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Tópico oficial Tópico oficial das placas Nvidia séries RTX! Todas as informações aqui!


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Se o DLSS se massificar, dá pra pegar uma 2060, já que ela vai performar bem melhor que a 1080Ti, lol
Digo, só pela zoeira, porque eu acho que você não pegaria uma xx60.

"Pagando bem, que mal tem?"...não pera!!! :ksafado

Se for a 2060 Super, seria melhor essa que voltar pra 1080ti, ao menos na 2060 Super dá pra usar o G-Sync na minha tv, pq a 1080ti não é compatível com o VRR dela. Fora que igual vc disse, daria pra brincar com o DLSS e até um Raytracing no low até achar uma 3080 que valeria a pena. O brabo mesmo que pela primeira vez a série velha (no caso a 2000 e até a 1000) não desvalorizou, tem 2080 Super por mais de 6k se vc pesquisar. :kpuke



Operador de Marreta
Membro STAFF
"Pagando bem, que mal tem?"...não pera!!! :ksafado

Se for a 2060 Super, seria melhor essa que voltar pra 1080ti, ao menos na 2060 Super dá pra usar o G-Sync na minha tv, pq a 1080ti não é compatível com o VRR dela. Fora que igual vc disse, daria pra brincar com o DLSS e até um Raytracing no low até achar uma 3080 que valeria a pena. O brabo mesmo que pela primeira vez a série velha (no caso a 2000 e até a 1000) não desvalorizou, tem 2080 Super por mais de 6k se vc pesquisar. :kpuke


Pior que eu acho que o preço só vai melhorar quando a Nvidia conseguir slots na TSMC, porque a produção da Samsung é muito mais lenta mesmo. Basicamente não tem GPU pra montar mais placa.


Lenda da internet
Pior que eu acho que o preço só vai melhorar quando a Nvidia conseguir slots na TSMC, porque a produção da Samsung é muito mais lenta mesmo. Basicamente não tem GPU pra montar mais placa.

E vc, como tá sendo a experiência de sair da vermelhinha pra verdinha??? Achou que valeu a pena a troca???

Sendo bem sincero, minha torcida pras GPUs da AMD chegar com os dois pés nas costas das GPUs da Nvidia, é mais pela concorrência, muitos anos de Nvidia já e meio acostumado com as opções do driver, fora o monitor que é G-sync e as features que gosto da Nvidia, principalmente agora com dlss, não me vejo usando AMD tão cedo ou talvez nunca, lembrando, não por conta de qualidade que sei que as vermelhinhas tem, é mais por esses "detalhes" mesmo.



Ei mãe, 500 pontos!



Operador de Marreta
Membro STAFF
E vc, como tá sendo a experiência de sair da vermelhinha pra verdinha??? Achou que valeu a pena a troca???

Sendo bem sincero, minha torcida pras GPUs da AMD chegar com os dois pés nas costas das GPUs da Nvidia, é mais pela concorrência, muitos anos de Nvidia já e meio acostumado com as opções do driver, fora o monitor que é G-sync e as features que gosto da Nvidia, principalmente agora com dlss, não me vejo usando AMD tão cedo ou talvez nunca, lembrando, não por conta de qualidade que sei que as vermelhinhas tem, é mais por esses "detalhes" mesmo.

Até agora tô curtindo sim. Faz menos barulho, faz menos barulho, faz menos barulho - sim, barulho me incomoda - esquenta menos...e achei os frametimes mais estáveis, mas pode ser só placebo.
Só o painel de controle da Nvidia que segue essa b*sta Windows 98 style. Sei que importa pouco dado o fato de que as funções estão todas lá, mas depois do Adrenalin fica meio complicado tolerar esse painel.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Até agora tô curtindo sim. Faz menos barulho, faz menos barulho, faz menos barulho - sim, barulho me incomoda - esquenta menos...e achei os frametimes mais estáveis, mas pode ser só placebo.
Só o painel de controle da Nvidia que segue essa b*sta Windows 98 style. Sei que importa pouco dado o fato de que as funções estão todas lá, mas depois do Adrenalin fica meio complicado tolerar esse painel.
Que deselegante


Lenda da internet
Até agora tô curtindo sim. Faz menos barulho, faz menos barulho, faz menos barulho - sim, barulho me incomoda - esquenta menos...e achei os frametimes mais estáveis, mas pode ser só placebo.
Só o painel de controle da Nvidia que segue essa b*sta Windows 98 style. Sei que importa pouco dado o fato de que as funções estão todas lá, mas depois do Adrenalin fica meio complicado tolerar esse painel.

Nunca usei o Adrenalin, apesar desse painel feio (kkk) ao menos é funcional, ou pelo menos as funções que uso, se um dia a Nvidia trocar e melhorar tudo bem, mas por preferência prefiro simples assim pq ali já sei de cor onde navegar pra achar o que quero.

Mas de fato, é meio Windows 95 a coisa. kkk


Mr Bones

Lenda da internet
Na Live da Pichau garantiu que vai ter 3080 no site na segunda ou terça, só que poquisisma unidades. A 3090 também, só que serão duas unidades e dois PC.

Sobre a 3070 garantiu que oferta será bem melhor. Ele citou que lote inicial deles serão em torno de 500 unidades. Algo muito superior que a quantidade de 3080 que eles receberam. Que fica em torno de 30 a 40 unidades por lote de 3080.

Se eles receberem mesmo está quantidade acho que será possível comprar. Kabum deve receber próximo disso tb. Terabyte tb. 3070 parece que será factível conseguir uma.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Na Live da Pichau garantiu que vai ter 3080 no site na segunda ou terça, só que poquisisma unidades. A 3090 também, só que serão duas unidades e dois PC.

Sobre a 3070 garantiu que oferta será bem melhor. Ele citou que lote inicial deles serão em torno de 500 unidades. Algo muito superior que a quantidade de 3080 que eles receberam. Que fica em torno de 30 a 40 unidades por lote de 3080.

Se eles receberem mesmo está quantidade acho que será possível comprar. Kabum deve receber próximo disso tb. Terabyte tb. 3070 parece que será factível conseguir uma.

Eu queria uma 3080 até 6k. Não sabemos se a NVidia vai dar conta das remessas ainda esse ano. Mas queria esperar o mês de novembro todo pra ver a situação e pensar melhor.

Tão falando q a 3070 nessa pré venda vai ser caríssima. Até desanima se for verdade. Já pensou 6k numa placa de 500usd q deveria ser na faixa dos 4k? E vai vender pra c***lh0. O pessoal tá pagando muito acima dos valores informados. Então eu não consigo pactuar com essas coisas.

Prefiro ficar na 1080ti mesmo e deixar as coisas voltarem ao normal. Só tenho receio da nossa moeda piorar em relação ao dólar. Isso me deixaria muito puto!!

Mr Bones

Lenda da internet
Eu queria uma 3080 até 6k. Não sabemos se a NVidia vai dar conta das remessas ainda esse ano. Mas queria esperar o mês de novembro todo pra ver a situação e pensar melhor.

