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[Mídias] Quem lacra, não lucra.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Evil Hat Productions Attempts Combative Marketing For New TTRPG Thirsty Sword Lesbians By Declaring “If You Don’t Like Our Politics, Don’t Buy Our Games”


In what can only be described as a bizarre attempt to garner attention (and a few extra sales), Evil Hat Productions recently chose to market their newly released tabletop RPG, Thirsty Sword Lesbians, by decrying an imagined group of critics and asserting, “If you don’t like our politics, don’t buy our games.”

Released on June 7th following a resoundingly successful Kickstarter campaign, which raised $298,568 USD across 8,152 backers from an initial goal of $19,999 USD, Thirsty Sword Lesbians is described as “a roleplaying game for telling queer stories with friends.”

“If you love angsty disaster lesbians with swords, you have come to the right place,” reads the game’s description on Evil Hat Productions’ official website, which also notes that one of Thirsty Sword Lesbians’ key features is that, “In this book, you’ll find flirting, sword-fighting, and zingers in a system designed for both narrative drama and player safety.”


On the game’s Kickstarter campaign page, creator April Kit Walsh and Evil Hat Productions founder Fred Hicks further explained, “Thirsty Sword Lesbians is explicitly designed to tell melodramatic and queer stories; tales fraught with relationship triangles, mystery, intrigue, relationship anarchy, celebration, and revolution. It includes rules to highlight different identities, emotional connections, and setting elements.”

To that end, the two also explicitly declared, “This game is not for fascists, TERFs, or other bigots.”

“The team behind Thirsty Sword Lesbians supports racial liberation, intersectional feminism, and queer liberation,” reads the Kickstarter page. “We love and respect transgender people, nonbinary people, intersex people, and women. This game is a joyous celebration of lives and identities otherwise marginalized. If you don’t agree, fix your heart before sharing a table with other people.”


With such a declaration being presented front and center during the game’s crowdfunding stage, it came as no surprise when, on September 5th, seemingly apropos of both backlash or harassment, Evil Hat Productions attempted to advertise Thirsty Sword Lesbians by doubling down on their rhetoric.

“There’s no such thing as an ‘apolitical’ game,” wrote Evil Hat Productions on Twitter.

Asserting that “this page from Thirsty Sword Lesbians sums up our stance quite nicely,” the publisher then shared an excerpt from the game which loudly announced, “No fascists or bigots allowed,” alongside a list of critical social justice ‘requirements’ a player “must” meet in order to play the game.


In the excerpt, Evil Hat Productions first informs players that, in order to play their heavily Revolutionary Girl Utena inspired game, “you must support racial liberation, intersectional feminism, and queer liberation,” before listing a number of identities that they must also “respect” in order to engage with the game.

According to the studio, players must also “respect transgender people, nonbinary people, intersex people, and women, radicalized people, Black, Indigenous, mixed-race people, and other people of color, sex workers, disable people, immigrants, lesbians and other people with queer sexualities, people experiencing poverty or homeessness, neurodivergent people, such as those on the autism spectrum, fat people and people of all body types,” and “not demand that anyone educate you about their marginalizations.”

“If you don’t agree, fix your heart before sharing a table with other people,” the excerpt concludes. “If you do agree but you’re struggling with self-loathing over any aspect of your identity, that’s understandable. We’re taught to hate ourselves in so many ways. Come on in and let’s celebrate the existence and joy of people like us.”


Unsurprisingly, this is not the first time Evil Hat Productions has attempted to use the critical social justice-bent of their design philosophy to advertise their products.

Last year, the studio sparked a wide wave of discourse after they denounced H.P. Lovecraft as “a racist and an anti-semite” whilst still attempting to market a game, Fate of Cthulu, based on the author’s seminal works.

Drawing specific attention to Lovecraft’s racist views (which eventually softened, but were very much an unfortunately commonality for his time period), Evil Hat Productions reasoned that the developers and players “can acknowledge the fear behind his imagination while also re-examining what came out of it” and recommended similar works by “writers of color” as alternative resources for world building with Lovecraft’s creations.


Normalmente eu faria um comentário jocoso do tipo "Deve ser doença." mas, como desta vez parece ser doença mesmo, vou me abster de zoar. :klol

P.S.: Para um bando de paus no cu que adora pagar de inclusivo, é incrível como esses putos não perdem tempo excluindo e odiando ativamente qualquer pessoa que não se encaixe nos ditames da agenda demente que eles seguem. Hipócritas do c***lho. :kclassic
Ultima Edição:


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Evil Hat Productions Attempts Combative Marketing For New TTRPG Thirsty Sword Lesbians By Declaring “If You Don’t Like Our Politics, Don’t Buy Our Games”


In what can only be described as a bizarre attempt to garner attention (and a few extra sales), Evil Hat Productions recently chose to market their newly released tabletop RPG, Thirsty Sword Lesbians, by decrying an imagined group of critics and asserting, “If you don’t like our politics, don’t buy our games.”

Released on June 7th following a resoundingly successful Kickstarter campaign, which raised $298,568 USD across 8,152 backers from an initial goal of $19,999 USD, Thirsty Sword Lesbians is described as “a roleplaying game for telling queer stories with friends.”

“If you love angsty disaster lesbians with swords, you have come to the right place,” reads the game’s description on Evil Hat Productions’ official website, which also notes that one of Thirsty Sword Lesbians’ key features is that, “In this book, you’ll find flirting, sword-fighting, and zingers in a system designed for both narrative drama and player safety.”


On the game’s Kickstarter campaign page, creator April Kit Walsh and Evil Hat Productions founder Fred Hicks further explained, “Thirsty Sword Lesbians is explicitly designed to tell melodramatic and queer stories; tales fraught with relationship triangles, mystery, intrigue, relationship anarchy, celebration, and revolution. It includes rules to highlight different identities, emotional connections, and setting elements.”

To that end, the two also explicitly declared, “This game is not for fascists, TERFs, or other bigots.”

“The team behind Thirsty Sword Lesbians supports racial liberation, intersectional feminism, and queer liberation,” reads the Kickstarter page. “We love and respect transgender people, nonbinary people, intersex people, and women. This game is a joyous celebration of lives and identities otherwise marginalized. If you don’t agree, fix your heart before sharing a table with other people.”


