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Star Wars Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (TÓPICO OFICIAL)

Rafa - Él

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Pq vcs ainda ficam dando ibope pra esse lixo vomitado por esses panacas da imprensa caras?...


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Acho que esse é o episódio mais lisérgico já feito para Damage Control. O roteirista estava para lá de chapado com o ópio progressista, podem ter certeza.

S05E11 - Malditos fãs tóxicos de Star Wars: eles destruíram Wokebusters, exatamente como Trump faria!

'Star Wars,' Not Sexism, Is To Blame For The New 'Ghostbusters' Sequel


I shudder to think of the notion that we're going to have to spend the next year essentially rehashing the great cultural Ghostbusters war. Of course, if we could have a different outcome in 2020 then we did in 2016, specifically by electing whomever the Democrats run for president this time out, that would be swell, but I digress. I totally understand why Leslie Jones is as upset as she is about Sony's new plans for Jason Reitman-directed Ghostbusters movie. However the movie turns out, it's hard not to view the film as a glorified rebuttal of the 2016 reboot and a relative victory for the very worst Ghostbusters fans that turned the Paul Feig-directed "all lady" reboot into a giant online talking point. That's especially true as, being a black woman daring to exist online, Jones arguably got the worst of it.

But if this movie is able to have its cake (please the fans) and eat it too (offer something that isn't four middle-aged dudes making jokes and busting ghosts), then it may actually be a net positive for the Kristen Wiig/Melissa McCarthy/Leslie Jones/Kate McKinnon sci-fi comedy. I wrote last month about how Aquaman's blow-out success allowed Zack Snyder's divisive Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice to no longer bear the burden of justifying an entire cinematic universe and could now be judged, warts and all, as a stand-alone superhero opera that it otherwise would have been. To the extent that both movies came to define the cinematic online culture war in 2016, it is ironic that both films faltered (relatively speaking) because the studios released an inferior cut in theaters and kept the vastly superior version for the Blu-Ray.

Like Batman v Superman (which earned $873 million worldwide), Ghostbusters was tagged as a franchise-imperiling flop despite selling quite a few tickets. Ghostbusters was the biggest-grossing live-action comedy of 2016, give or take the more superhero-y Deadpool, earning $126 million domestic and $229m worldwide. That was more than (offhand) Bad Moms, Central Intelligence and Neighbors 2. The problem is that, partially due to prior development costs, IP expenses and whatever did or didn't happen on set, the film cost an absurd $144m to produce. It looks great, but Sony was banking on an overseas interest in the Ghostbusters brand that wasn't there. Had its $126m domestic gross led to a standard 35/65 domestic/overseas split, then it would have earned $360m and we'd probably have gotten a sequel. But it lost $70m for Sony and friends, making a sequel absolutely out-of-the-question.

After Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Creed and Jurassic World, going the "legacy sequel" route with Ghostbusters was the obvious play. It's not a matter of rebuking the last Ghostbusters movie, but rather because that film was a by-itself-reboot (which, Sony's relative success with Casino Royale and Amazing Spider-Man aside, may have been its biggest mistake), it cannot exist in the same universe as Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II. Sure, they could retcon the last film's continuity, but making a new Ghostbusters 3 isn't about the last Ghostbusters flopping (or the cultural sexism in play). It's about the The Force Awakens showing Hollywood that the legacy sequel was a much smarter play than the straight-up reboot. Absent the toxic fanbase (as opposed to the folks who just didn't like the movie), a failed reboot of Ghostbusters is little different than Sony's failed reboot/remake of Robocop and Total Recall.

But, again, that Sony is making a new Ghostbusters sequel, one that will apparently feature four young kids (two boys and two girls) who get into an adventure that may or may not involve the original cast members (I assume Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson are showing up for sure), isn't about erasing the last movie from existence. Fun fact: A reboot can't do that any more than a bad movie adaptation can erase a good book or a fictionalized movie can retroactively change the real history (or limit moviegoers' access to learning about the true story behind the "true story"). Even after Spider-Man: Homecoming, there are folks who still watch and enjoy The Amazing Spider-Man and The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Even though Edward Norton was replaced by Mark Ruffalo, fans and moviegoers still watch and enjoy The Incredible Hulk.

Chris Nolan's Batman Begins didn't erase Tim Burton and Joel Schumacher's respective Batman movies. If anything, the "redemption" of the character through Chris Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy has allowed folks to better enjoy Schumacher's campier installments (especially Batman Forever) on their own merits. People still watch Goldfinger even after Casino Royale retconned the previous 44-years of James Bond movies. Fans can still access and watch both Star Trek III: The Search For Spock and Star Trek Beyond. No matter how much money Halloween earned last year ($159 million domestic and $253m worldwide), fans and audiences will still watch and enjoy not just the previous Halloween sequels but also the two Rob Zombie remake flicks (especially his growing-in-esteem Halloween II). Ghostbusters 3 will not make Ghostbusters 2016 disappear any more than Ghostbusters 2016 Thanos-snapped your Blu-ray of Ghostbusters 1984 into oblivion.

Ghostbusters 3 (spoiler: Oscar is evil and he kills Peter Venkman) isn't about erasing the last reboot or retroactively validating the most toxic of toxic "Ghostbros." I would have liked to have seen a sequel to the reboot. But movies that lose $70 million (while not being very leggy) don't tend to get sequels. Absent its responsibility of maintaining the IP or living up to the hype (or justifying the online hate), Paul Feig and Katie Dippold's Ghostbusters can exist as its own movie and its own thing both for folks who didn't like it and folks who loved the hell out of it. Like Batman v Superman, the 2016 Ghostbusters can now be enjoyed (or disliked) via its stand-alone merits as a movie, rather than being judged on how it helped or hurt the brand or helped/hurt a would-be cinematic universe.

In that sense, this new sequel isn't a sword being wielded against the controversial female-ensemble sci-fi comedy, but a shield that will allow it to just be a funny sci-fi comedy that happens to be about new Ghostbusters.

Tenho que admitir, o gerador de lero-lero rodou alto nesse aí, entendi a proposta do que ele queria dizer? Até entendi. Mas foi tão confuso que parece que foi nas dorgas mesmo.

De qualquer forma, que bom que está surgindo a mentalidade que destruir legados para agradar roteiristas e diretores lacradores pode até render uns milhões, mas quanto mais lacre, menos lucro.

Pq vcs ainda ficam dando ibope pra esse lixo vomitado por esses panacas da imprensa caras?...
Meio que é natural você ver uma besteira cujo propósito é ou te ofender ou defender alguém que te ofendeu e se ultrajar.

Também tem aquele lance, que envolve até noção política, de que se vc se calar quando outra pessoa fala uma besteira que pode te afetar, ela vai ganhar a discussão por ausência e a visão dela vai ganhar e te afetar.

Tipo, estou de férias e no wi-fi de casa, então finalmente estou vendo vários vídeos de YouTube. E acabou caindo um vídeo "15 Tropes dos jogos que devem acabar" e dei de assistir.

O cara e a guria explicam que é machismo isso, que é ofensivo aquilo, que é soyboyfóbico aquilo outro... Tipo, 90% dos jogos tem algumas das características que eles falam que tem que acabar. E, ok, tem coisa que exagerada é foda, mas se forem criar um jogo sem nada daquilo, é um jogo que ninguém compra.

Tanto que você não vê um jogo de 1 bilhão de lucro como eles querem.

Aí, o que a indústria faz se vc não refuta?

Enfia mais mulheres num jogo realista passado na segunda guerra mundial, pra ficar 50/50 com os homens. Outro enfia personagens com skin negra do lado dos alemães. Outro começa a mudar uniformes classificos de personagens pra não ficar sexualizado. Outro muda sei lá o que...

E, de repente, tão acabando com as coisas que vc gosta pra agradar pessoas que não consomem o produto, só querem controlar como os outros jogam.

Já contei a história aqui antes, mas...

Uns dois anos atrás fui na casa de meu melhor amigo jogar RPG. Como o resto do pessoal em peso atrasou, falei pra gente jogar videogame enquanto isso (o filho dele, meu afilhado, estava no quarto jogando) e ele topou, peguei o Ledt4Dead que a gente jogava 500 anos atrás, quando éramos adolescentes nas Lan houses, e começamos a jogar.

O garoto, do nada, saiu do quarto e foi na sala, tirou o jogo do console dizendo "Esse jogo é muito ruim, vocês tem que jogar é essez Battlefield 3" enquanto já colocava o jogo.

O jogo carregou, ele deu as costas e foi pro quarto, todo feliz por ter feito a boa ação de impedir a gente de jogar um jogo ruim.

Sabe o que fizemos? Colocamos os controles na mesa, desligamos o videogame e fomos fazer outra coisa.

Desde então eu sempre penso no meu afilhado (sim, o FDP é meu afilhado) como o perfeito exemplo do SJW/Mimimista, ele não quer jogar/ouvir/consumir algo, ele quer controlar o que as outras pessoas jogam, ouvem e consomem.

O filme As Caça-Fantasmas mesmo foi o caso mais clássico de como a lacração destrói o produto. Quando falaram de um reboot do filme, os fãs antigos reclamaram.

Mas antes que você compre a desculpa "Ah, machistas, reclamaram porque não querem um filme protagonizado por mulheres" me responda, qual reboot não teve reclamação?

Pedidos no Espaço (filme), Robocop, Planeta dos Macacos, O Vingador do Futuro... Todos eles tiveram legiões de pessoas criticando por várias razões. Alguns desses filmes depois se revelaram boas escolhas (taí planeta dos macacos) e outros, bom, taí caça-fantasmas.

Toda vez que alguém diz "Ei, vou mudar algo que você gosta" vai ter gente com medo de piorarem e que vai reclamar.

Isso é natural do ser humano.

Pois bem, as caça fantasmas virou campo de batalha porque, quando surgiram as óbvias reclamações, feministas, g0yistas, soyboyistas, feministos e progressistos pegaram de defender o filme porque era um filme que empoderava as mulheres e merecia ser defendido contra os machistas, pouco importando se não eram reclamações por machismo. Se vc reclamasse do filme era machista.

Pior, a equipe do filme equivocadamente pensou que toda essa defesa era o público falando e passou a usar a discussão para soltar recados, defender os defensores e manter o filme na boca do povo. Só que quando você chama alguém que tem reclamações (fundadas ou infundadas) que não tem a ver com machismo, essa pessoa não vai ir no cinema assistir esse filme né? E a dobradinha equipe/defensores chamou todo mundo que não tava do lado deles (ou seja até o público que não tava nem aí) de machistas racistas e blá blá blá.


