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Star Wars Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (TÓPICO OFICIAL)

Pinguim 55

Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Acho que uma mudança nisso somente se o próximo SW for bem ruim. Eles ainda querem crer que conseguem impor esse doutrinamento para o público.

Mas fico imaginando se no final para ela não será apenas mais uma série que ficará na gaveta. Não é qualquer empresa que pode relegar uma série como Star Wars, mas a disney com certeza é uma delas.


Power Poster
Mas fico imaginando se no final para ela não será apenas mais uma série que ficará na gaveta. Não é qualquer empresa que pode relegar uma série como Star Wars, mas a disney com certeza é uma delas.

Star Wars é muito bom e tudo mais, mas se até o George Lucas engavetou ela por anos não é a Disney que não fará isso se a coisa descambar.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Sony anunciou que Jumanji 2 sairá nos cinemas em Dezembro de 2019, junto com o EP9.

Já defini qual vai ser o filme do mês no cinema...

Sent from Korriban, via Imperial Freighter.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Sony anunciou que Jumanji 2 sairá nos cinemas em Dezembro de 2019, junto com o EP9.

Já defini qual vai ser o filme do mês no cinema...

Sent from Korriban, via Imperial Freighter.


assisti esse filme só recentemente...caras...verdade seja dita...sem george lucas não é star wars...só ele sabe fazer os duelos de sabre de luz...

Bat Esponja

Lenda da internet
Sony anunciou que Jumanji 2 sairá nos cinemas em Dezembro de 2019, junto com o EP9.

Já defini qual vai ser o filme do mês no cinema...

Sent from Korriban, via Imperial Freighter.

Jumanji vai humilhar Star Wars duas vezes na China então :kkk


Mil pontos, LOL!
Rapaz, tem brinquedos de Star Wars vendendo pra c***lh0... por U$ 0,03. :kkk:kkk:kkk

Parabéns, Disney! Parabéns, Kathleen! Parabéns, Rian! Vocês f*deram uma das maiores franquias da história do cinema. :klol


Ei mãe, 500 pontos!
Para mim o maior problema dessa saga nova é querer requentar o que já tinha rolado na primeira trilogia, com esquema da rebelião, um Jedi noob sem treinamento salvando o dia. O primeiro foi OK por trazer uma sensação de nostalgia, esse segundo ficou uma grande b*sta, nem pelo o que o pessoal fica falando de minoria, e sim porque foi um roteiro m****. Se trocasse qualquer desses personagens "minoria" por personagem "normais" o filme continuaria sendo ruim. E outra enorme cagada foi o que fizeram com o Luke, meu Deus, o cara virou um velho emo que fica fazendo piadinhas escrotas e que quase meteu o sabre de luz no sobrinho dele porque sentiu um pouco do lado negro da força nele. É um festival de m**** e decisão errada a cada cena.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Para mim o maior problema dessa saga nova é querer requentar o que já tinha rolado na primeira trilogia, com esquema da rebelião, um Jedi noob sem treinamento salvando o dia. O primeiro foi OK por trazer uma sensação de nostalgia, esse segundo ficou uma grande b*sta, nem pelo o que o pessoal fica falando de minoria, e sim porque foi um roteiro m****. Se trocasse qualquer desses personagens "minoria" por personagem "normais" o filme continuaria sendo ruim. E outra enorme cagada foi o que fizeram com o Luke, meu Deus, o cara virou um velho emo que fica fazendo piadinhas escrotas e que quase meteu o sabre de luz no sobrinho dele porque sentiu um pouco do lado negro da força nele. É um festival de m**** e decisão errada a cada cena.
Ai você lembra que no Universo expandido eles foram muito mais criativos e esse universo foi jogado no lixo(assim como a Lucas Arts por sinal, afinal quem precisava dos games deles, né?).


Mil pontos, LOL!
Ai você lembra que no Universo expandido eles foram muito mais criativos e esse universo foi jogado no lixo(assim como a Lucas Arts por sinal, afinal quem precisava dos games deles, né?).

O antigo UE tinha 2 vantagens, uma que não tem como a Disney cobrir tão cedo foi o tempo, tiveram 20 anos pra desenvolver tudo, então essa parte não dá pra culpar a Disney, a outra é que era "mais solto", a Disney qyer fazer um canon com tudo interligado, onde tudo vira oficial, isso limita a criação do universo, o antigo UE tinha níveis de canon, algumas coisas existiam só como histórias independentes mesmo, não eram aceitas como canon, outras mudavam de nivel caso precisasse, claro que algumas vezes isso gerava uma certa confusão mas ao mesmo tempo dava bem mais liberdade pra criar.
E tem a qualidade tbm, a nova trilogia da Disney é basicamente um reboot sem vergonha, começa com estrela da morte, com um grupo pequeno de resistência lutando contra um império, isso continua no segundo filme ainda mais, tendo até uma fuga e uma batalha de Hoth bem sem sal, termina até com a Leia, ou o Luke, nem lembro que faz o monólogo, falando que o Kylo falhou pois agora eles tem uma rebelião, um lider, um soldado e uma jedi, voltaram a estaca zero da rebelião underdog contra o império gigante... Quando você compara com a continuação oficial antiga, onde o império era o underdog lutando contra um governo em formação, um vilão que não era um force user (e sem ser um completo idiota), várias situações e personagens novos, com os personagens antigos sendo mantidos e sem serem transformados em um bando de pessoas que só falham, dá até pena do que virou nas mãos da nova Lucasfilm.


É verdade nesses dois filmes o universo ficou bem limitado...não dá aquela sensação de imensidão e diversidade que tinha nos filmes anteriores...
Para mim o maior problema dessa saga nova é querer requentar o que já tinha rolado na primeira trilogia, com esquema da rebelião, um Jedi noob sem treinamento salvando o dia. O primeiro foi OK por trazer uma sensação de nostalgia, esse segundo ficou uma grande b*sta, nem pelo o que o pessoal fica falando de minoria, e sim porque foi um roteiro m****. Se trocasse qualquer desses personagens "minoria" por personagem "normais" o filme continuaria sendo ruim. E outra enorme cagada foi o que fizeram com o Luke, meu Deus, o cara virou um velho emo que fica fazendo piadinhas escrotas e que quase meteu o sabre de luz no sobrinho dele porque sentiu um pouco do lado negro da força nele. É um festival de m**** e decisão errada a cada cena.
nem tinha pensando nisso mas é mesmo...o luke teve aquele baita treinamento com o yoda e talz...
a única coisa até bem bolada no filme foi a ideia do luke no final ao enfrentar o kylo ren mas só...


