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Rolando protestos violentos nos EUA, com saques e a p#*@ toda


Mil pontos, LOL!


"Sinais de tempos difíceis e perigosos.

EUA - Eles podem vandalizar, derrubar nossas estátuas, invadir propriedades, ameaçar, dominar partes das cidades e cometendo outros crimes (assassinatos). Mas um casal na Califórnia foi acusado de crime de ódio por vandalizar um mural do Black Lives Matter.

Nicole Anderson, 42 anos, e David Nelson, 53 anos, são acusados de violar direitos civis, vandalismo, multados em 400 dólares e posse de ferramentas para cometer vandalismo ou pichação. Os dois são acusados de um crime de ódio por encobrir um mural de rua com tinta preta. Se Anderson e Nelson forem condenados, eles podem pegar até um ano atrás das grades".

Agora é vandalismo?
Agora é crime de ódio?


We've adopted Satan!
Reclamam da brutalidade da polícia, mas tratam quem discorda deles de forma igual ou pior, contra o "fascismo" né?

Essa história aí tá desenhada já, criar um caos foda, pra depois vender aquela velha ideia que sempre que tentam botar em prática nunca dá certo.. Vcs sabem qual é!

Sent from my Redmi Note 9S using Tapatalk


Mil pontos, LOL!
Capa da famosa revista "The Economist" deste mês.



Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Nova Iorque indo pro buraco


I was born in New York, and I’ve never seen the city so scared and uninhabitable. I fear we’re on the brink of a second civil war
Mitchell Feierstein
Mitchell Feierstein is the CEO of Glacier Environmental Fund and author of ‘Planet Ponzi: How the World Got into This Mess, What Happens Next, and How to Protect Yourself.’ He spends his time between London and Manhattan. Join Mitch on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook – @Planetponzi
7 Jul, 2020 19:52 / Updated 1 day ago
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I was born in New York, and I’ve never seen the city so scared and uninhabitable. I fear we’re on the brink of a second civil war

Residents are fearful to go out after dark. The police are afraid to patrol, and violent crime, murder and looting are rampant, while businesses are collapsing. And war has already been declared on our values and culture.

The world is under attack from a well-organised and well-funded group of anarchists who have launched an ideological cultural revolution to further globalism. The BLM movement, the riots, looting, protests and Covid-19 are all about partisan politics and the 2020 presidential election.

Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors summarized: We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories… Our goal is to get Trump out of the White House.” I believe black lives matter. But I'm not convinced that black lives are the first priority of the #BLM movement.

We need to learn lessons from our country's past without romanticising that past. Every civil society needs baselines. Those baselines have to include a colour-blind meritocracy and the rule of law applied equally to everyone. Democracy, liberty, freedom and due process have to be afforded to the entire citizenry. Equality for all is necessary! Each individual has the right to celebrate history or not, but no one can rewrite or erase history and destroy statues or cultural artefacts.

Antifa's tyrannical fascist fanatics, aka the mob, seek to erase history and historical figures just like ISIS and the Nazis. The Antifa mob is political and seems to be an extension of the Democratic Party: a Democratic militia. The Democratic Party refuses to denounce Antifa or the violence its thugs are perpetrating.

The New York Times' Nikole Hannah-Jones encouraged looting and destruction of property by saying that “destroying property, which can be replaced, is not violence.”

Seattle mayor Jenny Durkan's policies for “a summer of love” led to the coldblooded murder of 19-year-old Horace Lorenzo Anderson Jr. He was shot and killed on June 20 in the crime-ridden ‘CHOP’ area established in Seattle under Durkan's watch. Durkan has acknowledged that, after allowing a police station as well as several city blocks to be taken over by violent, anarchic thugs, the crime rate spiked by a whopping 525%.

On Independence Day weekend in Chicago, at least 80 people were shot, with 17 deaths reported – several of whom were children, including seven-year-old Natalia Wallace who, was brutally murdered on the lawless streets of Democratic Mayor Lori Lightfoot's city. And yet, nothing is being done to protect the children of Chicago.
US mainstream media refuses to report the news honestly; they state their opinions as news, or they straight-up lie. Not one media outlet or BLM conveyed outrage over the five black children murdered over this weekend. WHY? Do BLM to BLM? Where is the outrage?

New York City was also decimated by this revolution, and the media lied. The media failed to report the crime wave and extent of the anarchy that swept through Mayor Bill de Blasio’s utopia. Servile, lying political elites such as de Blasio and the inexperienced and unqualified democratic socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez enabled the looting and property damage as they leveraged mob rule by joining the chant to “defund the police” – a chant which the NYC mayor took to heart. Police need to police, they do not need vilification. Without the police, we have total anarchy.