O filme era ruim (como temiam) e foi um grande fracasso - como esse cara tentou minimizar - mas mais importante, os milhões e milhões de soyboyistas e feministas que defendiam o filme? Nem eles foram ver porque mimimistas querem ver filme de arte iraniano, não comédia pastelão. Eles "defenderam" o filme atacando todo o público e não foram ver.

Exatamente como meu afilhado fez com o jogo.

A questão é que você acha que eu ter me falado e deixado o moleque tirar o jogo que eu e o pai dele queríamos e colocado o jogo que ele queria que a gente jogasse foi bom pra gente? Foi bom "pro jogo" ou bom até mesmo pro guri? Não.

Se o pai dele ou eu tivessemos dito não a gente teria se divertido jogando ao invés de fazer outra coisa. Mas imagina se ele tivesse ido ver a gente na cozinha conversando e começasse a reclamar que a gente tinha que ir jogar?

Da mesma forma que reclamar de algo que temos medo de estragar é natural, você começar a achar que sabe o que é melhor pras pessoas e começar a mandar nelas é natural tbm.

E é o que está acontecendo. A imprensa (que tá igual meu afilhado) tá se metendo a querer mandar as pessoas gostarem do que ela quer que elas gostem, porque por muito tempo ninguém reclamou.

Agora chegou num limite que a gente percebeu que se não reclamar, mostrar os erros e sandices dessa turma, eles vão estragar nossa diversão.
Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!
Acho que os roteiristas de Damage Control surtaram forte nessa última semana...

S05E12 - Star Wars deveria seguir o exemplo de Star Trek: Diversity, because WHAMEN!

Perhaps Star Wars can take some cues from Star Trek’s new TV series
Star Wars and Star Trek both have two new TV series on air or on the way — maybe LucasFilm can take a few lessons from the other space show

With streaming services the wave of the future, companies are creating as much original content as they can. Disney is no different with its service coming later this year as it has announced two new Star Wars live-action series.

The announcements have fans excited with The Mandalorian, which seems to be shaping up with a solid cast and led by Jon Favreau, and the Cassian Andor series, bringing Diego Luna back to reprise his role from Rogue One.

These two series have one glaring thing in common – they are male-led TV series, but I would love to see a female-led Star Wars show sometime soon.

That’s something Star Trek is moving forward with. Star Trek: Discovery has Sonequa Martin-Green front and center. And it recently announced a Michelle Yeoh-led series, a dynamic character who got too little screen time in Star Trek: Discovery.

I know there are going to be people screaming about SJWs ruining Star Wars and we don’t diversity or some nonsense shoved down their throat.

Here’s what I say to that: it’s not being forced, it’s our reality.

I love this franchise because I fell in love with Princess Leia. Here was this amazing, strong-willed, awesome character that fought side-by-side in the rebellion with her male counterparts. As a kid, she was the one I looked up to and wanted nothing more than to be that kind of princess. She was no damsel in distress, but also did her fair share of saving.

Star Wars keeps banging the same drum over and over. It’s time to look outside its safe walls and start considering ways to expand their universe by expanding the characters that appeal to different audiences.

Interestingly enough, while Leia is an amazing character, there are few other women from the original trilogy that stand out. There’s Mon Mothma and … Mon Mothma.

It’s no wonder that fans have gravitated to many of the animated female characters like Ahsoka, Sabine or Hera. The movies do a nice job of bringing women to the forefront, but there are still steps Star Wars needs to take to catch up to Star Trek on the TV show front.



Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Acho que os roteiristas de Damage Control surtaram forte nessa última semana...

S05E12 - Star Wars deveria seguir o exemplo de Star Trek: Diversity, because WHAMEN!

Perhaps Star Wars can take some cues from Star Trek’s new TV series
Star Wars and Star Trek both have two new TV series on air or on the way — maybe LucasFilm can take a few lessons from the other space show

With streaming services the wave of the future, companies are creating as much original content as they can. Disney is no different with its service coming later this year as it has announced two new Star Wars live-action series.

The announcements have fans excited with The Mandalorian, which seems to be shaping up with a solid cast and led by Jon Favreau, and the Cassian Andor series, bringing Diego Luna back to reprise his role from Rogue One.

These two series have one glaring thing in common – they are male-led TV series, but I would love to see a female-led Star Wars show sometime soon.

That’s something Star Trek is moving forward with. Star Trek: Discovery has Sonequa Martin-Green front and center. And it recently announced a Michelle Yeoh-led series, a dynamic character who got too little screen time in Star Trek: Discovery.

I know there are going to be people screaming about SJWs ruining Star Wars and we don’t diversity or some nonsense shoved down their throat.

Here’s what I say to that: it’s not being forced, it’s our reality.

I love this franchise because I fell in love with Princess Leia. Here was this amazing, strong-willed, awesome character that fought side-by-side in the rebellion with her male counterparts. As a kid, she was the one I looked up to and wanted nothing more than to be that kind of princess. She was no damsel in distress, but also did her fair share of saving.

Star Wars keeps banging the same drum over and over. It’s time to look outside its safe walls and start considering ways to expand their universe by expanding the characters that appeal to different audiences.

Interestingly enough, while Leia is an amazing character, there are few other women from the original trilogy that stand out. There’s Mon Mothma and … Mon Mothma.

It’s no wonder that fans have gravitated to many of the animated female characters like Ahsoka, Sabine or Hera. The movies do a nice job of bringing women to the forefront, but there are still steps Star Wars needs to take to catch up to Star Trek on the TV show front.

Após dizer que tinha Leia como heroína que não era dama em apuros pra ser salva, ela.diz que Disney tem que mudar e ser mais.diversa?

Ok, tá dando extremamente bem na série de cinema essa diversidade SJW toda. Vamos levar pra TV que vai dar certo, muito certo tbm.

Só serve pra eu sempre torcer cada vez mais pro próximo filme afundar.

Bem explicado, adoro diversidade. Eu mesmo sou negro e adoro Lando e achei uma ótima adição ao time. Leia então, uma princesa que não espera o príncipe a salvar. Ou seja, adoro a diversidade antiga, os personagens são bons ou ruins, independente do gênero ou raça.

Já essa que quer enfiar que mulheres são melhores, brancos são piores, capitãs provavelmente gays não podem ser contestadas é de doer.

SuRf Boy

Lembro do período pré ameaça fantasma, começo da internet no Brasil, alguns grupos já discutindo sobre o maravilhoso universo criado em Star Wars, todas as possibilidades e cá estamos, vinte anos depois... Esse monte de gente doente acabou com uma das maiores criações do entretenimento que a humanidade foi capaz de produzir...

Não sinto mais qualquer interesse pela franquia, é muito triste tudo isso.

Nada está a salvo.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Lembro do período pré ameaça fantasma, começo da internet no Brasil, alguns grupos já discutindo sobre o maravilhoso universo criado em Star Wars, todas as possibilidades e cá estamos, vinte anos depois... Esse monte de gente doente acabou com uma das maiores criações do entretenimento que a humanidade foi capaz de produzir...

Não sinto mais qualquer interesse pela franquia, é muito triste tudo isso.

Nada está a salvo.
Acho que está demorando, mas como mostrou o tio Blood acima, sobre os caça fantasmas, já tem gente percebendo que não tá dando lucro esse lance de lacrar.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Novo episódio de Damage Control, com participação especial do incomparável Ruin Johson.

S05E13 - Nunca fui hostil com nenhum fã de Star Wars! ........... ♪♫ Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies! ♫♪


Deleted member 219486

Novo episódio de Damage Control, com participação especial do incomparável Ruin Johson.

S05E13 - Nunca fui hostil com nenhum fã de Star Wars! ........... ♪♫ Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies! ♫♪

Me lembrou aquela tirinha que o personagem anda de bicicleta e coloca um pedaço de madeira na roda para cair e depois acusar os outros.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Na cabeça dele, nunca atacou mesmo.
Qualquer fã que reclamou de A, B ou C (pouco importando o tom da reclamação) era um hater, machista, homofóbico, incel e fascista, logo, não era fã e, logo, ele nunca atacou nenhum fã.

Faz total sentido dentro da lógica Disney.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Até os jogos novos andaram cancelando.
Star Wars, na maior fossa desde que o camundongo comprou a franquia.

Bat Esponja

Lenda da internet
Novo episódio de Damage Control, com participação especial do incomparável Ruin Johson.

S05E13 - Nunca fui hostil com nenhum fã de Star Wars! ........... ♪♫ Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies! ♫♪

Putz ele vai deixar essa barba ridicula dele ficar pior que a do Luke?


Mil pontos, LOL!
Até os jogos novos andaram cancelando.
Star Wars, na maior fossa desde que o camundongo comprou a franquia.
Conheço vendedores que trabalham com revenda de action figures da Hot Toys. Quando um filme famoso surge a empresa tem licença da Disney para produzir peças incríveis na escala 1/6 (que inclusive é meu foco principal hoje no quesito colecionáveis = Last Jedi estou fora!).

Pois bem, alguns destes vendedores compraram uns bons lotes de figuras do episódio 8 e estão tomando um prejuízo monstro! A cada dia vejo eles criando promoções com valor abaixo do que pagaram por figura e ninguém quer! Alguns partiram pra rifas de 10 conto, não completam as cartelas e tomam prejuízo. Dão graças a Deus quando desovam qualquer encalhe do ep. 8.

2 anos atrás, alguém iria imaginar que produtos Star Wars se tornariam buchas encalhadas em prateleiras?

Nestas alturas do campeonato, se o diretor do ep. 7 não virar o jogo monstruosamente de forma positiva em seu vindouro ep.9, corre risco de acabar com sua reputação. O ep.7 tem seus méritos que estão sendo corroídos por esta desgrama de Last Jedi, só falta o 9 pra ou salvar (ta difícil acreditar num milagre) ou enterrar esta trilogia de vez e pior, ridicularizar o resto da saga para futuras gerações onde vão encarar SW como um "conto bobo" que só quem viveu no século passado gostava!

SuRf Boy

Eu acho que no mínimo deveriam pegar esses dois novos episódios e acabar com eles, fazer igual a Xuxa com aquele filme dela com o menino.

Manter esses episódios vai ser como sustentar um câncer dentro do universo.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Conheço vendedores que trabalham com revenda de action figures da Hot Toys. Quando um filme famoso surge a empresa tem licença da Disney para produzir peças incríveis na escala 1/6 (que inclusive é meu foco principal hoje no quesito colecionáveis = Last Jedi estou fora!).

Pois bem, alguns destes vendedores compraram uns bons lotes de figuras do episódio 8 e estão tomando um prejuízo monstro! A cada dia vejo eles criando promoções com valor abaixo do que pagaram por figura e ninguém quer! Alguns partiram pra rifas de 10 conto, não completam as cartelas e tomam prejuízo. Dão graças a Deus quando desovam qualquer encalhe do ep. 8.

