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Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night [sucessor de Castlevania de Koji Igarashi]

Epic Sax CEO

Aparentemente o jogo não tem progresso, porque sempre mostram o mesmo trecho. Só que cada vez que o jogo aparece ele está em um estágio diferente de desenvolvimento e polimento, dá para acompanhar muito bem a evolução.

Sobre o vídeo do gameplay, houve uma boa melhora em relação à última demo, mas tem uma coisa que tá me incomodando @Bloodstained : a movimentação da guria tá um pouco lenta. Por acaso IGA falou que vai melhorar isso?

Pelo que tinha visto, é a mesma velocidade do SotN.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Concordo com tudo que disse. Estou torcendo por esse jogo, Curse of the Moon me agradou bastante e estou na hype pelo Ritual of The Night. E pelo que andei lendo sobre as impressões do jogo na E3, está sendo bem positivo. Sobre o vídeo do gameplay, houve uma boa melhora em relação à última demo, mas tem uma coisa que tá me incomodando @Bloodstained : a movimentação da guria tá um pouco lenta. Por acaso IGA falou que vai melhorar isso?
Como disse num post anterior, a movimentação também não está me convencendo por completo... A sensação de uma certa lentidão é compartilhada por muitas pessoas (dentre as quais me incluo), mas acho que só dá para criticar para valer após ter jogado, o que não é meu caso.

Até onde sei, não há nenhum pronunciamento a respeito dessa questão em específico, mas acredito que a equipe esteja ciente desse aspecto, em virtude do feedback dos apoiadores. Se for assim, o que pode ocorrer, ao menos no meu ponto de vista, é o seguinte:

- O feedback ser levado em consideração e resultar numa mudança primária, alterando a movimentação de Miram permanentemente;
- O feedback ser levado em consideração e resultar numa mudança secundária, com a inclusão de algum tipo de habilidade que altere a movimentação de Miriam temporariamente (talvez ela até já exista no jogo e não estejamos cientes);
- O feedback não ser levado em consideração e não resultar em nenhuma mudança.

Ainda dá tempo para mudanças serem realizadas, mas teremos que aguardar para ver...

Eu concordo. Mas eu estou comparando com estúdios do mesmo porte. Os caras fazem milagres com o mesmo tempo e até com menos recursos. E parto do pressuposto do Know How que o Iga tem para fazer esse tipo de jogo. Ele, penso eu, deve ter estratégias para otimização da equipe e tempo. Justamente por ter feito meia dúzia de jogos usando o mesmo core.

Mas emfim. Na minha opinião, 3 anos é um tempo bom para desenvolvimento. Mais que isso é questionável. E grana para ele não faltou para isso.
Bom, quanto ao fato de Iga ter know how, realmente não há o que discutir... Não temos como sabermos ao certo o modo como o desenvolvimento transcorre, até porque nem tudo chega ao conhecimento do público. Não descarto a possibilidade de ter ocorrido algo que atrapalhou o desenvolvimento, que não chegou a nosso conhecimento (e talvez nunca chegue, diga-se de passagem).

Entendo o seu ponto de vista e não tiro a razão por trás de seu questionamento, até porque eu mesmo já pensei a respeito do assunto, em mais de uma ocasião. A menos que algo catastrófico ocorra com o desenvolvimento do jogo, minha boa vontade em relação a Bloodstained tende a se estender pelo restante de 2018. Se não houverem algumas definições até lá, vai ficar difícil manter com o otimismo...
Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!
"Also - that boss fight, it looks super confusing in terms of telling what can hit you or not, like when the tentacles are in the background. Hopefully better experienced first hand."

Li esse comentário no vídeo postado.

Esse é o tipo de defeito que um jogo 2,5D tem que evitar a todo custo. Ver isso logo no primeiro chefe do jogo não é um bom sinal.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
olha, eu até gostei do gameplay que vi (só vi uns 3 até hoje)
mas tem algo estranho .. não sei dizer bem o que é ...

tomara que o Iga não Inafunize ...


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Consumidor de que? De YouTube? Jogue antes e critique depois. Quem jogou está extremamente satisfeito z as críticas vem de jogadores de YouTube predominantemente.
Tu ao menos leu o que eu escrevi?
Tudo que pontuei ali tem nada haver com gameplay, é exatamente o tipo de coisa que se percebe observando (seja ingame ou no youtube) que são os dialogos entre personagens ou essa fonte meio tosca que estão usando.

Agora você ai se achando o floquinho de neve e é incapaz de argumentar sobre os pontos citados, já chega querendo desmerecer os outros fazendo ataque.
Larga de ser fanboy cego.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Ví o gameplay da IGN e realmente não consigo gostar desse jogo. Não adianta.

