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Tópico oficial Halo Infinite | Multiplayer será Free-to-play e suportará 120 fps no Series X | Adiado para 2021


Mil pontos, LOL!
Sim, ta tela de press start. Ali ainda achei que seria algo bem feito, assim que começou ficou tosco. Percebam depois os lindos efeitos da nave se chocando com água, nível primeira leva do x360.

Foram momentos bem rápidos.. e de um cara que nunca teve interesse em Halo.
Na real, eu me achei MTO novato dps dessa apresentação.. Pq no momento que o trailer do Halo acabou eu confesso que NÃO FAZIA IDEIA de que tava tão ruim assim. Pra mim era um trailer sem sal de um jogo q nao ligo, com alguns momentos bonitinhos.

Só fui saber qdo começou a pipocar tópico atrás de tópico.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Doom Eternal pra mim foi tão impactante que deixou os outros shooters genéricos.

Vendo aquele gameplay do Halo Infinite me deu até sono.

Pra mim a Id Software elevou demais o patamar do gênero com o incrível xadrez nas gunfights.

Se Doom Eternal deixou o Doom 2016 obsoleto imagina em relação ao Halo Infinite.

343 precisa comer muito feijão com arroz pra entregar algo tão bom.


Grave Uypo

Piloto de Grifos
Doom Eternal pra mim foi tão impactante que deixou os outros shooters genéricos.

Vendo aquele gameplay do Halo Infinite me deu até sono.

Pra mim a Id Software elevou demais o patamar do gênero com o incrível xadrez nas gunfights.

Se Doom Eternal deixou o Doom 2016 obsoleto imagina em relação ao Halo Infinite.

343 precisa comer muito feijão com arroz pra entregar algo tão bom.

sim, doom eternal novo benchmark.

do que ta vindo por aí, não sei se é teu gosto, mas é meu.

proximo na lista da gloria. fps raíz. chega a arrepiar esse tema da grand catedral remixado
Ultima Edição:

Dr. Freeman

Legal ser open world, bacana ter Coop, e desde o início eu gostei demais da onda estilo combat evolved desse jogo, mas... Esse gameplay aí ficou feio pra c***lho, pqp. A modelagem dos personagens tá foda, nível alto, mas a iluminação, algumas animações, o ambiente PARADO... Porra, velho. Tá parecendo jogo de PS3 com resolução alta e fps alto. Tipo, eu gosto do fato de ficar em gameplay e mundo vastos, ao invés de fazer tech demo, mas a direção artística pecou demais até então. No last of us 2, por exemplo, a iluminação é toda feita manualmente. Sem tecnologias pesadas etc... Animações e ambiente então, nem se fala. Se sair pra Pc eu vou jogar, sem dúvidas. Halo é maravilhoso.

Grave Uypo

Piloto de Grifos
120 fps com o grafico que foi apresentado até que roda.
Agora se adicionaram algum RT, pode esquecer.
os caras acabaram de falar q tem 120fps. não é "se".
e vc nem sabe com seria usado o raytracing. ou a resolução que vai usar.

mas provavelmente vai simplesmente desligar e jogar com grafico de xbox one x pra rodar em 120fps. igual forza horizon 4 reduz pra 1080p (se fosse res dinamica aguentaria manter 1440p a maioria do tempo, mas turn10 tava numa engine velha como todo estudio da microsoft exceto a coalition) no one x pra 60fps


Mil pontos, LOL!
os caras acabaram de falar q tem 120fps. não é "se".
e vc nem sabe com seria usado o raytracing. ou a resolução que vai usar.

mas provavelmente vai simplesmente desligar e jogar com grafico de xbox one x pra rodar em 120fps. igual forza horizon 4 reduz pra 1080p (se fosse res dinamica aguentaria manter 1440p a maioria do tempo, mas turn10 tava numa engine velha como todo estudio da microsoft exceto a coalition) no one x pra 60fps


Lenda da internet
No vídeo da apresentação da MS, em 52:09, tem essa mensagem sobre o game CrossfireX: "CrossfireX multiplayer is free to play (Xbox Live Gold required). Singles player not in Xbox Game Pass (sold separately).".

Talvez seja o mesmo caso do Halo, no sentido do F2P (já que a campanha estará no GP).


