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[Mídias] Quem lacra, não lucra.


Nem me dei ao trabalho de conferir, man. Apenas pelo teor das entrevistas feitas com os showrunners antes da estreia, percebi que essa porra aí seria desastrosa. Afinal, eles admitiram que não seguiriam a história dos jogos, que iriam distorcer completamente o Chief (a ponto de transformá-lo num outro personagem, que compartilha apenas o nome com o Chief dos games) e, claro, que iriam inserir uma nova personagem (Kwan) que seria importante para a história que eles queriam contar. No fim das constas, presumi que a dita cuja seria a protagonista da porra toda e que o Chief seria apenas um coadjuvante em sua própria série.

Não perco mais meu tempo com esse tipo de m**** aí não. Nunca tivemos tantas opções de entretenimento disponíveis quanto agora. O negócio é selecionar bem e investir o tempo em coisas que efetivamente valham a pena.

Sim eu tô ligado no tanto de m**** q o pessoal por trás da série falou e pior isso já sabia q ia ser uma bomba, vi só uns episódios e é bizarro ver o Chief PRA TODO LADO SEM CAPACETE E MUITAS VEZES SEM NEM MESMO A ARMADURA KKKK.

Que for fã de Halo não vale a pena e quem não for TB não vale pq é fraquíssima.

Aristarco de Samos

Cacetada oq fizeram nessa série do Halo?? Vendinha até q boa de ação pra instigar e aí depois já cagam no pau mostrando o Chief sem capacete? Não aguentei continuar quando vi q não tem ação na porr@ da série, só tem um Master Chief mongolão q fica cheio de dúvidas e mimimi kkkkkkkkk

E o último episódio, deu vontade de jogar o mouse na televisão, nem o bobãofet foi tão absurdo assim.

Dr. Pregos

Xbox Power!
Ei Disney, vai tomar no c00!




Houve uma época na qual eu recebia notícias de novas séries e filmes ligados ao mundo nerd com empolgação. Hoje em dia, salvo exceções cada vez mais raras, recebo essas notícias com absoluto desgosto, porque sei que as obras originais serão distorcidas e pervertidas para servir a agenda demente que impera em Hollywood. Cheguei ao ponto no qual acho melhor que essas propriedades intelectuais não sejam adaptadas, para que possam ser preservadas de acordo com as pretensões originais de seus respectivos autores.

Eu me lembro de ficar super empolgado quando anunciavam um filme de super-herois. Eu fiz questão de ir ao cinema ver o primeiro Capitão Amercia. Eu fiquei maluco ao ver o trailer do primeiro Thor. Era algo que eu nunca pensava que viria, os meus heróis favoritos em carne e osso.

Hoje esse sentimento morreu completamente. Eu devo ser das únicas pessoas do mundo que gostava e sabia quem era o cavaleiro da lua antes da série. Eu li praticamente todas as historias dele, eu lia revistas de personagens que eu não me importava pq o Cavaleiro fazia uma participação em uma edição, e sem duvida se eles tivessem anunciado essa série a uns 7 ou 8 anos eu estaria me sentindo a pessoas mais feliz do mundo por ver o Cavaleiro da Lua em live-action. Mas hoje eu nem me dei o trabalho de ver a série.

Acho que por um lado sabemos que eles vão estragar os personagens de alguma forma, e de outro o negocio já está saturado.

Hoje eu não sinto que preciso ver uma historia num jogo, manga ou livro em formato de filme. Eu já estou mais do que feliz com o formato original da obra.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Não conheço a série Percy Jackson, mas vi que haverá uma nova versão no Disney+, e alteraram a etnia de uma das principais personagens:


Versão antiga (a menina principal era branca):


O autor dos livros de Percy Jackson fez um desabafo sobre a escolha de uma atriz negra para interpretar uma personagem branca na obra original.

Rick Riordan disse:

Leah Jeffries is Annabeth Chase​

This post is specifically for those who have a problem with the casting of Leah Jeffries as Annabeth Chase. It’s a shame such posts need to be written, but they do. First, let me be clear I am speaking here only for myself. These thoughts are mine alone. They do not necessarily reflect or represent the opinions of any part of Disney, the TV show, the production team, or the Jeffries family.

The response to the casting of Leah has been overwhelmingly positive and joyous, as it should be. Leah brings so much energy and enthusiasm to this role, so much of Annabeth’s strength. She will be a role model for new generations of girls who will see in her the kind of hero they want to be.