Os inimigos estão muito esquisitos, voice acting tá fraco, cenários vazios, personagem sem carisma. Enfim...

Respeito quem está gostando, mas, somente pelo o que foi mostrado até agora, eu passo.

Phantasy Star

Mil pontos, LOL!
Consumidor de que? De YouTube? Jogue antes e critique depois. Quem jogou está extremamente satisfeito z as críticas vem de jogadores de YouTube predominantemente.
Fica pistolinha não,champz. Isso aqui é um fórum, todo mundo tem direito a uma opinião!


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
A impressão que tive da luta com o primeiro boss incrivelmente chata e esquisita, tomara que mude isso ao jogar


Mil pontos, LOL!
Tu ao menos leu o que eu escrevi?
Tudo que pontuei ali tem nada haver com gameplay, é exatamente o tipo de coisa que se percebe observando (seja ingame ou no youtube) que são os dialogos entre personagens ou essa fonte meio tosca que estão usando.

Agora você ai se achando o floquinho de neve e é incapaz de argumentar sobre os pontos citados, já chega querendo desmerecer os outros fazendo ataque.
Larga de ser fanboy cego.
Eu fanboy? Você que se baseando em vídeo tem impressões acertivas de um jogo e eu que sou fanboy? Se eu sou incapaz, você é uma ovelha murmurante, teorizador de b*sta, onde acha que basta criticar para ter seu espaço.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Consumidor de que? De YouTube? Jogue antes e critique depois. Quem jogou está extremamente satisfeito z as críticas vem de jogadores de YouTube predominantemente.
Gameplay desse jogo é SOTN sem tirar nem por, quem estiver reclamando do gameplay não jogou a demo e nem pra analisar video serve. :klol

Phantasy Star

Mil pontos, LOL!
Gameplay desse jogo é SOTN sem tirar nem por, quem estiver reclamando do gameplay não jogou a demo e nem pra analisar video serve. :klol
A diferença é que o Alucard é aparentemente mais animado ,além do que a movimentação mesmo que meio lenta combina com ele, pois soa como uma névoa, onde a capa e o cabelo balançam elegantemente, dando também impressão de flutuar.
Já nesse novo aí não tem sombra disso.


Mil pontos, LOL!
'Bloodstained' will scratch your 'Castlevania' itch
The spiritual successor should feel familiar to fans

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (SotN) is one of the most influential games ever made. First released for the original PlayStation in 1997, the game has since been ported to nearly every platform under the sun. It perfected the series' core design conceit where players could explore gigantic 2D environments at will, collecting new abilities that unlocked hidden-in-plain-sight secrets in previously traversed areas. It also iterated on the superb Super Metroid released for the SNES three years prior.

That framework was so well-done that it spawned its own genre ("Metroidvania") and countless games have used it since. Koji Igarashi, SotN's co-creator, has finally brought his crowdfunded (and SotN spiritual successor) Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night to E3. How does it play? Pretty close to the original.

If you've played SotN or any of its contemporaries like Axiom Verge or Shadow Complex you know what to expect. Controls should be mostly familiar too. Using an Xbox-style gamepad for my demo, X handled attacks and A was for jumping, while magic attacks were mapped to Y and the right trigger.

My admittedly brief demo took place on a boat infested by all manner of ghastly creatures. I went from room to room as protagonist Miriam; clearing out harpy-like creatures and hulking, headless suits of armor on the main deck with edged weapons and fisticuffs. I then jumped downward through platforms and took the fight to jellyfish and barnacle-covered cannons below decks.

It's worth noting that I didn't encounter any of the "get skill to unlock new area" tropes the genre is known for. But with each new area I entered, the mini-map in the upper right corner of the screen filled in. Once or twice, it showed doorways that weren't visible in the game with my current loadout, a coy tease that there were plenty of secrets tucked away in the haunted ship.


I leveled up a handful of times and found a bunch of new gear (including a pair of "kung-fu boots" that increased my kicking damage), too. When it comes to magic, spells are called "Shards" in Bloodstained parlance, and I unlocked both fire and ice incantations. Combat is light and quick, and the aforementioned ice magic attack can counter the possessed cannon's salvos.

My only gripe is that I couldn't quite get the timing right to successfully evade incoming attacks. That the evade command (a quick jump backward) was awkwardly mapped to the left bumper button didn't help either. The placement is even more perplexing considering the B button doesn't have a function assigned to it.

For run-of-the-mill enemy encounters it wasn't too big of a deal. Once I found a weapon that worked for my play style -- a rapier -- I didn't take much damage. Its longer range meant I didn't have to be nearly as close while attacking enemies, and thus, offered a bit of protection compared to attacking bare-handed. And, unlike the claymore which covered even more range and did more damage, the comparatively smaller sword wasn't slow to swing.


