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Star Wars Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (TÓPICO OFICIAL)


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Me arrependi de pensar com boa vontade sobre o futuro filme, não sabia desse esquema da República com o Império.
Saporra não faz sentido! Não fazia desde o início.
O problema é aquela limpeza que a Kathleen Kennedy fez nos roteiristas homens brancos (que apesar de terem engolido barriga feio na trilogia Prequel, ainda deram muitos bons episódios de Clone Wars) e enfiou um monte de estagiário super antenados, recém saídos da academia, que foram escolhidos porque eram mulheres e minorias, não porque tinham um histórico de boas histórias (ou histórias de sucesso).

No tópico oficial de The Last Jedi tem inclusive a lista de todos os oito roteiristas da Disney/LucasFilm e, dos 8, acho que dois tem mais que dois roteiros de episódios de alguma série teen.

Como a Disney e a LucasFilm acharam que o público de Star Wars seria crianças que aceitam qualquer coisas, teenagers que aceitam qualquer coisa com filhos revoltados e adultos mostrando que são idiotas e o universo sendo salvo por outros teenagers, contrataram exatamente esse tipo de pessoas.

Deu no que deu.

Aí, quando os adultos e jovens começaram a reclamar (numa série de 40 anos, é normal parte do público ser composta de adultos e jovens) a Disney passou a agir como adolescentes "Vocês são maus de criticar meu filme, seus racistas, homofóbicos, machistas, alt-right... Não vou ouvir nada do que vcs falarem" e, ao invés de corrigir os erros do primeiro filme (que, devo dizer, existem mas todos sem exceção poderiam ser corrigidos com poucos retoques) trataram de justamente fazer o oposto e focar no que as pessoas mais reclamaram (tipo, birra mesmo) e deu no que deu, 700 milhões de dólares de arrecadação a menos, porque muitos fãs não retornaram pra ver de novo e ainda foram reclamar dos erros do filme.

Como resultado, a Disney não só acusou eles de novo de serem machistas, racistas e o escambau como pagaram pra inúmeras revistas e sites defenderem o filme e falarem mal destes fãs (poderia ser uma defesa honesta? Claro, com certeza muita gente gostou e defendeu o filme sem grana, mas no tópico oficial tbm tem mais de uma postagem mostrando como várias críticas usavam a mesma estrutura, só mudando as palavras, outras usavam termos iguais - e isso é uma coisa boa - e outras saiam com desculpas e motivos idênticos) e o resultado é que muitos fãs disseram que não iriam mais dar grana pra Disney. Como disse o primeiro filme da franquia a sair depois de TLJ foi o primeiro filme de toda a franquia a render menos de 500.000.000 de dólares e foi o primeiro a mal se pagar.

Agora, muita gente tava pensando: A Disney entendeu e agora vai fazer acertarem os roteiros pra agradar os fãs.

Bom, a ideia é continuar lacrando. Agora é esperar pra saber se vai ser isso mesmo ou não.


O Corretor de Seguros
A disney afundou essa série numa m**** tão grande, mas tão grande que o que costumam fazer é....
Esperar uns 10 anos e começar do zero.
E isso já foi feito antes e nem esperaram 10 anos.
A franquia do Homem-Aranha reiniciaram 3x...
A Franquia do quarteto fantástico já reiniciaram 2x...
A do Lanterna Verde jogaram fora mesmo...

Enfim, Star Wars, caminha pra isso...vão reiniciar e contar tudo de novo do "episódio 1" ou simplesmente vão ignorar e fazer filmes do tipo...200 anos depois ...e vão resumir tudo que aconteceu em 200 anos num único parágrafo para não se complicarem demais.
Ou ao contrário...vão voltar ao passado do tipo "velha republica" como nos games.

Pq a franquia atual, na linha temporal atual JÁ ERA..., acabou, não tem como salvar...NADA. Disney destruiu tudo.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Enquanto isso no antigo UE, o império rachou em várias facções, a principal sendo os imperial remnants, a nova república teve que eliminar um por um os warlords das várias facções, vários anos de guerra até que 19 anos depois da batalha de yavin a nr assinou o armistício com os imperial remnants, mas sem eles fazerem parte do governo e bem enfraquecidos num canto da galáxia e tendo que aceitar várias demandas da nr. Fora que durante esse tempo todo a nr se armou, criou novas naves como os mon calamari cruisers mc90, mediator battlecruisers, endurence heavy carriers, nebula class destroyers, viscount star defenders (feitos pra enfrentar os executores e outros dreadnaughts do império) além de várias outras naves feitas pra complementar a frota de forma rápida e barata, novos modelos de caças, novas x-wing, naves imperiais capturadas, etc... a nr nunca aceitou um império fortalecido, nunca aceitou uma ditadura com poder pra ameaçar a galáxia, mesmo com os próprios problemas internos sempre lutou.
As histórias de SW antes eram sobre grandes conflitos contra ditadores e sobre "cavaleiros mágicos" contra "magos negros", agora é sobre enfrentar grupinhos extremistas e burrice governamental, ah sim, e sem os "cavaleiros mágicos"... "ótima" forma de se desenvolver uma space opera que sempre foi baseada em ser algo épico.
Nem fala de universo estendido.

Até entendo a Disney querer o próprio universo dela, mas putz, tanto material bom que poderia ser usado e jogaram tudo no lixo e contrataram estagiários para criar algo no lugar.

Quanta burrice.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
A disney afundou essa série numa m**** tão grande, mas tão grande que o que costumam fazer é....
Esperar uns 10 anos e começar do zero.
E isso já foi feito antes e nem esperaram 10 anos.
A franquia do Homem-Aranha reiniciaram 3x...
A Franquia do quarteto fantástico já reiniciaram 2x...
A do Lanterna Verde jogaram fora mesmo...

Enfim, Star Wars, caminha pra isso...vão reiniciar e contar tudo de novo do "episódio 1" ou simplesmente vão ignorar e fazer filmes do tipo...200 anos depois ...e vão resumir tudo que aconteceu em 200 anos num único parágrafo para não se complicarem demais.
Ou ao contrário...vão voltar ao passado do tipo "velha republica" como nos games.

Pq a franquia atual, na linha temporal atual JÁ ERA..., acabou, não tem como salvar...NADA. Disney destruiu tudo.
Eu vou fazer minha parte não indo assistir ao próximo filme da franquia nos cinemas (nem tenho tenta vontade mesmo) e espero que mais pessoas façam o mesmo.