If you have a problem with this casting, however, take it up with me. You have no one else to blame. Whatever else you take from this post, we should be able to agree that bullying and harassing a child online is inexcusably wrong. As strong as Leah is, as much as we have discussed the potential for this kind of reaction and the intense pressure this role will bring, the negative comments she has received online are out of line. They need to stop. Now.

I was quite clear a year ago, when we announced our first open casting, that we would be following Disney’s company policy on nondiscrimination: We are committed to diverse, inclusive casting. For every role, please submit qualified performers, without regard to disability, gender, race and ethnicity, age, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other basis prohibited by law. We did that. The casting process was long, intense, massive and exhaustive.

I have been clear, as the author, that I was looking for the best actors to inhabit and bring to life the personalities of these characters, and that physical appearance was secondary for me. We did that. We took a year to do this process thoroughly and find the best of the best. This trio is the best. Leah Jeffries is Annabeth Chase.
Some of you have apparently felt offended or exasperated when your objections are called out online as racist. “But I am not racist,” you say. “It is not racist to want an actor who is accurate to the book’s description of the character!”

Let’s examine that statement.

You are upset/disappointed/frustrated/angry because a Black actor has been cast to play a character who was described as white in the books. “She doesn’t look the way I always imagined.”

You either are not aware, or have dismissed, Leah’s years of hard work honing her craft, her talent, her tenacity, her focus, her screen presence. You refuse to believe her selection could have been based on merit. Without having seen her play the part, you have pre-judged her (pre + judge = prejudice) and decided she must have been hired simply to fill a quota or tick a diversity box. And by the way, these criticisms have come from across the political spectrum, right and left.

You have decided that I couldn’t possibly mean what I have always said: That the true nature of the character lies in their personality. You feel I must have been coerced, brainwashed, bribed, threatened, whatever, or I as a white male author never would have chosen a Black actor for the part of this canonically white girl.

You refuse to believe me, the guy who wrote the books and created these characters, when I say that these actors are perfect for the roles because of the talent they bring and the way they used their auditions to expand, improve and electrify the lines they were given. Once you see Leah as Annabeth, she will become exactly the way you imagine Annabeth, assuming you give her that chance, but you refuse to credit that this may be true.

You are judging her appropriateness for this role solely and exclusively on how she looks. She is a Black girl playing someone who was described in the books as white.

Friends, that is racism.

And before you resort to the old kneejerk reaction — “I am not racist!” — let’s examine that statement too.

If I may quote from an excellent recent article in the Boston Globe about Dr. Khama Ennis, who created a program on implicit bias for the Massachusetts Board of Registration for Medicine in Boston: “To say a person doesn’t have bias is to say that person isn’t human. It’s how we navigate the world … based on what we’re taught and our own personal histories.”

Racism/colorism isn’t something we have or don’t have. I have it. You have it. We all do. And not just white people like me. All people. It’s either something we recognize and try to work on, or it’s something we deny. Saying “I am not racist!” is simply declaring that you deny your own biases and refuse to work on them.

The core message of Percy Jackson has always been that difference is strength. There is power in plurality. The things that distinguish us from one another are often our marks of individual greatness. You should never judge someone by how well they fit your preconceived notions. That neurodivergent kid who has failed out of six schools, for instance, may well be the son of Poseidon. Anyone can be a hero.

If you don’t get that, if you’re still upset about the casting of this marvelous trio, then it doesn’t matter how many times you have read the books. You didn’t learn anything from them.

Watch the show or don’t. That’s your call. But this will be an adaptation that I am proud of, and which fully honors the spirit of Percy Jackson and the Olympians, taking the bedtime story I told my son twenty years ago to make him feel better about being neurodivergent, and improving on it so that kids all over the world can continue to see themselves as heroes at Camp Half-Blood.

Rick Riordan

Fonte: https://archive.ph/Bd6NR

tldr: "quem não gostou da escolha é racista"


Mil pontos, LOL!
Vou falar algo: eu não entendia o que os fãs de Star Wars sentiam quando viu essa trilogia m3rd4 que fizeram. Porém por ser grande fã de Halo eu sinto agora a tristeza que é ferrarem sua obra preferida. Principalmente quando você olha os filmes que não foram "superproduções" mas que foram ótimas

Qual série famosa falta estragar? Acho que quase todo mundo já se f*deu na mão da tchurminha.:kmascaraha


Mil pontos, LOL!
Os donos dos maiores canais do Youtube e sites sobre Tolkien ganharam uma viagem com tudo pago pra Londres para um evento do Rings of Power, onde foi mostrado 20 minutos do primeiro episódio.
Aparentemente todos adoraram e alguns disseram que a caracterização dos personagens está melhor do que na Trilogia :brbr



Os donos dos maiores canais do Youtube e sites sobre Tolkien ganharam uma viagem com tudo pago pra Londres para um evento do Rings of Power, onde foi mostrado 20 minutos do primeiro episódio.
Aparentemente todos adoraram e alguns disseram que a caracterização dos personagens está melhor do que na Trilogia :brbr

São uns vendidos...


