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[Mídias] Quem lacra, não lucra.

Aristarco de Samos

Imagine se ela tivesse nascido no Bostil.


Só de castigo ela deveria reencarnar nesse país e conservar as memórias da vida anterior "sofrida" .

Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!
Sé de castigo ela deveria reencarnar nesse país e conservar as memórias da vida anterior "sofrida" .

Não precisa ir pra África pra ver tanta miséria e pessoas vivendo em condições sub-humanas, basta ir pra periferia de qualquer cidade brasileira de porte médio/grande ou interior de estados da região norte, nordeste. É daí pra pior.

Aristarco de Samos

Não precisa ir pra África pra ver tanta miséria e pessoas vivendo em condições sub-humanas, basta ir pra periferia de qualquer cidade brasileira de porte médio/grande ou interior de estados da região norte, nordeste. É daí pra pior.

Eu já vi miséria em diversos lugares no brasil, mas aqui pode dar sorte de escapar já nesse país aí a chance de ser miserável e viver a vida inteira assim é quase de 99%, e mesmo nos piores lugares do brasil acho que os mais miseráveis desse país aí sofrem mais, é até triste ter uma disputar de quem sofre mais, mas vê o vídeo...
E ele não deve ter tido contato com o submundo desse país.


Mil pontos, LOL!
O autor dos livros de Percy Jackson fez um desabafo sobre a escolha de uma atriz negra para interpretar uma personagem branca na obra original.

Fonte: https://archive.ph/Bd6NR

tldr: "quem não gostou da escolha é racista"

Becky Riordan Encourages Harassment Of Percy Jackson Fans, Doubles Down On Calling Fans Racists

Becky Riordan, the wife of Percy Jackson and the Olympians novelist Rick Riordan, took to Twitter to encourage harassment of Percy Jackson fans who disagree with the race-swapping of Annabeth Chase and Grover Underwood in the upcoming Disney+ adaptation of the books.

Riordan previously implied that fans were racist when she claimed they were engaging in demagoguery in reaction to the race swap castings.

She tweeted, “A while back you (the fans) and I agreed to make these handles as kid friendly safe places as possible. We give no room to demagoguery.”

“We focus on the positive, We are supportive and uplifting. We encourage fans to not give space to hate speech veiled or blatant. #DoNotTweetHate”


She then proceeded to call people who wanted the show to be true to the books’ source material “haters.”

“I will also tell you something I know is a fact. Rick’s books open people’s minds. We get letters all the time that tell us this. Our TV show can do the same,” she tweeted.

Riordan added, “Yelling at haters will get us no where. Do not give their hate fires oxygen. #DoNotTweetHate”


Next, Riordan tweeted, “Demagoguery is a good word to know. Do we need to have a talk about the intersectionality of misogyny and racism? Misogyny is equally a problem here. We condemn both.”

“Getting yelled at? Annabeth doesn’t belong to you. She never did. Leave Leah alone,” Riordan added.


Becky Riordan then outright called those critical of the casting racist and misogynistic.

She wrote on Twitter, “Most of the haters don’t know they are misogynistic and or racist so you won’t be able to convince them that they are wrong.”

Riordan continued, “The one thing you can do? Many of you are already doing it! SING Leah’s praises. Shout your approval of Leah worldwide! Create art in her honor. Celebrate!”


She would then seemingly encourage harassment or at least cheerlead the harassment of those she deemed racists and misogynists in response to a user claiming that individuals critical of the casting know they are racists and misogynists.

Riordan tweeted, “They sure as heck should know now! You all are giving them a good what for!”


Twitter user MasteroftheTDS shared a number of examples of individuals tweeting insults and accusing him of racism for disagreeing with the casting choices as well as criticizing Rick Riordan for attacking his fans as racists. As you can see numerous Twitter users accused him of racism.


Wanting the cast of a live-action show to match up with the original source material is not racist. Wanting Black Panther to be portrayed by a black man instead of a white man is not racist. Just like wanting Annabeth Chase to be portrayed by a white woman instead of a black woman is not racist. That is how those characters were originally written.

Not only did they accuse him of being a racist for something that is not racist, but one user told him to “kill yourself” while another told him to “gargle glass.”


One can only imagine if they are doing this to one Twitter user, how many other Twitter users are they doing it to. This is also the type of behavior that Becky Riordan is encouraging and cheering on when she calls people racists for an action that is not racist and tweets, “They sure as heck should know now! You all are giving them a good what for!”