Mil pontos, LOL!
Rapaz, é tão difícil encontrar críticos honestos que esse artigo de dezembro do ano passado acabou passando batido por mim. Hora de corrigir um erro e incluí-lo aqui no tópico.

Liberal identity politics has ruined Star Wars for the fanboys


Old meets new: Luke Skywalker and Rey meet on a mountain in Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Has the peculiarly Earthling curse of liberal identity politics infected even galaxies far, far away? It would appear so, if a growing fanboy backlash to Star Wars: The Last Jedi is to be believed.

Since its release at the weekend, a remarkable gulf has emerged between professional critics and the general viewing public’s scoring of the movie – as illustrated by that modern barometer of movies, Rotten Tomatoes. On the review aggregation site, the professionals give the movie an impressive average score of 93pc; while fans score it a more Luke-warm 55pc.

What’s going on? It appears this huge discrepancy can be attributed not to its plot – described as “having more holes than a Swiss cheese that shared a wedding bed with a porcupine” – but a claim the movie is no more than “social justice warrior propaganda”.

In media land, one critic gushed The Last Jedi is “the most triumphantly feminist Star Wars movie yet,” concluding it a masterpiece that possesses a “celebratory inclusiveness that seems entirely in the Jedi spirit”.

"How long before Harrison Ford comes out as Trans Solo? What price a zero-emissions Millennium Falcon?"
The Last Jedi has also been heralded as the first Star Wars movie that passes the Bechdel Test, a rule of thumb that asks whether a work of fiction features at least two women who talk to each other about something other than a man.

This type of analysis isn’t new. Entire books have been written on the identity politics of Star Wars, pointing out that creator George Lucas once spoke of his duty to wield a “moral megaphone” in his filmmaking. “Somebody has to tell young people what we think is a good person,” he said.

However, some feel that, since Disney bought the rights to the Star Wars franchise, this moral megaphone has become deafening.

Analysis of user comments on Rotten Tomatoes is telling. While most lasers are locked on the flick’s “terrible plot holes”, its “un forgivable” treatment of Luke Skywalker, and it being “little more than a very long Disney advert vehicle to sell merchandise,” a large voice of dissent decries its use of identity politics as a serious Force of disgruntlement.

The comments are littered with one-star reviews that read, “Politically correct to the point of boredom”; “SJW propaganda” and “I’m frustrated that feminism and diversity have made their way into this film. This has ruined Star Wars for me as well as my kids. Keep liberalism out of it and stop ruining once good things”.

Certainly, watching the movie can feel like you’re playing identity politics bingo.

In one scene, a female admiral rallies her troops by heralding the rise of The Resistance, which some conspiracy theorists have interpreted as code for feminism. Patriarchy? Tick!

Likewise, the richest men in the galaxy are evil, greedy, white, arms-dealers. White male privilege theory and the evils of capitalism? Tick!

In a scene where Chewbacca attempts to eat a deep-fried bird called a porq, other living porqs look on disapprovingly, meat-shaming Chewie. Are they implying Chewie ought to go vegetarian? Animal rights and vegan politics? Tick! Aaagggghhhh!

Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised. Laura Dern, who plays Vice Admiral Holdo, sports purple hair that wouldn’t look out of place on a Tumblr user’s unicorn avatar.

At times during the film, one is almost braced for Luke Skywalker to deliver a searing monologue on Trump’s America (we can probably expect that at the Oscars) – or perhaps see a rogue ewok sporting a pink pussy hat while brandishing a #MeToo placard.

It isn’t the first time the franchise has drawn such flak.

On a highly-amusing online thread called “Is Star Wars: The Force Awakens Feminist Propaganda?”, one commenter claims the movie treats its female lead, Rey, with a deference spared any previous male leads, who all had to graft for their wins. “Rey does not need to work at anything, she's naturally awesome just by being a woman”, the commenter writes, before adding: “the male support is bumbling, and has an episode of acute cowardliness”.

Another critic also points out that Rey can fly the Millennium Falcon “like a stunt pilot” on her first attempt and repair the spacecraft to a higher standard than lifelong-owner Han Solo. Unlike Luke Skywalker, she can use Force powers with zero training.

Another commenter concludes: “Rey was so perfect that she was slightly irritating. Women aren't allowed to be ordinary flawed characters that struggle and grow”.

Perhaps these fanboys ought to get over themselves. It’s just a movie, after all.

But the truth is that identity politics is the kryptonite that saps the joy out of all it touches. How long before Harrison Ford comes out as Trans Solo? What price a zero-emissions Millennium Falcon? Will Jabba The Hutt be called out for “fat shaming” the obese?

Will any of this make the slightest difference one of the highest-grossing movie franchise of all time? Only time will tell, but for now a social media war is raging between critics and diehard fans, an increasing number of whom seem to be saying “dead to me, the franchise is”.



Assim fica difícil fazer damage control, poxa... :klol

É, em 47% Rotten é foda, com média de nota em 2.9 de 5. Nota de filme lixão, nunca vi uma discrepância tão grande entre o que os críticos avaliaram e a audiência avaliou no Rottentomatoes.

Tragédia total, esse filme deveria se excluído do canon e se juntar com a infâmia do "Especial de Natal".


Mil pontos, LOL!
Boa noite, Kathleen Kennedy. Boa noite, J. J. Abrams. Boa noite, Rian Johnson. Chupem essa manga. :klol

'Avengers: Infinity War' Assembles Biggest Debut Weekend Ever


Marvel Studios' AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR. Thanos (Josh Brolin)

Avengers: Infinity War suffered no superhero fatigue or frontloading over its debut weekend. Current estimates have it just over the $247.96 million opening weekend of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Yes, Avengers: Infinity War has become the first movie to earn $250m in its first three days of domestic release. That's the biggest opening weekend of all time, and second only to The Force Awakens if adjusted for inflation. But heck, maybe Disney will find another $12m in their couch by tomorrow morning.