Mil pontos, LOL!
Os donos dos maiores canais do Youtube e sites sobre Tolkien ganharam uma viagem com tudo pago pra Londres para um evento do Rings of Power, onde foi mostrado 20 minutos do primeiro episódio.
Aparentemente todos adoraram e alguns disseram que a caracterização dos personagens está melhor do que na Trilogia :brbr

Esses putos perderam a credibilidade com os legítimos fãs da obra de Tolkien no momento em que se venderam e sentaram no colo do Bezos. As opiniões deles sobre a série valem tanto quanto um tolete de m**** deixado por um viciado em crack numa calçada de São Francisco. :kclassic
Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!

Discovery+ Preps Show Exploring Teenage Drag Queens​


Discovery+ is preparing to launch a show executive produced by model and TV mogul Tyra Banks that will follow five teens and their journey into the world of drag.

Generation drag, a six-episode series due in June, will feature the drag queen journeys of five teens, each about 15-years-old. The show will follow the teens, and their families grappling with all things drag, as they are introduced to adult drag queens who help groom them for their big drag queen show.

The series will culminate in a full drag show performance at the annual “Dragutante” event held in Denver, Colorado.

The official trailer for the series shows the kids as they make their way to Denver and being doted on and encouraged by parents and adult drag queen performers.

Dragutante is an annual event that has been exposing kids as young as 12 to the life of drag since 2017. The event is sponsored by the Denver Center for the Performing Arts and the ICRME – Imperial Court of the Rocky Mountain Empire.

The drag queen event explains that “parents, professional drag performers and LGBTQIA+ community organizations are helping to make a difference in the lives of the next generation of drag!” And to help children “fully realize their self expression on stage.”

The show debuts even as its executive producer Tyra Banks faces steep criticism for a hostile environment on her other hit show, America’s Next Top Model.

After a recent winner, Angela Preston, was stripped of her title because she she served as a prostitute before entering the show, several past contestants have come out to charge Banks and the producers of the show with fostering unsafe conditions to “maximize drama” among the contestants.

Banks has also been slammed over several episodes that critics say included blackface photo shoots and other seemingly racist moments over the show’s 24-year run with its first series debuting in 2003.



Mil pontos, LOL!

Disney Stock Continues to Drop Amidst Q2 Earnings Report Concerns​


Are Disney shareholders in for a rude awakening? The Walt Disney Company (DIS) will report its Q2 earnings tomorrow, and investors are already nervous that Disney+ will see a drop off in subscribers akin to Netflix’s catastrophic losses.

Shares of Disney have been steadily dropping for weeks, with the company reaching a 52-week low of $106.68 as the time of of writing. That’s a far cry from the 52-week high of $187.58 per share, and a loss of over 42% in one year.

This despite pandemic restrictions being all but completely lifted in most parts of the country, and despite Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness dominating the box office this weekend.

New sign-ups are projected to pick up to nearly 10.8 million from April to June, analysts estimate.
Disney reiterated in February that it expects to amass between 230 million and 260 million Disney+ subscribers by the end of September 2024.
The company needs to average nearly 9.1 million new customers per quarter to reach the low end of that range, or 11.8 million to reach the high end. Chief Executive Bob Chapek has said that growth may fluctuate from quarter to quarter.

Analysists also cite backlash over Disney’s recent political standoff in Florida — and the impending loss of Reedy Creek — as a factor that may cause some customers to boycott Disney in protest.

Wells Fargo analyst Steven Cahall claims that he expects Disney+ to be light on new subs this quarter. He expects only 3.5 million new signups, compared to others believing that Disney will land over 5 million.

“The March quarter is expected to be light on Disney+ net adds due to limited new content + market launches,” he said.

Still, it’s not all doom and gloom for the House of Mouse. Some experts are adjusting Disney’s earnings estimate, indicating that they think Mickey might actually beat expectations this quarter.

