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Tópico oficial Elden Ring – expansão Shadow of the Erdtree revelada; lançamento: 21 de junho

The End.

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Boa ou má noticia? :kduvida

Elden Ring will cover themes of racism, politics and citizenship

From Software

elden ring screenshot showing a female character" data-src="https://media.altchar.com/prod/images/940_530/gm-a6eb131f-2fc0-4bc9-9b2e-b150a078cff9-eldenringscreenshot3.jpeg" data-lb-sidebar-href="" data-lb-caption-extra-html="" data-single-image="1"> elden ring screenshot showing a female character

Elden Ring

In the most recent interview, Elden Ring team finally talked about their long-awaited game, mentioning a couple of interesting things. It looks like Elden Ring will emphasize themes of racism, politics and citizenship among other things.

It's been a little over a year since we last heard about Elden Ring. FromSofware's next title was officially revealed at E3 2019 with a short teaser and that's about it. We're still waiting to see gameplay, but it looks like the wait could be over soon since Elden Ring team have finally revealed a small bit of info about the game.
In a recent interview, where the team mainly talked about their previous title Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, the interviewer asked about Elden Ring and collab with George R.R. Martin, the author of Game of Thrones.

Since the interview is in Japanese, cocoakoumori on Reddit was kind enough to translate the interesting bits:

"This is one that I personally like and I think it's a very painful fantasy drama... There's pain there and from a human perspective there are themes of racism, politics, citizenship, and so on. So this is a work that is psychologically quote painful in a lot of ways and making a game with Miyazaki which such a huge world view.. on a world-level, everyone's looking forward to it so..."

If you follow the game closely, you probably know that insider Omni already mentioned politics as one of the themes in the game, which is not surprising since FromSoftware's games usually feature themes of politics, racism and conflict between races.
Anyway, after a long wait, this info certainly isn't much but at least we know that the game is still pretty much on the way. Hopefully, we won't have to wait for too long to see some gameplay.

Impacto no gameplay = zero.
Mas os jovens da geração Twitter choram muito. Garantido que vai ter choro com esse também.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Boa ou má noticia? :kduvida

Elden Ring will cover themes of racism, politics and citizenship

From Software

elden ring screenshot showing a female character" data-src="https://media.altchar.com/prod/images/940_530/gm-a6eb131f-2fc0-4bc9-9b2e-b150a078cff9-eldenringscreenshot3.jpeg" data-lb-sidebar-href="" data-lb-caption-extra-html="" data-single-image="1"> elden ring screenshot showing a female character

Elden Ring

In the most recent interview, Elden Ring team finally talked about their long-awaited game, mentioning a couple of interesting things. It looks like Elden Ring will emphasize themes of racism, politics and citizenship among other things.

It's been a little over a year since we last heard about Elden Ring. FromSofware's next title was officially revealed at E3 2019 with a short teaser and that's about it. We're still waiting to see gameplay, but it looks like the wait could be over soon since Elden Ring team have finally revealed a small bit of info about the game.
In a recent interview, where the team mainly talked about their previous title Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, the interviewer asked about Elden Ring and collab with George R.R. Martin, the author of Game of Thrones.

Since the interview is in Japanese, cocoakoumori on Reddit was kind enough to translate the interesting bits:

"This is one that I personally like and I think it's a very painful fantasy drama... There's pain there and from a human perspective there are themes of racism, politics, citizenship, and so on. So this is a work that is psychologically quote painful in a lot of ways and making a game with Miyazaki which such a huge world view.. on a world-level, everyone's looking forward to it so..."

If you follow the game closely, you probably know that insider Omni already mentioned politics as one of the themes in the game, which is not surprising since FromSoftware's games usually feature themes of politics, racism and conflict between races.
Anyway, after a long wait, this info certainly isn't much but at least we know that the game is still pretty much on the way. Hopefully, we won't have to wait for too long to see some gameplay.

Japão tá bem longe dessas porras de guerra cultural, progressistas x conservadores, millenials, dedo no cu e gritaria no twitter, então aposto que a abordagem será algo meio: existe uma raça no mundo de Elden Ring que não é aceita pela sociedade humana dominante e algumas quests girarão perifericamente em torno disso.