Nevertheless, Riordan would double down on calling Percy Jackson fans racists, “Today I am grateful to everyone who reached out to us to tell us what we (including you fans) said yesterday had an impact on them.”

“Some are not ready to take a hard look inside themselves but I remain hopeful. Racism has no place in the Percy Jackson fandom,” she wrote.


Ironically, Rick Riordan admitted he was a racist in a blog post on his website.

Riordan wrote, “Racism/colorism isn’t something we have or don’t have. I have it. You have it. We all do. And not just white people like me. All people.”

“It’s either something we recognize and try to work on, or it’s something we deny. Saying “I am not racist!” is simply declaring that you deny your own biases and refuse to work on them,” he added.


A base de fãs desse Harry Potter de segunda categoria não é das maiores, para começo de conversa. Some-se a isso o fato do autor sair taxando de racista qualquer um que não tenha concordado com o casting que foi feito para a série. Como se não bastasse, agora aparece a esposa do puto, dobrando as apostas nos insultos aos fãs.

Estão seguindo à risca a cartilha de Paul Feig, o cretino que dirigiu o Lacra Fantasmas 2016. Basicamente, a cartilha prega que você deve taxar os fãs de "istas" e/ou "fóbicos" incessantemente, em todas as ocasiões possíveis. Posteriormente, quando seu filme ou série falhar por falta de suporte dos fãs, basta dizer que isso ocorreu porque os ditos cujos eram "istas" e/ou "fóbicos".

Essa série nem começou a ser filmada ainda mas, quando ela flopar, não se surpreendam se o puto do autor e a vadia da esposa saírem insultando os fãs novamente. E pensar que foram esses mesmos fãs que fizeram os livros serem bem sucedidos e tornaram o autor rico... Pelo visto, Riordan e a esposa não fazem a menor ideia do que significa a palavra gratidão. :kclassic
Ultima Edição:

Aristarco de Samos

Eu não sou jogador de halo, só que mesmo eu não jogando foi um absurdo e um tapa na cara de quem viu até o sétimo episódio.

No sétimo simplesmente o 117 não aparece na tela nem 1 segundo, é totalmente focado na pirralha e um ep de m****, em todo ep eles deixam algo para te dar curiosidade para você ver o próximo e nesse não mostrou nada da relevante da sequencia do sexto só besteirinhas e a pirralha é ridícula nessa série,

Aqui oq eu tinha comentado, fizeram até um vídeo.




Mil pontos, LOL!

Disney-Marvel’s ‘Doctor Strange’ Actress and Husband Convicted of Multiple Child Sex Charges​


British film actress Zara Phythian – who appeared in Doctor Strange alongside Benedict Cumberbatch – has been found guilty of grooming and sexually abusing a girl in tandem with her husband Victor Marke.

The latter was also found to have sexually abused another girl on his own.

The Times reports Phythian, who is 37, was found guilty of 14 sexual offences at Nottingham Crown Court while her husband, who is 59, was found guilty of 18.

The court heard the couple met when he was her martial arts instructor, and she went on to have a successful career in martial arts, as a stuntwoman, and actress.

When Victor Marke gave his evidence he admitted sexual activity with one of the girls but claimed she was 18 at the time.

The prosecution said he had engaged in numerous “threesomes” with the girl and Phythian, starting when the girl was 13.


The court heard the couple met when he was her martial arts instructor (Instagram)

The abuse was instigated after Phythian plied the girl with rum and asked if she wanted to “play dare” with her husband.

Jurors were told the actress performed a sex act on her husband, Victor Marke, which she invited the child to mimic.

The BBC reports after the initial incident, the couple abused the child up to twice a month for three years while urging her “not to tell anyone”.

The victim — now an adult — told the court she was abused around 20 times between 2005 and 2008. Some of the encounters were filmed, she said.

However, Marke claimed the sexual activity happened on only one occasion, and said Phythian was not involved.

When Phythian gave her evidence, she denied any kind of sexual activity with the girl.


Zara Phythian with her Doctor Strange co-star, Benedict Cumberbatch. (Instagram)

Speaking after the guilty verdicts, Nicole Hepburn from the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said the couple had been “exposed as the true liars.”

Marke and Phythian were in a relationship when they abused the girl and later married in 2015. She stood trial under her married name of Zara Marke.