It’s not just Disney stock that is down. The entire stock market is taking a tumble, and many are claiming a recession is right around the corner — if not already here. That means that many families will tighten their belts, and discretionary spending on “luxury items” like Disney vacations may be postponed until the storm blows over.

Disney’s Q2 FY22 Earnings Results Webcast will be livestreamed on May 11, 2022 at 4:30 p.m. EST.



Mil pontos, LOL!
Preciso ver esse comercial do polo pra ficar atualizado


Mil pontos, LOL!

Aí estão os "super fãs" novamente, com seus brindes e viagens fornecidos pela Amazon, em troca de suas opiniões absolutamente isentas e imparciais sobre a prévia que foram pagos... subornados... convidados para assistir. :kclassic
Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!

'This is not negotiable': Netflix customers threaten to CANCEL their subscriptions if it starts showing adverts to those on cheaper plans – as experts warn move could drive users to rivals Apple, Amazon and Disney+​

Netflix customers are threatening to cancel their subscriptions if the streaming service starts showing adverts to those on cheaper deals.

Yesterday it emerged that Netflix has sped up plans to introduce a lower-priced ad-supported subscription plan, following its first fall in subscriber numbers in a decade.

The new plan is now expected to be introduced by the end of the year, according to a note to employees, obtained by The New York Times on Tuesday.

However, Netflix subscribers have not reacted well to the news, with many claiming they will quit the service if they start seeing ads.

'I've been a @netflix customer since the time when you had to send the disc back in the mail,' wrote Twitter user @GGnotGIGI713.

'If ads go on my PAID SUBSCRIPTION ACCOUNT, I'm gone for good. This is not negotiable.'

Another, who goes by the handle @UCantCensorThis, wrote: 'Hey @netflix. I'm letting you know now that if I EVER see a single ad interrupt anything I'm watching on your service, I will cancel faster than you can say 'commerical break'.'

Meanwhile, industry experts said that, while the new ad-supported subscription plan may help to entice some consumers who are battling a cost-of-living crisis, it could also drive others to rival services including Apple, Amazon and Disney+.






Netflix subscribers took to Twitter to express their displeasure about the news Netflix will start showing ads by the end of the year
Netflix announced on April 19 that it had lost 200,000 subscribers in the first three months of the year, and expected to lose two million more in the second quarter.

The share price fell significantly following the news, wiping away roughly $70 billion in the company's market capitalisation.

In response, Reed Hastings, Netflix's co-chief executive, said the company was considering introducing adverts on a cheaper subscription package, and would 'figure it out over the next year or two.'

However, a note to employees, obtained by The New York Times on Tuesday, showed the pace of the proposal has drastically accelerated, and the new cheaper offering will be brought in in the final quarter.

'Yes, it's fast and ambitious and it will require some trade-offs,' the note said.

'Every major streaming company excluding Apple has or has announced an ad-supported service. For good reason, people want lower-priced options.'

The executives pointed out that HBO and Hulu have been able to 'maintain strong brands while offering an ad-supported service'.

It is not yet clear whether advertising will be rolled out across existing subscription tiers, or whether Netflix will create a new lower-priced tier that will be supported by ads.

The company's cheapest plan, known as 'Basic', currently costs £6.99 per month in the UK, rising to £10.99 per month for 'Standard' and £15.99 per month for 'Premium'.

Paolo Pescatore, analyst at PP Foresight, suggested that in order to attract users to sign up and keep them engaged, the new ad-supported plan would need to be 'somewhere between 25%-50% less than what they're paying today'.

'When the new tier is brought in a lot will hinge on its price point,' said Nick Baker, TV expert at Uswitch.com.

'Will it be pitched low enough to tempt a significant number of new subscribers, or will it simply end up being used by current customers as a cost-saving downgrade?

'Ultimately the strength of its unique content and back catalogue will be a key test for Netflix in the streaming wars.

'Consumers will certainly tolerate ads to watch shows that are considered unmissable but the pressure is higher than ever for the company to keep delivering international hits like Squid Game and The Queen's Gambit.'

Jem Lloyd-Williams, CEO of media agency Mindshare UK, said that, for some, the trade-off between saving some money each month and watching adverts might prove attractive.

'As long as Netflix continues to invest in high quality content, we think this could be the right move at the right time for the streaming giant,' he said.




