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[1º de abril Bait News - porrada] Yakuza 7: Like a Dragon Quest JRPG - 16/01/20 (JP) | 10/11/20 (US/EU) [MSX|PS4|PS5|STEAM|W10|SMART DELIVERY]


Mil pontos, LOL!
Novo jogo Yakuza, estrelando Ichiban Kasuga, mostra batalha de RPG baseada em comando
Um novo modo (play spot) no novo Yakuza?


A conta oficial do YouTube do Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio carregou um novo vídeo intitulado “ryu_new_0401” mostrando imagens do que parece ser o novo jogo da Yakuza, estrelado por Ichiban Kasuga.

As imagens, como aponta a mídia japonesa, parecem indicar que o próximo jogo da Yakuza é um RPG baseado em comando. Hoje é o Dia da mentira no Japão, o que significa que essa informação é provavelmente falsa. A filmagem, no entanto, é nova e conta com o Ichiban Kasuga, então é possível que essas batalhas baseadas em comandos apareçam no jogo como um Play Spot / mini-game.

O diretor geral da série Yakuza, Toshihiro Nagoshi, disse no Sega Fes 2019 neste fim de semana que ele “gostaria de mudar drasticamente [o próximo jogo da Yakuza]”.
O novo jogo da Yakuza, estrelado por Ichiban Kasuga, será lançado para a PlayStation 4. Uma data de lançamento ainda não foi anunciada.

Assista a filmagem abaixo.


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Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!
Diretor geral da série Yakuza sobre o jogo de Ichiban Kasuga: "Eu gostaria de mudar drasticamente o jogo"
omentários de Toshihiro Nagoshi sobre o próximo título do PlayStation 4.


No início do evento “Yakuza Fan Meeting” na Sega Fes 2019, o diretor criativo da Sega e diretor geral da série Yakuza, Toshihiro Nagoshi, comentou sobre o novo jogo da Yakuza, estrelado por Ichiban Kasuga para o PlayStation 4.

Aqui está o comentário de Nagoshi:
Dado que o jogo está no gênero de ação e aventura, eu gostaria de mudar drasticamente o jogo. Tentamos mudar as coisas em títulos anteriores, embora nosso público frequentemente afirmasse que elas eram "pequenas alterações". Dessa vez, queremos que nossa mudança se pareça com um jogo on-line da versão 1.0 para a 2.0, não apenas para outro grande patch. Esse processo leva tempo.

Nós liberamos Judge Eyes há pouco tempo, e isso também fazia parte da experimentação dessa mudança. A energia que estamos despejando nisso é equivalente ao quanto tentamos fazer o primeira Yakuza. Aguardamos ansiosamente o dia em que você poderá se surpreender com essa mudança.

Mudar o personagem principal de Kiryu Kazuma para Kasuga Ichiban também foi uma boa ideia para esta mudança. Se a personalidade difere, o objetivo muda, se o objetivo muda, o próprio jogo muda. Eles falam de forma diferente e pensam e agem de forma diferente.

Mudar o personagem principal abriria novos caminhos e ajudaria a mudar a noção de "é um jogo Yakuza certo? Você acabou de andar por uma cidade certa? ”, Que muitos têm.

Queremos usar essa mudança de personagens principais da melhor maneira possível. Quando se trata da história, antes de termos muitas cenas, ficamos com lágrimas nos olhos ou deixamos você e o personagem principal enfurecidos com alguma coisa. Desta vez, estamos pensando em criar mais cenas cômicas e engraçadas que se conectam ao final, o que causa um impacto nas emoções do jogador.
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Mil pontos, LOL!
Atualização 04/01/19 às 11:35 pm: A Sega lançou uma versão de feed direto do vídeo. (vídeo acima)

A descrição do vídeo diz: "Este é o vídeo especial do Dia da mentira de Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio. Você gostou do projeto April Fools Day do Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio? Depois de muitos pedidos, lançamos o filme usado no vídeo, então, por favor, dê uma olhada. (Este vídeo só estará disponível até 8 de abril) ”.

O título e o conteúdo da postagem também foram atualizados para não induzir os leitores a pensar que isso é confirmado como imagens do novo jogo da Yakuza, estrelado por Ichiban Kasuga.

Fonte: link gematsu no OP
Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!
Novo jogo Yakuza estrelado por Ichiban Kasuga anunciado para PS4
postada em 03.20.19 às 02:30 EDT por Sal Romano (@salromano)
Sega realizando audições de atrizes para ser parceira do protagonista.


A Sega confirmou que o próximo jogo na série Yakuza, estrelando o novo protagonista da série Yakuza, Kasuga Ichiban, será lançado para o PlayStation 4. Atualmente, ele não possui título oficial nem data de lançamento.

A empresa também lançou o site “Latest Yakuza Game for PlayStation 4 Supporting Actress Auditions”, no qual está aceitando inscrições de atrizes de 20 anos de idade para o papel de parceira do protagonista. A atriz escolhida irá se apresentar no jogo, além de participar de várias atividades promocionais e receber um prêmio em dinheiro de um milhão de ienes.