The couple hugged each other in court as the barristers and judge discussed when they will be sentenced, and Marke could be heard crying, the Times reports.

They had been on bail throughout the trial, but Judge Mark Watson remanded them into custody after the guilty verdicts, and said he would sentence them on 16 May.

He told them: “Both of you know the sentence I pass on 16 May is likely to be measured by a considerable period of custody.”

Não é para menos que Hollywood promove a sexualização de crianças e defende a doutrinação das mesmas, na idade mais tenra possível... não é mesmo, Disney? :kpensa

Essa cambada de degenerados quer ter o direito de abusar sexualmente de crianças e escapar de qualquer tipo de punição. Bando de filhos da put*. Ao menos esses aí citados na matéria parecem ter se fodido linda e merecidamente. :kclassic


Mil pontos, LOL!
Netflix? More Like Not-flix
The anatomy of a failing entertainment platform

Of the many brilliant, hilarious gags in Mel Brooks’ classic The Producers (1967), my favorite is the one where theatrical producer Zero Mostel and his accountant partner, Gene Wilder, have been up all night delving through a stack of scripts in order to find a surefire Broadway flop. “Read, read,” Mostel insists. “We’ve got to find the worst play ever written.” A moment later, he contemplates a possible winner-loser (The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka). “Ah. Gregor Samsa awoke one morning to discover that he had been transformed into a giant cockroach.” Mostel pauses for a precious millisecond then shakes his head and says, “Too good,” tossing away the script. The recent flight of customers from Netflix — 200,000 at last count — suggests the company may be selecting properties from Mostel’s script pile.

Deluded by the COVID-captive audiences of the past two years, Netflix miscalculated both the durability of streaming and viewer interest in its product. And rather than become a welcome alternative to struggling mainstream studio fare, it exceeded even their virtue-signaling wokeness. The result was no Springtime for Hitler–style success but a total collapse, beyond Max Bialystock’s wildest dream. A quick look at some new Netflix Original titles may solve the mystery of the vanishing viewership.

Heartstopper (TV series)​

The friendship between two boys at a British high school blossoms into something more intimate. The fact that the leads are young adults and not in grades K-3 probably made them too old for Disney.

He’s Expecting (movie)​

A man becomes pregnant, but that’s not the main premise. IMDb’s (Internet Movie Database) logline for the film completely bypasses the impossible, ridiculous concept to focus on the “deeper” issue: “When a successful ad executive … becomes pregnant, he’s forced to confront social inequities he’s never considered before” — yeah, like his being a scientific freak. Five years ago, anyone reading that line would have been perplexed. Today, normal people know just what to expect, and avoid.

Two (movie)​

Two strangers, a man and a woman, wake up with their stomachs sown together and seek out the person responsible. Nothing says “must watch” like the idea of two abdominally attached protagonists hopping sideways after a villain. Yet the film not only got made but found a home on Netflix.

Coming Out Colton (documentary)​

A former marginal NFL player — whom most sports fans couldn’t recall — and The Bachelor personality – which no real man would know — spends six episodes sharing his life as a gay semi-celebrity, and that’s only Season 1! That pro athletes have outed themselves since I was a kid following the Washington Redskins didn’t stop Netflix from scooping up this property like it was viewer dynamite in 2022.

Lead Me Home (short)​

This documentary follows the lives of several homeless denizens of West Coast cities. Of course, residents of Democrat-run LA, San Francisco, Seattle, and New York don’t have to turn on their TV sets to find out about homeless folks. They have a hard enough time not stepping on them or their waste matter.

Of course, if homeless wretches were a Netflix Original draw, the company offers plenty of darker, uglier fare in its library, such as serial killers, gangsters, and slashers, real and supernatural, from all around the world. As a fiction author, I prefer more inspiring human drama and comedy, which is why I mostly watch Turner Classic Movies. Because nothing on Netflix even approaches the writing of Charlie Chaplin, Billy Wilder, Ernst Lubitsch (The Shop Around the Corner), Preston Sturges (The Lady Eve, Sullivan’s Travels), Philip Barry (The Philadelphia Story), Raymond Chandler (Double Indemnity, Strangers on a Train, The Blue Dahlia), Ernest Lehman (North by Northwest, The Sound of Music), and other true artists. But recently I made two Netflix exceptions with a positive and negative result.