2 anos atrás, alguém iria imaginar que produtos Star Wars se tornariam buchas encalhadas em prateleiras?

Nestas alturas do campeonato, se o diretor do ep. 7 não virar o jogo monstruosamente de forma positiva em seu vindouro ep.9, corre risco de acabar com sua reputação. O ep.7 tem seus méritos que estão sendo corroídos por esta desgrama de Last Jedi, só falta o 9 pra ou salvar (ta difícil acreditar num milagre) ou enterrar esta trilogia de vez e pior, ridicularizar o resto da saga para futuras gerações onde vão encarar SW como um "conto bobo" que só quem viveu no século passado gostava!
Bom, eu fui em Sampa esse ano, comprei umas figuras de Half Life, Gears of Wars, etc... Tinha umas de Star Wars e até percebi que o preço tava muito bom, mas me recusei a comprar. Tipo, sou um dos que ficou puto e decidi não gastar meu dinheiro financiando a empresa que me chama de racista, machista, fascista, por não ter gostado do filme que lançaram.

Imagino que muita gente pense igual, poderia até comprar, mas...

Se bem que, vamos ser honestos, The Last Jedi teve Porta e aqueles guerreiros da guarda de elite do Snoke e, pior ainda, aquelas naves ferro-velho do planeta de sal... É tipo, não lançaram nada novo que pudesse gerar interesse. Ah, sim, tem os bombardeiros que todo mundo odiou, de tão inúteis.

Pra action figure não salvou nada.

O DJ foi ao um traidor idiota, todo o resto são os personagens do primeiro filme, tratados de um jeito que não gera interesse.

De Lukez nem falo.

Já sobre o Episódio Nove, vou boicotar nos cinemas. É tipo, mostrar com o meu ingresso que não gostei da forma como a Disney tá tratando a franquia e os fãs.

Então, até torço pro filme fracassar, acho que só um prejuízo grande pra Disney mudar, se o filme for um sucesso, a empresa vai continuar na mesma linha.

Ainda assim, até tento teorizar como o filme pode agradar os fãs, meio que como capítulo final de uma trilogia ele não tem como entregar nada de bom.

Vai repetir O Retorno dos Jedi e redimir Kylo Ren? Rey vai perdoar e terminar a série com ele? O cara que matou inocentes e até o próprio pai (que a tratou como um pai)?

Não sobrou gancho pra atrair as pessoas. Até porque, quem curte o pano de fundo (o que aconteceu com a República? Como a Primeira Ordem passou de "Os Rebeldes do Mal" para O Império em poucas semanas? Como está o resto da galáxia?

Já quem curtiu os mistérios levantados pelO Despertar da Força, quem era Snoke, quem eram os pais de Rey, por que o sabre de luz de Luke tinha relação com Rey? Como uma catadora de lixo era tão inteligente, habilidosa, poderosa e autodidata? Etc... Tudo foi jogado no lixo.

De repente JJ ignora totalmente o filme, o que não dá pra fazer, ou cria remendos "Os pais de Rey são importantes, alguém vai falar quem era Snoke (ou pior, ele não estar morto) ou que tem um motivo pra ela Mary Sue? Finn era meu personagem favorito (sei que muita gente odeia ele) mas foi tão destruído que não ligo mais pra ele.

Enfim, não consigo imaginar um roteiro que possa agradar todo mundo.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Eu acho que no mínimo deveriam pegar esses dois novos episódios e acabar com eles, fazer igual a Xuxa com aquele filme dela com o menino.

Manter esses episódios vai ser como sustentar um câncer dentro do universo.
Infelizmente a mulher que tá no controle da franquia não pode fazer isso. Ela errou, errou feio, errou rude em tudo que fez depois que assumiu a presidência da Lucasfilm.

Mandou embora gente que trabalhava há décadas na empresa e sabia tudo de Star Wars, enfiou um monte de estagiário (sério, não é piada) com zero ou quase zero em experiência (mas todos versados em igualdade de gênero, luta antifascista, safe spaces e cia) e cancelou o antigo universo expandido, substituindo ele por uma meia dúzia de livros fraquíssimos, de autores mais interessados em lacrar que em gerar boas histórias, depois fez um primeiro filme que não foi tão ruim, mas tbm não foi tão bom e teve algumas críticas. Só que, ao invés de ela ouvir as críticas e mudar pra agradar os fãs, passou a atacar os fãs que reclamaram e então teve a ideia de dar carta verde a um diretor que decidiu mostrar pros fãs quem manda, o filme foi um fracasso de avaliação dos fãs. Aí, ela defendendo o filme passou a atacar ainda mais os fãs, que decidiram boicotar a serie.

Ou seja, ela fez tudo de errado que poderia, mas se ela mudar agora vai passar um atestado de incompetência do caramba.

Resta a ela continuar no mesmo caminho e torcer pro filme fazer sucesso.

E resta a nós torcemos pra dar bem errado e tirarem essa maluca da franquia.

Drath Bruno

Eu aposto que eles vão entupir o Ep IX de fan service pra tentar agradar a galera. Não duvido nada que o filme seja um sucesso de bilheteria por causa disso.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Eu aposto que eles vão entupir o Ep IX de fan service pra tentar agradar a galera. Não duvido nada que o filme seja um sucesso de bilheteria por causa disso.
Mas aí que tá, dependendo do que fizerem, vai ficar tão artificial que não vai agradar os lacradores (que amaram TLJ), não vai agradar os fãs (veja que fizeram isso em Solo, mas já mostraram que não sabem fazer e isso mais desagradou que agradou) e o público casual nem vai perceber.

O lance é que não adianta enfiar fanservice se o roteiro não agradar. E não sei se eles vão ter essa característica. JJ Abrams é rei de criar perguntas, mistérios que seduzem (pô, o cara criou Lost) e ele encheu ODdF dessas questões, que deveriam ter seguimento ou serem respondidas e substituídas por outras no OUJ e não foram. Pior, as perguntas foram destruídas e nenhuma ficou no lugar.

JJ nunca conseguiu dar um fim adequado a Lost, inclusive o final da série foi exatamente o que ele disse que não seria.
O episódio nove não é um filme do começo ou do meio que ele pode enfiar questões e mais questões, é a finalização da trilogia.
Será que ele tem cacife pra isso?


Mil pontos, LOL!
Mas aí que tá, dependendo do que fizerem, vai ficar tão artificial que não vai agradar os lacradores (que amaram TLJ), não vai agradar os fãs (veja que fizeram isso em Solo, mas já mostraram que não sabem fazer e isso mais desagradou que agradou) e o público casual nem vai perceber.

O lance é que não adianta enfiar fanservice se o roteiro não agradar. E não sei se eles vão ter essa característica. JJ Abrams é rei de criar perguntas, mistérios que seduzem (pô, o cara criou Lost) e ele encheu ODdF dessas questões, que deveriam ter seguimento ou serem respondidas e substituídas por outras no OUJ e não foram. Pior, as perguntas foram destruídas e nenhuma ficou no lugar.

JJ nunca conseguiu dar um fim adequado a Lost, inclusive o final da série foi exatamente o que ele disse que não seria.
O episódio nove não é um filme do começo ou do meio que ele pode enfiar questões e mais questões, é a finalização da trilogia.
Será que ele tem cacife pra isso?

Talvez com umas 9 horas de filme...


Mil pontos, LOL!
Eu aposto que eles vão entupir o Ep IX de fan service pra tentar agradar a galera. Não duvido nada que o filme seja um sucesso de bilheteria por causa disso.

Fan service vai ter que ser "kit básico" neste filme uma vez que desgramaram com a fan base no ep.8 nas lacrações e destruição dos clássicos. Além do fan service o diretor TEM QUE criar uma boa história com explicações as pontas soltas das cagadas, e dar um bom andamento/desfecho para os personagens novos (que estão bem fraquinhos no carisma) senão é caixão!

Ou seja, o trabalho não vai ser nada fácil, e a situação está muito ruim pra reputação da franquia nesta nova trilogia.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Fan service vai ter que ser "kit básico" neste filme uma vez que desgramaram com a fan base no ep.8 nas lacrações e destruição dos clássicos. Além do fan service o diretor TEM QUE criar uma boa história com explicações as pontas soltas das cagadas, e dar um bom andamento/desfecho para os personagens novos (que estão bem fraquinhos no carisma) senão é caixão!

Ou seja, o trabalho não vai ser nada fácil, e a situação está muito ruim pra reputação da franquia nesta nova trilogia.
Mas é o que eu disse, Solo mostrou que eles não conseguem usar direito o fanservice.

Vi Solo dia desses - baixado pirata - e o filme é exatamente o que eu supus lááá atrás que seria, um filme de ficção "legalzin" daqueles que rendem seus 300 milhões mas que, por ser Star Wars, se esperava que rendesse um bilhão.

As fanservices que me enfiaram no filme quase todas eram vergonha alheia, no melhor estilo, era melhor não colocar, que quem não conhece não pega e quem conhece não gosta.

A Disney já mostrou que não entende as críticas, porque não quer enxergar. Se não enxergam as críticas ao fanservice de Solo, será que vao fazer direto?

Sei não, hein.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Eu já estava OK com a versão do Abrams.

Eu sinceramente me esforcei para perdoa-lo. Fui ao cinema ver o The Force Awakening, meus colegas na época diziam ser um grande "star wars". Fui ver, saí de lá com a impressão de ver algo com bons efeitos especiais, mas zero de estória, zero coerência, zero de Star Wars. OK, mas eu me esforcei muito para perdoar o Abrams pelas suas inserções no universo de Star Wars. Mas ainda assim fiquei zangado. Fui ver reviews dos americanos, nao estava sozinho, os die hard core fãs de Star Wars viram o mesmo que eu, um filme que nada parecia com o que já conhecíamos de Star Wars.

Apesar de tudo, pensei, quem sabe com o Hamil conseguirão fazer algo mais coerente, quem sabe no Episódio VIII, quem sabe...

Eu estava errado! Mas desta vez, meu ceticismo me impediu gastar dinheiro no cinema, nao que seja algo caro, nao que eu nao goste de ir ao cinema. Eu gosto mas nao quis sentir que estava dando dinheiro para um estelionato cinematográfico. Então peguei um HDD emprestado de um colega pirateiro, assisti ao "The last Jedi" e mais uma vez fiquei zangado e muito... Mas o que esperar? É o que dá dinheiro hoje em dia, botar o logo de Star Wars, vender bonecos, botar uma estória sem pé nem cabeça, dar umas lacradas, enviar mensagens anti capitalistas desnecessariamente, enfim, enfiar até mesmo atores patéticos como a mina la que salvou o Finn da morte, o motivo para tal nao sei mas salvou....

