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Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Governo Trump estuda separar mães imigrantes de seus filhos


Pra quem não sabe, é comum ilegais terem filhos nos territórios americanos para servirem de ancora para ficarem lá, porém, tecnicamente por lei, os pais devem ser deportados.
Os pais são deportados.

Eles podem escolher entre deixar os filhos ou levar junto.

Daí os White Knights transferem essa decisão moral para o Trump.

Tá serto.

Oh Dae-su

Mil pontos, LOL!
Governo Trump estuda separar mães imigrantes de seus filhos


Pra quem não sabe, é comum ilegais terem filhos nos territórios americanos para servirem de ancora para ficarem lá, porém, tecnicamente por lei, os pais devem ser deportados.

A veja nasceu pra falhar né??
Que dizer então que imigrantes ilegais espertinhos decidem ter filhos só para tentar se legalizar e se o governo não concorda com isso ele é malvadão?? Vem cá, alguem ta obrigando eles a abandoarem os filhos para serem deportados?? Acho que não né.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
:klol pior que é bem assim mesmo



Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Trump acusa Obama de grampear seu telefone durante campanha eleitoral
Afirmação foi feita em sua conta no Twitter. Presidente não forneceu provas da acusação.
Por G1

04/03/2017 09h51 Atualizado há 4 horas

Visualizar anexo 31308
Presidente dos Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, deixa Air Force One após chegar a Orlando, na Flórida, na sexta-feira (3) (Foto: Nicholas Kamm / AFP)

O presidente dos Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, acusou neste sábado (4) seu antecessor Barack Obama de grampear seu telefone durante a campanha do ano passado, sem fornecer provas dessa acusação.

"Eu apostaria que um bom advogado poderia levar adiante um caso pelo fato de que o Presidente Obama grampeou meus telefones em outubro, antes da eleição!", escreveu Trump no Twitter, sgundo a France Presse.

Donald J. Trump


I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!

8:52 AM - 4 Mar 2017

"Como o Presidente Obama caiu tão baixo a grampear meus telefones durante o sagrado processo eleioral. Isso é Nixon/Watergate. Cara ruim (ou doente)!", assinala em outro tuíte.

Donald J. Trump


How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!

9:02 AM - 4 Mar 2017

Trump também afirmou que a 1ª reunião do polêmico procurador-geral do Estado, Jeff Sessions, com a embaixada russa aconteceu durante o governo de Obama. Em seus tweets, Trump diz que o embaixador russo com o qual Sessions se reuniu - dado que este ocultou do Senado na sabatina antes de ser nomeado procurador-geral - foi à Casa Branca até 22 vezes durante o mandato do seu antecessor, segundo a Efe.


As eleição foi hackeada por russos, diz fonte anônima.

Obongo mandou grampear trump. Trump fake news não mostrou as provas.



Mil pontos, LOL!
As eleição foi hackeada por russos, diz fonte anônima.

Foi a CIA que falou que foram os hackers russos que vazaram os emails dos democratas.

E o próprio Trump, após receber os arquivos sigilosos da CIA, já admitiu a possibilidade.

Apenas no submundo dos /pol da vida que o pessoal fica com essa guerra de contra-informação.

Mesmo povo que acredita que o Obama não nasceu nos EUA...


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Foi a CIA que falou que foram os hackers russos que vazaram os emails dos democratas.

E o próprio Trump, após receber os arquivos sigilosos da CIA, já admitiu a possibilidade.

Apenas no submundo dos /pol da vida que o pessoal fica com essa guerra de contra-informação.

Mesmo povo que acredita que o Obama não nasceu nos EUA...

Já mostramos que isso não é verdade, o trump disse que russos, chineses, qualquer um podiam ter acessado informações. Nada específico dele admitindo isso.

E os jornais continuam noticiando que fonte confiável do fbi/cia, mas não mostraram nada. Pra variar é só choro de perdedor.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Já mostramos que isso não é verdade, o trump disse que russos, chineses, qualquer um podiam ter acessado informações. Nada específico dele admitindo isso.