Perdendo dinheiro a Disney vai entender o que os fãs querem..


O Corretor de Seguros
Eu vou fazer minha parte não indo assistir ao próximo filme da franquia nos cinemas (nem tenho tenta vontade mesmo) e espero que mais pessoas façam o mesmo.
Perdendo dinheiro a Disney vai entender o que os fãs querem..
Eu nem o 7 e nem o 8 fui ver...e não será agora.
Disseram que a Disney vai lançar bastante conteúdo do SW na plataforma online deles, tudo "live action".
Já vi que isso ai vai virar série adolescente tipo malhação..."vidas brasileiras".

Deleted member 219486

Eu nem o 7 e nem o 8 fui ver...e não será agora.
Disseram que a Disney vai lançar bastante conteúdo do SW na plataforma online deles, tudo "live action".
Já vi que isso ai vai virar série adolescente tipo malhação..."vidas brasileiras".

Malhação ainda é bem filmado, deve ser mais parecido com as séries pré-adolescentes do Disney Channel.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Finalmente o review mais aguardado saiu:

Mr. Plinkett :kkong:kkong

off: ok, como caralhos eu faço pro video aparecer no tópico nessa nova versão do fórum? só depois da manutenção de quarta?

É nesse aí que o Rian Johnson novinho diz que ele faz filme é pra ver o circo pegar fogo?


Mil pontos, LOL!
The Consequences Of SJW Messaging In Star Wars

In genuine Star Wars, the Jedi actively engaged in battle. As Obi-Wan Kenobi explained to Luke:

“For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times. Before the Empire.”

Thinking people understand, that guardians…guard. A guardian can’t very well guard without getting involved in a tumble or two.

Yoda taught Luke,

“A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.”

So a Jedi does in fact engage in violence, for the purposes of defense.

But not anymore.

Now that SJWs have assimilated the franchise, the Jedi have been relegated to space hippies. The new message in this brave new SJW age, is that Jedi are now peaceniks who don’t fight at all.

Readers of this blog may be familiar with the Twitter ramblings of Jonathan McIntosh, which I’ve written about here. Jonathan posted:

Writer Matt Miller of Esquire wrote in support of Jonathan’s revisionist tweets:

A true hero is one who doesn’t fight at all.
t’s a subversive notion that was lost on many Star Wars fans who believed that he was mercifully sparing Vader’s life from a position of power. It’s funny that fans don’t understand this, because throughout this entire franchise, Jedi have almost annoyingly touted themselves as arbiters of peace. They value non-violence. They’re more monks than soldiers—which is what Luke realized in his final confrontation with Vader and the emperor.
Though McIntosh doesn’t get into it here, this reading of Skywalker’s character tracks with his decision to kill Kylo Ren when he felt him turning to the Dark Side. That, again, was Skywalker realizing he was giving into his fear, and that’s why he changed his mind. When he fled to solitude, that was his ultimate act of pacifism, as was his non-violent confrontation with Ren in the conclusion of the film.

Many people responded to the Esquire article and the absurd premise it presents, and you can see some of their videos here.

My own response was to correct that awful misunderstanding and revisionism of the Original Trilogy.

Luke avoided fighting Vader, his father. It wasn’t until Vader realized that Leia was Luke’s twin sister, his daughter, and suggested that perhaps she would turn to the dark side if Luke wouldn’t, that Luke jumped into action and fought Vader. So in essence Luke was still in keeping with the Jedi code as taught by Yoda, “A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.” Luke was defending his sister.

Luke effectively defeated Vader when he cut off Vader’s hand. What stopped Luke from vanquishing Vader altogether, was when he looked at Vader’s missing severed hand from which mechanical devices were hanging, then looked at his own mechanical hand, that he realized that were he to vanquish Vader, that he would be going down the same path as his father, down the darkside. That’s what stopped him.

So yes, Luke did in fact stop short of vanquishing Vader for not wanting to take the same path as his father did, down the road of the Sith. But at the same time, Luke did in fact use his great Jedi warrior skills in defense rather than attack, as Yoda taught him.

Unfortunately, it appears that the SJW revisionism of the Jedi way as a peacenik space hippie is taking hold in today’s youth.


The results of SJW messaging.

ABC affiliate KMBC News reports that a California fifth grader refused to defend himself, and instead allowed himself to be beaten by a bully. Because defending himself is “not the Jedi way.”

A California fifth grader ended up in the emergency room after his mother said he was punched in the face by a bully.
“When the day started I said to myself, ‘I have a bad feeling about today,” 10-year-old Aiden Vasquez told KMIR.
Vasquez said the bully first called him a bad name, then took his backpack.
“‘Give me my backpack, give me my backpack,'” he recalled asking the boy. “I went to go get it and then — pop.”
Vasquez ended up in the hospital, suffering from a black eye and a laceration on his eyebrow.
Lizette Casanova, Vasquez’s mother, said the incident makes her furious and emotional. She also said it isn’t the first time her son has been hurt.
“Last year he got a cheek laceration. He got pushed against a wall supposedly and his face got cut open. Last year he got three stitches,” she said.
After the first incident, she took a picture of her son’s injuries and posted it to Facebook, calling out the school for not protecting her child.
The post has been shared almost five 5,000 times. In response to the incident and the social media post, the principal at Two Bunch Palms Elementary sent a letter to parents, saying in part, “There are times when what is posted does not convey the complete story and can cause multiple rumors to circulate.”
But Casanova insists her son’s broken face tells the whole story. She asked her son why he didn’t defend himself when he was punched.

“I told my mom, ‘I got it from Star Wars, that it’s not the Jedi way,’” Aiden said.

Mature adults know, that the only proper way to deal with bullies who pinch you, is to respond by breaking their jaw. It’s the only way to get bullies to stop. Otherwise, they’ll continue their bullying if they know that you can’t or won’t do anything about it. It’s the responsibility of mature adults to pass on this message to youth. Hence Obi-Wan’s message about Jedi being guardians, and Yoda’s lesson about using the Force for defense.