Complicado esse game ter ficado com gráficos bem inferiores ao Halo 5 que foi lançado em 2015. Até o Halo 4 do X360 lançado em 2012 é melhor. Espero que coma muito arroz com feijão para mudar isso até o seu lançamento. Hehe!!


os caras acabaram de falar q tem 120fps. não é "se".
e vc nem sabe com seria usado o raytracing. ou a resolução que vai usar.

mas provavelmente vai simplesmente desligar e jogar com grafico de xbox one x pra rodar em 120fps. igual forza horizon 4 reduz pra 1080p (se fosse res dinamica aguentaria manter 1440p a maioria do tempo, mas turn10 tava numa engine velha como todo estudio da microsoft exceto a coalition) no one x pra 60fps

No caso dos Forza Horizon o que pega é o jaguar. Pois são games de mundo aberto. Tanto é que para rodar a 60fps no Xbox One X tiveram que setar em 1080p. Já os Forza Motorsport que são pistas fechadas mesmo no Xone Fat já consegue rodar a 1080p/60fps todos eles(Forza 5, 6 e 7). E no Xbox One X o Forza 7 roda a 4k Nativos(2160p) a 60fps.

Até no Xbox 360 os Forza Motorsport já rodavam todos a 60fps. Já o Horizon rodava a 30fps. E todos eles a 720p.
Ultima Edição:

Slayer-X ®

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Cadê o cara que duvidou de mim lá atrás quando eu disse que Halo seria 120fps?

Enviado de meu SM-G9650 usando o Tapatalk

Grave Uypo

Piloto de Grifos
No caso dos Forza Horizon o que pega é o jaguar. Pois são games de mundo aberto. Tanto é que para rodar a 60fps no Xbox One X tiveram que setar em 1080p. Já os Forza Motorsport que são pistas fechadas mesmo no Xone Fat já consegue rodar a 1080p/60fps todos eles(Forza 5, 6 e 7). E no Xbox One X o Forza 7 roda a 4k Nativos(2160p) a 60fps.

Até no Xbox 360 os Forza Motorsport já rodavam todos a 60fps. Já o Horizon rodava a 30fps. E todos eles a 720p.
o jaguar aguenta até, por que o forza horizon 4 foi FEITO pra rodar a 60fps, então deram uma aliviada no processador pro X conseguir seus 60fps baixando resolução. isso vc nota passeando nas cidades. o fh3 tinha muito, mas muito mais carro no transito que o fh4. se brincar reduziram stealthmente a velocidade da simulação de 600 ticks por segundo pra 360tps igual era nos forzas do xbox360

no forza horizon 3 por exemplo ele nao daria conta, visto que foi feito pra 30fps no xone base, que é só uns 20% mais fraco no cpu. fh3 com modo destravado em 1080p igual o fh4 tem ia ficar flutuando nos 50 e poucos fps, com quedas pra 40 e poucos. chute educado.

negocio é que a engine do forza é velha e ruim. nem tem suporte a resolução dinamica.
quer dizer, não tinha né. no fm8 tem. deram um put* upgrade de engine pra trocar de geração dessa vez. ja disseram que incluiram suporte a resolucao dinamica e todos tratamentos de imagens modernos.
Ultima Edição:


Ser evoluído
Depois da geração ps2/xbox/cube. largou-se a criatividade e enorme quantidade de bons games, para se preocupar apenas com graficos. nao adianta culpar somente a geraçao atual, a do ps3,/360/wii contribuíram e muito para o q temos hoje. graficos, formula padrao, jogos raiz como rpg por turno e games com otimas trilha sonora original está cada vez mais raro. a geração ps3/360 deslumbrou demais o publico, com seus graficos "hd"... daí foi so ladeira a baixo. as empresas morrem pra criar um triple A, porque o padrao estetico grafico evoluiu muito, exigindo mais da maquina. hoje em dia, qualquer game moderno ja coloca a maquina pra chorar e ainda roda capado em fps... onde chegamos, colegas. ainda bem q nao tenho consoles desta geração. mas pretendo, so por causa do geraldão de rivia.

Pinguim 55

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Parece que foi uma excelente contratação este Joseph Staten. No entanto não espero nenhum milagre com Halo Infinite pois já está muito avançado e tem pouco o que fazer a esta altura do campeonato.

Nem vejo muito sentido cancelar a versão One pois o jogo foi todo feito pensando nas limitações do Xbox One e não creio que agora cancelando esta versão Halo Infinite parecerá mais next gen. Pode facilitar para os programadores no entanto e sair mais rápido.