One was The Last Kingdom, which Scott McKay has rightly called “masterful” in his American Spectator articles. It’s an exciting, politically incorrect saga about the precarious formation of England in the 10th century against overwhelming, savage odds. I’m a huge fan of the Bernard Cornwell novels on which the series is based, and it astonishingly does them justice. It is no coincidence that the show started on the BBC, but credit to Netflix for picking it up in style.

But the other miniseries I watched, Anatomy of a Scandal, typifies the problem with Netflix streaming. Created by superior television auteur David E. Kelley (L.A. Law, Boston Legal), Scandal tells the story of a blue-blood British MP, James (Rupert Friend) and his beautiful homemaker wife, Sophie (Sienna Miller), rocked by his workplace affair and rape accusation. For five episodes and most of the final sixth, it was a riveting, intelligent, well-mounted, marvelously acted legal thriller featuring a great twist.

Then, at the very end, it went woke, with a phony, immoral, moronic, female-empowerment cliche that soured the whole thing, contradicting all the good that came before. Up to that point, the story unfolds through Sophie’s point of view, as she tries to determine whether a sexual encounter in the office elevator was consensual, like James says, or rape, like his accuser charges. But whether errant husband or repeated rapist, James is shown to be a wonderful father to their two darling children, a little boy and a girl. Sophie’s ultimate decision will permanently shatter the kids’ universe and deny them their dad. This is never touched on, yet the final shot is of the two happy children, fatherless forever, skipping ahead of Sophie to a seaside cottage. What seems more important to the show-makers is that Sophie bonded with the totally unethical but haunted female prosecutor.

Kelley is astute enough a writer to know he betrayed his characters and contradicted his own story structure with this cheat. But he couldn’t help himself and chose message over medium. As the great American novelist Andrew Klavan said, “Feminism ruins everything,” especially art. It most certainly ruined Anatomy of a Scandal.

I, however, had invested six hours of my precious time in a Netflix series, and I never will again. Judging from the current mass exodus of subscribers, I’m in fine company.


Porque será que a Lacreflix está perdendo assinatentes? É um mistério absolutamente impossível de ser solucionado. :viraolho


Lenda da internet

Caraio mano....a lacreflix ainda vai levar esse lixo q ela esta chamando de "resident evil" a sério ? :klolwtf

Como q, em um trailer de menos q 1 minuto e meio eles já enfiam:
*Molieres empoleiradas em um (possivel) relacionamento homossexal e ja apareceu tanto protagonista/coadjuvante negros q parece q foi feito pelo jordan pelee :kkk

Já já eles metem um "o capitalismo destruiu tudo no mundo"
Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!

Rick Riordan Wasn’t Lying When He Asserted He Was A Racist, Claimed Being White Was “A Drawback” In Now-Deleted Blog Post

Percy Jackson and the Olympians novelist Rick Riordan recently claimed that he was a racist while also decrying his own readers and fans as racist if they disagreed with race swapping Annabeth Chase.

In a post titled, “Leah Jeffries is Annabeth Chase,” Riordan wrote, “Racism/colorism isn’t something we have or don’t have. I have it. You have it. We all do. And not just white people like me. All people.”

He added, “It’s either something we recognize and try to work on, or it’s something we deny. Saying ‘I am not racist!’ is simply declaring that you deny your own biases and refuse to work on them.”


The author apparently wasn’t lying when he claimed that racism is something he has, thus admitting he’s a racist. In a now-deleted blog post from July 2020, Riordan claimed that being white was a drawback.

The post titled “Feathers? Why Feathers?” addressed why his character Piper, who is half-Cherokee, is described as wearing feathers in her hair. While detailing the research he did into the Cherokee, Riordan took issue with historian James Mooney’s race.

He wrote, “For Piper’s background, I started with James Mooney’s book History, Myths and Sacred Formulas of the Cherokee. Now, Mooney was a white guy, so that’s a drawback.”


That’s right, Riordan believes that simply because Mooney was white that’s a drawback and somehow effects the legitimacy of his work. If that’s not prejudice against someone specifically because of their skin color, I don’t know what is.

Interestingly, as you can see above, Riordan does admit that even though he believes Mooney being white is a “drawback,” that “most of the sacred stories that Tristan and Piper talk about in Heroes of Olympus come from Mooney’s collection.”

Riordan also claims that Mooney’s work “is still the most comprehensive collection of Cherokee stories available from that time.” So despite him claiming that him being white was a “drawback,” he still exploited the work for his own gain.