Mataram o Snoke, pra que??? afinal qual a necessidade?


Mataram o Ackbar como se nada fosse. Ele era um hero de guerra condecorado! Os fãs gostavam muito dele e parece que mataram um random qualquer...

Pra que diabos Almirante Haldo tinha de dar broncas no Poe sendo que ele era um dos mais populares do ultimo filme? E porque ela nao confiou a ele o plano? Apenas pra reforçar seu papel de "fêmea dominante"!??

Ainda sobre essa personagem sem a menor importância, como diabos ela destruiu a frota do Snoke e a nava do mesmo com aquela m**** de aceleração a velocidade da luz??? Nao entendem que isso abre margem para questões como "porque diabos nao usaram isto na estrela da morte?"""


Literalmente quebrou o universo Star Wars inteiro com essa m**** poderiam ter usado drones com naves que fossem a velocidade da luz para destruir a frota do Império antes!


Porque caralhos o Luke Skywalker tinha de fazer a tal projeção holográfica? Se fosse para distração haveria outros métodos menos perigosos e porque diabos queimar toda a biblioteca dos Jedi???

Luke ordenhando leões marinhos pra fazer comedia de péssimo gosto

Criticas ao capitalismo na cena do Casino e supostamente havia pessoas a vender armas para os "bad guys e os good guys" WTF???




pelo menos nós tínhamos uma teoria e voce o matou sem sabermos quem c***lho ele era porra!!!!!!

f**a-se, só queria que alguém me fale quem é Snoke e qual sua estória por detrás do personagem!
Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!
Eu já estava OK com a versão do Abrams.

Eu sinceramente me esforcei para perdoa-lo. Fui ao cinema ver o The Force Awakening, meus colegas na época diziam ser um grande "star wars". Fui ver, saí de lá com a impressão de ver algo com bons efeitos especiais, mas zero de estória, zero coerência, zero de Star Wars. OK, mas eu me esforcei muito para perdoar o Abrams pelas suas inserções no universo de Star Wars. Mas ainda assim fiquei zangado. Fui ver reviews dos americanos, nao estava sozinho, os die hard core fãs de Star Wars viram o mesmo que eu, um filme que nada parecia com o que já conhecíamos de Star Wars.

Apesar de tudo, pensei, quem sabe com o Hamil conseguirão fazer algo mais coerente, quem sabe no Episódio VIII, quem sabe...

Eu estava errado! Mas desta vez, meu ceticismo me impediu gastar dinheiro no cinema, nao que seja algo caro, nao que eu nao goste de ir ao cinema. Eu gosto mas nao quis sentir que estava dando dinheiro para um estelionato cinematográfico. Então peguei um HDD emprestado de um colega pirateiro, assisti ao "The last Jedi" e mais uma vez fiquei zangado e muito... Mas o que esperar? É o que dá dinheiro hoje em dia, botar o logo de Star Wars, vender bonecos, botar uma estória sem pé nem cabeça, dar umas lacradas, enviar mensagens anti capitalistas desnecessariamente, enfim, enfiar até mesmo atores patéticos como a mina la que salvou o Finn da morte, o motivo para tal nao sei mas salvou....

Visualizar anexo 62894
Mataram o Snoke, pra que??? afinal qual a necessidade?


Mataram o Ackbar como se nada fosse. Ele era um hero de guerra condecorado! Os fãs gostavam muito dele e parece que mataram um random qualquer...

Pra que diabos Almirante Haldo tinha de dar broncas no Poe sendo que ele era um dos mais populares do ultimo filme? E porque ela nao confiou a ele o plano? Apenas pra reforçar seu papel de "fêmea dominante"!??

Ainda sobre essa personagem sem a menor importância, como diabos ela destruiu a frota do Snoke e a nava do mesmo com aquela m**** de aceleração a velocidade da luz??? Nao entendem que isso abre margem para questões como "porque diabos nao usaram isto na estrela da morte?"""


Literalmente quebrou o universo Star Wars inteiro com essa m**** poderiam ter usado drones com naves que fossem a velocidade da luz para destruir a frota do Império antes!


Porque caralhos o Luke Skywalker tinha de fazer a tal projeção holográfica? Se fosse para distração haveria outros métodos menos perigosos e porque diabos queimar toda a biblioteca dos Jedi???

Luke ordenhando leões marinhos pra fazer comedia de péssimo gosto

Criticas ao capitalismo na cena do Casino e supostamente havia pessoas a vender armas para os "bad guys e os good guys" WTF???




pelo menos nós tínhamos uma teoria e voce o matou sem sabermos quem c***lho ele era porra!!!!!!

f**a-se, só queria que alguém me fale quem é Snoke e qual sua estória por detrás do personagem!

Não duvido o JJ mostrar mais sobre o Snoke no ep 9 já que ele que criou perguntas sobre o Snoke no ep 7, mas eu quero que se foda, não tenho interesse, a história está muito sem sal, fora que o Snoke age feito um imbecil durante o ep 8 todo, já estragaram o personagem.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Fan service vai ter que ser "kit básico" neste filme uma vez que desgramaram com a fan base no ep.8 nas lacrações e destruição dos clássicos. Além do fan service o diretor TEM QUE criar uma boa história com explicações as pontas soltas das cagadas, e dar um bom andamento/desfecho para os personagens novos (que estão bem fraquinhos no carisma) senão é caixão!

Ou seja, o trabalho não vai ser nada fácil, e a situação está muito ruim pra reputação da franquia nesta nova trilogia.
Jar Jar Abrams criar uma boa história? Senta lá Cláudia.

Ele sabe criar mistérios mal amarrados que saem do nada e chegam a lugar nenhum. Coloca dezenas de referências que não significam absolutamente nada apenas para encher linguiça. A série Lost era rica por conta de todas as teorias construídas e fundamentadas por fãs, porque Jar Jar não sabia o que estava fazendo. Do mesmo modo em "The Force Awakens" ele apenas criou mistérios, o núcleo da história é copiado do episódio IV e o resto ficou com a base de fãs. Ele tinha um terreno limpo na frente para trabalhar e não fez nada de interessante. Se vocês tem confiança que esse cara pode fazer alguma coisa boa, sinto muito, não é possível. Jar Jar é apenas o maior plagiador do cinema.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
O maior problema é que esta m**** dá dinheiro. :kkk
se esta m**** flopasse como o Ghostbusters mas não, tudo que se coloca um R2D2 vende, mesma coisa bonecos, capacetes, graphic novels, etc. Qualquer b*sta que tem o nome Star Wars dá dinheiro seja boa, seja ruim, e isto a Disney sabe como rentabilizar.
É interessante notar que como a franquia é muito popular, fazer qualquer Star Wars, mesmo sendo ruins dão muita bilheteria e consequentemente, muito dinheiro nos bolsos da Disney.

Minha esperança seria pelo menos colocarem alguém da Pixar pra trabalhar nisto, pois eles fazem scripts melhores que estes debeis mentais que tem feito esses filmes. :brbr
Qualquer filme da Pixar tem mais estória e mais envolvimento que estes dois últimos Star Wars.

viagem estrelar

Mil pontos, LOL!
JJ foi o primeiro a afundar o barco.
Não curto esse kra ele destruiu tanto star Wars com star Trek.
Não irei ao cine pra ver episódio 9 e dificilmente irei assinar o streaming da Disney.
E Disney tem recursos pra dosar o conteúdo pra afastar os antigos fãs e montar um universo pra gente leite com pera.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Conheçam Ennie Ardi.

Ele se identificava como hater de The Last Jedi mas, por diferentes fatores, cedeu ao Lado Negro da Força. A longa história de como ele se tornou um entusiasta do filme, mais de um ano depois de seu lançamento, pode ser acompanhada na íntegra no link disponibilizado em seu tweet (logo acima) e também nesse meu post (logo abaixo). Volto a tecer considerações após o texto.

the Ennie post.
How I overcame my hatred for The Last Jedi, and made peace with Luke Skywalker.

Prelude to the prelude
Chapter 1: Who I am, and What I did
Chapter 2: Who I really am
Chapter 3: My Expectations of The Last Jedi
Chapter 4: I want to Understand
Chapter 5: An Awakening
Chapter 6: Now I’m Glad I didn’t get what I Wanted
Chapter 7: Although there was no point, I wanted to tell my Wife
Chapter 8: I needed to tell my Son
Chapter 9: Some Apologies
Chapter 10: The End (of the hate) and a New Beginning
Video: Luke Skywalker: Visions & Redemption

Prelude to the prelude

This post covers a lot. It is about me and my extreme hatred for The Last Jedi, and how I’ve overcame it. After despising it for 13 months and documenting that hate on Twitter, I’ve found peace.

It concentrates on my main problem with the movie: Luke Skywalker. And how I’ve switched my previously immovable view on how he was portrayed.

I haven’t really gone in to my other gripes about the movie (and believe me, there are many) because I always said if I could accept Luke Skywalker’s portrayal, I could probably get past everything else I didn’t like about the movie. I have managed to do that.

If you want to read how I changed my mind and decided that Luke in The Last Jedi is in fact Luke from the Original Trilogy, skip to the section entitled: “Chapter 5. An Awakening”

In no way is this post a manual for people who hate The Last Jedi to be like me and come out of the other side and find peace, but I do hope it helps you and gives you hope that it’s possible for someone like me to accept Luke’s character, and be free of the hate.

The post also offers sincere apologies to certain people I have interacted with on Twitter, including Rian Johnson.


Thank you, Mike.

These tweets from @mikebrowning88, right in the middle of one of my typical spats with someone who was defending The Last Jedi, caught me off guard. It was so simple, but it offered an olive branch to me that I was desperate to be offered and to take. I thought to myself “finally, someone who loves this movie understands, and empathises with me, someone who hates it”.

He offered this understanding whilst still holding his stance that he saw magic within The Last Jedi. I really appreciated it. And it gave me the chance to put my hate to one side and have a moment of self-reflection.

I asked myself: “What am I doing?”


I also thought about if these simple words had came from Rian Johnson, JJ Abrams, Kathleen Kennedy, the cast, the Lucasfilm story group and others who were involved in the movie. How that would have affected things?

Imagine if they, and also the blog articles and the professional critics who praised the movie had this line of narrative: to support and empathise with the fans who didn’t like the movie, agree there were things that were hard to swallow for fans, and things that were questionable; instead of shaming and slandering them and proclaiming the movie was perfect and it’s the fans who are not only wrong but they have something morally wrong with them to think this (i.e. they’re sexists, racists, “man babies” etc.)