Enfim, MS não tem escolha a não ser sair do jeito que está, pode melhorar um pouco a iluminação com Ray Tracing e ter melhor desempenho (menos pop in, sem queda de frame rate e melhor resolução), mas o jogo essencialmente será o mesmo.

No entanto, triste esta desorganização da MS, ficou vendendo por um ano que estava se preparando para a next gen e não parava de fazer barulho, para no final a Sony estar muito mais preparada, isto sem contanto que ainda lançou dois medalhões este ano para o PS4.

Todas estas atuais reorganizações e compras infelizmente só começará a dar resultado no meio da geração. O cara teve uns 5 anos para se preparar, mas parece que estão piores do que na época do Matrick, mas como o Phill fala o que os fãs do Xbox querem ouvir, tiveram a ilusão de que estava melhorando.
Ultima Edição:


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Em outros tempos diria que seria impossível esse tipo de marketing por aqui, mas com Gamepass no Trident e coisas assim, resta um pouco de esperança.

Ex-peão louco

Mad Spy
Como assim multiplayer free to play? Me perdi nas notícias e não vi isso. Não paga live gold pra jogar ou não precisa comprar o jogo com campanha?


Zima Blue

CONFIRMED: In order to help make the ring feel alive, so in addition to day and night, they have weather systems. This includes a wind system. However, there are not rain storms or snow storms at launch, though they are "excited about the future."

IMPLIED: This also seemingly confirms future campaign content (which we'd assumed before.)

CONFIRMED: Day night does affect what enemies you'll run into. Grunts sleep more at night, phantoms have search lights and are around more, etc. Coils, shield enemies, etc. also appear more in darker areas and at nighttime.

CONFIRMED: There is no hostile wildlife in the game at the moment. There are apparently some cute "space gophers" though, so that's cool. There is wildlife that is bioluminescent that appears at night.

CONFIRMED: Dual-wielding is not in the game, and it is not currently in the cards. "We can do everything", but they want to focus on the weapons, grenades, melee, and their focus on equipment is why dual-wielding is not present.

CONFIRMED: There are no playable Elites (sadness) being supported because "this is a Master Chief and Spartan story." They did say "never say never" to that and that we may see them one day in the game.

CONFIRMED: Weapon upgrades were toyed around with as an idea for the campaign for customizing them and such, and they felt it was a rabbit hole, but the game veered too far away from what Halo is about, so they decided to take a "different avenue" in things you can progress. You are able to upgrade equipment items you unlock throughout the game, and there are "cool weapon variants" you can find and unlock in the game.

CONFIRMED: You can hold only one piece of equipment in Multiplayer, and it is currently a "use it and it is gone" sort in the Multiplayer. They do, however, want to implement tools so that you can change this in custom games to allow multiple pieces of equipment to be used at once.

CONFIRMED: The game is not open world. It is inspired by missions like Silent Cartographer, as an example. Paraphrasing a bit here, but an example they gave was what if you could keep a Scorpion you had at the end of one mission and take it to the next? What if you could take that scorpion, and instead of driving it up to a gate, you took it up a hill and destroyed a wraith before it even knew you were there? The world has many paths to get to the objectives you need to reach. Like Silent Cartographer on steroids.

CONFIRMED: There will be multiple biomes. "Pacific Northwest" is the primary biome, but there will be sub-biomes, such as swampy wetlands, wartorn areas referred to as "the Deadlands" which feature environmental storytelling, hexagon caves, forerunner architecture to explore, Banished bases.

CONFIRMED: The hexagonal pillars are still an important environmental structure as an "underlying" structure of the damaged ring. They have continued to work on their rendering, such as their shaders and how they are grouped.

CONFIRMED: Nothing is stopping you from, for instance, grabbing a banshee is jumping to some objectives farther out in the story. You can do that. The story is structured with a general path, but there are multiple places you can go outside of the primary story beat that is present in the game, allowing you to stray from the path, rescue marines, fight Banished, explore structures, regardless of if that is what the game demands at this moment. The core story serves as an ever-present anchor that will often drop you off, so you can't jump ahead and experience primary story content, but side areas and invisible walls are not what limit you. He story is crafted to flow you through the areas in a natural way. So...

CONFIRMED: There is a linear thread still, and the story will progress in a linear fashion. Some areas will unlock and be visitable based on your progress in the story, or you may be able to find things because of what vehicles you now have access to, you can take Marines with you that you've rescued. You can't cut ahead in the story, but it's up to you how you tackle it.