Specifically because of the entirely incorrect and immoral SJW messaging now in modern Star Wars films, which is also packaged in ancillary “canon” material, and in accompanying media articles, this young boy unfortunately allowed himself to be beaten to the point that he had to be taken to the emergency room. Had he used the Jedi way for defense as Yoda originally taught, he might have been spared the horrific injuries he incurred, or at least lessened their severity.

The boy is not only a victim of the bully, but also a victim of the SJW messaging in Disney Star Wars.

I shudder to think what the results will be, should this young boy encounter the now emboldened bully again in the near future.



Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Você percebe o quanto a franquia é querida e quanto cagaram nela quando quase um ano depois ainda tem discussão sobre a mesma.


Mil pontos, LOL!
The Consequences Of SJW Messaging In Star Wars

In genuine Star Wars, the Jedi actively engaged in battle. As Obi-Wan Kenobi explained to Luke:

“For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times. Before the Empire.”

Thinking people understand, that guardians…guard. A guardian can’t very well guard without getting involved in a tumble or two.

Yoda taught Luke,

“A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.”

So a Jedi does in fact engage in violence, for the purposes of defense.

But not anymore.

Now that SJWs have assimilated the franchise, the Jedi have been relegated to space hippies. The new message in this brave new SJW age, is that Jedi are now peaceniks who don’t fight at all.

Readers of this blog may be familiar with the Twitter ramblings of Jonathan McIntosh, which I’ve written about here. Jonathan posted:

Writer Matt Miller of Esquire wrote in support of Jonathan’s revisionist tweets:

Many people responded to the Esquire article and the absurd premise it presents, and you can see some of their videos here.

My own response was to correct that awful misunderstanding and revisionism of the Original Trilogy.

Luke avoided fighting Vader, his father. It wasn’t until Vader realized that Leia was Luke’s twin sister, his daughter, and suggested that perhaps she would turn to the dark side if Luke wouldn’t, that Luke jumped into action and fought Vader. So in essence Luke was still in keeping with the Jedi code as taught by Yoda, “A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.” Luke was defending his sister.

Luke effectively defeated Vader when he cut off Vader’s hand. What stopped Luke from vanquishing Vader altogether, was when he looked at Vader’s missing severed hand from which mechanical devices were hanging, then looked at his own mechanical hand, that he realized that were he to vanquish Vader, that he would be going down the same path as his father, down the darkside. That’s what stopped him.

So yes, Luke did in fact stop short of vanquishing Vader for not wanting to take the same path as his father did, down the road of the Sith. But at the same time, Luke did in fact use his great Jedi warrior skills in defense rather than attack, as Yoda taught him.

Unfortunately, it appears that the SJW revisionism of the Jedi way as a peacenik space hippie is taking hold in today’s youth.


The results of SJW messaging.

ABC affiliate KMBC News reports that a California fifth grader refused to defend himself, and instead allowed himself to be beaten by a bully. Because defending himself is “not the Jedi way.”

Mature adults know, that the only proper way to deal with bullies who pinch you, is to respond by breaking their jaw. It’s the only way to get bullies to stop. Otherwise, they’ll continue their bullying if they know that you can’t or won’t do anything about it. It’s the responsibility of mature adults to pass on this message to youth. Hence Obi-Wan’s message about Jedi being guardians, and Yoda’s lesson about using the Force for defense.

Specifically because of the entirely incorrect and immoral SJW messaging now in modern Star Wars films, which is also packaged in ancillary “canon” material, and in accompanying media articles, this young boy unfortunately allowed himself to be beaten to the point that he had to be taken to the emergency room. Had he used the Jedi way for defense as Yoda originally taught, he might have been spared the horrific injuries he incurred, or at least lessened their severity.

The boy is not only a victim of the bully, but also a victim of the SJW messaging in Disney Star Wars.

I shudder to think what the results will be, should this young boy encounter the now emboldened bully again in the near future.


Isso me lembra um video de um comparativo da desconstrução de SW feita por Kotor 2 e pelo ep 8, em que o autor chega na conclusão de que Kotor 2 desconstrói e coloca algo mais refinado no lugar e que o ep 8 só destrói e não faz nada, que a ideia geral do ep 8 é simplesmente não reagir a nada, pura apatia.

Engraçado desse post é que hoje contunuando a leitura da saga new jedi order cheguei numa parte que discute exatamente isso, de como os jedi devem reagir. Jacen Solo voltou "dos mortos" conseguiu escapar dos Yuuzhan Vong, e a família começou a ser informada. A Jaina tinha acabado de sair de uma batalha que em sua maior parte foi planejada por ela, foi uma vitória importante pra NR, mas ela ainda sentia duvida sobre como um jedi deve agir numa guerra, e a noticia de o irmão dela estar vivo a pegou de surpresa, ela então começa a conversar com o mestre dela, Kyp duron, que chegou a cair pro lado negro uns 15 anos antes, e quase foi outra vez junto com ela. Ela sente um pouco de medo de contar pro irmão as coisas que ela fez quando quase foi pro lado negro, com medo dele se sentir culpado, e isso faz eles conversarem sobre como um jedi deve reagir a uma agressão:

"Hi," Jacen said. "I'm back from the dead." And he looked it-he was ten or twelve kilos underweight, and the long hair and scraggly beard gave him the appearance of a hermit just rescued from a long period of fasting in the desert.
He briefly explained that he'd been held prisoner by the Yuuzhan Vong, and rescued by a Jedi named Vergere, a Jedi of the Old Republic.
"I'm sorry I didn't try to contact you through our twin bond," he said. "You were in my thoughts the whole time. But I knew that the Yuuzhan Vong wanted you to try to rescue me-they were ready for it. They wanted to sacrifice us both in a special ceremony. So my greatest chance of staying alive was to keep you as far away from me as possible. They tell me you've played a big part in a victory." His brown eyes gazed mildly out of the holo. "I hope that means you've been all right while I've been away. It must have been bad enough knowing that An akin was dead without thinking that I was gone as well." He hesitated. "I know you're too sensible to get into anything really hurtful, but I hope you're well, and I hope we'll be able to talk soon. Tell Logic and everyone hi. Take care. I love you."
The holographic image fizzled out. Jaina's thoughts whirled. It seemed she was forgiven for not trying to contact Jacen through the twin bond they shared, but on the other hand Jacen seemed to have sensed, or perhaps heard about, her mad, angry brush with the dark side, her surrender to the fury that was her legacy through the blood of Vader.
What could she tell Jacen? It had been bad enough confessing her actions to her mother.
The next message was from Jagged Fel, reporting that he'd encountered her mother and father on the Hydian Way, and that Leia had told him Jacen had escaped the Yuuzhan Vong.
Did everyone know before I did? she thought.
"I've missed you," Jag said. "I wish I was with you. I wish I could see your reaction when you find out that Jacen is alive. I want to kiss you in celebration."
Even though she wanted to bask in misery at this moment, Jag's words brightened her spirit. The memory of his arms around her, and the phantom taste of his lips on hers, whispered like a warm summer wind through her memory.
She really couldn't, she thought. Being in love at a time like this was madness. Not when death reached out to her at every moment, when another person to love meant only another person to mourn when the time came.
But Jacen had come back... perhaps that meant that things had changed.
Her mind whirled. But one thing was clear: soon death would come for her.
The fewer people to mourn then, the better.
Jaina found Kyp Durron in the pilots' mess, chewing without enthusiasm on a reconstituted, freeze-dried iagoin steak that may have been in a storage locker since the days of Empress Teta. "Great One," he said, looking up, "please exercise your godly powers and summon real food. We're orbiting six hundred kilometers above the greenest planet in the New Republic, and the mess can't seem to find any fresh vegetables."
He paused, then looked at her in surprise. "What's wrong, Sticks?"
"Jacen's alive," she said. "He's on Mon Calamari with Uncle Luke and Mara."
Kyp's expression cleared. "Wonderful!" he said. "Get yourself a plate of rehydrated salthia bean paste, and we'll have a feast and celebrate!"
Jaina sat heavily on the seat opposite him. "What do I tell him I've been up to since he was captured?" she asked.
Comprehension dawned. "I see," Kyp said. "Well." He looked down at his plate and pushed the iagoin away with distaste, then looked at Jaina again. "You may as well tell him the truth."
"There's more to it than that," Jaina said. "During his capture he made no attempt to contact me through the Force, for fear that I'd try to rescue him and run into a trap. So what do I tell him-that because he didn't contact me I ran amok? What's that going to do to him?"
Kyp listened carefully and nodded. "I understand your concern," he said,
"but I think Jacen can take care of himself. He always has. And besides, Anakin's death had as much to do with your going to the dark as Jacen's capture did."
"Maybe so. But it's hard to know how he's going to take things. What if it sends him into another spiral of-of whatever it was that paralyzed him in the first place?"
"You saw the hologram," Kyp said. "Did he look paralyzed?"
Jaina found herself smiling. "No. He looked like he'd been through a lot, but-he looked all right. And he was right enough to be concerned about me."
Kyp nodded at her solemnly. "Then I think-when you see him-you'll know what to say."
Jaina looked at her hands. "I hope so."
Kyp grinned. "Is there anything else that's going to keep you from celebrating?"
Jaina smiled, but sobered quickly. "Admiral Kre'fey," she said. "He and the Bothans have gone mad-they've all decided they're going to wipe out the Yuuzhan Vong to the last germ cell. So now we have a commander who's bent on destroying a whole species." She looked at him. "Is that an invitation to the dark side, or what?"
Kyp was impressed. "Even i never went that far," he said. He leaned across the table toward Jaina-"I think that the dark side can only take command when you're feeling certain emotions," he said. "In my case it was anger. In yours it was the desire for vengeance."
"On behalf of a brother who turned out not to be dead," Jaina added bitterly.
"As well as the one who was. Yes. That was wrong, and we're agreed on that. But I think we should try to make several distinctions here."
"All right," Jaina said, though she felt cautious at the idea of too many shadings and distinctions between light and dark.
"There's aggression for its own sake. Which is bad."
"There's defensive war, fighting against invaders on behalf of your own worlds or people or government. Which, if not necessarily good, is at least justified."
Jaina nodded. "I'm following you."
"And then there's a counterattack in an otherwise defensive war. Which was Obroa-skai."
"And it's what?" Jaina asked. "Good? Bad? Justified?"
"Justified," Kyp said. "I've been thinking hard about this, and I think justified." Then he saw Jaina's dubious look, and said, "Let me give you an analogy."
"All right."
"Say you have a friend who has something valuable, like a ring. And a thief attacks your friend and steals the ring, and for some reason you can't prevent it."
"I'm following you."
"And later, you meet the thief, and you see the thief wearing the ring. So is it aggression to bring the thief to justice, and return the ring to its rightful owner?"
"So you're saying," Jaina said, "that the thief is like the Yuuzhan Vong, who have been stealing our worlds, and that it's not aggression to want our worlds back and the Yuuzhan Vong out of our hair?"
"I'm not saying that there isn't a degree of aggression. But I'm saying it's justified."
"But if your aggression lets in the dark?"
"Then it's not justified," Kyp said. He sighed. "Look. You can go after the thief because you're angry at him and you want to give him a good pounding, or you can go after the thief because you want to see justice done. There's a difference. Anger is dark, but the love of justice is light."
"And perfect justice is impossible," Jaina countered.
"Perfect justice isn't the issue. You're setting too high a standard. We haven't sworn oaths to be perfect." He considered for a moment. "Look, it's like when Luke was fighting Darth Vader, and the Emperor stood by urging him to strike out of anger. Fighting Darth Vader wasn't the wrong thing to do! But fighting him out of anger was."
Jaina looked at him for a long while. "No offense, Kyp, but I wish it was Uncle Luke who was making this argument, not the greatest living expert on the dark side of the Force."
Kyp looked at her soberly. "So do I, Jaina. So do I."
Bem diferente do pensamento de "um jedi não faz nada" proposto pelo maluco do twitter, e o Luke tbm pensava como o Kyp, apesar do Kyp pensar de uma forma um pouco mais agressiva, mas o Luke também achava que os jedi tinham que fazer de tudo pra proteger quem não pode se defender.

Legal também que nessa cena a história continua explorando o que uma guerra faz com a cabeça de alguém com só 18 anos de idade, e que entrou na guerra aos 16, a Jaina não só quase caiu pro lado negro como entrou em depressão. Ela começa a achar que com certeza vai acabar morrendo na guerra, e isso faz ela ficar com medo de causar sofrimento pras pessoas que ela ama, então ela tenta se isolar, se afastar de todos pra que caso ela morra eles não sintam tanto a perda dela.


