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O jornalismo gamer e a militância política: Hades 2 e a diversidade de corpos


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
O choro continua. The Verge:


Não sou fã de Final Fantasy, mas esse tipo de reação me faz torcer para que o jogo venda muito bem.


Mil pontos, LOL!
O caso tem um mês já, mas o jornalismo gamer mainstream se juntou pra publicar artigos afirmando que quem achou ruim terem transformado o Aragorn em negro na nova coleção de Magic: The Gathering é racista e ponto.

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Declaração oficial totalmente sincera da Wizards:
WhatsApp Image 2023-06-21 at 20.35.09.jpeg

Se tem algo que eu acho imundo e vez ou outra me ferve o sangue são essas mentiras descaradas que grandes empresas falam pra agradar o público. Só no Fantástico Mundo da Bolha Progressista que reverenciar e amar uma obra significa ficar alterando-a em prol de sua agenda, mesmo que isso vá contra o que o autor pretendeu.


Mil pontos, LOL!
O caso tem um mês já, mas o jornalismo gamer mainstream se juntou pra publicar artigos afirmando que quem achou ruim terem transformado o Aragorn em negro na nova coleção de Magic: The Gathering é racista e ponto.

Visualizar anexo 330329
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Declaração oficial totalmente sincera da Wizards:
Visualizar anexo 330326

Se tem algo que eu acho imundo e vez ou outra me ferve o sangue são essas mentiras descaradas que grandes empresas falam pra agradar o público. Só no Fantástico Mundo da Bolha Progressista que reverenciar e amar uma obra significa ficar alterando-a em prol de sua agenda, mesmo que isso vá contra o que o autor pretendeu.
Eu torci o nariz pra decisão, porém isso vem mais do afeto que tenho pelos filmes.

Tolkien não descreve a aparência do Aragorn, só diz que tem a pele "darker than the people of Bri".

Isso dá bastante margem pra interpretação.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
O caso tem um mês já, mas o jornalismo gamer mainstream se juntou pra publicar artigos afirmando que quem achou ruim terem transformado o Aragorn em negro na nova coleção de Magic: The Gathering é racista e ponto.

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Declaração oficial totalmente sincera da Wizards:
Visualizar anexo 330326

Se tem algo que eu acho imundo e vez ou outra me ferve o sangue são essas mentiras descaradas que grandes empresas falam pra agradar o público. Só no Fantástico Mundo da Bolha Progressista que reverenciar e amar uma obra significa ficar alterando-a em prol de sua agenda, mesmo que isso vá contra o que o autor pretendeu.

Sendo sincero, esses designs são bons.

Seria legal se fizessem uma nação inspirada na Etiópia ou em outras nações africanas, e preencher com um elenco de novos personagens negros, mas isso ninguém quer fazer. Mais fácil mudar a raça de personagens já estabelecidos.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Eu torci o nariz pra decisão, porém isso vem mais do afeto que tenho pelos filmes.

Tolkien não descreve a aparência do Aragorn, só diz que tem a pele "darker than the people of Bri".

Isso dá bastante margem pra interpretação.

Cara, ele é numenoriano, então é branco. Não tem nem o que discutir sobre isso, não é aberto a interpretação. Essa é a mesma falácia que usam em Harry Potter, afirmando que a JKR nunca descreveu a Hermione e portanto ela pode ser negra.
Interessante pensar também que Tolkien estava criando uma história para ser a mitologia da Inglaterra e nesse aspecto vemos bastante semelhança com as lendas arturiana, onde Aragorn parece ter inspiração do Rei Arthur. Mesmo que ignoremos as semelhanças das obras, não faria muito sentido ele colocar o Aragorn sendo negro nesse contexto da história.

Sendo sincero, esses designs são bons.

Seria legal se fizessem uma nação inspirada na Etiópia ou em outras nações africanas, e preencher com um elenco de novos personagens negros, mas isso ninguém quer fazer. Mais fácil mudar a raça de personagens já estabelecidos.

A arte é excelente, isso é indiscutível e um padrão de qualidade de M:TG. Não quer dizer que a direção artística querendo puramente causar polêmica seja boa, apesar do talento empregado. E pior ainda os artigos acusando quem não gostou dessa mudança de ser racista.


Mil pontos, LOL!