A $250 million opening weekend gives the Russos’ IMAX epic a 2.35x weekend multiplier, nearly tied with Captain America: Civil War (2.38x) and above Age of Ultron (2.27x). It earned 15.6% of its opening weekend via its $39m Thursday preview, putting it on par with a Hunger Games movie. It scored $83m on Saturday, the biggest Saturday gross ever (even adjusted for inflation) and well ahead of Jurassic World’s $69.6m haul in June of 2015.

It fell 22% from $105.967 million Friday but, sans the Thursday previews, was up 23% over the record-setting $$66.967m “pure Friday” gross. A 22% “pure Friday to Saturday” jump is higher than Captain America: Civil War (+21%) and Iron Man 3 (+17%). Okay, so it’s below the 29% jump for Black Panther, but you can’t have everything. Word-of-mouth and kid-powered business is having an effect, and we can table any concern about an adverse reaction to the marketing’s bait-and-switch.

The estimates at the moment put Infinity War’s Sunday at $61 million, good for a 26% drop from Saturday and the biggest Sunday of all time. No, it won’t get to Force Awakens’ $262m adjusted-for-inflation Fri-Sun debut, but it’ll still be the second-biggest opening weekend even adjusted for inflation. It topped poor Furious 7’s April opening weekend record ($147m in 2015 sans 3D) by 70%. Walt Disney now has the top opening weekend of the month for February, March, April, May and December. Toy Story 4, The Lion King and Frozen 2 will take a shot at June, July and November come 2019.

In terms of audiences, it played 58% male, 8% under-12, 11% 13-16, 23% 17-25, 26% 26-35, 21% 35-49 and 11% 50 and older. It played 74% 2D, of which 7% PLF 2D and 5% IMAX 2D. Of the 26% courtesy of 3D auditoriums, PLF accounted for 5% and IMAX accounted for 4%. It earned an A from CinemaScore, which means folks are liking it just fine.

In terms of overall domestic cumes, it’s entirely up in the air. I’m inclined to argue that this big of an opening weekend means that the legs will be comparatively curtailed (since demand has been met accordingly), but A) movies that open above $200 million are well-liked and thus have legs and B) the film’s got two weeks of clear skies before Deadpool 2 on May 18. So, let’s run some comparisons.

As of now, the most frontloaded $200 million+ opener is Star Wars: The Last Jedi, which earned $621m from a $220m launch last December. A comparative 2.8x multiplier (which would be great at any other time save for December and comparable to the first Thor from May of 2011) would give Infinity War a $700m cume. With school still in session for a month and less “never seen anything like this before” buzz, the MCU spectacle will likely be more frontloaded than your standard $200 million+ opener. A run comparable to Civil War (2.27x), Iron Man 3 (2.35x) or Avengers: Age of Ultron (2.4x) gets Infinity War to a total between $567m and $600m domestic.

Will general audiences treat it like an event or rather like just this year’s MCU Avengers summer kick-off flick? With an opening this huge, even legs like Iron Man 2 (2.43x) gets Avengers 3 to $608 million domestic. I’m not comfortable at this early juncture even speculating about a 3x weekend multiplier (which would put it past Avatar’s $760m total), but “standard” MCU legs (2.4x to 2.8x) gets it between $600m and $700m, so there is a lot of wiggle room. We’ll find out over the next week or so whether Avengers: Infinity War can go to infinity and beyond.

Playing the odds in terms of worldwide grosses is a little challenging because Avengers: Infinity War did a worldwide opening while the prior MCU flicks went early overseas. Moreover, even this worldwide debut doesn't include Russia (May 3) or China (May 11), so pieces of the puzzle are indeed missing. But, if I may, the movie just snagged $630 million on its debut weekend. So I think a global total of at least the $1.2 billion earned by Fate of the Furious (which barely topped $225m in North America) is a pretty safe bet at this early juncture.

If we count this global launch as the quasi-equivalent of its second weekend in theaters (and yeah, that's false both for the second-weekend grosses and weekday figures in territories that usually go early), we can look at some precedents. For reference, Avengers: Age of Ultron had $626m (44.5%) of its eventual $1.405 billion worldwide total after the second weekend and Iron Man 3 had $680m (56%) out of $1.2b worldwide. The Avengers had $641m (42%) at the end of its second worldwide weekend toward an eventual $1.5 billion global cume but Captain America: Civil War had $673m (61%) of an eventual $1.1b global gross after the same period.

Oh, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 had $428m (49.6%) of its eventual $863.7m worldwide cume by the end of its second weekend. But if we want to find the closest comparisons, it may be Black Panther, which launched in most (but not all) of the same territories and also went late on China and Russia. It snagged $371m on its global debut (not counting that Monday holiday) and has now earned $1.33 billion. So, if (and this is a big "if") Infinity War performs likewise (with a smaller domestic total but perhaps more in China), we could be looking at a $2.2 billion+ global cume.

That's a highly speculative (and potentially irresponsible) assessment, and we'll know a heck of a lot more by next weekend. But a "realistic" comparison (think Age of Ultron) still gives Infinity War a shot at $1.7 billion worldwide. But yeah, I think The Avengers and Jurassic World may be in real jeopardy of being overtaken on the global charts. Oh, and Black Panther topped The Last Jedi at the worldwide charts too, but that's for the next post.

O único problema é que, no final das contas, tudo é lucro para a Disney. Porém, como tal fato é inescapável, ao menos resta a satisfação de saber que os responsáveis por gerir Star Wars atualmente perderam algo de que podiam se gabar. Se fodam aí, megera e seus diretores de estimação. :kclassic


Não satisfeito, Guerra Infinita foi além e ofuscou The Force Awakens também. Bem feito para a megera Kathleen Kennedy. :kclassic

Está indo de cabeça se tornar o filme com maior arrecadação da história, ou pelo menos atingir o top 3. E podemos dizer já que The Last Jedi vai ser passado. Veja, em um fim de semana já atingiu a marca de 641 milhões. O The Last Jedi pelo tempo todo que ficou em cartaz atingiu 1.3 bilhão. Em dois dias, o Infinity War já atingiu metade da marca do Last Jedi.