They even tried to say the fans who didn’t like it, didn’t even exist and it was “Russian bots” that had interfered to make something that was universally loved look like it wasn’t.


Instead of taking pictures of themselves holding mugs saying “Fanboy Tears” (the fact they paid money and had these mugs created, just for the picture, shows the level of malice. Do they sit alone in their house and drink coffee from these mugs when the picture opportunity is over? It just seems weird and spiteful to me); why not show kindness and understanding, and put that energy in to something positive to help along the whole community?


I do believe if this was the case (especially from the creators of the movie), everything would be different and the Star Wars fandom would not be in such a bad state.

Perhaps negatively labelling and slandering the people who disliked the movie was a tactic to quickly nip the negative attention in the bud, and create something for the other fans, who liked the movie, to point their fingers at. Unfortunately for them, it didn’t play out like that. And it never does.

On social media, you can’t nip something in the bud this way. It has been proven time and time again, it is the wrong way, and always has disastrous results. James Wan showed there is a right way:


If James Wan had not publicly asked supporters of Aquaman to not harass fans who didn’t like the movie; do you think it would have made over a Billion dollars at the box office? I doubt it. I think if he’d went the route of holding up a “Fanboy Tears” mug instead and started with the “sexist manbabies” rhetoric; it would have tanked. I think because of that very small gesture from James, DC fans and all movie fans appreciated it and I bet fans who were on the fence chose to support James, buy a ticket and give the movie a chance, right in that moment.

Interestingly, here’s the response from Matt Martin of the Lucasfilm Story Group regarding James Wan’s tweet:


He completely missed the main point of what James was asking for.

Yes James said there’s no need to attack him and tag him if people didn’t like the movie – but that’s no revelation, we know that’s a given. The first and main point was that he was asking people who did like the movie to stop harassing those who didn’t. Meaning, he was happy for fans to voice their opinion even if it was negative and didn’t feel they should receive harassment for that.

Matt went on in other tweets, making sure everyone knew that negative discussion for a movie was not welcomed, etc, and those fans should stay away and find something else. He didn’t even think for one second about what James was actually saying. He was blind to it. Matt switched it around to follow the anti-fan narrative that Lucasfilm seems to have adopted.


I don’t believe this is an exaggeration at all when I say that tweet right there above could have cost the company a few million dollars. People are petty. Especially passionate fans of a franchise. They will take that short tweet as the confirmation to never spend another dime.

However pandering it may be; would it have really been so difficult to instead tweet something like: “The film was meant for all Star Wars fans and we’re sad they didn’t all take it as such. George loved his fans, and we really want to embrace that. Our fans mean the world to us, and we brought back Star Wars for them.”

A tweet like that would have set the YouTube Star Wars fan channels alight with positivity and hope. It could have restored faith in everything, just a simple gesture.

Now imagine all of Lucasfilm and Rian Johnson sticking to that script instead of projecting their own personal feelings. I think it would fix everything.


If the promo campaign for Ghostbusters 2016 was based on embracing all fans of the original movie, and that the new movie with it’s new take was a gift to all of the original fans, and also for a new generation of fans to get on board alongside them and enjoy the ride; instead of “the original fans are toxic male sexists, and we want them to stay away from our movie, it’s not for you!” campaign they went with in every interview and junket.. do you think it would have tanked? I don’t think so. I think it would have done decent numbers. We’d have a sequel on the cards.

Ironically, just this morning they announced they’re going to return to the original Ghostbusters timeline with the original characters, and are bringing out a true Ghostbusters 3. It seems they are embracing the original fans, continuing the original story to capture the original magic. This says everything. I hope they learn from the mistakes of the reboot and do it right this time. I think they will. I think they’ll have to.


How the fans are treat and spoken about matters, even in one singular tweet, even about the ones who are causing disruption. In a world of social media, it is how customers are giving feedback, and it should be appreciated by a company whether taken on board and agreed with or not.

Feedback shouldn’t be met with “well I think that’s racist, and you’re a manbaby”. This is how you lose customers. This is what Rian Johnson did, and is just one example of what has kept the wildfire of social media outrage burning. Rian should have been like James Wan. He shouldn’t have been giving advice like the following: (The “manbaby” in question basically stated within a discussion with “Shana” that he thought the movie was awful, and thought Princess Leia’s flying scene was not the best decision. Shana brushed him off, and although petty it was quite a light exchange. But instead of staying out of it, Rian saw this and pitched in, so that he could give this advice to Shana):


In my opinion, since the guy obviously had paid money to see the movie, he had every right to have an opinion without being called a manbaby by the writer and director of the movie. It’s tiny comments like this (and it’s one of many examples) that has the fans irked to say the least.


There are countless examples of anti-fan rhetoric with regard to The Last Jedi and Lucasfilm; way too many to make note of in this post, so I’ll wind this particular topic down now. I honestly believe in time, The Last Jedi will join the likes of Ghostbusters 2016 and be studied as prime examples of how not to treat fans of a franchise, but that’s way, way in the future. (I shuddered when I typed “future” – please, for the love of God, do not reboot “Back to the Future” and use it to go against the fans in some way. … Let us keep something sacred!)

With all of this said, I do want to move away from the gossip and the narrative, the backbiting and the one-upmanship. It’s exhausting, and I’m tired of it.
I still really do just want to love Star Wars again.


Chapter 1
Who I am, and what I did.

My twitter account is @EnnieArdi

I am one of the most relentless, calculated, sometimes vicious haters of The Last Jedi on twitter. I have made this my pastime for over a year, since the movie was released, until this day. This was my first ever tweet, on 20th December 2017, right after getting home after seeing the movie:


But from there, it got a lot worse.

Sometimes I was serious, sometimes I was playing the fool on purpose, but all of it in order to tear strips off of Rian Johnson’s The Last Jedi in any way I could.
Over time I became a caricature of a Last Jedi hater, my twitter account became satire of myself.

I was tweeting purposefully antagonising and extreme statements about The Last Jedi without giving any real indication as to whether I was being serious or not, I guess that’s “Poe’s Law”. Some guessed I was doing this.

Sometimes I made sure I was tweeting things so incredibly stupid and hateful with an air of self-righteousness; knowing this would generate hate mobs and defenders of the movie to come and verbally attack me, just so I could take the pleasure of picking them off one by one, to antagonise them further about the movie. The behaviour of a troll.

If I learned any tiny and mostly insignificant detail that put this movie or anything surrounding it in to question, or if I seen any tweets or read anything that could be misinterpreted or used against this movie; I would grab hold of it tightly, ramp it up 10,000 times and squeeze every last drop out of it in order to deliver maximum damage. I put everything and anything under a microscope and framed it as proof that this movie was one big mistake, and that it ruined Star Wars.
Don’t get me wrong, I genuinely did feel it ruined Star Wars, for me.


By the way, even though I’m admitting sometimes I played the fool and said particularly exaggerated statements for effect; I’m not saying the hate for The Last Jedi isn’t real, because it is.

It exists without a doubt. That’s undeniable. I know this because I was in the thick of it, for over a year. I became a part of a community of likeminded people disillusioned by The Last Jedi. And guess what, they were good and normal people.

They put as much passion in to pointing out the flaws of The Last Jedi as others put in to debunking the flaws, and it’s both sides that were vicious (at times).

Even though I calculated and antagonised a lot of the twitter spats I personally was involved in; it has to be said the hate and personal attacks that I would receive (from random people) for not liking the movie were vile.

Criticising and nitpicking movies should be fine to do, in any creative way (as long as it’s not harassment – that is wrong) by way of memes, videos, and words, and people who do it should not have to receive that kind of hate back from so-called fans of the movie. These people are simply hurt and angry Star Wars fans, and are tweeting about the flaws that they can see with the movie and the way they are slandered by Disney & Lucasfilm. Maybe it’s just a way for them to unpack and understand the issues.

Myself and the people who hate this movie are not racist or sexist. The hatred is not for race issues, and it’s not for gender issues. I’m not a Russian Bot, I’m a person and my name is Ennie.


Chapter 2
Who I really Am

Confession time, my name is not Ennie Ardi. My name is David. Ennie Ardi is not even a name, it’s the phonetic spelling of “nerd”. N. E. R. D.

I want to tell you a bit about me, the real me.I hope by telling you this, that you can understand me and where my head is.

Something happened in December 2017. I watched something completely disappointing to me, and it hurt me. It was a shock. I did not expect to see something so bad from something that I’ve always loved and always cared for. It is something I had actually suspected may well be the case, but of course I had to go and see for myself. When I saw it with my own eyes, it was WORSE than I thought possible; and as a result I have reacted shamefully. And now I regret it. It changed who I was as a person.

I have loved Star Wars since 1983, when I was 5 years old. I am 40 years old. And I have 2 children.

I loved Star Wars until my teens, throughout my teens, my 20’s (the Prequel era, and I played Star Wars Galaxies a lot, which was an awesome Star Wars MMORPG), my 30’s (the announcement of the sequel trilogy heightened it even further!), and now here I am, watching it as a Father with my son.


Luke Skywalker was always my hero growing up. My son is 6 years old, Star Wars is his life, and Luke Skywalker is his hero, too.

My wife rejected me a couple of years ago (no fault of my own, I still don’t really understand it). This was a year before The Last Jedi just incase you think it’s because of that. So as you’ve gathered, the movie happened at a really bad time for me, but I went to the theatre as a way to escape my real life problems. I swear, outside of all of this in real life, I am a kind and thoughtful person. I am not hateful.

She agreed that I can still live in the house so I can be close to my children, because she knows living apart from them would completely destroy me. I begged her for this, and she agreed. I’m just grateful I can be close to my children every day.


I sit alone every night and then I sleep on a small sofa. Sometimes I’m low and unhappy. But I wouldn’t say I’m depressed.

I do have an upbeat personality and always try to see the positive in everything (most things). There’d always been one constant in my life that would never leave or harm me, something sacred to me, that was Star Wars.


Every time I watched it, it would take me back to the simpler times in my life, it had always been my perfect escape.

Now as a father, of course Star Wars took a different turn, an added dynamic and pleasure: my favourite thing was to watch Star Wars with my son. When I look at him, I see myself as a child enjoying Star Wars.

Star Wars became a part of the bond I have with him, it’s one of our many connections, something nobody can take from me. But, The Last Jedi took it away from me, because for some reason instead of being an awesome Star Wars movie with the return of Luke Skywalker like we’d all been waiting to see for 30 years; it decided to flip the bird at the fans. To me. It was 2.5 hours of trolling. How could I tell my son?

I hated this movie so much for doing that. I was in shock. I took it really, really personally (as you can see from my twitter account).


Chapter 3
My Expectations of The Last Jedi.