Tão falando q a 3070 nessa pré venda vai ser caríssima. Até desanima se for verdade. Já pensou 6k numa placa de 500usd q deveria ser na faixa dos 4k? E vai vender pra c***lho. O pessoal tá pagando muito acima dos valores informados. Então eu não consigo pactuar com essas coisas.

Prefiro ficar na 1080ti mesmo e deixar as coisas voltarem ao normal. Só tenho receio da nossa moeda piorar em relação ao dólar. Isso me deixaria muito puto!!
Na Live eles especularam que de vir a 3070 em torno de 4200. Se for isso mesmo, está OK. Mas vamos aguardar. Que dia é o lançamento mesmo? Dia 28 ou dia 29?

Mr Bones

Lenda da internet
Eu queria uma 3080 até 6k. Não sabemos se a NVidia vai dar conta das remessas ainda esse ano. Mas queria esperar o mês de novembro todo pra ver a situação e pensar melhor.

Tão falando q a 3070 nessa pré venda vai ser caríssima. Até desanima se for verdade. Já pensou 6k numa placa de 500usd q deveria ser na faixa dos 4k? E vai vender pra c***lho. O pessoal tá pagando muito acima dos valores informados. Então eu não consigo pactuar com essas coisas.

Prefiro ficar na 1080ti mesmo e deixar as coisas voltarem ao normal. Só tenho receio da nossa moeda piorar em relação ao dólar. Isso me deixaria muito puto!!
3080 para este ano já desencanei.

Só que estou bem pistola com a Pichau. Comprei deles e o frete para mim região era algo surreal. Entrei em contato com eles quetionando o valor e alegaram que é o valor que a transportadora cobra para minha região e não tinha como baixar. Aí chegou os produtos e o frete no conhecimento da transportadora está 52 reais e eles me cobraram 440 de frete... Vou devolver tudo e não compro mais nada lá... Fiquei indignado com isso...

Alguém está sendo muito sacana aí... Não sei se é a Brasspress ou a Pichau. Mas cobrar uma valor bem alto e depois no conhecimento do frete estar um valor muito mais baixo. Coincidente e o mesmo valor que a Brasspess cobra para minha região comprando da Kabum, que o frete oscila entre 50 a 70 reais conforme o produto. Ou seja, tudo leva crer que a filhadaputagem é da Pichau mesmo.


Na Live da Pichau garantiu que vai ter 3080 no site na segunda ou terça, só que poquisisma unidades. A 3090 também, só que serão duas unidades e dois PC.

Sobre a 3070 garantiu que oferta será bem melhor. Ele citou que lote inicial deles serão em torno de 500 unidades. Algo muito superior que a quantidade de 3080 que eles receberam. Que fica em torno de 30 a 40 unidades por lote de 3080.

Se eles receberem mesmo está quantidade acho que será possível comprar. Kabum deve receber próximo disso tb. Terabyte tb. 3070 parece que será factível conseguir uma.
Porra, tomara. Já estou de saco cheio de acordar às 3:30 todo dia para ver só 3090 de 16K na Kabum.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Não tem muitos testes, é mais sobre as tecnologias e recursos da RTX 3070, e suas principais vantagens em relação ao modelo antigo (RTX 2070)

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Reviewer’s Guide leaked

One and a half billion people are gaming, or gaming as a sport. A whopping 82% played video games and watched video game content during the height of the global pandemic. Many are gaming to connect and share, and many are creating inside games. The open and rapidly advancing technology, combined with the amazing creativity of the community, makes magic.

Games have become the new art medium. In Minecraft, gamers are building works of art. Artists create cinematics made from game assets. Tens of millions are expressing their creativity through games, whether recreating metropolitan areas like Seattle, or fictional ones like King’s Landing.
And esports, you’ve seen how huge they’ve become. They’ve almost eclipsed all other sports. Inside a computer simulation, any sport can become an esport—virtual Nascar and F1 are already attracting top racers.

But let’s not forget about streaming. Hours watched are up 1.9x this year, and the number of channels across the major platforms has increased by 40%. Pros stream their practices. Experts stream tips and tricks. Friends stream just to hang out. There are over 20 million streamers. Anyone can be a broadcaster now, and everyone is watching them.
These are a few examples of the infinite ways gaming is expanding. And the RTX 30 Series powers them.

The Ultimate Play
The GeForce RTX 3070 GPU is the most advanced GPU ever created in its class. It enables gamers, creators, and developers to experience entirely new worlds of gaming and imagination. It isn’t just performance, either. There are NVIDIA features to make gamers faster, to broadcast more seamlessly, and to create more effortlessly.

So what makes the RTX 3070 so special?

The GeForce RTX 3070 delivers incredible performance and features, including NVIDIA Reflex and Broadcast, for $499. It has second-generation RTX architecture and delivers a staggering 20.3 shader TFLOPs, 39.7 RT TFLOPs, and 162.6 Tensor TFLOPs (using the new sparsity feature) of computational horsepower. It makes games more beautiful and true-to-life. Ray tracing, DLSS, high resolutions, ultra-low latency, new AI-enhanced NVIDIA Broadcast streaming, accelerated digital content creation—the RTX 3070 runs it.

Enthusiast-level Performance

Game performance measured at 1440p, highest game settings, i9, RTX ON, is RT+DLSS

Across a variety of ray-traced and rasterized DirectX and Vulkan titles, the GeForce RTX 3070 delivers similar or faster performance than the GeForce RTX 2080 Ti (which sold for twice the price) and is on average 1.6x faster than the original GeForce RTX 2070. Today’s more than 45 million creative professionals are more demanding than ever before. That’s why, in addition to powering incredible gaming experiences, it’s important that RTX 3070 GPUs deliver amped up levels of creative performance as well. Backed by the NVIDIA Studio platform, these new GPUs give creators faster rendering and more AI performance to help finish creative projects in record time.

There’s a lot that goes into a massive upgrade like this, so we’ll start with the changes to the silicon engine under the hood, and then talk about the great software features that it benefits. First up, our new Streaming Multiprocessors.

The NVIDIA Ampere architecture is a giant leap in performance. So much has gone into it to make it the world’s fastest GPU architecture. Fabricated on Samsung’s 8 nm NVIDIA custom process and packing 17.4 billion transistors, the NVIDIA Ampere architecture features an improved streaming
multiprocessor (SM), second-generation Ray Tracing Cores for improved ray tracing hardware acceleration, third-generation Tensor Cores for increased AI inference performance and DLSS improvements.

The NVIDIA Ampere SM
The NVIDIA Ampere architecture Streaming Multiprocessor (SM) is the building block of the GPU, and it’s full of different Cores and Units and
memory. One of the big changes in the NVIDIA Ampere architecture SM is with 32-bit floating point (FP32) throughput. We doubled it. To accomplish this, we designed a new datapath for FP32 and INT32 operations, which results in all four partitions combined executing 128 FP32 operations
per clock.

Does this help gaming? Yes. Graphics and compute operations and algorithms rely on FP32 executions, and so do modern shader workloads. Ray tracing denoising shaders benefit from FP32 speedups, too. The heavier the ray tracing rendering workload, the bigger the performance gains
relative to the previous generation.