E os jornais continuam noticiando que fonte confiável do fbi/cia, mas não mostraram nada. Pra variar é só choro de perdedor.

Foi a CIA mesmo que falou:

Official: FBI backs CIA conclusion on Russian hacking motive


WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is supporting the CIA’s conclusion that Russia interfered in the presidential election with the goal of supporting Republican candidate Donald Trump.

In a message sent to employees, CIA Director John Brennan said he had spoken with FBI Director James Comey and James Clapper, the director of national intelligence.

Brennan said in the message that “there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election.”

A U.S. official who had seen the unclassified message from Brennan confirmed it to The Associated Press on Friday.

President Barack Obama is promising that the U.S. will retaliate against Russia for its suspected meddling in America’s election process, an accusation the Kremlin has vehemently denied.

As the White House grew more bullish about suggesting President Vladimir Putin was personally involved, Obama said he’d spoken directly to Putin about his concerns about Russian meddling. He said whenever a foreign government tries to interfere in U.S. elections, the nation must take action “and we will at a time and place of our own choosing.”

“We have been working hard to make sure that what we do is proportional, that what we do is meaningful,” Obama said in an NPR News interview airing Friday.

Obama’s remarks were the clearest indication that whatever response the U.S. is planning, it hasn’t happened yet. The White House has insisted for months that when the U.S. did retaliate, it might not be made public, a position that has created uncertainty about the strength and timing of any response.

Obama was expected to face questions about the hacking and his response during a news conference at the White House on Friday afternoon.

White House officials said it was “fact” that Russian hacking helped Donald Trump’s campaign against Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. White House press secretary Josh Earnest on Thursday also assailed Trump himself over his refusal to acknowledge the hacking and his attacks on the U.S. intelligence community.

The tough talk from the White House fell flat in Moscow, where Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called the accusations baseless and inappropriate.

“They should either stop talking about that, or produce some proof at last,” Peskov told reporters Friday. “Otherwise it all begins to look unseemly.”

There has been no specific, persuasive evidence shared publicly about the extent of Putin’s role or knowledge of the hackings. That lack of proof undercuts Democrats’ strategy to portray Putin’s involvement as irrefutable evidence of a directed Russian government plot to undermine America’s democratic system.

But the White House pointed to a U.S. intelligence assessment released publicly in October that asserted “only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.” And Obama’s deputy national security adviser, Ben Rhodes, connected the dots further, saying Thursday Putin was responsible for the Russian government’s actions.

“I don’t think things happen in the Russian government of this consequence without Vladimir Putin knowing about it,” he told MSNBC.

Trump has been under increasing pressure from both parties to acknowledge Russia’s actions, despite his insistence that he doesn’t believe Moscow was meddling. Trump has rejected the CIA’s assessment that Russia’s aim was to help him win and argued on Twitter that “these are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.”

The head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Republican Sen. Richard Burr, defended the U.S. intelligence community in a statement Friday pushing back on the notion that the CIA was trying to undermine Trump for political reasons. Burr said intelligence officials “come from all walks of life and hold views across the political spectrum.”

“We would all do well to remember the sacrifices they make on our behalf and keep in mind that what we do with the intelligence they provide is up to us,” Burr said.

Yet Trump appeared undeterred, mockingly asking in a Twitter post “are we talking about the same cyberattack” in which embarrassing information about the Democratic National Committee was also revealed. His tweet invoked emails stolen from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman and later released publicly in hacking that has been linked to Russia.

In the NPR interview, Obama sought to contrast the current incident with “a traditional understanding that everybody’s trying to gather intelligence on everybody else.”

“One of the things we’re going to have to do over the next decade,” he said, is find an international understanding on rules involving what has become “a new game.” Obama said that U.S. officials should not let “the inter-family argument between Americans” obscure the need for people to “stand together” on this issue.