CONFIRMED: There are many ways to find story elements on Zeta Halo beyond the "Golden Path." An example given was a crashed pelican that has skidded across the terrain.

CONFIRMED: There are audio logs in the game you can find that tell stories of battles on the ring, personal stories, etc. They compliment environmental storytelling in many areas as well. They were likened to a "cool radio drama."

CONFIRMED: The ring in the skybox is a full 3D model, not a painted skybox so that the ring can have a characteristic attribute to it. This also makes it much easier to see directly where the areas you are present on on the ring connect to the actual ring, as well as allowing it to cast more realistic shadows onto the world. There is even a point where the ring briefly will eclipse the sun and give a cool "midnight feel."

CONFIRMED: Cutscenes are affected by the day/night cycles, as they are still all done live in-engine. Thanks to the smooth transitions between gameplay and cutscenes, whatever time of day it is, whatever weapon you have in your hand, etc. is all present in the cutscenes, as well. Transitions between cutscene and gameplay will always be smooth, as well.

CONFIRMED: They have put a lot of effort into mixing relatable scenery (trees, etc.) with the major megastructures, rocks, etc. that will be found so that the sense of scale will not be lost on the player.

CONFIRMED: Banished maintain their "heavy metal, red war paint" aesthetic from Halo Wars 2 which we will see in their structures, etc. We will see they have structures with spikes that were dropped from orbit and dug into the environment, slammed onto the ground, crushing whatever was below, which contrasts against the environment.

CONFIRMED: Yes, you can knock things off of the edge of Zeta Halo. An example given was a while playing they even managed to, by luck, knock a Wraith off of the ledge of the ring and into the abyss. It is difficult, but it can be pulled off with luck and skill combined.

CONFIRMED: A lot of the concerns brought up by the community after the July reveal was on a list of things they wanted to address, and they are thankful for the extra time to do so.

CONFIRMED: There will both be outposts and bases you can encounter, as well as patrols and random encounters you can come across between locations.

CONFIRMED: There is a system in place to recognize what you have done/are doing. If you are on foot, encounters will spawn that are meant to be fun to do on foot, but if you come in a flying vehicle, there will also be things there that are designed to be fun to encounter while flying. This is not designed to punish you, simply to be a fun encounter based on how you're exploring.
EXAMPLE: In previous Halo games, the linear experience was designed around what vehicles they knew you may have. But here, encounters are designed to be fun in, say, a Wasp (he mentioned the Wasp specifically, so this seemingly confirms the Wasp will be in the game.) and so will spawn if you are in a Wasp.


Ex-peão louco

Mad Spy

CONFIRMED: In order to help make the ring feel alive, so in addition to day and night, they have weather systems. This includes a wind system. However, there are not rain storms or snow storms at launch, though they are "excited about the future."

IMPLIED: This also seemingly confirms future campaign content (which we'd assumed before.)

CONFIRMED: Day night does affect what enemies you'll run into. Grunts sleep more at night, phantoms have search lights and are around more, etc. Coils, shield enemies, etc. also appear more in darker areas and at nighttime.

CONFIRMED: There is no hostile wildlife in the game at the moment. There are apparently some cute "space gophers" though, so that's cool. There is wildlife that is bioluminescent that appears at night.

CONFIRMED: Dual-wielding is not in the game, and it is not currently in the cards. "We can do everything", but they want to focus on the weapons, grenades, melee, and their focus on equipment is why dual-wielding is not present.

CONFIRMED: There are no playable Elites (sadness) being supported because "this is a Master Chief and Spartan story." They did say "never say never" to that and that we may see them one day in the game.

CONFIRMED: Weapon upgrades were toyed around with as an idea for the campaign for customizing them and such, and they felt it was a rabbit hole, but the game veered too far away from what Halo is about, so they decided to take a "different avenue" in things you can progress. You are able to upgrade equipment items you unlock throughout the game, and there are "cool weapon variants" you can find and unlock in the game.

CONFIRMED: You can hold only one piece of equipment in Multiplayer, and it is currently a "use it and it is gone" sort in the Multiplayer. They do, however, want to implement tools so that you can change this in custom games to allow multiple pieces of equipment to be used at once.