Mil pontos, LOL!
'The Last Jedi' Director Rian Johnson Confirms His Star Wars Trilogy Is Still in the Works

Prior to the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Lucasfilm announced that they were so excited by their collaboration with writer/director Rian Johnson that he would be developing his own trilogy of Star Wars films. With fans speculating in the months since the announcement about when we could expect these films, Johnson confirmed with a fan on Twitter that he is still working on the storylines.


When a fan asked, "Are you still working in your star wars trilogy?... I'm waiting for it," Johnson replied with a "Yup," adding a fist emoji.

This news might not come as a surprise to everyone, but, given the disappointing performance of Solo: A Star Wars Story, fans are much more apprehensive about what the future holds for the franchise.

When Johnson's The Last Jedi hit theaters, a majority of fans and most film critics praised the film for circumventing expectations and delivering audiences a bold new vision of the galaxy far, far away. Some detractors, however, vehemently disagreed with narrative decisions and, with the prominence of social media, these voices were able to amplify themselves and spark a "backlash" against the film.

Six months after that film's release, Solo hit theaters and failed to earn the critical nor the box office success of previous films in the franchise, leaving fans mystified as to why it didn't resonate with audiences.

Around the time of Solo's release, reports emerged that both Boba Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi films were being developed, though the lackluster performance of Soloresulted in follow-up reports that Lucasfilm was focusing all of its attention on Star Wars: Episode IX. The culmination of the Skywalker Saga is currently the only live-action project that has a seemingly solid release date, with the film originally being slated for Dec. 20, 2019, though Lucasfilm then modified official statements to claim "December," without specifying the date.

Johnson is slated to write and direct the first installment of the upcoming trilogy, though there are no details about when fans can expect that project to move forward in any capacity. Additionally, Game of Thrones co-creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are developing a series of films, while Jon Favreau is developing a live-action Star Wars series for Disney's streaming platform.

Given Lucasfilm's track record of releasing one film a year since Star Wars: The Force Awakens, it's possible that we could see a live-action film go into production next year for a potential 2020 release date.

Por favor, não desista da trilogia de Ruin Johnson, Disney. Eu te desafio. Eu te desafio em dose dupla. Não desista, pois quero ver um novo flop, seguindo o filme do Han Soja. Talvez então você entenda toda m**** que está fazendo... ou simplesmente mate Star Wars de uma vez por todas.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
'The Last Jedi' Director Rian Johnson Confirms His Star Wars Trilogy Is Still in the Works

Prior to the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Lucasfilm announced that they were so excited by their collaboration with writer/director Rian Johnson that he would be developing his own trilogy of Star Wars films. With fans speculating in the months since the announcement about when we could expect these films, Johnson confirmed with a fan on Twitter that he is still working on the storylines.


When a fan asked, "Are you still working in your star wars trilogy?... I'm waiting for it," Johnson replied with a "Yup," adding a fist emoji.

This news might not come as a surprise to everyone, but, given the disappointing performance of Solo: A Star Wars Story, fans are much more apprehensive about what the future holds for the franchise.

When Johnson's The Last Jedi hit theaters, a majority of fans and most film critics praised the film for circumventing expectations and delivering audiences a bold new vision of the galaxy far, far away. Some detractors, however, vehemently disagreed with narrative decisions and, with the prominence of social media, these voices were able to amplify themselves and spark a "backlash" against the film.

Six months after that film's release, Solo hit theaters and failed to earn the critical nor the box office success of previous films in the franchise, leaving fans mystified as to why it didn't resonate with audiences.

Around the time of Solo's release, reports emerged that both Boba Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi films were being developed, though the lackluster performance of Soloresulted in follow-up reports that Lucasfilm was focusing all of its attention on Star Wars: Episode IX. The culmination of the Skywalker Saga is currently the only live-action project that has a seemingly solid release date, with the film originally being slated for Dec. 20, 2019, though Lucasfilm then modified official statements to claim "December," without specifying the date.

Johnson is slated to write and direct the first installment of the upcoming trilogy, though there are no details about when fans can expect that project to move forward in any capacity. Additionally, Game of Thrones co-creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are developing a series of films, while Jon Favreau is developing a live-action Star Wars series for Disney's streaming platform.

Given Lucasfilm's track record of releasing one film a year since Star Wars: The Force Awakens, it's possible that we could see a live-action film go into production next year for a potential 2020 release date.

Por favor, não desista da trilogia de Ruin Johnson, Disney. Eu te desafio. Eu te desafio em dose dupla. Não desista, pois quero ver um novo flop, seguindo o filme do Han Soja. Talvez então você entenda toda m**** que está fazendo... ou simplesmente mate Star Wars de uma vez por todas.
Legal mesmo é a isenção:
A crítica e a maioria dos fãs adoraram, apenas uns poucos não gostaram.


Nem quis clicar no link pra não dar views. Sabe se lá tem comentários? Quando os fãs reclamam é mais divertido conferir.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Sobre a Trilogia Expectativa Ruim, tudo vai depender do sucesso, fracasso ou meio termo de Diamante Negro Trixie.

Que, claro, eu torço pra fracassar imensamente pra mudar as coisas na Disney.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Legal mesmo é a isenção:
A crítica e a maioria dos fãs adoraram, apenas uns poucos não gostaram.


Nem quis clicar no link pra não dar views. Sabe se lá tem comentários? Quando os fãs reclamam é mais divertido conferir.
Tem comentários, mas nem sequer me dei ao trabalho de lê-los, porque o texto da notícia é muito fraquinho (tanto que nem quis incluí-lo em Damage Control). No fim das contas, não senti que valia o esforço. :klol

viagem estrelar

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
dark times, nao se esqueçam q a disney tem praticamente a industria do entreternimento no bolso.


Mil pontos, LOL!
'The Last Jedi' Director Rian Johnson Confirms His Star Wars Trilogy Is Still in the Works

Prior to the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Lucasfilm announced that they were so excited by their collaboration with writer/director Rian Johnson that he would be developing his own trilogy of Star Wars films. With fans speculating in the months since the announcement about when we could expect these films, Johnson confirmed with a fan on Twitter that he is still working on the storylines.


When a fan asked, "Are you still working in your star wars trilogy?... I'm waiting for it," Johnson replied with a "Yup," adding a fist emoji.