It's when I got to the boat's boss battle that things got tricky and I started dying repeatedly. Back on the main deck, neon pink and purple tentacles rose out of the sea while a twisted naked female humanoid creature with a grotesque toothy maw for a stomach towered over me and knocked the vessel about. Try as I did (four times, to be exact) I couldn't figure out how to fell the beast before my demo ended.

Based on what I played, the game doesn't feel like it needs much more work, aside from localizing cutscene text. But, will anyone beyond the 64,000 fans who enthusiastically pumped almost $6 million into the game's $500,000 Kickstarter project care?

In 2015, Ori and the Blind Forest and Axiom Verge were both released, and the former sold well enough to get a sequel that's slated for next year. Neither of those broke out of their niche audiences, but, maybe, they don't have to. Remedy Entertainment is hoping people are still interested, though, and are using this Metroidvania framework as the linchpin for its next AAA title Control, which is also scheduled for release next year.

Bloodstained still doesn't have a release date beyond an ambiguous 2018 window, but I was told that should change soon.

Ultima Edição:


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Eu fanboy? Você que se baseando em vídeo tem impressões acertivas de um jogo e eu que sou fanboy? Se eu sou incapaz, você é uma ovelha murmurante, teorizador de b*sta, onde acha que basta criticar para ter seu espaço.
E eu falei alguma coisa da gameplay por acaso?

Eu acho engraçado, jogos que zerei e que são parecidos com esse:

Symphony of the Night
Circle of the Moon
Harmony of Dissonance
Aria of Sorrow
Dawn of Sorrow
Portrait of Ruim
Order of Ecclesia

Isso sem contar o MONTE de "metroidvania" que rolou por influencia desses, seja no mainstream (tipo o último Strider) ou entre os indies.
Falo do game como um potencial futuro consumidor por ter jogado todos os jogos do Iga na Konami e ter interesse nesse mas ai tu vem dar chilique pq sim.

Só rindo mesmo :kkk
E novamente: Só voltou pra fazer ataque pessoal, argumentou em nada sobre os pontos expostos.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
A diferença é que o Alucard é aparentemente mais animado ,além do que a movimentação mesmo que meio lenta combina com ele, pois soa como uma névoa, onde a capa e o cabelo balançam elegantemente, dando também impressão de flutuar.
Já nesse novo aí não tem sombra disso.
Quotou a pessoa errada, eu nem sequer falei sobre animação e mesmo não conhecendo muito sobre, pelo menos pra mim a animação de personagens 2D e 3D funcionam de maneira diferente. Eu não consigo ver o Alucard em um modelo 3D nesse mesmo estilo funcionando como funciona em SOTN.

Phantasy Star

Mil pontos, LOL!
Quotou a pessoa errada, eu nem sequer falei sobre animação e mesmo não conhecendo muito sobre, pelo menos pra mim a animação de personagens 2D e 3D funcionam de maneira diferente. Eu não consigo ver o Alucard em um modelo 3D nesse mesmo estilo funcionando como funciona em SOTN.
Quotei a pessoa certa, dirigi a palavra a você mesmo!


Mil pontos, LOL!
Quotou a pessoa errada, eu nem sequer falei sobre animação e mesmo não conhecendo muito sobre, pelo menos pra mim a animação de personagens 2D e 3D funcionam de maneira diferente. Eu não consigo ver o Alucard em um modelo 3D nesse mesmo estilo funcionando como funciona em SOTN.
Afora que Alucard é um Vampiro, então a ideia cai muito bem.


Mil pontos, LOL!
E3 2018 IMPRESSIONS: Bloodstained


If you know me, it’s no surprise I’m a fan of Bloodstained. Not only did I back the game, I did so at a pretty high tier, and all for one reason: I love Iga’s work, most especially the genre he helped pioneer, the Metroidvania. Symphony of the Night changed how I played games and made me a hopeless addict of the genre. So I was a little ecstatic I got the opportunity to demo it on my first day of E3.


First off, I should note that I did play the demo level that had been previously released, the ship in a stormy sea. I did so to familiarize myself with the gameplay and overall plot. If I had been allocated more time, I would have also demoed the quest mechanic. While I was initially disappointed to realize that those horns on Miriam’s head are solely decorative, the sheer amount of customization in the game is staggering. Better yet, what you have equipped changes how Miriam looks, both in battle and in dialogue. In this short demo, there was a huge amount of weapons that could be found and wielded, ranging from daggers to rapiers to spears and whips and much more. Not only is that range fun to play with, but they each offer distinct playstyles that keep the game fresh. I also was a fan of how Shards work. I hate to make the comparison, but this mechanic was very familiar to one from Order of Ecclesia, but without as much frustration and pointless farming. Also, the visceral shock to Miriam’s system every time she absorbs a new power was awe-inspiring.