Gizmodo and Kotaku Staff Furious After Owner Announces Move to AI Content

"God, this is gonna be such a f***ing nightmare."​

The steady march of AI in journalism continues — though the outcome, both for the health of the information ecosystem and the financial wellbeing of publishers that embrace it, remains as hazy as ever. G/O Media, a major online media company that runs publications including Gizmodo, Kotaku, Quartz, Jezebel, and Deadspin, has announced that it will begin a "modest test" of AI content on its sites.

The company joins a growing number of media entities experimenting with the technology, including Red Ventures, which owns sites including Bankrate and CNET, as well as Men's Journal and BuzzFeed. These trials have already led to a flood of error-laden, plagiarized, and poorly written content due to badly implemented — and, some would argue, inherently unsuited AI models — that still have a strong tendency to make up facts. Pushes to AI content have also preceded sweeping layoffs at CNET and BuzzFeed.

In an email to staff, G/O Media editorial director Merrill Brown argued that the news shouldn't come as a surprise since "everyone in the media business" has been considering AI. The trial will include "producing just a handful of stories for most of our sites that are basically built around lists and data," Brown wrote. "These features aren't replacing work currently being done by writers and editors, and we hope that over time if we get these forms of content right and produced at scale, AI will, via search and promotion, help us grow our audience."

Despite these half-hearted assurances, the announcement came to the horror of many journalists at G/O. Unions representing G/O Media and The Onion staff issued a statement, writing that "we are appalled by this news. The hard work of journalists cannot be replaced by unreliable AI programs notorious for creating falsehoods and plagiarizing the work of real writers."

Gizmodo and Kotaku staff, in particular, were outraged at the news.

"AI content will not replace my work — but it will devalue it, place undue burden on editors, destroy the credibility of my outlet, and further frustrate our audience," Gizmodo journalist Lin Codega tweeted in response to the news. "AI in any form, only undermines our mission, demoralizes our reporters, and degrades our audience's trust."

"Hey! This sucks!" tweeted Kotaku writer Zack Zwiezen. "Please retweet and yell at G/O Media about this! Thanks."

"God, this is gonna be such a fucking nightmare," wrote former Gizmodo staffer and internet sleuthing expert Ashley Feinberg.

There are several reasons we shouldn't be surprised that yet another media conglomerate is falling for the allure of AI-generated content, even after its disastrous rollout elsewhere. G/O Media in particular already has a less-than-stellar standing in the industry. The company has gone through its fair share of controversies over the last couple of years, including badly-negotiated buyouts, continued layoffs, and mass resignations. Its CEO Jim Spanfeller has rarely, if ever, respected the independence of newsrooms and has long been seen as a driving force behind the company's eroding reputation.

And all of that is in spite of extremely talented writers and editors, who have historically stood up for themselves when it comes to their parent company's abysmal leadership. In short, it's no wonder staffers are exhausted by the company's latest decision.

"This news comes after years of disinvestment in our newsrooms, increased demands on reporters and editors, and mass attrition of staff," the unions' statement reads. "Furthermore, it comes mere days after the company laid off more than a dozen of our colleagues, including union employees."

Many staffers see it as yet another sign that AI is already having a lasting and damaging effect on the journalism industry.

"This shit is encroaching on real journalism by real people and despite all the attempts to justify it, we know what the end result is," tweeted Kotaku staff writer Kenneth Shepard.

"How can anyone expect to have hope of any kind making it in media when the companies treat you no better than easily replaceable dogs," The Verge video game reporter and former Kotaku writer Ash Parrish wrote.

It'll be interesting to see how this will all play out. G/O staff are known for making their voices heard — so it certainly won't be the last time we'll be hearing about the company's latest decision.





Gizmodo and Kotaku Staff Furious After Owner Announces Move to AI Content

"God, this is gonna be such a f***ing nightmare."​

The steady march of AI in journalism continues — though the outcome, both for the health of the information ecosystem and the financial wellbeing of publishers that embrace it, remains as hazy as ever. G/O Media, a major online media company that runs publications including Gizmodo, Kotaku, Quartz, Jezebel, and Deadspin, has announced that it will begin a "modest test" of AI content on its sites.

The company joins a growing number of media entities experimenting with the technology, including Red Ventures, which owns sites including Bankrate and CNET, as well as Men's Journal and BuzzFeed. These trials have already led to a flood of error-laden, plagiarized, and poorly written content due to badly implemented — and, some would argue, inherently unsuited AI models — that still have a strong tendency to make up facts. Pushes to AI content have also preceded sweeping layoffs at CNET and BuzzFeed.