With such a declaration being presented front and center during the game’s crowdfunding stage, it came as no surprise when, on September 5th, seemingly apropos of both backlash or harassment, Evil Hat Productions attempted to advertise Thirsty Sword Lesbians by doubling down on their rhetoric.

“There’s no such thing as an ‘apolitical’ game,” wrote Evil Hat Productions on Twitter.

Asserting that “this page from Thirsty Sword Lesbians sums up our stance quite nicely,” the publisher then shared an excerpt from the game which loudly announced, “No fascists or bigots allowed,” alongside a list of critical social justice ‘requirements’ a player “must” meet in order to play the game.


In the excerpt, Evil Hat Productions first informs players that, in order to play their heavily Revolutionary Girl Utena inspired game, “you must support racial liberation, intersectional feminism, and queer liberation,” before listing a number of identities that they must also “respect” in order to engage with the game.

According to the studio, players must also “respect transgender people, nonbinary people, intersex people, and women, radicalized people, Black, Indigenous, mixed-race people, and other people of color, sex workers, disable people, immigrants, lesbians and other people with queer sexualities, people experiencing poverty or homeessness, neurodivergent people, such as those on the autism spectrum, fat people and people of all body types,” and “not demand that anyone educate you about their marginalizations.”

“If you don’t agree, fix your heart before sharing a table with other people,” the excerpt concludes. “If you do agree but you’re struggling with self-loathing over any aspect of your identity, that’s understandable. We’re taught to hate ourselves in so many ways. Come on in and let’s celebrate the existence and joy of people like us.”


Unsurprisingly, this is not the first time Evil Hat Productions has attempted to use the critical social justice-bent of their design philosophy to advertise their products.

Last year, the studio sparked a wide wave of discourse after they denounced H.P. Lovecraft as “a racist and an anti-semite” whilst still attempting to market a game, Fate of Cthulu, based on the author’s seminal works.

Drawing specific attention to Lovecraft’s racist views (which eventually softened, but were very much an unfortunately commonality for his time period), Evil Hat Productions reasoned that the developers and players “can acknowledge the fear behind his imagination while also re-examining what came out of it” and recommended similar works by “writers of color” as alternative resources for world building with Lovecraft’s creations.


Normalmente eu faria um comentário jocoso do tipo "Deve ser doença." mas, como desta vez parece ser doença mesmo, vou me abster de zoar. :klol

P.S.: Para um bando de paus no cu que adora pagar de inclusive, é incrível como esses putos não perdem tempo excluindo e odiando ativamente qualquer pessoa que não se encaixe nos ditames da agenda demente que eles seguem. Hipócritas do c***lho. :kclassic

Que bizarrice :klol:klol

Mas a campanha foi sucesso.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Que bizarrice :klol:klol

Mas a campanha foi sucesso.
O pior da história, na minha opinião, é o papel que a editora está desempenhando. Estou cansado de ver empresas que esqueceram seu objetivo: vender produtos. Essa é a única função que espero que elas desempenhem.

Nenhuma empresa no planeta tem legitimidade para realizar pregação ideológica em seus consumidores ou de se colocar num pedestal de autoproclamada virtude, enquanto sai por aí julgando quem é "digno" ou não, de acordo com um ponto de vista totalmente enviesado por uma determinada agenda bastante específica. E é exatamente isso que essa editora está fazendo, a exemplo de tantas outras empresas com um quadro de funcionários coalhado com ativistas.

E, como ressaltei anteriormente, a hipocrisia da situação é o que mais incomoda. Se bem que não dá para esperar qualquer outra coisa de sinalizadores de virtude: simular aquilo que eles não são é a especialidade desses putos. :kclassic
Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!
Evil Hat Productions Attempts Combative Marketing For New TTRPG Thirsty Sword Lesbians By Declaring “If You Don’t Like Our Politics, Don’t Buy Our Games”


In what can only be described as a bizarre attempt to garner attention (and a few extra sales), Evil Hat Productions recently chose to market their newly released tabletop RPG, Thirsty Sword Lesbians, by decrying an imagined group of critics and asserting, “If you don’t like our politics, don’t buy our games.”

Released on June 7th following a resoundingly successful Kickstarter campaign, which raised $298,568 USD across 8,152 backers from an initial goal of $19,999 USD, Thirsty Sword Lesbians is described as “a roleplaying game for telling queer stories with friends.”

“If you love angsty disaster lesbians with swords, you have come to the right place,” reads the game’s description on Evil Hat Productions’ official website, which also notes that one of Thirsty Sword Lesbians’ key features is that, “In this book, you’ll find flirting, sword-fighting, and zingers in a system designed for both narrative drama and player safety.”


On the game’s Kickstarter campaign page, creator April Kit Walsh and Evil Hat Productions founder Fred Hicks further explained, “Thirsty Sword Lesbians is explicitly designed to tell melodramatic and queer stories; tales fraught with relationship triangles, mystery, intrigue, relationship anarchy, celebration, and revolution. It includes rules to highlight different identities, emotional connections, and setting elements.”

To that end, the two also explicitly declared, “This game is not for fascists, TERFs, or other bigots.”

“The team behind Thirsty Sword Lesbians supports racial liberation, intersectional feminism, and queer liberation,” reads the Kickstarter page. “We love and respect transgender people, nonbinary people, intersex people, and women. This game is a joyous celebration of lives and identities otherwise marginalized. If you don’t agree, fix your heart before sharing a table with other people.”


With such a declaration being presented front and center during the game’s crowdfunding stage, it came as no surprise when, on September 5th, seemingly apropos of both backlash or harassment, Evil Hat Productions attempted to advertise Thirsty Sword Lesbians by doubling down on their rhetoric.

“There’s no such thing as an ‘apolitical’ game,” wrote Evil Hat Productions on Twitter.

Asserting that “this page from Thirsty Sword Lesbians sums up our stance quite nicely,” the publisher then shared an excerpt from the game which loudly announced, “No fascists or bigots allowed,” alongside a list of critical social justice ‘requirements’ a player “must” meet in order to play the game.


In the excerpt, Evil Hat Productions first informs players that, in order to play their heavily Revolutionary Girl Utena inspired game, “you must support racial liberation, intersectional feminism, and queer liberation,” before listing a number of identities that they must also “respect” in order to engage with the game.