From behind the iron gates of his family home, and protected by heavily armed guards, de Blasio decided to defund the New York Police Department by $1.5 billion. This was done at a time when violent crimes and the murder rate were skyrocketing to new highs across not just New York City, but every major city controlled by Democratic Party politicians across America.
NYC shootings in June were up 120%, with murders up 30%. And the 30-year-old Ocasio-Cortez criticised the $1.5 billion cuts as “not enough.” Seriously?

The impact of this insane policy has been a massive increase in crime in the high-crime areas of the city, and those poor souls most in need of the NYPD will not have the NYPD available on a timely basis. These elected officials forget that they were elected and sworn-in to protect and serve the electorate that voted them into office. No one pays taxes to allow either a pot-head or socialist ex-bartender to compromise community safety and redirect their tax dollars to “woke” causes that make the community unsafe and turn the city into Wokistan.

I was born in New York City, and I have never seen the city like this. It has become uninhabitable. Businesses are gone, and Manhattan is a ghost town. At 10pm on a Saturday, the streets of midtown Manhattan are empty. NYC residents are fearful to leave their apartments after dark. The police are afraid of the citizens so they will not patrol, causing crime to escalate and making city life too dangerous. Crime is rampant, and businesses are collapsing.

New York's Grand Central Station, rush hour, July 8, 2020
Sue Lee, one of Manhattan's finest tailors at Cambridge Cleaners on Second Avenue and East 39th Street, told me: “Business has dropped 80% year on year since Covid-19, and the rents have stayed too high.”

The “peaceful protests” in New York City as shown by the media, and the destruction that I have witnessed, is a story of two different worlds. There’s the fantasy world of Maddow’s MSNBC and CNN, and then there’s the reality of New York City, the place I am in – a city that looks like a deserted, bombed-out Iraq.

The media is just making it up as they go along, and everyone is required to accept, obey and nod helplessly like a bovine and submit to all of the mob's dictates without question. Get on your knees and beg forgiveness to the mob, because if you dare question these ‘elites’, you will become a target and victim. Many people have been brutally attacked on social media, fired from their jobs, vilified and denied any future opportunities to earn a living because they dared to say three words: “All lives matter.”

Many of these ‘news’ agencies are run by indoctrinated, spoiled, intolerant, bratty children attempting to rewrite history. Most of the ignorant child wokesters running these legacy media icons know NOTHING about US history and abolitionism. How do the identity-politics-based tactics of these cultural Marxist, virtue-signalling wokesters differ from any fascist or fear-based tyrannical dictatorships? They don’t – when anyone disagrees, they resort to extreme violence, just like the authoritarian regime of North Korea's Kim Jong-un.
Is a militant Democratic Party, which cannot win at the ballot box, using civil unrest as a useful distraction to mask massive wealth inequality and the crimes committed by those who have continuously been attempting a coup d'état to overthrow Trump after he dared to be elected president?

It’s my judgement – and I am not alone in thinking this – that many elites in the FBI have committed serious crimes. FBI Director James Comey lied to FISA judges by signing several FISA warrants when he knew these warrants contained outrageous unsubstantiated claims. Comey used these FISA warrants to weaponize the FBI against Hillary Clinton's political opponent.
Comey, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page illegally spied on Americans, including Trump and those involved in his 2016 presidential campaign, and then lied about it in a cover-up more extensive than Nixon’s Watergate one. Many others in the intelligence services were involved in this attempted coup d'état of Trump, such as James Clapper and John Brennan.

While many more were involved, all roads point to Hillary Clinton, and the trail of breadcrumbs, via Susan Rice (Joe Biden's likely VP hopeful should Michelle Obama reject Dementia Joe’s advances), goes all the way to Obama's desk. Some of these people will likely face indictments from US Attorney for DC John Durham later this summer.

This is not unique to America. The same “one size fits all” attack is happening around the world, which just goes to demonstrate how our ruling elites say anything to get elected for four years or longer, only to do the opposite. The politicians screw the voters who elected them while selling out to the highest corporate bidders. At the same time, most of the mob remains hypnotised, watching the shiny objects dangled by the fake news media pundits.

Just remember: the liberal left are inclusive, diverse, tolerant and accepting – UNTIL you offer an opposing viewpoint, at which point they become part of the violent, intolerant mob.
Mob rule never ends well, and this time will be no different. The takeaway: Never trust legacy politicians, and no matter what the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, a civil war in America is likely.

Vim do Futuro

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Lembral deste casal?