E o último episódio, deu vontade de jogar o mouse na televisão, nem o bobãofet foi tão absurdo assim.
Meu confederado vc q teve o "prazer" de ver a série toda me diz aí por favor, os fdp pelo menos mais pra frente tocam a fucking trilha sonora do Halo ou não? Pq pelo pouco q assisti não tocou e achei isso uma falta de respeito e um pecado da porr@ com a lore do game . (Só de não tocar na abertura já deu vontade de jogar o PC inteiro na tela e não só o mouse kkkkk)


Mil pontos, LOL!

Disney stock turns to a loss after warning about rough road ahead for streaming

Disney shares initially increased after the company added more streaming subscribers than expected in second quarter, but CFO warns that first-half gains could lead to downfall in second half of fiscal year

The Walt Disney Co. added more streaming subscribers than expected in the wake of problems at rival Netflix Inc., but warned that it faces weakness in the months to come after the unexpected surge.

Disney DIS, -2.29% reported the addition of 7.9 million Disney+ subscriptions in its fiscal second quarter for a total of 137.7 million subscribers, and more than 205 million total streaming subscribers to services that also include ESPN+ and Hulu. Those totals were easily higher than analysts expected — the average forecast called for 135.1 million Disney+ subscribers and 204.4 million total streaming customers, according to FactSet — and shares initially moved higher in after-hours trading despite an earnings and revenue miss.

Those gains turned around roughly an hour into the extended session, however, just as Chief Financial Officer Christine McCarthy ticked off increased costs Disney faces and warned that Disney may have hurt its subscriber growth in the second half with its strong performance in the first half of its fiscal year. Shares ended the after-hours session down 3%.

“At Disney+, while we still expect higher net adds in the second half of the year versus the first half, it’s worth mentioning that we did have a stronger-than-expected first half of the year,” McCarthy said. “Additionally, note that some of the Eastern European markets we’re launching in toward the end of Q3, including Poland, are in regions being impacted by geopolitical factors.”

When an analyst later asked for a clarification on that guidance, McCarthy said, “We still do expect an increase over the first half; however, the first half came in better than expected, so that delta that we had initially anticipated may not be as large. But we still do expect an increase in the second half to exceed the first half.”

Disney posted fiscal second-quarter net income of $470 million, or 26 cents a share, on sales of $19.25 billion, up from $16.25 billion a year ago. Revenue took a $1 billion hit due to Disney paying a penalty for canceling a contract with a partner, due to content that the company decided to air on its own streaming service instead, causing the revenue miss.

After adjusting for restructuring costs, amortization and other effects, the company reported earnings of $1.08 a share, compared with adjusted earnings of 32 cents a share a year ago. Analysts surveyed by FactSet had expected adjusted earnings of $1.19 a share on revenue of $20.05 billion.

“Our strong results in the second quarter, including fantastic performance at our domestic parks and continued growth of our streaming services — with 7.9 million Disney+ subscribers added in the quarter and total subscriptions across all our DTC offerings exceeding 205 million — once again proved that we are in a league of our own,” Disney Chief Executive Bob Chapek said in a statement announcing the results.

Disney’s performance in streaming comes amid escalating competition from rivals Netflix NFLX, -6.35%, Apple Inc. AAPL, -5.18%, Warner Bros. Discovery Inc. WBD, -4.21%, Comcast Corp. CMCSA, -1.14% and Amazon.com Inc. AMZN, -3.20% at the a time when belt-tightening consumers are scaling back on subscriptions. Netflix has been especially pinched, losing subscribers for the first time in a decade, because of a variety of reasons that include inflation, the war in Ukraine and competition.

In a sign of its struggles, Netflix is expected to unfurl an ad-supported, lower-priced subscription tier by the end of the year, according to a New York Times report. In discussing the decision in a taped interview last month, co-CEO Reed Hastings noted that Hulu’s success with ad-supported streaming helped solidify the decision.





'This is not negotiable': Netflix customers threaten to CANCEL their subscriptions if it starts showing adverts to those on cheaper plans – as experts warn move could drive users to rivals Apple, Amazon and Disney+​

Netflix customers are threatening to cancel their subscriptions if the streaming service starts showing adverts to those on cheaper deals.

Yesterday it emerged that Netflix has sped up plans to introduce a lower-priced ad-supported subscription plan, following its first fall in subscriber numbers in a decade.

The new plan is now expected to be introduced by the end of the year, according to a note to employees, obtained by The New York Times on Tuesday.

However, Netflix subscribers have not reacted well to the news, with many claiming they will quit the service if they start seeing ads.