Aesthetically, Bloodstained is utterly beautiful. Initially I had my misgivings when the developers were asking us fans to pick what looked best, but it turned out very well. The art is lush, dark and brooding, which fits this world very well. Likewise the music is utterly fantastic, reminding me of the best of Castlevania, while having its own flair. Even though I only played the one level, that ship level was massive and challenging, with a boss that was equal parts terrifying and powerful. It required good use of my back dash and some healing items to get through in one piece.


I also thought it was interesting that they used 3D models to actually speak the conversations in the game, and the facial expressions and mouths changed depending on what language you had selected. The mannerisms for English were a bit comically exaggerated for Miriam, yet looked less jarring in Japanese. That said, the English voice actors were really fantastic in their delivery. And as a fan of Metroidvanias the minimap display in the upper right corner was a brilliant touch, making exploration even more seamless. But no game is great without a wonderful bestiary, and even in this one level the enemy variety was quite good. Given the setting, there were plenty of different squid-like foes as well as winged threats, hideous slimy masses, infested cannons and even a Dullahan encased in urchin armor.


As a fan of Bloodstained, now I’m even more hyped for the final release. To help get even more excited, be sure to read Quentin’s upcoming interview with Iga himself!


Ultima Edição:


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Só faltou liberar essa nova demo para o público. [emoji17]

Enviado de meu LG-K220 usando o Tapatalk


Mil pontos, LOL!
O gameplay parece muito bom, mas o resto não
Excesso de diálogo, trilha sonora tímida, gráficos 3D que parecem 3D (e não algo estilo ArcSystem)


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
gostei da prequel. vou pegar esse da1 se não abusarem na conversão pra hueal


Mil pontos, LOL!
E3 2018: Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Harkens Back to a More Symphonic Night


One of the most tragic things about being involved with the creation of a masterpiece is anything you may do in the future will always be compared to it, making it impossible to ever escape from the darkness of your own shadow. In 1997 a game was released for PlayStation called Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and it’s one of the best games to ever grace that console. Since then there have been other Castlevania titles, though not all of them were created equally. The home consoles experienced inconsistent quality with various attempts at taking Castlevania to the third dimension while the Symphony-style titles (colloquially referred to as Igavanias) were relegated to handheld consoles. Something that this writer wanted, and quite likely quite a few other people as well, was a proper follow up to Symphony of the Night that can’t be held in the palm of your hand. The box art might not have the words Konami or Castlevania anywhere on display, but Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night may be the closest we ever get to that wish being granted.

Bloodstained has the player take control of Miriam, an orphan who was taken in by an alchemist guild that conducted experiments on her that ended up filling her body with crystallized demonic energy and put her in a ten year coma. If that wasn’t enough to irritate her, she is awakened to find out that Johannes kind of needs her to thwart an invasion of demons into the world. One of their previous experimental subjects, Gebel, lost all traces of humanity and decided to summon a demon invasion because why not? Freshly awakened from her coma and filled with a refreshing demonic curse, Miriam is off to the Demon Castle to clean up the mess the alchemist guild created and hopefully not lose her humanity in the process.


With all due respect to Igarashi-san, the only thing separating Bloodstained from being a Castlevania title is the name. The graphics might be 2.5 but rest assured the gameplay exists in a strictly 2D plane. Gebel isn’t Dracula and demonic crystals take the place of Belmont blood in Miriam but this plays like Symphony of the Night or any of the subsequent GBA or DS Igavanias. The area minimap has save points marked with red room, and while the character and many enemy designs are unique enough to be separate from their Castlevania brethren they do share a stylistic similarity. The gothic tinged soundtrack and environment wouldn’t feel out of place in a Castlevania title either.

Getting into the game mechanics of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is as natural as getting back on the Symphony of Night bicycle after having it stored away in the garage for a few years. Miriam runs through the labyrinthine areas, platforming and fighting her way through countless monstrous creatures. Miriam is a skilled warrior, so there is quite the variety of weapons at her disposal. Each of them perform differently, such as a slow swinging greatsword or nimble rapier. Most of the demo playthrough was done with the trusty whip for obvious reasons (Editor’s note: because you insist of finding every possible reference to Castlevania, we get it, that dead horse has suffered enough). Before entering town there was a boss fight, one with an imposing foe who’s height surpassed even that of the screen. The battle was challenging, but winning it was simply a matter of learning the attack pattern and how to counter it. Once Miriam was in town there were a few different characters she could interact with, and while the short nature of a demo session makes it impossible to determine how much of an overall role this will play in the game there were some optional side quests being offered up.


Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night has been a highly-anticipated title since its Kickstarter campaign launched about three years ago, and while a release date has not yet been finalized, 2018 is still not out of the question. Bloodstained is a spiritual successor to Castlevania with new characters, world and mythology, and should be treated as the new IP it is. With that being said, everything that made the Igavanias great appears to be making a return in Bloodstained, and since the last title we got was about a decade ago with Order of Ecclesia, this sounds like great news. The game itself is a fresh start as a new IP, but just about every Castlevania fan who experienced Symphony of the Night in the late ’90s or early aughts when it was relatively new wants to recreate that experience on a modern console, and Bloodstained may very well be that opportunity.



There’s a word to describe a certain subset of action-RPG games: Metroidvania. Obviously, this is a cross between Metroid and Castlevania that’s become a genre all its own; no other descriptor is needed to let gamers know that a title will have a sprawling map, 2.5D aesthetic, and incrementally unlocking abilities.

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night isn’t just a Metroidvania; it’s a Castlevania-alike. And for those of us mourning Konami’s abandonment of its core franchises, that’s a good thing.

It’s no secret that Bloodstained is a spiritual successor to the fan-favorite Castlevania series. Developed by ArtPlay studios, it’s the brainchild of Koji Igarashi, the mind behind many of the Castlevania titles (including the brilliant Symphony of the Night). Bloodstained originated on Kickstarter, where fans raised over five million dollars—more than ten times its original goal—back in 2015, and has been in development ever since.


There weren’t any bats or vampires in our meaty 30-minute gameplay session, but we did find a lot of familiar mechanics: action-based combat and RPG-leveling against a supernatural background, with exploration and an ever-expanding map being key tenets. Miriam, the game’s protagonist, has been afflicted with a curse that’s slowly turning her to crystal, and she must confront the alchemist responsible before it’s too late.

The demo took place primarily on a ship, not a castle, though we’re told that’s where much of the game’s later action will take place. Right away I felt at home with the controls, thanks to muscle memory from playing countless hours of various Castlevania titles. As I made my way through the galleon, I picked up new weapons—including a whip!—and different abilities gained from absorbing enemy powers. Before long, I was talking on multiple enemies at once, weird squid monsters and incessant flying beasts, culminating in an epic boss fight with some kind of sea witch. We finally reached dry land, though the demo ended before I could find out what happened next.


It was refreshing to see Bloodstained not confined to the walls of a castle, and there will be several other locations, according to the developers. Though I didn’t get far enough to really explore some of the deeper systems, there will be crafting, plenty of quests, and a variety of weapons with special abilities. The story is new, but the tone and gameplay are familiar, like coming home after a long journey. If you’ve been missing the appeal of the original Metroidvania, you can stop replaying Symphony of the Night for the tenth time. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is ready to fill that void later this year on PC, Mac, Xbox One, PS4, Switch, and even PlayStation Vita.



Smelly cat
Curti demais esse gameplay da E3. O negócio exala SOTN, desde a OST até as animações. Meu hype aumentou enormemente.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Bem de verdade... depois do sucessor espiritual do megaman, eu prefiro esperar o jogo sair pra comentar ou ficar animado.
Maaaa torço pra que seja fodão.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Esse jogo resolveria seu problema de estar feio simplesmente sendo feito com Sprites e sendo todo 2D.


Mil pontos, LOL!
E3 2018 Hands-on: Bloodstained & Interview With Koji Igarashi

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is an upcoming title that many have been rabidly waiting for. Ever since its Kickstarter wrapped up back in 2015, the game’s release has been continually pushed back, but it seems an end to the wait may finally be in sight. Producer Koji Igarashi was present with 505 Games at E3 to show off the latest build of Bloodstained, and while they still have no firm release date to announce, 2018 still appears to be the target.

We had a chance to sit down with the game’s most recent build, spending half an hour playing through the game’s opening dialogue and stages…and honestly, the game feels great. While I haven’t played the Castlevania game many are comparing Bloodstained to, Symphony of the Night (feel free to call me a heretic or whatever right now), I am deeply familiar with the series’ Nintendo DS trilogy, and this title reminds me quite a bit of an upgraded version of those games.

An opening text scroll sets up the world, but I opted to skip most of it so I could maximize my allotted demo time playing the game. I then found myself in control of protagonist Miriam, on a ship being invaded by monsters and creatures. The controls were immediately easy to pick up, and I was weaving around and slaying enemies in no time flat.


Despite being an introduction level isolated from the rest of the game world, there were still a number of paths to explore and secrets to find. I was also coming across a new weapon to use every couple minutes or so, which was apparently done specifically for this demo to give players the chance to try out a wide array of them. I eventually settled on a rapier as my weapon of choice to finish out the demo.

Bloodstained also features “shards” as a similar system to the “souls” from Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrowamongst others. The system will be instantly familiar to Castlevania vets, allowing you to collect various attacks and mobility enhancements by defeating enemies.

