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Ex-homossexuais relatam como se converteram ao Cristianismo.

O Rei Rubro

Cara. o negócio é mais simples que se imaginam. Os humanos que tornam o trem complexo, até para se aproveitar da situação, seja do lado conservador ou do lado progressista.

Não existe "gay". Existe experiência. O cara, seja homem ou mulher, pode ta afim de ter uma experiencia. Se quiser continuar... continue... se quiser parar... pare. Ninguém é obrigado a seguir padrões sociais impostos pelo senso comum, seja direita ou esquerda..

Claro que certas ações feitas de forma repetitiva gera vício, que isso sim é um problema psiológico. Seja qualquer que for o vício... Mas no fim é só isso.

O problema que eu vejo é que os conservadores usam motivações religiosas para condenar o homossexualismo. E os progressistas vêem "ex gays" como traidores e enrustidos a causa. Quando no fim tudo é questão de escolha...

Com toda a certeza. Mas este tópico não é sobre isso.

O Rei Rubro

Coitado de você...

Incorformado e perdido na sua bolha de perfeição.. tsc...

Você não possui auto-controle? Não pondera? Não tenta agir de forma civilizada/equilibrada?

Ou você é um selvagem refém dos próprios instintos? Você preda e come uma mulher instantanemante porque ela te deixou excitado?? Você pega um relógio na vitrine porque desejou tê-lo em sua posse?

Você não se controla nem nega ação a seus instintos?

Ninguém falou em "mentir para si mesmo", mas como você é desesperado para se provar acima dos outros, distorce como quer.

É deprimente ver alguém tão desapegado da ideia de "Deus" praticamente exigir que o considerem um.

Respire...fundo...sorria....e diga: Deus ama você como você é.

Liberte-se. Vai te fazer bem.


Habitué da casa
Quem é ateu não vai tem muitas condições de entrar nessa discussão porque é incapaz entender uma parte da realidade.

Discutindo utilizando apenas razão: eu me considero bissexual, creio que o fator decisivo foi eu ter tido relações com pessoas do mesmo sexo quando era criança.

Por outro lado, eu nunca fui racista até 2019, depois que comecei a interagir com certas pessoas e receber uma montanha de ideias e propagandas racistas, eu acabei me tornando racista. No fundo eu sei que é errado, e eu faço de tudo para evitar, mas de 2020 até hoje eu tenho sentimentos racistas.

Tom Cruise

Hollywood Mogul
Quem é ateu não vai tem muitas condições de entrar nessa discussão porque é incapaz entender uma parte da realidade.

Discutindo utilizando apenas razão: eu me considero bissexual, creio que o fator decisivo foi eu ter tido relações com pessoas do mesmo sexo quando era criança.

Por outro lado, eu nunca fui racista até 2019, depois que comecei a interagir com certas pessoas e receber uma montanha de ideias e propagandas racistas, eu acabei me tornando racista. No fundo eu sei que é errado, e eu faço de tudo para evitar, mas de 2020 até hoje eu tenho sentimentos racistas.
racismo contra negros, brancos, vermelhos ou amarelos?

sebastiao coelho neto

Lenda da internet
Como mostrou o biólogo e sexólogo Kinsey 50 anos atrás, homossexualidade e heterossexualidade não são dois lados de uma mesma moeda. A sexualidade na verdade é uma régua com várias graduações. Então estes ex-homossexuais provavelmente estão incluídos em algum graduação entre os dois extremos.

No fundo são bissexuais que escolheram não transar mais com homens.


Como mostrou o biólogo e sexólogo Kinsey 50 anos atrás, homossexualidade e heterossexualidade não são dois lados de uma mesma moeda. A sexualidade na verdade é uma régua com várias graduações. Então estes ex-homossexuais provavelmente estão incluídos em algum graduação entre os dois extremos.

No fundo são bissexuais que escolheram não transar mais com homens.
Alfred Kinsey, aquele "cientista" que ligado a pedofilia e até ao satanista Alester Crowley. Esse é onde está calcado nossa fonte de legitimidade para leis e "ciência.
Estamos muito bem pelo visto.


sebastiao coelho neto

Lenda da internet
Alfred Kinsey, aquele "cientista" que ligado a pedofilia e até ao satanista Alester Crowley. Esse é onde está calcado nossa fonte de legitimidade para leis e "ciência.
Estamos muito bem pelo visto.

Conspiracionismo? é foda!

além disso, o estudo dele já foi analisado, aprimorado e é aceito a décadas por vários especialistas em sexualidade. Só não é aceito mesmo por homofóbicos que acham homossexualidade doença.

edit. Li o texto postado do site e vamos a alguns fatos sobre ele:

1. o texto fala de fatos e acusações mas não tem links. Só aí já seria motivo para desconfiar. Como acreditar no que está escrito sem fontes? Eu não;

2. Cristian Derosa, autor do texto, também escreveu o livro 'Fanáticos por poder: esquerda, globalistas, China e as reais ameaças além da pandemia (2020)'. Além disso afirma ser aluno do Seminário de Filosofia de Olavo de Carvalho. Vê-se que não é nem um pouco isento a figura. Mais um motivo pra desconfiar;

3. as acusações contra Kinsey vêm da Dra. Judith Reisman (falecida recentemente). E quem seria ela? é uma ativista anti-LGBT (mais um não-isento). e pra piorar, ainda é revisionista do holocausto, dizendo que foram os gays que criaram o nazismo;

4. os relatórios Kinsey foram refutados? Não fala isso no texto e não há fontes para desacreditar os estudos. Na verdade há outros que o reforçam, como a escala de orientação sexual Klein.