Three Processors in One
The RTX 3070 GPU has three fundamental processors—the programmable shader that we first introduced over 15 years ago, RT Core to accelerate the ray-triangle and ray-bounding-box intersections, and AI processing pipeline called Tensor Core.

Turing introduced the three processors for gamers, laying the foundation for the future of real-time ray tracing in games and the move away from rasterization, a technology invented in 1974. Ray tracing brings a level of realism far beyond what was possible using rasterization. But it’s extremely
demanding to render. To support the next generation of ray tracing, all three processors required innovation, and as you can see below, the NVIDIA Ampere architecture delivers innovation for all three.

  • Programmable Shader: Increased to 2 shader calculations per clock versus 1 on Turing—20.3 Shader-TFLOPS compared to 7.9 TFLOPS.
  • 2nd Generation RT Core: Ray-triangle intersection throughput is now doubled so that the RT Core delivers 39.7 RT-TFLOPs, compared to Turing’s 23.8.
  • 3rd Generation Tensor Core: New Tensor Core automatically identifies and removes less important DNN weights and the new hardware processes the sparse network at twice the rate of Turing—162.6 Tensor-TFLOPS with sparsity compared to Turing’s 63 TFLOPS.
What do these numbers mean for gamers? More performance across the board, even when playing with demanding settings like Ray Tracing. Plus, increased AI inferencing power and better DLSS performance.
Our next generation RT and Tensor cores are doing a lot—so much that it deserves a closer look.

The 3rd Generation Tensor Core
What does a Tensor Core do? You can think of it as the AI brains on GeForce RTX GPUs. Tensor Cores accelerate linear algebra used for deep neural network processing—the foundation of modern AI. New third-generation Tensor Cores accelerate AI features such as NVIDIA DLSS for AI super resolution and the NVIDIA Broadcast app for AI-enhanced video and voice communications.

Boost Your Framerates with DLSS
Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS), first introduced in the Turing architecture, leverages a deep neural network to extract multidimensional features of the rendered scene, and intelligently combine details from multiple frames to construct a high-quality final image that looks comparable to native resolution while delivering higher performance. Essentially, the Tensor Cores allow DLSS to speed up your game, all while providing comparable images—sometimes even more detailed images. DLSS is further enhanced on NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPUs by leveraging the performance of the third-generation Tensor Cores.

The side-by-side images above from Death Stranding, the latest game by Kojima-san, show the improvements: DLSS is sharper than native 4K, and it created detail from AI that native rendering didn’t show. And…the frame rate is higher.

The 2nd Generation RT Core
Turing made quite the splash when it brought real-time raytracing to the gaming world, bringing realistic lighting, shadows, and effects to games; and enhancing image quality, gameplay and immersion beyond what we could imagine.

NVIDIA Ampere architecture’s second generation Ray Tracing Cores have doubled down, bringing 2x the throughput of Turing’s first generation ray tracing cores, plus concurrent ray tracing and shading for a whole new level of ray tracing performance. In other words, the more raytracing
that is done, the greater the speed-up!
The NVIDIA Ampere architecture RT Core doubles ray-intersection processing. Its ray tracing is processed concurrently with shading.

RTX Processors in Action
Ray Tracing and shader work is really demanding. It would be expensive to run everything on shaders alone. That’s why we offload work onto our specialized cores, and why we designed them to run in parallel. By utilizing our three different independent processors concurrently, we speed up processing overall.

Innovative Cooler and Board Design
Similar to the 3080 and 3090 GPUs, our engineers architected a super dense PCB design that’s 50% smaller than previous designs to allow room for a fan to flow air directly through the module. We designed it from first principles to deliver the highest possible thermal performance—without
compromising fan acoustics. It’s exceptionally cool and quiet. We call it a “flow through” design, and it works harmoniously with the PC chassis cooling systems, pulling fresh air through and pushing warm air out of the case. The RTX 3070 flow through system is up to 16dBA quieter and has 44% higher thermal performance than the RTX 2070 Founders Edition.

The board was designed with independent push fans. The Left Fan pushes hot air out of extra-large bracket vents, and individually shaped fins direct airflow for better cooling. The Exposed Fin-Stack visually elevates and functionally enhances the airflow-centric design. Together with the unibody frame, this offers maximum rigidity and fin-stack volume with minimum air resistance. The Right Fan pushes air through the card towards the natural top and rear chassis exhausts. Each fan profile has been optimized with its own psychoacoustic profile to optimally balance airflow.

The design also includes a compact PCB and high-density layout that are enabled by a future-looking 12-pin power connector, allowing more space for airflow through the cooling fins which in turn reduces hot air circulation, keeping your GPU nice and cool during those heavy GPU workloads. The
board also includes support for PCIe Gen 4, allowing more bandwidth for detailed textures to build more complex worlds.
RTX 3070
20.3 Shader-TFLOPS
60 Total TFLOPS for Ray Tracing!
RTX 2070
7.9 Shader-TFLOPS
31.7 Total TFLOPS for Ray tracing

Remember how good the Pascal architecture was compared to Maxwell?

Well, the NVIDIA Ampere architecture compared to Turing is even better. It’s our greatest generational leap. We knew a significant technology advance was needed to inspire content developers to create the next level of content and for the installed base to upgrade.

So how did we do it? Our new flagship NVIDIA Ampere architecture gaming GPU innovates on everything that was invented and introduced in Turing, providing the greatest generational leap in graphics performance. Every aspect of this 2nd generation RTX GPU architecture has been improved.

Let’s look at the numbers: RTX 3070 has 5888 CUDA cores—over twice the CUDA cores that the RTX 2070 has. It delivers 20.3 TFLOPs of shader performance plus dedicated RT Cores with the equivalent 39.7 TFLOPs of performance, for a total of 60 effective TFLOPs of performance while ray tracing.

And more firsts:
HDMI 2.1 — GeForce RTX 30 Series GPUs are the first available to feature HDMI 2.1 support with support for 4K@120Hz (4K120). HDMI 2.1 increases total bandwidth over HDMI 2.0b from 18Gigabits/sec to 48 and adds support for high-dynamic-range (HDR) supporting brighter images with
higher contrast and more vibrant colors with better shadows and highlights.

AV1 Decode — AV1 (AOMedia Video 1) is an open, royalty-free video coding format developed by AOM (Alliance for Open Media) that provides better compression and quality compared to existing codecs like H.264, HEVC, and VP9, and is being adopted by many of the top video platforms and browsers. AV1 will generally provide 50-55% bitrate savings over H.264.
Removed parts: RTX IO, NVIDIA Reflex, NVIDIA Broadcast, NVIDIA Studio
GeForce RTX 2070
(Founders Edition)
GeForce RTX 3070
(Founders Edition)
CUDA Cores23045888
Tensor Cores288 (2nd Generation)184 (3rd Generation)
RT Cores36 (1st Generation)46 (2nd Generation)
Texture Units144184
GPU Boost Clock1710 MHz1725 MHz
Memory Clock7000 MHz7000 MHz
Total Video Memory8192 MB GDDR68192 MB GDDR6
Memory Interface256-bit256-bit
Memory Bandwidth448 GB/s448 GB/s
TGP185 Watts220 Watts
Removed NVIDIA Contact Information

There are a number of hardware monitoring tools and utilities that claim to report GPU Memory Usage. Note that these tools do not report actual GPU memory usage. Instead, they report memory allocation, the amount of memory requested by the application.