Another point of interest is that Riordan claims Mooney being white is a drawback, but he seemingly doesn’t realize that if you use his own logic that he must view himself as a drawback.

After all, Riordan is white and he adapted the Cherokee stories into his novels that were documented by Mooney.

Maybe the most galling aspect of Riordan’s claim that Mooney being white is a “drawback” is that he later posits, “After Mooney’s book, I turned to the work of Robert J. Conley, a writer and member of the Cherokee Nation (the Western Cherokees). His Cherokee Nation is the official history of his people, sanctioned by the Western Cherokee leadership. (Incidentally, the book draws heavily on Mooney as a source, which goes to show how reliant we are on earlier imperfect written records. Mooney is mentioned 92 times!)”


Clearly, the Cherokee Nation didn’t think Mooney being white was a drawback if their officially sanctioned history by Conley heavily cites his work. It’s almost as if his historical work stood on its own no matter what his race was.

In fact, in Conley’s Cherokee Nation: A History, he credits Mooney for collecting the best known origin tales of the Cherokee. Conley writes, “It certainly never entered into any of the origin tales of the Cherokees. Here is the best known, collected by James Mooney in North Carolina between 1887 and 1890 and published by the Bureau of American Ethnology in 1900.”

Aside from Riordan claiming, being white is “a drawback,” the now-deleted blog post also exposes just how weak Rick Riordan’s character is. The author admits that he would have radically altered his books if he were writing them today or in 2020, the year the post was written. His reasoning? “Societal norms change.”

Riordan wrote, “Having said that, would I do anything differently if I were writing Heroes of Olympus in 2020? Of course! I would probably do many things differently, because these books are 5-10 years old. Societal norms change. My mindset and understanding of issues change all the time.”

“Books are always a product of their time. They reflect the state of the author’s skill and worldview when they were created. We write them hoping they will be timeless, but knowing full well they will become dated, sometimes very quickly,” he added.

While it’s true that societal norms do change over time as anyone living in the United States can attest. As an example Disney, the company Riordan works for, is actively promoting transgenderism and even funding child mutilation through the benefits packages.

Now, the societal norms might have changed, but what doesn’t change is what is right and wrong. Those are static. Disney promoting transgenderism and paying for child mutilation is still wrong today as it was wrong 20 or 100 years ago. It doesn’t matter that societal norms are now promoting it. It’s still wrong.

Someone who is very clearly adapting their mindset and understanding of issues to the change in societal norms is a person who lacks integrity.

And Riordan’s lack of integrity has shown itself in the fruit he now bears, namely describing himself as a racist and then lashing out at his fans and readers as racists simply because they want a live-action adaptation to reflect the source material.

An action that is not racist, no matter what Rick Riordan purports to claim based on his ever-changing mindset and understanding that adapts to whatever the societal norms happen to be of the day.


Caraio mano....a lacreflix ainda vai levar esse lixo q ela esta chamando de "resident evil" a sério ? :klolwtf

Como q, em um trailer de menos q 1 minuto e meio ela já me enfia:
*Molieres empoleiradas em um (possivel) relacionamento homossexal e ja apareceu tanto protagonista/coadjuvante negros q parece q foi feito pelo jordan pelee :kkk

Já já eles metem um "o capitalismo destruiu tudo no mundo"
Se a Lacreflix tivesse falhado na tentativa de me convencer a não assistir essa bagaça quando fez o anúncio, esse trailer teria me convencido, sem dúvida alguma. :klol

Uma pena Lance Reddick ter aceitado se envolver nisso daí, ainda mais no papel de Wesker. Considero ele um ator foda e o fato de estar nessa série tosca é apenas um desperdício de seu talento, infelizmente.

Se quiser algo mais fiel ao jogos, melhor assistir uma paródia porn mesmo.

Acho que vou dar uma chance para essa... ahn... "adaptação" aí. :klol


Mil pontos, LOL!

Marvel Promotes Executive Who Promised More Trans Characters in Disney Superhero Films


Marvel Studios promoted Victoria Alonso as the new President of Physical, Post Production, VFX and Animation this week, a woman who studio Kevin Feige described as “an incredible partner and part of our team since the very first Iron Man.”

“She is one of the most dynamic, candid and accessible executives in the industry and we’re thrilled that she’ll continue to be by our side in this elevated role as we lead Marvel Studios into the future,” said Feige.