According to the studio, players must also “respect transgender people, nonbinary people, intersex people, and women, radicalized people, Black, Indigenous, mixed-race people, and other people of color, sex workers, disable people, immigrants, lesbians and other people with queer sexualities, people experiencing poverty or homeessness, neurodivergent people, such as those on the autism spectrum, fat people and people of all body types,” and “not demand that anyone educate you about their marginalizations.”

“If you don’t agree, fix your heart before sharing a table with other people,” the excerpt concludes. “If you do agree but you’re struggling with self-loathing over any aspect of your identity, that’s understandable. We’re taught to hate ourselves in so many ways. Come on in and let’s celebrate the existence and joy of people like us.”


Unsurprisingly, this is not the first time Evil Hat Productions has attempted to use the critical social justice-bent of their design philosophy to advertise their products.

Last year, the studio sparked a wide wave of discourse after they denounced H.P. Lovecraft as “a racist and an anti-semite” whilst still attempting to market a game, Fate of Cthulu, based on the author’s seminal works.

Drawing specific attention to Lovecraft’s racist views (which eventually softened, but were very much an unfortunately commonality for his time period), Evil Hat Productions reasoned that the developers and players “can acknowledge the fear behind his imagination while also re-examining what came out of it” and recommended similar works by “writers of color” as alternative resources for world building with Lovecraft’s creations.


Normalmente eu faria um comentário jocoso do tipo "Deve ser doença." mas, como desta vez parece ser doença mesmo, vou me abster de zoar. :klol

P.S.: Para um bando de paus no cu que adora pagar de inclusive, é incrível como esses putos não perdem tempo excluindo e odiando ativamente qualquer pessoa que não se encaixe nos ditames da agenda demente que eles seguem. Hipócritas do c***lho. :kclassic
Eu ultimamente ando consumindo algumas obras lgbthivplusalpha2, porém, essas que acompanho por mais incrivel que pareça, não tem lacrada e nem essa forçada de barra ridicula, são bem agradaveis, inclusive estou lendo uma hq indie q o personagem principal é bissexual e a vilã da historia é sua tia trans, mas essa obra ai, crê em Deus pai, me deu urticaria só de ver a capa


Mil pontos, LOL!
Evil Hat Productions Attempts Combative Marketing For New TTRPG Thirsty Sword Lesbians By Declaring “If You Don’t Like Our Politics, Don’t Buy Our Games”


In what can only be described as a bizarre attempt to garner attention (and a few extra sales), Evil Hat Productions recently chose to market their newly released tabletop RPG, Thirsty Sword Lesbians, by decrying an imagined group of critics and asserting, “If you don’t like our politics, don’t buy our games.”

Released on June 7th following a resoundingly successful Kickstarter campaign, which raised $298,568 USD across 8,152 backers from an initial goal of $19,999 USD, Thirsty Sword Lesbians is described as “a roleplaying game for telling queer stories with friends.”

“If you love angsty disaster lesbians with swords, you have come to the right place,” reads the game’s description on Evil Hat Productions’ official website, which also notes that one of Thirsty Sword Lesbians’ key features is that, “In this book, you’ll find flirting, sword-fighting, and zingers in a system designed for both narrative drama and player safety.”


On the game’s Kickstarter campaign page, creator April Kit Walsh and Evil Hat Productions founder Fred Hicks further explained, “Thirsty Sword Lesbians is explicitly designed to tell melodramatic and queer stories; tales fraught with relationship triangles, mystery, intrigue, relationship anarchy, celebration, and revolution. It includes rules to highlight different identities, emotional connections, and setting elements.”

To that end, the two also explicitly declared, “This game is not for fascists, TERFs, or other bigots.”

“The team behind Thirsty Sword Lesbians supports racial liberation, intersectional feminism, and queer liberation,” reads the Kickstarter page. “We love and respect transgender people, nonbinary people, intersex people, and women. This game is a joyous celebration of lives and identities otherwise marginalized. If you don’t agree, fix your heart before sharing a table with other people.”


With such a declaration being presented front and center during the game’s crowdfunding stage, it came as no surprise when, on September 5th, seemingly apropos of both backlash or harassment, Evil Hat Productions attempted to advertise Thirsty Sword Lesbians by doubling down on their rhetoric.

“There’s no such thing as an ‘apolitical’ game,” wrote Evil Hat Productions on Twitter.

Asserting that “this page from Thirsty Sword Lesbians sums up our stance quite nicely,” the publisher then shared an excerpt from the game which loudly announced, “No fascists or bigots allowed,” alongside a list of critical social justice ‘requirements’ a player “must” meet in order to play the game.


In the excerpt, Evil Hat Productions first informs players that, in order to play their heavily Revolutionary Girl Utena inspired game, “you must support racial liberation, intersectional feminism, and queer liberation,” before listing a number of identities that they must also “respect” in order to engage with the game.

According to the studio, players must also “respect transgender people, nonbinary people, intersex people, and women, radicalized people, Black, Indigenous, mixed-race people, and other people of color, sex workers, disable people, immigrants, lesbians and other people with queer sexualities, people experiencing poverty or homeessness, neurodivergent people, such as those on the autism spectrum, fat people and people of all body types,” and “not demand that anyone educate you about their marginalizations.”

“If you don’t agree, fix your heart before sharing a table with other people,” the excerpt concludes. “If you do agree but you’re struggling with self-loathing over any aspect of your identity, that’s understandable. We’re taught to hate ourselves in so many ways. Come on in and let’s celebrate the existence and joy of people like us.”


Unsurprisingly, this is not the first time Evil Hat Productions has attempted to use the critical social justice-bent of their design philosophy to advertise their products.

Last year, the studio sparked a wide wave of discourse after they denounced H.P. Lovecraft as “a racist and an anti-semite” whilst still attempting to market a game, Fate of Cthulu, based on the author’s seminal works.

Drawing specific attention to Lovecraft’s racist views (which eventually softened, but were very much an unfortunately commonality for his time period), Evil Hat Productions reasoned that the developers and players “can acknowledge the fear behind his imagination while also re-examining what came out of it” and recommended similar works by “writers of color” as alternative resources for world building with Lovecraft’s creations.