This news might not come as a surprise to everyone, but, given the disappointing performance of Solo: A Star Wars Story, fans are much more apprehensive about what the future holds for the franchise.

When Johnson's The Last Jedi hit theaters, a majority of fans and most film critics praised the film for circumventing expectations and delivering audiences a bold new vision of the galaxy far, far away. Some detractors, however, vehemently disagreed with narrative decisions and, with the prominence of social media, these voices were able to amplify themselves and spark a "backlash" against the film.

Six months after that film's release, Solo hit theaters and failed to earn the critical nor the box office success of previous films in the franchise, leaving fans mystified as to why it didn't resonate with audiences.

Around the time of Solo's release, reports emerged that both Boba Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi films were being developed, though the lackluster performance of Soloresulted in follow-up reports that Lucasfilm was focusing all of its attention on Star Wars: Episode IX. The culmination of the Skywalker Saga is currently the only live-action project that has a seemingly solid release date, with the film originally being slated for Dec. 20, 2019, though Lucasfilm then modified official statements to claim "December," without specifying the date.

Johnson is slated to write and direct the first installment of the upcoming trilogy, though there are no details about when fans can expect that project to move forward in any capacity. Additionally, Game of Thrones co-creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are developing a series of films, while Jon Favreau is developing a live-action Star Wars series for Disney's streaming platform.

Given Lucasfilm's track record of releasing one film a year since Star Wars: The Force Awakens, it's possible that we could see a live-action film go into production next year for a potential 2020 release date.

Por favor, não desista da trilogia de Ruin Johnson, Disney. Eu te desafio. Eu te desafio em dose dupla. Não desista, pois quero ver um novo flop, seguindo o filme do Han Soja. Talvez então você entenda toda m**** que está fazendo... ou simplesmente mate Star Wars de uma vez por todas.
Não cara. Não é possível.

Vou passar de fã a hater da franquia.

A linha que divide paixão e ódio é bem tênue.
Disney, não se atreva.

Sent from Korriban, via Imperial Freighter.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Parece que ela pode dizer o que é bom ou ruim. No nível que se vc discordar, ela te deixa sem acesso a nada e vc some entre outros que tem acesso.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Não cara. Não é possível.

Vou passar de fã a hater da franquia.

A linha que divide paixão e ódio é bem tênue.
Disney, não se atreva.

Sent from Korriban, via Imperial Freighter.
Não duvide, meu caro... Quando o assunto é Star Wars, nada é impossível para a Disney (num mau sentido). Lembrando que, mesmo após todo esse tempo e todas as reações negativas, Ruin Johnson não aprendeu porra nenhuma,



Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Não duvide, meu caro... Quando o assunto é Star Wars, nada é impossível para a Disney (num mau sentido). Lembrando que, mesmo após todo esse tempo e todas as reações negativas, Ruin Johnson não aprendeu porra nenhuma,

É nessa que até quem não odeia o filme passa a não curtir o diretor.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Dave Bautista tentou entrar para o elenco de dois filmes de Star Wars
Modo noturnoPublicado em31 de agosto de 2018 às 15h28


Em entrevista para Flickering Myth, Dave Bautista revelou que fez testes para entrar para o elenco de dois filmes da franquia Star Wars — mas não conseguiu nenhum deles.

Na verdade, eu fiz testes para dois filmes de Star Wars e eles me rejeitaram. Eu sempre sonhei em estar em um filme da franquia.
Além disso, o ator confessou que não gostou muito dos últimos longas da franquia.

Eu não posso dizer que sou um grande fã dos últimos longas, mas eu particularmente amei Rogue One. Eu achei o filme excelente e amei que eles colocaram um tom mais sombrio nele. Aquilo foi realmente interessante.

Dave Bautista é mais conhecido por interpretar Drax em Guardiões da Galáxia. O terceiro filme da franquia da Marvel teve sua produção suspensa, e seu futuro ainda é incerto.

Já Star Wars segue para seu Episódio IX, que estreia em dezembro de 2019.

Conclusão do autor:
Não gostou porque não tá no filme​
Publicado por Tayná Garcia

O b*sta é a conclusão.

Deleted member 219486

Dave Bautista tentou entrar para o elenco de dois filmes de Star Wars
Modo noturnoPublicado em31 de agosto de 2018 às 15h28


Em entrevista para Flickering Myth, Dave Bautista revelou que fez testes para entrar para o elenco de dois filmes da franquia Star Wars — mas não conseguiu nenhum deles.

Na verdade, eu fiz testes para dois filmes de Star Wars e eles me rejeitaram. Eu sempre sonhei em estar em um filme da franquia.
Além disso, o ator confessou que não gostou muito dos últimos longas da franquia.

Eu não posso dizer que sou um grande fã dos últimos longas, mas eu particularmente amei Rogue One. Eu achei o filme excelente e amei que eles colocaram um tom mais sombrio nele. Aquilo foi realmente interessante.

Dave Bautista é mais conhecido por interpretar Drax em Guardiões da Galáxia. O terceiro filme da franquia da Marvel teve sua produção suspensa, e seu futuro ainda é incerto.

Já Star Wars segue para seu Episódio IX, que estreia em dezembro de 2019.

Conclusão do autor:
Não gostou porque não tá no filme​
Publicado por Tayná Garcia

O b*sta é a conclusão.

Papel dele é Drax, me perdoe mas é um ator medíocre que só funciona em filme B, do jeito que a franquia SW não duvidava de colocarem ele porque atuação é o de menos para participar.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Achei interessante o conceito de objetos tocados pelo lado negro.
Tipo, dizer que um objeto transforma alguém em sith é lixo, mas dizer que um objeto - tipo uma máscara ou um sabre - usado por décadas por alguém do lado negro pode levar a pessoa a se tornar má bem legal.

E o cara é bem respeitoso até com os que gostaram do filme, ele explica como o filme poderia ser melhor, explica que não gostou e diz que não tem nada contra quem gostou.

Fica o link:



Mil pontos, LOL!
Last Jedi Director Trashes Star Wars Youtuber Mike Zeroh Then Deletes Tweets


A lot of Star Wars content creators have gotten quite brazen in defending their art on social media platforms over the past year, especially in wake of The Last Jedi, one of the most divisive releases in the current canon. At least half of the fans hated the movie, perhaps even more so. And director Rian Johnson has been trashed for his attempts at subverting expectations. Now, the director has decided to fire back, and he very carefully put one popular Youtuber in his crosshairs, going after the equally divisive Mike Zeroh in a series of disenchanting tweets that have since been deleted.