If Alonso’s past statements provide any indication, she will certainly aid in Marvel’s Phase IV plan, which has aimed to be more inclusive and diverse in its programming.

Last November she apologized to transgender actor Rain Valdez, saying “I perhaps have not 100 percent done right by you.” Alonso then told the audience at the Outfest Legacy Awards that “as long as I am at Marvel Studios” she will lobby for more transgender characters in Marvel superhero films.

Disney owns Marvel Studios.

Speaking to Nuke the Fridge in 2019, Alonso described the X-Men name as being dated due to its exclusion of female superheroes.

“I don’t know where the future is going. It’s funny that people call it the X-Men, there’s a lot of female superheroes in that X-Men group, so I think it’s outdated,” she said, as reported by Bounding Into Comics.

“I don’t know where it’s going to go. We’ll see. They just now have joined. They have a movie [Dark Phoenix] coming out soon, which under that banner is their last film. So, we’ll see what time will tell,” she added.

In a June 2019 Reddit AMA, Alonso also expressed her desire to make the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) as “diverse and inclusive” as possible.

“I can tell you we are actively working on making our universe as diverse and inclusive as we can. Be patient with us. We have a lot coming in the future,” she said.

Speaking at a Women in Animation panel at the Annecy International Film Festival in 2021, Alonso claimed that diversity, inclusion, and gender parity “all go hand-in-hand with showing the world as it is,” according to Deadline.

“There are about 6,000 characters in the Marvel library that we have access to, so if this goes right, we will be telling these stories for many, many, many, many, many generations to come,” she said. “And the importance of laying the ground for what’s to come is that in those stories, there are many different characters that you can actually voice.”

Alonso credited the MCU’s overall success with the fact that the studio caters to a global audience.

“You cannot have a global audience and not somehow start to represent it… For us, it was really, really, really important to have that,” she said.

“For the longest of time, we heard a woman-led film will never open. I say, ‘Please check, Captain Marvel made a lot of money.’ Then they always told us that Black Panther was never going to open and that nobody wanted a completely Black cast, and that made $1.3B,” she continued.

Charging that 51 percent of the audience is female and 21 percent Hispanic, Alonso said that the MCU has a financial incentive to better represent people.

“If we don’t represent the people that watch what we make, eventually they’ll go elsewhere because somebody else will figure it out,” she said.

Promover a criatura que acha o nome dos X-Men nem um pouco inclusivo e que deveria ser mudado por causa disso. Fico satisfeito em saber que a Disney ainda não cansou de perder dinheiro.



Mil pontos, LOL!
Hype zero por ser da Netflix, mas pelo menos criaram personagens originais, muito melhor do que mudar a etnia de personagens que já existem.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Normalmente venho aqui no tópico postar notícias sobre lacre num tom de zoeira, mas acabo de tomar ciência de que o mundo do entretenimento sofreu uma perda terrível agora há pouco. Assim sendo, excepcionalmente, vou deixar a zoeira de lado e pedir um minuto de silêncio em respeito à essa perda inestimável que acabou de ocorrer...

Descanse em paz, Naomi... e vá para o inferno que te carregue. :klolwtf



Aqui oq eu tinha comentado, fizeram até um vídeo.


WTF q bizarro bicho , trucidaram a série kkkkkk, eu vi uma thumb no YouTube e se eu vi direito é uma das spartans parceiras do Chief, a Muié tava de cabelo colorido, tá de sacanagem que deram um jeito de meter essa e colocar uma spartans empoleirada?????? Confere?


Lenda da internet
Vendo estas bombas lacradoras que a Netflix produz e lembrar que os direitos de Conan esta com ela... :kwow :facepalm.

Cara...eu sempre nos "papos de bebado" acabo falando com um amigo de longa data q, é só colocar o arnold pra fazer o conan king...coisa simples !
Mas só de lembrar nas mãos de quem esta os direitos da bagaça, já me dá uma agonia se anunciarem um novo conan :eek:
Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!
Só resta torcer pra falir antes que tenham ideias de fazer o filme ou série.
Mesmo que a Netflix comece a se reestruturar hoje, o que parece ser o caso vide o susto que tomaram com o tombo das ações, ainda assim irá demorar 2 ou 3 anos até surgirem séries boas, já que praticamente tudo que está em produção agora é nível woke 99.
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