This number can vary for a variety of reasons, and should not be used as an indicator of the amount of GPU memory that the application is actually using. In fact, in some cases the application may request all of the GPU’s memory, whether it actually needs it or not. To illustrate this issue, we have included memory allocation logs running Tom Clancy’s The Division 2. In this example running on a GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER (8GB) and RTX 2080 Ti (11GB) using the same settings (4K with the Ultra preset), the game allocates almost all of each GPU’s framebuffer:
RTX 2080 SUPER (8GB)RTX 2080 Ti (11GB)
AVG: 41AVG 49
MEM 7393 MBMEM 10531 MB

Text from NVIDIA overlay screenshots

As you can see, both GPUs are running at high frames (41 fps vs 49 fps, with both GPUs running smoothly), with the game allocating as much memory as it can, which resulted in memory consumption of 7.3 GB on the RTX 2080 Super and 10.5 GB on the RTX 2080 Ti.
GeForce RTX 3070 |

Reviewer’s Guide ends here


Mil pontos, LOL!
Eu queria uma 3080 até 6k. Não sabemos se a NVidia vai dar conta das remessas ainda esse ano. Mas queria esperar o mês de novembro todo pra ver a situação e pensar melhor.

Tão falando q a 3070 nessa pré venda vai ser caríssima. Até desanima se for verdade. Já pensou 6k numa placa de 500usd q deveria ser na faixa dos 4k? E vai vender pra c***lho. O pessoal tá pagando muito acima dos valores informados. Então eu não consigo pactuar com essas coisas.

Prefiro ficar na 1080ti mesmo e deixar as coisas voltarem ao normal. Só tenho receio da nossa moeda piorar em relação ao dólar. Isso me deixaria muito puto!!
Exatamente o meu pensamento sem tirar nem por. Minha 1080ti vai ficar até conseguir uma 3080 que não seja essa putaria de cobrar 7,5k em placa vendida por 5.3k uma semana atrás (escutou Terabyte fdp? :kgrr).


Mil pontos, LOL!
Exatamente o meu pensamento sem tirar nem por. Minha 1080ti vai ficar até conseguir uma 3080 que não seja essa putaria de cobrar 7,5k em placa vendida por 5.3k uma semana atrás (escutou Terabyte fdp? :kgrr).
Pior que a culpa desses preços nem foi totalmente da loja, mas da distribuidora.

A loja errou em colocar um preço de 5.5k sem ter as placas, ai parece que a distribuidora chegou cobrando mais que isso só de custo da loja... a Kabum meio que se ferrou nessa pois fez pré venda, até tentou cancelar umas vendas, mas não conseguiu e teve que assumir o preju rs

Mr Bones

Lenda da internet
Não tem muitos testes, é mais sobre as tecnologias e recursos da RTX 3070, e suas principais vantagens em relação ao modelo antigo (RTX 2070)

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Reviewer’s Guide leaked

One and a half billion people are gaming, or gaming as a sport. A whopping 82% played video games and watched video game content during the height of the global pandemic. Many are gaming to connect and share, and many are creating inside games. The open and rapidly advancing technology, combined with the amazing creativity of the community, makes magic.

Games have become the new art medium. In Minecraft, gamers are building works of art. Artists create cinematics made from game assets. Tens of millions are expressing their creativity through games, whether recreating metropolitan areas like Seattle, or fictional ones like King’s Landing.
And esports, you’ve seen how huge they’ve become. They’ve almost eclipsed all other sports. Inside a computer simulation, any sport can become an esport—virtual Nascar and F1 are already attracting top racers.

But let’s not forget about streaming. Hours watched are up 1.9x this year, and the number of channels across the major platforms has increased by 40%. Pros stream their practices. Experts stream tips and tricks. Friends stream just to hang out. There are over 20 million streamers. Anyone can be a broadcaster now, and everyone is watching them.
These are a few examples of the infinite ways gaming is expanding. And the RTX 30 Series powers them.

The Ultimate Play
The GeForce RTX 3070 GPU is the most advanced GPU ever created in its class. It enables gamers, creators, and developers to experience entirely new worlds of gaming and imagination. It isn’t just performance, either. There are NVIDIA features to make gamers faster, to broadcast more seamlessly, and to create more effortlessly.

So what makes the RTX 3070 so special?

The GeForce RTX 3070 delivers incredible performance and features, including NVIDIA Reflex and Broadcast, for $499. It has second-generation RTX architecture and delivers a staggering 20.3 shader TFLOPs, 39.7 RT TFLOPs, and 162.6 Tensor TFLOPs (using the new sparsity feature) of computational horsepower. It makes games more beautiful and true-to-life. Ray tracing, DLSS, high resolutions, ultra-low latency, new AI-enhanced NVIDIA Broadcast streaming, accelerated digital content creation—the RTX 3070 runs it.

Enthusiast-level Performance

Game performance measured at 1440p, highest game settings, i9, RTX ON, is RT+DLSS

Across a variety of ray-traced and rasterized DirectX and Vulkan titles, the GeForce RTX 3070 delivers similar or faster performance than the GeForce RTX 2080 Ti (which sold for twice the price) and is on average 1.6x faster than the original GeForce RTX 2070. Today’s more than 45 million creative professionals are more demanding than ever before. That’s why, in addition to powering incredible gaming experiences, it’s important that RTX 3070 GPUs deliver amped up levels of creative performance as well. Backed by the NVIDIA Studio platform, these new GPUs give creators faster rendering and more AI performance to help finish creative projects in record time.

There’s a lot that goes into a massive upgrade like this, so we’ll start with the changes to the silicon engine under the hood, and then talk about the great software features that it benefits. First up, our new Streaming Multiprocessors.

The NVIDIA Ampere architecture is a giant leap in performance. So much has gone into it to make it the world’s fastest GPU architecture. Fabricated on Samsung’s 8 nm NVIDIA custom process and packing 17.4 billion transistors, the NVIDIA Ampere architecture features an improved streaming
multiprocessor (SM), second-generation Ray Tracing Cores for improved ray tracing hardware acceleration, third-generation Tensor Cores for increased AI inference performance and DLSS improvements.

The NVIDIA Ampere SM
The NVIDIA Ampere architecture Streaming Multiprocessor (SM) is the building block of the GPU, and it’s full of different Cores and Units and
memory. One of the big changes in the NVIDIA Ampere architecture SM is with 32-bit floating point (FP32) throughput. We doubled it. To accomplish this, we designed a new datapath for FP32 and INT32 operations, which results in all four partitions combined executing 128 FP32 operations
per clock.

