é esperto. Sério

Enviado do meu iPhone usando Tapatalk


Mil pontos, LOL!
Rachei com isso kkkk

Enviado do meu iPhone usando Tapatalk

Olha, o cabelinho tá bem John Snow einh. :kpensa
Passagens dos livros que que o Sam e a Gilly leram.

So this as much of the texts that Gilly and Sam were reading that I could read on the screen. There are a few notes about my use of question marks. And a few theories at the end. enjoy.


??? signifies an illegible word

? at the beginning of a word indicates the first few letters cannot be read

? at the end of a word or set of parentheses indicates that I have made an assumption about the word

??????????? indicates many words on the page but off screen


As the First Men established their realms following their Pact, little troubled them save their own feuds and wars, or so the histories tell us. What we learn of the Long Night when a season of winter came that lasted a generation – a generation in which children were born, drew into adulthood, and in many cases died without ever seeing the ??? ??? some of the ??? ??? ??? ??? that the never ??? ??? ??? light of day ??? ??? ??? ??? winter that fell on the world. While they ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? more than fancy that ??? ??? some cataclysm ??? ??? many thousands of years ago ??? my? Certain, Lomas Longstrider In by Wonders Made by Men recounts meeting descendants of the Rhoynar whose ??? ???

SAMS BOOK - unknown title

1st page shown

More damning ??? the Children, though, was that even when their weapons found the weak joints in the armour or penetrated it outright there were always more men waiting. In the great war that followed many of the Children perished ??? The Pact that br-??? ??? to the two (brought peace to the two)?

??????????? disputed, note a resurgence of dragonglass dur-

??????????? we do not know anymore

??????????? bronze couldn’t bear

??????????? brittle as twings, and

??????????? ?ver the case, the

??????????? the Long N

??????????? dragon


This page had pictures (Figure 18) of arrowheads presumably made of dragonglass

2nd page partially shown

There is a dagger – fashioned like a sword: pommel, crossguard, blade – denoted as figure 19. It is similar in size to Tyrion’s dagger on the following page, but there is no scale comparing the two. There is also, presumably, a “figure 20” that is on the bottom left of the page off-screen.)

??????????? ?olute studies the so-called

??????????? of the arcane and magical

??????????? test is to stand a solitary vig

??????????? with three dragonglass

??????????? By that time he has learned of the

??????????? legends – that, seated before the

??????????? ?cally–lit candles their sorcerers con

??????????? ?oss mountains, seas, and deserts;

??????????? dreams and give him

??????????? to one another half a

??????????? has no torch and

??????????? he can ???

??????????? darkness

3rd page shown

Tyrion’s Dagger (Figure 21)

The Valyrians were familiar with dragonglass long before they came to Westeros. They called it ??? ??? which translated to “frozen fire” in Valyrian and eastern tales tell of how their dragons would thaw the stone with dragonflame until it became molten and malleable. The Valyrians then used it to build their strange monuments and building without seams and joints of our modern castles.

When Aegon the conqueror forged his Seven Kingdoms, he and his descendants would often decorate their blades with dragonglass feeling a kinship with the stone. The royal fashion for dragonglass ornamentation soon spread throughout the Seven Kingdoms to those wealthy enough to affod it. Hilts and pommels were and are the most common decoration for dragonglass if too brittle to make a useful crossguard. Indeed, its very brittleness is what relegate it to the great houses and the most successful merchants.

4th page, partially shown

??????????? the faithless?

??????????? to Westeros

??????????? use dragon

??????????? the stone, which

??????????? and some of the

??????????? ?ings adorned with

??????????? princes and

??????????? for the most part, dr-

??????????? difficult for build-

??????????? ostentatious kind pre-

??????????? dragonglass are the

??????????? ??der the stone sacred thong

??????????? or because of some arcane

??????????? the case, in the eastern mar

??????????? ?les and amulets along with

??????????? are even tales of the less sav

??????????? ?d dragonglass as a cure for

??????????? great? work on illnesses and dise-

??????????? harm? incurs from the ingestion

??????????? discount? the harm to the gullible

??????????? spent? on practical treatments

??????????? this association with the

??????????? which? explains the low

??????????? have? purchased

??????????? sadly?

5th page shown with map of dragonstone, and the mountain of dragonglass (figure 22)

Or perhaps geography is to blame?. While dragonglass ??? ??? ??? ??? Westeros, the island of Dragonstone (more than lives up)? to its name, housing vast deposits of dragonglass ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? of an ancient mine? Of the First Men B??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? and, as Maester Anlen theorized, value derives from scarcity.