In an email to staff, G/O Media editorial director Merrill Brown argued that the news shouldn't come as a surprise since "everyone in the media business" has been considering AI. The trial will include "producing just a handful of stories for most of our sites that are basically built around lists and data," Brown wrote. "These features aren't replacing work currently being done by writers and editors, and we hope that over time if we get these forms of content right and produced at scale, AI will, via search and promotion, help us grow our audience."

Despite these half-hearted assurances, the announcement came to the horror of many journalists at G/O. Unions representing G/O Media and The Onion staff issued a statement, writing that "we are appalled by this news. The hard work of journalists cannot be replaced by unreliable AI programs notorious for creating falsehoods and plagiarizing the work of real writers."

Gizmodo and Kotaku staff, in particular, were outraged at the news.

"AI content will not replace my work — but it will devalue it, place undue burden on editors, destroy the credibility of my outlet, and further frustrate our audience," Gizmodo journalist Lin Codega tweeted in response to the news. "AI in any form, only undermines our mission, demoralizes our reporters, and degrades our audience's trust."

"Hey! This sucks!" tweeted Kotaku writer Zack Zwiezen. "Please retweet and yell at G/O Media about this! Thanks."

"God, this is gonna be such a fucking nightmare," wrote former Gizmodo staffer and internet sleuthing expert Ashley Feinberg.

There are several reasons we shouldn't be surprised that yet another media conglomerate is falling for the allure of AI-generated content, even after its disastrous rollout elsewhere. G/O Media in particular already has a less-than-stellar standing in the industry. The company has gone through its fair share of controversies over the last couple of years, including badly-negotiated buyouts, continued layoffs, and mass resignations. Its CEO Jim Spanfeller has rarely, if ever, respected the independence of newsrooms and has long been seen as a driving force behind the company's eroding reputation.

And all of that is in spite of extremely talented writers and editors, who have historically stood up for themselves when it comes to their parent company's abysmal leadership. In short, it's no wonder staffers are exhausted by the company's latest decision.

"This news comes after years of disinvestment in our newsrooms, increased demands on reporters and editors, and mass attrition of staff," the unions' statement reads. "Furthermore, it comes mere days after the company laid off more than a dozen of our colleagues, including union employees."

Many staffers see it as yet another sign that AI is already having a lasting and damaging effect on the journalism industry.

"This shit is encroaching on real journalism by real people and despite all the attempts to justify it, we know what the end result is," tweeted Kotaku staff writer Kenneth Shepard.

"How can anyone expect to have hope of any kind making it in media when the companies treat you no better than easily replaceable dogs," The Verge video game reporter and former Kotaku writer Ash Parrish wrote.

It'll be interesting to see how this will all play out. G/O staff are known for making their voices heard — so it certainly won't be the last time we'll be hearing about the company's latest decision.



Sinceramente acho que seria o unico trabalho que ficaria melhor nas mãos de uma IA.

de acordo

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
O personagem se não for gay e toda a sua personalidade se basear nisso é algo ruim agora? Esses ma***os que chamamos de "jornalistas gamers" só sabem fazer isso, gerar intriga em cima de polêmica inexistente, achei massa demais ele não se resumir a "OLHA SÓ, SOU GAY".


Mil pontos, LOL!
O caso tem um mês já, mas o jornalismo gamer mainstream se juntou pra publicar artigos afirmando que quem achou ruim terem transformado o Aragorn em negro na nova coleção de Magic: The Gathering é racista e ponto.

Visualizar anexo 330329
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Visualizar anexo 330327

Declaração oficial totalmente sincera da Wizards:
Visualizar anexo 330326

Se tem algo que eu acho imundo e vez ou outra me ferve o sangue são essas mentiras descaradas que grandes empresas falam pra agradar o público. Só no Fantástico Mundo da Bolha Progressista que reverenciar e amar uma obra significa ficar alterando-a em prol de sua agenda, mesmo que isso vá contra o que o autor pretendeu.

Amo o Magic... porém quem conhece um mínimo da Wizards of the Coast, sabe que é uma empresa podre e que n tem moral nenhuma pra nada.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
O personagem se não for gay e toda a sua personalidade se basear nisso é algo ruim agora? Esses ma***os que chamamos de "jornalistas gamers" só sabem fazer isso, gerar intriga em cima de polêmica inexistente, achei massa demais ele não se resumir a "OLHA SÓ, SOU GAY".