Does this help gaming? Yes. Graphics and compute operations and algorithms rely on FP32 executions, and so do modern shader workloads. Ray tracing denoising shaders benefit from FP32 speedups, too. The heavier the ray tracing rendering workload, the bigger the performance gains
relative to the previous generation.

Three Processors in One
The RTX 3070 GPU has three fundamental processors—the programmable shader that we first introduced over 15 years ago, RT Core to accelerate the ray-triangle and ray-bounding-box intersections, and AI processing pipeline called Tensor Core.

Turing introduced the three processors for gamers, laying the foundation for the future of real-time ray tracing in games and the move away from rasterization, a technology invented in 1974. Ray tracing brings a level of realism far beyond what was possible using rasterization. But it’s extremely
demanding to render. To support the next generation of ray tracing, all three processors required innovation, and as you can see below, the NVIDIA Ampere architecture delivers innovation for all three.

  • Programmable Shader: Increased to 2 shader calculations per clock versus 1 on Turing—20.3 Shader-TFLOPS compared to 7.9 TFLOPS.
  • 2nd Generation RT Core: Ray-triangle intersection throughput is now doubled so that the RT Core delivers 39.7 RT-TFLOPs, compared to Turing’s 23.8.
  • 3rd Generation Tensor Core: New Tensor Core automatically identifies and removes less important DNN weights and the new hardware processes the sparse network at twice the rate of Turing—162.6 Tensor-TFLOPS with sparsity compared to Turing’s 63 TFLOPS.
What do these numbers mean for gamers? More performance across the board, even when playing with demanding settings like Ray Tracing. Plus, increased AI inferencing power and better DLSS performance.
Our next generation RT and Tensor cores are doing a lot—so much that it deserves a closer look.

The 3rd Generation Tensor Core
What does a Tensor Core do? You can think of it as the AI brains on GeForce RTX GPUs. Tensor Cores accelerate linear algebra used for deep neural network processing—the foundation of modern AI. New third-generation Tensor Cores accelerate AI features such as NVIDIA DLSS for AI super resolution and the NVIDIA Broadcast app for AI-enhanced video and voice communications.

Boost Your Framerates with DLSS
Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS), first introduced in the Turing architecture, leverages a deep neural network to extract multidimensional features of the rendered scene, and intelligently combine details from multiple frames to construct a high-quality final image that looks comparable to native resolution while delivering higher performance. Essentially, the Tensor Cores allow DLSS to speed up your game, all while providing comparable images—sometimes even more detailed images. DLSS is further enhanced on NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPUs by leveraging the performance of the third-generation Tensor Cores.

The side-by-side images above from Death Stranding, the latest game by Kojima-san, show the improvements: DLSS is sharper than native 4K, and it created detail from AI that native rendering didn’t show. And…the frame rate is higher.

The 2nd Generation RT Core
Turing made quite the splash when it brought real-time raytracing to the gaming world, bringing realistic lighting, shadows, and effects to games; and enhancing image quality, gameplay and immersion beyond what we could imagine.

NVIDIA Ampere architecture’s second generation Ray Tracing Cores have doubled down, bringing 2x the throughput of Turing’s first generation ray tracing cores, plus concurrent ray tracing and shading for a whole new level of ray tracing performance. In other words, the more raytracing
that is done, the greater the speed-up!
The NVIDIA Ampere architecture RT Core doubles ray-intersection processing. Its ray tracing is processed concurrently with shading.

RTX Processors in Action
Ray Tracing and shader work is really demanding. It would be expensive to run everything on shaders alone. That’s why we offload work onto our specialized cores, and why we designed them to run in parallel. By utilizing our three different independent processors concurrently, we speed up processing overall.

Innovative Cooler and Board Design
Similar to the 3080 and 3090 GPUs, our engineers architected a super dense PCB design that’s 50% smaller than previous designs to allow room for a fan to flow air directly through the module. We designed it from first principles to deliver the highest possible thermal performance—without
compromising fan acoustics. It’s exceptionally cool and quiet. We call it a “flow through” design, and it works harmoniously with the PC chassis cooling systems, pulling fresh air through and pushing warm air out of the case. The RTX 3070 flow through system is up to 16dBA quieter and has 44% higher thermal performance than the RTX 2070 Founders Edition.

The board was designed with independent push fans. The Left Fan pushes hot air out of extra-large bracket vents, and individually shaped fins direct airflow for better cooling. The Exposed Fin-Stack visually elevates and functionally enhances the airflow-centric design. Together with the unibody frame, this offers maximum rigidity and fin-stack volume with minimum air resistance. The Right Fan pushes air through the card towards the natural top and rear chassis exhausts. Each fan profile has been optimized with its own psychoacoustic profile to optimally balance airflow.

The design also includes a compact PCB and high-density layout that are enabled by a future-looking 12-pin power connector, allowing more space for airflow through the cooling fins which in turn reduces hot air circulation, keeping your GPU nice and cool during those heavy GPU workloads. The
board also includes support for PCIe Gen 4, allowing more bandwidth for detailed textures to build more complex worlds.
RTX 3070
20.3 Shader-TFLOPS
60 Total TFLOPS for Ray Tracing!
RTX 2070
7.9 Shader-TFLOPS
31.7 Total TFLOPS for Ray tracing

Remember how good the Pascal architecture was compared to Maxwell?

Well, the NVIDIA Ampere architecture compared to Turing is even better. It’s our greatest generational leap. We knew a significant technology advance was needed to inspire content developers to create the next level of content and for the installed base to upgrade.

So how did we do it? Our new flagship NVIDIA Ampere architecture gaming GPU innovates on everything that was invented and introduced in Turing, providing the greatest generational leap in graphics performance. Every aspect of this 2nd generation RTX GPU architecture has been improved.

Let’s look at the numbers: RTX 3070 has 5888 CUDA cores—over twice the CUDA cores that the RTX 2070 has. It delivers 20.3 TFLOPs of shader performance plus dedicated RT Cores with the equivalent 39.7 TFLOPs of performance, for a total of 60 effective TFLOPs of performance while ray tracing.

And more firsts:
HDMI 2.1 — GeForce RTX 30 Series GPUs are the first available to feature HDMI 2.1 support with support for 4K@120Hz (4K120). HDMI 2.1 increases total bandwidth over HDMI 2.0b from 18Gigabits/sec to 48 and adds support for high-dynamic-range (HDR) supporting brighter images with
higher contrast and more vibrant colors with better shadows and highlights.