But absence results in worthlessness. True, legend has it that Valyria took as much dragonglass as gold from the mines beneath their Fourteen Flames, but the Doom burned all evidence beneath the Smoldering Sea or burned it along with the dragons and very skies on that

3rd TEXT

On another paper, separate, laying on Sam’s desk is the word “prince”. This looks like 1 loose piece of paper. With only 1 legible word, it could be anything.


A. No mention of Valyrian Steel.


Note: I know there's no cure for greyscale, and Shireen wasn't fully cured, but we'll call what happened to her a cure for the sake of conversation.

B. Dragonglass is possibly part of the cure for greyscale. But possibly can harm when ingested.

--Jorah is in the Citadel and speaks to Sam about Dany.

--Sam will probably speak with Jorah, and realize that he’s got to get Jorah’s info to Jon.

--Sam will cure Jorah’s greyscale, and Jorah will leave the Citadel

--Shireen was "cured" via dragonglass somehow. She lived on Dragstone – she lived around dragonglass….. must be part of it. Maybe it's a form of “exposure treatment”? Just by being around dragonglass she was cured (maybe dg gives off radiation in the same way that granite does, but more powerfully?) or someone found the cure on DS.

C. Dragonglass is forged by dragonfire melting “the stone” (what stone?), and then smiths forging it.

--It also says that dragonglass is brittle… but perhaps that’s because the people trying to manipulate it were doing so in its solid state… perhaps if it is dragonforged it is stronger?

D. Sam mentions to Gilly that the CotF used dragonglass… but does not mention how they acquired it. Did they create it themselves? Did they have dragons? Is it their world's version of obsidian?

Muito bom! Cheguei a ficar uns 5 minutos pausados tentando ler os livros, mas depois bateu a preguiça e vontade de seguir adiante no episódio. Tem muita informação importante aí.

Big Dx15

Primeiro episódio bastante "meh"

Melhor cena foi a do Perdigueiro com a Irmandade sem bandeiras no norte, pior cena foi a da Arya com os soldados, completamente desnecessária, aposto que estava lá apenas pro cameo do cantor.

No mais, eu realmente espero que essa guerra não seja previsível e a também previsível aliança Dany + Jon conquiste tudo e de quebra salve Westeros dos WW como em um conto de fadas.


Mil pontos, LOL!
No mais, eu realmente espero que essa guerra não seja previsível e a também previsível aliança Dany + Jon conquiste tudo e de quebra salve Westeros dos WW como em um conto de fadas.
Se for vai ser contra tudo que ja foi GOT. Ai vai ser aquela queba bonita nivel lost de qualidade.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Se for vai ser contra tudo que ja foi GOT. Ai vai ser aquela queba bonita nivel lost de qualidade.

O D.B. Weiss e David B. já provaram na season 5 e 6 que não são bons roteiristas, eu sinceramente não espero muito em nível de plot twist.


Opinião impopular, mas enjoei de Arya de uma forma que não tem mais volta (na série). Talvez pelo plot porcamente mal resolvido de Bravos, tudo no primeiro episódio pareceu ter saído de uma fanfic de Tumblr. Sinto na cenas delas a mesma sensação das cenas da Daenerys, fanservice total.

Pontos positivos pra mim foram o Clegane, a Cersei com Euron (aqui algo que não imaginava nos livros, especialmente a situação dos Lannister) e o Bran (eu gosto dele kkkk). Mas continuo com nojo do Aranha ao lado da Daenerys (mas mais por causa dos livros, pq acho que ele tem muita culpa nas obsessões do Mad King e Rhagaer), e as assassinas de Dorne. Daenerys só tem gente questionável como aliado, um matou o pai, as putas mataram o próprio príncipe e a velha conspirou pra matar o rei, fora o eunuco).

Só tô vendo a série por causa dos spoilers, está impossível escapar. Queria ler os livros primeiros, estou começando a misturar acontecimentos. Se não fosse os WW eu já teria dropado há muito tempo, saudade das conspirações e dos personagens inteligentes. Agora na série só restam Mindinho e Aranha como fator surpresa.

Enviado de meu Honor Note 8 usando Tapatalk


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
E deve ser um saco para os responsáveis da série, se eles ouvem muito o público.
Povo é chato demais, primeiro é episódio é localizar cada núcleo e sugerir um possível norte pra cada um, nego quer guerra, dragão e o caramba a 4.
Eu realmente só não gosto mais da Daenerys, ela com aquele jeito de superior como se nada pudesse atingi la, parece que está num mundo de fantasia (ah vá kk), enfim, acho até o Mindinho melhor que ela no trono de ferro.
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