Não vejo o Miyazaki se considerando um arauto da higidez moral moderna, como acontece com diversos criadores ocidentais.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Boa ou má noticia? :kduvida

Elden Ring will cover themes of racism, politics and citizenship

From Software

elden ring screenshot showing a female character" data-src="https://media.altchar.com/prod/images/940_530/gm-a6eb131f-2fc0-4bc9-9b2e-b150a078cff9-eldenringscreenshot3.jpeg" data-lb-sidebar-href="" data-lb-caption-extra-html="" data-single-image="1"> elden ring screenshot showing a female character

Elden Ring

In the most recent interview, Elden Ring team finally talked about their long-awaited game, mentioning a couple of interesting things. It looks like Elden Ring will emphasize themes of racism, politics and citizenship among other things.

It's been a little over a year since we last heard about Elden Ring. FromSofware's next title was officially revealed at E3 2019 with a short teaser and that's about it. We're still waiting to see gameplay, but it looks like the wait could be over soon since Elden Ring team have finally revealed a small bit of info about the game.
In a recent interview, where the team mainly talked about their previous title Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, the interviewer asked about Elden Ring and collab with George R.R. Martin, the author of Game of Thrones.

Since the interview is in Japanese, cocoakoumori on Reddit was kind enough to translate the interesting bits:

"This is one that I personally like and I think it's a very painful fantasy drama... There's pain there and from a human perspective there are themes of racism, politics, citizenship, and so on. So this is a work that is psychologically quote painful in a lot of ways and making a game with Miyazaki which such a huge world view.. on a world-level, everyone's looking forward to it so..."

If you follow the game closely, you probably know that insider Omni already mentioned politics as one of the themes in the game, which is not surprising since FromSoftware's games usually feature themes of politics, racism and conflict between races.
Anyway, after a long wait, this info certainly isn't much but at least we know that the game is still pretty much on the way. Hopefully, we won't have to wait for too long to see some gameplay.

Depende, FFXIV aborda esses temas de forma muito boa, uma história muito fera sobre Ala'Mihgo.
Acho que se feito com a cabeça e não com cu, sai uma história boa.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Um jogo de RPG nessa pegada tem que ter temas mais adultos mesmo. Tem que ter mta política e etc. Todos gostam disso, FF sempre tem disso.

ctz que eles vão colocar o racismo contra alguma 'raça' de etc ou monstro. Eu duvido que terão coragem de colocar o racismo claramente contra os pretos. Assim como quando alguém vai falar de temas gays colocam sempre lésbicas se pegando, e nunca dois barbudos...


Assim como existe diferentes formas de se criar um open-world, também existe diferentes formas de se abordar o racismo. Eles ficaram muito tempo quietos desde o trailer de Elden Ring, finalmente falaram algo... Já da pra criar esperanças que o projeto ainda existe.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Boa ou má noticia? :kduvida

Elden Ring will cover themes of racism, politics and citizenship

From Software

elden ring screenshot showing a female character" data-src="https://media.altchar.com/prod/images/940_530/gm-a6eb131f-2fc0-4bc9-9b2e-b150a078cff9-eldenringscreenshot3.jpeg" data-lb-sidebar-href="" data-lb-caption-extra-html="" data-single-image="1"> elden ring screenshot showing a female character

Elden Ring

In the most recent interview, Elden Ring team finally talked about their long-awaited game, mentioning a couple of interesting things. It looks like Elden Ring will emphasize themes of racism, politics and citizenship among other things.

It's been a little over a year since we last heard about Elden Ring. FromSofware's next title was officially revealed at E3 2019 with a short teaser and that's about it. We're still waiting to see gameplay, but it looks like the wait could be over soon since Elden Ring team have finally revealed a small bit of info about the game.
In a recent interview, where the team mainly talked about their previous title Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, the interviewer asked about Elden Ring and collab with George R.R. Martin, the author of Game of Thrones.