Embora a Sega tenha realizado audições abertas para a série Yakuza no passado, esta é a primeira vez que o faz para o papel de personagem principal. Os aplicativos de audição estão abertos até 21 de abril às 23:59 JST.

Leia mais sobre o processo de audições no website “Últimas Notícias da Yakuza Game for PlayStation 4 Supporting Actress Auditions”.
Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio na localização Julgamento, New Yakuza estrelado por Ichiban Kasuga, mais
afixado em 04.07.19 em 10:11 PM EDT por Sal Romano (@salromano)
Comentários de Toshihiro Nagoshi, Kazuki Hosokawa e Daisuke Sato.


A IGN Japão conversou recentemente com o diretor do Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, Toshihiro Nagoshi, o produtor de Julgamento Kazuki Hosokawa, e a série Yakuza e o produtor Judgement Daisuke Sato, que compartilham várias informações sobre Julgamento e o novo jogo da Yakuza estrelado por Ichiban Kasuga.

Aqui estão os fragmentos notáveis (apenas as infos sobre 'New Yakuza'):
  • Com relação à nova Yakuza, estrelada por Ichiban Kasuga, Sato disse: “Ainda não posso entrar em detalhes, mas em um futuro próximo poderemos revelar algo que fará você pensar: 'Uau, isso realmente parece diferente'. A continuidade dos títulos anteriores da série ainda permanece. Ainda temos a organização Tojo Clan e a Omi Alliance, e quando o jogo for lançado, será definido o número apropriado de anos após os jogos anteriores. Ao contrário de Julgamento, esta será uma continuação da série Yakuza. Mas quanto ao que há de novo sobre isso, você terá que esperar para ver."
  • Sobre o Ichiban Kasuga, Sato disse: “Kasuga é o oposto polar de Kiryu. Eles são ambos homens fortes, mas Kazuma Kiryu é uma pessoa taciturna que não fala sem razão. Ele começa em uma posição cobiçada dentro da yakuza, ainda que malfadada; ele é visto como tendo um futuro dentro da yakuza, e nós o vemos cair da graça e começar uma vida de dificuldades. Mas mesmo assim, ele tem bons amigos que acreditam nele. Por outro lado, o Ichiban Kasuga começa com absolutamente nada. Ele não é respeitado como um yakuza; ele nasceu e cresceu nas ruas de Kamurocho sem nenhum pai - bem, Kiryu também é órfão. Mas ninguém olha para Kasuga. Ele tem que trabalhar seu caminho do fundo do poço. Estamos visando um personagem que contrasta com o Kiryu. Espero que os jogadores passem a amá-lo.”
  • Em relação às audições para uma atriz coadjuvante sendo realizadas para o novo jogo Yakuza, estrelado por Ichiban Kasuga, Nagoshi disse: “Eu não posso dizer muito. Ela é uma personagem importante para a história, mas ela não é a heroína. Ela é central na história. ”Sato acrescentou:“ Há uma heroína, mas ela é uma personagem separada ao lado do Ichiban Kasuga, e a audição é para um terceiro membro do grupo deles.”
Leia a entrevista completa na IGN.

O novo Yakuza, estrelado por Ichiban Kasuga, ainda não recebeu uma data de lançamento no Japão, mas será lançado para o PlayStation 4.

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Edi (FZ2D)

Mil pontos, LOL!
Parece pastelaria essa porra.
Lançando um Yakuza a cada duas semanas não sobra espaço para o desenvolvimento de Binary Domain 2.

Enviado de um aparelho que transmite sonhos!!!


Mil pontos, LOL!
Com Yakuza Kiwami 2 aqui, fico com uma duvida, de o que fazer quando zerar ele, porque penso que esperar pelo os remasters do 3 ao 5 vai ser demorado, e nesse caso pular logo e jogar o 6.


Mil pontos, LOL!

Nanako Aizawa / Eri Kamataki / Tokiko Kitagawa / Sumire Sawa

Yuika Shiina / Asaka Fujita / Manae Miyakoshi / Misaki Yasu

Iroha Yanagi / Ririka
Sega Reveals Next PS4 Yakuza Actress Audition Winner; More Info Coming on August 29 [Updated]
Eri Kamataki has been selected to portray one of the female main characters in Shin Ryu Ga Gotoku.