Normalmente eu faria um comentário jocoso do tipo "Deve ser doença." mas, como desta vez parece ser doença mesmo, vou me abster de zoar. :klol

P.S.: Para um bando de paus no cu que adora pagar de inclusive, é incrível como esses putos não perdem tempo excluindo e odiando ativamente qualquer pessoa que não se encaixe nos ditames da agenda demente que eles seguem. Hipócritas do c***lho. :kclassic

Sobre não existir jogo "apolítico" eu concordo plenamente.
Todo jogo pertence a um espectro político.
Veja por exemplo o Super Mario, claramente ele é um fascista de extrema direita. Um capitalista que fica só atrás de dinheiro. Machista que não assume a princesa. É contra a natureza pois só mata tartarugas.
Quer algo mais neo-proto-fascista do que isso???
Hein? Hein?
Me explica essa Miyamoto?

Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!
Sobre não existir jogo "apolítico eu concordo plenamente.
Todo jogo pertence a um expecrto político.
Veja por exemplo o Super Mario, claramente ele é um fascista de estrema direita. Um capitalista que fica só atrás de dinheiro. Machista que não assume a princesa. É contra a natureza pois só mata tartarugas.
Quer algo mais neo-proto-fascista do que isso???
Hein? Hein?
Me explica essa Miyamoto?

Ou... Do lado oposto...

Mario é um trabalhador oprimido da sociedade, que come cogumelos alucinógenos para adentrar no trabalho (literalmente pelos canos) e vê toda sujeira que cerca sua vida um mundo colorido cheio de bichinhos, sua alucinação constante a base de cogumelos serve para fugir da realidade por trabalhar nos esgotos.

Além disto, é um escravoceta que faz tudo que a Peach quer "a salvando" e quem come de verdade é o Dragão Bowser. :kmario


Mil pontos, LOL!
Isso é verdade?


Enviado de meu SM-J410G usando o Tapatalk

Parece que é, pelo menos achei várias fontes:

Hitler ficaria orgulhoso


Mil pontos, LOL!
Batman And Robin Scribe Chuck Dixon Responds To DC Comics Retconning Tim Drake To Make Him Attracted To Men


Legendary Batman and Robin scribe Chuck Dixon recently addressed DC Comics retconning Tim Drake to make him attracted to men.

DC Comics retconned Tim Drake in the pages of Batman: Urban Legends #6 in a story by Meghan Fitzmartin and Belen Ortega.

In Batman: Urban Legends #4, Drake meets up with his friend Bernard for dinner, but things go awry when a Chaos Monster appears and kidnaps Bernard.

Then in Urban Legends #6, Drake infiltrates the Chaos Monster’s lair in order to rescue Bernard. While surrounded by the Chaos Cult, Bernard describes their dinner as a date when he tells Robin, “Please. Tell Tim Drake …He helped me realize my true self. Who I am. Tell him…Well, he probably knows. He’s the smartest guy I’ve ever met. But tell him… I wish we could have finished our date.”

After defeating the Chaos Cult and rescuing Bernard, the story ends with Tim Drake showing up at Bernard’s house and Bernard proceeding to ask him out on a date.

Bernard states, “Tim Drake…do you want to go on a date with me?””

Drake responds, “Yeah…Yeah, I think I want that.”

Dixon responded to this retcon in his latest episode of Ask Chuck Dixon by first detailing how much work on Robin he did.

He says, “What are my bonafides on Robin? I wrote a hundred of his monthly issues. I wrote numerous miniseries, specials, annuals of Tim Drake Robin. I did not create Tim Drake Robin. Marv Wolfman created Tim Drake Robin. Alan Grant further developed Tim Drake, but then I was tasked by Denny O’Neil to develop the character further and make him worthy of being Batman’s sidekick. So he moved from ancillary character to full fledged Boy Wonder.”

Dixon then went on to discuss the retcon. He explained, “Robin is an iconic character. He’s been around forever. I’m not surprised by what happened because this is what they do. It’s disappointing more than anything else.”

He continued, “Because why couldn’t they just create a new character instead of leaning into a question that’s existed for the Robin character almost since his creation thanks to this gentleman, Frederick Wertham, who introduced the idea that there may be some sort of homosexual subtext to Batman and Robin and now they’ve basically confirmed.”

“For what reason, I have no understanding. It’s a cynical marketing ploy because it brings attention to the title. What it will not bring to the title is increased sales because these things never work that way,” Dixon asserted.

He then posited, “There have been gay characters in American comics since the 80s. It’s not a new thing. It’s not stunning or brave. It’s just changing things for the sake of changing them. I mean what’s next? Hal Jordan is a cannibal? What are they going to do next?”

“This has been the flavor of the month for almost three decades. Is to reveal that a character is bi or gay, which to me is a distinction without a difference,” the Robin writer stated.


Dixon then noted, “I don’t understand the point of it. The character was never written this way, never conceived this way. But this is going to be his continuity from now on even if they retcon it back, even if they do a reboot and he’s no longer bi-curious; he will be bi-curious for the rest of time. This is going to be part of his continuity.”

“I don’t think there’s any real good reason for this beyond a simple marketing ploy. Like I said, these marketing ploys…they don’t work, they’re not effective. They don’t raise sales, but they raise interest from the media and from the peers within the industry. Which I guess is the point, to get your back slapped at an editorial meeting or possibly to get an interview with Vanity Fair. Maybe your name might get mentioned on CNN,” he said.

Dixon contended, “But I think the vast majority of the American public has no idea who Tim Drake is. So now Robin is gay because they don’t know the difference between…They don’t know there’s been three versions of Robin or four or five version of Robin. They just know Robin and the Boy Wonder. So they’re thinking Burt Ward and Adam West and now Robin is into guys.

“But at the end of the day, it’s just lazy writing. It’s like when they used to kill characters to get interest in them and that was the only idea they had for a long time. Now they delve into the character’s sexual proclivities,” he postulated.


Dixon then explained how he predominantly wrote romantic stories rather than sexual stories, “And for my money and when I was writing comics, and I was writing under the Comic Code, none of my characters were ever sexually active. Now, I wrote plenty of scenes where there was a clinch and a fade out and you could assume that the characters went on to you know do the deed. But I left that up to the reader. You could believe that or you could not.

He elaborated, “It was like the old movies where the leading man and leading lady have a passionate kiss, fades to black, and when we see them again they’re having breakfast together wearing different clothes. So you could fill in the blank between those two scenes any way you wished and that’s where I always left it.”

“The only characters I ever had that were sexually active were Conan the Barbarian and occasionally Frank Castle would get lucky. But other than that I didn’t…I dealt in romantic relationships rather than sexual ones,” he further explained.