Mike Zeroh is quite well known by Star Wars fans, as he uploads new content to his Youtube channel on a daily basis. He often covers the latest rumors, going over every aspect of the franchise with intel he gets from various sources. The guy isn't always right, but he never claims to have any confirmation on his rumors until it's authorized by Disney and Lucasfilm. He goes out of his way to point out speculation and theories. Because of that, his batting average isn't always great.

But Zeroh really ruffled some feathers with team Lucasfilm when he published a new video claiming Rian Johnson's upcoming new Star Wars trilogy, which will fall outside of the Skywalker saga and feature all new characters and locations, had been canceled. Zeroh did claim that Johnson may now only make one new Star Wars movie, but that a full trilogy will depend on how that first film is received. This actually makes all the sense in the world, considering the box office failure of Solo, which was supposed to be a trilogy, with star Alden Ehrenreich contracted for three films that are 99.9% definitely not happening at this point.

Rumors of Rian Johnson's departure from Lucasfilm and the cancelation of this new trilogy had been swarming for a while. They tie into the rumors that Kathleen Kennedy is leaving Lucasfilm in September, and that Johnson is going with her. None of this has ever been confirmed by any real sources connected to Disney or Lucasfilm. Johnson has been asked multiple times about his upcoming new Star Wars trilogy on social media, but he's stayed relatively silent.

Until earlier this week. A fan asked if Johnson was still working on his trilogy. He simply replied, 'Yup.' This was followed by the fist bump emoji. It was only later that Rian Johnson learned that Mike Zeroh was responsible for the rumors that Johnson was leaving Lucasfilm and that his upcoming Star Wars trilogy had been tossed in the trash. And this caused a reaction from Johnson that was quite unexpected.

"Wait. Hahahahahaha this is all because of Zeroh? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. When we were in production we had a guy keeping an eye on online rumors. At some point we started using "Zeroh" as a verb. Like, "throws trash at basket, but it slips out of your hand and falls behind you." "Zeroh'd it."

Shortly after Rian Johnson made these tweets against Mike Zeroh he deleted them, but not before they were captured for posterity by a couple of other prominent Star Wars Youtubers, who couldn't believe that the Star Wars director was going after the Youtube community in this way. And many have come out against Rian Johnson for this bullying tactic.

The one person that hasn't spoken out is Mike Zeroh, who perhaps doesn't even know any of this happened. He did not respond on Twitter or Youtube, and has just continued to post his future Star Wars content with several new videos that never address Johnson's comments but instead look at new rumors and speculation regarding the upcoming Star Wars 9. One thing is quite noticeable about his most recent videos since this happened, he has taken himself out and instead is showing various photos and concept art in his place.

Along with Rian Johnson, Pablo Hidalgo is another Star Wars content creator and contributor that has attacked fans on social media. Many have mixed feelings about these creators jumping in the mix. Johnson obviously had second feelings about it, too, or he wouldn't have deleted his tweets so quickly. Furthermore, some Lucasfilm insiders continue to insist that Kathleen Kennedy will be gone come this September, and that Rian Johnson will go with her, not even giving fans the first chapter in his proposed new Star Wars Trilogy. Here's a look at the deleted tweets along with videos of a couple other Youtubers coming to Mike Zeroh's defense.



Falei que Ruin Johnson não tinha aprendido porra nenhuma... Aí está ele provando isso novamente. Ao menos esse artigo realmente teve isenção, ao contrário do que postei anteriormente.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!

A cena do filme mostra os bombardeios americanos atacando o Japão e os caças zero japoneses tentando impedir.
Achei bem legal e, à partir de 2:30 já lembra bastante a cena inicial de TLJ, só dividi pro caso de alguém curtir.


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Last Jedi Director Trashes Star Wars Youtuber Mike Zeroh Then Deletes Tweets


A lot of Star Wars content creators have gotten quite brazen in defending their art on social media platforms over the past year, especially in wake of The Last Jedi, one of the most divisive releases in the current canon. At least half of the fans hated the movie, perhaps even more so. And director Rian Johnson has been trashed for his attempts at subverting expectations. Now, the director has decided to fire back, and he very carefully put one popular Youtuber in his crosshairs, going after the equally divisive Mike Zeroh in a series of disenchanting tweets that have since been deleted.

Mike Zeroh is quite well known by Star Wars fans, as he uploads new content to his Youtube channel on a daily basis. He often covers the latest rumors, going over every aspect of the franchise with intel he gets from various sources. The guy isn't always right, but he never claims to have any confirmation on his rumors until it's authorized by Disney and Lucasfilm. He goes out of his way to point out speculation and theories. Because of that, his batting average isn't always great.

But Zeroh really ruffled some feathers with team Lucasfilm when he published a new video claiming Rian Johnson's upcoming new Star Wars trilogy, which will fall outside of the Skywalker saga and feature all new characters and locations, had been canceled. Zeroh did claim that Johnson may now only make one new Star Wars movie, but that a full trilogy will depend on how that first film is received. This actually makes all the sense in the world, considering the box office failure of Solo, which was supposed to be a trilogy, with star Alden Ehrenreich contracted for three films that are 99.9% definitely not happening at this point.

Rumors of Rian Johnson's departure from Lucasfilm and the cancelation of this new trilogy had been swarming for a while. They tie into the rumors that Kathleen Kennedy is leaving Lucasfilm in September, and that Johnson is going with her. None of this has ever been confirmed by any real sources connected to Disney or Lucasfilm. Johnson has been asked multiple times about his upcoming new Star Wars trilogy on social media, but he's stayed relatively silent.

Until earlier this week. A fan asked if Johnson was still working on his trilogy. He simply replied, 'Yup.' This was followed by the fist bump emoji. It was only later that Rian Johnson learned that Mike Zeroh was responsible for the rumors that Johnson was leaving Lucasfilm and that his upcoming Star Wars trilogy had been tossed in the trash. And this caused a reaction from Johnson that was quite unexpected.

"Wait. Hahahahahaha this is all because of Zeroh? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. When we were in production we had a guy keeping an eye on online rumors. At some point we started using "Zeroh" as a verb. Like, "throws trash at basket, but it slips out of your hand and falls behind you." "Zeroh'd it."