'I've been a @netflix customer since the time when you had to send the disc back in the mail,' wrote Twitter user @GGnotGIGI713.

'If ads go on my PAID SUBSCRIPTION ACCOUNT, I'm gone for good. This is not negotiable.'

Another, who goes by the handle @UCantCensorThis, wrote: 'Hey @netflix. I'm letting you know now that if I EVER see a single ad interrupt anything I'm watching on your service, I will cancel faster than you can say 'commerical break'.'

Meanwhile, industry experts said that, while the new ad-supported subscription plan may help to entice some consumers who are battling a cost-of-living crisis, it could also drive others to rival services including Apple, Amazon and Disney+.






Netflix subscribers took to Twitter to express their displeasure about the news Netflix will start showing ads by the end of the year
Netflix announced on April 19 that it had lost 200,000 subscribers in the first three months of the year, and expected to lose two million more in the second quarter.

The share price fell significantly following the news, wiping away roughly $70 billion in the company's market capitalisation.

In response, Reed Hastings, Netflix's co-chief executive, said the company was considering introducing adverts on a cheaper subscription package, and would 'figure it out over the next year or two.'

However, a note to employees, obtained by The New York Times on Tuesday, showed the pace of the proposal has drastically accelerated, and the new cheaper offering will be brought in in the final quarter.

'Yes, it's fast and ambitious and it will require some trade-offs,' the note said.

'Every major streaming company excluding Apple has or has announced an ad-supported service. For good reason, people want lower-priced options.'

The executives pointed out that HBO and Hulu have been able to 'maintain strong brands while offering an ad-supported service'.

It is not yet clear whether advertising will be rolled out across existing subscription tiers, or whether Netflix will create a new lower-priced tier that will be supported by ads.

The company's cheapest plan, known as 'Basic', currently costs £6.99 per month in the UK, rising to £10.99 per month for 'Standard' and £15.99 per month for 'Premium'.

Paolo Pescatore, analyst at PP Foresight, suggested that in order to attract users to sign up and keep them engaged, the new ad-supported plan would need to be 'somewhere between 25%-50% less than what they're paying today'.

'When the new tier is brought in a lot will hinge on its price point,' said Nick Baker, TV expert at Uswitch.com.

'Will it be pitched low enough to tempt a significant number of new subscribers, or will it simply end up being used by current customers as a cost-saving downgrade?

'Ultimately the strength of its unique content and back catalogue will be a key test for Netflix in the streaming wars.

'Consumers will certainly tolerate ads to watch shows that are considered unmissable but the pressure is higher than ever for the company to keep delivering international hits like Squid Game and The Queen's Gambit.'

Jem Lloyd-Williams, CEO of media agency Mindshare UK, said that, for some, the trade-off between saving some money each month and watching adverts might prove attractive.

'As long as Netflix continues to invest in high quality content, we think this could be the right move at the right time for the streaming giant,' he said.



Um detalhe nessa matéria me chamou atenção, cliente protestando por causa de comercial sendo q já nem devia estar na plataforma pelo lixo de conteúdo atual que ela empurra goela abaixo do povo que ainda usa ela.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Um detalhe nessa matéria me chamou atenção, cliente protestando por causa de comercial sendo q já nem devia estar na plataforma pelo lixo de conteúdo atual que ela empurra goela abaixo do povo que ainda usa ela.
Acredito que escolheram uns clientes bem medianos para ilustrar essa matéria. Eles não se importam em consumir lixo: o que não admitem, é que hajam comerciais atrapalhando que eles consumam esse lixo. :klol

Aristarco de Samos

Meu confederado vc q teve o "prazer" de ver a série toda me diz aí por favor, os fdp pelo menos mais pra frente tocam a fucking trilha sonora do Halo ou não? Pq pelo pouco q assisti não tocou e achei isso uma falta de respeito e um pecado da porr@ com a lore do game . (Só de não tocar na abertura já deu vontade de jogar o PC inteiro na tela e não só o mouse kkkkk)

Eu não sou jogador de halo, só que mesmo eu não jogando foi um absurdo e um tapa na cara de quem viu até o sétimo episódio.

No sétimo simplesmente o 117 não aparece na tela nem 1 segundo, é totalmente focado na pirralha e um ep de m****, em todo ep eles deixam algo para te dar curiosidade para você ver o próximo e nesse não mostrou nada da relevante da sequencia do sexto só besteirinhas e a pirralha é ridícula nessa série,
Topo Fundo