“My view is that this is not a partisan issue,” the president said, exhorting people to “take it out of election season and move it into governing season.”

The explosive accusation suggests Putin, the leader of perhaps America’s greatest geopolitical foe, directly undermined U.S. democracy. U.S. officials have not contended, however, that Trump would have been defeated by Clinton on Nov. 8 if not for Russia’s assistance. Nor has there has been any indication of tampering with the vote-counting.



Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Foi a CIA mesmo que falou:

Official: FBI backs CIA conclusion on Russian hacking motive


WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is supporting the CIA’s conclusion that Russia interfered in the presidential election with the goal of supporting Republican candidate Donald Trump.

In a message sent to employees, CIA Director John Brennan said he had spoken with FBI Director James Comey and James Clapper, the director of national intelligence.

Brennan said in the message that “there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election.”

A U.S. official who had seen the unclassified message from Brennan confirmed it to The Associated Press on Friday.

President Barack Obama is promising that the U.S. will retaliate against Russia for its suspected meddling in America’s election process, an accusation the Kremlin has vehemently denied.

As the White House grew more bullish about suggesting President Vladimir Putin was personally involved, Obama said he’d spoken directly to Putin about his concerns about Russian meddling. He said whenever a foreign government tries to interfere in U.S. elections, the nation must take action “and we will at a time and place of our own choosing.”

“We have been working hard to make sure that what we do is proportional, that what we do is meaningful,” Obama said in an NPR News interview airing Friday.

Obama’s remarks were the clearest indication that whatever response the U.S. is planning, it hasn’t happened yet. The White House has insisted for months that when the U.S. did retaliate, it might not be made public, a position that has created uncertainty about the strength and timing of any response.

Obama was expected to face questions about the hacking and his response during a news conference at the White House on Friday afternoon.

White House officials said it was “fact” that Russian hacking helped Donald Trump’s campaign against Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. White House press secretary Josh Earnest on Thursday also assailed Trump himself over his refusal to acknowledge the hacking and his attacks on the U.S. intelligence community.

The tough talk from the White House fell flat in Moscow, where Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called the accusations baseless and inappropriate.

“They should either stop talking about that, or produce some proof at last,” Peskov told reporters Friday. “Otherwise it all begins to look unseemly.”

There has been no specific, persuasive evidence shared publicly about the extent of Putin’s role or knowledge of the hackings. That lack of proof undercuts Democrats’ strategy to portray Putin’s involvement as irrefutable evidence of a directed Russian government plot to undermine America’s democratic system.

But the White House pointed to a U.S. intelligence assessment released publicly in October that asserted “only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.” And Obama’s deputy national security adviser, Ben Rhodes, connected the dots further, saying Thursday Putin was responsible for the Russian government’s actions.

“I don’t think things happen in the Russian government of this consequence without Vladimir Putin knowing about it,” he told MSNBC.

Trump has been under increasing pressure from both parties to acknowledge Russia’s actions, despite his insistence that he doesn’t believe Moscow was meddling. Trump has rejected the CIA’s assessment that Russia’s aim was to help him win and argued on Twitter that “these are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.”

The head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Republican Sen. Richard Burr, defended the U.S. intelligence community in a statement Friday pushing back on the notion that the CIA was trying to undermine Trump for political reasons. Burr said intelligence officials “come from all walks of life and hold views across the political spectrum.”

“We would all do well to remember the sacrifices they make on our behalf and keep in mind that what we do with the intelligence they provide is up to us,” Burr said.

Yet Trump appeared undeterred, mockingly asking in a Twitter post “are we talking about the same cyberattack” in which embarrassing information about the Democratic National Committee was also revealed. His tweet invoked emails stolen from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman and later released publicly in hacking that has been linked to Russia.

In the NPR interview, Obama sought to contrast the current incident with “a traditional understanding that everybody’s trying to gather intelligence on everybody else.”