The ship stage ended with a quick cutscene and a battle against some kind of wild tentacled sea creature, which forced me to use every health-restoring potion I had in my inventory to defeat it. I’m not sure if it was that difficult of a boss or if I was just not playing vary well, but I eventually bested the creature and moved to a village map, where I met a few more characters before my demo time came to an end.


Following the demo, we had a chance to sit down with Bloodstained producer Koji Igarashi. With the assistance of an on-site translator, we were able to ask him a few questions that came up during our time with the game.

Gamer Escape: What I noticed while playing Bloodstained, compared to your earlier work, is that it seems to have more of a cinematic direction to it. More cutscenes, more dynamic camera, more focus on story. What inspired you to go in a more cinematic direction with this game?

Koji Igarashi: The reason why there’s more of a cinematic approach is because this is a very new IP. In order to explain sort of the lore of the game, sort of just the general story of the game, this is the easiest way to explain that and to introduce new players to this game.

GE: With the resurgence nowadays of a lot of companies going back to the “old-school” 8-bit/16-bit style, more along the style of your older Castlevania games, what made you decide to go with the more modern 2.5D presentation?

Igarashi: From the very beginning, we wanted to release this game on all different platforms. In order to utilize the strength of the platforms, we thought it might be easier to go with more modern graphics, rather than going to 8-bit or pixel art-based graphics.

GE: In the demo there were a lot of different weapons. Is the amount of weapons going to be the same in the main game?

Igarashi: Yeah, same goes with the actual game! There’s going to be a lot of different weapons, like the ones you saw in the demo. For just the demo’s sake, we put in a lot of different types in order for everyone to try out different weapons, but yeah, in the full game, there’s going to be that many different kinds of weapons.

GE: And with the weapons too, I know in the demo, some of them had bonus actions where you could make combos. Do all the weapons have that or only a few?

Igarashi: We’re still trying to figure out whether we’re going to implement this on all the weapons or just a few. But, in the actual game, we’re going to include a lot more of these combo-type or special attack for different types of weapons. Not just the types, but different weapons in general.


GE: Between your past works, and now Bloodstained, I was curious as to what drives your interest in this kind of gothic horror genre and presentation?

Igarashi: I guess the main reason why I decided to go with the gothic horror theme once again is because it all started out with just a Kickstarter project. In order to appeal to my fans, and also to the community, I couldn’t go out of that gothic horror theme. If I decided to go with, like, a Sci-Fi, then it would be like, “Hey, this isn’t Iga’s game!” They want to see that gothic horror theme, so that’s why we’ve decided to go with that again.

GE: What kind of challenges have you faced doing the Kickstarter campaign? Has it been more difficult than you thought it would be?

Igarashi: Yeah, doing the Kickstarter campaign was very difficult. We realized this after we started the campaign, where we need staff that know and understand what the western fans want from this kind of game. It’s very different from what we know. It’s very different from, “Hey, I want to create this kind of game, so help me fund this game.” It’s more of like understanding the market, understanding the communities, what they want. When we started the campaign, that was the most challenging part, to understand what the community wanted from this Kickstarter project.

GE: In my familiarity of your past work (of games similar to Bloodstained), the only one that had a female protagonist was Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia. What went into your decisions to again focus on a female protagonist in Bloodstained?

Igarashi: There’s really no actual reasoning behind it. It’s a little bit more strategic. There are a lot of female protagonists coming out, really strong female leads are trending. The reason why we decided to go with it is because, you know, since we’ve only had Shanoa [Note: Protagonist of Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia] as a female lead before, we wanted to do so for this time as well.

GE: Is there anything you’d like to say to our readers about Bloodstained?

Igarashi: Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is a game that uses modern technology, modern visual looks, while keeping the roots back when games used to be really fun. When they were really “game-like” games. Currently, there’s a lot of very cinematic AAA titles and things like that, but we wanted to focus more on the old-school nostalgia feel to it. Please look forward to it!

E3 Hands-on – Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (PC)
The Castlevania successor we've been waiting for

One of my most anticipated appointments during E3 2018 was my hands-on session with 505 Games for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. The long awaited Kickstarter project lead by the legendary Koji Igarashi, the man behind nearly all Castlevania games starting from Symphony of the Nightuntil his departure from Konami a few years ago.

It has been a long time since Bloodstained‘s announcement and the gaming landscape has been changing ever since. We’ve seen countless Kickstarter projects fail to live up to their promises, such as Keiji Inafune’s disappointing Mighty No. 9 and the abomination that Agony turned out to be. We’ve also started to see a huge amount of Metroidvania-inspired games being released on all consoles to the point of saturation. Suffice to say, the gaming scene in 2018 is very different from the gaming scene when Bloodstained was first announced; I had become extremely skeptical on Kickstarter projects, especially those that have been delayed a few times.