Over the time of being on twitter, I have been accused over and over (as I know many have been) of being angry that my “expectations were subverted”

Honestly, I had no expectations at all. I had seen no trailers and had read no articles since The Force Awakens, and stayed away from YouTube and social media. I was dedicated to finding out NOTHING about this movie so that I could have the ultimate first experience of the story. And it was DEFINITELY going to be awesome, because this was STAR WARS and a familiar face was returning….

The only expectation I had was that Luke Skywalker was back and he was about to get his hands on his fathers lightsaber again. “Oh my God. This is going to be awesome!!”


My biggest hope was that they wouldn’t screw up Luke’s character – I was cool with anything else. But please, just don’t mess up Luke. Please, get him right.
Then this happened….


This happened….


Various irritating things happened in between, and then he died. What did I just see?


I walked out of the theatre like a zombie. I was not the same person as before I walked in. I was in complete shock.


Chapter 4
I Want to Understand

Why Rian, WHY?

Throughout 2018 I found likeminded people who also hated the movie, and I also found people who loved it (or, more like, they made themselves known). I was jealous of the people who loved the movie because I wanted to love it too, but I just could not fathom why they did. All I had was hatred for it, and I couldn’t get past it. It made me sick to my stomach that they would do that to Luke, to Leia (flying through space), and also to us, the fans.


I was jealous that people seemed to understand it in a way that I thought Star Wars fans were not meant to support. Why would they be applauding that version of Luke? It was impossible for me to accept. It felt like my Grandfather, who had been a war hero in his youth, had been disgraced and beaten right in front of me, and then he was laughed at and then I was laughed at, and given the middle finger. Then I was shamed online for not enjoying it by many of the people who were involved in the company that made it happen.

“The main thing is to protect these characters, make sure they still continue to live in the way that [George] created them” – Kathleen Kennedy. Yes, these were the exact words of Kathleen Kennedy. Said right in front of George Lucas. So seeing what was happening to Luke on the screen was like a dagger in my heart.


I guess in some ways I was in denial about understanding it? But I refused to believe I didn’t understand this movie. I was convinced I did, and the clear fact is they messed up with it, and people who liked it must be crazy.

Why could people understand and accept this movie, but I hated it? How could they say Rian Johnson had “nailed Luke Skywalker’s character perfectly”? It was not Luke!! Luke would never say “it’s time for the Jedi to end”. Why was he acting this way?

He’d never have stood over his sleeping nephew and contemplate murdering him. He’d never throw his fathers lightsaber away, he’d take it and ignite it and show the fans he’s back! At the very least he’d be willing to train Rey and support her to be the new hero.


I refused to support this broken Luke Skywalker. My hero. My son’s hero. This man was not our hero.

Rian Johnson tweeted :


Was he TROLLING us?? This was INSANE. Of course, Star Wars fans who saw it my way, were also infuriated, but people were agreeing with this?? I just could not fathom it.

I wanted to understand. I wanted to be in the same position as people who love this movie. I wanted this to be the 100% consistent Luke from the OT for ME as well. I wanted to love Star Wars again.


Chapter 5
An Awakening.

I went back and watched the scenes in the Emperor’s throne room between Luke and Darth Vader in Return of the Jedi, but this time I tried to take my shades off and analyse it.

I watched Luke closely. I watched his face, his reactions, the emotions he was showing, the decisions he was making in each moment, I listened to the dialogue. I wanted to understand why Rian Johnson would say Luke in The Last Jedi is 100% consistent with the OT Luke, and why other people would say this too.


Luke does not want to fight Vader. Hmmm. He refused to fight. That’s consistent, I guess?
But he is pushed to breaking point. His emotions get the better of him (when Vader mentions Leia) and he is clearly angry. He is full of rage, and he can’t control it. He attacks Darth Vader. This is not a Jedi.


He bests Vader, and at the climax of angrily chopping him down with his lightsaber, he does a manoeuvre practically mirroring what Vader did to him in the Empire Strikes Back, and he cuts off his hand.


I’d never really thought about the significance of that move, and what it meant when he looked at Vaders severed arm, and then at his own hand. I always thought it was a moment of recognition of the connection between himself and Vader, and destiny, and maybe it meant he realised he was no better than Vader at this point.

Now that may all be true, but now on thinking on it, I realised maybe this was Luke realising that in his moment of anger and hate, he had just performed an act of revenge. An eye for an eye, or in this case, a hand for a hand.

The Jedi way is to avoid aggression, avoid hate, and only fight as a form of defence; and here was Luke wielding his weapon with rage and taking revenge. Definitely not what a Jedi would do.


It dawned on me that the original title of the movie was Revenge of the Jedi, but of course they knew they needed to change it because of that very reason – revenge is not the Jedi way.

Now watching the way Luke reacts when the Emperor congratulates him for his display of anger, and the way Luke looks at Vader’s severed arm and then at his own hand, and then his face shows a moment of clarity and realisation, that he had lost control and taken it too far and this act of revenge was not the way of a Jedi. Could this mean he realised the use of his lightsaber was not the answer?

It is the turning point. He turns off his lightsaber, and throws it. In acknowledging his mistake, he has been redeemed. He has rejected the fight, and in doing so he has won, and can now proclaim he is a Jedi. A real Jedi. A Jedi does not fight and does not want to fight.

Ok, so that is consistent with Luke in The Last Jedi. I’m starting to understand.


I’m wondering how I would feel and what it would have done to the story if after the moment he threw his lightsaber he didn’t say: “Never. I’ll never turn to the Darkside. You failed, your highness. I am a Jedi. Like my father before me.” But instead, he said: “Never. I’ll never turn to the Darkside. And it’s time for the Jedi, to end.”

You know what, I think I’d say “Wow” and understand that not only was he rejecting the fight, he was rejecting this way of life. Because that would be the only real way of cancelling out the conflict, throwing away his lightsaber and refusing to be involved in that way. It may have been the only way he could have reconnected with his Father. Rejecting both the Darkside and the way of the Jedi.

Even though he had been on a journey to become a Jedi like his father before him, when he got there, he realised that becoming the ultimate Jedi, was to reject being a Jedi. Having the courage to walk away once he had got there. Saving his Father was the most important thing, not becoming his Father. He returned to being Luke. “Return of the Farmboy”. So to speak.

Of course that’s not what he says. But I don’t actually think it would have felt unusual for Luke in that moment to have said it’s time for the Jedi to end, after that moment of clarity and besting Vader. I would have understood if he’d said it.

Fast forward 30 years, he does say and do that. And I understand why he says it. So yes, maybe this does now feel consistent with our Luke from the Original Trilogy. NOW I understood why Luke throws his lightsaber the moment it is returned to him by Rey. He rejects the fight.


On a side note, even though I now understood it, I still think the decision of HOW Luke threw it was a mistake. You might think this is nitpicky but I believe he should have thrown it in exactly the same way as he did in Return of the Jedi, at least this would have retained a connection with the fans that this was the actions of Luke, and could have avoided the misinterpretation. The way he tossed it over his shoulder as the music stopped, had an air of comedy behind it, and I believe that’s what disgruntled the fans. It definitely disgruntled me, and I never really recovered from that moment for the rest of the movie. Anyway, I digress…

I still didn’t understand how Luke could change so much from who he was: Hopeful, optimistic; to what he had become: that guy on the island, alone, bitter, unwilling to return to his loved ones or help save people. Now that I had some peace with the “lightsaber toss”, I explored what we know happened between Return of the Jedi and The Last Jedi.

Something happened in Ben’s sleeping quarters. Luke watched something completely disappointing to him, and it hurt him. He was in shock. He did not expect to see something so bad from someone that he’d always loved and always cared for. It is something that he had actually suspected may well be the case, but of course he had to go in and see for himself. When he saw it with his own eyes, it was WORSE than he thought possible; and as a result he reacted shamefully. And he regretted it. It changed who he was as a person.

I now understood it was possible for Luke to change because I myself had changed and became somebody else after seeing The Last Jedi. I was Luke.


When he ignited his lightsaber, I feel for a moment he was back in the throne room with Vader laying before him. And then he heard in his head, the words of The Emperor. But again he realised very quickly this was not the actions of a true Jedi.

I now understood why he was on the island, and why he was doing it all. It was the ultimate sacrifice.

“Fighting what we hate”, to quote Rose Tico (I never thought I’d do that), was not the way. Definitely not the way of the Jedi. “The Jedi way” that we knew of had really been the wrong way, as it had just resulted in failure, each and every time. That way was not a true Jedi way.

As paradoxical as it may seem, taking himself out of the fight, cutting himself off from the Force, and ending the Jedi; was the act of a true Jedi, and was really a selfless sacrifice fitting of the last ever Jedi.

I now understood why his Force Projection was “the most Jedi thing ever” as I’ve often been told (and heatedly argued against). He came back to help like a true Jedi, the way no Jedi has ever done before. He used the ultimate act of defence as a way to save his friends and sister. His story of returning inspired the galaxy, and he became the true Jedi legend he deserved to be.


I now understand why he died. I previously thought it was for no reason whatsoever, and it made me incredibly angry.

But I now understand that in coming back as a Jedi and performing the most Jedi act he had ever performed, and really the most Jedi thing ever by any Jedi, he became divine, and as a result he transcended (to become a Force Ghost, no doubt).


I think this was a beautiful and fitting ending for mine, and my son’s hero.

I was so happy that I understood it and accepted it. And the more I think about it, the more brilliant and thoughtful it is.

Goodbye Luke, Thank you.

Chapter 6.
Now I’m glad I didn’t get what I wanted.

I watched an interview with Mark Hamill after realising all of this and accepting Luke’s ending and how deep it was.

Mark said: “I told my idea to JJ for my entrance in The Force Awakens, Han is about to be killed by Kylo Ren, but Leia rushes to his aid. But she gets caught by 2 Stormtroopers… all of a sudden 1 stormtrooper shoots the other one, removes his helmet, and it’s Luke! For the “Yay!” moment! Then we both witness Han’s death, which would have carried so much weight going in to the next movie”

Now this is the type of thing I would have wanted before I opened my eyes to Rian’s ending for Luke. But now it sounds absolutely HORRIBLE. Yes it sounds “Star-Warsy” but what we got was deep layered, and really was the best way to go with the story, and the only way to make Luke a true legend in the galaxy. It’s a story that I didn’t even know I wanted. But now that I understand it, it is perfect for Luke.

Chapter 7.
Although there was no point, I wanted to tell my Wife.