5. e as acusações de pedofilia, são verdadeiras? Não é o que dizem as fontes:

"... Se você já ouviu falar de Reisman, provavelmente é devido à sua implacável campanha pseudocientífica contra Kinsey e o Instituto Kinsey. Na mente de Reisman, Kinsey é a causa de todas as coisas erradas no mundo, incluindo pornografia e agressão sexual. Seu trabalho mais recente, Sexual Sabotage , publicado em 2010 pelo conspirador de extrema direita WND Books, chama Kinsey de "traidor" da América porque, na mente de Reisman, ele e seus pesquisadores decidiram difamar a Grande Geração e destruir o mundo deliberadamente . Ela afirmou repetidamente que Kinsey era um pedófilo (não há evidênciaspara apoiar suas alegações), e chegou ao ponto de processar o Instituto Kinsey por difamação em 1991, quando eles responderam às suas reivindicações selvagens. O processo foi encerrado com preconceito em 1994, um ano depois que seu advogado conservador deixou o caso. Até a morte de Kinsey é uma conspiração, em sua mente. Reisman afirma que morreu de “autoflagelação brutal e repetitiva” (ou seja, masturbação) quando na verdade morreu de problemas cardíacos e pneumonia. ..." (traduzido pelo google)

Ultima Edição:


Habitué da casa
racismo contra negros, brancos, vermelhos ou amarelos?
O ponto da minha postagem é que algumas paixões como o desejo sexual e repulsa podem ser inatas, mas o direcionamento na maioria das vezes vem através da educação e experiência.


Conspiracionismo? é foda!

além disso, o estudo dele já foi analisado, aprimorado e é aceito a décadas por vários especialistas em sexualidade. Só não é aceito mesmo por homofóbicos que acham homossexualidade doença.
Especialistas...sim, especialistas que estão comprometidos com uma determinada agenda.
Ciência daquele tipo que não aceita contraditório nem estudo que não seja no sentido de legalizar qualquer parafilia. Sim claro.

O mais legal é apenas classificar informação como conspiracionismo. Essa é a tática do momento mesmo. Siga.

sebastiao coelho neto

Lenda da internet
Especialistas...sim, especialistas que estão comprometidos com uma determinada agenda.
Ciência daquele tipo que não aceita contraditório nem estudo que não seja no sentido de legalizar qualquer parafilia. Sim claro.

O mais legal é apenas classificar informação como conspiracionismo. Essa é a tática do momento mesmo. Siga.
Editei meu post original. Dá uma lida lá.

Ivo Maropo

comparar homossexualismo com pedofilia é barra, hein?
É a fantasia-padrão: "se é gay, então é indutor de pedofilia!". Tudo liga ao Jim Jones da Virgínia, que adora tirar estatísticas do cool (que ele jamais de fato apresenta, é claro).

É uma verdadeira obsessão com o tareco alheio. A humanidade melhora muito quando nós deixamos os outros viverem a sua vida e nós vivemos a nossa.

O que alguém consensualmente faz com outra pessoa entre quatro paredes não influencia em porra nenhuma na sociedade. O meu lado misantropo nunca entende porque c***lh0 as pessoas têm obsessão com a vida alheia. Sério.

Jujuba o cão idealista

Mil pontos, LOL!
Alfred Kinsey, aquele "cientista" que ligado a pedofilia e até ao satanista Alester Crowley. Esse é onde está calcado nossa fonte de legitimidade para leis e "ciência.
Estamos muito bem pelo visto.

boa fonte, cara. pode me recomendar alguns artigos premium desse site que analisem a relação de reptilianos com marxistas tendo em vista a indústria de brinquedos sexuais japonesa?


sebastiao coelho neto

Lenda da internet
comparar homossexualismo com pedofilia é barra, hein?
Faz parte da narrativa da extrema direita:

Barber e Reisman sugerem que todos os gays são pedófilos ou defendem a pedofilia

Abdullah Al-Papai

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Quem é ateu não vai tem muitas condições de entrar nessa discussão porque é incapaz entender uma parte da realidade.

Discutindo utilizando apenas razão: eu me considero bissexual, creio que o fator decisivo foi eu ter tido relações com pessoas do mesmo sexo quando era criança.

Por outro lado, eu nunca fui racista até 2019, depois que comecei a interagir com certas pessoas e receber uma montanha de ideias e propagandas racistas, eu acabei me tornando racista. No fundo eu sei que é errado, e eu faço de tudo para evitar, mas de 2020 até hoje eu tenho sentimentos racistas.

Você entende que seus sentimentos racistas são tão fruto de propaganda quanto o sentimento homofóbico (de fato) de quem acha que o homossexual é alguém que, nas palavras implícitas do OP, "não possui auto-controle, não pondera, não tenta agir de forma civilizada" e é "um selvagem refém dos próprios instintos", né?

Não é uma questão de "entender parte da realidade". É questão de você aceitar ou não um discurso.

Ser gay/bissexual por "experiência" / abuso de fato deve ser absurdamente traumático e é necessário acompanhamento psiquiátrico. Mas tem muitos gays que não são vítima de nada, simplesmente é da natureza do cara. Muitos estudos tentam analisar fatores biológicos e desde sistema imunológico da mãe durante a gestação até desenvolvimento hormonal da criança são fatores que podem influenciar. Em gêmeos monozigóticos verifica-se uma correlação positiva de homossexualidade quando comparados com heterozigóticos, por exemplo. E sendo influência também do ambiente, que não nego que possa ser, é dificílimo isolar os fatores que contribuem com isso.

Aí você vai fazer o quê? Forçar a cara a viver uma vida de m****, ir na Igreja por pressão da família (sentimento de culpa, de envergonhar os pais, "vai pro inferno" etc) afim de que ele se convença e vire "ex-gay", mutilando uma parte expressiva da sua existência? Esse "meio termo" é o PIOR possível. Ou o cara aceita que a pessoa é desse jeito, ou não aceita. Fim.

Clássico demais :kkk

Ivo Maropo

boa fonte, cara. pode me recomendar alguns artigos premium desse site que analisem a relação de reptilianos com marxistas tendo em vista a indústria de brinquedos sexuais japonesa?

Visualizar anexo 188822
A extrema-direita é intimamente dependente de mentiras, mitos, distorções, desinformação. Sempre foi assim e continuará a ser. Apenas retire a teoria da conspiração da equação e tudo logo vem abaixo de maneira constrangedora. Somos logo obrigados a admitir a nudez do rei em público.


Habitué da casa
Cada um pode ter sua opinião e achar algo, mas isso é diferente dos dados. Um post jogado assim só denota preconceito.
Homossexuais tem forte inclinação para pedofilia, adultério e dificilmente mantem o mesmo parceiro sexual. Para àqueles que se identificam com a causa LGBT o sexo é a coisa mais importante da vida deles. Querem experimentar o sexo da maior forma, possibilidade e tempo possíveis.

