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Tópico oficial Microsoft Flight Simulator | Nova Versão em 2024


Mil pontos, LOL!

Microsoft Flight Simulator é a nova geração de uma das mais amadas franquias de simulação. De aeronaves pequenas a grandes jatos, pilote aeronaves altamente detalhadas e deslumbrantes em um mundo incrivelmente realista. Crie seu plano de voo e vá para qualquer lugar no planeta. Aprecie o voo diurno ou noturno e enfrente condições meteorológicas realistas e desafiadoras.


Ultima Edição:


Na hora que apareceu as primeiras imagens fiquei catatônico aqui, coisa linda demais, junto do Quêniu Rívis no CP 2K77, um dos pontos altos da conferência, agora sobre os visuais, acho que isso definitivamente não vai rodar assim nos Xbox Ones, desse jeito aí acho que só no One X e claro, no PC.


Mil pontos, LOL!

Microsoft Flight Simulator is returning, 13 years after the launch of Flight Simulator X. It's a long time to go without what used to be a PC mainstay, with 12 games appearing between 1982 and 2006. Phil Spencer, Microsoft's head of gaming, hopes that its revival is more evidence of its renewed commitment to PC.

It was revealed after Microsoft's Game Pass for PC announcement, and Spencer says Microsoft wanted to use the opportunity to put its PC games in the spotlight.

"I didn't know if the PC community was going to be watching or not, but we went Flight Sim, we went Age, we went Wasteland," he says. "We want to make sure we're building games and supporting games that the PC community... we want to respect what they love."

Microsoft apparently has some pilots on its teams—big surprise—who are fans of the series, and they've been passionate about bringing it back. I guess sometimes you don't want to drive all the way to the hanger. It's also got a community that has stuck around. After Gamespy shut down, killing Flight Simulator X's multiplayer, Dovetail Games got the license and released a Steam edition with multiplayer and Windows 8.1 support. It launched in 2014.

"Flight Sim was a game in our past that sold millions and millions of units and had a very, very passionate community—in fact, they're still out there," says Spencer. There had to be a reason to resurrect the series, though. "Can we do something new with Flight Sim? Can we actually move it forward in an interesting way?"

The result is something that, judging by the trailer, looks impossibly vast and real. Spencer says that 2 petabytes of geographical data is used to seamlessly stitch together Earth. The trailer rushes past cities, swoops down so we can see elephants and giraffes hanging around and then soars the mountains for some truly incredible views.

Spencer warned the team: "You're going to have to put at the bottom that it's in-game, because nobody is going to believe that's in the game."

Quero agora p****!


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!

Microsoft Flight Simulator is returning, 13 years after the launch of Flight Simulator X. It's a long time to go without what used to be a PC mainstay, with 12 games appearing between 1982 and 2006. Phil Spencer, Microsoft's head of gaming, hopes that its revival is more evidence of its renewed commitment to PC.

It was revealed after Microsoft's Game Pass for PC announcement, and Spencer says Microsoft wanted to use the opportunity to put its PC games in the spotlight.

"I didn't know if the PC community was going to be watching or not, but we went Flight Sim, we went Age, we went Wasteland," he says. "We want to make sure we're building games and supporting games that the PC community... we want to respect what they love."

Microsoft apparently has some pilots on its teams—big surprise—who are fans of the series, and they've been passionate about bringing it back. I guess sometimes you don't want to drive all the way to the hanger. It's also got a community that has stuck around. After Gamespy shut down, killing Flight Simulator X's multiplayer, Dovetail Games got the license and released a Steam edition with multiplayer and Windows 8.1 support. It launched in 2014.

"Flight Sim was a game in our past that sold millions and millions of units and had a very, very passionate community—in fact, they're still out there," says Spencer. There had to be a reason to resurrect the series, though. "Can we do something new with Flight Sim? Can we actually move it forward in an interesting way?"