She is not in the least bit interested in Star Wars or The Last Jedi, but my wife knows how much I love Star Wars, and she knows how much I hated the movie which she was shocked by, when she heard what I had to say about it when returning from the theatre that night. She has listened to me rip it apart on a number of occasions and knows I hate it. She knows I consider it had ruined Star Wars. She is oblivious of the true nature of the torment I’ve had for over a year. Although I knew she couldn’t care less about it, it was important for me to tell her, so that I could get it off my chest.

I approached my wife, and said “I have something really important to tell you, and it is shocking”. She looked at me straight in the face and nervously said “what is it?”

“I don’t hate The Last Jedi any more. In fact, I don’t mind it.”

She squinted one eye and said “Oh is that it? I thought you were going to tell me something important.” she turned away and continued with the task she was carrying out. I thought that was the conversation over so I started walking away. But then as I was walking away she said, without turning to me: “I don’t care about The Last Jedi. But, OK, go on, why don’t you hate it any more?” This stopped me in my tracks.

I turned to her “well, it has issues, and I don’t completely love it. But I understand it. I understand what the director was trying to do. I understand it.”

I was expecting her to just make fun or say “oh ok” and walk away, but she said something that was music to my ears that I didn’t think I’d ever hear her say:
“Well I’m pleased you’ve found peace.”

That was the greatest gift she could have given me right there, because it made me realise yes that indeed I had found peace with The Last Jedi and Star Wars, and although I wasn’t 100% happy with the movie; to me it meant I could enjoy Star Wars again, and even look forward to new Star Wars movies.

Chapter 8.
I needed to tell my Son.

One of my greatest fears, and one of the factors of why I was so angry with this movie, was because of how it would affect my little boy and our bond of Star Wars.
I didn’t want to him to know that Luke Skywalker was someone who gave up, and it broke my heart to think he would witness his hero saying he didn’t want to be a Jedi anymore, and that he wanted the Jedi to end.

I approached him. I said “Son, which Star Wars does Daddy not like?” and he said instantly, “The Last Jedi”. I nodded, “Yes.”

We’ve never wanted to teach our little boy to “hate” or even get a sense of what it is to hate, at least at his age (I guess I uphold the qualities of the Jedi). So I wanted to use a different word, and I put it to him in this muddled way: “Well, guess what, I’ve changed my mind, and I actually don’t-not-like-it anymore”.

He said “what do you mean?”.

I guess my double negative just confused him so I had to say: “Ok, I didn’t HATE the movie” (I lied of course, but I lied to protect his innocent nature) “but I just didn’t like it so much, but now, I don’t actually mind it.”

He looks at me closer: “Tell me again, why did you not like it?”

“Well, for a few reasons, but it was mainly because Luke Skywalker didn’t want to be a Jedi any more”.

And he said the same thing as last time we discussed this: “But that’s all he wanted to be.. a Jedi” and I said “I know, but listen, people change. He is an old man now, and he changed, and he didn’t want to be a Jedi anymore, and there are reasons for it. He’s still a good person though and a hero.”

He looked at me inquisitively and said: “But Obi Wan was an old man, and he still wants to be a Jedi”,

“I know, I know. But he is a different person, every body is different and they have different feelings and reasons for doing things. Luke has a good reason. So anyway, shall we watch The Last Jedi together?”

I had never said this to him before, but I was incredibly happy with his reaction. He beamed at me, punched the air and gave an almighty “Yes!”. He is now ecstatic that he gets to watch a new Star Wars movie, and I’m ecstatic that I get to watch it with him.

Chapter 9.
Some Apologies.

To the many, many people I relentlessly argued with about this movie,

I’m sorry that I acted like an asshole. I hope you can forgive me.

To Pablo Hidalgo
I’m sorry for shit-posting so much, and I want you to know I appreciated the light hearted nature and humour each and every time you responded.

I laughed a lot at the retorts and wisecracks you shot back. I think you’re a good man. I hope there’s no hard feelings and you can forgive me for being an idiot.
To Heath
I called you Sneaky Heath because you screenshotted and mocked some of the ridiculous statements I was making on twitter and this drummed up quite a lot of hate toward me on various levels. But in fact I deserved to be ridiculed, and I’m not mad at you for mocking me. I actually enjoyed our interactions, and I’m sorry for the things I said to you. Regardless of what you must think of me, I do think you’re a nice guy, and I’m sorry for trying to put your character in disrepute. You are a genuine guy, and you look like you have a lovely little family and dog.

p.s. I think Zuvio is cool too. I hope you can forgive me.
To DVader
, @ermac90210
Even though we argued and argued, and I represented everything you hated about Star Wars fans; for some reason you tried and tried to get through to me, and you just wouldn’t give up.

You kept telling me “end the backlash, end the backlash”, and I kept replying “how am I, an individual, supposed to end the backlash?”

I think I realised how I can at least inspire people to end it. By taking myself out of the fight. By throwing down my weapon. By doing the most Jedi thing ever, and I hope at least I can inspire other people with my actions, to end their hate too.

I hope I have been redeemed, and I hope this transcends me to a better place. You were right about me, tell your sister, you were right.

Thank you.
To DJ Ritty
You are an incredibly talented editor, thank you for convincing me to watch your fan edit of The Last Jedi all of those months ago – it really, really helped me, and opened my eyes to a lot of things within the movie that I previously thought were horrible. I would not have been able to start any of this change without you and watching your edit, to be perfectly honest.

Thank you.
Without your Reddit post I would not have understood and it made me look at the whole thing differently.

Thank you.
To Mike Browning
In the midst of a spiteful discussion, you tweeted something that really connected with me, and it helped me. It was definitely a turning point.

Thank you Mike, this gave me the sliver of validation I didn’t know I needed in order to look past a lot of things.
To anyone who enjoyed The Last Jedi and knew I despised it, but gave me the time of day anyway,

Thank you.
To my fellow “TLJ-haters” and “The Fandom Menace”

Each and every one of you. You are good people. You are not racists, or sexists, or Russian Bots. You are Star Wars fans.

Thank you for being my friends and supporting me (even when I was blatantly talking crap and trolling), you were there to share my pain, a pain I know you all feel.

Guys, I think I can love Star Wars again. I don’t completely love The Last Jedi, but I can get past it now. I don’t feel hatred any more. I’m free.
To Kathleen Kennedy

You said, in front of George Lucas, that you were going to respect the characters that George had created, and make sure they continued living in the way they did. This is all I could think about any time I read your name since watching The Last Jedi.

I enjoyed The Force Awakens IMMENSELY; and with regard to your above statement and another hero of mine, Han Solo, I wasn’t mad because I knew he was probably going to die and it’s ok for characters to die. He was definitely was continuing living in the way he did though, up until that point. I thought his death was a really great moment in Star Wars; it had it all.

With Luke, however, I took your statement as a lie, and as disrespect to Star Wars fans. I said a lot of harsh words about you, ridiculed you and I wanted you to fail so that you could be replaced, hoping that someone else could do a better job than you. What was I thinking. It was absolutely terrible behaviour.

I know and can never dispute that my childhood was amazing with respect to having movie experiences and creating memories, because of many many projects that you were involved in or responsible for in some way. Thank you so much for that, I am grateful beyond words.

The sad thing is, I knew this each and every time I attempted to ridicule you in some way with my words on twitter. Pretty sad.

For a long time I was lost, clearly. But I don’t want to be lost any more. If you’re willing to be open to it, I would like to offer a sincere apology to you.

I’m sorry, I hope you can forgive me.

To Rian Johnson
, @RianJohnson
I’m sorry. You are an incredible film maker.

For a whole year, I went out of my way to relentlessly pick apart your movie. And when I picked it apart I took each little piece and picked those apart too. I turned in to something I am now ashamed of.

I was an asshole. And an idiot. I have ridiculed you and your movie. A lot. I was cruel.

You blocked me a few months ago, but that’s from a time when I was involved in a thread started by someone else, and you blocked everyone on the thread (we all deserved it). I did however directly @ you and tag you many times previously to that, and I wanted you to see them and I wanted you to feel hurt.

I realise you must get tagged in a lot of tweets, so I’m not sure if mine came through, but if you did ever read them, I’m sorry for how that may have made you feel, and just to let you know: I was fully aware of how shameful I was being, and now feel ashamed because of it. You’re a good person.

I’ve tried relentlessly to delegitimise your undeniable talent, just to make me feel better because I did not understand your story or (at the time) I didn’t understand why you would choose to write that story for Luke, because it wasn’t the story I thought I wanted. But I think I understand it now. It is incredible.

The movie is fun in places as Star Wars should be, so well done there, but one of the biggest compliments I want to give is that visually it is absolutely breathtakingly beautiful (for what it’s worth, I always thought that).

I still do have criticisms here and there as I’m sure everybody will have, that’s just going to happen and I think that’s fine, but I just want to say that my biggest criticism was the decisions you made with Luke. I took it as disrespectful, character assassination, a middle finger to Luke and the fans. But now that it has finally sunk in, I want you to know this; what you did with Luke was thoughtful, deep layered, unexpected (for sure), and now after understanding, it is an incredible and beautiful send off to mine and my son’s beloved hero.

I really hope you can forgive me.

Best Regards,

Chapter 10.
The End (of the hate) and a New Beginning

I’m at peace. I can enjoy Star Wars again. I’m not SUPER EXCITED like I once would have been, not by a long shot, but I think I can set foot in the theatre to watch it. Star Wars isn’t ruined.

I want to see what JJ Abrams does to conclude the story. I really have faith that JJ will give us something that will “tie up the whole saga” just like they’ve been saying. And I know that Luke returns, at least as a Force Ghost. So I’m looking forward to seeing what that will be like.

I’m going away from Twitter now. I will leave my account as an example of how one man can make a mistake, change, come back from a dark place and be redeemed. Just like my hero, Luke Skywalker did.

Just before I go; I made a few videos over the past year, ridiculing The Last Jedi (they’re all on my channel), But I just made this video (posted right at the bottom), and it’s possibly my last. It is to try and explain that the Luke in The Last Jedi is the same Luke, and how I’m at peace with him now. I hope you like it.

The video is about Luke being alone, hurt and depressed. He has visions on the island about his past, thinking about the times he had with Leia & Han. He sees ghosts. He feels sorrow. He looks inside of himself, connecting with his younger self and how he used to feel, self reflecting, feeling shame and remorse, he has a realisation why he must throw the lightsaber and the old Jedi way to one side. He is redeemed, and finally makes peace and moves on. I actually think it’s also about myself.

Much Love, and May the Force Be With You.

A história de Ennie Ardi, o hater de The Last Jedi que foi para o Lado Negro, se espalhou rapidamente, para o lamento dos rebeldes espalhados por todo o mundo, desapontados com a perda de um companheiro de batalha. Pouco tempo depois, porém, a situação se agravou ainda mais: ele caiu nas graças de pessoas ligadas à Lucasfilm... e foi além, encontrando aceitação até mesmo por parte de Ruin Johnson.

