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Extraia o máximo do seu Xbox original em 2020 [+ video]


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Foi você que apareceu na seção de vendas oferecendo uns XBox com RAM adicional? Deve ser o mod mais curioso que já ouvi falar.

Pena que é um console que não vendeu tanto por aqui, lembro do pessoal já falando maravilhas do potencial dele para homebrew já em 2006/2007.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Foi você que apareceu na seção de vendas oferecendo uns XBox com RAM adicional? Deve ser o mod mais curioso que já ouvi falar.

Pena que é um console que não vendeu tanto por aqui, lembro do pessoal já falando maravilhas do potencial dele para homebrew já em 2006/2007.

Sim eu mesmo, é um mod que curto bastante ele melhora a performance em alguns emuladores como do N64, permite games da Sega Chihiro e principalmente abre a possibilidade de forçar 720p no games


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Achei muito massa, sinto muita falta de conteúdo assim em português sobre o Xbox
Tenho um Aladdin pra ser instalado aqui faz uns anos e sempre bate o sono quando penso nisso porque não tem um material assim enumerando os tópicos sobre o console..

Mas cara, só uma coisa.. Quando vc mostra os jogos o áudio só fica em um canal e eu passei o tempo todo cismado do meu headset estar com o lado direito zuado kkk


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Achei muito massa, sinto muita falta de conteúdo assim em português sobre o Xbox
Tenho um Aladdin pra ser instalado aqui faz uns anos e sempre bate o sono quando penso nisso porque não tem um material assim enumerando os tópicos sobre o console..

Mas cara, só uma coisa.. Quando vc mostra os jogos o áudio só fica em um canal e eu passei o tempo todo cismado do meu headset estar com o lado direito zuado kkk

No Xbox, na verdade nem de chip precisa pode fazer um tsop que da as mesmas funcionalidades, dependendo da sua placa o TSOP é até mais interessante que o aladdin

Áudio é um negócio chato melhorei em relação ao ultimo vídeo mas ainda to aprendendo, quando junta vários áudios em um único vídeo ainda to apanhando


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
No Xbox, na verdade nem de chip precisa pode fazer um tsop que da as mesmas funcionalidades, dependendo da sua placa o TSOP é até mais interessante que o aladdin

Áudio é um negócio chato melhorei em relação ao ultimo vídeo mas ainda to aprendendo, quando junta vários áudios em um único vídeo ainda to apanhando
Minha questão é o pão durismo de achar um dos jogos pra fazer o softmod.. Ainda mais que o meu veio da Suiça, teria que achar o jogo em PAL ainda.
Dá pra fazer o TSOP com o Aladdin? Tem necessidade? Na real acho que pro que eu quero, que é tirar bloqueio de região, por um HD IDE que tenho aqui de 120gb, uns emuladores principalmente de arcade e talvez um n64, o Aladdin cobre bem né?
E aproveitando que vc manja, o xbox roda vídeo em H.264? Eu tenho vontade de guardar uns filmes bem de época pra assistir de vez em quando na tubosa.. Se rodar 720p dá pra pegar direto da net sem ter que ficar convertendo tudo kk


Lenda da internet
Uma pergunta! Temos links pra donaldear aquele DVD boot e de instalação atualizados do Xbox (Auto Installer Deluxe - AID)? Não sei se pararam de produzir o bicho ou se ainda tem atualizações pra ele, já que era a forma mais simples e fácil de se instalar e configurar o videogame com os emuladores atualizados.

Além do que, teve também um novo modelo substituindo o antigo. Se tiverem links atualizados pra isso, mandem via Mulher Prenha que ela recebe pra mim...:ksafado


Enjoy Yourself!
Eu tenho que arrumar o meu ainda, ta estagnado aqui em casa, dá até dó de ver ele parado :kduvida


Lenda da internet
Sobre o AID, eu achei um local que tem ele, mas como não posso postar, fica a dica via Mulher Prenha pra quem desejar.