E sejamos francos, Infinity War é um filme muito melhor. E um dos poucos filme que estou considerando ir ver uma segunda vez no cinema.

Bat Esponja

Lenda da internet
Nah pena que seja Disney vs Disney

Quando perde pra Jumanji é mais engraçado

Pena que não colocaram o Dwayne Johnson pra estrear junto com o Solo dessa vez :p


Já até esqueci desse lixo de filme aí, graças ao Guerra Infinita (mesmo não sendo Star Wars)
E até me senti mal mandando a Disney tomar no c* como fiz nas páginas anteriores. Não dá pra culpar a Disney em si pq afinal de contas eles estão acertando com a Marvel. Guerra Infinita foi realmente pra esquecer essa m**** de The Last Jedi... pelo menos até sair um novo Star Wars de verdade (ainda dá pra ter esperança no filme solo do Obi-wan, filme do Han Solo quero mais é que se foda)


Mil pontos, LOL!

Lucasfilm chief Kathleen Kennedy has congratulated Marvel on Avengers: Infinity War surpassing Star Wars: The Force Awakensopening-weekend US box office record.

In an image sent from the Star Wars official Twitter and Facebook accounts, a lightsaber is symbolically handed to Iron Man, with the accompanying text "from a Galaxy far, far away...to Earth's Mightiest Heroes. CONGRATULATIONS on the biggest opening weekend in history! From Kathy and everyone at Lucasfilm"

Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War topped the box office this weekend with the biggest domestic opening weekend of all time, earning an estimated $250 million. The previous record was held by Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which enjoyed a $248 million domestic debut. Both franchises are owned by Disney.

Fandango's managing editor Erik Davis noted that Kennedy is continuing a tradition began by George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, who congratulated each other on breaking their previous records using characters from their films. Spielberg congratulated Lucas with an image showing R2D2 fishing Jaws out of the sea, while Lucas congratulated Spielberg with an image showing Star Wars characters holding ET aloft.

In other Infinity War news, here's how Captain Marvel's movie fits in before Avengers 4, and here's what Infinity War's writers have to say about Ant-Man's status in the film.



Mil pontos, LOL!
Star Wars 9 Casting Call Teases New Female Lead


A new Star Wars: Episode IX casting call details a female lead who goes by the name of Caro. While fans of the galaxy far, far away eagerly await the theatrical premiere of this summer’s Solo: A Star Wars Story, Lucasfilm is making the final preparations to begin filming on the sequel trilogy finale. Director J.J. Abrams is returning to finish what he started, drawing from a script written by himself and Chris Terrio. As has become standard practice for new Star Wars installments, it looks like Episode IX is set to add some fresh faces to canon.

It wasn’t too long ago word got out Abrams and company were looking to cast a role codenamed “Mara,” a woman aged 40-50 years old. Apparently, she won’t be the only newcomer to the franchise, as Abrams will be adding someone younger to the fold as well.

According to That Hashtag Show, the part in question is described as an “ethnic female” in the range of 18-26 years of age. There is a preference for an African-American actress to land the role. Among the traits listed, it’s said Caro has “captivating naturalness” and is a “leader and problem solver.” She also sports a sense of humor and has a “strong will.” In all likelihood, the name Caro is simply a placeholder. Unlike Mara, however, it does not have any major ties to Legends and seems to be created just for the film.


Given that The Last Jedi ends with the Resistance small enough to all fit in the Millennium Falcon, it stands reason to believe Caro is one of their new recruits as they look to bolster their forces. Her age is a particularly interesting bit, placing Caro in the same ballpark as Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and Kelly Marie Tran. With Oscar Isaac (age 39) also returning as Poe, Episode IX was arguably set in the young lead department, so it’ll be interesting to see how Caro factors into the narrative. From the sound of things, Rey and Finn will be together again, so perhaps Caro is someone who accompanies Poe on a mission and gives the hotshot pilot someone new to play off of. It’s also possible Caro could be a villain working with the First Order. With the deaths of Supreme Leader Snoke and Captain Phasma, they need some reinforcements as well.

Who lands the role will be a topic of great interest. Historically for young leads such as Caro, Star Wars tends to pluck relative unknowns from obscurity, though there have been instances where a more established name is cast (see: Donald Glover and Emilia Clarke in Solo). As always, it will boil down to who’s the best fit. Abrams is renowned for his ability to cast the right actors, so fans have little reason to doubt he’ll make the perfect choice for Caro. He’ll be rolling the cameras in July, meaning it won’t be long until we learn more details.

Faz sentido. Como não existem mais homens de verdade em Star Wars, precisam de uma nova personagem para ser interesse romântico da Rey ou algo do gênero. A propósito, Jar Jar Abrams, coloca mais mulheres aí nesse filme que ainda tá pouco. :kclassic


Mil pontos, LOL!
Voltando só para dizer que esse filme é uma b*sta, depois volto para reafirmar.



Mil pontos, LOL!
Mais um episódio maroto de Damage Control, para quem pensava que já tinha acabado. :klol

S03E07 - É fácil lidar com as críticas a The Last Jedi! Basta proibi-las!

Star Wars fans who like Star Wars: The Last Jedi aren’t real fans?
Those who enjoyed Star Wars: The Last Jedi accused of not being “real” Star Wars fans

The backlash continues from Star Wars: The Last Jedi, with fans of a galaxy far, far away drifting further and further apart as each day passes. Instead of using these differences to build a solid foundation of fandom, a sect of the fandom is destroying all George Lucas built.

Star Wars is meant to be an avenue of escapism. Fun. Adventure. Fantasy. Instead, it’s turned grown men into whining, little babies. More than that, a substantial amount of verbal abuse continues to spew from the mouths, or keyboards, of fans towards Rian Johnson and Kathleen Kennedy, especially.