AV1 Decode — AV1 (AOMedia Video 1) is an open, royalty-free video coding format developed by AOM (Alliance for Open Media) that provides better compression and quality compared to existing codecs like H.264, HEVC, and VP9, and is being adopted by many of the top video platforms and browsers. AV1 will generally provide 50-55% bitrate savings over H.264.
Removed parts: RTX IO, NVIDIA Reflex, NVIDIA Broadcast, NVIDIA Studio
GeForce RTX 2070
(Founders Edition)
GeForce RTX 3070
(Founders Edition)
CUDA Cores23045888
Tensor Cores288 (2nd Generation)184 (3rd Generation)
RT Cores36 (1st Generation)46 (2nd Generation)
Texture Units144184
GPU Boost Clock1710 MHz1725 MHz
Memory Clock7000 MHz7000 MHz
Total Video Memory8192 MB GDDR68192 MB GDDR6
Memory Interface256-bit256-bit
Memory Bandwidth448 GB/s448 GB/s
TGP185 Watts220 Watts
Removed NVIDIA Contact Information

There are a number of hardware monitoring tools and utilities that claim to report GPU Memory Usage. Note that these tools do not report actual GPU memory usage. Instead, they report memory allocation, the amount of memory requested by the application.

This number can vary for a variety of reasons, and should not be used as an indicator of the amount of GPU memory that the application is actually using. In fact, in some cases the application may request all of the GPU’s memory, whether it actually needs it or not. To illustrate this issue, we have included memory allocation logs running Tom Clancy’s The Division 2. In this example running on a GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER (8GB) and RTX 2080 Ti (11GB) using the same settings (4K with the Ultra preset), the game allocates almost all of each GPU’s framebuffer:
RTX 2080 SUPER (8GB)RTX 2080 Ti (11GB)
AVG: 41AVG 49
MEM 7393 MBMEM 10531 MB

Text from NVIDIA overlay screenshots

As you can see, both GPUs are running at high frames (41 fps vs 49 fps, with both GPUs running smoothly), with the game allocating as much memory as it can, which resulted in memory consumption of 7.3 GB on the RTX 2080 Super and 10.5 GB on the RTX 2080 Ti.
GeForce RTX 3070 |

Reviewer’s Guide ends here
Acho que vou nessa placa mesmo. Ia de 2080 Super mas vou devolver para Pichau. Acho que devo conseguir uma 3070 até meados de novembro,...

A 3080 vão meter a faca até ano que vem. Não vou pagar mais de 6K numa GPU por mais que seja boa.

Meados de 2021, início do segundo semestre, pego as 3080 revisadas(quem sabe não vem uma super ou TI) ou um Radeon RX6900XT.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Será q vale pegar a 3070 agora sendo q a 3070ti deve sair em dezembro mais tardar janeiro!? Dia 28 vai ser crucial pq mesmo que não goste da amd a guerra de preços vai ajudar.

Enviado de meu SM-G9600 usando o Tapatalk

Mr Bones

Lenda da internet
Será q vale pegar a 3070 agora sendo q a 3070ti deve sair em dezembro mais tardar janeiro!? Dia 28 vai ser crucial pq mesmo que não goste da amd a guerra de preços vai ajudar.

Enviado de meu SM-G9600 usando o Tapatalk
Se for para ficar com ela não como sua placa definitiva acho que vale. Se a pessoa mira pegar a "intermediária premium" e ficar com ela, aí vale a pena esperar mais um pouco e já pegar a versão mais robusta dela digamos assim.

Só vou nela porque a 3080 até 6k será impossível conseguir até fim do primeiro trimestre de 2021. Só se ocorrer da AMD vir assombrando tudo e suas placas serem superior aos da Nvidia série 30 e mais baratas. Aí a Nvidia vai dar seus pulos e vai ser uma invertida do mercado :vai ter que abaixar o preço se quiser vender. Será que isso seja possível???


Power Poster
Não tem muitos testes, é mais sobre as tecnologias e recursos da RTX 3070, e suas principais vantagens em relação ao modelo antigo (RTX 2070)

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Reviewer’s Guide leaked

One and a half billion people are gaming, or gaming as a sport. A whopping 82% played video games and watched video game content during the height of the global pandemic. Many are gaming to connect and share, and many are creating inside games. The open and rapidly advancing technology, combined with the amazing creativity of the community, makes magic.

Games have become the new art medium. In Minecraft, gamers are building works of art. Artists create cinematics made from game assets. Tens of millions are expressing their creativity through games, whether recreating metropolitan areas like Seattle, or fictional ones like King’s Landing.
And esports, you’ve seen how huge they’ve become. They’ve almost eclipsed all other sports. Inside a computer simulation, any sport can become an esport—virtual Nascar and F1 are already attracting top racers.

But let’s not forget about streaming. Hours watched are up 1.9x this year, and the number of channels across the major platforms has increased by 40%. Pros stream their practices. Experts stream tips and tricks. Friends stream just to hang out. There are over 20 million streamers. Anyone can be a broadcaster now, and everyone is watching them.
These are a few examples of the infinite ways gaming is expanding. And the RTX 30 Series powers them.

The Ultimate Play
The GeForce RTX 3070 GPU is the most advanced GPU ever created in its class. It enables gamers, creators, and developers to experience entirely new worlds of gaming and imagination. It isn’t just performance, either. There are NVIDIA features to make gamers faster, to broadcast more seamlessly, and to create more effortlessly.

So what makes the RTX 3070 so special?

The GeForce RTX 3070 delivers incredible performance and features, including NVIDIA Reflex and Broadcast, for $499. It has second-generation RTX architecture and delivers a staggering 20.3 shader TFLOPs, 39.7 RT TFLOPs, and 162.6 Tensor TFLOPs (using the new sparsity feature) of computational horsepower. It makes games more beautiful and true-to-life. Ray tracing, DLSS, high resolutions, ultra-low latency, new AI-enhanced NVIDIA Broadcast streaming, accelerated digital content creation—the RTX 3070 runs it.

Enthusiast-level Performance

Game performance measured at 1440p, highest game settings, i9, RTX ON, is RT+DLSS

Across a variety of ray-traced and rasterized DirectX and Vulkan titles, the GeForce RTX 3070 delivers similar or faster performance than the GeForce RTX 2080 Ti (which sold for twice the price) and is on average 1.6x faster than the original GeForce RTX 2070. Today’s more than 45 million creative professionals are more demanding than ever before. That’s why, in addition to powering incredible gaming experiences, it’s important that RTX 3070 GPUs deliver amped up levels of creative performance as well. Backed by the NVIDIA Studio platform, these new GPUs give creators faster rendering and more AI performance to help finish creative projects in record time.

There’s a lot that goes into a massive upgrade like this, so we’ll start with the changes to the silicon engine under the hood, and then talk about the great software features that it benefits. First up, our new Streaming Multiprocessors.

The NVIDIA Ampere architecture is a giant leap in performance. So much has gone into it to make it the world’s fastest GPU architecture. Fabricated on Samsung’s 8 nm NVIDIA custom process and packing 17.4 billion transistors, the NVIDIA Ampere architecture features an improved streaming
multiprocessor (SM), second-generation Ray Tracing Cores for improved ray tracing hardware acceleration, third-generation Tensor Cores for increased AI inference performance and DLSS improvements.

The NVIDIA Ampere SM
The NVIDIA Ampere architecture Streaming Multiprocessor (SM) is the building block of the GPU, and it’s full of different Cores and Units and
memory. One of the big changes in the NVIDIA Ampere architecture SM is with 32-bit floating point (FP32) throughput. We doubled it. To accomplish this, we designed a new datapath for FP32 and INT32 operations, which results in all four partitions combined executing 128 FP32 operations
per clock.