Fora isso, em outros fóruns que falam (ou falavam) diretamente do assunto, eles mencionam dois outros programas:

  • Xbox Softmodding Tool by Rocky5
  • Softmod Installer Deluxe
Segundo o que entendi, o mais antigo de todos é o Softmod Installer Deluxe (SID), vindo o Auto Installer Deluxe (AID) e como última versão, o Xbox Softmodding Tool (que é o mais recomendado), mas infelizmente não achei uma ISO funcional dele pra brincar no meu equipamento.

Eu ainda quero achar uma ISO dele que já tenha os emuladores pré instalados na imagem, pra fazer uma boa atualização do meu videogame!

Sobre o SID, temos esse texto explicando sobre o uso dele.

Game Save Exploit using SID
This article will walk you through softmodding your console via the Game Save Exploit, and installing your dashboard and initial apps through the Softmod Installer Deluxe (SID). You can find the full manual here. It is recommended to instead use the Xbox Softmodding Tool, as it is generally better built and more straightforward.

A video demonstration of softmodding using SID can be found on MrMario2011's channel.

Required Materials
  • A controller to Female-USB adapter such as this one or a memory card (need another modded Xbox or GameShark/Action Replay to use a memory card)
  • A USB flash drive that is 2GB or smaller (USB Compatibility List) or an Android device with DriveDroid set up
  • Softmod Installer Deluxe 5.12
  • Xplorer360
  • One of the following games:
    • Splinter Cell (first game in series; any version)
    • MechAssault (black label or Platinum Hits with "MS02301L" on non-label side)
    • 007: Agent Under Fire (black label or Platinum Hits with "1448517" on disc)
    • For Japanese region consoles, you must use the Asian version of one of these games, the Japanese version will not work! Asian Platinum Hits MechAssault will also work (for Japanese region consoles only).
Formatting your USB Device
  • Plug in your memory unit, or the flash drive into the USB adapter and then the USB adapter into the Xbox. On the dashboard, select Memory. You should receive a message saying that the memory unit was erased, meaning it was formatted. If not, select the memory unit, Press A, then select Erase and accept the prompt.
Loading the Game Save
  1. On your PC, open "Softmod.Installer.Deluxe.v5.12.Final.Xbox-Hq.zip" and extract:
    • "Xplorer360.exe" from in "Xplorer360.beta6.zip"
    • The folder named "2158554" inside of SID512.Installer.USB\UDATA\
    • The numbered folder inside of the UDATA folder of your chosen game (007, MechAssault, or Splinter Cell)
  2. Run Xplorer360. Select File → Open → Drive or Memcard. You should see "Partition 0" on in the left column. If you receive an error and are using DriveDroid, change the USB System to Legacy and re-set the Manual USB mode to Mass Storage. Drag the two numbered folders from the previous step into the large window to load it onto the storage device. Wait for the folder to be listed, then select Drive → Close, then Drive → Exit.
  3. With your Xbox off, plug your USB device into your USB to Xbox adapter and turn your Xbox on.
  4. Navigate to the memory unit, scroll down to the game title you chose, and then scroll right to highlight the game save. Press A to select it, then Copy and copy it to your hard drive. Do the same for the game save labeled "SID 5.11 Installer".
  5. Insert your game and select the Load Game option from the main menu. Make sure to load the save or checkpoint instead of loading a level. Your console should boot into Softmod Installer Deluxe. Your Xbox LED may change colors, which is normal.
Installing the Softmod
  1. Complete the following to backup your system:
    • Select "Backup/Restore Features" and then "Backup Eeprom".
    • Go back to the main menu and select "Backup/Restore Features" again, and then "Create MS Backup" and accept. This will backup your MS dashboard.
    • Go back to the main menu and select "Backup/Restore Features" again, and then "Create C Drive Backup" and accept.
  2. You have a choice between a Single Boot softmod or a Dual Boot Softmod. The Single Boot softmod will only allow you to boot to one dashboard when you turn your Xbox on. A Dual Boot softmod will allow you to have two different dashboards and choose which one you want to boot into by powering the Xbox on with the power button or the eject button. It's recommended to do the Dual Boot softmod in case something ever went wrong with your primary dashboard. Choose the option you want, and you will presented with one of two menus. Note that if you selected the Dual Boot option, you will be prompted with the same options as single boot after the initial option.
    • Single Boot:
      • Standard - One dashboard of your choice (you can choose HD later in dashboard).
      • Standard for HD - One dashboard of your choice, automatically changes settings to the best for an HDTV.
      • Standard for RGB - One dashboard of your choice, automatically changes settings to the best for RGB.
      • Virtual C+Eeprom - Locks your C drive from being modified unless purposely unlocked with SID (can choose HD later in dashboard).
      • Virtual C+Eeprom for HD - Locks your C drive from being modified unless purposely unlocked with SID, changes settings to the best for an HDTV.
      • Virtual C+Eeprom for RGB - Locks your C drive from being modified unless purposely unlocked with SID, changes settings to the best for RGB.
    • Dual Boot:
      • Hacked Dash / Softmod Menu (recommended) - Allows you to boot to SID by pressing eject.
      • Hacked Dash / MS Dash - Allows you to boot to stock MS Dash by pressing eject (previously used for Xbox Live).
  3. Choose the desired option and it will warn you that the C drive will be wiped; your game saves will remain intact on the E drive. It may check for a valid MS Dashboard backup, press A to acknowledge it and A again to continue the install. When it is finished installing, it will prompt you to shut down the Xbox. Accept it, and it will shut off.
  4. Turn the Xbox back on, and SID will appear and prompt you to finish the softmod install. Select A to accept it, and A again when it is finished to reboot. Your Xbox will be restarted, and you should be presented with the dashboard of your choice. Optionally, you can now boot back into SID and install applications or other options.