Sega held a press conference on July 10, announcing Eri Kamataki as the winner of the actress audition held for one of the main characters of the next PS4 Yakuza game, temporarily titled Shin Ryu Ga Gotoku.
Eri Kamataki was among the contestants who already had experience in Japanese showbiz, as she’s a model who appeared on multiple TV shows, commercials, magazines, and photobooks. Kamataki will be acting a currently unnamed female character in the next PS4 Yakuza game, who’s part of protagonist Kasuga’s group of friends and fights alongside him.
Sega’s Toshihiro Nagoshi was present during the press conference and announced that further, “detailed” information on the next PS4 Yakuza game, will be published on August 29.
While they announced the final results today, I was expecting some kind of trailer or at least a new visual revealing Kamataki’s character in-game, so the fact that we have to wait for more in August is a bit disappointing.
All this information comes from a series of tweets by Famitsu, who had a reporter at the event. Full reports on the event by Japanese outlets will be published in the next few hours. We’ll update this story then if any other interesting pieces of info surfaces from these reports.
Toshihiro Nagoshi recently gave more details on the next PS4 Yakuza during a stream. Meanwhile, Judgment, the latest console game by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, is out now on PS4.
Update: Here are additional details from the event:
The event was held at Tokyo’s UDX Theater. Toshihiro Nagoshi stressed out while they already did auditions in the past for cameo characters, this one was very different and how Eri Kamataki’s character plays an active role in the story.
When sharing her impressions after her victory was announced, Kamataki mentioned how happy she is as she likes Kasuga more than anyone else and will be glad to walk alongside him. When asked what she will do with the 1 million Yen prize money, Kamataki said “I’m a realist, so I’ll be using the money to move out”, which made the audience laugh.
Among the ten finalists, besides Eri Kamataki who won the main role, four other contestants were selected for a special award, and these four will also appear in the game in some way, which is currently undecided.

These four are: Manae Miyakoshi, Iroha Yanagi, Ririka, and Sumire Sawa (only in the group shot).

fonte: ---------------------------
New Yakuza game starring Ichiban Kasuga casts Eri Kamataki as female co-star, more details coming August 29
Hopefully it includes an official title.
Sal RomanoJul 10, 2019 at 2:42 AM


Eri Kamataki will play the female co-star in the new Yakuza game starring Ichiban Kasuga for PlayStation 4, Sega announced.
If you missed it last month, Kamataki was featured in the “Latest Yakuza Game for PS4 Female Co-Star Report” video featuring the 10 finalists from the near-1,000 that auditioned to play the game’s female co-star.
At the female co-star announcement event, Yakuza series general producer Toshihiro Nagoshi said that detailed information on the new Yakuza game will be announced on August 29.

fonte: ----------------------
Yakuza Latest Title Press Conference
August 29

Sega will host an official announcement press conference for its new Yakuza game starring Ichiban Kasuga for PlayStation 4 on August 29 at the UDX Theater in Akihabara.
+ Google Calendar+ iCal Export


Date: August 29 Event
Tags:New Yakuza Starring Ichiban Kasuga, Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, Sega
Website: http://ryu-ga-gotoku.com/news/detail/1276.html

fonte: -----------------------



Ei mãe, 500 pontos!

Nanako Aizawa / Eri Kamataki / Tokiko Kitagawa / Sumire Sawa

Yuika Shiina / Asaka Fujita / Manae Miyakoshi / Misaki Yasu

Iroha Yanagi / Ririka
Sega Reveals Next PS4 Yakuza Actress Audition Winner; More Info Coming on August 29 [Updated]
Eri Kamataki has been selected to portray one of the female main characters in Shin Ryu Ga Gotoku.

Sega held a press conference on July 10, announcing Eri Kamataki as the winner of the actress audition held for one of the main characters of the next PS4 Yakuza game, temporarily titled Shin Ryu Ga Gotoku.
Eri Kamataki was among the contestants who already had experience in Japanese showbiz, as she’s a model who appeared on multiple TV shows, commercials, magazines, and photobooks. Kamataki will be acting a currently unnamed female character in the next PS4 Yakuza game, who’s part of protagonist Kasuga’s group of friends and fights alongside him.
Sega’s Toshihiro Nagoshi was present during the press conference and announced that further, “detailed” information on the next PS4 Yakuza game, will be published on August 29.
While they announced the final results today, I was expecting some kind of trailer or at least a new visual revealing Kamataki’s character in-game, so the fact that we have to wait for more in August is a bit disappointing.
All this information comes from a series of tweets by Famitsu, who had a reporter at the event. Full reports on the event by Japanese outlets will be published in the next few hours. We’ll update this story then if any other interesting pieces of info surfaces from these reports.
Toshihiro Nagoshi recently gave more details on the next PS4 Yakuza during a stream. Meanwhile, Judgment, the latest console game by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, is out now on PS4.
Update: Here are additional details from the event:
The event was held at Tokyo’s UDX Theater. Toshihiro Nagoshi stressed out while they already did auditions in the past for cameo characters, this one was very different and how Eri Kamataki’s character plays an active role in the story.
When sharing her impressions after her victory was announced, Kamataki mentioned how happy she is as she likes Kasuga more than anyone else and will be glad to walk alongside him. When asked what she will do with the 1 million Yen prize money, Kamataki said “I’m a realist, so I’ll be using the money to move out”, which made the audience laugh.
Among the ten finalists, besides Eri Kamataki who won the main role, four other contestants were selected for a special award, and these four will also appear in the game in some way, which is currently undecided.

