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Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
O HD ta bixado e o meu amigo pegou outrp e colocou no play, agora tanto o hd velho como o novo peden 4,41 ou superior (esta na CFW 4,41).
Acho que era quase o mesmo problema seu. como vc resolveu? To com o play dele aqui em casa.
Primeiro você entra no Tortuga Cove e procura por "3.55 rogero downgrader rsod" esse é o downgreader que você vai precisar por que as firmwares mais novas não instalam mais via recovery, lá no Touga Cove mesmo na sessão de CFW do Rogero procure pela firmware 3.55 V3.7A. Ai você pega o HD e formata ele no PC, vai ter que perder tudo mesmo, se você for trocar por um novo faz a mesma coisa.

Feito isso renomeie o 3.55 rogero downgrader rsod.PUP para PS3UPDAT.PUP e coloque na sequencia de pasta "PENDRIVE/PS3/UPDATE/PS3UPDAT.PUP", coloque o HD de volta no PS3, coloque o pendrive no PS3 também com o 3.55 rogero downgrader rsod.PUP, (de preferência na porta direita, acho lenda, superstição, mas vai saber né sempre funcionou). Ai você vai ligar o PS3 e ele vai fala que não pode carregar o sistema e pra você colocar uma midia de armazenamento com a firmware 4.41 ou superior, agora é ou vai ou racha, se você apertar Start + Select e não der erro e ele pedir pra formatar o HD e começar a formatação quer dizer que o PS3 voltou (vou assumir que sim, se ele não voltou acho que só com downgrade por e3 flash mesmo). Ele vai fazer como na primeira utilização do PS3, todas as configuração e tudo mais, só que ele vai estar em uma firmware bizarra, se não me engano 9.99 ou algo assim você vai precisar fazer o Toggle QA. Depois de feito você coloca a 3.55 V3.7A renomeada pra PS3UPDAT.PUP e atualiza ele via XMB mesmo, vai atualizar normalmente. Feito isso você atualiza o MM pra versão mais recente e pode atualizar pra firmware mais recente que você quiser. Todos os créditos disso vão pro amigo Pedrokof que me ajudou demais, e eu espero ter te ajudado.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Então vamos migrar para o novo tópico, momento de dizer boa noite doce príncipe para este tópico aqui que com certeza de alguma forma ajudou, nem que seja uma vez, cada um dos que postaram aqui.


Mil pontos, LOL!
PSN Tool v1.0 - Could This Beat Sony's Ban Hammer?

Published on 05-31-2013 06:04 AM

French developers have been working on some tools that could help those avoid a PSN/SEN ban while running custom firmware. PSN Tool v1.0 basically removes any unofficial syscalls, temporarily change MAC/ConsoleID and more. The developers even boast that the legendary ban game of all time, COD Black Ops 2, is playable online. They claim to have tested the game online for a month without a ban.

Disclaimer: PSX-Scene, myself (Tranced) are in no way responsible should you use the below tools and face a ban by Sony or any game developers server. Should you use the below tools and somehow brick your console, the onus is on you for tampering with crucial system files. Rather sit back and let experienced users report back any issues they might incur than blindly attempting the following.

I have not tested these tools but the developers do mention that CFW 4.40 is a no go for now since using this will cause freezing issues which renders the tools useless. Also note that the below is a translation from French so critical information could be lost in translation.

About PSN Tool v1.0:
The homebrew is primarily used to hedge against the banishment in CFW!