Since the interview is in Japanese, cocoakoumori on Reddit was kind enough to translate the interesting bits:

"This is one that I personally like and I think it's a very painful fantasy drama... There's pain there and from a human perspective there are themes of racism, politics, citizenship, and so on. So this is a work that is psychologically quote painful in a lot of ways and making a game with Miyazaki which such a huge world view.. on a world-level, everyone's looking forward to it so..."

If you follow the game closely, you probably know that insider Omni already mentioned politics as one of the themes in the game, which is not surprising since FromSoftware's games usually feature themes of politics, racism and conflict between races.
Anyway, after a long wait, this info certainly isn't much but at least we know that the game is still pretty much on the way. Hopefully, we won't have to wait for too long to see some gameplay.

Uau, fazia tempo que não via esse tema sendo debatido.


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Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Não disse nada demais. Ainda mais se levar em conta que quem escreveu todo o mitos do jogo foi o Martin, então é certeza absoluta que tudo isso (politica, racismo e segregação de raças) vai estar lá. O que é muito bem vindo. Agora entenda bem, há uma GRANDE diferença entre abordar esses temas e lacração gratuita e forçada. Mas, no final das contas acredito que tudo estará lá assim como nos outros jogos Soulsborne, em um comprido pano de fundo tecido com tragédias de outrora.

Toguro Games

Mil pontos, LOL!
Boa ou má noticia? :kduvida

Elden Ring will cover themes of racism, politics and citizenship

From Software

elden ring screenshot showing a female character" data-src="https://media.altchar.com/prod/images/940_530/gm-a6eb131f-2fc0-4bc9-9b2e-b150a078cff9-eldenringscreenshot3.jpeg" data-lb-sidebar-href="" data-lb-caption-extra-html="" data-single-image="1"> elden ring screenshot showing a female character

Elden Ring

In the most recent interview, Elden Ring team finally talked about their long-awaited game, mentioning a couple of interesting things. It looks like Elden Ring will emphasize themes of racism, politics and citizenship among other things.

It's been a little over a year since we last heard about Elden Ring. FromSofware's next title was officially revealed at E3 2019 with a short teaser and that's about it. We're still waiting to see gameplay, but it looks like the wait could be over soon since Elden Ring team have finally revealed a small bit of info about the game.
In a recent interview, where the team mainly talked about their previous title Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, the interviewer asked about Elden Ring and collab with George R.R. Martin, the author of Game of Thrones.

Since the interview is in Japanese, cocoakoumori on Reddit was kind enough to translate the interesting bits:

"This is one that I personally like and I think it's a very painful fantasy drama... There's pain there and from a human perspective there are themes of racism, politics, citizenship, and so on. So this is a work that is psychologically quote painful in a lot of ways and making a game with Miyazaki which such a huge world view.. on a world-level, everyone's looking forward to it so..."

If you follow the game closely, you probably know that insider Omni already mentioned politics as one of the themes in the game, which is not surprising since FromSoftware's games usually feature themes of politics, racism and conflict between races.
Anyway, after a long wait, this info certainly isn't much but at least we know that the game is still pretty much on the way. Hopefully, we won't have to wait for too long to see some gameplay.

A geração mimimi vai chorar descontroladamente, acredite. Pra eles tudo é lacração e heterofobia, hahaha


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Mais algumas info um "pouco" mais completas

Elden Ring Open World Features, Story Themes and More Discussed

Elden Ring

Elden Ring has been announced last year during Microsoft's E3 2019 press conference, but very little has been said about the game since then, with From Software keeping the lid sealed tight. Some new details, however, have been confirmed recently.
During a talk held during the 23rd Japan Media Arts Festival focused on Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, as translated by Reddit user cocoakoumori, hosts Tokita Takahashi and Sayawaka read a statement from Hidetaka Miyazaki, who confirmed how Elden Ring will be From's deepest game to date and how it will deal with both history and mythos at the same time, pretty much confirming some of the rumors that are circulating online regarding the game's themes.