These four are: Manae Miyakoshi, Iroha Yanagi, Ririka, and Sumire Sawa (only in the group shot).

fonte: ---------------------------
New Yakuza game starring Ichiban Kasuga casts Eri Kamataki as female co-star, more details coming August 29
Hopefully it includes an official title.
Sal RomanoJul 10, 2019 at 2:42 AM


Eri Kamataki will play the female co-star in the new Yakuza game starring Ichiban Kasuga for PlayStation 4, Sega announced.
If you missed it last month, Kamataki was featured in the “Latest Yakuza Game for PS4 Female Co-Star Report” video featuring the 10 finalists from the near-1,000 that auditioned to play the game’s female co-star.
At the female co-star announcement event, Yakuza series general producer Toshihiro Nagoshi said that detailed information on the new Yakuza game will be announced on August 29.

fonte: ----------------------
Yakuza Latest Title Press Conference
August 29

Sega will host an official announcement press conference for its new Yakuza game starring Ichiban Kasuga for PlayStation 4 on August 29 at the UDX Theater in Akihabara.
+ Google Calendar+ iCal Export


Date: August 29 Event
Tags:New Yakuza Starring Ichiban Kasuga, Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, Sega
Website: http://ryu-ga-gotoku.com/news/detail/1276.html

fonte: -----------------------




Ei mãe, 500 pontos!

Nanako Aizawa / Eri Kamataki / Tokiko Kitagawa / Sumire Sawa

Yuika Shiina / Asaka Fujita / Manae Miyakoshi / Misaki Yasu

Iroha Yanagi / Ririka
Sega Reveals Next PS4 Yakuza Actress Audition Winner; More Info Coming on August 29 [Updated]
Eri Kamataki has been selected to portray one of the female main characters in Shin Ryu Ga Gotoku.

Sega held a press conference on July 10, announcing Eri Kamataki as the winner of the actress audition held for one of the main characters of the next PS4 Yakuza game, temporarily titled Shin Ryu Ga Gotoku.
Eri Kamataki was among the contestants who already had experience in Japanese showbiz, as she’s a model who appeared on multiple TV shows, commercials, magazines, and photobooks. Kamataki will be acting a currently unnamed female character in the next PS4 Yakuza game, who’s part of protagonist Kasuga’s group of friends and fights alongside him.
Sega’s Toshihiro Nagoshi was present during the press conference and announced that further, “detailed” information on the next PS4 Yakuza game, will be published on August 29.
While they announced the final results today, I was expecting some kind of trailer or at least a new visual revealing Kamataki’s character in-game, so the fact that we have to wait for more in August is a bit disappointing.
All this information comes from a series of tweets by Famitsu, who had a reporter at the event. Full reports on the event by Japanese outlets will be published in the next few hours. We’ll update this story then if any other interesting pieces of info surfaces from these reports.
Toshihiro Nagoshi recently gave more details on the next PS4 Yakuza during a stream. Meanwhile, Judgment, the latest console game by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, is out now on PS4.
Update: Here are additional details from the event:
The event was held at Tokyo’s UDX Theater. Toshihiro Nagoshi stressed out while they already did auditions in the past for cameo characters, this one was very different and how Eri Kamataki’s character plays an active role in the story.
When sharing her impressions after her victory was announced, Kamataki mentioned how happy she is as she likes Kasuga more than anyone else and will be glad to walk alongside him. When asked what she will do with the 1 million Yen prize money, Kamataki said “I’m a realist, so I’ll be using the money to move out”, which made the audience laugh.
Among the ten finalists, besides Eri Kamataki who won the main role, four other contestants were selected for a special award, and these four will also appear in the game in some way, which is currently undecided.

These four are: Manae Miyakoshi, Iroha Yanagi, Ririka, and Sumire Sawa (only in the group shot).

fonte: ---------------------------
New Yakuza game starring Ichiban Kasuga casts Eri Kamataki as female co-star, more details coming August 29
Hopefully it includes an official title.
Sal RomanoJul 10, 2019 at 2:42 AM


Eri Kamataki will play the female co-star in the new Yakuza game starring Ichiban Kasuga for PlayStation 4, Sega announced.
If you missed it last month, Kamataki was featured in the “Latest Yakuza Game for PS4 Female Co-Star Report” video featuring the 10 finalists from the near-1,000 that auditioned to play the game’s female co-star.
At the female co-star announcement event, Yakuza series general producer Toshihiro Nagoshi said that detailed information on the new Yakuza game will be announced on August 29.

fonte: ----------------------
Yakuza Latest Title Press Conference
August 29

Sega will host an official announcement press conference for its new Yakuza game starring Ichiban Kasuga for PlayStation 4 on August 29 at the UDX Theater in Akihabara.
+ Google Calendar+ iCal Export


Date: August 29 Event
Tags:New Yakuza Starring Ichiban Kasuga, Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, Sega
Website: http://ryu-ga-gotoku.com/news/detail/1276.html

fonte: -----------------------


Riririka e Yukita Shina. Se eu trocar a consoante e a vogal negritadas aí chega no que eu pensei vendo esses trenzinho.