Tom Cruise

Hollywood Mogul
A extrema-direita é intimamente dependente de mentiras, mitos, distorções, desinformação. Sempre foi assim e continuará a ser. Apenas retire a teoria da conspiração da equação e tudo logo vem abaixo de maneira constrangedora. Somos logo obrigados a admitir a nudez do rei em público.
qual sua opiniao sobre a extrema esquerda?

não é trollagem.

Jujuba o cão idealista

Mil pontos, LOL!
Homossexuais tem forte inclinação para pedofilia, adultério e dificilmente mantem o mesmo parceiro sexual. Para àqueles que se identificam com a causa LGBT o sexo é a coisa mais importante da vida deles. Querem experimentar o sexo da maior forma, possibilidade e tempo possíveis.

reportado, apenas. tem nem o que discutir com um post asqueroso desses.

Tom Cruise

Hollywood Mogul
Homossexuais tem forte inclinação para pedofilia, adultério e dificilmente mantem o mesmo parceiro sexual. Para àqueles que se identificam com a causa LGBT o sexo é a coisa mais importante da vida deles. Querem experimentar o sexo da maior forma, possibilidade e tempo possíveis.

voce poderia citar fontes dessa parte em negrito?


Habitué da casa
Você entende que seus sentimentos racistas são tão fruto de propaganda quanto o sentimento homofóbico (de fato) de quem acha que o homossexual é alguém que, nas palavras implícitas do OP, "não possui auto-controle, não pondera, não tenta agir de forma civilizada" e é "um selvagem refém dos próprios instintos", né?

Não é isso. No meu entendimento tanto o racismo quanto a prática homossexual são ambas coisas horríveis, coisas as quais eu não pratico, mas tenho sentimentos sobre elas.

Não é uma questão de "entender parte da realidade". É questão de você aceitar ou não um discurso.
Realmente não isso, quem é ateu tem uma percepção da realidade completamente diferente de um religioso, só quem conseguiu fazer essa transição pode entender. O discurso nunca consegue, nem de longe, abarcar a prática.

Ser gay/bissexual por "experiência" / abuso de fato deve ser absurdamente traumático e é necessário acompanhamento psiquiátrico. Mas tem muitos gays que não são vítima de nada, simplesmente é da natureza do cara. Muitos estudos tentam analisar fatores biológicos e desde sistema imunológico da mãe durante a gestação até desenvolvimento hormonal da criança são fatores que podem influenciar. Em gêmeos monozigóticos verifica-se uma correlação positiva de homossexualidade quando comparados com heterozigóticos, por exemplo. E sendo influência também do ambiente, que não nego que possa ser, é dificílimo isolar os fatores que contribuem com isso.

Aí você vai fazer o quê? Forçar a cara a viver uma vida de m****, ir na Igreja por pressão da família (sentimento de culpa, de envergonhar os pais, "vai pro inferno" etc) afim de que ele se convença e vire "ex-gay", mutilando uma parte expressiva da sua existência? Esse "meio termo" é o PIOR possível. Ou o cara aceita que a pessoa é desse jeito, ou não aceita. Fim.
Sua visão é muito limitada, muito discurso teórico, coisa de criança mesmo. Não passa nem perto de entender a situação.
Ultima Edição:

Abdullah Al-Papai

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Sua visão é muito limitada, muito discurso teórico, coisa de criança mesmo. Não passa nem perto de entender a situação.

Estou falando do que conheço e tenho de exemplo, incluindo exemplo de "ex-gay" na família que teve uma série de problemas de depressão ao longo de umas duas décadas por ficar se reprimindo e que hoje vive muito melhor - e inclusive tem boa relação com os filhos que teve durante o casamento forçado que a mãe dele arranjou.

Não só isso como estou falando de coisas que são fatos: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8494487/, https://www.researchgate.net/public...xuality_A_Systematic_Review_of_the_Literature

Mas enfim. Explique aí a situação, então.
Ultima Edição:


Habitué da casa
reportado, apenas. tem nem o que discutir com um post asqueroso desses.
The abstract for the journal article The proportions of heterosexual and homosexual pedophiles among sex offenders against children: an exploratory study published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy indicates:

Previous investigations have indicated that the ratio of sex offenders against female children vs. offenders against male children is approximately 2:1, while the ratio of gynephiles to androphiles among the general population is approximately 20:1. The present study investigated whether the etiology of preferred partner sex among pedophiles is related to the etiology of preferred partner sex among males preferring adult partners. Using phallometric test sensitivities to calculate the proportion of true pedophiles among various groups of sex offenders against children, and taking into consideration previously reported mean numbers of victims per offender group, the ratio of heterosexual to homosexual pedophiles was calculated to be approximately 11:1. This suggests that the resulting proportion of true pedophiles among persons with a homosexual erotic development is greater than that in persons who develop heterosexually. This, of course, would not indicate that androphilic males have a greater propensity to offend against children.[1]
The American Family Association reported:

And the Journal of Sex Research found that homosexual pedophiles commit about one-third of the total number of sex offenses against children.
This fact is particularly disturbing. Homosexuals comprise just two percent of the population, yet are responsible for 33% of all child sexual abuse. They offend against children at 16 times the rate of the normal population.
The Archives of Sexual Behavior, in a study of 229 convicted child molesters, found that “eighty-six percent of offenders against males described themselves as homosexual or bisexual.”
Thus it comes as no surprise to discover that research into the priesthood scandal in the Catholic Church reveals that 81% of the victims of clergy abuse are young boys.
Now this is most certainly not to say that every priest or even most priests are pedophiles. The great majority, of course, are not. But some, in fact too many, are and that’s the problem.[2]
Homosexuality and pedophilia
Ties of NAMBLA to the Homosexual Community
See also: Teenage homosexuality

Many consider Harry Hay to be the founder of the American homosexual movement.
Steve Baldwin published the following in the Regent University Law Review regarding homosexuality and pedophilia:

Indeed, some NAMBLA chapters meet at mainstream gay centers such as Philadelphia’s Gay and Lesbian Community Center. NAMBLA’s meetings and conferences always feature mainstream gay leaders and speakers. For example, Don Kilhefner, of the Los Angeles Gay Community Service Center, gave a speech to Los Angeles NAMBLA members on the subject of "The Significance of Man/Boy Love in the Gay Community.
The most comprehensive gay networking website, the Queer Resource Directory ....links every gay group in the country including NAMBLA and other homosexual groups that focus on youth. NAMBLA marches in gay pride parades with the consent of the gay leadership. Many of the homosexual movement’s most prominent leaders endorse NAMBLA and its goals. Gay authors and leaders such as Allen Ginsberg, Gayle Rubin, Larry Kramer (founder of ACT-UP), Pat Califia, Jane Rule, Michael Kearns, and Michel Foucault have all written in favor of either NAMBLA or man-boy relationships. Harry Hay, whom many consider the founder of the American homosexual movement, invited NAMBLA members to march with him in the 1993 "March on Washington" gay rights parade. He also marched in the 1986 Los Angeles gay parade wearing a shirt emblazoned with the words "NAMBLA walks with me."
Leading mainstream homosexual newspapers and magazines such as the Advocate, Edge, Metroline, The Guide, and The San Francisco Sentinel have not only published pro-NAMBLA articles and columns but also many have editorialized in favor of NAMBLA and sex with children.[3]
Homosexuality and Pedophilia - Journal of Homosexuality, International Lesbian and Gay Federation (ILGA) and NAMBLA
There are notable instances of prominent homosexual organizations being permissive towards pedophilia or condoning/promoting pedophilia. For example, the Journal of Homosexuality is an academic journal which has featured material that looks upon pedophilia in a generally approvingly manner.[4][5] For example, an article by Dr. Brongersma stated that parents should not view a pedophile "as a rival or competitor, not as a thief of their property, but as a partner in the boy's upbringing, someone to be welcomed into their home..."[6]

The International Lesbian and Gay Association was founded in 1978 and is a worldwide network of national and local homosexual groups has more than 620 member organizations.[7] In 1993 the ILGA obtained consultative status on the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) but in 1994 they lost their status due to groups within their membership, most notably the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) and Vereniging MARTIJN, advocating pedophilia or expressing solidarity with pro-pedophilia groups.[8] ILGA expelled the groups associated with pedophilia but they were denied ECOSOC decided against restoring ILGA’s consultative status in 2002 and once again in January 2006.[9] NAMBLA had been a member of the ILGA for a decade before it was expelled by the ILGA. NAMBLA calls itself a homosexual organization.

United States Government Leaders Have Preyed on Adolescents
Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth wrote:

…isn’t it telling most of the tiny number of homosexual male U.S. Congressmen have been caught in sex scandals-...Massachusetts Rep. Gerry Studds, who had sex with a 17-year-old boy and then turned his back on fellow House Members during the censure vote against him? And Bob Bauman, who in 1980 was charged with soliciting a 16-year-old boy for sex?
....Let’s see: three homosexual Congressmen involved in sexual seductions of minor boys-ages 16, 17, and 17 (Foley). And yet homosexual activists ridicule anyone who suggests there is a predatory or pedophilic component to male homosexuality…”[10]
Atheism, pederasty and NAMBLA
see also: Atheism, pederasty and NAMBLA and atheism

Some of the well known atheist advocates of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) are:

1. The atheist and homosexual David Thorstad was a founding member of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).[11]

2. Harry Hay (1912 - 2002) was an liberal advocate of statutory rape and the widely acknowledged founder and progenitor of the activist homosexual agenda in the United States. Hay joined the Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA) in 1934.[12] Harry Hay was an atheist.[13] He was a vociferous advocate of man/boy love.[14][15] In 1986, as noted earlier, Hay marched in a gay parade wearing a shirt emblazoned with the words "NAMBLA walks with me."[16]

3. The writer Samuel R. Delaney is an atheist and a homosexual.[17][18] Delaney said he was a supporter of NAMBLA.[19]

John Maynard Keynes
John Maynard Keynes and pederasty
See also: John Maynard Keynes and pederasty

John Maynard Keynes was the founder of Keynesian economics. Lytton Strachey, his male bed partner, wrote that Keynes was “A liberal and a sodomite, An atheist and a statistician.”[20] Keynes and his friends made numerous trips to the resorts surrounding the Mediterranean. At the resorts, little boys were sold by their families to bordellos which catered to homosexuals.[21]

In 2008, The Atlantic reported:

Keynes obsessively counted and tabulated almost everything; it was a life-long habit. As a child, he counted the number of front steps of every house on his street. Later he kept a running record (not surprisingly) of his expenses and his golf scores. He also counted and tabulated his sex life.
The first diary is easy: Keynes lists his sexual partners, either by their initials (GLS for Lytton Strachey, DG for Duncan Grant) or their nicknames ("Tressider," for J. T. Sheppard, the King's College Provost). When he apparently had a quick, anonymous hook-up, he listed that sex partner generically: "16-year-old under Etna" and "Lift boy of Vauxhall" in 1911, for instance, and "Jew boy," in 1912.[22]
Keynes was a bisexual who married Lydia Lopokova, a famous Russian ballerina; they were married for 21 years.[23] In his work The Cambridge Apostles, 1820-1914: Liberalism, Imagination, and Friendship in British Intellectual and Professional Life, William C. Lubenow expresses the opinion that Keynes was an agnostic.[24]

Pedophile Information Exchange
See also: Pedophile Information Exchange

The Pedophile Information Exchange was an organization set up in the UK in 1974 to campaign to legalize and normalize pedophilia. Its members were almost all homosexual and were members of leading homosexual rights groups, such as Campaign for Homosexual Equality which fostered and encouraged them. This taken with the similar evidence from pedophile groups all over the world including NAMBLA in the USA provides notable evidence of the links between homosexuality and pedophilia.