Dixon then argued, “But by introducing the idea that a character is gay or bisexual, you are introducing the sexual aspects of it. You are saying the word and I just don’t think it has a place. I know kids don’t really read these things anymore and they’re written for adults, but it just seems like a weird way to go. In a medium filled with characters who run around in masks, and capes, and boots, it just seems to approach the fetishistic to explore their sexuality in any way. Even just to hint at it.”

“Which I imagine is what this comic is doing. It’s simply hinting at what might happen in between the panels or in between issues. So I don’t see any point to it,” he stated.

“No, I’m not disgusted. I’m not angry. I don’t own these characters they can do what they want with them, but it is just…It’s boring at the end of the day. It’s just boring and a little disappointing,” the creator of Bane concluded.


Dr. Pregos

Xbox Power!
Sobre não existir jogo "apolítico" eu concordo plenamente.
Todo jogo pertence a um espectro político.
Veja por exemplo o Super Mario, claramente ele é um fascista de estrema direita. Um capitalista que fica só atrás de dinheiro. Machista que não assume a princesa. É contra a natureza pois só mata tartarugas.
Quer algo mais neo-proto-fascista do que isso???
Hein? Hein?
Me explica essa Miyamoto?

Ou... Do lado oposto...

Mario é um trabalhador oprimido da sociedade, que come cogumelos alucinógenos para adentrar no trabalho (literalmente pelos canos) e vê toda sujeira que cerca sua vida um mundo colorido cheio de bichinhos, sua alucinação constante a base de cogumelos serve para fugir da realidade por trabalhar nos esgotos.

Além disto, é um escravoceta que faz tudo que a Peach quer "a salvando" e quem come de verdade é o Dragão Bowser. :kmario
Parem vocês dois, ficam dando idéia aí, que logo algum jornalistinha irão publicar a zoeira de ambos, mas com tom sério.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Batman And Robin Scribe Chuck Dixon Responds To DC Comics Retconning Tim Drake To Make Him Attracted To Men


Legendary Batman and Robin scribe Chuck Dixon recently addressed DC Comics retconning Tim Drake to make him attracted to men.

DC Comics retconned Tim Drake in the pages of Batman: Urban Legends #6 in a story by Meghan Fitzmartin and Belen Ortega.

In Batman: Urban Legends #4, Drake meets up with his friend Bernard for dinner, but things go awry when a Chaos Monster appears and kidnaps Bernard.

Then in Urban Legends #6, Drake infiltrates the Chaos Monster’s lair in order to rescue Bernard. While surrounded by the Chaos Cult, Bernard describes their dinner as a date when he tells Robin, “Please. Tell Tim Drake …He helped me realize my true self. Who I am. Tell him…Well, he probably knows. He’s the smartest guy I’ve ever met. But tell him… I wish we could have finished our date.”

After defeating the Chaos Cult and rescuing Bernard, the story ends with Tim Drake showing up at Bernard’s house and Bernard proceeding to ask him out on a date.

Bernard states, “Tim Drake…do you want to go on a date with me?””

Drake responds, “Yeah…Yeah, I think I want that.”

Dixon responded to this retcon in his latest episode of Ask Chuck Dixon by first detailing how much work on Robin he did.

He says, “What are my bonafides on Robin? I wrote a hundred of his monthly issues. I wrote numerous miniseries, specials, annuals of Tim Drake Robin. I did not create Tim Drake Robin. Marv Wolfman created Tim Drake Robin. Alan Grant further developed Tim Drake, but then I was tasked by Denny O’Neil to develop the character further and make him worthy of being Batman’s sidekick. So he moved from ancillary character to full fledged Boy Wonder.”

Dixon then went on to discuss the retcon. He explained, “Robin is an iconic character. He’s been around forever. I’m not surprised by what happened because this is what they do. It’s disappointing more than anything else.”

He continued, “Because why couldn’t they just create a new character instead of leaning into a question that’s existed for the Robin character almost since his creation thanks to this gentleman, Frederick Wertham, who introduced the idea that there may be some sort of homosexual subtext to Batman and Robin and now they’ve basically confirmed.”

“For what reason, I have no understanding. It’s a cynical marketing ploy because it brings attention to the title. What it will not bring to the title is increased sales because these things never work that way,” Dixon asserted.

He then posited, “There have been gay characters in American comics since the 80s. It’s not a new thing. It’s not stunning or brave. It’s just changing things for the sake of changing them. I mean what’s next? Hal Jordan is a cannibal? What are they going to do next?”

“This has been the flavor of the month for almost three decades. Is to reveal that a character is bi or gay, which to me is a distinction without a difference,” the Robin writer stated.


Dixon then noted, “I don’t understand the point of it. The character was never written this way, never conceived this way. But this is going to be his continuity from now on even if they retcon it back, even if they do a reboot and he’s no longer bi-curious; he will be bi-curious for the rest of time. This is going to be part of his continuity.”

“I don’t think there’s any real good reason for this beyond a simple marketing ploy. Like I said, these marketing ploys…they don’t work, they’re not effective. They don’t raise sales, but they raise interest from the media and from the peers within the industry. Which I guess is the point, to get your back slapped at an editorial meeting or possibly to get an interview with Vanity Fair. Maybe your name might get mentioned on CNN,” he said.

Dixon contended, “But I think the vast majority of the American public has no idea who Tim Drake is. So now Robin is gay because they don’t know the difference between…They don’t know there’s been three versions of Robin or four or five version of Robin. They just know Robin and the Boy Wonder. So they’re thinking Burt Ward and Adam West and now Robin is into guys.

“But at the end of the day, it’s just lazy writing. It’s like when they used to kill characters to get interest in them and that was the only idea they had for a long time. Now they delve into the character’s sexual proclivities,” he postulated.


Dixon then explained how he predominantly wrote romantic stories rather than sexual stories, “And for my money and when I was writing comics, and I was writing under the Comic Code, none of my characters were ever sexually active. Now, I wrote plenty of scenes where there was a clinch and a fade out and you could assume that the characters went on to you know do the deed. But I left that up to the reader. You could believe that or you could not.

He elaborated, “It was like the old movies where the leading man and leading lady have a passionate kiss, fades to black, and when we see them again they’re having breakfast together wearing different clothes. So you could fill in the blank between those two scenes any way you wished and that’s where I always left it.”