Isso eu acho algo que é muito zoado, sexualidade é só uma nuance da pessoa, não é simplesmente o cerne da sua personalidade. Um personagem, por exemplo, que só fala em pegar mulher é igualmente ridículo.


Mil pontos, LOL!
O personagem se não for gay e toda a sua personalidade se basear nisso é algo ruim agora? Esses ma***os que chamamos de "jornalistas gamers" só sabem fazer isso, gerar intriga em cima de polêmica inexistente, achei massa demais ele não se resumir a "OLHA SÓ, SOU GAY".
Isso eu acho algo que é muito zoado, sexualidade é só uma nuance da pessoa, não é simplesmente o cerne da sua personalidade. Um personagem, por exemplo, que só fala em pegar mulher é igualmente ridículo.
Não basta a sexualidade ser apenas um característica que compõe o personagem. Para os "urinalistas" gamers, ela tem que ser colocada em evidência da forma mais escancarada e esdrúxula possível, se tornando literalmente a razão de ser do personagem. Porque? Essencialmente, por dois motivos:

1- Os lacradores que se importam com isso, em sua maioria, são retardados mentais. Eles não possuem discernimento o suficiente para captar sutilezas e, mesmo que não seja o caso, muitos deles enxergam sua sexualidade como o elemento definidor de suas personalidades. Sim, eles são mais rasos que um pires, mas não dá para esperar muita coisa desses verdadeiros NPC's da vida real, né? Então, para que eles entendam "A MENSAGEM", ela precisa estar exposta de forma absurdamente explícita. Não que isso signifique que irão consumir o game, é claro. Para eles, é o suficiente que a diversão alheia tenha sido prejudicada e/ou destruída graças à ideologia que eles seguem.

2- "Urinalistas" odeiam gamers. Odeiam pra c***lho, inclusive. Qualquer coisa que eles possam fazer para desagradá-los, eles farão. E se puderem fazer isso ao mesmo tempo em que pregam a agenda demente que eles tanto prezam, melhor ainda. Eles estão pouco se fodendo caso a pregação desenfreada venha a arruinar games, porque eles simplesmente não se importam com os ditos cujos. Se eles conseguirem causar qualquer tipo de desconforto aos gamers que tanto odeiam, pode ter certeza que não medirão esforços nesse sentido. E a forma mais eficaz para isso, é "causar" polêmicas da forma mais escancarada e esdrúxula possível, conforme eu disse no início.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Consigo imaginar os "urinalistas" gamers espumando pela boca por causa do vídeo abaixo...

... mas tendo que morder a língua na mesma hora, porque o youtuber é... negro. :kkk

A propósito, achei um bom vídeo, diga-se de passagem. Bastante didático, sobretudo para quem não sabe exatamente como e quando se originou a obsessão absoluta das desenvolvedoras ocidentais em criar personagens femininas mais feias que o cão chupando manga.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Os mesmos lacradores que odeiam mulheres femininas e bonitas em jogos japoneses estão aplaudindo a "liberdade sexual" de Baldur's Gate 3.



Mil pontos, LOL!
Os mesmos lacradores que odeiam mulheres femininas e bonitas em jogos japoneses estão aplaudindo a "liberdade sexual" de Baldur's Gate 3.

“If liberals didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all.”
- Burt Prelutsky


Mil pontos, LOL!

Polygon’s hypocrisy is more prevalent than ever with Genshin Impact coverage

Polygon has again demonstrated their hypocrisy like many of the other western “video game” websites. The site proclaimed it is tolerant of male sex appeal, despite a history of incessantly condemning female sex appeal, and a recent Genshin Impact article further solidifies this.

Genshin Impact’s latest update introduced underwater traversal, and many realized a water effect covers up the behinds of the player’s female characters to prevent upskirts.

However, the censorship also affects male characters in pants, for some reason. Just the name alone of the Genshin Impact article is telling enough:


Whenever male sex appeal is discussed, the writers put it in a positive light to the point of “objectifying” the fictional characters. However, when people “objectify” fictional female characters, it is reviled by these so-called “progressive” individuals.