Rebocava tudo pra casa esses copo de leite e madrugada não ia ter fim.


Mil pontos, LOL!


Mil pontos, LOL!
Rumo a um lançamento mundial de Yakuza? Toshihiro Nagoshi fala sobre isso


Com o tempo, os fãs ocidentais de Yakuza experimentaram várias situações em termos de data de lançamento do jogo. Eles passaram de uma espera de um ano após o lançamento japonês, para uma espera de vários anos, para uma total incerteza sobre o lançamento do jogo na Europa e na América do Norte. Desde Yakuza Kiwami 2 e seu intervalo de oito meses entre as saídas japonesa e ocidental, a SEGA está tentando encurtar o atraso máximo. E pode ser que essa expectativa acabe desaparecendo.

Como dissemos anteriormente hoje, Toshihiro Nagoshi respondeu recentemente as perguntas da IGN sobre a licença de Yakuza e 'Judgement'. Entre os temas abordados estava a data de lançamento das produções Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio no Ocidente.
Para o planejamento de tradução de 'Judgement' na Europa e na América do Norte, a SEGA começou a trabalhar na localização do jogo cerca de um ano antes de seu lançamento no Japão. Isso tem o efeito de encurtar a espera por jogadores ocidentais (cerca de 6 meses, um recorde para uma "Yakuza"). De acordo com o chefe do Ryu ga Gotoku Studio, esse atraso entre o lançamento japonês e o lançamento Ocidental pode ser totalmente removido no futuro:

"Para ser honesto, um lançamento global simultâneo é possível em termos de planejamento. Não é tão difícil de fazer. Mas, do ponto de vista comercial, o mercado ocidental é tão grande que leva tempo para prever adequadamente os dados de vendas. Esse é o motivo que causa esse atraso. Nós não podemos fazer nada. Mas se 'Judgement' vender bem no exterior, teremos dados que, se fizermos uma sequência, nos permitirão considerar um lançamento global simultâneo na próxima vez."

Reduzir o atraso entre lançamentos japoneses e ocidentais é uma das metas declaradas da SEGA para a franquia Yakuza. A situação em torno de 'Judgment' e estas declarações de Toshihiro Nagoshi, não seria surpreendente que Yakuza 7 saia ainda mais rápido no ocidente do que seus antecessores.

fonte: Gamescom 2019: O anúncio de Yakuza 7 para o Ocidente e o caso de Yakuza Ishin evocado

Conforme relatado ontem à noite, a SEGA aproveitou a Gamescom 2019 para anunciar o lançamento de Yakuza Remastered Collection no ocidente. Mas estas novas versões dos jogos originalmente lançados no PS3 não foram os únicos tópicos abordados pelo Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio durante o show alemão.

Daisuke Sato, produtor da série Yakuza e um dos gerentes do estúdio Ryu Ga Gotoku, está atualmente em Colônia para promover a coleção remasterezida de Yakuza. Não surpreendentemente, o produtor também foi questionado sobre outros jogos da série Yakuza durante suas várias intervenções.

Alguns minutos atrás, durante uma transmissão ao vivo no canal Twitch da SEGA, Daisuke Sato, por exemplo, falou sobre o anúncio iminente de Shin Yakuza / Yakuza 7 . A esse respeito, ele explicou que durante o evento dedicado a este novo episódio, que acontecerá em Tóquio em 29 de agosto, informações sobre seu lançamento no Ocidente também serão comunicadas. Os fãs americanos e europeus da série não terão que esperar até saberem o que a SEGA está preparando.

Outro assunto abordado por Daisuke Sato, desta vez ao microfone do site americano IGN, durante um IGN Live, o de Yakuza Ishin. O spin-off da Yakuza ocorrido na época dos samurais nunca foi comercializado no ocidente (e ainda menos localizado) e os fãs da série deste lado do mundo continuam a reivindicá-lo. E parece haver algum movimento sobre isso do lado da SEGA. De fato, Daisuke Sato disse que eles estão atualmente pensando em localizar o jogo para uma saída para o Ocidente. Segundo ele, a editora japonesa hesita porque não é certo que o cenário em que o jogo acontece agradará o público ocidental. Se isso não for um anúncio, isso é algo para dar esperança aos jogadores que esperam um dia jogá-lo, como se isso fosse um.

Enquanto se aguarda um possível anúncio sobre Yakuza Ishin, os jogadores podem, de qualquer forma, ficar de olho no lado de Tóquio, porque a série falará sobre isso muito em breve.