“The only characters I ever had that were sexually active were Conan the Barbarian and occasionally Frank Castle would get lucky. But other than that I didn’t…I dealt in romantic relationships rather than sexual ones,” he further explained.

Dixon then argued, “But by introducing the idea that a character is gay or bisexual, you are introducing the sexual aspects of it. You are saying the word and I just don’t think it has a place. I know kids don’t really read these things anymore and they’re written for adults, but it just seems like a weird way to go. In a medium filled with characters who run around in masks, and capes, and boots, it just seems to approach the fetishistic to explore their sexuality in any way. Even just to hint at it.”

“Which I imagine is what this comic is doing. It’s simply hinting at what might happen in between the panels or in between issues. So I don’t see any point to it,” he stated.

“No, I’m not disgusted. I’m not angry. I don’t own these characters they can do what they want with them, but it is just…It’s boring at the end of the day. It’s just boring and a little disappointing,” the creator of Bane concluded.


A sorte dele é que ele é um nome forte o bastante pra não conseguirem apagar o legado dele.

Caco Antibes

Mil pontos, LOL!
Parece que é, pelo menos achei várias fontes:

Hitler ficaria orgulhoso

Porra velho, nem para vender ou desfazer para outro país. Eu queria os do Asterix.

Cultura ocidental ficou doente e está imitando os fantasmas do passado.


Mil pontos, LOL!

A sorte dele é que ele é um nome forte o bastante pra não conseguirem apagar o legado dele.
Por outro lado, ele não é chamado para escrever porra nenhuma no mainstream atualmente, por ser "problemático". Ainda bem que ele tem talento e competência suficientes para se virar tranquilamente no mercado indie.

Flavius Maximus

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Putz eu assino a amazon prime vídeo desde que lançou por 14,90, depois que melhorou o serviço virando prime com os vários benefícios e reduzindo o valor pra 9,90 foi melhor ainda, mas ultimamente os cara estão forçando a barra. Tem esse filme novo da cinderella com a cantora e atriz cubana, que pqp está enchendo o saco de tanta propaganda que estão fazendo pra que você veja. Só pela capa já sei que deve ser uma b*sta.
Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!
Putz eu assino a amazon prime vídeo desde que lançou por 14,90, depois que melhorou o serviço virando prime com os vários benefícios e reduzindo o valor pra 9,90 foi melhor ainda, mas ultimamente os cara estão forçando a barra. Tem esse filme novo da cinderella com a cantora e atriz cubana, que pqp está enchendo o saco de tanta propaganda que estão fazendo pra que você veja. Só pela capa já sei que deve ser uma b*sta.
É neste filme que tem o Fado madrinho. :klolwtf


p.s. Camila Cabello tem apenas 24 anos, mas já começou o processo pelo qual toda mulher latina passa: a transformação em tia merendeira.




Mil pontos, LOL!
Na verdade a Amazon faz isso com todos os filmes grandes, e esse ai é um titulo que eles compraram da Sony Pictures. Na época do Guerra do Amanhã tava assim também.
Eu pessoalmente odeio esse lance de comerciais que eles enfiam na "programação".


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Eu ultimamente ando consumindo algumas obras lgbthivplusalpha2, porém, essas que acompanho por mais incrivel que pareça, não tem lacrada e nem essa forçada de barra ridicula, são bem agradaveis, inclusive estou lendo uma hq indie q o personagem principal é bissexual e a vilã da historia é sua tia trans, mas essa obra ai, crê em Deus pai, me deu urticaria só de ver a capa
Fiquei curioso, a obra só acontece de ter personagens LGBT e tramas iguais outras obras ou tem desenhos com mais sexualidade?

Tipo, Steven Universo (que eu sempre digo) é um desenho LGBT bem legal e, por não ter sexo, pode ser assistido por qualquer público.

Um amigo me indicou uns quadrinhos mais LGBT+ uns tantos anos atrás, que a história era bem legal, mas os momentos de sexo meio que, sabe como é, não eram minha praia e acabei parando de ler (não, eu também não leio quadrinhos com sexo hetero, mas por ser minha praia, era mais fácil de ignorar uma caída ou outra dos autores).


Mil pontos, LOL!
Oras, vejam só: saiu o Top 20 de agosto, relativo às vendas de graphic novels na América do Norte. Que tal darmos uma conferida?

Readers Stick with Manga Series


Manga continues to dominate the top 20 Adult graphic novels in the book channel, based on NPD BookScan data for August 2021 (8/1/21-8/28/21) provided to ICv2.

All but one of the Top 20 books were manga in August 2021. The exception was Run: Book One, the followup to Rep. John Lewis’s graphic memoir March, which was a trilogy. Run has a new artist and a new publisher, and it remains to be seen if it will perform as well as March did.

In addition to Run, there were eight other August releases on the chart, which shows that manga readers are continuing to diversify. The new releases included the most recent volumes of Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Chainsaw Man, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Haikyu!!, The Promised Neverland, and Komi Can’t Communicate, as well as the newest Junji Ito story, Sensor. That list is heavy on Shonen Jump titles, and some, such as Haikyu!! and The Promised Neverland, are series that have picked up steam over the period of the pandemic. Komi Can’t Communicate last appeared on the Adult Top 20 in May (see "May 2021 NPD BookScan – Top 20 Adult Graphic Novels"), and that was the first volume; now enough people are picking up Volume 14 to put it on the chart again.

It’s also worth noting that there’s usually one Junji Ito title on the chart, but in August there were three. Two volumes of Dark Horse Comics' deluxe edition of Berserk also charted; the death of creator Kentaro Miura may be bringing extra attention to this series. And while VIZ Media dominates, as usual, this chart has six non-VIZ titles, which is a lot.

Finally, what’s not on the chart? The Adventure Zone: The Crystal Kingdom, which was released in July. Last month, the paperback was number 2 on the chart and the hardcover was number 5 (see "July 2020 NPD BookScan – Top 20 Adult Graphic Novels"). In previous years, the newest volume of Adventure Zone would typically still be on the chart in August. The second volume of Solo Leveling has also slid off the chart.