Does this help gaming? Yes. Graphics and compute operations and algorithms rely on FP32 executions, and so do modern shader workloads. Ray tracing denoising shaders benefit from FP32 speedups, too. The heavier the ray tracing rendering workload, the bigger the performance gains
relative to the previous generation.

Three Processors in One
The RTX 3070 GPU has three fundamental processors—the programmable shader that we first introduced over 15 years ago, RT Core to accelerate the ray-triangle and ray-bounding-box intersections, and AI processing pipeline called Tensor Core.

Turing introduced the three processors for gamers, laying the foundation for the future of real-time ray tracing in games and the move away from rasterization, a technology invented in 1974. Ray tracing brings a level of realism far beyond what was possible using rasterization. But it’s extremely
demanding to render. To support the next generation of ray tracing, all three processors required innovation, and as you can see below, the NVIDIA Ampere architecture delivers innovation for all three.

  • Programmable Shader: Increased to 2 shader calculations per clock versus 1 on Turing—20.3 Shader-TFLOPS compared to 7.9 TFLOPS.
  • 2nd Generation RT Core: Ray-triangle intersection throughput is now doubled so that the RT Core delivers 39.7 RT-TFLOPs, compared to Turing’s 23.8.
  • 3rd Generation Tensor Core: New Tensor Core automatically identifies and removes less important DNN weights and the new hardware processes the sparse network at twice the rate of Turing—162.6 Tensor-TFLOPS with sparsity compared to Turing’s 63 TFLOPS.
What do these numbers mean for gamers? More performance across the board, even when playing with demanding settings like Ray Tracing. Plus, increased AI inferencing power and better DLSS performance.
Our next generation RT and Tensor cores are doing a lot—so much that it deserves a closer look.

The 3rd Generation Tensor Core
What does a Tensor Core do? You can think of it as the AI brains on GeForce RTX GPUs. Tensor Cores accelerate linear algebra used for deep neural network processing—the foundation of modern AI. New third-generation Tensor Cores accelerate AI features such as NVIDIA DLSS for AI super resolution and the NVIDIA Broadcast app for AI-enhanced video and voice communications.

Boost Your Framerates with DLSS
Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS), first introduced in the Turing architecture, leverages a deep neural network to extract multidimensional features of the rendered scene, and intelligently combine details from multiple frames to construct a high-quality final image that looks comparable to native resolution while delivering higher performance. Essentially, the Tensor Cores allow DLSS to speed up your game, all while providing comparable images—sometimes even more detailed images. DLSS is further enhanced on NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPUs by leveraging the performance of the third-generation Tensor Cores.

The side-by-side images above from Death Stranding, the latest game by Kojima-san, show the improvements: DLSS is sharper than native 4K, and it created detail from AI that native rendering didn’t show. And…the frame rate is higher.

The 2nd Generation RT Core
Turing made quite the splash when it brought real-time raytracing to the gaming world, bringing realistic lighting, shadows, and effects to games; and enhancing image quality, gameplay and immersion beyond what we could imagine.

NVIDIA Ampere architecture’s second generation Ray Tracing Cores have doubled down, bringing 2x the throughput of Turing’s first generation ray tracing cores, plus concurrent ray tracing and shading for a whole new level of ray tracing performance. In other words, the more raytracing
that is done, the greater the speed-up!
The NVIDIA Ampere architecture RT Core doubles ray-intersection processing. Its ray tracing is processed concurrently with shading.

RTX Processors in Action
Ray Tracing and shader work is really demanding. It would be expensive to run everything on shaders alone. That’s why we offload work onto our specialized cores, and why we designed them to run in parallel. By utilizing our three different independent processors concurrently, we speed up processing overall.

Innovative Cooler and Board Design
Similar to the 3080 and 3090 GPUs, our engineers architected a super dense PCB design that’s 50% smaller than previous designs to allow room for a fan to flow air directly through the module. We designed it from first principles to deliver the highest possible thermal performance—without
compromising fan acoustics. It’s exceptionally cool and quiet. We call it a “flow through” design, and it works harmoniously with the PC chassis cooling systems, pulling fresh air through and pushing warm air out of the case. The RTX 3070 flow through system is up to 16dBA quieter and has 44% higher thermal performance than the RTX 2070 Founders Edition.

The board was designed with independent push fans. The Left Fan pushes hot air out of extra-large bracket vents, and individually shaped fins direct airflow for better cooling. The Exposed Fin-Stack visually elevates and functionally enhances the airflow-centric design. Together with the unibody frame, this offers maximum rigidity and fin-stack volume with minimum air resistance. The Right Fan pushes air through the card towards the natural top and rear chassis exhausts. Each fan profile has been optimized with its own psychoacoustic profile to optimally balance airflow.

The design also includes a compact PCB and high-density layout that are enabled by a future-looking 12-pin power connector, allowing more space for airflow through the cooling fins which in turn reduces hot air circulation, keeping your GPU nice and cool during those heavy GPU workloads. The
board also includes support for PCIe Gen 4, allowing more bandwidth for detailed textures to build more complex worlds.
RTX 3070
20.3 Shader-TFLOPS
60 Total TFLOPS for Ray Tracing!
RTX 2070
7.9 Shader-TFLOPS
31.7 Total TFLOPS for Ray tracing

Remember how good the Pascal architecture was compared to Maxwell?

Well, the NVIDIA Ampere architecture compared to Turing is even better. It’s our greatest generational leap. We knew a significant technology advance was needed to inspire content developers to create the next level of content and for the installed base to upgrade.

So how did we do it? Our new flagship NVIDIA Ampere architecture gaming GPU innovates on everything that was invented and introduced in Turing, providing the greatest generational leap in graphics performance. Every aspect of this 2nd generation RTX GPU architecture has been improved.

Let’s look at the numbers: RTX 3070 has 5888 CUDA cores—over twice the CUDA cores that the RTX 2070 has. It delivers 20.3 TFLOPs of shader performance plus dedicated RT Cores with the equivalent 39.7 TFLOPs of performance, for a total of 60 effective TFLOPs of performance while ray tracing.

And more firsts:
HDMI 2.1 — GeForce RTX 30 Series GPUs are the first available to feature HDMI 2.1 support with support for 4K@120Hz (4K120). HDMI 2.1 increases total bandwidth over HDMI 2.0b from 18Gigabits/sec to 48 and adds support for high-dynamic-range (HDR) supporting brighter images with
higher contrast and more vibrant colors with better shadows and highlights.