Shortly after Rian Johnson made these tweets against Mike Zeroh he deleted them, but not before they were captured for posterity by a couple of other prominent Star Wars Youtubers, who couldn't believe that the Star Wars director was going after the Youtube community in this way. And many have come out against Rian Johnson for this bullying tactic.

The one person that hasn't spoken out is Mike Zeroh, who perhaps doesn't even know any of this happened. He did not respond on Twitter or Youtube, and has just continued to post his future Star Wars content with several new videos that never address Johnson's comments but instead look at new rumors and speculation regarding the upcoming Star Wars 9. One thing is quite noticeable about his most recent videos since this happened, he has taken himself out and instead is showing various photos and concept art in his place.

Along with Rian Johnson, Pablo Hidalgo is another Star Wars content creator and contributor that has attacked fans on social media. Many have mixed feelings about these creators jumping in the mix. Johnson obviously had second feelings about it, too, or he wouldn't have deleted his tweets so quickly. Furthermore, some Lucasfilm insiders continue to insist that Kathleen Kennedy will be gone come this September, and that Rian Johnson will go with her, not even giving fans the first chapter in his proposed new Star Wars Trilogy. Here's a look at the deleted tweets along with videos of a couple other Youtubers coming to Mike Zeroh's defense.



Falei que Ruin Johnson não tinha aprendido porra nenhuma... Aí está ele provando isso novamente. Ao menos esse artigo realmente teve isenção, ao contrário do que postei anteriormente.

Pois é, como tem alguns milhões de fãs (e a maioria dos críticos) lambendo as bolas dele até hoje, o cara enxerga-se como um herói visionário.
E todos que não gostaram do filme não gostaram porque o filme tem falhas e erros, mas porque são racistas, nazistas, machistas, etc...

Ainda estou torcendo muito pro próximo filme fracassar miseravelmente, sinto muito Dee Williams...


Mil pontos, LOL!
Pois é, como tem alguns milhões de fãs (e a maioria dos críticos) lambendo as bolas dele até hoje, o cara enxerga-se como um herói visionário.
E todos que não gostaram do filme não gostaram porque o filme tem falhas e erros, mas porque são racistas, nazistas, machistas, etc...

Ainda estou torcendo muito pro próximo filme fracassar miseravelmente, sinto muito Dee Williams...
Próximo filme vai ser fã service adoidado para os personagens antigos, até o Luke vai ter seu momento épico.

viagem estrelar

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Gente, a Disney deve desesperadamente fazer o controle de danos.
Mas até ela precisa de lucro
Depois de maio os holofotes deveram estar voltados pro star Wars aew nesse período q os fãs vão ter q se organizar.
Como o kra já disse, deve rolar fan service pro Lando, jabba , devem lembrar até do droid usuário da força.
Tudo pra salvar a pele da equipe q criou essa confusão toda.
Depois de vingadores 4 , não vejo lugar nenhum pra essa turma do star Wars se esconder.

Oh Dae-su

Mil pontos, LOL!
dark times, nao se esqueçam q a disney tem praticamente a industria do entreternimento no bolso.

A industria, mas não publico.
Fora dos eua ja da pra notar que SW morreu depois desda b*sta de TLJ, chega até ser engraçado ver toda esta força que a Disney esta fazendo para limpar o nomo da franquia nos eua, gastando tempo e dinheiro sendo que no mundo, onde ficava mais da metade do faturamento da franquia, o poder dela é perto de nulo e pelo que se nota só ta piorando


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Social Justice Wars disse:
Oscar Isaac diz que Star Wars IX é um filme de guerra


O episódio IX de Star Wars será um filme diferente de todos os outros da saga dos Skywalker — é o que afirma o ator Oscar Isaac, que interpreta o piloto Poe Dameron na série. Isso se deve há vários motivos, entre eles a volta de J. J. Abrams como diretor, o uso de filmagens antigas para finalizar a história de Leia na saga e, principalmente, o fato deste longa ter um tom diferenciado. De acordo com o ator esse será um filme de guerra. “Acima de tudo esse é um filme sobre guerreiros”, diz ele em entrevista ao jornal USA Today.
A evolução de Poe Dameron em Star Wars

O nono capítulo vai continuar explorando as motivações e crenças de Poe Dameron para se tornar um líder mais apto para a Resistência. Em Os Últimos Jedi, Poe foi questionado por tomar decisões equivocadas no decorrer das batalhas. “Eu quero que as pessoas questionem ele como uma forma de oposição à resposta fácil”, diz Isaac na entrevista feita para divulgar seu novo filme, o suspense Operation Finale.

O ator que interpreta um dos três protagonistas do filme comparou a Resistência da saga a soldados como os guerrilheiros de Cuba. Ele diz:
Não podemos esquecer que eles são tipo lutadores de guerrilha; algo bem próximo de pessoas como os soldados revolucionários de Cuba com Che e Fidel. Aqueles caras que viviam nas montanhas, desciam para fazer ataques e depois retornavam para se esconder do “Império” americano.​
Durante a revolução cubana, os revolucionários estavam em minoria, então utilizaram técnicas de guerrilha para se posicionar em pequenos grupos espalhados pelas montanhas. As grandes cidades cubanas estavam sob o controle do “inimigo”, então os guerrilheiros realizavam pequenos ataques a bases inimigas e, imediatamente, voltavam a se esconder nas montanhas.
J.J. Abrams (Despertar da Força) dirige o episódio final da trilogia, que tem roteiro de Lawrence Kasdan (O Império Contra Ataca). No elenco, estão de volta Oscar Isaac, John Boyega, Mark Hamill, Daisy Ridley, Carrie Fisher e outros. A novidade fica por parte de Billy Dee Williams, o Lando original!
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Para garantir a presença de Leia no filme, a Lucasfilm usará cenas não utilizadas de O Despertar da Força e Os Últimos Jedi, evitando o uso de computação gráfica para inserir Carrie Fisher na produção — todo o processo foi aprovado pela filha da atriz, Billie Lourd.
Star Wars: Episódio IX estreia em 2019.

Quem não está por dentro das polêmicas, vai apenas ler e passar adiante. Mas lacradores e fãs vão entender direitinho o recado:

Sim, seus FDP nazistas, tomem essa na cara, os cubanos são nossa inspiração!
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