CONFIRMED: The game is not open world. It is inspired by missions like Silent Cartographer, as an example. Paraphrasing a bit here, but an example they gave was what if you could keep a Scorpion you had at the end of one mission and take it to the next? What if you could take that scorpion, and instead of driving it up to a gate, you took it up a hill and destroyed a wraith before it even knew you were there? The world has many paths to get to the objectives you need to reach. Like Silent Cartographer on steroids.

CONFIRMED: There will be multiple biomes. "Pacific Northwest" is the primary biome, but there will be sub-biomes, such as swampy wetlands, wartorn areas referred to as "the Deadlands" which feature environmental storytelling, hexagon caves, forerunner architecture to explore, Banished bases.

CONFIRMED: The hexagonal pillars are still an important environmental structure as an "underlying" structure of the damaged ring. They have continued to work on their rendering, such as their shaders and how they are grouped.

CONFIRMED: Nothing is stopping you from, for instance, grabbing a banshee is jumping to some objectives farther out in the story. You can do that. The story is structured with a general path, but there are multiple places you can go outside of the primary story beat that is present in the game, allowing you to stray from the path, rescue marines, fight Banished, explore structures, regardless of if that is what the game demands at this moment. The core story serves as an ever-present anchor that will often drop you off, so you can't jump ahead and experience primary story content, but side areas and invisible walls are not what limit you. He story is crafted to flow you through the areas in a natural way. So...

CONFIRMED: There is a linear thread still, and the story will progress in a linear fashion. Some areas will unlock and be visitable based on your progress in the story, or you may be able to find things because of what vehicles you now have access to, you can take Marines with you that you've rescued. You can't cut ahead in the story, but it's up to you how you tackle it.

CONFIRMED: There are many ways to find story elements on Zeta Halo beyond the "Golden Path." An example given was a crashed pelican that has skidded across the terrain.

CONFIRMED: There are audio logs in the game you can find that tell stories of battles on the ring, personal stories, etc. They compliment environmental storytelling in many areas as well. They were likened to a "cool radio drama."

CONFIRMED: The ring in the skybox is a full 3D model, not a painted skybox so that the ring can have a characteristic attribute to it. This also makes it much easier to see directly where the areas you are present on on the ring connect to the actual ring, as well as allowing it to cast more realistic shadows onto the world. There is even a point where the ring briefly will eclipse the sun and give a cool "midnight feel."

CONFIRMED: Cutscenes are affected by the day/night cycles, as they are still all done live in-engine. Thanks to the smooth transitions between gameplay and cutscenes, whatever time of day it is, whatever weapon you have in your hand, etc. is all present in the cutscenes, as well. Transitions between cutscene and gameplay will always be smooth, as well.

CONFIRMED: They have put a lot of effort into mixing relatable scenery (trees, etc.) with the major megastructures, rocks, etc. that will be found so that the sense of scale will not be lost on the player.

CONFIRMED: Banished maintain their "heavy metal, red war paint" aesthetic from Halo Wars 2 which we will see in their structures, etc. We will see they have structures with spikes that were dropped from orbit and dug into the environment, slammed onto the ground, crushing whatever was below, which contrasts against the environment.

CONFIRMED: Yes, you can knock things off of the edge of Zeta Halo. An example given was a while playing they even managed to, by luck, knock a Wraith off of the ledge of the ring and into the abyss. It is difficult, but it can be pulled off with luck and skill combined.

CONFIRMED: A lot of the concerns brought up by the community after the July reveal was on a list of things they wanted to address, and they are thankful for the extra time to do so.

CONFIRMED: There will both be outposts and bases you can encounter, as well as patrols and random encounters you can come across between locations.

CONFIRMED: There is a system in place to recognize what you have done/are doing. If you are on foot, encounters will spawn that are meant to be fun to do on foot, but if you come in a flying vehicle, there will also be things there that are designed to be fun to encounter while flying. This is not designed to punish you, simply to be a fun encounter based on how you're exploring.
EXAMPLE: In previous Halo games, the linear experience was designed around what vehicles they knew you may have. But here, encounters are designed to be fun in, say, a Wasp (he mentioned the Wasp specifically, so this seemingly confirms the Wasp will be in the game.) and so will spawn if you are in a Wasp.

Nada de split screen?


Muito legal essa comunicação aberta, que mais jogos grandes adotem isso. Porém sei que isso só está acontecendo por conta da imagem negativa inicial do jogo.
Topo Fundo