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Yakuza 7 é Anunciado Oficialmente e será um JRPG


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Vi o trailer agora legendado e puts já quero demais esse jogo. Seguinha não erra com yakuza \○/

Incel Simpatia

Mil pontos, LOL!
Eu curti, não vejo problema se eles seguirem com o combate ação no Judgment 2. E nem achei o momento ruim pra fazer a mudança, afinal é uma cidade nova, com personagens novos, e o personagem principal é fã de Dragon Quest pelos trailers. :klolwtf


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Vi o trailer agora legendado e puts já quero demais esse jogo. Seguinha não erra com yakuza \○/
Só não entendi porque não colocaram o video de gameplay e só postaram oficialmente o trailer cinemático que não mostra nada desse novo gameplay.

Na minha opinião, se você vai mudar o gênero do seu game por completo, esta deveria ser sua prioridade...ví apenas uma webM tosca de poucos segundos, assim fica difícil dizer algo.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Isso é pra mostrar que a Sega gosta de se desafiar, pensavam que era 1º de abril, mas quem está rindo agora?


Mil pontos, LOL!

Yakuza: Like a Dragon (Yakuza 7) chief producer Masayoshi Yokoyama shared additional information on the newly announced sequel’s “Live Command RPG Battle” system—a major change of course for the action brawler series—in a thread of tweets today.

Here are the words from Yokoyama himself:

#1: Yakuza: Like a Dragon. The media should be publishing detailed articles about the battle system later on, but I’ll explain the points I discussed yesterday here.

#2: “Live Command RPG Battle” means battles through command execution where the fight is constantly in motion. In a standard RPG, enemies and party members are stationary, and their actions only playback by executing commands such as “Attack.” But in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, battles are different.

#3: To be specific, this is a battle system where “characters move in real time” and “fight in a living city.”

#4: Except for some bosses, when you encounter an enemy, the battle will begin from right where you’re standing. In other words, depending on how you encounter the enemy, your starting position in the battle will change, which can both give you the upper hand or land you in a pinch. (Some enemies may also suddenly appear from hiding.)

#5: When you enter battle, enemies, party members, and even the “city” will remain in motion. They don’t stop moving. Characters will turn towards nearby enemies and keep their distance. And naturally, since these battles take place in the city, characters will fall if they bump into things like street signs or bicycles.

#6: Everything moves according to the physics of the Dragon Engine developed by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio. Through this, the “objects” that exist on the battlefield, such as bicycles, can be used as weapons or obstacles like in the action-based battles of previous games.

#7: Turn order is determined by parameters such as a character’s stats, but that doesn’t mean you’ll get the same result by attacking just any enemy. In a situation where you attack the enemy directly (by running up to them), there is a high chance that another enemy character will interrupt your attack.

#8: The situation completely changes depending on your distance from the enemy character you’re attacking, as well as the “city objects” in the area. If a bicycle or something similar rolls by, you can kick it at the enemy, or pick it up and attack with it. This action also depends on the character’s class and traits.

#9: Even enemy characters outside of those you are trying to attack may become the target of an attack or interference. For example, when you run up to a distant enemy to attack, there is a high chance of you being interrupted by another enemies in the run-up. On the other hand, depending on the technique, you can attack several enemies at once through attacks that sweep and ranged attacks.

#10: In a situation where you are blown onto the road and the like due to the impact of an attack, you may get hit by a car passing by. Naturally, you will take damage. Basically, this system is called “Live Command RPG Battle” because you fight in a space where the people and city are constantly in motion.

#11: Depending on the technique, there are some action-like operations such as repeatedly pressing a button to match the action during an attack. There is an “Auto” mode for people who want to play without worry, which automatically chooses actions based on each character’s class and traits. (However, this feature may not always act as expected.)

#12: Everything utilizes the real-time physics of the Dragon Engine we’ve built up with previous entries in the series, and no battle situation is the same. The stronger the enemy, the smarter they are, so if you find yourself in a pinch, you have various options including retreating behind other characters.