HIV Infected Adolescents and Young Adults in America and Infection by Older Men
For related information please see: Teenager Homosexuality

In 2006, the noted pediatric journal entitled Journal of Adolescent Health published a position paper entitled HIV infection and AIDS in adolescents: An update of the position of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.[29] The aforementioned 2006 position paper of the Journal of Adolescent Health stated the following: "Among adolescents and young adults with HIV or AIDS, most infections are acquired by having sex with HIV-infected men."[30] In addition, the Journal of Adolecent Health stated the following:

As of December 31, 2003, almost 38,500 cases of AIDS had been reported in adolescents and young adults 13–24 years old in the United States of America. Previous studies demonstrating that the risk of AIDS increased with the age at infection suggest that a large proportion of people developing AIDS in their third decade of life became infected with HIV as teens.[31]
Medical Community Negligence and Government Negligence
For more information please see: Adolescent AIDS and Medical Community Negligence

In 2000, the medical journal AIDS (London, England) made the following embarrassing admission in respect to a 1998 review of the medical literature by medical researchers Mansergh and Marks:

In their review of age and HIV risk behavior among gay men, Mansergh and Marks concluded that younger age was fairly consistently found to be associated with unprotected anal sex in North American studies, while only limited evidence was found for the association in European and Australian samples. Reasons for this are unclear. In order to assess more accurately the HIV risk for young gay men, it would be helpful to examine the degree of sexual 'mixing' across age groups and HIV status more closely. Although some studies have included assessments of perceived or known HIV status of young men's sexual partners, none of the studies reported the age ranges of the young men's sexual partners.(emphasis added)[32]

Illustration of HIV reproduction
In 1995, without giving specific age ranges of homosexual adolescents' sexual partners, medical researchers stated the following regarding youths seeking help at the only homosexual identified agency New York City: "...many homosexual male adolescents have sexual relationships with homosexual men, the group with the highest prevalence for AIDS."[33]

Given that the adolescent HIV infection was seen as a problem in the late 1980s, the failure of medical researchers to publish material in the past regarding the age ranges of the individuals infecting adolescents is inexcusable. The pro-homosexaulity publication The Advocate stated the following regarding adolescent HIV infection on March 24, 1992 in an article entitled America's Worst Kept Secret - AIDS is devastating the Nation's Teenager and Gay Kids are Dying by the Thousands:

And while adolescents currently represent only 2% of the AIDS cases reported by the CDC, for the past six years the number of adolescent case of AIDS has doubled every 14 months, which is, according to epidemiologists, the same rate of expansion seen in the gay male population in the first few years of the epidemic.
"Teenagers are the next wave of the epidemic," warns Dr. Karen Hein, associate professor of pediatrics, epidemiology, and social medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City....
The CDC stated in November that in Los Angeles and Miami, adolescent AIDS cases represent about 20% of all reported cases in those cities and that in Newark,N.J adolescents represent almost 35% of all AIDS cases. The infection rates among adolescents are similarly high in San Francisco, Boston, and Philadelphia.[34]
In 1987, in an article entitled Male Homosexuality: An Adolescents Perspective the medical journal Pediatrics made the following admission regarding the poverty of medical study regarding adolescents and homosexuality:

The controversies surrounding adolescent homosexuality may, in part, be attributed to the lack of investigations directly involving homosexual youths. A recent review of the literature concluded that current knowledge is based on opinions, clinical anecdotes, and studies of gay adults, recalling their adolescence. To our knowledge, there has been only one previous attempt to understand homosexuality from an adolescent's perspective.[35]
Homosexuality and Older Homosexuals Preying on Vulnerable Youth
The pro-homosexuality publication The Advocate in 1992 made the following admission in regards to homosexuality and HIV infection in American youth:

Gay boys and straight girls who are having sex for money, shelter, love - they are at risk. And our community, the gay and lesbian community - and I particularly fault gay men here - has done nothing to try to help our youth. Gay men view these boys as recreational toys to be used. I have heard many stories of HIV-positive men having unprotected sex with boys. They don’t think it matters.[36]

Stylized rendering of a cross-section of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus
In 1991, the medical researcher Kruks reported the following in the Journal of Adolescent Health regarding homosexuality and HIV infection among youth:

Gay male street youth, as well as nonlesbian female street youths, seem to be particularly vulnerable for emotional as well as sexual exploitation...
These relationships are often extremely damaging for a number of reasons. The "sugar daddy" usually presents himself to the youth in a loving caretaker role. For a street youth who has a past history of rejection and/or abuse, the promise of being loved and cared for is a compelling one. However, these relationships in many ways have similar dynamics to incest.
Many gay youths coming to YSD [Youth Services Dept. of Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Community Service Center] for services have long histories of being involved in a succession of "sugar daddy" relationships. Each of these is a cycle of falling in love, believing that life will now be wonderful forever and that this older adult truly loves the young person, discovering that in fact it is just sex that the adult wants, feeling the impact of one more betrayal, and ending up on the streets again. The whole cycle last an average of 1-2 months, and the youth often becomes extremely suicidal at the end of each cycle.[37][38]
In 1995, the medical journal Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine stated the following:

Another group at high risk for HIV infection is young men reporting sex with other men....Many young gay men tested in homeless youth centers reproted exchanging money or drugs for sex, which may place them at high risk for HIV infection. Young men who are homeless or runaways who barter for sex with same-sex partners may not consider themselves gay and thus may beyond the reach of prevention messages targeting the gay community.[39]
Independent Research Project
An independent research project done by a group of British researchers into the connections between homosexuality and pedophilia used evidence from biographies, histories, criminology and news reports, to demonstrate that a very high proportion of known homosexuals and an even higher percentage of homosexual activists around the world are pedophiles. An index is provided and the evidence is presented in alphabetical order, for easy reference. "This new book is a useful compilation of a lot of available evidence on this subject. Next time you hear somebody say "There is no connection between homosexuality and paedophilia," you can have all the facts ready. Just consult this handy A-Z. From Auden to Pasolini, from Oscar Wilde to Gore Vidal, most famous gays were pedophiles. and so were all the founders and leaders of the "Gay" Rights movement. Who says so? Well in most cases they did. Here is the evidence. It gives you the names, the dates and the sources to prove that the correlation is very strong and undeniable. The LGBT movement has always been a pedophile movement and its object is to destroy the family." The findings are on this website:- [40]