A polícia confiscou o rifle deles: https://nypost.com/2020/07/11/polic...ouis-couple-filmed-waving-guns-at-protesters/

A promotora da região é financiada por... George Soros: https://themissouritimes.com/soros-gets-involved-in-st-louis-circuit-attorney-race/

Se o mob do Black Lives Matter voltar a perturbar esse casal, procurando vingança (ficaram ofendidinhos porque não puderam invadir propriedade privada dos outros e quebrar tudo sem ninguém se opor), há grandes chances de acontecer uma tragédia.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Lembral deste casal?


A polícia confiscou o rifle deles: https://nypost.com/2020/07/11/polic...ouis-couple-filmed-waving-guns-at-protesters/

A promotora da região é financiada por... George Soros: https://themissouritimes.com/soros-gets-involved-in-st-louis-circuit-attorney-race/

Se o mob do Black Lives Matter voltar a perturbar esse casal, procurando vingança (ficaram ofendidinhos porque não puderam invadir propriedade privada dos outros e quebrar tudo sem ninguém se opor), há grandes chances de acontecer uma tragédia.


Mark and Patricia McCloskey, now infamous for a video in which they’re seen brandishing firearms at Black Lives Matter supporters, were offered a free AR-15 by a local gun store, after their own was confiscated by police.
“This couple did what they needed to do to protect private property, as the property was being ambushed. I’ve seen videos, and some of these so-called protesters were carrying firearms, and they clearly broke the gate to make way on to the private property (A THREAT),” the owner of Alien Armory Tactical, in St. Charles, Missouri, posted on Facebook, asking followers to share his message so it reached the McCloskeys.
He went on to offer the couple not only a free AR-15, but free “tactical training” too.
In a follow-up post, he called the McCloskeys “great Americans” and said others in the firearms industry had contacted him to say they wanted to donate weapons and ammunition to the couple.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Na Inglaterra, um garoto de 12 anos mandou mensagens racistas para um jogador negro do Crystal Palace, que vai enfrentar o Aston Villa, time para o qual esse garoto torce.

O garoto foi preso pela polícia.


Se eu fosse policial, eu teria vergonha de me gabar de ter prendido um garoto de 12 anos. Para fazer isso, os policiais britânicos são machos. Quando vão confrontar vândalos do Black Lives Matter ou gangues de imigrantes, são botados para correr.

Apoiadores do Black Lives Matter podem falar o que quiser de pessoas brancas, assaltar, agredir e destruir propriedades privadas, mas a prioridade é prender um garoto de 12 anos que feriu os sentimentos de um atleta negro milionário.

Houve recentemente um caso de uma indiana da universidade de Cambridge que disse "White lives don't matter". A universidade defendeu essa mulher e a promoveu para professora.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Três igrejas foram queimadas nas últimas 24 horas. Mídia em silêncio.


Como SJWs justificam isso:


Se o movimento Black Lives Matter estivesse tão forte no Brasil quanto nos EUA, haveria mobs violentos tentando derrubar a estátua do Cristo Redentor.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Três igrejas foram queimadas nas últimas 24 horas. Mídia em silêncio.


Como SJWs justificam isso:


Se o movimento Black Lives Matter estivesse tão forte no Brasil quanto nos EUA, haveria mobs violentos tentando derrubar a estátua do Cristo Redentor.

Santa Maria opressora

Virgin Mary Statue Set on Fire Outside Boston Church, Authorities Say
  • 2996495253-1080pnbcstations.jpg

    Virgin Mary Statue Set on Fire Outside ...
    Boston police are investigating after a statue of the Virgin Mary was apparently set on fire outside of a church in the city's Dorchester neighborhood.
    Police responded to a reported fire outside of St. Peter Parish on Bowdoin Street around 10 p.m. Saturday, where they found the burned statue.


Mil pontos, LOL!

Na Inglaterra, um garoto de 12 anos mandou mensagens racistas para um jogador negro do Crystal Palace, que vai enfrentar o Aston Villa, time para o qual esse garoto torce.

O garoto foi preso pela polícia.


Se eu fosse policial, eu teria vergonha de me gabar de ter prendido um garoto de 12 anos. Para fazer isso, os policiais britânicos são machos. Quando vão confrontar vândalos do Black Lives Matter ou gangues de imigrantes, são botados para correr.

Apoiadores do Black Lives Matter podem falar o que quiser de pessoas brancas, assaltar, agredir e destruir propriedades privadas, mas a prioridade é prender um garoto de 12 anos que feriu os sentimentos de um atleta negro milionário.

Houve recentemente um caso de uma indiana da universidade de Cambridge que disse "White lives don't matter". A universidade defendeu essa mulher e a promoveu para professora.

Enquanto isso uma rede de tráfico humano gerenciada por imigrantes que estupraram e venderam milhares de meninas inglesas para a prostituição agiu por anos sem a polícia fazer nada por medo de serem acusados de xenofobia.
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