[Miyazaki]. Basically, I decide the thematic elements of the game first to develop the motifs and world view of the title. Now we're in development for a game called "ELDEN RING" which is larger and deeper than anything we've done before (..) history, or mythos, we feel we're challenging ourselves to make a game that deals with these two opposing [elements].
Sayawaka also went on to confirm that Elden Ring will have some sort of open-world feel and how it will be possible to ride horses to move around this world.
[Sayawaka]. ELDEN RING has staff from the foreign drama "Game of Thrones" participating in development and the game has got a sort of "open-worlded-ness" to it with wide open areas where you can ride your horse and things, it seems there are scenes like that in the game so, well,... There's a feeling of a world here, I suppose, right?
Ending the Elden Ring conversation, Sayakawa also hinted that the game will also have some of the themes that are prevalent in George R.R. Martin's works.
[Tokita] True, well, this is one that I personally like and I think it's a very painful fantasy drama... There's pain there and from a human perspective there are themes of racism, politics, citizenship, and so on (...) So this is a work that is psychologically quote painful in a lot of ways and making a game with Miyazaki which such a huge world view.. on a world-level, everyone's looking forward to it so...
[Sayawaka]. (...) The actions of the characters... Really make you think "yeah, humans are like that" it's just tremendous (..) and when you have history and myth, from a human perspective you can make a very grand story out of that. I don't want to say too much but I'm certainly excited.

Elden Ring is currently in development for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. A release date has yet to be announced.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
O tema em si e as questões políticas, morais e filosóficas são bacanas e presentes em quase tudo, sempre. Não é de hoje que RPGs e JRPGs lidam com esses temas..

A questão é como são abordadas e trabalhadas na obra.

ASOIAF do Martin aborda exatamente essas mesmas questões, mas não tem "lacrada" nos livros, muito pelo contrário, decisões burras são punidas e os aspectos morais valorizados, mas sempre em contraste com a realidade do mundo da obra que pune a tudo e a todos. Imagino que não deva ser muito diferente em Elden Ring.


Lenda da internet
Boa ou má noticia? :kduvida

Elden Ring will cover themes of racism, politics and citizenship

From Software

elden ring screenshot showing a female character" data-src="https://media.altchar.com/prod/images/940_530/gm-a6eb131f-2fc0-4bc9-9b2e-b150a078cff9-eldenringscreenshot3.jpeg" data-lb-sidebar-href="" data-lb-caption-extra-html="" data-single-image="1"> elden ring screenshot showing a female character

Elden Ring

In the most recent interview, Elden Ring team finally talked about their long-awaited game, mentioning a couple of interesting things. It looks like Elden Ring will emphasize themes of racism, politics and citizenship among other things.

It's been a little over a year since we last heard about Elden Ring. FromSofware's next title was officially revealed at E3 2019 with a short teaser and that's about it. We're still waiting to see gameplay, but it looks like the wait could be over soon since Elden Ring team have finally revealed a small bit of info about the game.
In a recent interview, where the team mainly talked about their previous title Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, the interviewer asked about Elden Ring and collab with George R.R. Martin, the author of Game of Thrones.

Since the interview is in Japanese, cocoakoumori on Reddit was kind enough to translate the interesting bits:

"This is one that I personally like and I think it's a very painful fantasy drama... There's pain there and from a human perspective there are themes of racism, politics, citizenship, and so on. So this is a work that is psychologically quote painful in a lot of ways and making a game with Miyazaki which such a huge world view.. on a world-level, everyone's looking forward to it so..."

If you follow the game closely, you probably know that insider Omni already mentioned politics as one of the themes in the game, which is not surprising since FromSoftware's games usually feature themes of politics, racism and conflict between races.
Anyway, after a long wait, this info certainly isn't much but at least we know that the game is still pretty much on the way. Hopefully, we won't have to wait for too long to see some gameplay.

ah pronto vai vir borakku raibus meteru medieval
o vilão será o torampu
mini boss sera a familia borusonaru

The Mission

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Acho interessante quando sai esse tipo de notícia que diz que vai ter o tema, aí tu percebe o quanto a galera que fala que vai ficar com o pé atrás não entendeu o que jogou (se é que jogou).

O plot de Dark Souls III sobre a separação de Undead Settlement e Lothric Castle é bem político e social. Em uma ponta, só os trabalhador fodido pelo mundo louvando uma árvore sem nenhum respaldo de governo, enquanto peregrinos (também empobrecidos) que não conseguem alcançar o castelo.