Whenever you get a new ability, it looks like your character isn’t enjoying the moment…

Things started to change after the release of another Bloodstained title a month ago, Curse of the Moon. I was impressed with the level of effort put into what was essentially a secondary stretch goal. A tiny companion game, made solely because of the number of supporters that had decided to back Mr. Igarashi’s project. If such a smaller title could turn out to be that good, one could only wonder the amount of dedication put into the main project. After playing Ritual of the Night at E3 2018, I can safely say, rest assured my friends. This is a good one.

My preview session was presented by IGA himself and was comprised of nearly no talk because the developer wanted us to play the game and feel the magic ourselves. Gameplay-wise, it does feel like a mix between Symphony of the Night (RPG elements, map design, save rooms, etc) and Order of Ecclesia (especially in the way you can acquire abilities by killing monsters). Some small but noticeable modern additions to the old Castlevania formula include cinematic cutscenes, aiming with the right stick, and a simple but effective crafting system. There’s not much to Ritual of the Night that differs it from other post-Symphony Castlevania games, but given the fact this is what we have been promised from the start, there’s no way I can get disappointed with it.


She ain’t no Belmont but she gets the job done!

The controls are responsive enough. The game isn’t exactly as fast-paced as, say, Symphony of the Night, but it still runs at 60 frames per second and feels good to play.
The soundtrack is completely orchestrated and downright epic. It is being composed by Michiru Yamane, the same composer behind Symphony of the Night. The graphics are my only slight concern. While the game doesn’t look bad at all, it does feature that typical “clearly polygonal with cel-shaded textures” vibe, in the sense that it doesn’t look exactly like a cartoon in a way a Guilty Gear game or The Wind Waker achieve. Those were my only concerns, though. Playing the game, getting to use loads of different weapons, fighting creatively-designed bosses, everything felt just like a classic Castlevania game should.

Despite my issues with the game’s overall visual style, I can’t deny how fun my playtime session with Bloodstained was. Koji Igarashi promised a new Symphony of the Night with some modern gameplay additions and that’s how the game feels and plays like. After countless failed Kickstarter promises from big names in the industry, I’m so glad that Bloodstained has all the potential to live up to its insanely high expectations. This is the Castlevania successor we’ve been waiting for.

Esse último review trouxe uma informação que eu estava aguardando há um bom tempo. Embora o reviewer tenha jogado num PC, ele o fez em 60fps. Aí sim o Tio Blood fica satisfeito! :kcool




Mil pontos, LOL!
Backer Beta Demo Update from IGA


In regards to the Backer Beta Demo for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, our launch date has changed from June 21st to June 28th. We sincerely apologize for this delay.

We showcased the demo at E3, but after watching many people play the demo, we found a couple of bugs that we want to fix and several adjustments we wanted to make in order to deliver a better beta experience.

We were very busy supporting the demo for E3, and we have been working all the way up to today’s release date to try to avoid pushing it back, but we were not quite able to complete the work that needs to be done to make the beta experience a great one for backers. As a result, we are forced to delay from the promised date, and we are very sorry. Please continue to look forward to the beta a little longer, and thank you for your patience. – IGA


Hello everyone, Roberto (Angel-Corlux) here from 505 Games. As Iga just described, unfortunately we’re going to need to delay the Beta Backer Demo until June 28th, 2018 due to the above mentioned reasons. ArtPlay and 505 are a team and as such, we’d also like to apologize to you for this unexpected delay.

We know it sucks to not have your hands on the demo yet, but we hope you’ll lend us your understanding as we work to make sure the demo is the best experience for you all.

One advantage that will come of this is that the feedback you all will provide will not focus on some of the common issues we ran into with the E3 2018 build.

Again, we really regret not being able to deliver the Beta Backer Demo on time to you, and we are immensely appreciative of your patience and understanding.

A special ‘extra’ apology goes out to those among you who may have taken a day off to really dig into the demo. Please come talk to us in the usual places, Twitter, Discord, Forums, etc., and feel free to ask any questions you may have. As always, we want to be honest and straightforward with you, thanks again everyone for your patience.


Dark Tomorrow

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Se trocassem essa menininha de porcelana com saia de renda por um guerreiro minimamente verossímil, melhoraria muito o jogo do ponto de vista artístico.
Talvez até o enredo "hypasse" mais os backers e potenciais compradores.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Se trocassem essa menininha de porcelana com saia de renda por um guerreiro minimamente verossímil, melhoraria muito o jogo do ponto de vista artístico.
Talvez até o enredo "hypasse" mais os backers e potenciais compradores.
Bom, apesar de Miriam ser a protagonista do jogo, não podemos esquecer que há outros personagens jogáveis (creio que serão Zangetsu, o protagonista de Curse of the Moon, e Johannes, o rapaz que desperta Miriam de seu torpor de uma década).