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Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!
Wtf mano, que decisão tosca é essa?????? Mais legal era a pancadaria

Enviado de meu MI 8 usando o Tapatalk


Mil pontos, LOL!
Yakuza 7 announced for PS4 – first trailer, details, and screenshots [Update]
Due out January 16, 2020 in Japan, 2020 in the west.
Sal Romano Aug 29, 2019

Yakuza 7
Sega officially announced Yakuza 7: Whereabouts of Light and Darkness (Ryuu Ga Gotoku 7: Hikari to Yami no Yukue) for PlayStation 4 during a press conference at UDX Theater in Akihabara, Tokyo today. The “dramatic RPG” will launch on January 16, 2020 in Japan for 8,390 yen, and in 2020 in the Americas and Europe.
Update 4:08 a.m.: The western release is titled Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Read more here.
Here are the first details, via the official Japanese website:
■ Introduction
The latest numbered entry in the Yakuza series for PlayStation 4, this is the story of new protagonist Ichiban Kasuga. In the new setting of Isezaki Ijincho in Yokohama, the story of the hot-blooded thugs stirred up by Ichiban Kasuga will begin.
If the protagonist changes, so does the gameplay. This is a new Yakuza experience!
New protagonist Ichiban Kasuga changes not only the story of the game, but also how you play.
■ Story
Protagonist Ichiban Kasuga makes his way up from the depths of despair. Depicted until the becoming of a new “Dragon,” this is the ultimate story of overcoming the higher ranked and rising to new heights. The future is in your hands!

January 1, 2001. The yakuza Ichiban Kasuga, who belongs to third generation family of the Tojo Clan—the Arakawa Family—was asked to take the fall for the crimes of wakagashira Jo Sawashiro by his boss Masumi Arakawa, which he agreed to do. For the family that he loves, for the respect of his boss… Kasuga served 18 years in a strict penitentiary, and in 2019, was finally released.
However, there was no one there to greet him upon his release.
With no one to welcome him, Kasuga returned to his hometown of Kamurocho. But the Kamurocho was not the Kamurocho that Kasuga once knew.
Thanks to a police policy known as the “Kamurocho 3K Operation,” the Tojo Clan had fallen. The police and the Omi Alliance of Kansai yakuza had completely taken over. And the one who created this new Kamurocho was none other than Masumi Arakawa.
“How could the boss do something like this!?”
In order to ascertain the truth for himself, Kasuga went to go see Masumi Arakawa.
After getting past obstacles like Omi Alliance members and his former superior Sawashiro, Kasuga manages to make his way to Masumi Arakawa.
A reunion 18 years in the making with the “Boss” he loved like a father, the yakuza he admired—But what awaited him there was not the smiling face of a reunion, but rather the cold barrel of a gun.
“I’m sorry, Ichi… you need to die.”
The gunshot echoed. Kasuga’s vision dimmed—.
While wandering the depths of life or death, Kasuga somehow regained consciousness. But when he came to, he was at a dumpsite in homeless town lined with cardboard houses.
“…Where am I?”
Kasuga’s question is answered by a homeless man.
“Ijincho… Isezaki Ijincho. This is Yokohama. Got that? Yokohama.”
Yakuza 7

Yakuza 7

Yakuza 7

Yakuza 7

Yakuza 7

Yakuza 7

Yakuza 7

Yakuza 7
■ Battle
“Live command RPG battles” bring the fight of the “Dragon” to a new stage!

Yakuza 7 uses a “live command RPG battle” system that combines the series’ signature action with an RPG command system. It has evolved into a system in which anyone can easily enjoy exhilarating battles. In this completely new battle system, Ichiban Kasuga and his party will fight by selecting techniques with various effects such as attack, recovery, support, and more. Enjoy immersive and dynamic battles against all sorts of enemies.
Yakuza 7

Yakuza 7
■ Adventure
A new setting: Isezaki Ijincho in Yokohama!

Yakuza 7 is set in the huge new area of Isezaki Ijincho in Yokohama, which is more than three times the size of Kamurocho in Tokyo. In Yokohama, where every place has different faces, a grand story will unfold.
Yakuza 7

Yakuza 7
■ Cast
An all-star cast appears to bring the story of a new “Dragon” to life!

Kazuhiro Nakaya, Akio Ootsuka, Sumire Uesaka, Nobuhiko Okamoto, Yuichi Nakamura, Kousuke Toriumi
Shinichi Tsutsumi, Ken Yasuda, Kiichi Nakai
General Director Toshihiro Nagoshi
■ Characters
Ichiban Kasuga
(2000 version) (voiced by Kazuhiro Nakaya)
Yakuza 7
The Tojo Clan is Kanto’s largest yakuza organization. Ichiban Kasuga is a wakashu of the Arakawa Family, a third generation family of the Tojo Clan. Since he was born in Kamurocho soapland Shangri-La, he is called “Soap Ichiban” by the older residents. Although he grew up without knowing his true parents, he was charmed by the manly spirit of Masumi Arakawa, who he met at age 15, and joined the Arakawa Family. Since then, he has lived with resolute loyalty to Arakawa, but since he is not good when it comes to earning money, he is shunned by the wakagashira Jo Sawashiro, who stresses the importance of money.
Yakuza 7