“One of the things we’re going to have to do over the next decade,” he said, is find an international understanding on rules involving what has become “a new game.” Obama said that U.S. officials should not let “the inter-family argument between Americans” obscure the need for people to “stand together” on this issue.

“My view is that this is not a partisan issue,” the president said, exhorting people to “take it out of election season and move it into governing season.”

The explosive accusation suggests Putin, the leader of perhaps America’s greatest geopolitical foe, directly undermined U.S. democracy. U.S. officials have not contended, however, that Trump would have been defeated by Clinton on Nov. 8 if not for Russia’s assistance. Nor has there has been any indication of tampering with the vote-counting.


Isso foi tão real que obongo pra mostrar o quão é durão enviou tanques sem bateria e combustível.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Isso foi tão real que obongo pra mostrar o quão é durão enviou tanques sem bateria e combustível.

Você diz repetidamente que foi uma fonte anônima.

Só estou te corrigindo: foi a CIA e não uma fonte anônima.

Lost Brother

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Foi a CIA mesmo que falou:

Official: FBI backs CIA conclusion on Russian hacking motive


WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is supporting the CIA’s conclusion that Russia interfered in the presidential election with the goal of supporting Republican candidate Donald Trump.

In a message sent to employees, CIA Director John Brennan said he had spoken with FBI Director James Comey and James Clapper, the director of national intelligence.

Brennan said in the message that “there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election.”

A U.S. official who had seen the unclassified message from Brennan confirmed it to The Associated Press on Friday.

President Barack Obama is promising that the U.S. will retaliate against Russia for its suspected meddling in America’s election process, an accusation the Kremlin has vehemently denied.

As the White House grew more bullish about suggesting President Vladimir Putin was personally involved, Obama said he’d spoken directly to Putin about his concerns about Russian meddling. He said whenever a foreign government tries to interfere in U.S. elections, the nation must take action “and we will at a time and place of our own choosing.”

“We have been working hard to make sure that what we do is proportional, that what we do is meaningful,” Obama said in an NPR News interview airing Friday.

Obama’s remarks were the clearest indication that whatever response the U.S. is planning, it hasn’t happened yet. The White House has insisted for months that when the U.S. did retaliate, it might not be made public, a position that has created uncertainty about the strength and timing of any response.

Obama was expected to face questions about the hacking and his response during a news conference at the White House on Friday afternoon.

White House officials said it was “fact” that Russian hacking helped Donald Trump’s campaign against Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. White House press secretary Josh Earnest on Thursday also assailed Trump himself over his refusal to acknowledge the hacking and his attacks on the U.S. intelligence community.

The tough talk from the White House fell flat in Moscow, where Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called the accusations baseless and inappropriate.

“They should either stop talking about that, or produce some proof at last,” Peskov told reporters Friday. “Otherwise it all begins to look unseemly.”

There has been no specific, persuasive evidence shared publicly about the extent of Putin’s role or knowledge of the hackings. That lack of proof undercuts Democrats’ strategy to portray Putin’s involvement as irrefutable evidence of a directed Russian government plot to undermine America’s democratic system.

But the White House pointed to a U.S. intelligence assessment released publicly in October that asserted “only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.” And Obama’s deputy national security adviser, Ben Rhodes, connected the dots further, saying Thursday Putin was responsible for the Russian government’s actions.

“I don’t think things happen in the Russian government of this consequence without Vladimir Putin knowing about it,” he told MSNBC.

Trump has been under increasing pressure from both parties to acknowledge Russia’s actions, despite his insistence that he doesn’t believe Moscow was meddling. Trump has rejected the CIA’s assessment that Russia’s aim was to help him win and argued on Twitter that “these are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.”

The head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Republican Sen. Richard Burr, defended the U.S. intelligence community in a statement Friday pushing back on the notion that the CIA was trying to undermine Trump for political reasons. Burr said intelligence officials “come from all walks of life and hold views across the political spectrum.”