This sort of behavior is unacceptable and needs to stop. Enough is enough.

Our friend Alex Damon from Star Wars Explained says it best in a recent tweet on what’s acceptable behavior and what’s not.

Honestly, that’s been the approach from the angry mob of Star Wars fans who are unhappy with the current direction of the Lucasfilm team.

From observing social media, angry YouTube warriors, and the comments sections of a variety of venues; a substantial amount of people are not giving the new content a fighting chance — making up their minds before they even see it.

If that’s your fancy, so be it. But, the hatred spread throughout the galaxy should not be tolerated.

One YouTuber even stated that Kathleen Kennedy “earned that hate.” By hate, he means all of the complaints and criticism spewed by the current direction of the franchise.

Really? Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson have both earned all of this “hate”? Give me a break. No, they have not. Honestly, this approach is flat out offensive.

If you don’t like the direction of the franchise, then don’t watch it. Or move on to some other source of entertainment that you enjoy. I don’t understand creating YouTube channels, message boards, or websites with the sole purpose of expressing hatred.

Expressing your concerns and criticism is one thing, but creating a community with a “what I don’t like” MO is a sad look and unhealthy for the entire fan base.

What also gets my midichlorians boiling is others I’ve engaged with, even within our own comments section, who go as far to say that those who enjoyed the latest addition to the galaxy far, far away (like myself) are not real fans.

Really? Since when did you all become the police of who is allowed to be fans and who is not?

I’ve had intellectual discussions with those who do not like the current movies, and that’s fine. I still consider those people to be “real” fans, even though we disagree on some items. Believe it or not, I’m still a Star Wars fan for liking Star Wars.

I have no qualms with those who dislike Star Wars: The Last Jedi, but I don’t understand the approach of rallying around to bash those who both created it and enjoy it. We need to do better as Star Wars fans (yes we are all fans even though we disagree) and as humanity in general.

I believe we will make great strides towards this goal if we discuss this issue in a civil manner and listen to one another – making progress towards a common ground of peace, inclusion, and reconciliation.

Ultima Edição:


Mil pontos, LOL!
Star Wars 9 Casting Call Teases New Female Lead


A new Star Wars: Episode IX casting call details a female lead who goes by the name of Caro. While fans of the galaxy far, far away eagerly await the theatrical premiere of this summer’s Solo: A Star Wars Story, Lucasfilm is making the final preparations to begin filming on the sequel trilogy finale. Director J.J. Abrams is returning to finish what he started, drawing from a script written by himself and Chris Terrio. As has become standard practice for new Star Wars installments, it looks like Episode IX is set to add some fresh faces to canon.

It wasn’t too long ago word got out Abrams and company were looking to cast a role codenamed “Mara,” a woman aged 40-50 years old. Apparently, she won’t be the only newcomer to the franchise, as Abrams will be adding someone younger to the fold as well.

According to That Hashtag Show, the part in question is described as an “ethnic female” in the range of 18-26 years of age. There is a preference for an African-American actress to land the role. Among the traits listed, it’s said Caro has “captivating naturalness” and is a “leader and problem solver.” She also sports a sense of humor and has a “strong will.” In all likelihood, the name Caro is simply a placeholder. Unlike Mara, however, it does not have any major ties to Legends and seems to be created just for the film.


Given that The Last Jedi ends with the Resistance small enough to all fit in the Millennium Falcon, it stands reason to believe Caro is one of their new recruits as they look to bolster their forces. Her age is a particularly interesting bit, placing Caro in the same ballpark as Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and Kelly Marie Tran. With Oscar Isaac (age 39) also returning as Poe, Episode IX was arguably set in the young lead department, so it’ll be interesting to see how Caro factors into the narrative. From the sound of things, Rey and Finn will be together again, so perhaps Caro is someone who accompanies Poe on a mission and gives the hotshot pilot someone new to play off of. It’s also possible Caro could be a villain working with the First Order. With the deaths of Supreme Leader Snoke and Captain Phasma, they need some reinforcements as well.

Who lands the role will be a topic of great interest. Historically for young leads such as Caro, Star Wars tends to pluck relative unknowns from obscurity, though there have been instances where a more established name is cast (see: Donald Glover and Emilia Clarke in Solo). As always, it will boil down to who’s the best fit. Abrams is renowned for his ability to cast the right actors, so fans have little reason to doubt he’ll make the perfect choice for Caro. He’ll be rolling the cameras in July, meaning it won’t be long until we learn more details.

Faz sentido. Como não existem mais homens de verdade em Star Wars, precisam de uma nova personagem para ser interesse romântico da Rey ou algo do gênero. A propósito, Jar Jar Abrams, coloca mais mulheres aí nesse filme que ainda tá pouco. :kclassic

A impressão que dá é que o grupo de Lucasfilm que toma essas decisões tem problemas de foco, sério, eles não se decidem no departamento de personagens, no ep 7 apresentaram Rey, Finn e Poe, ok, legal o novo trio, então segue com eles porra... Aí no 8 os 3 perdem tempo e foco da história pq decidiram colocar Holdo e Rose e dar importância não devida a personagens que deveriam ser apenas secundários, tem a Phasma também que teve menos tempo de tela que o hacker vagabundo que eles arrumam no cassino, aí chega no ep 9 "vamos colocar mais um personagem pra roubar o foco". O trio principal já está uma b*sta, aí fica ainda mais difícil de pelo menos tentar dar uma melhorada neles... Na trilogia original apareciam alguns novos, como o Lando, o Yoda e o Palpatine, mas o foco ainda era mantido no trio e no Vader, os novos eram só personagens de apoio aos principais. Fora que o Palpatine já era citado desde o ep 4, então é claro que ele iria aparecer uma hora ou outra, e apareceu chutando bundas, um vilão muito superior aquela coisa ridícula que foi o Snoke.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Primeiro, havia uma pífia reação negativa por parte dos fãs, que só chamou atenção porque a imprensa estava cobrindo a dita cuja. Depois, disseram que era um grupo barulhento de haters... Depois, eram hackers e depois, robôs russos. E parece que, agora, decidiram reconhecer que há um racha na base de fãs. Que coisa, não? :kclassic

Star Wars fandom engages in full-scale civil war thanks to Star Wars: The Last Jedi
The Star Wars fandom is currently in the midst of a full-scale civil war, mostly due to Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Is a galaxy far, far away beyond repair?