Log Cabin Republicans vs. Mark Foley

Mark Foley
Peter LaBarbera who is president of Americans for Truth, which is an organization that opposes the homosexual agenda, stated the following:

With the efficiency of a Stalinist historian, the homosexual group Log Cabin Republicans (LCR) has purged this photograph of former Florida Rep. Mark Foley, disgraced homosexual and seducer of teenage boys, from its website. Foley was among the politicians and pundits whom LCR proudly recorded as speaking at its 2003 national convention in Washington, D.C. But they’re not so proud anymore.[41]
Concerned Women for America wrote:

[Foley’s] voting record on gay rights has become a controversial issue. He's campaigning across Florida for the U.S. Senate. The people have a right to know,” Norman wrote in a long column May 8. “And dancing around the truth is just getting too weird to abide.”
In the column, Norman quotes Tracy Thorne, a homosexual and activist for homosexuals in the military, saying that Foley brought a “boyfriend” along on a visit to Thorne in the early 1990s.
Foley and his spokesman say they will not answer reporters’ questions about his “personal life.” The homosexual newspaper Washington Blade was told the same when it asked spokesman Kirk Fordham “point blank if Foley is gay.”[42]


Mil pontos, LOL!
Homossexuais tem forte inclinação para pedofilia, adultério e dificilmente mantem o mesmo parceiro sexual. Para àqueles que se identificam com a causa LGBT o sexo é a coisa mais importante da vida deles. Querem experimentar o sexo da maior forma, possibilidade e tempo possíveis.

É sério isso aqui?


Mil pontos, LOL!
Homossexuais tem forte inclinação para pedofilia, adultério e dificilmente mantem o mesmo parceiro sexual. Para àqueles que se identificam com a causa LGBT o sexo é a coisa mais importante da vida deles. Querem experimentar o sexo da maior forma, possibilidade e tempo possíveis.
reportado, apenas. tem nem o que discutir com um post asqueroso desses.

Quem dera todos os homofóbicos enrustidos postassem o que realmente pensam que nem essa pessoa, o que não deve ter de gente tremendo a mão pra dar um curtir mas são cagalhão demais pra admitir :klolz


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
The abstract for the journal article The proportions of heterosexual and homosexual pedophiles among sex offenders against children: an exploratory study published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy indicates:

Previous investigations have indicated that the ratio of sex offenders against female children vs. offenders against male children is approximately 2:1, while the ratio of gynephiles to androphiles among the general population is approximately 20:1. The present study investigated whether the etiology of preferred partner sex among pedophiles is related to the etiology of preferred partner sex among males preferring adult partners. Using phallometric test sensitivities to calculate the proportion of true pedophiles among various groups of sex offenders against children, and taking into consideration previously reported mean numbers of victims per offender group, the ratio of heterosexual to homosexual pedophiles was calculated to be approximately 11:1. This suggests that the resulting proportion of true pedophiles among persons with a homosexual erotic development is greater than that in persons who develop heterosexually. This, of course, would not indicate that androphilic males have a greater propensity to offend against children.[1]
The American Family Association reported:

And the Journal of Sex Research found that homosexual pedophiles commit about one-third of the total number of sex offenses against children.
This fact is particularly disturbing. Homosexuals comprise just two percent of the population, yet are responsible for 33% of all child sexual abuse. They offend against children at 16 times the rate of the normal population.
The Archives of Sexual Behavior, in a study of 229 convicted child molesters, found that “eighty-six percent of offenders against males described themselves as homosexual or bisexual.”
Thus it comes as no surprise to discover that research into the priesthood scandal in the Catholic Church reveals that 81% of the victims of clergy abuse are young boys.
Now this is most certainly not to say that every priest or even most priests are pedophiles. The great majority, of course, are not. But some, in fact too many, are and that’s the problem.[2]
Homosexuality and pedophilia
Ties of NAMBLA to the Homosexual Community
See also: Teenage homosexuality

Many consider Harry Hay to be the founder of the American homosexual movement.
Steve Baldwin published the following in the Regent University Law Review regarding homosexuality and pedophilia:

Indeed, some NAMBLA chapters meet at mainstream gay centers such as Philadelphia’s Gay and Lesbian Community Center. NAMBLA’s meetings and conferences always feature mainstream gay leaders and speakers. For example, Don Kilhefner, of the Los Angeles Gay Community Service Center, gave a speech to Los Angeles NAMBLA members on the subject of "The Significance of Man/Boy Love in the Gay Community.
The most comprehensive gay networking website, the Queer Resource Directory ....links every gay group in the country including NAMBLA and other homosexual groups that focus on youth. NAMBLA marches in gay pride parades with the consent of the gay leadership. Many of the homosexual movement’s most prominent leaders endorse NAMBLA and its goals. Gay authors and leaders such as Allen Ginsberg, Gayle Rubin, Larry Kramer (founder of ACT-UP), Pat Califia, Jane Rule, Michael Kearns, and Michel Foucault have all written in favor of either NAMBLA or man-boy relationships. Harry Hay, whom many consider the founder of the American homosexual movement, invited NAMBLA members to march with him in the 1993 "March on Washington" gay rights parade. He also marched in the 1986 Los Angeles gay parade wearing a shirt emblazoned with the words "NAMBLA walks with me."
Leading mainstream homosexual newspapers and magazines such as the Advocate, Edge, Metroline, The Guide, and The San Francisco Sentinel have not only published pro-NAMBLA articles and columns but also many have editorialized in favor of NAMBLA and sex with children.[3]
Homosexuality and Pedophilia - Journal of Homosexuality, International Lesbian and Gay Federation (ILGA) and NAMBLA
There are notable instances of prominent homosexual organizations being permissive towards pedophilia or condoning/promoting pedophilia. For example, the Journal of Homosexuality is an academic journal which has featured material that looks upon pedophilia in a generally approvingly manner.[4][5] For example, an article by Dr. Brongersma stated that parents should not view a pedophile "as a rival or competitor, not as a thief of their property, but as a partner in the boy's upbringing, someone to be welcomed into their home..."[6]

The International Lesbian and Gay Association was founded in 1978 and is a worldwide network of national and local homosexual groups has more than 620 member organizations.[7] In 1993 the ILGA obtained consultative status on the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) but in 1994 they lost their status due to groups within their membership, most notably the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) and Vereniging MARTIJN, advocating pedophilia or expressing solidarity with pro-pedophilia groups.[8] ILGA expelled the groups associated with pedophilia but they were denied ECOSOC decided against restoring ILGA’s consultative status in 2002 and once again in January 2006.[9] NAMBLA had been a member of the ILGA for a decade before it was expelled by the ILGA. NAMBLA calls itself a homosexual organization.