Ichiban Kasuga (2019 version) (voiced by Kazuhiro Nakaya)
Yakuza 7
He takes the fall for Sawashiro, who committed murder, at the request of Arakawa Family leader Masumi Arakawa, who is like a father to him. After that, he spends 18 years in penal servitude. After he is released, the Tojo Clan has fallen, and the Kansai yakuza known as the Omi Alliance has taken control over Kamurocho. Finding out that Masumi Arakawa was behind it all, Kasuga goes to see Arakawa to asertain the truth at its source.
Yakuza 7

Jo Sawashiro (2000 version) (voiced by Shinichi Tsutsumi)
Yakuza 7
A wakagashira with a sense of duty and humanity towards his boss Arakawa, who stresses the importance of money. He would beat Ichiban Kasuga down with his fists as a daily occurrence, as he was unable to earn money. He single-handedly takes on the role of the “whip” within the Arakawa Family.
Yakuza 7

Jo Sawashiro (2019 version) (voiced by Shinichi Tsutsumi)
Yakuza 7
A martial artist yakuza who serves Masumi Arakawa from the era of the Tojo Clan. He hated Ichiban Kasuga back in the day, and after 18 years, that hatred has not changed. Since Arakawa became an substitute wakagashira of the Omi Alliance, he has the same authority as an Omi Alliance executive directly reporting to the boss.
Yakuza 7

Namba (voiced by Ken Yasuda)
Yakuza 7
A man who was stripped away of his nursing license after challening the medicine from the hospital he worked for to the black market, and now lives in the depths of poverty in Isezaki Ijincho. After Ichiban was shot by Masumi Arakawa and lost consciousness, Namba saves his life and begins working with him.
Yakuza 7

Masumi Arakawa (2000 version) (voiced by Kiichi Nakai)
Yakuza 7
The leader of the Arakawa Family of the Tojo Clan. Born and raised as the son of a popular theater troupe, he has been all over the country, but someone shot and killed his father, the chairman of the troupe, which led him to the yakuza. In the past, he was known as the best martial artist in the Tojo Clan, and for that reason the Arakawa Family was established as a third generation family of the Tojo Clan, and he was feared as “Killer Arakawa.” He meets Ichiban Kasuga by chance as a boy and becomes his sponsor.
Yakuza 7

Masumi Arakawa (2019 version) (voiced by Kiichi Nakai)
Yakuza 7
While he was once the head of a Tojo Clan third generation family, the Arakawa Family, after information about the Tojo Clan was leaked to the police, the Tojo Clan was eliminated from Kamurocho, which provided a major service to the Omi Alliance’s advance into Kamurocho. With his achievements recognized, he is currently the substitute wakagashira, essentially the Number 2 man in the Omi Alliance.
Yakuza 7
Watch the teaser trailer and an off-screen battle gameplay video below (English version here). View the first screenshots at the gallery.
Teaser Trailer
Oficial JP:

legendado oficialmente em inglês:


Battle Gameplay

fonte: https://gematsu.com/2019/08/yakuza-7-announced-for-ps4-first-trailer-details-and-screenshots
Yakuza 7 titled Yakuza: Like a Dragon in the west
Western release drops the number.
Sal Romano Aug 29, 2019

Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Yakuza 7: Whereabouts of Light and Darkness will be titled Yakuza: Like a Dragon in the west, Sega announced.
Yakuza: Like a Dragon was announced for PlayStation 4 at a press conference in Japan earlier today. It is due out on January 16, 2020 in Japan, and in 2020 in the Americas and Europe. If you missed it, read up on the game’s story, gameplay, and characters here.