With Marvel’s Infinity War dropping over the weekend, a host of the most beloved superheroes and villains engage in all out war on the big screen. I have yet to see the record-breaking blockbuster, but I’ve heard nothing but good things about the Disney owned-film. Ironically, the fandom of another Disney owned franchise, Star Wars, is in the midst of a civil war of its own.

The Star Wars prequels which came out between 1999-2005 kickstarted the internal struggle. More than a decade later, that cold war has turned into a full-scale battle, thanks in part to Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

At first, it appeared to be a just a small portion of the Star Wars faithful expressing their displeasure in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. However, the more time carries on; the fandom is split down the middle — with a line drawn in the sand ( I hate sand).

There is no middle ground when it comes to Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Either you hate it, or you love it. Unfortunately, that’s caused a great disturbance within the Force, one that seems beyond repair.

I’ve expressed my pure joy and love for Star Wars: The Last Jedi. I feel the film challenged the status quo and was ground-breaking for a galaxy, far far away moving forward — with Rian Johnson knocking the film out of the park.

After expressing my love for the movie, our site (where I see every single comment and message) received thousands upon thousands of comments responding to my positive outlook on Star Wars: The Last Jedi. A substantial amount of the words I received went beyond disagreeing with my opinion and were flat-out hateful towards me personally.

We at the site were even accused of being Disney “hacks” who got paid off by the Mouse himself – I’m still waiting for this big “payday” to arrive in the mail, by the way.

For a while, I took it in stride and responded graciously, but the anger directed at our site (and towards me) kept growing. Such feedback encouraged me to write a few articles responding to the hate flowing through of a portion of our followers — starting with this piece here from early January.

Though I have wanted to address the matter for some time, of the 100-plus articles I’ve written since Star Wars: The Last Jedi dropped, only in three of them did I call out the fandom for what I believe to be toxic behavior. The rest of my content has been in line with the primary goal of our site, which is to embrace what we love about the Star WarsUniverse.

I felt it was necessary to address this overflow of toxicity, not only on my site but many other Star Wars venues. Sticking up for the current Lucasfilm/Disney team and Star Wars: The Last Jedi didn’t sit well with some.

To be fair, I did write some blunt (but accurate) thoughts on the matter and even called out the behavior of some specific fans and sites, for which I received a great deal of feedback — most of it negative and, truthfully, some of it deserved.

Two YouTubers who responded to one of my articles, in particular, didn’t address the issues at hand but attacked me personally for voicing my opinion. These YouTubers in their videos and their followers within the comments section said many vulgar and untrue things about me — proving my very points expressed within my previous statements.

I’ve received messages on my personal Social Media pages from followers of such sites; expressions of hatred escalating quickly towards threats. I’m fine receiving feedback and even varying opinions on the matter, but tracking down my accounts to harass me individually is not the way to go.

I even had to heighten my security measures on my Social Media accounts to protect myself from such scum and villainy, after seeing vulgar comments about me and my wife, whose picture was on my profile — but not now, due to these recent events. That’s unfortunate because I kept my Social Media privacy settings minimal so I can interact more intimately with fellow Star Wars fans.

Also, calling me an “SJW” (social justice warrior) is comical — especially since you’ve never met me in person. Perhaps, I just like the movie and new content.

Yet, I’m the one accused of being a bully, for making observations and expressing opinions?

With a more gracious approach, SC Reviews addressed my recent article on this very issue, in a civil manner, and I appreciate his deep and thoughtful insight on the topic. This style of response is precisely what I meant when I closed out my previous article with:

I believe we will make great strides towards this goal if we discuss this issue in a civil manner and listen to one another – making progress towards a common ground of peace, inclusion, and reconciliation.”

This exchange is a step in that very direction.

I won’t breakdown frame by frame what was said, SC Reviews did that on his own, but I’ll address the main points. The gist of the video, a response to me, was expressing their right to speak the truth about the state of Star Wars.

He is correct; it’s okay to criticize the current regime for their choices, especially if you feel they need accountability. I believe my thoughts were lost in translation, or maybe I didn’t worthily express them.

I take no issue with him, or anyone else, addressing the current creative minds behind the existing Star Wars franchise. I agree that those with power need to be held accountable by the people.

The issue I have is the manner in which it’s been done, that’s all. Devoting an entire channel to angrily bashing and ranting against Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Rian Johnson, Kathleen Kennedy, and even the lovely Daisy Ridley, is not helping the fandom; it’s hurting it.

Accusing them of not caring about the Star Wars franchise is ludicrous, too, just because their take on beloved characters differ from where you wanted their story arcs to go in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Hop into the comments section of the two videos that attack me personally, and you’ll understand where I’m coming from — while getting a small taste of what Rian Johnson and Kathleen Kennedy go through each day.

A more effective way of expressing such displeasure is having an actual conversation, which I admit I’ve done a poor job of as well, but (finally) is what I’m attempting to do here — and what I believe SC Reviews was doing in his rebuttal to me.

I’m frustrated, for different reasons, as they are, and I feel we aren’t making any real progress — until now.

I’m glad you made this particular video. Now, we are one step closer to finding a common ground.

Maybe someday soon we can talk in person over cups of Jawa juice and continue to build bridges; not burn them. I believe “a new hope” has emerged.

May the Force be with you!