Enquanto isso, Castle of Lothric lá cheio das riquezas (é a área do jogo que mais se encontra materiais finais de upgrade e itens de souls), com inimigos vestindo armaduras de ouro, uma put* biblioteca lacrada e protegida pelo Alto Clero (1984? Igreja Catolica?) e no alto do topo dois irmãos lá brincando de ver se linka a chama ou não.

Bem, se isso não é um comentário subversivo sobre como o mundo é dividido entre a probreza e os intocáveis governantes e religiosos, não sei o que. Mas claro que se saísse uma notícia em 2016 falando "Dark Souls abordará temas como pobreza e política" ia ter chororo.


Lenda da internet
Mano, seis se preocupam demais com isso, quero saber da jogabilidade, movimentação, gráficos... A choradeira hj por temáticas tá demais.


Habitué da casa
Ansioso, a maneira que myazaki conta histórias costuma ser uma das menos maniqueistas possiveis, acho que é perfeito pra abordar temas mais complexos. Espero que saia pra PS4 :(



Que sensacionalismo barato.

Racismo e Politica são temas bem comuns em obras ficticias. A trama do DS é bem politica, por exemplo, e Tolkien fazia isso 100 anos atrás.

A questão é que existe uma diferença ENORME entre fazer analogias e trabalhar a ficção para uma mensagem explicita esfregando na sua cara uma ideia do mundo real, como algumas devs mediocres fazem pra enganar meia duzia de boboca pra repetir jargões pré-fabricados.

Não seria diferente aqui. Contrataram o GRR Martin pra quê?


Boa ou má noticia? :kduvida

Elden Ring will cover themes of racism, politics and citizenship

From Software

elden ring screenshot showing a female character" data-src="https://media.altchar.com/prod/images/940_530/gm-a6eb131f-2fc0-4bc9-9b2e-b150a078cff9-eldenringscreenshot3.jpeg" data-lb-sidebar-href="" data-lb-caption-extra-html="" data-single-image="1"> elden ring screenshot showing a female character

Elden Ring

In the most recent interview, Elden Ring team finally talked about their long-awaited game, mentioning a couple of interesting things. It looks like Elden Ring will emphasize themes of racism, politics and citizenship among other things.

It's been a little over a year since we last heard about Elden Ring. FromSofware's next title was officially revealed at E3 2019 with a short teaser and that's about it. We're still waiting to see gameplay, but it looks like the wait could be over soon since Elden Ring team have finally revealed a small bit of info about the game.
In a recent interview, where the team mainly talked about their previous title Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, the interviewer asked about Elden Ring and collab with George R.R. Martin, the author of Game of Thrones.

Since the interview is in Japanese, cocoakoumori on Reddit was kind enough to translate the interesting bits:

"This is one that I personally like and I think it's a very painful fantasy drama... There's pain there and from a human perspective there are themes of racism, politics, citizenship, and so on. So this is a work that is psychologically quote painful in a lot of ways and making a game with Miyazaki which such a huge world view.. on a world-level, everyone's looking forward to it so..."

If you follow the game closely, you probably know that insider Omni already mentioned politics as one of the themes in the game, which is not surprising since FromSoftware's games usually feature themes of politics, racism and conflict between races.
Anyway, after a long wait, this info certainly isn't much but at least we know that the game is still pretty much on the way. Hopefully, we won't have to wait for too long to see some gameplay.

Geralmente racistas e conservadores não curtem essas discussões. Para o restante do público a temática é irrelevante, desde que seja bem feito.
Ultima Edição:


Lenda da internet
Geralmente racistas e conservadores não curtem essas discussões. Para o restante do público a temática é irrelevante, desde que seja bem feito.
Mano, o uso do termo conservador tá muito deturbado hoje... não é discussão para o local aqui, mas tem muito dito conservador aí que nem chega perto... só pq se diz cristão e gosta de uma arminha. Ser conservador vai muito além disso. Mas não é assunto do tópico né.