Changelog: v1.0 - First Release
  • FEATURE: Allows to 'clean' your CFW, i.e. to temporarily remove the Peek & Poke syscall. This for now specifically allows you to play Call Of Duty: Black Ops II without automatic ban, because your system is regarded as OFW without these syscalls. We tested the game for over a month, and not ban to this day, you can enjoy ^^ wink
  • FEATURE: Makes your loaded backup (dev_bddvd) read-only, with 555 permissions to make an Original Backup. Also removes files created by multiMAN which normally should not be present.
  • FEATURE: Allows to delete the folders 'suspect' in the eyes of sony on your hdd, i.e. tmp, game_debug, PKG, packages, "GAMES" if it is empty (otherwise you'll get an error, it is recommended to use "my version" of multiMAN or manually edit the file options.ini mm), crash_report, home/reActSys.key, vsh and the browser history. The files PKG and packages will be removed only if they are empty wink Attention, this removes however Multiman Stealth version 'Toolbox' on the CFW Rogero. We invite you to use my multiMAN Stealth (link at the bottom of page) or that of Arch!
  • FEATURE: Allows to change temporarily ConsoleID, as does PSIDPATCH pressing [Select]
  • FEATURE: Allows to change temporarily MAC address by pressing [X], for not getting "roasting" its current MAC address
  • FEATURE: Allows to change temporarily PSID, as does PSIDPATCH pressing [O]

Bugs to fix:
  • when using a backup located externally, the application freeze when the clean automatic ([Start]). This is due to the application of the permissions. To still take advantage of the clean the syscall (Ram) and the HDD, use the keys [L1] then [R1]
  • When using on cfw 4.40, the kernel named "Mírala Tijera" instead of your current kernel. There is also a black screen wanting spoofer MAC (to confirm!) address. We therefore advise you to Rebug 4.30 or Arch 4.31

CFW Compatibility:
Rebug 4.30.2 REX (mode CEX et DEX)
Rebug 4.30.2 D- REX
Arch 4.31 (for cfw SGK not yet test)

CFW 4.40 are subject to the bug/freeze and are therefore to be avoided. For the "creation" of this homebrew (Yes it is you who will create it) we offer two methods.

Method Easy (recommended):

We present you make PSN Tool Creator v1.0 by SAZERTY to automate the creation of the pkg!


  1. Place your psn (demo) game in the pkg file supplied with the appliance
  2. Press ok and then [Enter] If you agree with the conditions
  3. Select your pkg by typing its number in the list
  4. Type (copy / paste) your consoleID (IDPS) (32 chars.) or press [Enter] to use your IDPS original
  5. Press [R] to generate a random MAC address to the spoofer or [Enter] to use the original. Alternatively, you can type it manually (12 car.)
  6. Press [r] to generate a random PSID to the spoofer or [Enter] to use the original. Alternatively, you can type it manually (32 car.)
  7. Press on [y] to save a copy of your IDs in a text file or [n] for nothing do
  8. Press on [y] to give a name to your homebrew on the xmb. If you type [n], the homebrew will be the name of your game psn (demo)
  9. Your pkg and your file containing your id if you created one will be in the main folder.

Key Functions:

  • [X] to spoof the MAC address
  • [Select] to spoof the ConsoleID
  • [O] to spoof the PSID
  • [Start] to perform a full clean system (RAM, HDD, BDDVD ..)
  • [L1] for cleaner Ram (syscalls)
  • [R1] for cleaner HDD (folders)
  • [R2] for the cleaner BDDVD (permissions, files, .. BUG with external backups)
  • [] to turn the fashion CFW (restart)
  • [/ \] to exit Tutorial use (to follow to the letter!):

Tutorial of use (to follow to the letter!)

  1. Start the homebrew
  2. Press [X] to spoof your MAC address (and nothing else because the PS3 then a LV2 Soft Reset, which will void your spoofs or remove potential syscalls!)
  3. The LV2 is restarted and the new MAC address is active
  4. Load your backup with multiMAN, it is very recommended to disable "Redirection of app/home" because it's not stealth! (if you have a HS bad drivetant at your own risk!)
  5. Return to the homebrew, there you can do all operations so change ConsoleID (only if you have registered a valid in the eboot.elf!), PSID and make a clean complete by pressing [Start]. As stated above for the games in usb due to bug you won't use the clean 'complete' automatic. Will need you to manually press [R1] then [L1] to do "cleaner" than the HDD and syscalls.
  6. You can optionally verify that all went well by pressing the arrow on the top of your controller to make a check, but it is optional.
  7. Exit by pressing on [/ \] and enjoy the SEN/PSN with your Backup by starting it from the BR icon ^^


When we clean the syscall ([Start] or [R1]), you can no longer load games with multiMAN, change MAC address, of ConsoleID,... in short everything that is not "OFW", for this you will need to restart the console or return to the homebrew and press [] Attention if you load multiMAN when even after doing a clean emulation BD will be disabled because your system will be considered as OFW by mm! (Just re-enable the option at the end of the parameters of mm to fix the problem) There is simply an order to follow when you want to do some tasks wink

For example, suppose I want to change my MAC address: if I press [Start] (or [L1]) for cleaner syscall then the application will not be able to change my mac address because they are needed. So, I will be forced to rely on [] or restart.