A impressão que dá é que o grupo de Lucasfilm que toma essas decisões tem problemas de foco, sério, eles não se decidem no departamento de personagens, no ep 7 apresentaram Rey, Finn e Poe, ok, legal o novo trio, então segue com eles porra... Aí no 8 os 3 perdem tempo e foco da história pq decidiram colocar Holdo e Rose e dar importância não devida a personagens que deveriam ser apenas secundários, tem a Phasma também que teve menos tempo de tela que o hacker vagabundo que eles arrumam no cassino, aí chega no ep 9 "vamos colocar mais um personagem pra roubar o foco". O trio principal já está uma b*sta, aí fica ainda mais difícil de pelo menos tentar dar uma melhorada neles... Na trilogia original apareciam alguns novos, como o Lando, o Yoda e o Palpatine, mas o foco ainda era mantido no trio e no Vader, os novos eram só personagens de apoio aos principais. Fora que o Palpatine já era citado desde o ep 4, então é claro que ele iria aparecer uma hora ou outra, e apareceu chutando bundas, um vilão muito superior aquela coisa ridícula que foi o Snoke.
A culpa é da própria Lucasfilm, Iron. Porém, na minha opinião, a origem dessa falta de foco não se restringe aos personagens: isso é decorrente do fato da megera não ter fixado um roteiro-guia para essa trilogia. A troca de diretores entre um filme e outro seria aceitável, desde que eles tivessem que se ater aos pontos fixados nesse roteiro-guia. Ao invés disso, cada um dos putos teve liberdade plena e, como consequência, cada um moveu a história para um lado.

O ápice da cagada ficou visível em The Last Jedi, que desconsidera praticamente tudo o que foi estabelecido em The Force Awakens e, de quebra, ainda detona com a mitologia estabelecida nos filmes anteriores. Rian Johnson tascou seus personagens dementes na história, fodeu com os novos personagens trazidos por The Force Awakens e, para completar, concebeu "Jake" Skywalker durante uma forte diarreia. O resultado final é que todos os personagens ficaram uma m**** e, na minha opinião, praticamente imprestáveis para serem utilizados no próximo filme. :kclassic


Mil pontos, LOL!
Uma coisa que eu estava me perguntando era como o novo filme dos Vingadores encaixaria tanto personagem importante e fazer com que todos tivessem sua importância relevante e ainda por cima fazer sentido e, hoje eu finalmente vi o filme e sai empolgado, querendo ver a continuação amanhã, querendo comprar os quadrinhos, querendo bonecos, e com muita vontade de rever o filme.
Agora me sento aqui de frente com o PC e vejo esse tópico... de uma das maiores franquias existentes na face da terra, do qual eu curto pra cacete, sendo destroçado pela empresa que me proporcionou essa maravilha de filme dos Vingadores.
É uma coisa que não me desce.
Star Wars tinha tudo pra se tornar a maior franquia deste milênio e hoje sinto jogada as traças, sem rumo e sem brilho.
Alguem aqui tá empolgado pra ver esse filme do Han Solo? a cada trailer eu penso mais em vez de usar aquele cara babaca pra ser um dos principais personagens de toda a franquia, colocar uma versão mais nova em CG do próprio Harrison.
Sem contar a vontade de comprar livros, jogos, camisetas... tudo isso passou, dessa nova trilogia não tenho nem um copo...
E lendo os posts do Blood e sua série fico com cada vez mais o pé atrás... parecem querer piorar mais.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Uma coisa que eu estava me perguntando era como o novo filme dos Vingadores encaixaria tanto personagem importante e fazer com que todos tivessem sua importância relevante e ainda por cima fazer sentido e, hoje eu finalmente vi o filme e sai empolgado, querendo ver a continuação amanhã, querendo comprar os quadrinhos, querendo bonecos, e com muita vontade de rever o filme.
Agora me sento aqui de frente com o PC e vejo esse tópico... de uma das maiores franquias existentes na face da terra, do qual eu curto pra cacete, sendo destroçado pela empresa que me proporcionou essa maravilha de filme dos Vingadores.
É uma coisa que não me desce.
Star Wars tinha tudo pra se tornar a maior franquia deste milênio e hoje sinto jogada as traças, sem rumo e sem brilho.
Alguem aqui tá empolgado pra ver esse filme do Han Solo? a cada trailer eu penso mais em vez de usar aquele cara babaca pra ser um dos principais personagens de toda a franquia, colocar uma versão mais nova em CG do próprio Harrison.
Sem contar a vontade de comprar livros, jogos, camisetas... tudo isso passou, dessa nova trilogia não tenho nem um copo...
E lendo os posts do Blood e sua série fico com cada vez mais o pé atrás... parecem querer piorar mais.
Finalmente vou ter a oportunidade de assistir Guerra Infinita amanhã (e tenho fugido de spoilers igual um diabo foge da cruz por conta disso), mas gostei de receber esse seu feedback.

Apesar de ter lido a saga das Jóias do Infinito nos quadrinhos, estava me questionando como diabos iam transpor isso para um filme, sobretudo por conta da quantidade absurda de personagens envolvidos na história. Se conseguiram lidar com esse fator, fico tranquilo em relação ao restante do filme porque, nessas alturas do campeonato, o Marvel Studios é praticamente incapaz de errar, ao menos na minha opinião.

Quanto a Star Wars, o que posso dizer? Perdi tanto a curiosidade, quanto o interesse que eu tinha na franquia. E falo isso como espectador casual, já que não me considero um fã de Star Wars. Só posso imaginar o quão desgostosos devem estar os fãs mais antigos, que mantiveram a franquia viva por décadas a fio e que, agora, recebem filmes feitos porcamente, que pouco tem a ver com a mitologia da saga e muito a ver com a disseminação de uma certa famigerada agenda...

Especificamente em relação ao filme do Han Solo (aquele que ninguém pediu mas a Disney decidiu fazer mesmo assim), havia um favorito entre os fãs para substituir Harrison Ford em seu papel icônico. Seu nome é Anthony Ingruber e já haviam falado a respeito dele no tópico de Solo, mas um vídeo mais recente deixa bem claro que, embora não possa igualar Ford, ele é quem conseguiu chegar mais perto disso, sem dúvida alguma.

Não tinha como a Disney errar com esse cara, se o filme em questão fosse apresentar o personagem tornado icônico por Ford... o que não é o caso. Quem arriscar ir no cinema para ver essa bagaça, vai perceber rapidamente que o Han Soja de Alden Ehrenreich pouco se assemelha com o Han Solo de Harrison Ford. Tenho certeza que vai ser mais um tapa na cara dos fãs mais antigos, basta esperar e conferir.