The result is something that, judging by the trailer, looks impossibly vast and real. Spencer says that 2 petabytes of geographical data is used to seamlessly stitch together Earth. The trailer rushes past cities, swoops down so we can see elephants and giraffes hanging around and then soars the mountains for some truly incredible views.

Spencer warned the team: "You're going to have to put at the bottom that it's in-game, because nobody is going to believe that's in the game."

Quero agora p****!

2 PETABYTES! EEEETTAAA PORRAAA!!!!! :kwow:kwow:kwow

O hype foi além das nuvens depois dessa! (pun intended)


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
o mundo do jogo vai funcionar igual google earth. vai steamando conforme precisa.
mas é... maior jogo de todos os tempos em varios sentidos.

Imagino que, basicamente, foi algo parecido com isso mesmo que eles fizeram. Um Google Earth HD. Imagens em alta definição de satélites e dados de relevo, e depois foram fazendo modelagens 3D de algumas das cidades e aeroportos mais conhecidos.

E é um número impressionante em qualquer sentido. Pelo jeito vai colocar qualquer outro simulador de vôo no chinelo.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Sempre quis entrar nessa onda dos flight simulators

mas já tentei brincar de FSX e foi uma experiência bem pobre, visto que não consegui nem a pau ajustar os atalhos de teclado e outras coisas.

Lembro que uns anos atrás a MS lançou um bagulho chamado Microsoft Flight mas foi cancelado no finalzinho e só restou a demo com dois aviões, rs, mas nesse caso ele já estava bem adaptado pro controle de xbox 360, e achei bem gostoso andar de avião dessa forma.


Mil pontos, LOL!
"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return" - Leonardo da Vinci

This sentence from Leonardo da Vinci embodies the driving force behind the Microsoft Flight Simulator team. And while all of us have our own personal associations with flight, the entire team is committed to the singular goal of capturing the artistry, mastery, and essence of flying. We believe part of achieving that goal is taking a moment to recognize pivotal steps in our development process, and today is one of our biggest. The culmination of time, effort, technology, and collaboration was edited into a 1:30 second video shown at the Microsoft Keynote presentation this year to kick off E3 2019.

On behalf of the entire Microsoft Flight Simulator team, we humbly and deeply express our gratitude for such an overwhelmingly positive response to our announce trailer! We recognize that without people like you, we don’t get to make experiences like this that span more than 35 years and maintain such a passionate following. Thank you for being patient enough to weather the turbulence caused by some of our previous missteps. Thank you for being willing to look to the possibilities of the future while asking us to be accountable for the past. We hear you, we value you, we want to make the next generation of Microsoft Flight Simulator for you, with you.

While this is not the moment to answer every question being asked, we do want to take the opportunity to answer a few important ones:
  1. We are making Microsoft Flight Simulator. Emphasis on the word SIMULATOR.
  2. Designed for PC, optimized for multiplatform support (e.g. Xbox).
  3. Yes. We are supporting 3rd Party Content Development and Community Content creation. We are aware of the concerns in the current eco-system and are working to address them.
  4. Yes. We genuinely want to work closely with the community in the development of this title.
  5. Accessibility is important to us. Whatever your abilities are, if you want to fly, we are going to do whatever we can to make that happen. Yoke and pedals, mouse and keyboard, controller, etc. No pilot should be left behind.

Over the next few months, we will be communicating our plans for the rest of the year, including important updates to the Preview Build/Insider Programs, and important development beats. Maintaining a collaborative relationship with the community starts with transparency and clearly communicated expectations. Early August is our current timeline for kicking off the communication of the development roadmap. We will continue to add clarity to this timeline throughout the summer. If you’d like the latest updates, please make sure to sign up for the Insider Program.

This is just the first step in an adventure we are honored and excited to be taking with all of you. The reaction we received from our recent trailer was an incredible reminder that we are not alone in this passion we have for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, honestly expressing your feedback and concerns, and for taking this next step with us.

From all of us here working on Microsoft Flight Simulator:

Thank you.


Microsoft Flight Simulator Team
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