“We would all do well to remember the sacrifices they make on our behalf and keep in mind that what we do with the intelligence they provide is up to us,” Burr said.

Yet Trump appeared undeterred, mockingly asking in a Twitter post “are we talking about the same cyberattack” in which embarrassing information about the Democratic National Committee was also revealed. His tweet invoked emails stolen from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman and later released publicly in hacking that has been linked to Russia.

In the NPR interview, Obama sought to contrast the current incident with “a traditional understanding that everybody’s trying to gather intelligence on everybody else.”

“One of the things we’re going to have to do over the next decade,” he said, is find an international understanding on rules involving what has become “a new game.” Obama said that U.S. officials should not let “the inter-family argument between Americans” obscure the need for people to “stand together” on this issue.

“My view is that this is not a partisan issue,” the president said, exhorting people to “take it out of election season and move it into governing season.”

The explosive accusation suggests Putin, the leader of perhaps America’s greatest geopolitical foe, directly undermined U.S. democracy. U.S. officials have not contended, however, that Trump would have been defeated by Clinton on Nov. 8 if not for Russia’s assistance. Nor has there has been any indication of tampering with the vote-counting.


fake news...


Stephen Bannon, o ex-diretor do site Breitbart News e assessor do presidente Donald Trump

oh wait !


Mil pontos, LOL!

Lost Brother

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Eu vejo o quanto certos users estão sendo incoerentes.

Se eles fossem politicos republicanos jamais aplaudiriam qualquer discurso do Obama, aliás o proprio Trump dificilmente aplaudiria qualquer discurso do Obama. Nenhum congressista estadunidense é obrigado a aplaudir discurso de presidente. Lembrando que terem aplaudido ou não o Trump é algo extremamente irrelevante.

Lost Brother

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
GEu gosto de usar breitbart como fonte porque é a única que esse pessoal acredita como verdadeira...

(o fato do editor-chefe do site ser braço direito do Trump é mero detalhe)

Pelo visto nem nela estão acreditando quando convém.

Da proxima vez use o /pol/ como fonte.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Maaanoo, os caras continuam discutindo sobre a método que a esposa foi pega chifrando, e não sobre A ESPOSA TRAINDO

O quão ridículo isso é ??

Identico ao comportamento de petista falando que a escuta do Sérgio Moro na conversa do Lula e Dilma foi ilegal ... ao invés de se horrorizar com o CONTEÚDO DA CONVERSA

o conteúdo das merdas e crimes democratas os caras não se importam, a porra da Hillary ter arquivos de estado de extrema importancia num servidor pessoal da casa dela (lembrando, ela deveria estar PRESA por isso), e aí ter permitido que alguem hackease, os caras não se importam....

kralho, é ser muito militante fanático isso


Mil pontos, LOL!
Leia o que destaquei na notícia.

Brennan said in the message that “there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election.”

O diretor da CIA disse que existe um forte consenso na CIA acerca do tamanho, natureza e intenção da interferência russa na eleição presidencial americana.

There has been no specific, persuasive evidence shared publicly about the extent of Putin’s role or knowledge of the hackings. That lack of proof undercuts Democrats’ strategy to portray Putin’s involvement as irrefutable evidence of a directed Russian government plot to undermine America’s democratic system.

Não há nenhuma evidência específica tornada pública acerca da participação do Pútin no hackeamento dos emails dos democratas. Aí vem a opinião do Breitbart: a ausência desta prova prejudica a estratégia democrata em retratar o envolvimento do Pútin como prova irrefutável de uma participação direta do governo russo para subverter o sistema democrático americano

Onde está falando em fonte anônima?


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Brennan said in the message that “there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election.”

O diretor da CIA disse que existe um forte consenso na CIA acerca do tamanho, natureza e intenção da interferência russa na eleição presidencial americana.

There has been no specific, persuasive evidence shared publicly about the extent of Putin’s role or knowledge of the hackings. That lack of proof undercuts Democrats’ strategy to portray Putin’s involvement as irrefutable evidence of a directed Russian government plot to undermine America’s democratic system.