Mil pontos, LOL!
A culpa é da própria Lucasfilm, Iron. Porém, na minha opinião, a origem dessa falta de foco não se restringe aos personagens: isso é decorrente do fato da megera não ter fixado um roteiro-guia para essa trilogia. A troca de diretores entre um filme e outro seria aceitável, desde que eles tivessem que se ater aos pontos fixados nesse roteiro-guia. Ao invés disso, cada um dos putos teve liberdade plena e, como consequência, cada um moveu a história para um lado.

O ápice da cagada ficou visível em The Last Jedi, que desconsidera praticamente tudo o que foi estabelecido em The Force Awakens e, de quebra, ainda detona com a mitologia estabelecida nos filmes anteriores. Rian Johnson tascou seus personagens dementes na história, fodeu com os novos personagens trazidos por The Force Awakens e, para completar, concebeu "Jake" Skywalker durante uma forte diarreia. O resultado final é que todos os personagens ficaram uma m**** e, na minha opinião, praticamente imprestáveis para serem utilizados no próximo filme. :kclassic

Planejar uma trilogia? Pra quê? Larga na mão dos diretores pra eles fazerem o que quiserem, vai dar super certo...
E quanto mais eu releio a saga new jedi order mais eu percebo a diferença, o quanto a antiga Lucasfilm acertou nos personagens e o quanto a nova Lucasfilm cagou nessa área.


Mil pontos, LOL!
Why superfans love Avengers: Infinity War and hate Star Wars: The Last Jedi
They are both from ultra-geeky source material, with Marvel-style humour and box-office takings to shout about … so how come aficionados have given Last Jedi such short shrift?

SPOILER WARNING: Discussion of the films’ content follows, so proceed with caution


It’s all gone Benedict Wong … Avengers: Infinity War

What is the true mark of success for a Hollywood blockbuster ? Its critical score, via Rotten Tomatoes? Its global box office take? A decent tilt at the Oscars in the year following its release?

Rian Johnson’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi has passed muster in all three of the above categories. And yet there remains the nagging sense, nearly six months after the movie’s release, that the eighth episode in the long-running space opera may ultimately be seen as the most divisive so far.

Unlike Black Panther and this weekend’s Avengers: Infinity War, the two other Disney-produced films that have delivered the really big bucks at the global box office over the last six months, The Last Jedi was greeted with derision by large parts of its core fanbase. Never has the audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes, an overlooked feature of the site, looked so relevant. While Black Panther (96% from critics) has a 79% “audience score”, and Infinity War (84% from critics) has a 93% “audience score”, The Last Jedi (91% from critics) was liked by just 47% of those who registered their opinion on the site.

Both Infinity War and The Last Jedi drew on ultra-geeky sources for much of their storyline. The Russo Brothers’ superhero epic took its inspiration from the cosmically nutty 1991 comic book series The Infinity Gauntlet, while adapting it heavily to fit the characters who have already been introduced to audiences over a decade of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The Last Jedi famously took its key twist – Luke Skywalker’s arrival on the mineral planet of Crait in temporarily invincible form – from a little known Star Wars tome titled The Jedi Path.

There are other parallels between the two movies, with many noting the Marvel-style humour that was present throughout The Last Jedi. The difference between the two films, and perhaps the reason why Johnson failed to keep hardcore Star Wars acolytes happy (while the Russos are currently basking in the afterglow of post-movie audience rapture), is that Infinity War rarely sends up its most preposterous excesses. There are more than enough laughs amid the misery of Thanos’s assault on the galaxy, but the Russos resist the temptation to lampoon the mad Titan himself, his gauntlet, or any of his deeply silly minions. All are treated with a reverence that will have helped to keep fans of the comics, and the wider MCU, feeling like their much-loved source material is being respected.

The same cannot be said, and this is only a criticism depending on your point of view (for the record, I liked the movie) for The Last Jedi. The key scene here is when ghost Yoda brings lightning down on Ahch-To’s library of ancient Jedi books.

“The sacred Jedi texts!” Luke shouts, as the tomes go up on flames. “Read them have you?” chides Yoda, pointing out that Daisy Ridley’s Rey has become hugely powerful without access to such ostentatious resources. It’s a superbly comic moment, a hilariously radical revision of accepted Star Wars tropes, but also one that risks undermining any sense of wonder fans might have had left after the slick but ultimately lightweight The Force Awakens.

Why bother to whet our appetites for revelations about the Jedi and their origins, as teased in trailers for Johnson’s film, only to disappoint us with such a curveball? In a moment, every ounce of enigma surrounding the brigade of space monks and their ancient way of life is torpedoed – not by a non-believer like Han Solo, but by Yoda himself.

The lesson here for Johnson, who is directing a new trilogy of Star Wars movies, is that comedy is fine – the original trilogy also had its funny moments – but that lampooning those aspects of a much-loved saga that made fans fall in love with it in the first place is probably best left to the inevitable Lego Star Wars crossover movie. The equivalent move in Infinity War might have been for Thanos to have clicked his fingers, only to discover that the myriad cosmic gems he spent so long collecting from various members of the Avengers were fakes, and that we had all been worrying about nothing.

Anyone who has seen Infinity War’s brutally crushing finale, with half the galaxy’s heroes going up in smoke in an instant, will know that would have been a cruel way to waste an audience’s time. We need to be invested in Tom Holland’s Spider-Man, in Chadwick Boseman’s Black Panther, in Chris Pratt’s Star Lord, for us to care when they are flicked into the void. And while Marvel has at times been content to chuckle at the sillier sides to all these superheroes, the studio has always been carefully to retain our sense of awe at the MCU’s essential machinery.

For when comedy descends into lampoonery, the last laugh is ultimately on studios. Infinity War looks likely to become one of the top five movies of all time at the global box office by the time it leaves cinemas, thanks to impressive word of mouth. The Last Jedi, hampered by antipathy from hardcore fans, eventually limped to an underwhelming $1.3bn, despite a stellar opening weekend.

There is a danger for the film-maker, it seems, in too much postmodern mickey-taking. For you risk seeing half your audience disappear before your eyes.

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