fonte: https://gematsu.com/2019/08/yakuza-7-titled-yakuza-like-a-dragon-in-the-west
Yakuza: Like a Dragon chief producer further details “Live Command RPG Battle” system
New details shared in a series of tweets.
Sal Romano Aug 30, 2019
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Yakuza: Like a Dragon (Yakuza 7) chief producer Masayoshi Yokoyama shared additional information on the newly announced sequel’s “Live Command RPG Battle” system—a major change of course for the action brawler series—in a thread of tweets today.
Here are the words from Yokoyama himself:
#1: Yakuza: Like a Dragon. The media should be publishing detailed articles about the battle system later on, but I’ll explain the points I discussed yesterday here.
#2: “Live Command RPG Battle” means battles through command execution where the fight is constantly in motion. In a standard RPG, enemies and party members are stationary, and their actions only playback by executing commands such as “Attack.” But in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, battles are different.
#3: To be specific, this is a battle system where “characters move in real time” and “fight in a living city.”
#4: Except for some bosses, when you encounter an enemy, the battle will begin from right where you’re standing. In other words, depending on how you encounter the enemy, your starting position in the battle will change, which can both give you the upper hand or land you in a pinch. (Some enemies may also suddenly appear from hiding.)
#5: When you enter battle, enemies, party members, and even the “city” will remain in motion. They don’t stop moving. Characters will turn towards nearby enemies and keep their distance. And naturally, since these battles take place in the city, characters will fall if they bump into things like street signs or bicycles.
#6: Everything moves according to the physics of the Dragon Engine developed by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio. Through this, the “objects” that exist on the battlefield, such as bicycles, can be used as weapons or obstacles like in the action-based battles of previous games.
#7: Turn order is determined by parameters such as a character’s stats, but that doesn’t mean you’ll get the same result by attacking just any enemy. In a situation where you attack the enemy directly (by running up to them), there is a high chance that another enemy character will interrupt your attack.
#8: The situation completely changes depending on your distance from the enemy character you’re attacking, as well as the “city objects” in the area. If a bicycle or something similar rolls by, you can kick it at the enemy, or pick it up and attack with it. This action also depends on the character’s class and traits.
#9: Even enemy characters outside of those you are trying to attack may become the target of an attack or interference. For example, when you run up to a distant enemy to attack, there is a high chance of you being interrupted by another enemies in the run-up. On the other hand, depending on the technique, you can attack several enemies at once through attacks that sweep and ranged attacks.
#10: In a situation where you are blown onto the road and the like due to the impact of an attack, you may get hit by a car passing by. Naturally, you will take damage. Basically, this system is called “Live Command RPG Battle” because you fight in a space where the people and city are constantly in motion.
#11: Depending on the technique, there are some action-like operations such as repeatedly pressing a button to match the action during an attack. There is an “Auto” mode for people who want to play without worry, which automatically chooses actions based on each character’s class and traits. (However, this feature may not always act as expected.)
#12: Everything utilizes the real-time physics of the Dragon Engine we’ve built up with previous entries in the series, and no battle situation is the same. The stronger the enemy, the smarter they are, so if you find yourself in a pinch, you have various options including retreating behind other characters.
#13: In yesterday’s (August 29) announcement, we were only able to share some basic information about the battle system. Since you can change classes at Hello Work, there are variations to techniques unlike anything before, as well as various other unannounced special moves.
#14: Everyone on the team is working hard to have everyone experience this “Live Command RPG Battle” for themselves at Tokyo Game Show 2019 starting September 12! If you are attending, please stop by and play! If you are not attending, we will work hard to share information through forms such as video.
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is due out for PlayStation 4 on January 16, 2020 in Japan, and in 2020 in the Americas and Europe.
fonte: https://gematsu.com/2019/08/yakuza-...urther-details-live-command-rpg-battle-system


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Cidade de Yakuza 7 será 3-4 vezes maior do que dos jogos anteriores
Clique para ver a imagem em tamanho original

Alguns novos detalhes sobre Yakuza: Like A Dragon surgiram na edição da revista Famitsu desta semana, e estamos começando a ter uma imagem mais clara do que o estúdio Ryu Ga Gotoku está fazendo. Este novo jogo da série está sem dúvidas apostando forte nos elementos de RPG, porque a cidade principal de Ijincho (uma versão fictícia de Chojamachi no Japão) será cerca de 3-4 vezes o tamanho de Kamurocho, a cidade anterior da série Yakuza.

Como seria de se esperar de uma cidade maior, a duração de Like A Dragon também será muito maior do que os jogos anteriores. Não tenho certeza com qual métrica eles estão comparando, certos jogos da serie Yakuza podem ser concluídos em menos de 20 horas, mas esse novo jogo levará o dobro de tempo para se terminar.

Ichiban Kasuga, o personagem principal de Like A Dragon, é um grande fã da série Dragon Quest, a qual também serviu de inspiração para a mudança de gênero do jogo. De fato, o sistema de batalha é na verdade uma imaginação na mente de Ichiban. Para os espectadores nas ruas, as pessoas estarão lutando como um título tradicional da série Yakuza.
Clique para ver a imagem em tamanho original

ste jogo também fará uso do sistema de equipes. Missões opcionais concederão EXP não apenas a Ichiban, mas a todos da equipe. Você poderá atribuir classes a cada personagem, como em alguns jogos da série Final Fantasy. Com isso, o mundo do jogo não terá paredes invisíveis ou bloqueios nas ruas, mas inimigos mais fortes impedindo que você progrida muito rapidamente.

Yakuza sempre pegou bastante coisas dos JRPGs, então há um precedente para cair de cabeça assim no gênero. Minha preocupação é que o jogo seja grande apenas para ser grande, mas teremos que ter paciência para ver qual será o resultado final.

Fonte: https://www.gamevicio.com/noticias/...-3-4-vezes-maior-do-que-dos-jogos-anteriores/

Rocha Loures

Hmm.,sei lá hein, legal era porrada comendo solta e as possibilidades de usar os cenários.

Mas tem que ver como vai ser a progressão disso aí
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