Many of these agenda-pushing websites have revealed their bias and hypocrisy on previous occasion, and so often to the point of ridicule:




Os mesmos "urinalistas" gamers que são sempre favoráveis à censura aplicada às personagens femininas, subitamente acham ruim quando essa mesma censura é aplicada a personagens masculinos. Ou seja, para a surpresa de absolutamente ninguém, os putos só defendem a censura quando ela é aplicada aos gostos e preferência dos outros.

Como sempre, trata-se de exercer poder e controle sobre qualquer um que não se ajoelha perante a agenda demente que tanto prezam. Ao mesmo tempo, querem que seja tudo liberado quando diz respeito a seus próprios gostos e preferências, não importa o quão pervertidos ou depravados sejam (vide toda comemoração que fizeram em relação à bestialidade contida em Baldur's Gate 3, apenas para citar o exemplo mais recente).

A boa notícia é que, a cada dia que passa, esses putos se tornam mais irrelevantes. Embora seja apenas uma questão de tempo até que os Kotakus e Polygons da vida encontrem a falência, fica a torcida para que isso ocorra o quanto antes. :kclassic



Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
TheGamer não gosta de mods que deixam as personagens femininas de Baldur's Gate 3 mais bonitas:


... mas brinca sobre um mod que mostra o pênis de Leon em Resident Evil 4:


o mesmo site também critica quem está jogando Starfield como policial:



E sobre Starfield, alguns lacradores estão criticando o jogo pela colonização:



Mil pontos, LOL!
TheGamer não gosta de mods que deixam as personagens femininas de Baldur's Gate 3 mais bonitas:


... mas brinca sobre um mod que mostra o pênis de Leon em Resident Evil 4:


o mesmo site também critica quem está jogando Starfield como policial:



E sobre Starfield, alguns lacradores estão criticando o jogo pela colonização:

Eu acho isso injusto
Minha tripulação e nave no Starflight são soviéticas


Mil pontos, LOL!

Western Video Game Journalists Disingenuously Attempt To Blame Recent Square Enix Financial Losses On ‘Final Fantasy XVI’, Ignore Impact Of Failures Of ‘Forspoken’ And ‘Marvel’s Avengers’

Seemingly intent on proving that Western entertainment journalists do in fact hold some form of widespread contempt for any and all things Japanese, rather than admit that Forspoken and Marvel’s Avengers caused more damage to the company than analysts could have imagined, two prominent video game industry-related news outlets have attempted to blame Square Enix’s recent final struggles on what they describe as a ‘middling’ reception to Final Fantasy XVI.

As detailed in their Consolidated Financial Results for the Three-Month Period Ended June 30, 2023, during said time frame the developer pulled in a total profit of ¥6,305 million JPY. Unfortunately for the company’s board and its investors, this performance was shockingly poor compared to the same period in 2022, at which time Square Enix’s total profit amounted to ¥18,359 million JPY.

Following their public release of this information on August 4th, Square Enix’s stock price took a massive hit, with shares having dropped a full $2 US from $25 USD apiece to just $23 USD by day’s end. Things only got worse from there, as in the roughly six weeks since they published their financial details, not only has Square Enix’s stock failed to find its way back to its pre-Q1 2024 earnings report level, but it’s continued to decline even further.

As of September 14th, the developer’s stock is trading at just $17.75 USD.


Square Enix’s stock performance across the last six-months as of September 14th, 2023. The highlighted stock price is where Square Enix stood prior to its August 4th Q1 2024 earnings report.

However, as noted by Square Enix themselves in their own financial reporting, Final Fantasy XVI release played no role in the company’s falling profit lines, but rather helped the company’s “HD (High-Definition) Game sub-segment’s net sales for the three-month period ended June 30, 2023 [rise] compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year.”

Rather, per the company’s previous Q3 2023 earnings report, the developer’s lower profits in recent months are to blame on the fact that newer releases such as Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- Reunion, Forspoken, and Octopath Traveler II “generated fewer earnings than in the previous year”.

Further, Square Enix noted that their ongoing financial woes were exacerbated by the twin facts that “Net sales declined versus the previous fiscal year in the MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) Game sub-segment, in part because of the lack of any expansion pack launches for FINAL FANTASY XIV” and The Games for Smart Devices/PC Browser sub-segment saw a decline in net sales versus the previous fiscal year because of weak performances by existing titles.”