  • It is HIGHLY recommended to use FTP to transfer your E:\Backup folder to your PC immediately, and preferably back it up on cloud storage in case something were to go wrong in the future.

O que eu descobri do Softmodding tool (que deveria ter uma simplificação do nome pra digitar...) é que é necessário usar um pendrive, uma entrada USB modificada e um jogo pra fazer o xploit funcionar. Vou colocar o texto de onde achei:

Game Save Exploit using the Xbox Softmodding Tool
This article will walk you through softmodding your Xbox via the game save exploit, and installing your dashboard and initial apps through Rocky5's Xbox Softmodding Tool, which replaces Softmod Installer Deluxe (SID) as the tool of choice.

A video demonstration of softmodding your Xbox with the Xbox Softmodding Tool can be found on MrMario2011's channel.

You will need:

Formatting your USB Device
  • Plug in your memory unit, or the flash drive into the USB adapter and then plug the USB adapter into the Xbox. On the dashboard, select "MEMORY." You should receive a message saying that the memory unit was erased, meaning it was formatted. If not, select the memory unit, Press A, then select Erase and accept the prompt.
  • Alternatively, you can format your flash drive using USB FATX Formatter v1.3.2. To do so, insert your flash drive into your Windows PC. Right click on it and select "Format." Uncheck the "Quick Format" button and then click "Start." As soon as you see the green progress bar appear, remove your flash drive. If you did this correctly, your flash drive will now be corrupted. Now reinsert your flash drive and Windows should prompt you to format it. Select "Cancel." Right click on the USB FATX Formatter v1.3.2.exe file and select "Run as administrator." In the "USB Device" box, select your flash drive, then click on the "Format USB" button and select "Yes" in the following pop-up. You should then get a message confirming a successful format. You can now close USB FATX Formatter (there's a chance that it may still be open in the taskbar even after closing the program, so make sure to check and close it if it's still there). Now open USB FATX Formatter again by right clicking on the .exe and selecting "Run as administrator." Select your flash drive again in the "USB Device" box, then click on the "Quick Format USB" button. Click "Yes" on the following pop-up and then you should get a message confirming a successful format. Your flash drive should now be ready for use with Xplorer360 and with your Xbox (if it is compatible with the Xbox).
Loading the Game Save
  • If you downloaded the entire GitHub folder, extract "Xbox-Softmodding-Tool-master.zip", then run "Build Release.bat", and press Enter to accept the default version number. This will generate a folder called "Release" in the parent folder.