NPD BookScan Top 20 Adult Graphic Novels – August 2021 (8/1/21 - 8/28/21)
Source: The NPD Group/BookScan

For charts of August 2021 graphic novel sales from NPD BookScan:
August 2021 NPD BookScan – Top 20 Author, Manga, and Superhero Graphic Novels
August 2021 NPD BookScan – Top 20 Kids Graphic Novels

For the charts with the actual sales numbers from NPD BookScan, see these articles on the ICv2 Pro site:
August 2021 NPD BookScan - Top 20 Adult Graphic Novels with Actual Sales
August 2021 NPD BookScan - Top 20 Author, Manga, and Superhero Graphic Novels with Actual Sales
August 2021 NPD BookScan - Top 20 Kids Graphic Novels with Actual Sales

NPD BookScan collects weekly point-of-sale data on print books from over 16,000 locations including e-tailers, chains, mass merchandisers, independent bookstores, and more. NPD BookScan covers approximately 85% of the U.S. trade print book market. The ranks on this chart are based on piece sales. Some publishers classify titles that are primarily text, or art books, as graphic novels; we've removed those titles from the ranking above.

For past BookScan Top 20 Graphic Novel lists, see the "BookScan Top 20 GN Index."

Mangás neste momento:



Mil pontos, LOL!
Fiquei curioso, a obra só acontece de ter personagens LGBT e tramas iguais outras obras ou tem desenhos com mais sexualidade?

Tipo, Steven Universo (que eu sempre digo) é um desenho LGBT bem legal e, por não ter sexo, pode ser assistido por qualquer público.

Um amigo me indicou uns quadrinhos mais LGBT+ uns tantos anos atrás, que a história era bem legal, mas os momentos de sexo meio que, sabe como é, não eram minha praia e acabei parando de ler (não, eu também não leio quadrinhos com sexo hetero, mas por ser minha praia, era mais fácil de ignorar uma caída ou outra dos autores).
Então, a questão de trama LGBT é mais fazer os personagens passarem por coisas cotidianas q passamos, e assim, quem não é do meio, saber oque rola, exemplo, o medo de vestir algo e sofrer retaliação na rua, rejeição dos pais q em um dia te apoiam mas no outro te excluem, ou passar no meio de pessoas e ficar mega incomodado com olhares turvos, passar perto de um grupo de meninos na escola e se sentir inseguro pq sabe q pode acontecer alguma coisa ali e vc vai ficar mega chateado e por ai vai, coisinhas q aos olhos de fora parecem besteiras mas pra gente é bem complicado, não necessita ter lacrada nem nada, basta expor a realidade da coisa q já esta de bom tamanho, nem precisa forçar, podem usar naturalmente esse tipo de coisa mas preferem enfiar goela abaixo (marvel e dc) e não querem que vomitem depois, ai fica dificil, tbm não curto cena de sexo, acho desnecessária, todos somos grandinhos sabemos q uma cena de um casal fechando a porta, já vai ter sexo lá dentro, não precisa ser explicito (uma besteira q conteúdo lgbt tem e não gosto, explicitar esse tipo de cena, por isso chamam de obras promiscuas, não sei a tara de enfiar sexo em TUDO ate onde não tem nada a ver, foda) mas tirando esses pontos q precisam evoluir, tem muitas historias ate q boas hein, tem um hq que se chama "O namorado do meu tio" ele é bem interessante pq passa uma visão de um menino descobrindo q o tio dele é gay mas a familia não conta pra ele com medo da reação dele, então ele vai descobrindo de forma natural aquilo, se todas obras lgbt seguissem esse tipo de premissa seriam muito mais bem recebidos, mas preferem lacrar do que agradar


Mil pontos, LOL!
Então, a questão de trama LGBT é mais fazer os personagens passarem por coisas cotidianas q passamos, e assim, quem não é do meio, saber oque rola, exemplo, o medo de vestir algo e sofrer retaliação na rua, rejeição dos pais q em um dia te apoiam mas no outro te excluem, ou passar no meio de pessoas e ficar mega incomodado com olhares turvos, passar perto de um grupo de meninos na escola e se sentir inseguro pq sabe q pode acontecer alguma coisa ali e vc vai ficar mega chateado e por ai vai, coisinhas q aos olhos de fora parecem besteiras mas pra gente é bem complicado, não necessita ter lacrada nem nada, basta expor a realidade da coisa q já esta de bom tamanho, nem precisa forçar, podem usar naturalmente esse tipo de coisa mas preferem enfiar goela abaixo (marvel e dc) e não querem que vomitem depois, ai fica dificil, tbm não curto cena de sexo, acho desnecessária, todos somos grandinhos sabemos q uma cena de um casal fechando a porta, já vai ter sexo lá dentro, não precisa ser explicito (uma besteira q conteúdo lgbt tem e não gosto, explicitar esse tipo de cena, por isso chamam de obras promiscuas, não sei a tara de enfiar sexo em TUDO ate onde não tem nada a ver, foda) mas tirando esses pontos q precisam evoluir, tem muitas historias ate q boas hein, tem um hq que se chama "O namorado do meu tio" ele é bem interessante pq passa uma visão de um menino descobrindo q o tio dele é gay mas a familia não conta pra ele com medo da reação dele, então ele vai descobrindo de forma natural aquilo, se todas obras lgbt seguissem esse tipo de premissa seriam muito mais bem recebidos, mas preferem lacrar do que agradar
Também tem aquele filme "Toda forma de amor" no qual o filho descobre que o pai é gay.

Não é colocando criança de 8 anos vestido de drag queen dançando para adultos de 30-40 em uma boate de madrugada que os LGBT conseguiram aceitação.


A situação estava indo bem. Os brasileiros aplaudiram aquele primeiro beijo gay, mas estão forçando tanto e com tamanha violência que o preconceito está tomando conta novamente.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Que morno esse trailer de Matrix, hein?

Matrix com trilha sonora é de machucar.