Não há nenhuma evidência específica tornada pública acerca da participação do Pútin no hackeamento dos emails dos democratas. Aí vem a opinião do Breitbart: a ausência desta prova prejudica a estratégia democrata em retratar o envolvimento do Pútin como prova irrefutável de uma participação direta do governo russo para subverter o sistema democrático americano

Onde está falando em fonte anônima?

Fala apenas que a russia continua com suas INTENÇÕES de espionagem (como qualquer outro país que tenha esse setor de inteligência, tal como a china por ex) 0 evidências sobre ação e consequências dos russos sobre isso.

Sendo que o próprio obongo disse isso nessa notícia “None of this should be a big surprise,” Obama said, “Russia trying to influence our elections dates back to the Soviet Union.”

E pera lá, o cara indicado pelo obongo pra ser diretor da CIA está reiterando uma coisa que o obongo disse? Wow, que surpresa, tão válido quanto dia toffoli mandando alguma tese absurda pra salvar alguém do partido que ele serve.

0 evidências até hoje, sempre o mesmo papo...

Mas vamos fingir que essa mentira é real por um momento só pra gente rir... as evidências existem e não podem ser mostradas, só o cara que foi indicado pelo obama e as pessoas que ele comanda possuem essa evidência... e mesmo assim com todos esses vazamentos de arquivos da CIA/FBI nenhuma dessas evidências veio a tona?

Obviamente isso é verdade...


Vou precisa ficar toda página postando isso sempre que vocês continuarem nessa mentirinha de mal perdedor?




Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!
Sobre o Obama grampear o telefone do Trump, está circulando por aí informações nível Tom Clancy, envolvendo um tal Mike Rogers da NSA.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Bem, estou aqui ocupado prestigiando mangás hentai com kemonomimi e tentacles, então não estou me dando o trabalho de tentar decifrar o que é verdade, meia-verdade ou simplesmente mentira, mas pressinto que a próxima semana teremos uma dinâmica toda especial nos EUA.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Fala apenas que a russia continua com suas INTENÇÕES de espionagem (como qualquer outro país que tenha esse setor de inteligência, tal como a china por ex) 0 evidências sobre ação e consequências dos russos sobre isso.

Sendo que o próprio obongo disse isso nessa notícia “None of this should be a big surprise,” Obama said, “Russia trying to influence our elections dates back to the Soviet Union.”

E pera lá, o cara indicado pelo obongo pra ser diretor da CIA está reiterando uma coisa que o obongo disse? Wow, que surpresa, tão válido quanto dia toffoli mandando alguma tese absurda pra salvar alguém do partido que ele serve.

0 evidências até hoje, sempre o mesmo papo...

Mas vamos fingir que essa mentira é real por um momento só pra gente rir... as evidências existem e não podem ser mostradas, só o cara que foi indicado pelo obama e as pessoas que ele comanda possuem essa evidência... e mesmo assim com todos esses vazamentos de arquivos da CIA/FBI nenhuma dessas evidências veio a tona?

Obviamente isso é verdade...


Vou precisa ficar toda página postando isso sempre que vocês continuarem nessa mentirinha de mal perdedor?




Novamente: estou apenas te corrigindo quando você disse que foi uma fonte anônima que falou sobre os hackers russos -não foi, foi a cia.

Falar que a cia é politizada ou que o vazamento dos emails da hilary não foi decisivo para a eleição do Trump seriam outras discussões.

Apenas rapidamente: acho que o argumento da cia ser politizada besteira (o Trump não usou as informações da cia "democrata" pra escolher os países muçulmanos a serem vetados?) mas concordo com o Trump quando ele diz que a hillary perderia mesmo sem o vazamento dos emails, afinal, ela era uma candidata fraca.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Most Americans now want an investigation into Trump team's alleged Russia links

More than half of Americans think Congress should investigate whether members of Donald Trump's campaign team had contact with the Russian government in the run-up to the election.