Não foi confirmado se esses outros personagens estarão disponíveis logo no início do jogo mas, caso não estejam, vale lembrar que Miriam contará com outros trajes. Imagino que alguns deles vão amenizar o visual de "lolita gótica" que ela possui, auxiliando um pouco mais na verossimilhança.

Night Sky

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Backer Beta Demo Release

Note: We've assigned download codes for the backer beta demo to everyone who backed at a $60 tier or higher. To get yours, click through to your survey—if you don't have your survey link handy, visit our survey support page and we'll resend it. - Fangamer


Hi everyone, IGA here.

Every time I go to E3, I'm reminded that this is the biggest game show in the world. I had a valuable opportunity to meet other developers who I usually don't get to see.

This year, Bloodstained was exhibited in a closed space at 505 Games. The demo we showcased is actually the Beta Backer Demo that will be available today to all backers at the $60 tier and higher.

I explained the contents briefly in a previous update, but this morning I’ll provide an overview plus a bit more detail. In this demo we are heading to the castle by ship, passing through the ruined village and then through the castle entrance.

Miriam: A girl who has the ability to link demon shards through her crystal-embedded body.

Johannes: An alchemist who grew up with Miriam and supports her.

Gebel: A Shardbinder with the same ability as Miriam, who caused the chaos.

Dominique: An exorcist dispatched from the church to quell the demons.

Zangetsu: A samurai who despises all things demonic who has made his way to the scene along with Dominique.

Alfred: an alchemist who was part of the demon ritual 10 years ago.

You will be able to experience a part of the storyline through these characters.

Regarding the gameplay—we’ve prepared a demo that I can proudly call an action game. Well, I guess that should be obvious... but hey! We also added special commands that were eagerly requested! It’s only a small portion of what's in the game, but try to find them and see what you think. There are also new enemies and shards introduced in this demo.

In addition to the combat, there is a shop to buy and sell items, and an alchemy room to craft new items, where you can also make food and upgrade shards.

Johannes the alchemist performs item transmutation, but Miriam cooks her own food. Food heals health, but it can also permanently increase stat parameters. In other words, you can become stronger by cooking and eating food, in addition to collecting experience points. It's time to collect lots of materials and eat a lot of food!

There are also two ways to strengthen shards: You can collect duplicates of the same shard to increase its overall strength, and you can evolve shards by combining materials in crafting. You will need certain materials in order to do this. Both methods are included in the Backer Beta Demo.

In the previously announced update, there are also quests. This time we have a villager named Lindsay, who has survived the attack.

She will ask Miriam to avenge those who have been killed by the demons. The first quest is to avenge her husband by hunting eight Mortes. Morte is an enemy that couldn’t become a full-fledged demon, so it takes on a form of other things. It doesn’t drop a shard, but you will get a reward for killing few of them in the area.

That's all I have to tell you about the demo! Please let us hear your thoughts and experience when you play it.


The Backer Beta Demo (BBD) has arrived! We can’t wait to hear your feedback, to that end, we’ve set up a few ways for you to talk to us directly:

First of all, everyone will have access to an exclusive Steam Forum via the app’s community hub, which you can post in only if you have installed the BBD.

Secondly, we of course have our official forums with specific sections dedicated to feedback and bug reporting. Last but not least, you can visit our official 505 Games customer support portal to request urgent help with any technical support issues, submit bug reports, and give feedback as well.

In addition to the above, come join us on our official Discord server where we’ll be talking about the BBD in a more casual way. Phew, I think that’s it—hopefully with all these ways to talk to us you all know that we are *definitely* listening and eager to hear what you have to say, good or bad!

Thank you so much everyone, and have fun slaying some demons! >:D

Roberto Piraino “Angel-Corlux”
Global Brand Manager – 505 Games


Mil pontos, LOL!
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Backer Beta Demo Release
Nos minutos que levei para ler a notícia e assistir o trailer, Sky chegou no tópico na minha frente. Maldito Sky, mal posso ver seus movimentos! :klol

Bom, o que importa é que o Backer Beta Demo foi lançado conforme o prometido (a despeito de terem atrasado o lançamento uma semana, para realizarem a correção de bugs descobertos durante a E3). Creio que teremos impressões dos backers em breve, mas já tem gente transmitindo a demo via Twitch.

Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!
O jogo me pareceu pouco fluido e meio travado, SOTN tem 20 anos e é bem mais fluido. Não sei se essa arte ou essa engine foram a opção certa. Hype morno aqui.

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