E assim terminaria a história da perda trágica de um nobre guerreiro que havia feito parte de nossas fileiras no passado, mas que acabou deserdando e se juntando ao Império... não fosse pelo fato dele ter postado um novo vídeo.

Se as pessoas que fazem parte da Lucasfilm atualmente entendessem qualquer coisa a respeito de Star Wars e seus fãs, eles saberiam que algo do tipo poderia acontecer. Se tivessem parado para pensar, por estarem lidando com fãs de Star Wars, era óbvio que a única verdade que importaria no final das contas é que...


Da primeira à última letra, o texto de Ennie Ardi consiste num elaborado ardil, cujo único objetivo era funcionar como camuflagem. Para se infiltrar nas linhas inimigas, ele "se tornou" o inimigo. E fez isso para humilhá-los, ensinando-lhes uma simples lição:


A missão de Ennie foi cumprida com louvor e, por esse motivo, é provável que nunca mais voltemos a vê-lo... Porém, sua história será contada entre os rebeldes, até que ele assuma seu merecido lugar no panteão onde figuram os maiores guerreiros na luta contra o Império da Disney. Obrigado pelos seus serviços, Ennie. Você jamais será esquecido.
Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!
O maior problema é que esta m**** dá dinheiro. :kkk
se esta m**** flopasse como o Ghostbusters mas não, tudo que se coloca um R2D2 vende, mesma coisa bonecos, capacetes, graphic novels, etc. Qualquer b*sta que tem o nome Star Wars dá dinheiro seja boa, seja ruim, e isto a Disney sabe como rentabilizar.
É interessante notar que como a franquia é muito popular, fazer qualquer Star Wars, mesmo sendo ruins dão muita bilheteria e consequentemente, muito dinheiro nos bolsos da Disney.

Minha esperança seria pelo menos colocarem alguém da Pixar pra trabalhar nisto, pois eles fazem scripts melhores que estes debeis mentais que tem feito esses filmes. :brbr
Qualquer filme da Pixar tem mais estória e mais envolvimento que estes dois últimos Star Wars.

Eles tinham gente já, vários escritores dos livros, era só chamar os caras pra ajudar a trabalhar a nova história, era gente com anos de experiência em SW, mas aí decidiram criar um novo story group...

JJ foi o primeiro a afundar o barco.
Não curto esse kra ele destruiu tanto star Wars com star Trek.
Não irei ao cine pra ver episódio 9 e dificilmente irei assinar o streaming da Disney.
E Disney tem recursos pra dosar o conteúdo pra afastar os antigos fãs e montar um universo pra gente leite com pera.

Sim, um universo morno, mundano, comum e com filmes baseados em copiar e colar coisas da trilogia original, Star Warzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Por isso repito:


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Mark Hamil em entrevista foi fazer uma crítica mas os que estavam lá aplaudiram como se fosse algo bom o que ele disse.
Basicamente ele falou para o diretor que deviam pensar nos fãs de Star Wars, mas o Brian se negou, que deveriam se apegar a "historia".


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Jar Jar Abrams criar uma boa história? Senta lá Cláudia.

Ele sabe criar mistérios mal amarrados que saem do nada e chegam a lugar nenhum. Coloca dezenas de referências que não significam absolutamente nada apenas para encher linguiça. A série Lost era rica por conta de todas as teorias construídas e fundamentadas por fãs, porque Jar Jar não sabia o que estava fazendo. Do mesmo modo em "The Force Awakens" ele apenas criou mistérios, o núcleo da história é copiado do episódio IV e o resto ficou com a base de fãs. Ele tinha um terreno limpo na frente para trabalhar e não fez nada de interessante. Se vocês tem confiança que esse cara pode fazer alguma coisa boa, sinto muito, não é possível. Jar Jar é apenas o maior plagiador do cinema.
E não esqueça, com o roteirista do sucesso de público e critica Batman versus Superman e Liga da Justiça.

Um bom roteirista é essencial para um grande diretor.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Half Life precisa de alguém como a Disney foi para Star Wars
Pelo resultado que a Franquia tem tido sob a tutela da Disney, Half Life ia perder fãs, qualidade e gerar mais raiva que tudo se a Disney tomasse conta.

Pra começar, Alyx seria a protagonista (em off, adoraria jogar com ela um jogo inteiro) e ficaria falando de igualdade, contra o machismo e mesmo na dificuldade máxima, ninguém ia poder matar ela. Gordon seria o nerd alívio cômico, Calhoun seria um policial escroto e machista e aquela doutora que traiu a humanidade seria a heroína principal...

Fãs de longa data da franquia ficariam furiosos e um monte de gente que nunca jogaria Half Life (e metade deles nem iria jogar) ia sair defendendo o jogo e falando que quem não gostou das mudanças é machista, racista, homofóbico e direitista e que tudo isso é choro porque tiraram o protagonista do macho branco hétero e agora tem uma negra empoderada no comando (lembrando, iam descobrir que ela é lésbica)...

Não, deixa pra lá.


Mil pontos, LOL!
E lá vamos nós para mais um episódio de Damage Control, com a Disney fazendo um crossover maroto com a EA.

S05E14 - E EA é uma ótima parceira! Ela faz games de Star Wars tão bem quanto nós fazemos os filmes da franquia!

Disney Says It’s Never Been Good at Video Games, Remains Happy With EA’s Work


The Walt Disney Company has a “good relationship” with Electronic Arts and has no interest in returning to video games, something with which it was never able to “demonstrate much skill,” CEO Bob Iger said in an earnings call Tuesday.

“We’re good at making movies and television shows and theme parks and cruise ships and the like, we’ve just never managed to demonstrate much skill on the publishing side of games,” Iger said in response to a question about Disney’s potential future involvement in video game development.

The Walt Disney Company has been shedding its video game development and publishing interests almost as long as it’s been in the business of making interactive entertainment. Over the course of decades, Disney has created, and purchased studios and publishers only to later shut them down. In 2016, Disney discontinued the highly-regarded “Disney Infinity” franchise and closed down the developer, ending all self-publishing efforts. That effort continued in 2018 with the closing of “Club Penguin Island: and the sale of “Emoji Blitz.”

Walt Disney also partnered with Electronic Arts in 2013, granting the developer exclusive video game rights to Star Wars franchise. That decision was thrown into question recently with EA’s handling of a number of its Star Wars games. “Star Wars Battlefront II” came under fire for its use of questionable microtransaction loot boxes, and EA recently announced it had killed off one of its games, turning it into a smaller project.

Coincidentally, Electronic Arts was holding its earnings call at the same time as Disney. During its call, EA confirmed that another Star Wars game, “Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order,” would be out this year.

Iger seemed either unaware of some of the drama surrounding EA’s recent handling of the Star Wars brand or unconcerned when an analyst asked him for his thoughts on where video games fit into Disney’s business moving forward.

“We’re obviously mindful of the size of that business,” Iger said. “Over the years, as you know, we’ve tried our hand at self-publishing, we’ve bought companies, we’ve sold companies, we’ve bought developers, we’ve closed developers. And we’ve found over the years that we haven’t been particularly good at the self-publishing side, but we’ve been great at the licensing side which obviously doesn’t require that much allocation of capital.

“Since we’re allocating capital in other directions … we’ve just decided that the best place for us to be in that space is licensing and not publishing. We’ve had good relationships with some of those we’re licensing to, notably EA and the relationship on the Star Wars properties, and we’re probably going to stay on that side of the business and put our capital elsewhere.”


Não importa em qual direção se olhe, o futuro de Star Wars parece ser a morte. :kclassic


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
E lá vamos nós para mais um episódio de Damage Control, com a Disney fazendo um crossover maroto com a EA.

S05E14 - E EA é uma ótima parceira! Ela faz games de Star Wars tão bem quanto nós fazemos os filmes da franquia!

Disney Says It’s Never Been Good at Video Games, Remains Happy With EA’s Work


The Walt Disney Company has a “good relationship” with Electronic Arts and has no interest in returning to video games, something with which it was never able to “demonstrate much skill,” CEO Bob Iger said in an earnings call Tuesday.

“We’re good at making movies and television shows and theme parks and cruise ships and the like, we’ve just never managed to demonstrate much skill on the publishing side of games,” Iger said in response to a question about Disney’s potential future involvement in video game development.

The Walt Disney Company has been shedding its video game development and publishing interests almost as long as it’s been in the business of making interactive entertainment. Over the course of decades, Disney has created, and purchased studios and publishers only to later shut them down. In 2016, Disney discontinued the highly-regarded “Disney Infinity” franchise and closed down the developer, ending all self-publishing efforts. That effort continued in 2018 with the closing of “Club Penguin Island: and the sale of “Emoji Blitz.”

Walt Disney also partnered with Electronic Arts in 2013, granting the developer exclusive video game rights to Star Wars franchise. That decision was thrown into question recently with EA’s handling of a number of its Star Wars games. “Star Wars Battlefront II” came under fire for its use of questionable microtransaction loot boxes, and EA recently announced it had killed off one of its games, turning it into a smaller project.

Coincidentally, Electronic Arts was holding its earnings call at the same time as Disney. During its call, EA confirmed that another Star Wars game, “Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order,” would be out this year.

Iger seemed either unaware of some of the drama surrounding EA’s recent handling of the Star Wars brand or unconcerned when an analyst asked him for his thoughts on where video games fit into Disney’s business moving forward.

“We’re obviously mindful of the size of that business,” Iger said. “Over the years, as you know, we’ve tried our hand at self-publishing, we’ve bought companies, we’ve sold companies, we’ve bought developers, we’ve closed developers. And we’ve found over the years that we haven’t been particularly good at the self-publishing side, but we’ve been great at the licensing side which obviously doesn’t require that much allocation of capital.

“Since we’re allocating capital in other directions … we’ve just decided that the best place for us to be in that space is licensing and not publishing. We’ve had good relationships with some of those we’re licensing to, notably EA and the relationship on the Star Wars properties, and we’re probably going to stay on that side of the business and put our capital elsewhere.”


Não importa em qual direção se olhe, o futuro de Star Wars parece ser a morte. :kclassic

Nem sei o que dizer.

Quando venderam a franquia pra Disney, eu dizia para os arautos do apocalipse irem devagar, tínhamos que ver o que eles iriam fazer.

Até porque a Marvel tava indo bem.

Ah, como é ruim estar errado. Tá ainda pior que o Apocalipse que diziam que ia acontecer. Não destruíram só os filmes, mas gibis, livros e games.

Ah, até os desenhos eles destruíram.
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