#13: In yesterday’s (September 29) announcement, we were only able to share some basic information about the battle system. Since you can change classes at Hello Work, there are variations to techniques unlike anything before, as well as various other unannounced special moves.

#14: Everyone on the team is working hard to have everyone experience this “Live Command RPG Battle” for themselves at Tokyo Game Show 2019 starting September 12! If you are attending, please stop by and play! If you are not attending, we will work hard to share information through forms such as video.


Mil pontos, LOL!

Yakuza: Like a Dragon (Yakuza 7) chief producer Masayoshi Yokoyama shared additional information on the newly announced sequel’s “Live Command RPG Battle” system—a major change of course for the action brawler series—in a thread of tweets today.

Here are the words from Yokoyama himself:

#1: Yakuza: Like a Dragon. The media should be publishing detailed articles about the battle system later on, but I’ll explain the points I discussed yesterday here.

#2: “Live Command RPG Battle” means battles through command execution where the fight is constantly in motion. In a standard RPG, enemies and party members are stationary, and their actions only playback by executing commands such as “Attack.” But in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, battles are different.

#3: To be specific, this is a battle system where “characters move in real time” and “fight in a living city.”

#4: Except for some bosses, when you encounter an enemy, the battle will begin from right where you’re standing. In other words, depending on how you encounter the enemy, your starting position in the battle will change, which can both give you the upper hand or land you in a pinch. (Some enemies may also suddenly appear from hiding.)

#5: When you enter battle, enemies, party members, and even the “city” will remain in motion. They don’t stop moving. Characters will turn towards nearby enemies and keep their distance. And naturally, since these battles take place in the city, characters will fall if they bump into things like street signs or bicycles.

#6: Everything moves according to the physics of the Dragon Engine developed by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio. Through this, the “objects” that exist on the battlefield, such as bicycles, can be used as weapons or obstacles like in the action-based battles of previous games.

#7: Turn order is determined by parameters such as a character’s stats, but that doesn’t mean you’ll get the same result by attacking just any enemy. In a situation where you attack the enemy directly (by running up to them), there is a high chance that another enemy character will interrupt your attack.

#8: The situation completely changes depending on your distance from the enemy character you’re attacking, as well as the “city objects” in the area. If a bicycle or something similar rolls by, you can kick it at the enemy, or pick it up and attack with it. This action also depends on the character’s class and traits.

#9: Even enemy characters outside of those you are trying to attack may become the target of an attack or interference. For example, when you run up to a distant enemy to attack, there is a high chance of you being interrupted by another enemies in the run-up. On the other hand, depending on the technique, you can attack several enemies at once through attacks that sweep and ranged attacks.

#10: In a situation where you are blown onto the road and the like due to the impact of an attack, you may get hit by a car passing by. Naturally, you will take damage. Basically, this system is called “Live Command RPG Battle” because you fight in a space where the people and city are constantly in motion.

#11: Depending on the technique, there are some action-like operations such as repeatedly pressing a button to match the action during an attack. There is an “Auto” mode for people who want to play without worry, which automatically chooses actions based on each character’s class and traits. (However, this feature may not always act as expected.)

#12: Everything utilizes the real-time physics of the Dragon Engine we’ve built up with previous entries in the series, and no battle situation is the same. The stronger the enemy, the smarter they are, so if you find yourself in a pinch, you have various options including retreating behind other characters.

#13: In yesterday’s (September 29) announcement, we were only able to share some basic information about the battle system. Since you can change classes at Hello Work, there are variations to techniques unlike anything before, as well as various other unannounced special moves.

#14: Everyone on the team is working hard to have everyone experience this “Live Command RPG Battle” for themselves at Tokyo Game Show 2019 starting September 12! If you are attending, please stop by and play! If you are not attending, we will work hard to share information through forms such as video.
joguei no notepad aqui pra ler jajá, vlw pela info! :kjoinha


não é inteligente chamar de 7,

e nem é por ser RPG, mas pq pode afugentar que acha q vai ter que jogar outros seis jogos para entender esse.

tb não vejo problemas em ser RPG, na real jogando os últimos já tava de dando no saco o sistema atual, me agradava mais o enredo e as firulas pela cidades(s).
se for rpg de turnos clássico tipo Dragon Quest, eu tenderei a gostar, bastante :)


Mil pontos, LOL!
Pronto, tiraram o 7 do nome. Podem parar de chorar.
Todo Yakuza tem um subtítulo. Tipo o song of life do 6. So não mencionaram na materia. Onde viram isso de ter tirado?