  1. Open "Xbox Softmodding Tool.zip" inside of the "Release" folder and navigate to "...\Xbox Softmodding Tool\Softmod Package\". Extract the numbered folder inside of the UDATA folder from the ZIP corresponding to the game you have chosen to use the softmod (SC, MA, 007, or THPS4). Also extract the numbered folder inside of the UDATA folder of the Softmod Save ZIP.
  2. Open Xplorer360. Select "Drive" → "Open" → "Harddrive or Memcard". You should see "Partition 0" in the left column. Drag the numbered folders from the previous step into the large window to load it onto the storage device. Wait for the folder to be listed, then select "Drive" → "Close", then "Drive" → "Exit". Then properly eject the USB drive before removing it from the PC.
    • If you receive an error and are using DriveDroid, change the USB System to Legacy and re-set the Manual USB mode to Mass Storage.
    • If using a memory card on an already modded Xbox, FTP them onto the H drive.
  3. Plug your USB device into your USB to Xbox adapter. If you are using DriveDroid, you may need to turn off the drive before connecting, wait until your phone is recognized by your PC, then turn the drive back on.
  4. On the Xbox dashboard, navigate to the "MEMORY" section and then to your memory unit, scroll down to the game title you chose for softmodding, and then scroll right to highlight the game save. Press A to select it, then copy it to your Xbox hard drive. Do the same for the game save labeled "Xbox Softmodding Tool".
    • If you are using Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell, reboot your Xbox after copying the saves to the hard drive. If you don't, the softmod installer will not load and you will be left on a black screen.
  5. Insert your game and follow the below process to load the exploit for your game. Your console should boot into the Xbox Softmodding Tool. Your Xbox LED will change colors and stay red, which is normal and nothing to worry about. If your LED changed colors, but nothing appears on screen, try holding L+R+Black+Back to reboot the softmod installer.
    • Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Select START GAMELINUXCHECK POINTS. If your console freezes, disable 480p in the dashboard settings.
    • MechAssualt: Select CAMPAIGNRun Linux.
    • 007: Agent Under Fire: Select SELECT MISSION, start the TROUBLE IN PARADISE mission, then when you hear or see the helicopter, press Start and select Quit MissionYes. Then press B to go back to the main menu, then select LOAD MISSION followed by Xbox Hard Disk.
    • Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4: Select Free Skate(pick any character)Play LevelCreated ParkLoad ParkYesHack XboxOKPlay Park.
  6. Press A to install the softmod. Read the prompts that come up and press A to acknowledge them. Your Xbox will reboot. During the boot animation, eject the disc from the DVD drive.
  7. The tool will finish setting up. You will be left on the Xbox Softmodding Tool dashboard, which is just a skinned UnleashX dashboard. You can change the skin under System → Skins.
  8. After you have softmodded the Xbox, you must now null the HDD key (DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP). This will change the Xbox's unique thirty-two digit HDD key to 00000000000000000000000000000000 (thirty-two zeros). This way you will always know what your HDD key is and it will make it much easier to rescue the Xbox from HDD failure in the future, as all you would need to do so is another Xbox that has also had its HDD key nulled. To null your Xbox's HDD key, launch NKPatcher Settings from the Applications menu and then go to EEPROM > Advanced Features > Hard Drive > Null Key.

  • If you softmodded with an installer other than Rocky5's Xbox Softmodding Tool, make sure you upgrade to the Xbox Softmodding Tool before you null your HDD key, otherwise you may end up getting error code 06, due to older softmods using a virtual EEPROM.
  • If, for some reason, you don't null your HDD key, then at the very least copy your EEPROM backup (located in the E:\Backups folder) to your PC and preferably to some form of cloud storage as well, as it can also be used to rescue your Xbox.
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