Fifty-three per cent of people told researchers from NBC News and the Wall Street Journal they backed a congressional probe, and a similar proportion said Russian interference more generally in the 2016 polls should be looked into.

In total, 25 per cent said they would not support an investigation of the Trump campaign team.

But the numbers were collated before the latest controversy to hit President Trump's administration—reports that his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, had twice had contact with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, but did not disclose it during his confirmation hearing in January.

Mr Sessions has recused himself from any probe that examines communications between President Trump's aides and Moscow following the revelations, while denying he met any "Russian operatives or Russian intermediaries" in relation to the Presidential campaign.

He rejected suggestions he lied under oath during his confirmation hearing but admitted his answer to a question by Senator Al Franken could have been more comprehensive.

Mr Sessions: "I should have slowed down and said, 'But I did meet one Russian official a couple of times.'"

Asked what he would have done if he discovered "anyone affiliated" with Mr Trump's campaign had been in contact with Russian representatives, Mr Sessions had said: "I’m not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two during that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians and I’m unable to comment on it."

Justice Department spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores said "there was absolutely nothing misleading" about Mr Sessions' answer during the confirmation hearing. "He was asked during the hearing about communications between Russia and the Trump campaign—not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee," she added.

The poll findings showed a clear partisan split over the issue of investigating Russia links.

Eighty per cent of Democrats supported the plan of examining Mr Trump's team, but only 25 per cent of Republicans did. More than half of people who identified as "independent"—55 per cent—backed an investigation.

Support for members of Congress looking into Russia's wider involvement in the election achieved a similar result in the poll.



Mil pontos, LOL!
Ultima Edição:


Novamente: estou apenas te corrigindo quando você disse que foi uma fonte anônima que falou sobre os hackers russos -não foi, foi a cia.

Falar que a cia é politizada ou que o vazamento dos emails da hilary não foi decisivo para a eleição do Trump seriam outras discussões.

Apenas rapidamente: acho que o argumento da cia ser politizada besteira (o Trump não usou as informações da cia "democrata" pra escolher os países muçulmanos a serem vetados?) mas concordo com o Trump quando ele diz que a hillary perderia mesmo sem o vazamento dos emails, afinal, ela era uma candidata fraca.

A maioria dos altos figurões da CIA são neocons com ligações bem próximas com o complexo industrial-militar americano. Não é como se ela fosse a agência mais isenta do mundo ou coisa parecida.


Mil pontos, LOL!
A maioria dos altos figurões da CIA são neocons com ligações bem próximas com o complexo industrial-militar americano. Não é como se ela fosse a agência mais isenta do mundo ou coisa parecida.

Sim, com certeza ela não é isenta, ela serve aos interesses americanos (aka, aos interesses de quem manda nos EUA).

Daí podemos discutir se ela é partidária, se ela é dirigida pelo partido do presidente, da mesma forma que seria no Brasil.

Não acho que seja o caso, mas, de todo modo, é diferente dizer isso (CIA é democrata/republicana/não isenta/etc) do que dizer que o papo de hackers russos é de uma fonte anônima...


Mil pontos, LOL!
Sobre agências de inteligência, eu particularmente tenho mais estima pelo MI6 britânico e o Mossad israelense.

A CIA se tornou muito dependente da tecnologia, com o material humano decaindo de qualidade.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Pra mim as agencias de inteligencia dos EUA põe em risco constantemente não só a democracia deles como a de outros lugares também. Deveriam ter muito menos margem para abusos e perpetuação no poder.

A CIA e NSA mesmo nem deveriam existir. Qualquer inteligencia nacional deveria ficar na mão do FBI e inteligencia externa na mão do Exercito ou Departamento de Estado.

Nos EUAs existem um porrada de agencias de inteligencia, impossível controlar isso.
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