A sample.pkg file re-signed with the Sky Fighter game was included in the archive. It is in fact the homebrew but with a ConsoleID, PSID and empty MAC address. It can be used for testing purposes (spoofer failed anything with this pkg) tutorials above are also present. Even if there is more automatic ban and the risk is very low because the functions of clean/spoof zero risk does not exist, if you follow the tutorial you are solely responsible for the consequences that can follow.

Regarding multiMAN BASE CEX Stealth XMB 30/04/00 by Hijam:
Note that you will need to rename the "GAMES" folders that contain your backups in "Games" by the File Manager by multiMAN once installed to see your games with my version! (Additional security)
Also note that there is no indefinite way of knowing what Sony looks for when banning CFW users. The best way to avoid a ban is to not use your CFW console online. I bring this news to you since I don't hold back on any releases or information regarding the scene.

Download: PSN Tool v1.0 | Password: ps3gunz

Download: PSN Tool Creator v1.0 by SAZERTY | Password: sazerty

Download: multiMAN BASE CEX Stealth XMB 30/04/00 by Hijam

Download: multiMAN BASE CEX Stealth SingStar 04.40.00 by Arch

Source: ps3gunz via teamsgk


Esto querendo formatar o hd do meu ps3, coloquei um hd de 500gb ja faz um tempo e o mesmo ta muito cheio, apenas com 11gb livres, ta com muito arquivo morto, ja salvei meus saves e passei os melhores jogos pro hd extrno, to com o rebug 4.41, alguem sabe me informar se vo ter q fazer o downgrade 3.55, ou posso formatar com o 4.41 rebug mesmo?



Sony promete banir quem rodar pirataria no Playstation 3

14 de novembro. 2012

A Sony anunciou que irá banir da Playstation Network todos os Playstation 3 que forem identificados como destravados para rodar jogos piratas. A medida visa atenuar a pirataria no console desde que um novo hack que burla a segurança do console foi descoberto.

"Software não autorizado para o Playstation 3 foi recentemente lançado por hackers. O uso desse software viola os termos de uso do Playstation 3, os termos de serviço da Playstation Network/Sony Entertainment Network e os termos de conduta da comunidade", alertou a Sony. "A violação da licença de software para o Playstation 3 invalida o direito do consumidor de acessar esse sistema. Consumidores rodando software pirata ou não autorizado podem ter seu acesso à Playstation Network e acesso aos serviços da Sony Entertainment Network pelo Playstation 3 terminados permanentemente".

Assim como a Microsoft, que promove banimentos dos Xbox 360 que rodam software pirata de tempos em tempos, a Sony dá a entender que não vai cortar o acesso à PSN de imediato para os consoles destravados. Os usuários com o Playstation 3 nesta situação ainda têm tempo de se arrepender.

"Para evitar a interrupção permanente, os consumidores devem parar de usar e apagar todo software pirata de seus Playstation 3 imediatamente", explica a Sony.

Mesmo que hoje tenha a capacidade de banir os consoles, a Sony pode ter mais trabalho para frear a pirataria no Playstation 3 em longo prazo. Com o novo hack é possível ter acesso a toda troca de informações do console com a Playstation Network, o que abre o caminho para formas de continuar anulando as proteções criadas pela Sony.

Fonte: http://forum.outerspace.terra.com.b...quem-rodar-pirataria-no-playstation-3.306899/

Fui banido......
Me fodi!!!!
Existe alguma forma de desbanir?
Por favor me ajudem.
Desde já agradeço.

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