AV1 Decode — AV1 (AOMedia Video 1) is an open, royalty-free video coding format developed by AOM (Alliance for Open Media) that provides better compression and quality compared to existing codecs like H.264, HEVC, and VP9, and is being adopted by many of the top video platforms and browsers. AV1 will generally provide 50-55% bitrate savings over H.264.
Removed parts: RTX IO, NVIDIA Reflex, NVIDIA Broadcast, NVIDIA Studio
GeForce RTX 2070
(Founders Edition)
GeForce RTX 3070
(Founders Edition)
CUDA Cores23045888
Tensor Cores288 (2nd Generation)184 (3rd Generation)
RT Cores36 (1st Generation)46 (2nd Generation)
Texture Units144184
GPU Boost Clock1710 MHz1725 MHz
Memory Clock7000 MHz7000 MHz
Total Video Memory8192 MB GDDR68192 MB GDDR6
Memory Interface256-bit256-bit
Memory Bandwidth448 GB/s448 GB/s
TGP185 Watts220 Watts
Removed NVIDIA Contact Information

There are a number of hardware monitoring tools and utilities that claim to report GPU Memory Usage. Note that these tools do not report actual GPU memory usage. Instead, they report memory allocation, the amount of memory requested by the application.

This number can vary for a variety of reasons, and should not be used as an indicator of the amount of GPU memory that the application is actually using. In fact, in some cases the application may request all of the GPU’s memory, whether it actually needs it or not. To illustrate this issue, we have included memory allocation logs running Tom Clancy’s The Division 2. In this example running on a GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER (8GB) and RTX 2080 Ti (11GB) using the same settings (4K with the Ultra preset), the game allocates almost all of each GPU’s framebuffer:
RTX 2080 SUPER (8GB)RTX 2080 Ti (11GB)
AVG: 41AVG 49
MEM 7393 MBMEM 10531 MB

Text from NVIDIA overlay screenshots

As you can see, both GPUs are running at high frames (41 fps vs 49 fps, with both GPUs running smoothly), with the game allocating as much memory as it can, which resulted in memory consumption of 7.3 GB on the RTX 2080 Super and 10.5 GB on the RTX 2080 Ti.
GeForce RTX 3070 |

Reviewer’s Guide ends here

Achei legal. Estava mirando na 2080Ti, mas essa aí parece que fará bem o serviço e sendo de uma geração mais recente já compensa na longevidade. Queria saber se eles melhoraram a capacidade de overclock destas placas.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Achei legal. Estava mirando na 2080Ti, mas essa aí parece que fará bem o serviço e sendo de uma geração mais recente já compensa na longevidade. Queria saber se eles melhoraram a capacidade de overclock destas placas.
Definitivamente não será uma placa pra overclock, ela mira CxB. Se comprar uma 3070 pra over, precisa ser uma top de linha onde o preço bate na 3080, perde o sentido.

Acredito que pra partir pra over, é melhor uma 3080.


Power Poster
Definitivamente não será uma placa pra overclock, ela mira CxB. Se comprar uma 3070 pra over, precisa ser uma top de linha onde o preço bate na 3080, perde o sentido.

Acredito que pra partir pra over, é melhor uma 3080.

AH não, mas isso indifere no meu caso porque uso watercooler no meu Pc. Se a placa permitir overclock eu posso fazer, independentemente de ser modelo de referência ou top. É que a GTX 1xxx tem uma margem baixíssima de overclock. É algo da arquitetura. Quero saber como será nesta arquitetura.


Mil pontos, LOL!
AH não, mas isso indifere no meu caso porque uso watercooler no meu Pc. Se a placa permitir overclock eu posso fazer, independentemente de ser modelo de referência ou top. É que a GTX 1xxx tem uma margem baixíssima de overclock. É algo da arquitetura. Quero saber como será nesta arquitetura.
A 3080 pelo menos tem uma margem bacana, mas na prática em jogos a diferença é muito pequena pois o boost clock das placas é altíssima, alcança 2100mhz com certa normalidade, e trabalha com média acima de 1900mhz. Em matéria de frames adicionar 100mhz aqui deu 2% a mais de FPS, mas custa 7% a mais de consumo de energia.

Por enquanto eu vejo que o over faz mais sentido em testes sintéticos de benchmark que realmente alcança números melhores, mas na prática não sei se vale a pena.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Se for para ficar com ela não como sua placa definitiva acho que vale. Se a pessoa mira pegar a "intermediária premium" e ficar com ela, aí vale a pena esperar mais um pouco e já pegar a versão mais robusta dela digamos assim.

Só vou nela porque a 3080 até 6k será impossível conseguir até fim do primeiro trimestre de 2021. Só se ocorrer da AMD vir assombrando tudo e suas placas serem superior aos da Nvidia série 30 e mais baratas. Aí a Nvidia vai dar seus pulos e vai ser uma invertida do mercado :vai ter que abaixar o preço se quiser vender. Será que isso seja possível???
Eu acho que virá algo entre 3070 e 3080 ense a Amd quer ter alguma chance eu colocaria o preço a 500 dolares. A nvidia deixou um gap proposital para wntrada da 3070ti mas se a amd fizer isso a Nvidia será obrigada a colocar a 3070ti em 500 e a 3070 em 450 ou menos.

Enviado de meu SM-G9600 usando o Tapatalk


Mil pontos, LOL!
Na Live eles especularam que de vir a 3070 em torno de 4200. Se for isso mesmo, está OK. Mas vamos aguardar. Que dia é o lançamento mesmo? Dia 28 ou dia 29?

Eu vi uma parte da live. Eles falaram isso, mas disse q se o preço passado pra eles subirem, eles vão subir tb. Então eu não sei se são os importadores querendo lucrar, ou se são as lojas aproveitando do momento da escasses.

3080 para este ano já desencanei.

Só que estou bem pistola com a Pichau. Comprei deles e o frete para mim região era algo surreal. Entrei em contato com eles quetionando o valor e alegaram que é o valor que a transportadora cobra para minha região e não tinha como baixar. Aí chegou os produtos e o frete no conhecimento da transportadora está 52 reais e eles me cobraram 440 de frete... Vou devolver tudo e não compro mais nada lá... Fiquei indignado com isso...

Alguém está sendo muito sacana aí... Não sei se é a Brasspress ou a Pichau. Mas cobrar uma valor bem alto e depois no conhecimento do frete estar um valor muito mais baixo. Coincidente e o mesmo valor que a Brasspess cobra para minha região comprando da Kabum, que o frete oscila entre 50 a 70 reais conforme o produto. Ou seja, tudo leva crer que a filhadaputagem é da Pichau mesmo.

Que absurdo, pessoal do nordeste reclamava muito antes dos fretes. Agora parece q é no Brasil todo esse aumento. Tem alguma coisa errada, pq como vc falou na kabum tudo fica abaixo de 100 pra min. Até menos 50 a 70. Sou de Campo Grande MS. Ai eles vendem por 4200 a placa e cobram 500 de frete. Maravilha!

Exatamente o meu pensamento sem tirar nem por. Minha 1080ti vai ficar até conseguir uma 3080 que não seja essa putaria de cobrar 7,5k em placa vendida por 5.3k uma semana atrás (escutou Terabyte fdp? :kgrr).

O foda é saber quando isso vai mudar. Mas subir de 5.2k pra 7.5k foi foda. Não é nen mais custo brasil aumento do dolar. É pura ganancia mesmo por causa da falta de placa. Isso é foda velho!
Topo Fundo