Vi o video falando que tiraram o 7 no ocidente,mas no Japão continua.

Enviado de meu SM-G9650 usando o Tapatalk


Lenda da internet
Todo Yakuza tem um subtítulo. Tipo o song of life do 6. So não mencionaram na materia. Onde viram isso de ter tirado?

Vi o video falando que tiraram o 7 no ocidente,mas no Japão continua.

Enviado de meu SM-G9650 usando o Tapatalk

Todo Yakuza não. Só o 6 tem subtítulo. O 1 e 2 tem Kiwami mas isso não é subtítulo, é como se fosse "ultimate edition" em japones.
E esse aí tem subtítulo. "Yakuza: Like a Dragon".


Mil pontos, LOL!
Todo Yakuza não. Só o 6 tem subtítulo. O 1 e 2 tem Kiwami mas isso não é subtítulo, é como se fosse "ultimate edition" em japones.
E esse aí tem subtítulo. "Yakuza: Like a Dragon".
Talvez eu não tenha me expressado bem. Todo Ryu Ga Gotoku têm.

Exemplo: Ryū ga Gotoku Zero: Chikai no Basho (Yakuza Zero: The Place of the Oath).

Ryu ga Gotoku 4 Densetsu wo Tsugumono Remaster

(Sucessor of the legend).

Mas você está certo ao dizer que os Kiwami não tem esse subtítulo.

Enviado de meu SM-G9650 usando o Tapatalk
  • Curtir
Reações: PC2


Lenda da internet
Talvez eu não tenha me expressado bem. Todo Ryu Ga Gotoku têm.

Exemplo: Ryū ga Gotoku Zero: Chikai no Basho (Yakuza Zero: The Place of the Oath).

Ryu ga Gotoku 4 Densetsu wo Tsugumono Remaster

(Sucessor of the legend).

Mas você está certo ao dizer que os Kiwami não tem esse subtítulo.

Enviado de meu SM-G9650 usando o Tapatalk

A Voz do Polvo

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Gostei da mudança. Tá na hora de dar uma renovada na série.

Confio na equipe, certeza de que será um bom game.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Eu só começo a botar um mínimo de fé nesse sistema novo depois que ver algum video de gameplay, se o game mudasse pra ter uma gameplay de Virtual Fighter ou mudasse pra Hack'n Slash de vez eu até entenderia... mas isso ai ta suspeito demais.


Mil pontos, LOL!
A listing for Yakuza: Like a Dragon has appeared on SteamDB, which tracks updates to games and applications in the Steam backend. A Steam store link is provided, but not yet live.

Yakuza: Like a Dragon first launched for PlayStation 4 on January 16 in Japan and Asia, and has already been announced for a 2020 release for the same platform in the Americas and Europe. This would be the first confirmation of a PC version.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Yakuza Pule o 3, 4, 5 e o 6 Like a Dragon
Não sei o pq dessa v**dαgeм toda da Cega

O 3, 4 e 5 vão lançar pra PC, capaz até pro Xone tbm. Mas não agora que nem o 7.

Já o 6... É capaz da geração acabar primeiro do que ver esse jogo no PC e Xone.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
SEGA já legendou jogos em PT-BR, mas acho que esse seria o seu primeiro RPG, esperar virar norma, a Square Enix fez com FF15, mas ignorou com KH3 e outros jogos

A SEGA adicionará legendas em português do Brasil a Yakuza: Like a Dragon. A informação encontra-se na própria PS Store.
No caso, “legendas em russo e português brasileiro disponíveis no início de 2021 via atualização”.
Yakuza: Like a Dragon é o mais recente jogo na série da SEGA e que já está disponível para PS4. A versão para PS5 chega em março de 2021.

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