United States Government Leaders Have Preyed on Adolescents
Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth wrote:

…isn’t it telling most of the tiny number of homosexual male U.S. Congressmen have been caught in sex scandals-...Massachusetts Rep. Gerry Studds, who had sex with a 17-year-old boy and then turned his back on fellow House Members during the censure vote against him? And Bob Bauman, who in 1980 was charged with soliciting a 16-year-old boy for sex?
....Let’s see: three homosexual Congressmen involved in sexual seductions of minor boys-ages 16, 17, and 17 (Foley). And yet homosexual activists ridicule anyone who suggests there is a predatory or pedophilic component to male homosexuality…”[10]
Atheism, pederasty and NAMBLA
see also: Atheism, pederasty and NAMBLA and atheism

Some of the well known atheist advocates of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) are:

1. The atheist and homosexual David Thorstad was a founding member of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).[11]

2. Harry Hay (1912 - 2002) was an liberal advocate of statutory rape and the widely acknowledged founder and progenitor of the activist homosexual agenda in the United States. Hay joined the Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA) in 1934.[12] Harry Hay was an atheist.[13] He was a vociferous advocate of man/boy love.[14][15] In 1986, as noted earlier, Hay marched in a gay parade wearing a shirt emblazoned with the words "NAMBLA walks with me."[16]

3. The writer Samuel R. Delaney is an atheist and a homosexual.[17][18] Delaney said he was a supporter of NAMBLA.[19]

John Maynard Keynes
John Maynard Keynes and pederasty
See also: John Maynard Keynes and pederasty

John Maynard Keynes was the founder of Keynesian economics. Lytton Strachey, his male bed partner, wrote that Keynes was “A liberal and a sodomite, An atheist and a statistician.”[20] Keynes and his friends made numerous trips to the resorts surrounding the Mediterranean. At the resorts, little boys were sold by their families to bordellos which catered to homosexuals.[21]

In 2008, The Atlantic reported:

Keynes obsessively counted and tabulated almost everything; it was a life-long habit. As a child, he counted the number of front steps of every house on his street. Later he kept a running record (not surprisingly) of his expenses and his golf scores. He also counted and tabulated his sex life.
The first diary is easy: Keynes lists his sexual partners, either by their initials (GLS for Lytton Strachey, DG for Duncan Grant) or their nicknames ("Tressider," for J. T. Sheppard, the King's College Provost). When he apparently had a quick, anonymous hook-up, he listed that sex partner generically: "16-year-old under Etna" and "Lift boy of Vauxhall" in 1911, for instance, and "Jew boy," in 1912.[22]
Keynes was a bisexual who married Lydia Lopokova, a famous Russian ballerina; they were married for 21 years.[23] In his work The Cambridge Apostles, 1820-1914: Liberalism, Imagination, and Friendship in British Intellectual and Professional Life, William C. Lubenow expresses the opinion that Keynes was an agnostic.[24]

Pedophile Information Exchange
See also: Pedophile Information Exchange

The Pedophile Information Exchange was an organization set up in the UK in 1974 to campaign to legalize and normalize pedophilia. Its members were almost all homosexual and were members of leading homosexual rights groups, such as Campaign for Homosexual Equality which fostered and encouraged them. This taken with the similar evidence from pedophile groups all over the world including NAMBLA in the USA provides notable evidence of the links between homosexuality and pedophilia.

HIV Infected Adolescents and Young Adults in America and Infection by Older Men
For related information please see: Teenager Homosexuality

In 2006, the noted pediatric journal entitled Journal of Adolescent Health published a position paper entitled HIV infection and AIDS in adolescents: An update of the position of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.[29] The aforementioned 2006 position paper of the Journal of Adolescent Health stated the following: "Among adolescents and young adults with HIV or AIDS, most infections are acquired by having sex with HIV-infected men."[30] In addition, the Journal of Adolecent Health stated the following:

As of December 31, 2003, almost 38,500 cases of AIDS had been reported in adolescents and young adults 13–24 years old in the United States of America. Previous studies demonstrating that the risk of AIDS increased with the age at infection suggest that a large proportion of people developing AIDS in their third decade of life became infected with HIV as teens.[31]
Medical Community Negligence and Government Negligence
For more information please see: Adolescent AIDS and Medical Community Negligence

In 2000, the medical journal AIDS (London, England) made the following embarrassing admission in respect to a 1998 review of the medical literature by medical researchers Mansergh and Marks:

In their review of age and HIV risk behavior among gay men, Mansergh and Marks concluded that younger age was fairly consistently found to be associated with unprotected anal sex in North American studies, while only limited evidence was found for the association in European and Australian samples. Reasons for this are unclear. In order to assess more accurately the HIV risk for young gay men, it would be helpful to examine the degree of sexual 'mixing' across age groups and HIV status more closely. Although some studies have included assessments of perceived or known HIV status of young men's sexual partners, none of the studies reported the age ranges of the young men's sexual partners.(emphasis added)[32]

Illustration of HIV reproduction
In 1995, without giving specific age ranges of homosexual adolescents' sexual partners, medical researchers stated the following regarding youths seeking help at the only homosexual identified agency New York City: "...many homosexual male adolescents have sexual relationships with homosexual men, the group with the highest prevalence for AIDS."[33]

Given that the adolescent HIV infection was seen as a problem in the late 1980s, the failure of medical researchers to publish material in the past regarding the age ranges of the individuals infecting adolescents is inexcusable. The pro-homosexaulity publication The Advocate stated the following regarding adolescent HIV infection on March 24, 1992 in an article entitled America's Worst Kept Secret - AIDS is devastating the Nation's Teenager and Gay Kids are Dying by the Thousands:

And while adolescents currently represent only 2% of the AIDS cases reported by the CDC, for the past six years the number of adolescent case of AIDS has doubled every 14 months, which is, according to epidemiologists, the same rate of expansion seen in the gay male population in the first few years of the epidemic.
"Teenagers are the next wave of the epidemic," warns Dr. Karen Hein, associate professor of pediatrics, epidemiology, and social medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City....
The CDC stated in November that in Los Angeles and Miami, adolescent AIDS cases represent about 20% of all reported cases in those cities and that in Newark,N.J adolescents represent almost 35% of all AIDS cases. The infection rates among adolescents are similarly high in San Francisco, Boston, and Philadelphia.[34]
In 1987, in an article entitled Male Homosexuality: An Adolescents Perspective the medical journal Pediatrics made the following admission regarding the poverty of medical study regarding adolescents and homosexuality:

The controversies surrounding adolescent homosexuality may, in part, be attributed to the lack of investigations directly involving homosexual youths. A recent review of the literature concluded that current knowledge is based on opinions, clinical anecdotes, and studies of gay adults, recalling their adolescence. To our knowledge, there has been only one previous attempt to understand homosexuality from an adolescent's perspective.[35]
Homosexuality and Older Homosexuals Preying on Vulnerable Youth
The pro-homosexuality publication The Advocate in 1992 made the following admission in regards to homosexuality and HIV infection in American youth:

Gay boys and straight girls who are having sex for money, shelter, love - they are at risk. And our community, the gay and lesbian community - and I particularly fault gay men here - has done nothing to try to help our youth. Gay men view these boys as recreational toys to be used. I have heard many stories of HIV-positive men having unprotected sex with boys. They don’t think it matters.[36]

Stylized rendering of a cross-section of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus
In 1991, the medical researcher Kruks reported the following in the Journal of Adolescent Health regarding homosexuality and HIV infection among youth:

Gay male street youth, as well as nonlesbian female street youths, seem to be particularly vulnerable for emotional as well as sexual exploitation...
These relationships are often extremely damaging for a number of reasons. The "sugar daddy" usually presents himself to the youth in a loving caretaker role. For a street youth who has a past history of rejection and/or abuse, the promise of being loved and cared for is a compelling one. However, these relationships in many ways have similar dynamics to incest.
Many gay youths coming to YSD [Youth Services Dept. of Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Community Service Center] for services have long histories of being involved in a succession of "sugar daddy" relationships. Each of these is a cycle of falling in love, believing that life will now be wonderful forever and that this older adult truly loves the young person, discovering that in fact it is just sex that the adult wants, feeling the impact of one more betrayal, and ending up on the streets again. The whole cycle last an average of 1-2 months, and the youth often becomes extremely suicidal at the end of each cycle.[37][38]
In 1995, the medical journal Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine stated the following:

Another group at high risk for HIV infection is young men reporting sex with other men....Many young gay men tested in homeless youth centers reproted exchanging money or drugs for sex, which may place them at high risk for HIV infection. Young men who are homeless or runaways who barter for sex with same-sex partners may not consider themselves gay and thus may beyond the reach of prevention messages targeting the gay community.[39]
Independent Research Project
An independent research project done by a group of British researchers into the connections between homosexuality and pedophilia used evidence from biographies, histories, criminology and news reports, to demonstrate that a very high proportion of known homosexuals and an even higher percentage of homosexual activists around the world are pedophiles. An index is provided and the evidence is presented in alphabetical order, for easy reference. "This new book is a useful compilation of a lot of available evidence on this subject. Next time you hear somebody say "There is no connection between homosexuality and paedophilia," you can have all the facts ready. Just consult this handy A-Z. From Auden to Pasolini, from Oscar Wilde to Gore Vidal, most famous gays were pedophiles. and so were all the founders and leaders of the "Gay" Rights movement. Who says so? Well in most cases they did. Here is the evidence. It gives you the names, the dates and the sources to prove that the correlation is very strong and undeniable. The LGBT movement has always been a pedophile movement and its object is to destroy the family." The findings are on this website:- [40]

Log Cabin Republicans vs. Mark Foley

Mark Foley
Peter LaBarbera who is president of Americans for Truth, which is an organization that opposes the homosexual agenda, stated the following:

With the efficiency of a Stalinist historian, the homosexual group Log Cabin Republicans (LCR) has purged this photograph of former Florida Rep. Mark Foley, disgraced homosexual and seducer of teenage boys, from its website. Foley was among the politicians and pundits whom LCR proudly recorded as speaking at its 2003 national convention in Washington, D.C. But they’re not so proud anymore.[41]
Concerned Women for America wrote:

[Foley’s] voting record on gay rights has become a controversial issue. He's campaigning across Florida for the U.S. Senate. The people have a right to know,” Norman wrote in a long column May 8. “And dancing around the truth is just getting too weird to abide.”
In the column, Norman quotes Tracy Thorne, a homosexual and activist for homosexuals in the military, saying that Foley brought a “boyfriend” along on a visit to Thorne in the early 1990s.
Foley and his spokesman say they will not answer reporters’ questions about his “personal life.” The homosexual newspaper Washington Blade was told the same when it asked spokesman Kirk Fordham “point blank if Foley is gay.”[42]

Parabéns pela coragem e destemor pela verdade.

"Homossexuais tem forte inclinação para pedofilia".



boa fonte, cara. pode me recomendar alguns artigos premium desse site que analisem a relação de reptilianos com marxistas tendo em vista a indústria de brinquedos sexuais japonesa?

Visualizar anexo 188822

Eu até poderia dizer que isso que vc fez foi uma falácia. Mas foi tão medíocre que nem merece réplica. Então esse post é apenas pra dizer que vc é um medíocre que joga pra uma plateia de igual valor.


Mil pontos, LOL!
É por isso que a direita brasileira é uma piada.

As pessoas poderiam discutir sobre tanta coisa, sobre economia, politicas internacionais, mercado, por exemplo. O proprio assunto da religiosidade permite um leque muito bom de assuntos verdadeiramente inteligentes.

E temos que ver tópico sobre o que os gays fazem entre quatro paredes.
Topo Fundo