Yet, despite Square Enix having made it very clear that they considered the franchise’s latest numbered entry to be a boon to their bank accounts rather than a burden, both Bloomberg and IGN chose to frame the company’s current situation as being exclusively the result of what they consider Final Fantasy XVI’s under-performing sales. Adorning their coverage of the matter with a photo of a Final Fantasy XVI in-store promotional display, the former’s Takashi Mochizuki and Kotaro Hara declared, “Square Enix Holdings Co. has shed nearly $2 billion of its value since Final Fantasy XVI, the latest installment of its global hit series, came out to mixed reviews.

“The game’s sales underwhelmed, and things got worse in August after the company reported a sharp profit decline,” they then claimed, clearly unable to provide any concrete link between the two developments and instead leaving their readers responsiblke to make that connection themselves.

“Shares plummeted by double digits [This appears to be a wild exaggeration, as according to Google’s own summary of Square Enix’s stock performance history, it has only lost $8.75 in value since the financial report], a dozen analysts tracking the stock cut their price target and long-term investor Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Asset Management Co. slashed its holdings in the game company.”

However, the only parties to attribute specific blame for Square Enix’s ‘shedding of value’ were Mochizuki and Hara themselves.In fact, of the individuals reached for comment on the stock’s performance, only one consultant, former GRAVITY GAME ARISE, Co. Ltd staff member Michael Prefontaine, attributed responsibility for the decline to any specific titles: Marvel’s Avengers, Forspoken and The DioField Chronicle.

“Flooding the market with unfinished, bad or untested games is a bad move,” he explained, making no mention of Clive Rosfield or his quest across Valisthea. “The company has overstretched itself on too many titles without proper oversight.”

Meanwhile, running with a similarly sensationalist take on the news, IGN published a summary of Bloomberg’s report headlined, “Square Enix Loses Nearly $2 Billion in Value Since Final Fantasy 16. Shares in the company have plummeted nearly 30% since Final Fantasy 16 came out on June 22, closing on September 13 at their lowest point since May last year,” outlet reporter Wesley Yin-Poole insisted, who offered no supporting evidence and appeared to be simply regurgitating Bloomberg’s read of the situation.

Notably, Yin-Poole falsely asserts to IGN readers that “analysts told [Bloomberg] that Final Fantasy 16 failed to make up for the poor performance of previous Square Enix flops, such as Marvel’s Avengers and Forspoken, and mobile games that were shut down soon after launch.”

As read above, not only was it just a single analyst, Prefontaine, who made pointed mentions of these two titles, but at no point did he ever state or even imply that Final Fantasy XVI was meant to directly ‘make up’ for either games’ poor sales. Rather, this appears to be Yin-Poole’s own attempt to blame the Action-RPG for the failure of Square Enix’s foray into Western-style video games.

IGN would double-down on this framing in sharing the story to Twitter, scrawling the very vague headline “Square Enix Loses Nearly $2 Billion In Value Since Final Fantasy 16’s Launch” across a large image of Clive himself. Thankfully, IGN would be called out on their dishonesty by Twitter’s Community Notes users, who attached one such note to the video game news outlet’s original post which clarified, “The title of this article is misleading and clickbait. The $2 billion loss in value is due to the poor results of Square Enix’s previous games, not Final Fantasy XVI.”


Os "urinalistas" gamers resolveram ignorar as bombas que foram The Avengers e Flopwoken e jogar toda a culpa pelas dificuldades financeiras da Square em FFXVI, que não teve nada a ver com a história, conforme relatório financeiro divulgado pela própria empresa. Porque será que fizeram isso? Aposto que não teve nada a ver com o fato deles terem detestado FFXVI e o modo como utilizaram o jogo para disseminar A MENSAGEM que tanto prezam. Afinal, como vocês bem sabem, para esses putos, a narrativa é muito mais importante que qualquer resquício de integridade jornalistíca, né? :kpensa

O Rei Rubro

TheGamer não gosta de mods que deixam as personagens femininas de Baldur's Gate 3 mais bonitas:


... mas brinca sobre um mod que mostra o pênis de Leon em Resident Evil 4:


o mesmo site também critica quem está jogando Starfield como policial:



E sobre Starfield, alguns lacradores estão criticando o jogo pela colonização:


Barbaridade…conseguiram problematizar a exploração espacial.

O que deu de errado no ocidente afinal de contas?
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