Lenda da internet
Geralmente racistas e conservadores não curtem essas discussões. Para o restante do público a temática é irrelevante, desde que seja bem feito.
Deixa eu te contar uma curiosidade.
Absolutamente qualquer comunidade/grupo/forum/board online em que não tenha uma moderação forte e rígida se tornara de "extrema direita ou direita".
Qualquer um: facebook, twitter, insta, foruns, imageboards. Esse liberalismo/progressista só existe e domina em ambientes controlados a punho de ferro.
Isso te faz refletir sobre qual grupo não curte essas discussões.

De resto, é fromsoftware, myazaki,gg martin e dev japonesa.
Alguém sequer achar qualquer besteirinha de lacração é porque não joga jogos, joga foruns de internet.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Uma observação,
talvez seja provável que o jogo demore um "pouco" mais para ser lançado, pois devem estar fazendo também uma versão "melhorada" para a nova geração (PS5/Series X/S).
A pergunta que fica, será que a FROM vai fazer igual a CD Projekt Red fez com o Cyberpunk 22077, e deixar um update gratuito para quem comprar as versões de PS4/XONE e depois for jogar nos novos consoles com as melhoras que só a nova geração tem?

Sobre a história melhor esperar para ver (já que ainda não temos nada de muito concreto),
quem conhece as obras do Martin, já sabe que pode vir coisa boa por aí. :kcool
Ultima Edição:


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Is this the first in-game screenshot of Elden Ring?

Elden Ring artwork showing leaked screenshot and the game's character" data-src="https://media.altchar.com/prod/images/940_530/gm-656b7fa5-4dcd-4774-8dfe-084483d188d2-elden-ring-leak.jpg" data-lb-sidebar-href="" data-lb-caption-extra-html="" data-single-image="1"> Elden Ring artwork showing leaked screenshot and the game's character

Elden Ring - Seems Legit?

A new screenshot of what appears to be an unknown souls-like game has surfaced over on 4chan in an Elden Ring thread. The screenshot features a character wearing a sword and a clock, walking towards a cloud of fire.

We know 4chan probably is not the best place for reliable info, but sometimes, anonymous users actually post legit content, leaking screenshots of the early game builds and other info. Yes, most of the leaks are usually fake but as we said, sometimes, they are true.
Today, we have a new screenshot which surfaced in the Elden Ring thread . The screenshot, which you can check out in the images above and below, features a cloaked character with a sword, walking towards a cloud of dancing flames. Now, we do not know if the screenshot is legit, but isn't this as Dark Souls as it gets?
screenshot showing a cloaked individual and fire particles

Elden Ring - leaked screenshot

Elden Ring fans over on 4chan and Reddit are stilly discussing whether the leak is indeed real or not. Some tried reverse searching the image but could not find any results, which is a bit odd. At the time of writing, the leak is yet to be debunked and we will update the article when more info about the screenshot emerges. Of course, until then, you should take this one with a grain of salt.
Over the last week, we had a couple of Elden Ring rumours and leaks, which could suggest that a reveal is close but as you may know, some reliable sources confirmed there will be no Elden Ring reveals in 2020.
Still, we hope this is not the case and that we'll finally get to see some gameplay in the upcoming months.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Vem jogão por ai.

In From Software we trust :kcool

(tradução by google)

Novo vazamento do Elden Ring: data de lançamento do primeiro trimestre de 2021, multijogador multiplataforma, cooperativo e muito mais


O último boato de Elden Ring está vindo do 4chan e afirma que o jogo será revelado no show The Game Awards. Aparentemente, a data de lançamento está marcada para março ou início de abril. O jogo suportará multiplayer multi-plataforma e co-op.

Tem sido uma longa espera pelo próximo grande título da FromSoftware, Elden Ring. Desde que o desenvolvedor anunciou o jogo na E3 2019, não recebemos nenhuma informação oficial sobre o Elden Ring. A data de lançamento do jogo foi especulada por muitos meses, mas todos esses vazamentos e rumores eram falsos.
Algumas fontes sólidas sugeriram que não veremos Elden Ring em 2020 e a cada semana e mês que passa, parece que este é o cenário mais realista.