Sem falar que já estou com medo dele virar coadjuvante de uma cocota qualquer.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Então, a questão de trama LGBT é mais fazer os personagens passarem por coisas cotidianas q passamos, e assim, quem não é do meio, saber oque rola, exemplo, o medo de vestir algo e sofrer retaliação na rua, rejeição dos pais q em um dia te apoiam mas no outro te excluem, ou passar no meio de pessoas e ficar mega incomodado com olhares turvos, passar perto de um grupo de meninos na escola e se sentir inseguro pq sabe q pode acontecer alguma coisa ali e vc vai ficar mega chateado e por ai vai, coisinhas q aos olhos de fora parecem besteiras mas pra gente é bem complicado, não necessita ter lacrada nem nada, basta expor a realidade da coisa q já esta de bom tamanho, nem precisa forçar, podem usar naturalmente esse tipo de coisa mas preferem enfiar goela abaixo (marvel e dc) e não querem que vomitem depois, ai fica dificil, tbm não curto cena de sexo, acho desnecessária, todos somos grandinhos sabemos q uma cena de um casal fechando a porta, já vai ter sexo lá dentro, não precisa ser explicito (uma besteira q conteúdo lgbt tem e não gosto, explicitar esse tipo de cena, por isso chamam de obras promiscuas, não sei a tara de enfiar sexo em TUDO ate onde não tem nada a ver, foda) mas tirando esses pontos q precisam evoluir, tem muitas historias ate q boas hein, tem um hq que se chama "O namorado do meu tio" ele é bem interessante pq passa uma visão de um menino descobrindo q o tio dele é gay mas a familia não conta pra ele com medo da reação dele, então ele vai descobrindo de forma natural aquilo, se todas obras lgbt seguissem esse tipo de premissa seriam muito mais bem recebidos, mas preferem lacrar do que agradar
Porra legal.

Na verdade eu até ia dizer "Eu sei como é", mas não sei de verdade, já que tenho amigos gays, mas nunca saberei exatamente como é.

Amo meus pais e eles estiveram do meu lado o tempo todo, mesmo nas minhas cagadas (estar do meu lado não é o mesmo que apoiar eu fazer cagadas). Um amigo nosso foi expulso de casa e eu obaigo imaginar parte o que ele sofreu, mas assim mesmo, só parte e só imaginar.

HQs que tratem desses temas com carinho e dignidade, sem virar panfleto ou discurso de ódio travestido de discurso social é que é foda.

Sexo no estilo as pessoas irem para o quarto ou até estarem juntas na cama está bem de boas pra mim. Só prefiro que o sexo em si seja menos gráfico. Mas também, sexo hetero numa HQ que não seja Druuna ou Metabarão também não é legal.

Indica alguma HQ legal nada linha?


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Também tem aquele filme "Toda forma de amor" no qual o filho descobre que o pai é gay.

Não é colocando criança de 8 anos vestido de drag queen dançando para adultos de 30-40 em uma boate de madrugada que os LGBT conseguiram aceitação.


A situação estava indo bem. Os brasileiros aplaudiram aquele primeiro beijo gay, mas estão forçando tanto e com tamanha violência que o preconceito está tomando conta novamente.

Conhece a história de "Quem ama não mata"??

No final dos anos 70, o empresário Doca Street foi traído pela artista Leila Diniz e acabou por a matar.

No primeiro julgamento, não lembro se nos anos 70 ou 80, a defesa dele usou o "Crime para lavar a honra" como justificativa e a população brasileira, muito conservadora, aceitou e ele foi inocentado.

O paradigma da época é que mulher deveria ser fiel, homem provedor (e, por isso, tendo direito a suas escapadinhas) e uma traição era motivo para se matar a mulher e o amante.

A mídia brasileira - e a Globo em especial - passaram os próximos dois anos numa ampla campanha com a frase "Quem ama não mata" com novelas, séries e etc com a temática e aquele lance de sempre ser tema em jornais e cia.

Quando Doca Street foi num segundo julgamento, nos anos 80, usando a mesma estratégia de defesa, o júri já estava de tal forma pensando diferente e não aceitou a tese de crime passional, afinal se ela o traiu, era dar um pé na bunda dela e ir ser feliz com outra.

E eu não acho errado isso.

A TV manipulou o povo? Manipulou. Mas fez regredir um oatune bárbaro com informação.

No caso da homossexualidade, é legal mostrar o quanto eles sofrem, o que sofrem, mas com informação. Parece que não conseguem mostrar isso sem ser paródia ou pior, militância.

Nesse caso, periga dar o resultado oposto.

Uma pena, apesar de ser mais difícil ser gay (assumido) que ser negro (assumido), tenho mais conhecimento de pessoas que assumiram sua sexualidade e vivem relativamente bem hoje que 20 ou 30 anos atrás (tenho 45).


Conhece a história de "Quem ama não mata"??

No final dos anos 70, o empresário Doca Street foi traído pela artista Leila Diniz e acabou por a matar.

No primeiro julgamento, não lembro se nos anos 70 ou 80, a defesa dele usou o "Crime para lavar a honra" como justificativa e a população brasileira, muito conservadora, aceitou e ele foi inocentado.

O paradigma da época é que mulher deveria ser fiel, homem provedor (e, por isso, tendo direito a suas escapadinhas) e uma traição era motivo para se matar a mulher e o amante.

A mídia brasileira - e a Globo em especial - passaram os próximos dois anos numa ampla campanha com a frase "Quem ama não mata" com novelas, séries e etc com a temática e aquele lance de sempre ser tema em jornais e cia.

Quando Doca Street foi num segundo julgamento, nos anos 80, usando a mesma estratégia de defesa, o júri já estava de tal forma pensando diferente e não aceitou a tese de crime passional, afinal se ela o traiu, era dar um pé na bunda dela e ir ser feliz com outra.

E eu não acho errado isso.

A TV manipulou o povo? Manipulou. Mas fez regredir um oatune bárbaro com informação.

No caso da homossexualidade, é legal mostrar o quanto eles sofrem, o que sofrem, mas com informação. Parece que não conseguem mostrar isso sem ser paródia ou pior, militância.

Nesse caso, periga dar o resultado oposto.

Uma pena, apesar de ser mais difícil ser gay (assumido) que ser negro (assumido), tenho mais conhecimento de pessoas que assumiram sua sexualidade e vivem relativamente bem hoje que 20 ou 30 anos atrás (tenho 45).
Só fazendo uma observação, eu assisti o episódio do linha direta justiça que contava essa história desse Doca Street. Pois bem, eles não falavam, mas essa Leila Diniz era uma biscate do c***lho que começou a dar pra esse Doca quando o cara era casado com outra mulher, tanto que ele abandonou a família por causa dela. Não feliz, ela traia o cara com homens e mulheres por todo canto, depois fazia questão de esfregar na cara dele. Merecia ter morrido assassinada? Não. Mas tem mulher que acha que pode provocar um homem sempre um pouquinho mais, quando o cara surta e faz m****, ela vira vitima. Pessoalmente eu não tenho simpátia por gente assim.
Topo Fundo