No entanto, os fãs de Elden Ring têm uma última esperança no show The Game Awards que está agendado para dezembro de 2020. E de acordo com o último vazamento, este é o lugar onde Elden Ring finalmente aparecerá. Agora, antes de mergulhar nesse vazamento, lembre-se de que ele está vindo do 4Chan, o que significa que provavelmente está incorreto. Dito isso, não seria a primeira vez que o vazamento do 4chan ocorreria.

O vazamento afirma que Elden Ring será revelado na TGA 2020 com uma data de lançamento planejada para março / início de abril. Além disso, o jogo será de geração cruzada no lançamento e rodará a 60 FPS em consoles de próxima geração e PC com melhores texturas e suporte de resolução mais alta.
Ele também oferece multiplayer multiplataforma entre PC e Xbox, mas não PlayStation, que pode ter o recurso mais tarde.

A jogabilidade é muito mais robusta com a integração cooperativa. Os jogadores serão capazes de formar pequenos grupos e explorar juntos, mas é claro, você também pode jogar o jogo inteiramente sozinho, se essa for sua preferência. O sistema de invasão também está presente e dependendo de qual pacto você pertence, seu propósito como um invasor irá variar muito, já que os covenants terão um grande impacto na jogabilidade.

captura de tela do anel elden mostrando uma guerreira ruiva

Como sempre acontece com vazamentos e rumores, uma boa dose de ceticismo é necessária, especialmente com esses vazamentos do 4chan. Algumas partes do vazamento podem ser verdadeiras, como o suporte multiplayer de plataforma cruzada, mas não tenha esperanças de uma integração cooperativa tão robusta ainda.
No entanto, FromSoftware deixou claro algumas vezes que Elden Ring será seu maior título ainda com um mundo aberto apropriado e outras características importantes, então é possível que eles estejam indo com um sistema full party. Felizmente, não teremos que esperar mais um ano para descobrir se isso é realmente verdade ou não.


Boa ou má noticia? :kduvida

Elden Ring will cover themes of racism, politics and citizenship

From Software

elden ring screenshot showing a female character" data-src="https://media.altchar.com/prod/images/940_530/gm-a6eb131f-2fc0-4bc9-9b2e-b150a078cff9-eldenringscreenshot3.jpeg" data-lb-sidebar-href="" data-lb-caption-extra-html="" data-single-image="1"> elden ring screenshot showing a female character

Elden Ring

In the most recent interview, Elden Ring team finally talked about their long-awaited game, mentioning a couple of interesting things. It looks like Elden Ring will emphasize themes of racism, politics and citizenship among other things.

It's been a little over a year since we last heard about Elden Ring. FromSofware's next title was officially revealed at E3 2019 with a short teaser and that's about it. We're still waiting to see gameplay, but it looks like the wait could be over soon since Elden Ring team have finally revealed a small bit of info about the game.
In a recent interview, where the team mainly talked about their previous title Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, the interviewer asked about Elden Ring and collab with George R.R. Martin, the author of Game of Thrones.

Since the interview is in Japanese, cocoakoumori on Reddit was kind enough to translate the interesting bits:

"This is one that I personally like and I think it's a very painful fantasy drama... There's pain there and from a human perspective there are themes of racism, politics, citizenship, and so on. So this is a work that is psychologically quote painful in a lot of ways and making a game with Miyazaki which such a huge world view.. on a world-level, everyone's looking forward to it so..."

If you follow the game closely, you probably know that insider Omni already mentioned politics as one of the themes in the game, which is not surprising since FromSoftware's games usually feature themes of politics, racism and conflict between races.
Anyway, after a long wait, this info certainly isn't much but at least we know that the game is still pretty much on the way. Hopefully, we won't have to wait for too long to see some gameplay.

Tudo isso enquanto o personagem rola para o lado e tenta dar backstab em tudo? Será que vai ser souls-like? Acho que não, Sekiro acabou sendo um Tenchu-like com esteróides, bem capaz da From tentar algo novo.


Mais um game que vai ser lançado para a atual geração. Mais um motivo para continuar com a dobradinha de Xbox ONe X + PS4 Pro e só fazer a migração de geração lá para o final de 2022. Hehe!!!
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